This photograph shows an interior view of the Galena Methodist Church. The lectern and chairs for others participating in the service can be seen. Above that, the phrase PEACE ON EARTH hangs above the pulpit.
This photograph shows six seated women in the Galena Methodist Church dressed in black. Looking at them are seated children. The women are identified, left to right, as Ellie Weber, Edna Ranck, Eva McCaughey, Bertha Campbell, Rhetta Johnson, and…
This photograph shows the covered bridge east of Galena, and the original house where the Utley house was standing. The small house was used by Price, the undertaker.
This is a postcard of the Galena Creamery in Galena, Ohio
If you can identify the man standing in front of the door on the left and/or the man standing near the porch on the right, please contact the library at 740-965-3901 or