I-DENTITY (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to cover of I-DENTITY]
In grateful acknowledgement of the sacrifices and
perseverance of our forebears; I-DENTITY
is dedicated to my children and to Longshore Posterity
Respectfully submitted
Maxine Longshore
[corresponds to cover of I-DENTITY]
In grateful acknowledgement of the sacrifices and
perseverance of our forebears; I-DENTITY
is dedicated to my children and to Longshore Posterity
Respectfully submitted
Maxine Longshore
I-DENTITY (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to page 1 of I-DENTITY]
I-DENTITY was written to satisfy the hunger each of us has
to know "who am I and where did I come from?" Perhaps the
background will give a sense of direction to the foreground.
The following is an explanation of the purpose of this work
and is by no means an apology for it.
A genealogy is simply an account of family ancestors and rel-
atives with their pedigrees. No doubt some will find it dull,
dry, boring-while others will think it exciting. In my
research, I have found references to different families' occupat-
ions, careers, and special projects which are included to add
interest. Hopefully each Longshore family will find this work
helpful whenever he would like to find out where Great, Great
Uncle Harry lived and what he did for a living, who his wife was
and how many kids did he have anyway, and why did he leave Ohio
(or wherever) in the first place! You will not find all the
answers but you may find some valuable clues. I have carefully
researched and tried to validate all statements. However, by the
very nature of the subject, some data has to be based on tradit-
ion, hearsay, and the reliability of someone's memory. Even the
census takers made mistakes in their recordings of names and
birthdates, partly because at times the respondents themselves
did not know how to spell their names, read, or write and oftentimes
the early census takers themselves were just one step ahead of the
illiterate. So please take any mistakes in stride and try to
understand how it could happen even among very conscientious
recorders; and make your own corrections and additions.
The genuine history student no doubt will thrill as he fits
his own ancestor into the proper time slot and location, and his
imagination can run riot as he pictures his courageous OWN-striving
for religious freedom, fighting the wars, clearing the
wilderness, fleeing the Indians, burying their children, strugg-
ling to stave off starvation and other privations. He can also
envision happy times such as barn dances, family and community
gatherings, games and contests, the plain simple family together-
ness in work and recreation. Americans have always played, sung
their songs, and danced, and most importantly - laughed!
Many thanks to each of you who has cooperated so beautifully
and contributed in any way. Special gratitude to my father-in-law,
Lester Longshore, who patiently racked his brain to answer my
persistent questions; Harold and Bessie Longshore who drove to
Ohio from Iowa last fall special to bring their data on the Truman
Longshore line, compiled in part by the late Homer Longshore and
Matilda Longshore Rule; Claire Longshore Raybuck who helped me
read tedious microfilm at the libraries; my husband, Russell, who
tolerated my meanderings in the cemeteries, and my absent-mindedness
while I was focusing on people, dates, and places of yesteryear;
but most of all to my daughter, Janet Nuckles Mallett, who gave
freely of her expertise and time to photocopy this story.
I have loved every minute of this experience, especially the
making of new friends. If in any way, my probings into family
matters has offended anyone, please forgive.
Respectfully Submitted,
Maxine [Mrs. Russell] Longshore
[corresponds to page 1 of I-DENTITY]
I-DENTITY was written to satisfy the hunger each of us has
to know "who am I and where did I come from?" Perhaps the
background will give a sense of direction to the foreground.
The following is an explanation of the purpose of this work
and is by no means an apology for it.
A genealogy is simply an account of family ancestors and rel-
atives with their pedigrees. No doubt some will find it dull,
dry, boring-while others will think it exciting. In my
research, I have found references to different families' occupat-
ions, careers, and special projects which are included to add
interest. Hopefully each Longshore family will find this work
helpful whenever he would like to find out where Great, Great
Uncle Harry lived and what he did for a living, who his wife was
and how many kids did he have anyway, and why did he leave Ohio
(or wherever) in the first place! You will not find all the
answers but you may find some valuable clues. I have carefully
researched and tried to validate all statements. However, by the
very nature of the subject, some data has to be based on tradit-
ion, hearsay, and the reliability of someone's memory. Even the
census takers made mistakes in their recordings of names and
birthdates, partly because at times the respondents themselves
did not know how to spell their names, read, or write and oftentimes
the early census takers themselves were just one step ahead of the
illiterate. So please take any mistakes in stride and try to
understand how it could happen even among very conscientious
recorders; and make your own corrections and additions.
The genuine history student no doubt will thrill as he fits
his own ancestor into the proper time slot and location, and his
imagination can run riot as he pictures his courageous OWN-striving
for religious freedom, fighting the wars, clearing the
wilderness, fleeing the Indians, burying their children, strugg-
ling to stave off starvation and other privations. He can also
envision happy times such as barn dances, family and community
gatherings, games and contests, the plain simple family together-
ness in work and recreation. Americans have always played, sung
their songs, and danced, and most importantly - laughed!
Many thanks to each of you who has cooperated so beautifully
and contributed in any way. Special gratitude to my father-in-law,
Lester Longshore, who patiently racked his brain to answer my
persistent questions; Harold and Bessie Longshore who drove to
Ohio from Iowa last fall special to bring their data on the Truman
Longshore line, compiled in part by the late Homer Longshore and
Matilda Longshore Rule; Claire Longshore Raybuck who helped me
read tedious microfilm at the libraries; my husband, Russell, who
tolerated my meanderings in the cemeteries, and my absent-mindedness
while I was focusing on people, dates, and places of yesteryear;
but most of all to my daughter, Janet Nuckles Mallett, who gave
freely of her expertise and time to photocopy this story.
I have loved every minute of this experience, especially the
making of new friends. If in any way, my probings into family
matters has offended anyone, please forgive.
Respectfully Submitted,
Maxine [Mrs. Russell] Longshore
I-DENTITY (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to page 2 of I-DENTITY]
Family members
Delaware County History of 1880 by Baskins
History of Bucks County, Pa. by Davis (1905)
Early Friends, Families of Upper Bucks by Roberts
Memoranda and Diary of Thomas Ellwood Longshore (1835)
1800 Census of Bucks County, Pa.
1850 and 1860 Delaware County Census from Ohio
Delaware County Tax Records of 1812 (Ohio)
Various deeds and wills from Delaware County, Ohio
Delaware County Vital Statistics
Wills from Pa
Books of Tombstone Inscriptions from Delaware County, Ohio and
Muskingum County, Ohio
Delaware County Atlas of 1860
Longshore Reunion Records from 1898
World Book
Richard Skolnik's Great Heritage Books
These various references were found at The Columbus Branch of
The Latter Day Saints Library, Ohio Historical Center, Ohio
State Library, Westerville Library, Columbus Library, Community
Library in Sunbury, Delaware Library, Delaware County Courthouse,
and the Probate Court in Doylestown, Pa., Cemeteries at Sunbury,
Galena, Condit, and Westerville, Ohio
[corresponds to page 2 of I-DENTITY]
Family members
Delaware County History of 1880 by Baskins
History of Bucks County, Pa. by Davis (1905)
Early Friends, Families of Upper Bucks by Roberts
Memoranda and Diary of Thomas Ellwood Longshore (1835)
1800 Census of Bucks County, Pa.
1850 and 1860 Delaware County Census from Ohio
Delaware County Tax Records of 1812 (Ohio)
Various deeds and wills from Delaware County, Ohio
Delaware County Vital Statistics
Wills from Pa
Books of Tombstone Inscriptions from Delaware County, Ohio and
Muskingum County, Ohio
Delaware County Atlas of 1860
Longshore Reunion Records from 1898
World Book
Richard Skolnik's Great Heritage Books
These various references were found at The Columbus Branch of
The Latter Day Saints Library, Ohio Historical Center, Ohio
State Library, Westerville Library, Columbus Library, Community
Library in Sunbury, Delaware Library, Delaware County Courthouse,
and the Probate Court in Doylestown, Pa., Cemeteries at Sunbury,
Galena, Condit, and Westerville, Ohio
I-DENTITY (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to page 3 of I-DENTITY]
Index to the Longshore History
1 -11 Possible Pa. ancestry and background
12 Introduction of David Longshore, 1806 Ohio Emigrant
13 - 16 Early Delaware County History
17 Possible Euclydus (II) Longshore descendants
18 Introduction to David Longshore's children
19 IA John Longshore, David's 1st child
19 - 20 IB Introduction of Cyrus' (David's 2nd child) children
and Cyrus Longshore's Will
20 Jonathon and Minor Longshore and Charles (Cyrus' sons)
21 Introduction of Charles Longshore's family (Cyrus' son)
21 Introduction of Minor Wm. "Tine" Longshore family (Chas' son)
22 - 24 Minor Longshore's family continued
25 Harlow A. Longshore, Cyrus' son
25 Isaac Newton "I. N." Longshore, Cyrus' son
32 Truman Longshore, Cyrus' son
32 Edson Longshore, Truman's son
32 - 36 William Armanthus Longshore branch (Truman's son)
37 - 43 Clem Longshore branch (Truman's son)
43 - 45 Dean Longshore branch (Truman's son)
46 May Longshore Clevenger (Truman's daughter)
47 - 49 Isaac Newton (Newt) Longshore (Truman's son)
50 - 51 Milo E. Longshore (Truman's son)
52 - 53 Nellie Longshore Clayton (Truman's daughter)
56 IC Warner Longshore, David's 3rd child
57 Norton Longshore, Warner (2nd) son
58 Harriet Longshore Ginn, Warner's 2nd child
58 Tammison Longshore Watters, Warner's 3rd child
59 Mary Longshore, Warner's 4th child
59 Harmon Longshore, Warner's 5th child
60 - 61 Warner Longshore (the 2nd), son of Harmon
61 ID Rachel Longshore Squires, 4th child of David
61 - 62 Longshore Reunion History
63 IE Sarah Longshore Carpenter, 5th child of David
64 IF Charles Longshore, 6th child of David
64 Eugenia Longshore Carpenter, daughter of Charles Longshore
64 - 70 Fred Carpenter Branch, son of Eugenia Carpenter
71 IG David Longshore, Jr., 7th child of David
71 IH 8th child of David's, a daughter, but no data
[corresponds to page 3 of I-DENTITY]
Index to the Longshore History
1 -11 Possible Pa. ancestry and background
12 Introduction of David Longshore, 1806 Ohio Emigrant
13 - 16 Early Delaware County History
17 Possible Euclydus (II) Longshore descendants
18 Introduction to David Longshore's children
19 IA John Longshore, David's 1st child
19 - 20 IB Introduction of Cyrus' (David's 2nd child) children
and Cyrus Longshore's Will
20 Jonathon and Minor Longshore and Charles (Cyrus' sons)
21 Introduction of Charles Longshore's family (Cyrus' son)
21 Introduction of Minor Wm. "Tine" Longshore family (Chas' son)
22 - 24 Minor Longshore's family continued
25 Harlow A. Longshore, Cyrus' son
25 Isaac Newton "I. N." Longshore, Cyrus' son
32 Truman Longshore, Cyrus' son
32 Edson Longshore, Truman's son
32 - 36 William Armanthus Longshore branch (Truman's son)
37 - 43 Clem Longshore branch (Truman's son)
43 - 45 Dean Longshore branch (Truman's son)
46 May Longshore Clevenger (Truman's daughter)
47 - 49 Isaac Newton (Newt) Longshore (Truman's son)
50 - 51 Milo E. Longshore (Truman's son)
52 - 53 Nellie Longshore Clayton (Truman's daughter)
56 IC Warner Longshore, David's 3rd child
57 Norton Longshore, Warner (2nd) son
58 Harriet Longshore Ginn, Warner's 2nd child
58 Tammison Longshore Watters, Warner's 3rd child
59 Mary Longshore, Warner's 4th child
59 Harmon Longshore, Warner's 5th child
60 - 61 Warner Longshore (the 2nd), son of Harmon
61 ID Rachel Longshore Squires, 4th child of David
61 - 62 Longshore Reunion History
63 IE Sarah Longshore Carpenter, 5th child of David
64 IF Charles Longshore, 6th child of David
64 Eugenia Longshore Carpenter, daughter of Charles Longshore
64 - 70 Fred Carpenter Branch, son of Eugenia Carpenter
71 IG David Longshore, Jr., 7th child of David
71 IH 8th child of David's, a daughter, but no data
I-DENTITY (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page 4 of I-DENTITY]
Organization and Numbering
I have endeavored to keep the numbering system simple for
easy, prompt reference. I will attempt to explain the method.
The generations will start with Pennsylvania emigrant,
David Longshore. Since this is a vertical genealogy; that is
each ancestor's descendants follow his introduction, the
Roman numerals will represent the generations and will be used
for each family grouping. A generation is considered to be
roughly a span of 30 years, but sometimes they overlap in the
larger families. David Longshore's children will be Generation
I, and each of his children will have a Capital letter in
order of birth, to set them apart from the later generations.
Following generations will have only the Roman numeral with
an Aramaic numeral to indicate the birth sequence among the
brothers and sisters. For example:
David Longshore, emigrant from Pa. in 1806
Issue: I IA John Longshore
IB Cyrus Longshore
IC Warner Longshore
ID Rachel Longshore
IE Sarah Longshore
IF Charles Longshore
IG David Longshore, Jr.
IH Daughter Longshore (?)
Cyrus IB = second child of David (the first)
Truman IIB4 = fourth child of Cyrus
Clem IIIB3 = third child of Truman
William Bryan IVB1 = first child of Clem
Leona Longshore Pratt VB2 = 2nd child of Wm. Bryan
Patti Ann Pratt VIB1 = 1st child of Leona Pratt
The index will tell which page each family group is on, so
the reader can turn immediately to the branch he is particu-
larly interested in at the moment, without having to thumb
through reams of irrelevant material.
It is suggested that corrections and additions be made on
the back of the corresponding sheets so as to keep the book
legible and neat. Extra sheets can be inserted or added at
the back.
[corresponds to page 4 of I-DENTITY]
Organization and Numbering
I have endeavored to keep the numbering system simple for
easy, prompt reference. I will attempt to explain the method.
The generations will start with Pennsylvania emigrant,
David Longshore. Since this is a vertical genealogy; that is
each ancestor's descendants follow his introduction, the
Roman numerals will represent the generations and will be used
for each family grouping. A generation is considered to be
roughly a span of 30 years, but sometimes they overlap in the
larger families. David Longshore's children will be Generation
I, and each of his children will have a Capital letter in
order of birth, to set them apart from the later generations.
Following generations will have only the Roman numeral with
an Aramaic numeral to indicate the birth sequence among the
brothers and sisters. For example:
David Longshore, emigrant from Pa. in 1806
Issue: I IA John Longshore
IB Cyrus Longshore
IC Warner Longshore
ID Rachel Longshore
IE Sarah Longshore
IF Charles Longshore
IG David Longshore, Jr.
IH Daughter Longshore (?)
Cyrus IB = second child of David (the first)
Truman IIB4 = fourth child of Cyrus
Clem IIIB3 = third child of Truman
William Bryan IVB1 = first child of Clem
Leona Longshore Pratt VB2 = 2nd child of Wm. Bryan
Patti Ann Pratt VIB1 = 1st child of Leona Pratt
The index will tell which page each family group is on, so
the reader can turn immediately to the branch he is particu-
larly interested in at the moment, without having to thumb
through reams of irrelevant material.
It is suggested that corrections and additions be made on
the back of the corresponding sheets so as to keep the book
legible and neat. Extra sheets can be inserted or added at
the back.
I-DENTITY (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to page 5 of I-DENTITY]
Possible Pennsylvania Beginnings of Longshores
Robert Longshore
"Robert Longshore, gentleman"! With all that this word
connotes, WHY would Robert ever leave his established, secure,
comfortable home in England, to delve into an unknown, untamed
land? Perhaps his young blood raced at the thought of making
his mark in America, the land of opportunity! Maybe he was
simply an adventurous sort wishing to break the bonds of family
and tradition. Could be, Robert was seeking religious freedom such as the
Quaker, William Penn, had sought in America. Whatever
his reasons, the real truth of it will never be known. It is
known that many grossly exaggerated stories of America's wealth
and opportunities had floated back to England and enticed folk
there to migrate to the "land of the free". Consequently, thousands
of Europeans sailed to America shortly after Robert's arrival in
1681. Most likely Robert Longshore, a surveyor, had already been
commissioned as a deputy surveyor to Thomas Holme before he left
his homeland, which would have assured him a measure of security.
Robert Longshore did help Holme survey and plan the city of Philadelphia
for William Penn. This beautiful port city along the
Delaware River became known as the city of Brotherly Love, because
its proprieter ruled it and the colony with fairness and love,
allowing total freedom of worship. Penn endeavored to treat the
Indians fairly also and did not incur their hatred as leaders in
other colonies had done.
There were 45,333 square miles in this grant of wilderness
land which had been given to Penn at his request as settlement
of an $80,000 debt owed by King Charles II of England to William
Penn's father, Admiral Sir William Penn. William Penn wanted a
refuge for himself and his Quaker followers away from the com-
pulsory attendance to the church of England. Matter of fact,
since he had been jailed several times because of his rebellion
and religious fervor, he had become a nuisance to the Crown and
an embarrassment to his father; therefore they were relieved to
be rid of this rebel, William Penn. Robert Longshore, himself,
could have been a part of this Quaker movement!
At any rate, this city Robert had helped lay out soon became
a cultural center and prospered. It rivaled Boston and was the
capital of colonial Pa. Pennsylvania became a leader among the
other 12 colonies, namely; Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, New Hamp-
shire, The Carolinas, and Georgia and became known as the Key-
stone State because of its location. Pennsylvania and Maryland
were the only two proprietary colonies, which meant they were
owned by individuals.
Robert Longshore situated himself in the center of Phila-
delphia on the corner of Market and Front Streets. In due time,
this founding father of the American Longshores met and wed
Margaret Cock, a daughter of Pieter Larson Cock. Pieter had
been among the first Swedish immigrants coming to Pa. in 1641.
He was a collector of tolls, imports and exports, for the
colonies. He also served a magistrate for New Sweden and later
as a deputy governor.
[corresponds to page 5 of I-DENTITY]
Possible Pennsylvania Beginnings of Longshores
Robert Longshore
"Robert Longshore, gentleman"! With all that this word
connotes, WHY would Robert ever leave his established, secure,
comfortable home in England, to delve into an unknown, untamed
land? Perhaps his young blood raced at the thought of making
his mark in America, the land of opportunity! Maybe he was
simply an adventurous sort wishing to break the bonds of family
and tradition. Could be, Robert was seeking religious freedom such as the
Quaker, William Penn, had sought in America. Whatever
his reasons, the real truth of it will never be known. It is
known that many grossly exaggerated stories of America's wealth
and opportunities had floated back to England and enticed folk
there to migrate to the "land of the free". Consequently, thousands
of Europeans sailed to America shortly after Robert's arrival in
1681. Most likely Robert Longshore, a surveyor, had already been
commissioned as a deputy surveyor to Thomas Holme before he left
his homeland, which would have assured him a measure of security.
Robert Longshore did help Holme survey and plan the city of Philadelphia
for William Penn. This beautiful port city along the
Delaware River became known as the city of Brotherly Love, because
its proprieter ruled it and the colony with fairness and love,
allowing total freedom of worship. Penn endeavored to treat the
Indians fairly also and did not incur their hatred as leaders in
other colonies had done.
There were 45,333 square miles in this grant of wilderness
land which had been given to Penn at his request as settlement
of an $80,000 debt owed by King Charles II of England to William
Penn's father, Admiral Sir William Penn. William Penn wanted a
refuge for himself and his Quaker followers away from the com-
pulsory attendance to the church of England. Matter of fact,
since he had been jailed several times because of his rebellion
and religious fervor, he had become a nuisance to the Crown and
an embarrassment to his father; therefore they were relieved to
be rid of this rebel, William Penn. Robert Longshore, himself,
could have been a part of this Quaker movement!
At any rate, this city Robert had helped lay out soon became
a cultural center and prospered. It rivaled Boston and was the
capital of colonial Pa. Pennsylvania became a leader among the
other 12 colonies, namely; Virginia, Massachusetts, Rhode Island,
New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Maryland, New York, New Hamp-
shire, The Carolinas, and Georgia and became known as the Key-
stone State because of its location. Pennsylvania and Maryland
were the only two proprietary colonies, which meant they were
owned by individuals.
Robert Longshore situated himself in the center of Phila-
delphia on the corner of Market and Front Streets. In due time,
this founding father of the American Longshores met and wed
Margaret Cock, a daughter of Pieter Larson Cock. Pieter had
been among the first Swedish immigrants coming to Pa. in 1641.
He was a collector of tolls, imports and exports, for the
colonies. He also served a magistrate for New Sweden and later
as a deputy governor.
I-DENTITY (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 6 of I-DENTITY]
Sometime after Robert and Margaret's union, he purchased
500 acres of land in Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pa. and
settled there. Robert and Margaret probably were born about
1660, give or take a few years. There is no record to show
how many children they presented to their new country but most
likely they did their duty. A son, Euclydus I, was born about
Not much is known of Euclydus I, except on Jan. 8, 1715,
he married Alice Stackhouse (b1699) when she was but 16. Alice
was a daughter of Thomas and Grace Heaton Stackhouse, one of
14 children. Alice's father was a descendant of Thomas Stack-
house, who arrived on the boat "Welcome"in 1682, and her mother,
a daughter of Robert and Alice Heaton of Middletown, Pa. It is
said that the 1st generation children of the Stackhouses inter-
married with the families of Clark, Stone, Wilson, Longshore,
Copeland, Gilbert, Watson, Plumley, Cary, Haring, Janney, Mitchell,
Stephenson, Tomlinson, and others and that their descendants are
almost legion --. Euclydus I and Alice lived in Middletown, Pa.,
where he died in 1764.
Issue of Euclydus I and Alice Stackhouse Longshore:
Robert 10/13/1716
Grace 2/24/1717 - 1726
Thomas 9/13/1721
Margaret 4/21/1724
Alice 7/ 4/1726
Grace (2) 6/18/1728
Euclydus 12/ 4/1730 - 1732
Mary 10/30/1732 - 1734
* Euclydus II 4/27/1735 - 6/14/1804
This descension shows the high death rate among children
at that time. Since only five of Euclydus I's children sur-
vived him, out of nine produced, sorrow was no stranger to
Euclydus and Alice. At this period in the country's history,
manpower was needed and so large families were desirable to help
with the work, usually on a farm where they could raise their
own food; and to offset the death toll. Because of frequent
childbirth, hard work, hardships, lack of medical attention,
women too fell prey to the grim reaper, and it was not uncommon
at all for a man to have two, three, four wives in his life-
The family line is picked up through Euclydus II and it seems
he was the most prolific of the Longshores, fathering 22 children,
11 by each wife. No one could accuse him of showing favoritism!
[corresponds to page 6 of I-DENTITY]
Sometime after Robert and Margaret's union, he purchased
500 acres of land in Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pa. and
settled there. Robert and Margaret probably were born about
1660, give or take a few years. There is no record to show
how many children they presented to their new country but most
likely they did their duty. A son, Euclydus I, was born about
Not much is known of Euclydus I, except on Jan. 8, 1715,
he married Alice Stackhouse (b1699) when she was but 16. Alice
was a daughter of Thomas and Grace Heaton Stackhouse, one of
14 children. Alice's father was a descendant of Thomas Stack-
house, who arrived on the boat "Welcome"in 1682, and her mother,
a daughter of Robert and Alice Heaton of Middletown, Pa. It is
said that the 1st generation children of the Stackhouses inter-
married with the families of Clark, Stone, Wilson, Longshore,
Copeland, Gilbert, Watson, Plumley, Cary, Haring, Janney, Mitchell,
Stephenson, Tomlinson, and others and that their descendants are
almost legion --. Euclydus I and Alice lived in Middletown, Pa.,
where he died in 1764.
Issue of Euclydus I and Alice Stackhouse Longshore:
Robert 10/13/1716
Grace 2/24/1717 - 1726
Thomas 9/13/1721
Margaret 4/21/1724
Alice 7/ 4/1726
Grace (2) 6/18/1728
Euclydus 12/ 4/1730 - 1732
Mary 10/30/1732 - 1734
* Euclydus II 4/27/1735 - 6/14/1804
This descension shows the high death rate among children
at that time. Since only five of Euclydus I's children sur-
vived him, out of nine produced, sorrow was no stranger to
Euclydus and Alice. At this period in the country's history,
manpower was needed and so large families were desirable to help
with the work, usually on a farm where they could raise their
own food; and to offset the death toll. Because of frequent
childbirth, hard work, hardships, lack of medical attention,
women too fell prey to the grim reaper, and it was not uncommon
at all for a man to have two, three, four wives in his life-
The family line is picked up through Euclydus II and it seems
he was the most prolific of the Longshores, fathering 22 children,
11 by each wife. No one could accuse him of showing favoritism!
I-DENTITY (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page 7 of I-DENTITY]
Issue of Euclydus II and Susannah VanHorn who were married 1760
The children's names all started with an "A". Their religion was
1 Abner b 1762 m(c)1789 Sarah Powers d 1848
2 Asher b 1764 d before [illegible]
3 Asa b 1766 (c) d before 1804
4 Anna (Gilbert VanHorn) b 1768 (c)
5 Alice (Isiah VanHorn - Cremer) b 1769 (c) m1.1787 2.?
6 Abigal (Minor - Scout) b 1776
7 A
8 A
9 A
10 A
11 A
At age 45, Euclydus II on 5/11/1780, married Sarah Gillam, the
daughter of Lucas and Anna (Dungan) Gillam, also a Quaker.
1 Sarah d infant
2 Euclydus III 1781 - 1838 md Sarah Cox 1802
3 Margaret 1783 - 1855 md Slack
4 Abraham 1785 md Rhoda Skelton 1807 md Mary White [illegible]
5 Mary 1787
6 Joseph 1788
7 Grace 1790 - d a young woman
8 Rachel L. 1792 - 1865 md Valentine Dickinson 1811
9 Thomas Canby 1794 md Jane Moved-Franklin,
10 James 1797 md Frances 1815
11 _______
The following are copies of the wills of Euclydus I and Euclydus II;
Will of Euclydus Longshore I - 1760
Be it remembered that I, Euclydus Longshore of Middletown, in the
County of Bucks and Province of Pennsylvania ---
Being weak of body but of sound mind and memory and calling to
mind the mortality of this body as also the uncertainity of time
do make my last will and testament touching what temporal
matters it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me withal in manner
and form, following viz: But first and principally recommend my
soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it. Next my will is
that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my dear and
well beloved wife. Next my will is that all my just debts and
funeral expenses be duly paid and discharged by my executors
herein and after named. Next to give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Alice Longshore all that my land and plantation whereon we now
dwell with the rents, issues, and profits
[corresponds to page 7 of I-DENTITY]
Issue of Euclydus II and Susannah VanHorn who were married 1760
The children's names all started with an "A". Their religion was
1 Abner b 1762 m(c)1789 Sarah Powers d 1848
2 Asher b 1764 d before [illegible]
3 Asa b 1766 (c) d before 1804
4 Anna (Gilbert VanHorn) b 1768 (c)
5 Alice (Isiah VanHorn - Cremer) b 1769 (c) m1.1787 2.?
6 Abigal (Minor - Scout) b 1776
7 A
8 A
9 A
10 A
11 A
At age 45, Euclydus II on 5/11/1780, married Sarah Gillam, the
daughter of Lucas and Anna (Dungan) Gillam, also a Quaker.
1 Sarah d infant
2 Euclydus III 1781 - 1838 md Sarah Cox 1802
3 Margaret 1783 - 1855 md Slack
4 Abraham 1785 md Rhoda Skelton 1807 md Mary White [illegible]
5 Mary 1787
6 Joseph 1788
7 Grace 1790 - d a young woman
8 Rachel L. 1792 - 1865 md Valentine Dickinson 1811
9 Thomas Canby 1794 md Jane Moved-Franklin,
10 James 1797 md Frances 1815
11 _______
The following are copies of the wills of Euclydus I and Euclydus II;
Will of Euclydus Longshore I - 1760
Be it remembered that I, Euclydus Longshore of Middletown, in the
County of Bucks and Province of Pennsylvania ---
Being weak of body but of sound mind and memory and calling to
mind the mortality of this body as also the uncertainity of time
do make my last will and testament touching what temporal
matters it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me withal in manner
and form, following viz: But first and principally recommend my
soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it. Next my will is
that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my dear and
well beloved wife. Next my will is that all my just debts and
funeral expenses be duly paid and discharged by my executors
herein and after named. Next to give and bequeath unto my beloved
wife Alice Longshore all that my land and plantation whereon we now
dwell with the rents, issues, and profits
I-DENTITY (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 8 of I-DENTITY]
thereof during her natural
life that is to say the said land is to east and as far westward as
the state road and after her decease my will is the above said
land and plantation descend immediately unto my son, Euclydus
Longshore, to whom I give and
bequeath the sum of ____(blurred) to be enjoyed by him and his
heirs and assigns forever also I give and bequeath unto my be-
loved wife aforesaid, the sum of seventy pounds of lawful money
of the province aforesaid to be paid her out of my personal
estate as soon as payable after my decease. Next I give and
bequeath unto my son Robert Longshore, all my wearing apparel
and to be fully discharged of all my demands against him and
further I give aforesaid unto him my said son Robert the full
sum of four pound lawful money as aforesaid to be paid unto him
his heirs or assigns in two full years after my decease Next I
give and bequeath my daughter Margarate Atkinson two acres and
twenty four ____(parcels or barchos) of land with the appurt-
enances thereunto belonging situate at the northwest corner of
my land adjoining upon N. Jhamba Cook and laid out by a draft
survey by Evan Jonos and the same to be possessed and enjoyed
by her and her heirs during her natural life from the day of my
decease also my will is that after her decease the same land
and premises descend unto my grandson Isaac Pearson and the same
to be possessed and enjoyed by him the said Isaac Pearson and
his heirs and assigns forever Next I give and bequeath unto my
son Thomas Longshore all the residue and remaining part of my
land and premises situate on the west side of the road leading
from Bristol to Newtown supposed to be about fifty acres be the
same more or less and the same to be possessed and enjoyed by
him my said son Thomas his heirs and assigns forever provided
he my said son Thomas render and pay unto his sister Margarate
Atkinson aforesaid out of the value thereof of the full sum of
five pound money aforesaid within the space of two years after
my decease and also to pay aforesaid unto his sister Alice
Lamb her heirs and assigns the sum of forty shillings money
aforesaid yearly and every year for the space of four years after
my decease also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alice afore-
said her heirs and assigns the full sum of four pound of money
aforesaid to be paid out of my personal estate in two years after
my decease and in order to enable my executors to discharge my
last will as aforesaid; my will is that my executors hereafter
named do sell all that my house and lot be the same and more or
less which is now situate near the four lane ends adjoining
George Walker's lot and the same to convey to the purchaser or
purchasers as I myself might or could do was I personally present
and the land and money arising therefrom be the same more or less
to be taken from personal estate Also my will is that if any
remains of my personal estate appears to be after all my debts
and legacies are duly discharged that the same be divided one
____or half part to be paid unto my beloved wife Alice as her
rightful property and the other half to be equally divided amongst
all my surviving children, son or sons and daughter or daughters
share and share alike Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint
my trusty and well beloved wife and my esteemed friend Thomas
Jienks Executor this my last will and testament hereby revoking and
disannulling other other and former will or wills heretofore
by me made ratifying this andthis only to be my last will and
as aforesaid. In witness whereof I have hereforth set my hand
and seal this eighth day of the eleventh month in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty
[corresponds to page 8 of I-DENTITY]
thereof during her natural
life that is to say the said land is to east and as far westward as
the state road and after her decease my will is the above said
land and plantation descend immediately unto my son, Euclydus
Longshore, to whom I give and
bequeath the sum of ____(blurred) to be enjoyed by him and his
heirs and assigns forever also I give and bequeath unto my be-
loved wife aforesaid, the sum of seventy pounds of lawful money
of the province aforesaid to be paid her out of my personal
estate as soon as payable after my decease. Next I give and
bequeath unto my son Robert Longshore, all my wearing apparel
and to be fully discharged of all my demands against him and
further I give aforesaid unto him my said son Robert the full
sum of four pound lawful money as aforesaid to be paid unto him
his heirs or assigns in two full years after my decease Next I
give and bequeath my daughter Margarate Atkinson two acres and
twenty four ____(parcels or barchos) of land with the appurt-
enances thereunto belonging situate at the northwest corner of
my land adjoining upon N. Jhamba Cook and laid out by a draft
survey by Evan Jonos and the same to be possessed and enjoyed
by her and her heirs during her natural life from the day of my
decease also my will is that after her decease the same land
and premises descend unto my grandson Isaac Pearson and the same
to be possessed and enjoyed by him the said Isaac Pearson and
his heirs and assigns forever Next I give and bequeath unto my
son Thomas Longshore all the residue and remaining part of my
land and premises situate on the west side of the road leading
from Bristol to Newtown supposed to be about fifty acres be the
same more or less and the same to be possessed and enjoyed by
him my said son Thomas his heirs and assigns forever provided
he my said son Thomas render and pay unto his sister Margarate
Atkinson aforesaid out of the value thereof of the full sum of
five pound money aforesaid within the space of two years after
my decease and also to pay aforesaid unto his sister Alice
Lamb her heirs and assigns the sum of forty shillings money
aforesaid yearly and every year for the space of four years after
my decease also I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alice afore-
said her heirs and assigns the full sum of four pound of money
aforesaid to be paid out of my personal estate in two years after
my decease and in order to enable my executors to discharge my
last will as aforesaid; my will is that my executors hereafter
named do sell all that my house and lot be the same and more or
less which is now situate near the four lane ends adjoining
George Walker's lot and the same to convey to the purchaser or
purchasers as I myself might or could do was I personally present
and the land and money arising therefrom be the same more or less
to be taken from personal estate Also my will is that if any
remains of my personal estate appears to be after all my debts
and legacies are duly discharged that the same be divided one
____or half part to be paid unto my beloved wife Alice as her
rightful property and the other half to be equally divided amongst
all my surviving children, son or sons and daughter or daughters
share and share alike Lastly I nominate constitute and appoint
my trusty and well beloved wife and my esteemed friend Thomas
Jienks Executor this my last will and testament hereby revoking and
disannulling other other and former will or wills heretofore
by me made ratifying this andthis only to be my last will and
as aforesaid. In witness whereof I have hereforth set my hand
and seal this eighth day of the eleventh month in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred & Sixty
I-DENTITY (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 9 of I-DENTITY]
Signed Sealed Published
Declared to be the last will and testament of the testator in
the presence of: Samuel Sykes, Sam Smith, S___ Cary
Signed Euclydus Longshore 1760
Will of Euclydus Longshore (ll)
Died 4/28/1804
This twenty eighth day of the fourth month in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and four
I, Euclidus Longshore of Middletown in the County Bucks and
state of Pennsylvania being of sound mind but through divine
favor calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it
is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will
and testament touching the disposal of what temporal estate
it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life recommending
my spirit to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried
at the discretion of my beloved wife and first my will is that
all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and dis-
charged; secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife
Sarah Longshore all that land on the north side of the great
road as it is now laid out likewise that house nearest the house
where we live with about three acres of land on the south side
of said road be the same more or less to be the same length of
chain on the west end as it is; measuring from a large whitoak
stump near the house to the north line formerly Woolstons and
Martins to have and hold and to bequeath while she remains my
widow or if necessity requireth, my will is that she sell the
land or any part of said land that she may make her life com-
fortable while in a state of widowhood,but if she should marry
any other man and be in possession of said land my will is that
the land be sold by my executors and divided amongst my eight
youngest children and my will is that she my beloved wife may
have twenty five pounds in lawful money two feather beds and
bedding drawers, cupboards and the pewter; frying pan bake-iron
and teakettle with all other articles necessary for keeping
house; likewise that she my wife have ____(blurred) and one
best cow two best hogs and all the poultry with my tin plate
stove and my will is further that my wife have one best frame
barrick (barouche, a 4 wheel carriage) and two loads of hay
likewise that she have one half the grain that is growing and
is gathered, with potatoes for house use; I likewise give and
bequeath unto my son Abner Longshore the sum of twenty pounds
($70.00) to be paid one year after my decease I likewise be-
queath all the remainder of my estate both real and personal to
my eleven other children namely Anna VanHorn, Alice Cremer,
Aby Scout, Euclydus, Margaret, Abraham, Joseph, Grace, Rachel,
Thomas, and James Longshore, and the same to be sold and equally
divided amongst them as they arrive at age but my will is that
my three married daughters named Anna Alice and Abi have a de-
duction made out of their legacy the amount standing against
them; likewise my will is that my son Euclydus have his legacy
paid at the discretion of my executors; ---
For the due performance hereof I nominate and appoint my beloved
friends Simon Gillam and James Wildman to be my true and lawful
Exceutor of this will and testament hereby revoking disannulling
and making void all other wills
[corresponds to page 9 of I-DENTITY]
Signed Sealed Published
Declared to be the last will and testament of the testator in
the presence of: Samuel Sykes, Sam Smith, S___ Cary
Signed Euclydus Longshore 1760
Will of Euclydus Longshore (ll)
Died 4/28/1804
This twenty eighth day of the fourth month in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and four
I, Euclidus Longshore of Middletown in the County Bucks and
state of Pennsylvania being of sound mind but through divine
favor calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it
is appointed for all men once to die, do make this my last will
and testament touching the disposal of what temporal estate
it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life recommending
my spirit to God who gave it and my body to be decently buried
at the discretion of my beloved wife and first my will is that
all my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and dis-
charged; secondly I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife
Sarah Longshore all that land on the north side of the great
road as it is now laid out likewise that house nearest the house
where we live with about three acres of land on the south side
of said road be the same more or less to be the same length of
chain on the west end as it is; measuring from a large whitoak
stump near the house to the north line formerly Woolstons and
Martins to have and hold and to bequeath while she remains my
widow or if necessity requireth, my will is that she sell the
land or any part of said land that she may make her life com-
fortable while in a state of widowhood,but if she should marry
any other man and be in possession of said land my will is that
the land be sold by my executors and divided amongst my eight
youngest children and my will is that she my beloved wife may
have twenty five pounds in lawful money two feather beds and
bedding drawers, cupboards and the pewter; frying pan bake-iron
and teakettle with all other articles necessary for keeping
house; likewise that she my wife have ____(blurred) and one
best cow two best hogs and all the poultry with my tin plate
stove and my will is further that my wife have one best frame
barrick (barouche, a 4 wheel carriage) and two loads of hay
likewise that she have one half the grain that is growing and
is gathered, with potatoes for house use; I likewise give and
bequeath unto my son Abner Longshore the sum of twenty pounds
($70.00) to be paid one year after my decease I likewise be-
queath all the remainder of my estate both real and personal to
my eleven other children namely Anna VanHorn, Alice Cremer,
Aby Scout, Euclydus, Margaret, Abraham, Joseph, Grace, Rachel,
Thomas, and James Longshore, and the same to be sold and equally
divided amongst them as they arrive at age but my will is that
my three married daughters named Anna Alice and Abi have a de-
duction made out of their legacy the amount standing against
them; likewise my will is that my son Euclydus have his legacy
paid at the discretion of my executors; ---
For the due performance hereof I nominate and appoint my beloved
friends Simon Gillam and James Wildman to be my true and lawful
Exceutor of this will and testament hereby revoking disannulling
and making void all other wills
I-DENTITY (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 10 of I-DENTITY]
heretofore by me made ratifying
and confirming this only to be my last will and testament.
Signed seal'd and declared by the said Euclydus Longshore to
be his last will and testament in the presence of us
John Blakely)
William Gillam) Euclydus Longshore
and my will is that if any of my younger children should die
before they arrive to age or the possession of said estate that
the same be divided amonst my last wife's children and likewise
the small account I have standing against my son Abner Longshore
be deducted out of his legacy before mentioned.
Witness present Euclydus Longshore
John Blakely
William Gillam June 22, 1804
It is to be noted that only twelve of Euclydus II's 22
children survived him, attesting again to the high infant mor-
tality rate. As late as 1900 and beyond, the infant mortality
rate was 50%. Since most people in the 18th and 19th centuries
had to make the caskets used by their family members, a supply
in different sizes was generally kept made up ahead. Many infants
succumbed to a disease called cholera infantum; typhoid, malaria,
& tuberculosis also claimed many lives. Not only did individual
families supply their own coffins, they likewise dug the graves;
so tragedy made a double impact on them in the early days.
According to Thomas Ellwood Longshore, from whom most of
the previous data has come and who supplied many records up
to 1890, the following is from his compilation regarding
Euclydus II's family:
Some of Abner Longshore's descendants settled in Ohio
Anna Longshore's daughter, Betty Atkinson, lived in
Margaret Longshore md James Slack
Joseph Longshore md Joanna Kelley
ch: Amos and Kelley Longshore
Rachel Longshore md Valentine Dickerson
ch: Sarah, William, John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Rebecca,
Ann Dickerson
Thomas Canby Longshore md Jane Gaine
ch: Jane, Maria, Sally
James Longshore md Sarah Roberts - owns a candy & con-
fectioner's business in Columbus, Ohio
[corresponds to page 10 of I-DENTITY]
heretofore by me made ratifying
and confirming this only to be my last will and testament.
Signed seal'd and declared by the said Euclydus Longshore to
be his last will and testament in the presence of us
John Blakely)
William Gillam) Euclydus Longshore
and my will is that if any of my younger children should die
before they arrive to age or the possession of said estate that
the same be divided amonst my last wife's children and likewise
the small account I have standing against my son Abner Longshore
be deducted out of his legacy before mentioned.
Witness present Euclydus Longshore
John Blakely
William Gillam June 22, 1804
It is to be noted that only twelve of Euclydus II's 22
children survived him, attesting again to the high infant mor-
tality rate. As late as 1900 and beyond, the infant mortality
rate was 50%. Since most people in the 18th and 19th centuries
had to make the caskets used by their family members, a supply
in different sizes was generally kept made up ahead. Many infants
succumbed to a disease called cholera infantum; typhoid, malaria,
& tuberculosis also claimed many lives. Not only did individual
families supply their own coffins, they likewise dug the graves;
so tragedy made a double impact on them in the early days.
According to Thomas Ellwood Longshore, from whom most of
the previous data has come and who supplied many records up
to 1890, the following is from his compilation regarding
Euclydus II's family:
Some of Abner Longshore's descendants settled in Ohio
Anna Longshore's daughter, Betty Atkinson, lived in
Margaret Longshore md James Slack
Joseph Longshore md Joanna Kelley
ch: Amos and Kelley Longshore
Rachel Longshore md Valentine Dickerson
ch: Sarah, William, John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Rebecca,
Ann Dickerson
Thomas Canby Longshore md Jane Gaine
ch: Jane, Maria, Sally
James Longshore md Sarah Roberts - owns a candy & con-
fectioner's business in Columbus, Ohio
I-DENTITY (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 11 of I-DENTITY]
Abraham Longshore md Rhoda Skelton, dau of Joseph and
Mary Carey Skelton, of Salvury, Bucks Co.,Pa. on 3/11/1807
ch: Sarah Ann, Joseph S., Mary, Thomas E., Carey, Isaac S.,
John Watson, William, Samuel C., Elizabeth S., Mary
This author wishes to digress at this point from the direct
line to follow a sideline. Euclydus Longshore II's son, Abraham's
family, had some active, interesting, and distinguished members
whose contributions to society will give some insight to the par-
ticular line this compiler is pursuing.
"Memoranda and Notes of the Longshore Family, Pioneers of
Which Settled in Bucks Co., Pa." is also written by the same
descendant, Thomas E. Longshore, son ofAbraham Longshore, and
was compiled from tradition and the records he had found. Some
of his data used in this narration heretofore has been paraphased
but this item is verbatim. It will be of interest to the family
today because it shows how Thomas E.'s grandfather's and father's
families weathered the hard time of the late 1700s and early
1800s when this new country was suffering growing pains follow-
ing its independence. Suffice it to say that these gentlemen did
not serve in the Revolutionary War probably because they had
such large families to support. Many of their descendants served
in later wars, proving their patriotism.
"Euclydus Longshore, our grandfather, from the impression
I have received from different members of the family, was rather
an easy, good-natured man with a kind of dry humor. He was of a
light, sandy complexion with light brown hair. At the time,
Father, (Abraham) was born (11/6/1785), I believe the family was
living in a stone, one story house, north of John Watson's farm,
in Middletown, Bucks Co.,Pa., on the south side of the
road. Grandfather was not much of a farmer but things
drifted anyhow. The children went to work as soon as old
enough. Father went to James Wildman's to live at age 12,
as a "taken" boy * He did not get along satisfactorily
with old Adam Adams, their colored hired man, and refused
to thresh in the barn with him because of being so abused.
Father kept a daily diary as proof of his grievances so he
could be freed from his indenture*. Euclydus, my grand-
father, died when Father (Abraham) was 19. Father borrowed
$1000. to purchase a farm and it was all he could do to pay
interest. We all had to do what we could to save money by
living poor and dressing in homespun clothing, eating mush,
rye bread without butter or molasses, and potatoes, no tea
or coffee, or sugar, or even lard, rye pie shortened with
smoked pot-skimmings and dried apples so sour we made the
less of it answer. Father had gone to school 3 months and
learned to read, write, and cipher. He had a good memory
and could sing 100 songs. He loved to read, mostly the
Bible". (Abraham's father, Euclydus II, died in 1804)
*"Apprenticeship in early days was serious business.
Articles of indenture were drawn up with all the care of a
conveyance of real estate and corresponding obligations of
master and apprentice were specifically set forth." (Taken
[corresponds to page 11 of I-DENTITY]
Abraham Longshore md Rhoda Skelton, dau of Joseph and
Mary Carey Skelton, of Salvury, Bucks Co.,Pa. on 3/11/1807
ch: Sarah Ann, Joseph S., Mary, Thomas E., Carey, Isaac S.,
John Watson, William, Samuel C., Elizabeth S., Mary
This author wishes to digress at this point from the direct
line to follow a sideline. Euclydus Longshore II's son, Abraham's
family, had some active, interesting, and distinguished members
whose contributions to society will give some insight to the par-
ticular line this compiler is pursuing.
"Memoranda and Notes of the Longshore Family, Pioneers of
Which Settled in Bucks Co., Pa." is also written by the same
descendant, Thomas E. Longshore, son ofAbraham Longshore, and
was compiled from tradition and the records he had found. Some
of his data used in this narration heretofore has been paraphased
but this item is verbatim. It will be of interest to the family
today because it shows how Thomas E.'s grandfather's and father's
families weathered the hard time of the late 1700s and early
1800s when this new country was suffering growing pains follow-
ing its independence. Suffice it to say that these gentlemen did
not serve in the Revolutionary War probably because they had
such large families to support. Many of their descendants served
in later wars, proving their patriotism.
"Euclydus Longshore, our grandfather, from the impression
I have received from different members of the family, was rather
an easy, good-natured man with a kind of dry humor. He was of a
light, sandy complexion with light brown hair. At the time,
Father, (Abraham) was born (11/6/1785), I believe the family was
living in a stone, one story house, north of John Watson's farm,
in Middletown, Bucks Co.,Pa., on the south side of the
road. Grandfather was not much of a farmer but things
drifted anyhow. The children went to work as soon as old
enough. Father went to James Wildman's to live at age 12,
as a "taken" boy * He did not get along satisfactorily
with old Adam Adams, their colored hired man, and refused
to thresh in the barn with him because of being so abused.
Father kept a daily diary as proof of his grievances so he
could be freed from his indenture*. Euclydus, my grand-
father, died when Father (Abraham) was 19. Father borrowed
$1000. to purchase a farm and it was all he could do to pay
interest. We all had to do what we could to save money by
living poor and dressing in homespun clothing, eating mush,
rye bread without butter or molasses, and potatoes, no tea
or coffee, or sugar, or even lard, rye pie shortened with
smoked pot-skimmings and dried apples so sour we made the
less of it answer. Father had gone to school 3 months and
learned to read, write, and cipher. He had a good memory
and could sing 100 songs. He loved to read, mostly the
Bible". (Abraham's father, Euclydus II, died in 1804)
*"Apprenticeship in early days was serious business.
Articles of indenture were drawn up with all the care of a
conveyance of real estate and corresponding obligations of
master and apprentice were specifically set forth." (Taken
I-DENTITY (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 12 of I-DENTITY]
an early history book). Many time the master was a tyrant
dictating every breath his servant took, including his morals
and use of his leisure time (what little there was). *Abraham
was able by virtue of his diary to obtain a hearing and get
out of his obligation to James Wildman. However, in some in-
stances, apprenticeship served a good purpose when the "indenturee"
was able to learn a trade as well as earn room and board. There
were no public schools to teach a trade and most of the common
people could not read or write so how else were they to learn!
Too often though the masters abused and exploited the trainees.
Issue of Abraham and Rhoda Skelton Longshore - 11 children
Sarah Ann (Walker-Taylor) 12/26/1808
Joseph S. 9/18/1809 - 1879
Mary 8/16/1811 d @ 2 1/2 Y
Thomas Ellwood 11/11/1812
Carey 8/ 1 1814 d 5/24/1888 Langhorne,
Isaac S. 8/ 6/1816 d 5/24/1888 . . Pa.
John Watson 5/ 5/1818 d 1839 Rock Is.Ill.
William 1820 d infancy
Samuel C. 11/ 2/1822
Elizabeth S. 4/28/1825
Mary 4/16/1829
The brothers, Carey and Isaac, died the same day, same hour, and
buried same service at Friends Grounds in Woodbury, New Jersey
Family of Abraham and Rhoda Skelton Longshore Children and Families
1 Sarah Ann md Holcomb Walker
ch: Horace, Linford, Caroline, Anna Mary Walker
2 Joseph S. Longshore md Julia LaRue; he was an author,
lecturer, and doctor of medicine; no ch.
4 Thomas E. Longshore md Hannah E. Myers
ch: Channing md Maria Pierce
ch: Elsie and Rudolph Longshore
Lucretia md Rudolph Blankenship
ch: Julia Blankenship
5 Carey Longshore md Matilda Holcomb
ch: Elizabeth, single
Sallie md Henry Morrell
ch: Emma and Frederick Morrell
[corresponds to page 12 of I-DENTITY]
an early history book). Many time the master was a tyrant
dictating every breath his servant took, including his morals
and use of his leisure time (what little there was). *Abraham
was able by virtue of his diary to obtain a hearing and get
out of his obligation to James Wildman. However, in some in-
stances, apprenticeship served a good purpose when the "indenturee"
was able to learn a trade as well as earn room and board. There
were no public schools to teach a trade and most of the common
people could not read or write so how else were they to learn!
Too often though the masters abused and exploited the trainees.
Issue of Abraham and Rhoda Skelton Longshore - 11 children
Sarah Ann (Walker-Taylor) 12/26/1808
Joseph S. 9/18/1809 - 1879
Mary 8/16/1811 d @ 2 1/2 Y
Thomas Ellwood 11/11/1812
Carey 8/ 1 1814 d 5/24/1888 Langhorne,
Isaac S. 8/ 6/1816 d 5/24/1888 . . Pa.
John Watson 5/ 5/1818 d 1839 Rock Is.Ill.
William 1820 d infancy
Samuel C. 11/ 2/1822
Elizabeth S. 4/28/1825
Mary 4/16/1829
The brothers, Carey and Isaac, died the same day, same hour, and
buried same service at Friends Grounds in Woodbury, New Jersey
Family of Abraham and Rhoda Skelton Longshore Children and Families
1 Sarah Ann md Holcomb Walker
ch: Horace, Linford, Caroline, Anna Mary Walker
2 Joseph S. Longshore md Julia LaRue; he was an author,
lecturer, and doctor of medicine; no ch.
4 Thomas E. Longshore md Hannah E. Myers
ch: Channing md Maria Pierce
ch: Elsie and Rudolph Longshore
Lucretia md Rudolph Blankenship
ch: Julia Blankenship
5 Carey Longshore md Matilda Holcomb
ch: Elizabeth, single
Sallie md Henry Morrell
ch: Emma and Frederick Morrell
I-DENTITY (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to page 13 of I-DENTITY]
ch 3: Samuel md Adella LeCompt
ch: William, Marian, Clinton, and Horace LeCompt
6 Isaac S. Longshore md Mary Burgess
ch: Edward md Debora Smith, M.D. - no ch.
Rhoda md Benjamin F. Knowles
ch: Bertha and Rhoda Knowles
Rhoda's I's second husband - George Mason
ch: one son, lives in Kansas ____Mason
Rachel md Israel Walton - no ch.
Alfred md Mary ___?__
ch: Edward, Joseph, Debora, Emma Longshore
8 William Longshore md ____Hellings, no ch:; 2nd wife ____
ch: Abraham md Hannah Whitson
ch: Oscar Longshore
Abraham 2nd wife, Adeline Howell of N.Y.
ch: H. Walker Longshore, lives in L.A., Cal.
Elizabeth md Samuel Watson - no ch.
9 Samuel C. Longshore md Sarah Ann Case - no ch.
Samuel's 2nd wife - Rebecca Reynolds - no ch.
10 Elizabeth S. Longshore md William Burgess
ch: Frank C. Burgess md Lissie Baker
ch: Stella
Frank's 2nd wife, Addie Johnson, no ch.
Anna Mary Burgess - b&d 1849
Alpheus Burgess (1851) md Ida I. Sheets
ch: none
Marianna Burgess (1853) unmarried
William Watson Burgess (1855) md Mamie Roberts
ch: none
Charles A. Burgess (1851) md Mamie Roberts
Henry Edwin Burgess (1859) unmarried
(Of this large family, there was no progeny)
11 Anna Mary Longshore md Lambert H. Potts
ch: Emerson J. Potts (1855) md Flora M. Jamieson
ch: William Lambert Potts (1882)
Charles Jamieson Potts (1887)
[corresponds to page 13 of I-DENTITY]
ch 3: Samuel md Adella LeCompt
ch: William, Marian, Clinton, and Horace LeCompt
6 Isaac S. Longshore md Mary Burgess
ch: Edward md Debora Smith, M.D. - no ch.
Rhoda md Benjamin F. Knowles
ch: Bertha and Rhoda Knowles
Rhoda's I's second husband - George Mason
ch: one son, lives in Kansas ____Mason
Rachel md Israel Walton - no ch.
Alfred md Mary ___?__
ch: Edward, Joseph, Debora, Emma Longshore
8 William Longshore md ____Hellings, no ch:; 2nd wife ____
ch: Abraham md Hannah Whitson
ch: Oscar Longshore
Abraham 2nd wife, Adeline Howell of N.Y.
ch: H. Walker Longshore, lives in L.A., Cal.
Elizabeth md Samuel Watson - no ch.
9 Samuel C. Longshore md Sarah Ann Case - no ch.
Samuel's 2nd wife - Rebecca Reynolds - no ch.
10 Elizabeth S. Longshore md William Burgess
ch: Frank C. Burgess md Lissie Baker
ch: Stella
Frank's 2nd wife, Addie Johnson, no ch.
Anna Mary Burgess - b&d 1849
Alpheus Burgess (1851) md Ida I. Sheets
ch: none
Marianna Burgess (1853) unmarried
William Watson Burgess (1855) md Mamie Roberts
ch: none
Charles A. Burgess (1851) md Mamie Roberts
Henry Edwin Burgess (1859) unmarried
(Of this large family, there was no progeny)
11 Anna Mary Longshore md Lambert H. Potts
ch: Emerson J. Potts (1855) md Flora M. Jamieson
ch: William Lambert Potts (1882)
Charles Jamieson Potts (1887)
I-DENTITY (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 14 of I-DENTITY]
Excerpt from HISTORY OF BUCKS CO., PA. by Davis - published 1905
Another son of Abraham Longshore
"Among the prominent sons of Middletown, who live in history,
Joseph S. Longshore, b 1809 d 1879, is entitled to a niche. He
lost partial use of one leg when a boy and was lamed for life.
Turning his attention to the medical profession, he graduated in
medicine from the University of Pa. at age 24 and practiced
several years at Attleborough (later named Langhorne). In 1850,
he established a medical College in Philadelphia for women, the
first of its kind in the world. He was also an ardent advocate
of total abstinence and an active abolitionist, at a period when
it required no little courage to declare oneself."
Another historical excerpt, this time from EARLY FRIENDS,
FAMILIES OF UPPER BUCKS" by Roberts about a daughter-in-law of
Abraham Longshore.
"Hannah Myers, daughter of Samuel and Pauline (Iden) Meyers,
born in Sandy Springs, Md., 5/30/1819 d 10/18/1901.
Graduated from Women's Medical College in Philadelphia, 1851.
She was a pioneer woman physician, accumulated a modest
forturn. Hannah married Thomas Ellwood Longshore 3/26/1841.
He was a son of Abraham and Rhoda (Skelton) Longshore. He
was born 11/11/1812 on a farm in Middletown Township, Bucks
Co., Pa., died 8/19/1898 in Phil.; he and his wife having
moved to that city in 1850. Children: Channing b 11/24/1842
md Sidney Maria Pierce; Lucretia Mott b 5/8/1845 md Rudolph
Issue: Channing Longshore (sone of T.E. & Hannah Longshore)
Studied medicine and practiced in Sheldon, Iowa
ch: T. Ellwood Longshore b 1878 d 1879
Hannah Elsie Longshore b 1881 md Howard Garrett
ch: Priscilla and Jane Garrett
Rudolph Channing Longhsore b 1883 md Leila ____,
lives in Montana
ch: Dorothy
Lucretia Mott Longshore (dau. of T.E. & Hannah
Longshore) born in 1845 at New Lisbon, Ohio while
mother was there on a visit to her parents.
Lucretia was president of Pa. State Suffrage Association
(1892-1908), 1st vice pres. of General Education of
Women's Clubs (1912-1914) and a member of the New
Century Club, Civic Club, etc. Lucretia md Rudolph
Blankenship in 1867. He was one of the originators
of the Citizen's Permanent Relief Committee and
visited, as its representative, the famine regions
of Russia in 1892. He was active in Reform Politics,
and was elected as a county commissioner; also
served as a Reform Mayor beginning in 1911."
[corresponds to page 14 of I-DENTITY]
Excerpt from HISTORY OF BUCKS CO., PA. by Davis - published 1905
Another son of Abraham Longshore
"Among the prominent sons of Middletown, who live in history,
Joseph S. Longshore, b 1809 d 1879, is entitled to a niche. He
lost partial use of one leg when a boy and was lamed for life.
Turning his attention to the medical profession, he graduated in
medicine from the University of Pa. at age 24 and practiced
several years at Attleborough (later named Langhorne). In 1850,
he established a medical College in Philadelphia for women, the
first of its kind in the world. He was also an ardent advocate
of total abstinence and an active abolitionist, at a period when
it required no little courage to declare oneself."
Another historical excerpt, this time from EARLY FRIENDS,
FAMILIES OF UPPER BUCKS" by Roberts about a daughter-in-law of
Abraham Longshore.
"Hannah Myers, daughter of Samuel and Pauline (Iden) Meyers,
born in Sandy Springs, Md., 5/30/1819 d 10/18/1901.
Graduated from Women's Medical College in Philadelphia, 1851.
She was a pioneer woman physician, accumulated a modest
forturn. Hannah married Thomas Ellwood Longshore 3/26/1841.
He was a son of Abraham and Rhoda (Skelton) Longshore. He
was born 11/11/1812 on a farm in Middletown Township, Bucks
Co., Pa., died 8/19/1898 in Phil.; he and his wife having
moved to that city in 1850. Children: Channing b 11/24/1842
md Sidney Maria Pierce; Lucretia Mott b 5/8/1845 md Rudolph
Issue: Channing Longshore (sone of T.E. & Hannah Longshore)
Studied medicine and practiced in Sheldon, Iowa
ch: T. Ellwood Longshore b 1878 d 1879
Hannah Elsie Longshore b 1881 md Howard Garrett
ch: Priscilla and Jane Garrett
Rudolph Channing Longhsore b 1883 md Leila ____,
lives in Montana
ch: Dorothy
Lucretia Mott Longshore (dau. of T.E. & Hannah
Longshore) born in 1845 at New Lisbon, Ohio while
mother was there on a visit to her parents.
Lucretia was president of Pa. State Suffrage Association
(1892-1908), 1st vice pres. of General Education of
Women's Clubs (1912-1914) and a member of the New
Century Club, Civic Club, etc. Lucretia md Rudolph
Blankenship in 1867. He was one of the originators
of the Citizen's Permanent Relief Committee and
visited, as its representative, the famine regions
of Russia in 1892. He was active in Reform Politics,
and was elected as a county commissioner; also
served as a Reform Mayor beginning in 1911."
I-DENTITY (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to page 15 of I-DENTITY]
Again to deviate from the direct line, here is a presentation
from another of Robert's descendants
Volume I (published 1906)
"Longshore Family, long residents in Pa. Founder of
family in Pa. was Robert Longshore, who came from
England and settled at Front and Market Sts. in Phila-
delphia; later moved to Bucks Co."
The name of the person who sent in this biography to the previously
mentioned book is not mentioned so there is no way to know which
of Isaish Longshore's grandchildren wrote it -
"Isaiah Longshore, grandfather, lived at Beach Haven,
where he kept a hotel and boarding house, died at age 47
and buried there. Ch: A.B. b 1812 and Alfred R.
Alfred was a justice of the peace, had 3 dau., d age 82 Y.
A.B. Longshore, M.D. reared at Shickshinny, studied medi-
cine with his uncle, A.B. Wildon, graduated from Jeffer-
son Medical College in Philadelphia in 1843 with honors.
Spoke both English and fluent German, d in 1875, age 63.
Practiced medicine in mountain region in Wyoming County.
Practice so extensive he called five of his students to
assist him in this vast area. 8 ch. - Dr. Wm. R. Longshore
only survivor."
"Dr. Wm. R. Longshore, M.D., son of Ashbel B. and
Maria J. (Righter) Longshore b 9/10/1838 in Beaver
Meadows, Pa. Studied medicine at Jefferson Medical
College and Pa. College of Medicine from which he
graduated March, 1860. Worked as assistant in male
department of Pa. Hospital for Insane under Dr.
Kirkbride until 1862. Was Commander's assistant
surgeon with rank of 1st Lt. in 147th Reg. Pa. Vol-
unteers in Sept. 1863 and was promoted to surgeon
and rank of major. A Mason. 1 child, Harry Carter
Longshore, d at 14; adopted a dau., Jane Martin, md
to Wallace Ellerslie Engle and she has a son,
William Longshore Engle, who resides in Hazelton."
These historic and biographic passages are used for one
purpose - to show that some of the early Longshores were human-
itarians; vitally interested in their country, in the healing
arts, women's rights, foreign aid, and political reform. They
were great contributors to their fellow man, be it on a local,
state, or national scale; always ready to serve.
[corresponds to page 15 of I-DENTITY]
Again to deviate from the direct line, here is a presentation
from another of Robert's descendants
Volume I (published 1906)
"Longshore Family, long residents in Pa. Founder of
family in Pa. was Robert Longshore, who came from
England and settled at Front and Market Sts. in Phila-
delphia; later moved to Bucks Co."
The name of the person who sent in this biography to the previously
mentioned book is not mentioned so there is no way to know which
of Isaish Longshore's grandchildren wrote it -
"Isaiah Longshore, grandfather, lived at Beach Haven,
where he kept a hotel and boarding house, died at age 47
and buried there. Ch: A.B. b 1812 and Alfred R.
Alfred was a justice of the peace, had 3 dau., d age 82 Y.
A.B. Longshore, M.D. reared at Shickshinny, studied medi-
cine with his uncle, A.B. Wildon, graduated from Jeffer-
son Medical College in Philadelphia in 1843 with honors.
Spoke both English and fluent German, d in 1875, age 63.
Practiced medicine in mountain region in Wyoming County.
Practice so extensive he called five of his students to
assist him in this vast area. 8 ch. - Dr. Wm. R. Longshore
only survivor."
"Dr. Wm. R. Longshore, M.D., son of Ashbel B. and
Maria J. (Righter) Longshore b 9/10/1838 in Beaver
Meadows, Pa. Studied medicine at Jefferson Medical
College and Pa. College of Medicine from which he
graduated March, 1860. Worked as assistant in male
department of Pa. Hospital for Insane under Dr.
Kirkbride until 1862. Was Commander's assistant
surgeon with rank of 1st Lt. in 147th Reg. Pa. Vol-
unteers in Sept. 1863 and was promoted to surgeon
and rank of major. A Mason. 1 child, Harry Carter
Longshore, d at 14; adopted a dau., Jane Martin, md
to Wallace Ellerslie Engle and she has a son,
William Longshore Engle, who resides in Hazelton."
These historic and biographic passages are used for one
purpose - to show that some of the early Longshores were human-
itarians; vitally interested in their country, in the healing
arts, women's rights, foreign aid, and political reform. They
were great contributors to their fellow man, be it on a local,
state, or national scale; always ready to serve.
I-DENTITY (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to back of page 15 of I-DENTITY, a letter to Mrs. Maxine Longshore]
7224 E.17th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206
August 11, 1991
Dear Mrs. Longshore:
join the DAR and wrote to two of her father's cousins, one a Davidson
and one a Longshore. She didn't get to join but the letters she re-
ceived were very helpful when I started my research. Incidentally,
the Longshore cousin she wrote to was James C. who was loving at 1201
Hamlet St. in Columbus at the time. I don't know what year he died
but he was elderly at the time-79-and only he and his sister Sarah
were still alive.
The reason that you don't find a complete list of the children
of Euclydus and Susannah Van Horn is that they were married out of
meeting. All of the children of that first marriage had names beginning
with A. When Euclydus returned to the Quakers he took what children he
could back with him and his son Abner was one of the witnesses at his
marriage to Sarah Gillam. I was told recently by one of my earlier
correspondents that another lady had told him that the David Longshore
who married Elizaneth Warner was the son of Cyrus Longshore, who was
marred to Mary David and waws the son of Thomas Longshore and Joanna
Thomas Longshore was the son of euclydus Longshore and Alice
Stackhouse and was born the 13th day of the 9th month 1721. He was
married to Johanna Vance on the 10th day of the 4th month 1742 at the
Middletown Monthly Meeting (LDS film 20403, pp.308-9). Thomas' will
is file # 1162, Bucks Co., PA. It is dated 11 Jan 1777 and proved 13
Feb 1777. Johanna died between the writing of her will dated 22 d 4m
1792 and the probate date of 14 June 1794 and is file # 2535 Bucks. Co.
Her parents are as yet unknown but she has a sister, Jane McLear.
the first child of Thomas and Johanna was born less than nine months
after their marriage and Thomas became angry with the reprimand of
the Quakers. In his will, thomas mentions his wife Johanna, his sons
Thomas, cyrus, and euclydus and his daughters, elizabeth Hunter and
Margaret Wiley. I found deeds dated 14 Apr 1784, filed 27 Sept 1785,
of Cyrus and wife mary and euclydus and wife Jane. They mention that
the land came from their father, Thomas. Johanna in her will mentions
her sister, Jane McLear, her son Euclydus, her daughters, Elizabeth
Hunter (wife of Andrew) and her daughter Margaret Wiley, her grandson
Amos (the son of thomas who later married Ann cox) and her granddaughter
Jane (the daughter of Cyrus who later married Aaron Cox). These are
known facts and I have written to the lady in Iowa to find out the
facts on which she bases her conclusions. The death date given for
David Longshore is 3 Nov 1859. The 1800 Tax list for Middletown Twp.,
Bucks Co. shows him as a single man. 20 Jan 1802 david Longshore
of Middletown m. Elizabeth Weber/Warner, Isaac Hicks, J.P. then 1810
Tax list in delaware Co., 67A., Range 17, Twp 4, Section 1 and the same in
1814. I will let you know when I hear on what the lady has based her
Can you suggest any of the other descendants of the branch of
David Longshore-Elizabeth Warner to whom I could write to bring other
lines down to the present? Is it possible to secure copies of wills,
obits, and the other pertinant data? I would pay copying costs if
that would help.
[corresponds to back of page 15 of I-DENTITY, a letter to Mrs. Maxine Longshore]
7224 E.17th St. N.
Wichita, KS 67206
August 11, 1991
Dear Mrs. Longshore:
join the DAR and wrote to two of her father's cousins, one a Davidson
and one a Longshore. She didn't get to join but the letters she re-
ceived were very helpful when I started my research. Incidentally,
the Longshore cousin she wrote to was James C. who was loving at 1201
Hamlet St. in Columbus at the time. I don't know what year he died
but he was elderly at the time-79-and only he and his sister Sarah
were still alive.
The reason that you don't find a complete list of the children
of Euclydus and Susannah Van Horn is that they were married out of
meeting. All of the children of that first marriage had names beginning
with A. When Euclydus returned to the Quakers he took what children he
could back with him and his son Abner was one of the witnesses at his
marriage to Sarah Gillam. I was told recently by one of my earlier
correspondents that another lady had told him that the David Longshore
who married Elizaneth Warner was the son of Cyrus Longshore, who was
marred to Mary David and waws the son of Thomas Longshore and Joanna
Thomas Longshore was the son of euclydus Longshore and Alice
Stackhouse and was born the 13th day of the 9th month 1721. He was
married to Johanna Vance on the 10th day of the 4th month 1742 at the
Middletown Monthly Meeting (LDS film 20403, pp.308-9). Thomas' will
is file # 1162, Bucks Co., PA. It is dated 11 Jan 1777 and proved 13
Feb 1777. Johanna died between the writing of her will dated 22 d 4m
1792 and the probate date of 14 June 1794 and is file # 2535 Bucks. Co.
Her parents are as yet unknown but she has a sister, Jane McLear.
the first child of Thomas and Johanna was born less than nine months
after their marriage and Thomas became angry with the reprimand of
the Quakers. In his will, thomas mentions his wife Johanna, his sons
Thomas, cyrus, and euclydus and his daughters, elizabeth Hunter and
Margaret Wiley. I found deeds dated 14 Apr 1784, filed 27 Sept 1785,
of Cyrus and wife mary and euclydus and wife Jane. They mention that
the land came from their father, Thomas. Johanna in her will mentions
her sister, Jane McLear, her son Euclydus, her daughters, Elizabeth
Hunter (wife of Andrew) and her daughter Margaret Wiley, her grandson
Amos (the son of thomas who later married Ann cox) and her granddaughter
Jane (the daughter of Cyrus who later married Aaron Cox). These are
known facts and I have written to the lady in Iowa to find out the
facts on which she bases her conclusions. The death date given for
David Longshore is 3 Nov 1859. The 1800 Tax list for Middletown Twp.,
Bucks Co. shows him as a single man. 20 Jan 1802 david Longshore
of Middletown m. Elizabeth Weber/Warner, Isaac Hicks, J.P. then 1810
Tax list in delaware Co., 67A., Range 17, Twp 4, Section 1 and the same in
1814. I will let you know when I hear on what the lady has based her
Can you suggest any of the other descendants of the branch of
David Longshore-Elizabeth Warner to whom I could write to bring other
lines down to the present? Is it possible to secure copies of wills,
obits, and the other pertinant data? I would pay copying costs if
that would help.
I-DENTITY (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to page 16 of I-DENTITY]
To get back on the track -
The Ohio progenitor of the Longshores is David Longshore.
There is data to prove he came to Ohio in 1806; to Del. Co. with
his brother, Euclydus (III), in 1808; purchased land in Delaware
County in 1811. Many clues link David to the line of Robert,
Euclydus I, Euclydus II; but actually there is no record found,
as of this date, to prove a David Longshore, born Jan. 1779,
was born to this line or any other line! This author is still
researching on this puzzle and if additional information is ever
unearthed, it will be attached at the end of the story. It is
the considered opinion of this compiler that the "missing link"
can be theorized as follows: Perhaps[underlined] David was the youngest
child of Euclydus ** and ____Cox Longshore and possibly his
mother died at his birth or shortly thereafter. In the con-
fusion, his birth was never recorded. This thought is based
on his birthdate of Jan. 25, 1779; the fact Euclydus II remarried
on May 1780; and his first child by the second wife, Euclydus III,
was born in 1781. Since all of the children by Euclydus II's first
wife had names beginning with an "A", it could be that David did
not like his "A____" name, whatever it was, and decided to use his
other given name and change his image when he came to Ohio. At
any rate, there is no hint of the "A" in any of his legal papers.
The following excerpts are from biographies submitted by
one of David's children (Charles) and one of his daughter-in-laws
(Margaret) will bear out the fact David did come from Pa. in
1806 and settled in Delaware County, Ohio in 1808.
"Charles Longshore, farmer: P.O. Condit; is a son of
David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore; his father
was born in Pa. and came to Ohio in 1806, settling in
Berkshire Township, west of Sunbury, on the farm now
owned by Mrs. Grist, where he lived until his death;
it was then a dense forest, there being but one house
between Delaware and Johnstown, and that where George
Gibson now resides; the only neighbor for some time was
a brother; their first nights were spent in the woods
around a fire, with a friendly Indian as company."
"Margaret Longshore, P.O. Condit; was born July 2, 1804,
a daughter of Christian and Sallie (Linderman) Young;
her father settled in Ohio about 1816, and farmed near
Galena until his death in 1838. She was married June
22, 1826, to Cyrus Longshore, by whom she has had six
children, four are now living; her husband was born
Nov. 24, 1804, in Muskingum Co., *Ohio, and came with
his parents to Delaware Co. about 1808, settling west
of Sunbury on a farm now owned by the Landon Brothers,
and in 1836 on the farm owned by Mrs. (Margaret) Long-
shore; he died May 3, 1870."
[corresponds to page 16 of I-DENTITY]
To get back on the track -
The Ohio progenitor of the Longshores is David Longshore.
There is data to prove he came to Ohio in 1806; to Del. Co. with
his brother, Euclydus (III), in 1808; purchased land in Delaware
County in 1811. Many clues link David to the line of Robert,
Euclydus I, Euclydus II; but actually there is no record found,
as of this date, to prove a David Longshore, born Jan. 1779,
was born to this line or any other line! This author is still
researching on this puzzle and if additional information is ever
unearthed, it will be attached at the end of the story. It is
the considered opinion of this compiler that the "missing link"
can be theorized as follows: Perhaps[underlined] David was the youngest
child of Euclydus ** and ____Cox Longshore and possibly his
mother died at his birth or shortly thereafter. In the con-
fusion, his birth was never recorded. This thought is based
on his birthdate of Jan. 25, 1779; the fact Euclydus II remarried
on May 1780; and his first child by the second wife, Euclydus III,
was born in 1781. Since all of the children by Euclydus II's first
wife had names beginning with an "A", it could be that David did
not like his "A____" name, whatever it was, and decided to use his
other given name and change his image when he came to Ohio. At
any rate, there is no hint of the "A" in any of his legal papers.
The following excerpts are from biographies submitted by
one of David's children (Charles) and one of his daughter-in-laws
(Margaret) will bear out the fact David did come from Pa. in
1806 and settled in Delaware County, Ohio in 1808.
"Charles Longshore, farmer: P.O. Condit; is a son of
David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore; his father
was born in Pa. and came to Ohio in 1806, settling in
Berkshire Township, west of Sunbury, on the farm now
owned by Mrs. Grist, where he lived until his death;
it was then a dense forest, there being but one house
between Delaware and Johnstown, and that where George
Gibson now resides; the only neighbor for some time was
a brother; their first nights were spent in the woods
around a fire, with a friendly Indian as company."
"Margaret Longshore, P.O. Condit; was born July 2, 1804,
a daughter of Christian and Sallie (Linderman) Young;
her father settled in Ohio about 1816, and farmed near
Galena until his death in 1838. She was married June
22, 1826, to Cyrus Longshore, by whom she has had six
children, four are now living; her husband was born
Nov. 24, 1804, in Muskingum Co., *Ohio, and came with
his parents to Delaware Co. about 1808, settling west
of Sunbury on a farm now owned by the Landon Brothers,
and in 1836 on the farm owned by Mrs. (Margaret) Long-
shore; he died May 3, 1870."
I-DENTITY (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 17 of I-DENTITY]
* There is a discrepancy about the place of Cyrus' birth;
the 1850 and 1860 Delaware County Census, also his death record,
state that he was born in Pa. It is possible David stopped in
Muskingum County in 1806 where other relatives lived, on his way
to central Ohio. This biography states he came to Delaware
County in 1808, which is entirely plausible. Somewhere else
there is a reference to David's having lived in Sunbury Township
before purchasing his farm in 1811 in Berkshire Township.
David Longshore was born three years after the birth of
the United States of America, and ten years before George
Washington became president in 1789. He arrived in Ohio during
the term of Thomas Jefferson, and in Delaware County in time to
['Del. Co. in 1808' handwritten in margin]
see Delaware City laid out in 1811, Columbus in 1812,
and Sunbury in 1816 and just four years before the War of 1812. At that time
Ohio was considered the Crossroads of the Nation. A big busines
boom existed immediately following that war. The schedule of
prices shown here will show the prosperity that lasted until 1819
when prices slid back to pre-war levels.
Pre-war Prices Prices 1812 - 1819
hogs - $1.50 per 100# hogs - $4.00 per 100#
oats - .50 per bu. oats - 1.00 per bu.
corn - .50 per bu. corn - 1.00 per bu.
flour - 1.00 per 100# flour - 4.00 per 100#
hay - 10.00 per ton hay - 20.00 per ton
Some prices nose-dived to below pre-war values, such as;
corn sold for 10-12 cents per bu.; potatoes - 12 cents bu., etc.
Rigid economy was practiced by all grades of society - even the
wealthy drank rye coffee and distinguished men dressed in blue
linsey pantaloons for a time. In 1820 in Columbus, Ohio, over
one hundred parcels of real estate were advertised in one ad-
vertisement of sheriff's sales! Gradually though the nation
recuperated from the recession. One blessing for the white
man was that he never again was bothered by the red man in
these parts after 1812. David and Euclydus (III) purchased
their 134 acres in Range 17, Twp. 4, Lot 4, from
Thomas Brown for $268.67 1/2. The 1812 Tax record values it at 67 1/2 cents
an acre! In 1816, it seems they sold half of this same land -
67 7/16 acres - for $400., tripling their money. Perhaps this
is a further example of the inflation of that period. Later
however, in 1819, a quit claim deed is recorded whereby Euclydus
(III) and Sarah, of Muskingum County, transferred the east half of
134 7/8 acres for the sum of $202. to David Longshore. Reference
to David, in Charles' biography, states that David lived on the
land he settled until his death in 1858. At the time this farm
was purchased in 1811, there were only 2000 people in the entire
county! By 1850, there were 1557 persons in Berkshire Township
but this dropped to 1392 in 1860. Nevertheless, it was not over-
populated at that time.
Following is a copy of the original land purchase by
David and Euclydus and their wives. (Euclydus is spelled 2
different ways in this same deed) -
[corresponds to page 17 of I-DENTITY]
* There is a discrepancy about the place of Cyrus' birth;
the 1850 and 1860 Delaware County Census, also his death record,
state that he was born in Pa. It is possible David stopped in
Muskingum County in 1806 where other relatives lived, on his way
to central Ohio. This biography states he came to Delaware
County in 1808, which is entirely plausible. Somewhere else
there is a reference to David's having lived in Sunbury Township
before purchasing his farm in 1811 in Berkshire Township.
David Longshore was born three years after the birth of
the United States of America, and ten years before George
Washington became president in 1789. He arrived in Ohio during
the term of Thomas Jefferson, and in Delaware County in time to
['Del. Co. in 1808' handwritten in margin]
see Delaware City laid out in 1811, Columbus in 1812,
and Sunbury in 1816 and just four years before the War of 1812. At that time
Ohio was considered the Crossroads of the Nation. A big busines
boom existed immediately following that war. The schedule of
prices shown here will show the prosperity that lasted until 1819
when prices slid back to pre-war levels.
Pre-war Prices Prices 1812 - 1819
hogs - $1.50 per 100# hogs - $4.00 per 100#
oats - .50 per bu. oats - 1.00 per bu.
corn - .50 per bu. corn - 1.00 per bu.
flour - 1.00 per 100# flour - 4.00 per 100#
hay - 10.00 per ton hay - 20.00 per ton
Some prices nose-dived to below pre-war values, such as;
corn sold for 10-12 cents per bu.; potatoes - 12 cents bu., etc.
Rigid economy was practiced by all grades of society - even the
wealthy drank rye coffee and distinguished men dressed in blue
linsey pantaloons for a time. In 1820 in Columbus, Ohio, over
one hundred parcels of real estate were advertised in one ad-
vertisement of sheriff's sales! Gradually though the nation
recuperated from the recession. One blessing for the white
man was that he never again was bothered by the red man in
these parts after 1812. David and Euclydus (III) purchased
their 134 acres in Range 17, Twp. 4, Lot 4, from
Thomas Brown for $268.67 1/2. The 1812 Tax record values it at 67 1/2 cents
an acre! In 1816, it seems they sold half of this same land -
67 7/16 acres - for $400., tripling their money. Perhaps this
is a further example of the inflation of that period. Later
however, in 1819, a quit claim deed is recorded whereby Euclydus
(III) and Sarah, of Muskingum County, transferred the east half of
134 7/8 acres for the sum of $202. to David Longshore. Reference
to David, in Charles' biography, states that David lived on the
land he settled until his death in 1858. At the time this farm
was purchased in 1811, there were only 2000 people in the entire
county! By 1850, there were 1557 persons in Berkshire Township
but this dropped to 1392 in 1860. Nevertheless, it was not over-
populated at that time.
Following is a copy of the original land purchase by
David and Euclydus and their wives. (Euclydus is spelled 2
different ways in this same deed) -
I-DENTITY (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 18 of I-DENTITY]
Thomas Brown
Deed to
E. & D. Longshore "Know all men by these presents that I
Thomas Brown of Berkshire in Delaware
County & State of Ohio in consideration
of two hundred & Sixty eight dollars eighty seven and an half cents
paid me by Euclydus & David Longshore both of Sunbury in the
county of aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge
do hereby give grant sell & convey unto the said Euclydes &
David a certain tract of parcel of land lying & being in the
first quarter of the fourth Township in the seventeenth Range
of U.S. Military land in the State of Ohio & more particularly
distinguished as the north part of lot no. eight in the western
Tier of lots in the aforesaid quarter agreeable to a sur-
vey thereof made by Joseph Eaton in 1806 reference thereto being
had & to extend South from the whole length of the North line
of the aforesaid lot so far as to contain one hundred and thirty
four acres & seven eighths of an acre To have and to hold the
afore granted premises to the said Euclydus & David & to their
heirs & assigns to their use & Behalf forever & I do covenant
with the said Euclydus & David & their heirs & assigns that I
am lawfully seized in fee of the afore granted premises that
they are free of all emcumbrances that I have good right to sell
& convey the same to the aforesaid Euclydus & David & that I will
warrant & defend the same premises to the said Euclydus Longshore
& David Longshore & to their heirs & assigns forever against the
lawful claims of all persons. In witness whereof I the said
Thomas Brown & Betsey, my wife in token of her assent & release
of dower in the premises have hereunto set our hands & seals
the fourth day of Sept 1811
In presence of Thomas Brown
Sophronia Brown Betsy Brown
Mary Thurston Be it remembered that on the 11th day
of Feb., 1812, personally approved
State of Ohio Thomas Brown & Betsey his wife who being
Delaware, County examined separate & apart from her hus-
band the each acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their
free act and deed -- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand & seal the day above written Soloman Jones J P
Received and recorded the forgoing deed this 14 day of Feb 1812
Mert Reuben Lamb, recorder
Delaware County
(Note) The preceding document was all hand written, of course,
with no punctuation or abbreviation except that "and" was
always written "&".
[corresponds to page 18 of I-DENTITY]
Thomas Brown
Deed to
E. & D. Longshore "Know all men by these presents that I
Thomas Brown of Berkshire in Delaware
County & State of Ohio in consideration
of two hundred & Sixty eight dollars eighty seven and an half cents
paid me by Euclydus & David Longshore both of Sunbury in the
county of aforesaid the receipt whereof I do hereby acknowledge
do hereby give grant sell & convey unto the said Euclydes &
David a certain tract of parcel of land lying & being in the
first quarter of the fourth Township in the seventeenth Range
of U.S. Military land in the State of Ohio & more particularly
distinguished as the north part of lot no. eight in the western
Tier of lots in the aforesaid quarter agreeable to a sur-
vey thereof made by Joseph Eaton in 1806 reference thereto being
had & to extend South from the whole length of the North line
of the aforesaid lot so far as to contain one hundred and thirty
four acres & seven eighths of an acre To have and to hold the
afore granted premises to the said Euclydus & David & to their
heirs & assigns to their use & Behalf forever & I do covenant
with the said Euclydus & David & their heirs & assigns that I
am lawfully seized in fee of the afore granted premises that
they are free of all emcumbrances that I have good right to sell
& convey the same to the aforesaid Euclydus & David & that I will
warrant & defend the same premises to the said Euclydus Longshore
& David Longshore & to their heirs & assigns forever against the
lawful claims of all persons. In witness whereof I the said
Thomas Brown & Betsey, my wife in token of her assent & release
of dower in the premises have hereunto set our hands & seals
the fourth day of Sept 1811
In presence of Thomas Brown
Sophronia Brown Betsy Brown
Mary Thurston Be it remembered that on the 11th day
of Feb., 1812, personally approved
State of Ohio Thomas Brown & Betsey his wife who being
Delaware, County examined separate & apart from her hus-
band the each acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their
free act and deed -- In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand & seal the day above written Soloman Jones J P
Received and recorded the forgoing deed this 14 day of Feb 1812
Mert Reuben Lamb, recorder
Delaware County
(Note) The preceding document was all hand written, of course,
with no punctuation or abbreviation except that "and" was
always written "&".
I-DENTITY (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 19 of I-DENTITY]
From the description in this deed and comparison with a
map of this area in 1811 and 1860, it is pretty well determined
that David's farm lay west of Sunbury, beginning at the corner
of St.Rt. 37 and Twp. Rt. 72, running along the southside of County
Rt 72 as far as the Henry Beaver farm. At the corner of RT. 37,
in more recent years, this area was known as the Burt Cornell
farm, and the old brick house about 1/8 mile west of Rt. 37 on Co. Rt.
72 was the homestead. Remnants of this house still lay there
up until about 10 years ago, when a new ranch-style house was
built by that grove of trees, and some of that farmland was
portioned into building lots. Jon-Jon's Restaurant is on the
corner now of Rts. 37 & Twp. Rt. 72. David's son, John, owned
land in this same territory which partially adjoined his father's
and that land is now owned by the V.M. Green heirs. Before it
came into the Green ownership, the land in the general area was
owned by Griste and Landon families. The original land purchase
passed from Longshore hands before 1860, probably at the time of
David's decease in 1858. Coincidentally, before he had any know-
ledge of where his ancestors had first settled, a descendant of
David's, Russell Longshore, purchased an acreage across the road
from the original plot and built a house on it 17 years ago (1959)!
At the turn of the 19th century, the land where David took
up abode could scarecely be seen for the trees; now the land can
scarcely be seen for the houses, shopping center, and commercial
buildings: Super highways have replaced the scenic byways and
the accelerated pulse of modern civilization - even in this rural
area - has supplanted the leisurely heart throb of nature and its
wonders. But then, that's progress! Everyone enjoys the modern
conveniences but they want the slower pace, and somehow oil and
water just don't mix.
"Despite technological advances, inventions, and explor-
ations that would have seemed miraculous to our grandparents;
indeed, that even seem miraculous to us, people are still people.
Go back in time - or forward - ten years, a hundred, or a thousand -
you'll find people loving, hating, desiring, and fearing the same
things as thoday. You'll find people valuing the same things -
success, status, comfort, friendship, love." An excerpt from
In this bicentennial year, it is popular to look back to
"the good ole days" and see only the good part; especially when
the TV announcer comes on with his "and this is the way it was,
200 years ago" accompanied by a fife and drum playing their
version of "Yankee Doodle". A little tingle goes up the spine
and one feels a yearning for the peace (?) of bygone days. It
is easy then to forget the hardships the pioneers faced each day.
It is doubtful if anyone of this generation could accurately define
a pioneer hardship because no one nowadays has experienced it; so
"starvation", "privation", "Indian massacre" are just words in today's
vocabulary. But then, possibly, the pioneer could not define the
words of this day, such as: "mugging", "freak-outs", "spaced out",
"murder contracts", et cetera.
[corresponds to page 19 of I-DENTITY]
From the description in this deed and comparison with a
map of this area in 1811 and 1860, it is pretty well determined
that David's farm lay west of Sunbury, beginning at the corner
of St.Rt. 37 and Twp. Rt. 72, running along the southside of County
Rt 72 as far as the Henry Beaver farm. At the corner of RT. 37,
in more recent years, this area was known as the Burt Cornell
farm, and the old brick house about 1/8 mile west of Rt. 37 on Co. Rt.
72 was the homestead. Remnants of this house still lay there
up until about 10 years ago, when a new ranch-style house was
built by that grove of trees, and some of that farmland was
portioned into building lots. Jon-Jon's Restaurant is on the
corner now of Rts. 37 & Twp. Rt. 72. David's son, John, owned
land in this same territory which partially adjoined his father's
and that land is now owned by the V.M. Green heirs. Before it
came into the Green ownership, the land in the general area was
owned by Griste and Landon families. The original land purchase
passed from Longshore hands before 1860, probably at the time of
David's decease in 1858. Coincidentally, before he had any know-
ledge of where his ancestors had first settled, a descendant of
David's, Russell Longshore, purchased an acreage across the road
from the original plot and built a house on it 17 years ago (1959)!
At the turn of the 19th century, the land where David took
up abode could scarecely be seen for the trees; now the land can
scarcely be seen for the houses, shopping center, and commercial
buildings: Super highways have replaced the scenic byways and
the accelerated pulse of modern civilization - even in this rural
area - has supplanted the leisurely heart throb of nature and its
wonders. But then, that's progress! Everyone enjoys the modern
conveniences but they want the slower pace, and somehow oil and
water just don't mix.
"Despite technological advances, inventions, and explor-
ations that would have seemed miraculous to our grandparents;
indeed, that even seem miraculous to us, people are still people.
Go back in time - or forward - ten years, a hundred, or a thousand -
you'll find people loving, hating, desiring, and fearing the same
things as thoday. You'll find people valuing the same things -
success, status, comfort, friendship, love." An excerpt from
In this bicentennial year, it is popular to look back to
"the good ole days" and see only the good part; especially when
the TV announcer comes on with his "and this is the way it was,
200 years ago" accompanied by a fife and drum playing their
version of "Yankee Doodle". A little tingle goes up the spine
and one feels a yearning for the peace (?) of bygone days. It
is easy then to forget the hardships the pioneers faced each day.
It is doubtful if anyone of this generation could accurately define
a pioneer hardship because no one nowadays has experienced it; so
"starvation", "privation", "Indian massacre" are just words in today's
vocabulary. But then, possibly, the pioneer could not define the
words of this day, such as: "mugging", "freak-outs", "spaced out",
"murder contracts", et cetera.
I-DENTITY (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to page 20 of I-DENTITY]
Possible Eucyldus III Family Connections:
Muskingum Co. Marriage Records (1804-1835)
Longshore, Amos md Lydia Hopkins 4/13/1834
(Brushcreek Twp)
Longshore, David to Sarah Ellen Butt 2/14/1826
Longshore, Thomas to Effie Boyd 4/ /1830
Longshore, Elizabeth to Benjamin Berry 1/24/1830
Longshore, Elizabeth to Morris Worstall 12/19/1833
(Brushcreek Twp)
Longshore, Ruth to Benjamin Crane 1/ 4/1831
Longshore, Perry d 1865 A 20 Pvt Co B of 159th O.N.G.
(Everhart's History of Muskingum Co.) publ 1882 p.308
"Bethel Cemetery, Newtown Twp, Muskingum Co., Ohio"
In the book was the notation, "sons of Euclidus & S.E. Longshore",
but it was not clear which names were the sons.
David Longshore b 3/4/1804 d 3/5/1873
Mathilda Scott Longshore b 2/2/1817 d 7/28/1896
Burzellaw Longshore d 1/21/1895 age 26Y 11M 9D
John W. Longshore d 11/4/1865 - 1Y12D
Thomas Longshore 10/10/1807 d 10/12/1886
Effie Boyd Longshore 3/6/1803 d 4/30/1885
(Daughter of Robert Boyd, Revolutionary War soldier)
Other Longshore researchers have additional information on this
line, so it would be possible to follow through on this line, if
And so it has been established that David and Elizabeth
(Warner) Longshore emigrated to Ohio in 1806, and came to Del-
aware County by 1808, lived in Sunbury (had to be township),
and then settled on the farm west of town by 1811. Soon three
more boys and three girls were added to the score making a total
of eight.
[corresponds to page 20 of I-DENTITY]
Possible Eucyldus III Family Connections:
Muskingum Co. Marriage Records (1804-1835)
Longshore, Amos md Lydia Hopkins 4/13/1834
(Brushcreek Twp)
Longshore, David to Sarah Ellen Butt 2/14/1826
Longshore, Thomas to Effie Boyd 4/ /1830
Longshore, Elizabeth to Benjamin Berry 1/24/1830
Longshore, Elizabeth to Morris Worstall 12/19/1833
(Brushcreek Twp)
Longshore, Ruth to Benjamin Crane 1/ 4/1831
Longshore, Perry d 1865 A 20 Pvt Co B of 159th O.N.G.
(Everhart's History of Muskingum Co.) publ 1882 p.308
"Bethel Cemetery, Newtown Twp, Muskingum Co., Ohio"
In the book was the notation, "sons of Euclidus & S.E. Longshore",
but it was not clear which names were the sons.
David Longshore b 3/4/1804 d 3/5/1873
Mathilda Scott Longshore b 2/2/1817 d 7/28/1896
Burzellaw Longshore d 1/21/1895 age 26Y 11M 9D
John W. Longshore d 11/4/1865 - 1Y12D
Thomas Longshore 10/10/1807 d 10/12/1886
Effie Boyd Longshore 3/6/1803 d 4/30/1885
(Daughter of Robert Boyd, Revolutionary War soldier)
Other Longshore researchers have additional information on this
line, so it would be possible to follow through on this line, if
And so it has been established that David and Elizabeth
(Warner) Longshore emigrated to Ohio in 1806, and came to Del-
aware County by 1808, lived in Sunbury (had to be township),
and then settled on the farm west of town by 1811. Soon three
more boys and three girls were added to the score making a total
of eight.
I-DENTITY (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 21 of I-DENTITY]
Zada Longshore, widow of Gail Longshore, contributed the
following chart which had been given to Gail by Seth Longshore
when Gail was asking him one day about the family history.
"David & Sara* Longshore came from Vermont* 1806. Gail's great,
great grandfather settled in brick house west of Sunbury."
Charles: Eugenie (Carpenter)
Warner: Harriett (Ginn), Norton, Allen
Allie (Foster) Albert, Noah, Edith
Minnie (Budd)
Elmine (Youman) Veo, Otis, Gail
Cyrus: Truman, Isaac Newton, Charles, Jonathan, Harlow
May Clem Seth David
Nell Edd Mark Minor
Dean Will Sid
I.N Molly Jane
Milo Dell
(This chart noted that David I had 3 daughters-;
in major points it agrees with this
[corresponds to page 21 of I-DENTITY]
Zada Longshore, widow of Gail Longshore, contributed the
following chart which had been given to Gail by Seth Longshore
when Gail was asking him one day about the family history.
"David & Sara* Longshore came from Vermont* 1806. Gail's great,
great grandfather settled in brick house west of Sunbury."
Charles: Eugenie (Carpenter)
Warner: Harriett (Ginn), Norton, Allen
Allie (Foster) Albert, Noah, Edith
Minnie (Budd)
Elmine (Youman) Veo, Otis, Gail
Cyrus: Truman, Isaac Newton, Charles, Jonathan, Harlow
May Clem Seth David
Nell Edd Mark Minor
Dean Will Sid
I.N Molly Jane
Milo Dell
(This chart noted that David I had 3 daughters-;
in major points it agrees with this
I-DENTITY (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to page 22 of I-DENTITY]
Family of David Longshore
LONGSHORE DAVID b 1/25/1779 d 11/3/1858 Age 79Y 9M 8D md about
1802 to Elizabeth Warner (1/22/1783 d 8/8/1840
Age 57Y 6M 17D They emigrated from Pa. to Ohio
in 1806 Settled in Del. Co. Berkshire Twp 1808
Issue: I
I A John 1803-1877 b Pa.
I B Cyrus 1804-1870 b Pa.
I C Warner 1807-1892 b Ohio
I D Rachel 1810-1852 b Ohio
I E Sarah 1816- b Ohio
I F Charles 1818-1904 b Ohio
I G David Jr. 1822- b Ohio
I H Girl ____ b Ohio
Since this compiler has no data on the third girl, at
present, all the descendants hereafter mentioned will stem
from one of these seven children of David and Elizabeth's.
After the first Elizabeth's death in 1840, David married
another Elizabeth (Betsey Benton) and she survived him.
Apparently David did not leave a will but following is an
inventory or schedule of his property, which evidently was done
room by room:
David Longshore - Oliver Stark Administrator
Dec., 10, 1858
12 month support ($200.) to widow
Appraisal - 1 set of dishes, 2 chairs, 2 bureaus, brass
clock, 1 stand, 1 lott of carpenting, 1 table & oil cloth,
1 pair andirons, 1 tar bucket, 1 cubboard, 1 bedquilt &
old carpet, 1 kettle, 1 iron kettle, 2 iron kettles, 1
small brass kettle, 1 feather bed, 1 small brass kettle,
1 feather bed, 1 small brass kettle, feather bed, 1 bed-
stead, 1 coverlid, 2 blankets, 2 bedquilts, 2 bedquilts,
4 bedquilts, 3 bedquilts, 1 bedstead, 1 chest of drawers,
1 looking glass, 1 lott of carpeting, 1 looking glass, 1
set of harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 saddle, 1 cream mare
Sarah Carpenter (Fester Utley, Roswell F. Fowles,
Norman Detrick, appraisors)
Appraisal of all chattels & goods
Schedule of personal property belonging to widow not
accounted for: 1 bed & bedding, 1 table, 6 knives & 6
forks, 6 plates, 6 teacups & saucers, 12 spoons, 1 cook-
stove, all clothing of widow & deceased, 6 chairs, library
not to exceed $50., 1 family Bible, all ornaments of
Notes: S.Carpenter -$23.20; George Benton - $20.00
Personal property sold on Jan. 6, 1859
[corresponds to page 22 of I-DENTITY]
Family of David Longshore
LONGSHORE DAVID b 1/25/1779 d 11/3/1858 Age 79Y 9M 8D md about
1802 to Elizabeth Warner (1/22/1783 d 8/8/1840
Age 57Y 6M 17D They emigrated from Pa. to Ohio
in 1806 Settled in Del. Co. Berkshire Twp 1808
Issue: I
I A John 1803-1877 b Pa.
I B Cyrus 1804-1870 b Pa.
I C Warner 1807-1892 b Ohio
I D Rachel 1810-1852 b Ohio
I E Sarah 1816- b Ohio
I F Charles 1818-1904 b Ohio
I G David Jr. 1822- b Ohio
I H Girl ____ b Ohio
Since this compiler has no data on the third girl, at
present, all the descendants hereafter mentioned will stem
from one of these seven children of David and Elizabeth's.
After the first Elizabeth's death in 1840, David married
another Elizabeth (Betsey Benton) and she survived him.
Apparently David did not leave a will but following is an
inventory or schedule of his property, which evidently was done
room by room:
David Longshore - Oliver Stark Administrator
Dec., 10, 1858
12 month support ($200.) to widow
Appraisal - 1 set of dishes, 2 chairs, 2 bureaus, brass
clock, 1 stand, 1 lott of carpenting, 1 table & oil cloth,
1 pair andirons, 1 tar bucket, 1 cubboard, 1 bedquilt &
old carpet, 1 kettle, 1 iron kettle, 2 iron kettles, 1
small brass kettle, 1 feather bed, 1 small brass kettle,
1 feather bed, 1 small brass kettle, feather bed, 1 bed-
stead, 1 coverlid, 2 blankets, 2 bedquilts, 2 bedquilts,
4 bedquilts, 3 bedquilts, 1 bedstead, 1 chest of drawers,
1 looking glass, 1 lott of carpeting, 1 looking glass, 1
set of harness, 1 fanning mill, 1 saddle, 1 cream mare
Sarah Carpenter (Fester Utley, Roswell F. Fowles,
Norman Detrick, appraisors)
Appraisal of all chattels & goods
Schedule of personal property belonging to widow not
accounted for: 1 bed & bedding, 1 table, 6 knives & 6
forks, 6 plates, 6 teacups & saucers, 12 spoons, 1 cook-
stove, all clothing of widow & deceased, 6 chairs, library
not to exceed $50., 1 family Bible, all ornaments of
Notes: S.Carpenter -$23.20; George Benton - $20.00
Personal property sold on Jan. 6, 1859
I-DENTITY (p. 25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to page 23 of I-DENTITY]
Sarah Carpenter, Alfred Benton, Norton Longshore, Cyrus
Longshore, Alex McD Wlaker, J.D. Wilcox, Wm. McDaniel,
David Longshore, J.W. Longshore, John Longshore,Charles
Betsey Longshore received year allowance of $200.
John Longshore, first child of David
I A John b Pa in 1803 d 3/18/1877 (death due to a tumor) A 74
Clarinda ____ (b 1807 d 1871 b in N.Y.) d A 64 bd Sunbury,O.
Issue: II
1 David b 1827
2 Aaron b 1829 d 1855 A 26Y
3 Hannah b 1842 d 1864 A 22 Y
I B Cyrus b Pa in 1804 d 1870 of dropsy age 66 bd Trenton Cem.
Margaret (Young) md 6/22/1826.
To give a clear idea of Cyrus and Margaret's life, her biography
is repeated here, although it was used earlier.
"Margaret Longshore, P.O.Condit; was born July 2, 1804,
a dau. of Christian and Sallie (Linderman) Young; her
father settled in Ohio about 1816, and farmed near Galena
until his death in 1838. She was married June 22, 1826,
to Cyrus Longshore, by whom she has had six children,
four are now living; her husband was born Nov. 24, 1804,
in Muskingum Co., Ohio, and came with his parents to
Delaware Co. about 1808, settling west of Sunbury on a
farm owned by Mrs. (Margaret) Longshore; he died May 3, 1870"
Issue: 11 six sons all born Ohio
1 - Jonathan Longshore 1827 -
2 - Minor Longshore 1829-1856
3 - Charles Longshore 1830-1921
4 - Truman Longshore 1833-1913
5 - Harlow A. Longshore 1835-
6 - Isaac Newton Longshore 1839-1920
Cyrus farmed east of Sunbury, between Condit and Vans Valley,
on what is now State Route 605, on a farm now known as the
Ted Gray farm. In the 1860
[corresponds to page 23 of I-DENTITY]
Sarah Carpenter, Alfred Benton, Norton Longshore, Cyrus
Longshore, Alex McD Wlaker, J.D. Wilcox, Wm. McDaniel,
David Longshore, J.W. Longshore, John Longshore,Charles
Betsey Longshore received year allowance of $200.
John Longshore, first child of David
I A John b Pa in 1803 d 3/18/1877 (death due to a tumor) A 74
Clarinda ____ (b 1807 d 1871 b in N.Y.) d A 64 bd Sunbury,O.
Issue: II
1 David b 1827
2 Aaron b 1829 d 1855 A 26Y
3 Hannah b 1842 d 1864 A 22 Y
I B Cyrus b Pa in 1804 d 1870 of dropsy age 66 bd Trenton Cem.
Margaret (Young) md 6/22/1826.
To give a clear idea of Cyrus and Margaret's life, her biography
is repeated here, although it was used earlier.
"Margaret Longshore, P.O.Condit; was born July 2, 1804,
a dau. of Christian and Sallie (Linderman) Young; her
father settled in Ohio about 1816, and farmed near Galena
until his death in 1838. She was married June 22, 1826,
to Cyrus Longshore, by whom she has had six children,
four are now living; her husband was born Nov. 24, 1804,
in Muskingum Co., Ohio, and came with his parents to
Delaware Co. about 1808, settling west of Sunbury on a
farm owned by Mrs. (Margaret) Longshore; he died May 3, 1870"
Issue: 11 six sons all born Ohio
1 - Jonathan Longshore 1827 -
2 - Minor Longshore 1829-1856
3 - Charles Longshore 1830-1921
4 - Truman Longshore 1833-1913
5 - Harlow A. Longshore 1835-
6 - Isaac Newton Longshore 1839-1920
Cyrus farmed east of Sunbury, between Condit and Vans Valley,
on what is now State Route 605, on a farm now known as the
Ted Gray farm. In the 1860
I-DENTITY (p. 26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to page 24 of I-DENTITY]
Census, his worth was listed as
$5775 Real Estate value and $1000 personal property, which
compared to other listings was quite prosperous for farmers
in the area. Tradition has it that an old Indian used to stop
to visit Cyrus and to trade items for whiskey. The tavern
was just about a half mile away where the Zieschang house is.
The Indian told that there was a silver mine in that are
but none was ever found.
Cyrus Longshore's will follows:
Will of Cyrus Longshore
In the name of the benevolent Father of all
I Cyrus Longshore in view of the certainty of Death
and the uncertainty of life do make and publish this
my last will and testament
Item 1 I direct that after my decease all my just debts and
funeral expenses be paid by my Executors out of my
Item 2 I direct that my beloved wife Margaret Longshore have
the entire use and controll of all my estate boath
real and personal during her natural life
Item 3 I direct that should the rents and incomes of my said
estate be not sufficient for her maintainance and
support in the style in which we are now living that
said estate be sold and so much of the proceed as may
be necessary used for her support as aforesaid
Item 4 I direct that at the death of my said wife my estate
that may be remaining be equally divided among my heirs
as follows
To wit my sons Charles Truman Harlo A. and Isaac
Newton and the heirs of my deceased son J.W. Longshore
Item 5 I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Margaret Long-
shore and my son Truman Longshore my Executors of this
my last will and testament
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this twenty fourth Day of April A.D. one thousand
eight hundred and seventy
Cyrus Longshore (his own signature)
E.H. Dent
John Sinkey
We E.H. Dent and John Sinkey hereby certify
that Cyrus Longshore signed the foregoing
instrument in our presence as his will and
that we signed the same in his presence as
E.H. Dent
John Sinkey
This document was done in beautiful handwriting, with the
punctuation (mostly by spacing), capitalization, and spelling
popular in that period)
[corresponds to page 24 of I-DENTITY]
Census, his worth was listed as
$5775 Real Estate value and $1000 personal property, which
compared to other listings was quite prosperous for farmers
in the area. Tradition has it that an old Indian used to stop
to visit Cyrus and to trade items for whiskey. The tavern
was just about a half mile away where the Zieschang house is.
The Indian told that there was a silver mine in that are
but none was ever found.
Cyrus Longshore's will follows:
Will of Cyrus Longshore
In the name of the benevolent Father of all
I Cyrus Longshore in view of the certainty of Death
and the uncertainty of life do make and publish this
my last will and testament
Item 1 I direct that after my decease all my just debts and
funeral expenses be paid by my Executors out of my
Item 2 I direct that my beloved wife Margaret Longshore have
the entire use and controll of all my estate boath
real and personal during her natural life
Item 3 I direct that should the rents and incomes of my said
estate be not sufficient for her maintainance and
support in the style in which we are now living that
said estate be sold and so much of the proceed as may
be necessary used for her support as aforesaid
Item 4 I direct that at the death of my said wife my estate
that may be remaining be equally divided among my heirs
as follows
To wit my sons Charles Truman Harlo A. and Isaac
Newton and the heirs of my deceased son J.W. Longshore
Item 5 I hereby nominate and appoint my wife Margaret Long-
shore and my son Truman Longshore my Executors of this
my last will and testament
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and
seal this twenty fourth Day of April A.D. one thousand
eight hundred and seventy
Cyrus Longshore (his own signature)
E.H. Dent
John Sinkey
We E.H. Dent and John Sinkey hereby certify
that Cyrus Longshore signed the foregoing
instrument in our presence as his will and
that we signed the same in his presence as
E.H. Dent
John Sinkey
This document was done in beautiful handwriting, with the
punctuation (mostly by spacing), capitalization, and spelling
popular in that period)
I-DENTITY (p. 27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to page 25 of I-DENTITY]
IIB 1 Jonathan Longshore - sone of Cyrus - b 1827 d ____ Born
in Ohio md Clarissa Lewis 1852 (3/1) Delaware Co.,b 1833
Issue III
1 - Volney L. b 1853
2 - Truman D. b 1855
3 - Miles N. b 1857
4 - Ida B. b 1859
5 - Ada b 1859
IIB 2 Minor Longshore - son of Cyrus -b 1829 d 6/15/1856 A 27
md Sarah Clark in 1854 (11/16) in Delaware Co., Ohio
Issue: III
1 - Harold
IIB 3 Charles Longshore - sone of Cyrus - b 11/30/1830 d 3/19/1921
bd Marysville, Union Co., Ohio; he was a Civil War Veteran,
lost a leg in the war and wore a wooden leg. md
Susan Tracy (b Muskingum County, be Marysville). Susan
was a dau of David Tracy
II B - 3 Family of Charles Longshore (sone of Cyrus)
Issue: III
1 - Sidney Longshore
2 - Mary E. Longshore
3 - Jane Longshore
4 - Bertha Longshore
5 - Minor William Longshore
6 - Molly Longshore
7 - Annie Longshore
8 - David Longshore
Note - Glen (grandson of Minor (Tine) and his wife, Cheryl
Longshore, of Salem, Oregon, are also researchers.
They sent the information on the Charles (Cyrus' son)
Longshore family, also the following pictures of Minor
and Janetta Longshore and their young family.
Glen's father, Irven Longshore, remembers his grandfather,
Charles' wooden leg and the fact his father, Minor Wm.
(Tine) played at Murphys's Hill near Sunbury, Ohio, as
a boy. (The Murphys and Trenton Twp. Longshores lived
on farms in the same community. It was always said the
two families emigrated to Ohio about the same time.
Although one of Charles' children was born in Ill. in
1858, and possibly the family lived there at that time,
the family was listed in the Ohio 1860 census with
Charles as a farmer worth $7200 real estate and $1000
personal worth; this rated as very prosperous at that
time in the Delaware County farming community. His
father's worth at that time was
[corresponds to page 25 of I-DENTITY]
IIB 1 Jonathan Longshore - sone of Cyrus - b 1827 d ____ Born
in Ohio md Clarissa Lewis 1852 (3/1) Delaware Co.,b 1833
Issue III
1 - Volney L. b 1853
2 - Truman D. b 1855
3 - Miles N. b 1857
4 - Ida B. b 1859
5 - Ada b 1859
IIB 2 Minor Longshore - son of Cyrus -b 1829 d 6/15/1856 A 27
md Sarah Clark in 1854 (11/16) in Delaware Co., Ohio
Issue: III
1 - Harold
IIB 3 Charles Longshore - sone of Cyrus - b 11/30/1830 d 3/19/1921
bd Marysville, Union Co., Ohio; he was a Civil War Veteran,
lost a leg in the war and wore a wooden leg. md
Susan Tracy (b Muskingum County, be Marysville). Susan
was a dau of David Tracy
II B - 3 Family of Charles Longshore (sone of Cyrus)
Issue: III
1 - Sidney Longshore
2 - Mary E. Longshore
3 - Jane Longshore
4 - Bertha Longshore
5 - Minor William Longshore
6 - Molly Longshore
7 - Annie Longshore
8 - David Longshore
Note - Glen (grandson of Minor (Tine) and his wife, Cheryl
Longshore, of Salem, Oregon, are also researchers.
They sent the information on the Charles (Cyrus' son)
Longshore family, also the following pictures of Minor
and Janetta Longshore and their young family.
Glen's father, Irven Longshore, remembers his grandfather,
Charles' wooden leg and the fact his father, Minor Wm.
(Tine) played at Murphys's Hill near Sunbury, Ohio, as
a boy. (The Murphys and Trenton Twp. Longshores lived
on farms in the same community. It was always said the
two families emigrated to Ohio about the same time.
Although one of Charles' children was born in Ill. in
1858, and possibly the family lived there at that time,
the family was listed in the Ohio 1860 census with
Charles as a farmer worth $7200 real estate and $1000
personal worth; this rated as very prosperous at that
time in the Delaware County farming community. His
father's worth at that time was
I-DENTITY (p. 28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to page 26 of I-DENTITY]
estimated to be $5775.
At any rate, it is known that Charles was married and
a father at the time of the Civil War.
Issue: III
1 - Sidney - no info on this
2 - Mary E. - b 1857
3 - Jane - b 1858 in Illinois md Sivey (1) & Arts (2)
4 - Bertha - b ____ md Raymer
5 - Minor Wm.-b 1861 (more about him later)
6 - Molly - b about 1856 d A 46 4/2/1903 (Longshore
Reunion Book) md Jaunt Grandstaff. Molly
d in Magnetic Springs, Ohio
7 - Annie - b 1871 in Harlem Twp. d A 46 on 11/9/1916
md David Gilbert (Bert) Meddles (d 1921)
8 - Bert - b ____ died age 14
IIB 3 Family of Charles Longshore (son of Cyrus) continued
through Charles' son, Minor Wm. Longshore
IIIB 5 Minor William (Tine) Longshore b 6/9/1861 in Union Co., O.
d 3/29/1943 in Hardin Co., Ohio md Janetta Hites (dau.
of Benjamin and Margaret McGinnis Hites - b 8/26/1870
d 4/6/1898 md Janetta in Richwood, Ohio and both Minor
and Janetta are bd at Roundhead Cemetery, Roundhead, O.
Janetta b McDonald Twp., Hardin Co., Ohio Minor was
md before and his lst wife's and child's names are
unknown but they are bd in Sunbury Cemetery. It is
thought they were either typhoid or TB victims.
Issue: IV 8 children
1 Florence May b 2/6/1899 d 7/8/1937 in Ridgeway, O.
d Russell Point, O. Md Truman Dunn Herring
in 1918
Issue: V Minor, Joan, Russell, Bob Herring
2 Sidney Ray Longshore b 4/28/1902 in McDonald Twp.
Hardin Co., O. md Cloa Orth 12/24/1923 in Kenton, O.
Issue: V Melvin Longshore
3 Carl Clayton Longshore b 5/9/1904 McDonald Twp
spent a year in Kansas where he found his wife
and brought her back here. At one time her
family had lived in a sod house in his yard for
exhibition. As a consequence, there was a big
write-up about it in a Sunday Columbus Dispatch
a couple years ago, and sightseers go to see it.
Prospect, Ohio commissioned him and a crew of men
to build one for display in the Park as a bicentennial
exhibit. He built that one in 11 days. Carl md
Florence Opal Symonton on 9/17/1927 in Colby, Kansas.
[corresponds to page 26 of I-DENTITY]
estimated to be $5775.
At any rate, it is known that Charles was married and
a father at the time of the Civil War.
Issue: III
1 - Sidney - no info on this
2 - Mary E. - b 1857
3 - Jane - b 1858 in Illinois md Sivey (1) & Arts (2)
4 - Bertha - b ____ md Raymer
5 - Minor Wm.-b 1861 (more about him later)
6 - Molly - b about 1856 d A 46 4/2/1903 (Longshore
Reunion Book) md Jaunt Grandstaff. Molly
d in Magnetic Springs, Ohio
7 - Annie - b 1871 in Harlem Twp. d A 46 on 11/9/1916
md David Gilbert (Bert) Meddles (d 1921)
8 - Bert - b ____ died age 14
IIB 3 Family of Charles Longshore (son of Cyrus) continued
through Charles' son, Minor Wm. Longshore
IIIB 5 Minor William (Tine) Longshore b 6/9/1861 in Union Co., O.
d 3/29/1943 in Hardin Co., Ohio md Janetta Hites (dau.
of Benjamin and Margaret McGinnis Hites - b 8/26/1870
d 4/6/1898 md Janetta in Richwood, Ohio and both Minor
and Janetta are bd at Roundhead Cemetery, Roundhead, O.
Janetta b McDonald Twp., Hardin Co., Ohio Minor was
md before and his lst wife's and child's names are
unknown but they are bd in Sunbury Cemetery. It is
thought they were either typhoid or TB victims.
Issue: IV 8 children
1 Florence May b 2/6/1899 d 7/8/1937 in Ridgeway, O.
d Russell Point, O. Md Truman Dunn Herring
in 1918
Issue: V Minor, Joan, Russell, Bob Herring
2 Sidney Ray Longshore b 4/28/1902 in McDonald Twp.
Hardin Co., O. md Cloa Orth 12/24/1923 in Kenton, O.
Issue: V Melvin Longshore
3 Carl Clayton Longshore b 5/9/1904 McDonald Twp
spent a year in Kansas where he found his wife
and brought her back here. At one time her
family had lived in a sod house in his yard for
exhibition. As a consequence, there was a big
write-up about it in a Sunday Columbus Dispatch
a couple years ago, and sightseers go to see it.
Prospect, Ohio commissioned him and a crew of men
to build one for display in the Park as a bicentennial
exhibit. He built that one in 11 days. Carl md
Florence Opal Symonton on 9/17/1927 in Colby, Kansas.
I-DENTITY (p. 29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to page 27 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Minor William (Tine) Longshore continued
Issue: V - Vinita, Ralph, and Carlyne Longshore
1 Vinita b 1928 md Earl Tillman
Issue: VI
1 Larry Tillman b 1948
2 Ralph Longshore b 1931 md Helen Oathodt
Issue: VI
1 Randy b 1966
3 Carlyne Longshore b 3/24/1938 md Garry
Massie No ch.
4 Ethel Longshore md Crew Ferguson
Issue: VI
Robert, Blanche, Dwight, Fred Ferguson
5 Unnamed Boy d age 10 da either 1907/08
6 Irven Roscoe Longshore b 9/19/1909, McDonald Twp,
Hardin Co., Ohio md Vivian Mary Thomas on 6/11/1939
Glendora, Calif.
Issue: V
1 Glen Longshore b Lives in Salem, Oregon
md Cheryl Frad
7 Juanita Gertrude b 8/29/1911 in Huntsville, Ohio
md Wilbur Barnhart
Issue: V Patricia, Lester, Richard Barnhart
8 Perry Elwood Longshore b 5/1/1913 md June Harraman
Issue: V
1 Harold Eugene Longshore b 9/28/1938 md
Issue: VI
1 Cheryl Ann Longshore b 6/21/1958
in Kenton, O. md 5/14/1976 to
Darrell Wampler (11/15/1956) son of
Eugene and Doris Wampler
2 Linda Lee Longshore b 5/10/1960 in
Marysville, Ohio
3 Gary Eugene Longshore b 12/11/1962
in Kenton
4 David Neil Longshore b 8/3/1964 b
in Richwood
5 Harold Eugene Longshore, Jr. 7/28/1968
in Sunbury, O.
2 Barbara Longshore md Clifford Conley
Issue: Timothy Wayne b about 1965, (adopted
when an infant) Conley
3 Nancy Longshore md Bud Yoakam
Issue: VI Mike, Tony, Penny Yoakam
4 Jeannie Longshore md Bob Hildreth
Issue: VI Ricky and Robin
5 Minor LeRoy d infancy
6 Gary Lee Longshore died in infancy
[corresponds to page 27 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Minor William (Tine) Longshore continued
Issue: V - Vinita, Ralph, and Carlyne Longshore
1 Vinita b 1928 md Earl Tillman
Issue: VI
1 Larry Tillman b 1948
2 Ralph Longshore b 1931 md Helen Oathodt
Issue: VI
1 Randy b 1966
3 Carlyne Longshore b 3/24/1938 md Garry
Massie No ch.
4 Ethel Longshore md Crew Ferguson
Issue: VI
Robert, Blanche, Dwight, Fred Ferguson
5 Unnamed Boy d age 10 da either 1907/08
6 Irven Roscoe Longshore b 9/19/1909, McDonald Twp,
Hardin Co., Ohio md Vivian Mary Thomas on 6/11/1939
Glendora, Calif.
Issue: V
1 Glen Longshore b Lives in Salem, Oregon
md Cheryl Frad
7 Juanita Gertrude b 8/29/1911 in Huntsville, Ohio
md Wilbur Barnhart
Issue: V Patricia, Lester, Richard Barnhart
8 Perry Elwood Longshore b 5/1/1913 md June Harraman
Issue: V
1 Harold Eugene Longshore b 9/28/1938 md
Issue: VI
1 Cheryl Ann Longshore b 6/21/1958
in Kenton, O. md 5/14/1976 to
Darrell Wampler (11/15/1956) son of
Eugene and Doris Wampler
2 Linda Lee Longshore b 5/10/1960 in
Marysville, Ohio
3 Gary Eugene Longshore b 12/11/1962
in Kenton
4 David Neil Longshore b 8/3/1964 b
in Richwood
5 Harold Eugene Longshore, Jr. 7/28/1968
in Sunbury, O.
2 Barbara Longshore md Clifford Conley
Issue: Timothy Wayne b about 1965, (adopted
when an infant) Conley
3 Nancy Longshore md Bud Yoakam
Issue: VI Mike, Tony, Penny Yoakam
4 Jeannie Longshore md Bob Hildreth
Issue: VI Ricky and Robin
5 Minor LeRoy d infancy
6 Gary Lee Longshore died in infancy
I-DENTITY (p. 30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to page 28 of I-DENTITY]
The Family of Cyrus (IB) continues.
Truman Longshore is the fourth son of Cyrus and should
come next but because his line is so prolific, it seems best
to skip him for the moment and compile his two younger brothers
II B 5 Harlow A. Longshore, fifth son of Cyrus, b 1835 d ____
He married Massa Linnabary ( b 1843) on 2/8/1864
According to deed transfers at Del. Co. C H in Ohio,
Harlow and wife, Massa, purchased land from Sarah E.
Longshore (probably Mrs. David Jr.) in 1866 and in
1870 sold this same land to Cyrus Longshore, his father.
Evidently they then moved from the area and no further
trace has been found to date, by this compiler. In the
1860 Census, he was age 25, living in his father's
house, farming.
II B 6 Issac Newton Longshore b 6/14/1839 d 5/11/1920 bd Trenton
Md Angeline T. Bourne (1840-1936) on 11/23/1865. In
the 1880 HISTORY OF DELAWARE CO. by Baskins, it says
that I.N. Longshore was very active in the Christian
Union Church (Bethel, in Licking Co.), of which he was
an Elder and Superintendent of Sunday Schools. The
biography also states he once carried mail from Johns-
town to Newark daily for one year, worked as a carpen-
ter for years, but mostly he farmed. Angeline was
born in Ohio just one year after her parents, Almerian
and Elizabeth (Jewett) Bourn who were born in Mass.,
came to Ohio in 1839. "After marriage, I.N. and Angeline
settled on the old homestead where their resident still
is (in 1880). (This is where the Harvey McElroy farm
now is on Ross Rd., Trenton Twp.) In May of 1880, I.N.
sold his farm for $1000. cash and soon after bought one
of 47 acres at $60.00 an acre from A. C. Bowers; he
also worked 83 acres of his mother's (Cyrus' and Margaret's)
farm." In late years he retired to a house and lot in
Condit across from the schoolhouse and cemetery. His
son, Seth, then took over the farming.
Issue III: Alvey Seth and Mark
1 - Alvey Seth b. 1867 died 1953 md Estella M. (1872-1952)
both buried in Trenton Cemetery, Condit, Ohio. Seth was a farmer.
[corresponds to page 28 of I-DENTITY]
The Family of Cyrus (IB) continues.
Truman Longshore is the fourth son of Cyrus and should
come next but because his line is so prolific, it seems best
to skip him for the moment and compile his two younger brothers
II B 5 Harlow A. Longshore, fifth son of Cyrus, b 1835 d ____
He married Massa Linnabary ( b 1843) on 2/8/1864
According to deed transfers at Del. Co. C H in Ohio,
Harlow and wife, Massa, purchased land from Sarah E.
Longshore (probably Mrs. David Jr.) in 1866 and in
1870 sold this same land to Cyrus Longshore, his father.
Evidently they then moved from the area and no further
trace has been found to date, by this compiler. In the
1860 Census, he was age 25, living in his father's
house, farming.
II B 6 Issac Newton Longshore b 6/14/1839 d 5/11/1920 bd Trenton
Md Angeline T. Bourne (1840-1936) on 11/23/1865. In
the 1880 HISTORY OF DELAWARE CO. by Baskins, it says
that I.N. Longshore was very active in the Christian
Union Church (Bethel, in Licking Co.), of which he was
an Elder and Superintendent of Sunday Schools. The
biography also states he once carried mail from Johns-
town to Newark daily for one year, worked as a carpen-
ter for years, but mostly he farmed. Angeline was
born in Ohio just one year after her parents, Almerian
and Elizabeth (Jewett) Bourn who were born in Mass.,
came to Ohio in 1839. "After marriage, I.N. and Angeline
settled on the old homestead where their resident still
is (in 1880). (This is where the Harvey McElroy farm
now is on Ross Rd., Trenton Twp.) In May of 1880, I.N.
sold his farm for $1000. cash and soon after bought one
of 47 acres at $60.00 an acre from A. C. Bowers; he
also worked 83 acres of his mother's (Cyrus' and Margaret's)
farm." In late years he retired to a house and lot in
Condit across from the schoolhouse and cemetery. His
son, Seth, then took over the farming.
Issue III: Alvey Seth and Mark
1 - Alvey Seth b. 1867 died 1953 md Estella M. (1872-1952)
both buried in Trenton Cemetery, Condit, Ohio. Seth was a farmer.
I-DENTITY (p. 31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to page 29 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the family of Isaac Newton, the 6th child of Cyrus, Seth and Estella
Longshore family
Issue IV Eva, Von, Fern, and Iva Longshore
1 - Eva Longshore b 1891 on 10/26/1923 md Grover
Gorsuch (d 1/28/1971)
Issue V:
1 - Ceeta Gorsuch b 12/4/1927 md on 12/23/1951 to
Lawrence J. Sillan live in Newark
Issue VI:
1 - Robert Emory Sillan b 9/1952
2 - Diane Sillan b 1957
2 - Von Longshore b 1896 md Clifton Feasel 10/19/1922
live in Condit, Ohio no ch.
[obituary: Lucile Bailey]
3 - Fern b 1893 d 1979 md. Harry Cornell on 6/19/1913
Harry died 1963 from effects of a paralyzing stroke
a few years earlier. He was a school bus driver
and later a railroader. They had lived in Trenton
Twp., Mt. Vernon, and in late years during his
invalidism, they lived with son, Alva, in Cincinnati,
where Fern kept house for him and his motherless
daughters. Harry died there.
[obituary: Fern Elizabeth Cornell]
Issue: V: Lucille Cornell and Alva Clay Cornell
1 - Lucille Cornell b 4/20/1914 md Dale Bailey
They live in Trenton Twp. Dale Bailey
recently retired as Landmark County Manager
Issue: VI- Marvin, Joan, Mary Lou
1. Marvin Bailey b 8/20/1935 md Gwendolyn
in 1955 Marvin is an employee of Landmark
Inc. They live in Delaware, Ohio
Issue: VII Bruce, Keith, Steve Bailey
1 - Bruce Bailey b 9/3/1956
2 - Keith Bailey b 9/5/1958
3 - Steve Bailey b 1/29/1960
2 - Joan Bailey b 5/20/1937 md Richard Moore on
5/29/1955, Richard farms near Johnstown
Issue: VII Don, Carolyn, Dianne, Linda, Connie Moore
[corresponds to page 29 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the family of Isaac Newton, the 6th child of Cyrus, Seth and Estella
Longshore family
Issue IV Eva, Von, Fern, and Iva Longshore
1 - Eva Longshore b 1891 on 10/26/1923 md Grover
Gorsuch (d 1/28/1971)
Issue V:
1 - Ceeta Gorsuch b 12/4/1927 md on 12/23/1951 to
Lawrence J. Sillan live in Newark
Issue VI:
1 - Robert Emory Sillan b 9/1952
2 - Diane Sillan b 1957
2 - Von Longshore b 1896 md Clifton Feasel 10/19/1922
live in Condit, Ohio no ch.
[obituary: Lucile Bailey]
3 - Fern b 1893 d 1979 md. Harry Cornell on 6/19/1913
Harry died 1963 from effects of a paralyzing stroke
a few years earlier. He was a school bus driver
and later a railroader. They had lived in Trenton
Twp., Mt. Vernon, and in late years during his
invalidism, they lived with son, Alva, in Cincinnati,
where Fern kept house for him and his motherless
daughters. Harry died there.
[obituary: Fern Elizabeth Cornell]
Issue: V: Lucille Cornell and Alva Clay Cornell
1 - Lucille Cornell b 4/20/1914 md Dale Bailey
They live in Trenton Twp. Dale Bailey
recently retired as Landmark County Manager
Issue: VI- Marvin, Joan, Mary Lou
1. Marvin Bailey b 8/20/1935 md Gwendolyn
in 1955 Marvin is an employee of Landmark
Inc. They live in Delaware, Ohio
Issue: VII Bruce, Keith, Steve Bailey
1 - Bruce Bailey b 9/3/1956
2 - Keith Bailey b 9/5/1958
3 - Steve Bailey b 1/29/1960
2 - Joan Bailey b 5/20/1937 md Richard Moore on
5/29/1955, Richard farms near Johnstown
Issue: VII Don, Carolyn, Dianne, Linda, Connie Moore
I-DENTITY (p. 32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to page 30 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the family of Isaac Newton, the 6th child of Cyrus-Family of
Seth and Estella descendants.
[obituary: Forest Dale Bailey]
3 - Mary Lou Bailey b 1/17/1940 md Ted C. Harper
They live in Columbus
Issue VI-
1 - Kenny Dale Harper b 4/23/1964
2 - Lee Orva Harper b 8/23/1965
II B 6 V 2 - Alva Clay Cornell b 9/26/1917 md Ruth McKenzie
(III 1) on 2/19/1943
Issue VI-
1 - Charles David Cornell b 1/16/1944 to Ruth
Alva and Ruth divorced
Alva md Iola Frye (d in 1961)
2 - Alice Jean Cornell b 5/29/1953
3 - Phyllis Marie Cornell b 5/29/1953
Alva md Bina Von Bolborth on 1/3/1969
No children. They live in Cincinnati, Ohio
IV 4 Iva Longshore b. md Harold Bailey on 9/30/1920
He farms. They live on Trenton Rd. in Harlem Twp.
Delaware County, Ohio
Issue V- Marcella Bailey
1 - Marcella Bailey b 5/9/1921 md Forrest Earl
Edwards in 1937 Divorced
Issue VI Forrest LeRoy (Jack Edwards b
Marcella md2 George Lynn in 1942 and live Trenton
Twp. Delaware County, Ohio
Issue VI Carolyn Sue Lynn and Peggy Lorraine
1 - Carolyn Sue Lynn b 5/29/1947
md Robert Smith in 1965
Issue VII:
1 - Bobby Smith
2 - Jodie Smith
3 - Shelly Smith
4 - Jennifer Smith
2 - Peggy Lorraine Lynn b 9/28/1950
Md Robert Berridge live in Harlem
Twp. Delaware County
Issue VII:
1 - Valerie Berridge
2 - Patricia Berridge
Issue III - Mark b. 1868- There is a great mystery in connection with Mark. As a young
man, he suddenly decided to take a trip; later writing an affectionate letteer from
Wisconsin to his parents expressing regret as to necessary for the trip but still not
explaining it. He was never heard from again. His grieving family and fiance could only
believe he had met with foul play somewhere.
[corresponds to page 30 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the family of Isaac Newton, the 6th child of Cyrus-Family of
Seth and Estella descendants.
[obituary: Forest Dale Bailey]
3 - Mary Lou Bailey b 1/17/1940 md Ted C. Harper
They live in Columbus
Issue VI-
1 - Kenny Dale Harper b 4/23/1964
2 - Lee Orva Harper b 8/23/1965
II B 6 V 2 - Alva Clay Cornell b 9/26/1917 md Ruth McKenzie
(III 1) on 2/19/1943
Issue VI-
1 - Charles David Cornell b 1/16/1944 to Ruth
Alva and Ruth divorced
Alva md Iola Frye (d in 1961)
2 - Alice Jean Cornell b 5/29/1953
3 - Phyllis Marie Cornell b 5/29/1953
Alva md Bina Von Bolborth on 1/3/1969
No children. They live in Cincinnati, Ohio
IV 4 Iva Longshore b. md Harold Bailey on 9/30/1920
He farms. They live on Trenton Rd. in Harlem Twp.
Delaware County, Ohio
Issue V- Marcella Bailey
1 - Marcella Bailey b 5/9/1921 md Forrest Earl
Edwards in 1937 Divorced
Issue VI Forrest LeRoy (Jack Edwards b
Marcella md2 George Lynn in 1942 and live Trenton
Twp. Delaware County, Ohio
Issue VI Carolyn Sue Lynn and Peggy Lorraine
1 - Carolyn Sue Lynn b 5/29/1947
md Robert Smith in 1965
Issue VII:
1 - Bobby Smith
2 - Jodie Smith
3 - Shelly Smith
4 - Jennifer Smith
2 - Peggy Lorraine Lynn b 9/28/1950
Md Robert Berridge live in Harlem
Twp. Delaware County
Issue VII:
1 - Valerie Berridge
2 - Patricia Berridge
Issue III - Mark b. 1868- There is a great mystery in connection with Mark. As a young
man, he suddenly decided to take a trip; later writing an affectionate letteer from
Wisconsin to his parents expressing regret as to necessary for the trip but still not
explaining it. He was never heard from again. His grieving family and fiance could only
believe he had met with foul play somewhere.
I-DENTITY (p. 33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to page 31 of I-DENTITY]
Carlyle once said that "History is the essense of innumerable
biographies". An appropriate follow-up might be a statement
by Longfellow in which he said, "We judge ourselves by what
we feel capable of doing, while we judge others by what they
have done." Oft times later generations can be inspired by the
achievements of those gone on before or be put on guard by their
failures. We cannot rest on the laurels of our ancestors; neither
are we held to account for their deeds; we can rise above or sink
below their character, but the fact remains we are a composite
of our ancestors and that is why Susie may "take after" Aunt Mary
or Johnny after Uncle Joe or Granddad. Strange how the genes
After the death of Truman's 2nd wife, Lucretia, in 1881, Truman brought
his motherless children back to Ohio and he never went out west again. The
children were taken in by various family members until old enough to go on their
own. Since Harriet (Longshore) and her husband, George Ginn, only had one child,
Elmine, at home they took 14 year old Milo into their home. One day when Milo
was near 18 years of age, he went downtown to get a loaf of bread for his aunt.
Two years later he returned and tossed a loaf of bread on the table, saying,
"Here's your loaf of bread!"
The 2nd time he left he kept in contact with them. The Ginns also had been
in Iowas for three years but George become so homesick they came back to Ohio.
This was prior to Truman's tragedy.
When Clem Longshore, along with his parents, Truman and Lucretia and their
family were traveling out west from Ohio, they used a flat bed wagon. They
had a team of horses, two cows, one sow, and a dog. On the wagon was a bed,
dresser, and two stoves. The womenfolk rode on the wagon and drove the team
while the father and sons walked. When they came to a cabin, it was customary
for that family to provide accommodations for the travelers. They fed the
family and livestock. The men of the house went outside and slept under the
wagon with the traveling men while the women all slept inside the house.
When the Longshores arrived at their destination, they turned the horses
out to pasture. The horses ran off toward home with the dog. The dog made it
on home but the horses stopped at the "big river". Later the horses were found
beside a large river (which lay on the homeward route) which evidently they
were reluctant to cross. A postcard informed the
Longshores of the horses' whereabouts. Truman took a train to retrieve the
[corresponds to page 31 of I-DENTITY]
Carlyle once said that "History is the essense of innumerable
biographies". An appropriate follow-up might be a statement
by Longfellow in which he said, "We judge ourselves by what
we feel capable of doing, while we judge others by what they
have done." Oft times later generations can be inspired by the
achievements of those gone on before or be put on guard by their
failures. We cannot rest on the laurels of our ancestors; neither
are we held to account for their deeds; we can rise above or sink
below their character, but the fact remains we are a composite
of our ancestors and that is why Susie may "take after" Aunt Mary
or Johnny after Uncle Joe or Granddad. Strange how the genes
After the death of Truman's 2nd wife, Lucretia, in 1881, Truman brought
his motherless children back to Ohio and he never went out west again. The
children were taken in by various family members until old enough to go on their
own. Since Harriet (Longshore) and her husband, George Ginn, only had one child,
Elmine, at home they took 14 year old Milo into their home. One day when Milo
was near 18 years of age, he went downtown to get a loaf of bread for his aunt.
Two years later he returned and tossed a loaf of bread on the table, saying,
"Here's your loaf of bread!"
The 2nd time he left he kept in contact with them. The Ginns also had been
in Iowas for three years but George become so homesick they came back to Ohio.
This was prior to Truman's tragedy.
When Clem Longshore, along with his parents, Truman and Lucretia and their
family were traveling out west from Ohio, they used a flat bed wagon. They
had a team of horses, two cows, one sow, and a dog. On the wagon was a bed,
dresser, and two stoves. The womenfolk rode on the wagon and drove the team
while the father and sons walked. When they came to a cabin, it was customary
for that family to provide accommodations for the travelers. They fed the
family and livestock. The men of the house went outside and slept under the
wagon with the traveling men while the women all slept inside the house.
When the Longshores arrived at their destination, they turned the horses
out to pasture. The horses ran off toward home with the dog. The dog made it
on home but the horses stopped at the "big river". Later the horses were found
beside a large river (which lay on the homeward route) which evidently they
were reluctant to cross. A postcard informed the
Longshores of the horses' whereabouts. Truman took a train to retrieve the
I-DENTITY (p. 34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to page 32 of I-DENTITY]
You got it from your father,
It was all he had to give,
So it's yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live.
If you abuse the watch he gave you,
It can always be replaced,
But a black mark on your name,
Can never be erased.
It was clean the day he gave it
And a worthy name to bear,
When you got it from your father
There was no dishonor there.
So make sure you guard it wisely, for
After all is said and done,
You'll be glad the name is spotless
When you give it to your son.
[corresponds to page 32 of I-DENTITY]
You got it from your father,
It was all he had to give,
So it's yours to use and cherish
For as long as you may live.
If you abuse the watch he gave you,
It can always be replaced,
But a black mark on your name,
Can never be erased.
It was clean the day he gave it
And a worthy name to bear,
When you got it from your father
There was no dishonor there.
So make sure you guard it wisely, for
After all is said and done,
You'll be glad the name is spotless
When you give it to your son.
I-DENTITY (p. 35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to page 34 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore
Fourth Son of Cyrus Longshore II B4
The Truman Longshore line is being recorded out of sequence of Cyrus'
sons because his family seemed to be more prolific, plus the fact he and most
of his Ohio ancestors and their descendants remained or still live in the
particular area where this compiler lives. Therefore, information is more
accessible as well as personal knowledge and contact with the subjects and
availability of resource material gives more insight to this line. Every effort has
been made to research the other lines and all submitted material has been
appreciated and used. Consequently an abundance of data follows: possibly Job
14:1-9 expresses what he may have felt at times: "Man is born of woman, is of
few days, and full of trouble."
Truman was one of the four, out of six, sons who survived his father,
Cyrus; Jonathan and Minor having died before 1870. He and his mother,
Margaret were executors of Cyrus' will. Truman was sort of a jack-of-all-trades,
having farmed a great amount, he was a competent teamster, operated a
sawmill and tile mill, et cetera. He must have been somewhat of an adventurer
considering that he got around considerably for that day of poor traveling
facilities. The railroad came to Delaware in 1851 and it was called the "Big Four"
since it ran through Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis, and
Truman could have used its accommodations some of the time. At any rate, get
around he did, whether by horseback, carriage, stagecoach, covered wagon, or
by rail. To travel by any of these methods required super desire, courage, a
strong constitution, and perseverance! Truman may have been enticed to
pursue greener pastures by the lectures of Horace Greeley who was a journalist
and politician who went around over the country lecturing with the clarion call
"Go west, young man!" hinting of riches and acclaim that lay just beyond for
the going and claiming. It is known that some of Truman's Longshore cousins
also answered this call and went West; perhaps forming a wagon train.
Rumblings from some of the wives' grumblings are still being heard of, such as;
"Haint no sense to it at all!" The women were content with their lot in life right
where they were. The gold rush of 1849 (although Truman at 14 was too young
to embark at that time) may have had some appeal although there is no record
of any Longshore having found gold! Some of the Longshores must have found
something they liked in Illinois and Iowa because some went and stayed. Most
of them eventually came back to Ohio and their roots here.
It is known that Truman found his first wife, Larusia Bouier, in Peoria,
Illinois in 1859. Most likely he lived out there farming before and in the early
part of his marriage. His son, Clem, many times told the story of his father's
second move out to Illinois. They went by covered wagon. In the late fall, they
turned the horses out to open pasture as was the custom there. The horses and
dog must have been homesick because they ran off toward Ohio. Later the
horses were found beside a large river (which lay on the homeward route)
which evidently they were reluctant to cross. The dog left them (as compared to
Ohio's at that time) and said that one time he harrowed corn all day and didn't
get over the field.
[corresponds to page 34 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore
Fourth Son of Cyrus Longshore II B4
The Truman Longshore line is being recorded out of sequence of Cyrus'
sons because his family seemed to be more prolific, plus the fact he and most
of his Ohio ancestors and their descendants remained or still live in the
particular area where this compiler lives. Therefore, information is more
accessible as well as personal knowledge and contact with the subjects and
availability of resource material gives more insight to this line. Every effort has
been made to research the other lines and all submitted material has been
appreciated and used. Consequently an abundance of data follows: possibly Job
14:1-9 expresses what he may have felt at times: "Man is born of woman, is of
few days, and full of trouble."
Truman was one of the four, out of six, sons who survived his father,
Cyrus; Jonathan and Minor having died before 1870. He and his mother,
Margaret were executors of Cyrus' will. Truman was sort of a jack-of-all-trades,
having farmed a great amount, he was a competent teamster, operated a
sawmill and tile mill, et cetera. He must have been somewhat of an adventurer
considering that he got around considerably for that day of poor traveling
facilities. The railroad came to Delaware in 1851 and it was called the "Big Four"
since it ran through Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Indianapolis, and
Truman could have used its accommodations some of the time. At any rate, get
around he did, whether by horseback, carriage, stagecoach, covered wagon, or
by rail. To travel by any of these methods required super desire, courage, a
strong constitution, and perseverance! Truman may have been enticed to
pursue greener pastures by the lectures of Horace Greeley who was a journalist
and politician who went around over the country lecturing with the clarion call
"Go west, young man!" hinting of riches and acclaim that lay just beyond for
the going and claiming. It is known that some of Truman's Longshore cousins
also answered this call and went West; perhaps forming a wagon train.
Rumblings from some of the wives' grumblings are still being heard of, such as;
"Haint no sense to it at all!" The women were content with their lot in life right
where they were. The gold rush of 1849 (although Truman at 14 was too young
to embark at that time) may have had some appeal although there is no record
of any Longshore having found gold! Some of the Longshores must have found
something they liked in Illinois and Iowa because some went and stayed. Most
of them eventually came back to Ohio and their roots here.
It is known that Truman found his first wife, Larusia Bouier, in Peoria,
Illinois in 1859. Most likely he lived out there farming before and in the early
part of his marriage. His son, Clem, many times told the story of his father's
second move out to Illinois. They went by covered wagon. In the late fall, they
turned the horses out to open pasture as was the custom there. The horses and
dog must have been homesick because they ran off toward Ohio. Later the
horses were found beside a large river (which lay on the homeward route)
which evidently they were reluctant to cross. The dog left them (as compared to
Ohio's at that time) and said that one time he harrowed corn all day and didn't
get over the field.
I-DENTITY (p. 36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to page 35 of I-DENTITY]
It is thought that the first three of Truman's children
were born in Ohio and the other five in Illinois. It is re-
corded that Will was born in Ohio and that Clem was born in
a log house on his grandfather Cyrus' farm - possibly the tenant
house, in 1865. Truman was back in Ohio at that time and also
in 1870 at the time of his father's death. Larusia had died
the year before at age 35. She is buried at Condit, Ohio. In
1871, Truman married Lucretia [underlined] Peters. A copy of her father's
biography follows: Also taken from Baskins 1880 Delaware County
History --
Daniel H. Peters, farmer and stockraiser; P.O. Green,
Licking County, Ohio is a son of William and Sarah
(Bashford) Peters; his father was of English descent,
and born in Maryland; his mother of Irish descent;
her father was from Cork, Ireland. Mr. Peters's father
emigrated to Ohio about 1816, and his grandfather came
to America in 1808, and served awhile in the War of
1812. Mr. Peters was born Jun 26, 1820, in Pickaway
County, Ohio and came to Licking Co., in April, 1822.
Nov. 27, 1842, he was married to Miss R. Iles; she
was born in Licking Co.; they had nine children -
Sarah J., Lucretia, James W. Effie, Oliver, Emma,
William P., Melissa, and Martha. His wife died Oct. 6,
1863; she was a member of the M.E. Church. Daniel
was again married, in 1864, to Mary A., daughter of
Edward and Mary Lake, by whom he had six children;
five living - Rose D., Frank J., Milton H., Mark M.,
William S. and John M who died Nov. 21, 1869. He
(Daniel) lived, after marriage in Licking Co. four
years and then rented his present farm of 124 acres,
which he bought two years afterward. About 1859,
he learned the carpenter's trade, and has thus been
enabled to make his own farm improvements; in 1864, he
commenced dealing in Spanish merino sheep, which he
supplies to those wanting at fair prices; he has
filled his share of the township offices, and is now
a member of the Christian Union Church, as are also
five members of his family. He has served as Supt. of
Sunday School for 25 yrs, and many years as Elder.
This church now has membershp of 100. He is a
member of Sparrow Lodge, No. 400, A.F.& M.
According to a granddaughter, Daniel Peters score of children
reached 17!
(Daniel H. Peters: June 26, 1820 - Aug 23, 1900 Mary I. Iles: Jan. 17, 1840 -
Nov. 10, 1900 b d in Wapello Cemetery, Iowa
After 1871, Truman and Lucretia moved to Ill. with his
family of three sons: William, Edson B., and Clem. Soon Dean,
Mae, Newton, Milo, and Nellie joined the throng. But again
tragedy struck when Lucretia died in 1881 at age 36. A broken
man returend to Ohio with a ['covered' crossed out] wagon load of motherless
children. Will, the eldest at 21, returned to the West and was
married that fall. It is thought that he kept 2 year old Nellie
and Newt, age 7. It is not known what 19 yr old Edson did but
Clem at age 16 was old enough to do a man's work so he lived
with his father's uncle, Warner and Cordelia and daughter, Mary,
on the farm. Cordelia passed away in 1882 so then the spinster
daughter, Mary, kept house for her father and Clem. Warner's
[corresponds to page 35 of I-DENTITY]
It is thought that the first three of Truman's children
were born in Ohio and the other five in Illinois. It is re-
corded that Will was born in Ohio and that Clem was born in
a log house on his grandfather Cyrus' farm - possibly the tenant
house, in 1865. Truman was back in Ohio at that time and also
in 1870 at the time of his father's death. Larusia had died
the year before at age 35. She is buried at Condit, Ohio. In
1871, Truman married Lucretia [underlined] Peters. A copy of her father's
biography follows: Also taken from Baskins 1880 Delaware County
History --
Daniel H. Peters, farmer and stockraiser; P.O. Green,
Licking County, Ohio is a son of William and Sarah
(Bashford) Peters; his father was of English descent,
and born in Maryland; his mother of Irish descent;
her father was from Cork, Ireland. Mr. Peters's father
emigrated to Ohio about 1816, and his grandfather came
to America in 1808, and served awhile in the War of
1812. Mr. Peters was born Jun 26, 1820, in Pickaway
County, Ohio and came to Licking Co., in April, 1822.
Nov. 27, 1842, he was married to Miss R. Iles; she
was born in Licking Co.; they had nine children -
Sarah J., Lucretia, James W. Effie, Oliver, Emma,
William P., Melissa, and Martha. His wife died Oct. 6,
1863; she was a member of the M.E. Church. Daniel
was again married, in 1864, to Mary A., daughter of
Edward and Mary Lake, by whom he had six children;
five living - Rose D., Frank J., Milton H., Mark M.,
William S. and John M who died Nov. 21, 1869. He
(Daniel) lived, after marriage in Licking Co. four
years and then rented his present farm of 124 acres,
which he bought two years afterward. About 1859,
he learned the carpenter's trade, and has thus been
enabled to make his own farm improvements; in 1864, he
commenced dealing in Spanish merino sheep, which he
supplies to those wanting at fair prices; he has
filled his share of the township offices, and is now
a member of the Christian Union Church, as are also
five members of his family. He has served as Supt. of
Sunday School for 25 yrs, and many years as Elder.
This church now has membershp of 100. He is a
member of Sparrow Lodge, No. 400, A.F.& M.
According to a granddaughter, Daniel Peters score of children
reached 17!
(Daniel H. Peters: June 26, 1820 - Aug 23, 1900 Mary I. Iles: Jan. 17, 1840 -
Nov. 10, 1900 b d in Wapello Cemetery, Iowa
After 1871, Truman and Lucretia moved to Ill. with his
family of three sons: William, Edson B., and Clem. Soon Dean,
Mae, Newton, Milo, and Nellie joined the throng. But again
tragedy struck when Lucretia died in 1881 at age 36. A broken
man returend to Ohio with a ['covered' crossed out] wagon load of motherless
children. Will, the eldest at 21, returned to the West and was
married that fall. It is thought that he kept 2 year old Nellie
and Newt, age 7. It is not known what 19 yr old Edson did but
Clem at age 16 was old enough to do a man's work so he lived
with his father's uncle, Warner and Cordelia and daughter, Mary,
on the farm. Cordelia passed away in 1882 so then the spinster
daughter, Mary, kept house for her father and Clem. Warner's
I-DENTITY (p. 37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to page 36 of I-DENTITY]
Harriett and her husband George Ginn, having only one (at home)
child, Elmine aged 9, took five year old Milo to raise. Mae,
who was eight went to live with a sister of Lucretia's in Mich.
It is not known where Dean, aged 9, stayed, but when he turned 18
he went to Iowa where he settled. So, compassionate relatives
"took in" the children and it was such a commendable thing to do.
Everyone did the best they could but still the family circle was
broken. However the family, though scattered hither and yon,
remained close in spirit and all kept in touch, visiting each as
often as possible. Most of them eventually settled in Central
Ohio. Truman did not set up housekeeping again until Mae was
old enough to keep house for him. He then purchased a place
in Olive Green in 1886. At that time a Doc Foster and Truman
became business partners in a tile mill. All went well until
Doc decided to shoot himself dead in a tile kiln. Just one more
upheaval in Truman's life. He lived to age 78 and died in 1913.
All of his children lived long lives except Nellie, who died
at 35. The others averaged out to over 78; Clem lived to be
the oldest-passing on at age 90 in 1955.
Reading of the trauma that went on in these families' lives
reminds one of Elizabeth Akers Allen's poem:
Rock Me to Sleep
Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight,
Make me a child again, just for tonight!
Mother, come back from the echoless shore,
Take me again to your heart as of yore;
Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care,
Smooth a few silver threads out of my hair;
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep;--
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
I am so weary of toil and of tears;
Toil without recompense,
Tears all in vain;
Take them, and give me my childhood again!
I have grown weary of dust and decay, -
Weary of flinging my soul wealth away;
Weary of sowing for others to reap; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Elizabeth Akers Allen's poem, "Rock Me to Sleep"
3rd verse
Tired of the follow, the base, the untrue,
Mother, O Mother, my heart calls for you!
Many a summer the grass has grown green,
Blossomed and faded, our faces between;
Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain,
Long I tonight for your presence again.
Come from the silence so long and so deep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Over my heart in the days that are flown,
No love like mother love ever has shown;
No other worship abides and endures,
Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours;
None like a mother can charm away pain
From the sick soul, and the world-weary brain,
[corresponds to page 36 of I-DENTITY]
Harriett and her husband George Ginn, having only one (at home)
child, Elmine aged 9, took five year old Milo to raise. Mae,
who was eight went to live with a sister of Lucretia's in Mich.
It is not known where Dean, aged 9, stayed, but when he turned 18
he went to Iowa where he settled. So, compassionate relatives
"took in" the children and it was such a commendable thing to do.
Everyone did the best they could but still the family circle was
broken. However the family, though scattered hither and yon,
remained close in spirit and all kept in touch, visiting each as
often as possible. Most of them eventually settled in Central
Ohio. Truman did not set up housekeeping again until Mae was
old enough to keep house for him. He then purchased a place
in Olive Green in 1886. At that time a Doc Foster and Truman
became business partners in a tile mill. All went well until
Doc decided to shoot himself dead in a tile kiln. Just one more
upheaval in Truman's life. He lived to age 78 and died in 1913.
All of his children lived long lives except Nellie, who died
at 35. The others averaged out to over 78; Clem lived to be
the oldest-passing on at age 90 in 1955.
Reading of the trauma that went on in these families' lives
reminds one of Elizabeth Akers Allen's poem:
Rock Me to Sleep
Backward, turn backward, O Time in your flight,
Make me a child again, just for tonight!
Mother, come back from the echoless shore,
Take me again to your heart as of yore;
Kiss from my forehead the furrows of care,
Smooth a few silver threads out of my hair;
Over my slumbers your loving watch keep;--
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
I am so weary of toil and of tears;
Toil without recompense,
Tears all in vain;
Take them, and give me my childhood again!
I have grown weary of dust and decay, -
Weary of flinging my soul wealth away;
Weary of sowing for others to reap; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Elizabeth Akers Allen's poem, "Rock Me to Sleep"
3rd verse
Tired of the follow, the base, the untrue,
Mother, O Mother, my heart calls for you!
Many a summer the grass has grown green,
Blossomed and faded, our faces between;
Yet with strong yearning and passionate pain,
Long I tonight for your presence again.
Come from the silence so long and so deep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Over my heart in the days that are flown,
No love like mother love ever has shown;
No other worship abides and endures,
Faithful, unselfish, and patient like yours;
None like a mother can charm away pain
From the sick soul, and the world-weary brain,
I-DENTITY (p. 38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to page 37 of I-DENTITY]
Slumber's soft calm o'er my heavy lids creep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Come let your brown hair, just lighted with gold;
Fall on your shoulders again, as of old;
Let it drop over my forehead tonight,
Shading my faint eyes away from the light;
For with its sunny edged shadows once more,
Happily will throng the sweet visions of yore;
Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Mother, dear Mother, the years have been long
Since I last listened your lullaby song;
Sing, then unto my soul it shall seem
Womanhood's years have been only a dream;
Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace,
With your light lashes just sweeping my face,
Never hereafter to wake or to weep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
This poem was found in McGuffey's Fifth Reader Revised. It
is familiar to the scholars of that era. Many committed it
to memory.
The data on the Truman Longshore line was supplied mostly by
Harold Longshore, son of Homer, and his mother, Bessie, who
live in Wapello, Iowa. They have come to the Longshore reunions
throughout the years whenever possible and every year recently.
They have contributed greatly to the over-all effort to "keep
in touch".
The Family of Truman Longshore
Fourth Son of Cyrus Longshore
IB II 4 Truman Longshore b 11/6/1835 d 1/16/1913 md in 1859 to
Larusia Bouier (from Peoria Ill.- b 1834 d 2/20/1869 A 35) both
bd Trenton Cemetery, Condit, Ohio
Issue III:
1 - William Armanthus Longshore
2 - Edson B. Longshore
3 - Steven Clement Longshore
III- 2 Edson B. Longshore b 11/6/1863 d 7/19/1944 md Jane
Ham in 1909 Jane died 7/22/1913 No issue
Edson married Edna Ward on 8/21/1918 Edna d 8/4/1967
No issue
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch.
[corresponds to page 37 of I-DENTITY]
Slumber's soft calm o'er my heavy lids creep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Come let your brown hair, just lighted with gold;
Fall on your shoulders again, as of old;
Let it drop over my forehead tonight,
Shading my faint eyes away from the light;
For with its sunny edged shadows once more,
Happily will throng the sweet visions of yore;
Lovingly, softly, its bright billows sweep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
Mother, dear Mother, the years have been long
Since I last listened your lullaby song;
Sing, then unto my soul it shall seem
Womanhood's years have been only a dream;
Clasped to your heart in a loving embrace,
With your light lashes just sweeping my face,
Never hereafter to wake or to weep; -
Rock me to sleep, Mother, - rock me to sleep!
This poem was found in McGuffey's Fifth Reader Revised. It
is familiar to the scholars of that era. Many committed it
to memory.
The data on the Truman Longshore line was supplied mostly by
Harold Longshore, son of Homer, and his mother, Bessie, who
live in Wapello, Iowa. They have come to the Longshore reunions
throughout the years whenever possible and every year recently.
They have contributed greatly to the over-all effort to "keep
in touch".
The Family of Truman Longshore
Fourth Son of Cyrus Longshore
IB II 4 Truman Longshore b 11/6/1835 d 1/16/1913 md in 1859 to
Larusia Bouier (from Peoria Ill.- b 1834 d 2/20/1869 A 35) both
bd Trenton Cemetery, Condit, Ohio
Issue III:
1 - William Armanthus Longshore
2 - Edson B. Longshore
3 - Steven Clement Longshore
III- 2 Edson B. Longshore b 11/6/1863 d 7/19/1944 md Jane
Ham in 1909 Jane died 7/22/1913 No issue
Edson married Edna Ward on 8/21/1918 Edna d 8/4/1967
No issue
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch.
I-DENTITY (p. 39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to page 38 of I-DENTITY]
III-1 William Armanthus Longshore (Will) b 10/6/1860 d 10/14/1934
Age 74 settled in Minnesota
Most of his descendants live in that
general area of Albertlea, Minnesota.
md Amy Jane Peters (b 5/19/1862) on 10/6/1881
Will was a tall, big broad shouldered man It is thought that they kept his sister,
Nellie and brother, Newt, for awhile. Will was a farmer; the first to
raise field corn in the state of Minnesota.Prior to that,
Minnesotans raised caffer corn. Will kept visiting Ohio and taking back samples of
Ohio corn seed until finally he got a crop started
Issue IV: - Earl Francis, Louella May, Esther Longshore
1 - Earl Francis Longshore b 12/17/1885 d 7/26/1954
Md Merry Christmas Miller (b 12/25/1885) on
Christmas Day, 1905
Issue V: - Beverly Elise, Lois, Miller,
William Miller, and Rondald Longshore
V-1 Beverly Elise Longshore b 3/8/1907
md 9/29/1925 to Victor James
Christensen (b 4/4/1907)
Issue: VI - Jeanne Marie, Lloyd
LeRoy, Leslie James, Dale
Lincoln Christensen
VI - 1 Jeanne Marie Christensen b
4/29/1927 md on 2/14/1945 to
Carl B. Matthies (b 6/1922)
Issue VII: - Steven Carl and
Wendy Jeanne Matthies
VII - 1 Steven Carl Matthies b
10/15/1945 md on 4/9/1966
to Mary Bruder
2-Wendy Jeanne Matthies
b 2/18/1950
VI - 2 Lloyd LeRoy Christensen b 7/13/1930 on 9/19/1954
md Geraldine Bogan Schutz (b 11/10/1934)
Issue VII- 1 - Brian Scott Christensen b 9/7/1955
2 - David Loyd Christensen b 6/7/1959
3 - Mark Allen Christensen b 5/7/1962
VI-3 Leslie James Christensen b 7/13/1930 on 12/31/1950
md Yvonne Marie Amlet (b 7/6/1930)
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
[corresponds to page 38 of I-DENTITY]
III-1 William Armanthus Longshore (Will) b 10/6/1860 d 10/14/1934
Age 74 settled in Minnesota
Most of his descendants live in that
general area of Albertlea, Minnesota.
md Amy Jane Peters (b 5/19/1862) on 10/6/1881
Will was a tall, big broad shouldered man It is thought that they kept his sister,
Nellie and brother, Newt, for awhile. Will was a farmer; the first to
raise field corn in the state of Minnesota.Prior to that,
Minnesotans raised caffer corn. Will kept visiting Ohio and taking back samples of
Ohio corn seed until finally he got a crop started
Issue IV: - Earl Francis, Louella May, Esther Longshore
1 - Earl Francis Longshore b 12/17/1885 d 7/26/1954
Md Merry Christmas Miller (b 12/25/1885) on
Christmas Day, 1905
Issue V: - Beverly Elise, Lois, Miller,
William Miller, and Rondald Longshore
V-1 Beverly Elise Longshore b 3/8/1907
md 9/29/1925 to Victor James
Christensen (b 4/4/1907)
Issue: VI - Jeanne Marie, Lloyd
LeRoy, Leslie James, Dale
Lincoln Christensen
VI - 1 Jeanne Marie Christensen b
4/29/1927 md on 2/14/1945 to
Carl B. Matthies (b 6/1922)
Issue VII: - Steven Carl and
Wendy Jeanne Matthies
VII - 1 Steven Carl Matthies b
10/15/1945 md on 4/9/1966
to Mary Bruder
2-Wendy Jeanne Matthies
b 2/18/1950
VI - 2 Lloyd LeRoy Christensen b 7/13/1930 on 9/19/1954
md Geraldine Bogan Schutz (b 11/10/1934)
Issue VII- 1 - Brian Scott Christensen b 9/7/1955
2 - David Loyd Christensen b 6/7/1959
3 - Mark Allen Christensen b 5/7/1962
VI-3 Leslie James Christensen b 7/13/1930 on 12/31/1950
md Yvonne Marie Amlet (b 7/6/1930)
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
I-DENTITY (p. 40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to page 39 of I-DENTITY]
Issue: VII Cynthia Yvonne, Beth Ann, Leslie Jane,
and Donna Ranae Christensen
VII-1 Cynthia Yvonne Christensen b 9/30/1951
2 Beth Ann Christensen b 7/17/1953
3 Leslie Jane Christensen b 10/25/1958
4 Donna Ranae Christensen b 8/15/1962
VI- 4 Dale Lincoln Christensen b 9/4/1934 on 8/6/1955 md
Martha Judith Bruder (b 6/28/1936)
Issue VII Dean Dale and Dianne Lynn Christensen
VII-1 Dean Dale Christensen b 12/23/1956
2 Dianne Lynn Christensen b 5/12/1958
V-2 Lois Miller Longshore b 4/29/1915, on 10/19/1933 md
Luther LaVern Dillavou - live in Albertlea, Minn.
Luther LaVern Dillavou (b 3/4/1906)
Issue VI: Romelle Mae, Sandra Sue, Lois Geraldene,
and Earl LaVern Dillavou
VI-1 Romelle Mae Dillavou b 5/18/1936, on 5/28/1960
md Ernest H. Enderson (b 7/14/1931) - Romelle
md her first husband, George Flattum on
7/18/1954, dv in 1957 - 2 children adopted
by Ernest Enderson
Issue VII - Gary Alvin, Constance Mae,
Tomothy Ernest, and Patricia
Jean Enderson
VII-1 Gary Alvin (Flattum) Enderson
b 4/29/1955
2 Constance Mae (Flattum) Enderson
b 7/2/1956
3 Tomothy Ernest Enderson b 1/20/1961
4 Patricia Jean Enderson b 4/3/1962
VI-2 Sandra Sue Dillavou b 8/5/1937 on 12/26/1955
md Orin Roisen (b 3/8/1935)
Issue VII- Julie Gayle, Donna Lee, David
Orrin, and Roger LaVern Roisen
VII- 1 Julie Galye [Gayle] Roisen b 7/10/1956
2 Donna Lee Roisen b 12/1/1957
3 David Orrin Roisen b 1/1/1959
4 Roger LaVern Roisen b 4/1/1962
[corresponds to page 39 of I-DENTITY]
Issue: VII Cynthia Yvonne, Beth Ann, Leslie Jane,
and Donna Ranae Christensen
VII-1 Cynthia Yvonne Christensen b 9/30/1951
2 Beth Ann Christensen b 7/17/1953
3 Leslie Jane Christensen b 10/25/1958
4 Donna Ranae Christensen b 8/15/1962
VI- 4 Dale Lincoln Christensen b 9/4/1934 on 8/6/1955 md
Martha Judith Bruder (b 6/28/1936)
Issue VII Dean Dale and Dianne Lynn Christensen
VII-1 Dean Dale Christensen b 12/23/1956
2 Dianne Lynn Christensen b 5/12/1958
V-2 Lois Miller Longshore b 4/29/1915, on 10/19/1933 md
Luther LaVern Dillavou - live in Albertlea, Minn.
Luther LaVern Dillavou (b 3/4/1906)
Issue VI: Romelle Mae, Sandra Sue, Lois Geraldene,
and Earl LaVern Dillavou
VI-1 Romelle Mae Dillavou b 5/18/1936, on 5/28/1960
md Ernest H. Enderson (b 7/14/1931) - Romelle
md her first husband, George Flattum on
7/18/1954, dv in 1957 - 2 children adopted
by Ernest Enderson
Issue VII - Gary Alvin, Constance Mae,
Tomothy Ernest, and Patricia
Jean Enderson
VII-1 Gary Alvin (Flattum) Enderson
b 4/29/1955
2 Constance Mae (Flattum) Enderson
b 7/2/1956
3 Tomothy Ernest Enderson b 1/20/1961
4 Patricia Jean Enderson b 4/3/1962
VI-2 Sandra Sue Dillavou b 8/5/1937 on 12/26/1955
md Orin Roisen (b 3/8/1935)
Issue VII- Julie Gayle, Donna Lee, David
Orrin, and Roger LaVern Roisen
VII- 1 Julie Galye [Gayle] Roisen b 7/10/1956
2 Donna Lee Roisen b 12/1/1957
3 David Orrin Roisen b 1/1/1959
4 Roger LaVern Roisen b 4/1/1962
I-DENTITY (p. 41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to page 40 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus Longshore, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
V 2 Clifford C. Hammer b 10/21/1920, on 12/10/1921 md Betty Jean
LaValle (b 12/10/1921)
Issue VI
1 - Annette Rae Hammer b 8/5/1941, on 6/9/1959
md Roger Alden Walberd (b 9/28/1939)
Issue VII
1 - Richard Roger Walberd b 12/10/1961
2 - Suzanne K. Hammer b 1/17/1948
3 - Charles C. Hammer b 3/4/1951
Third child of Wm. A. & Amy J. (Peters) Longshore
IV - 3 Esther Elma Longshore b 1/1/0/1893, on 7/18/1908 md
Alonzo Wilson Cram (b 9/19/1888 - d 9/11/1955)
Issue V: - Raymond Alonzo, Alma Beatrice, William Earl,
Amy Jane, Cleon Forrest, Clayton Clair, and
Marlene Rea Cram
V - 1 Raymond Alonzo Cram b 11/26/1908, on 12/20/1933
md Esther Alvira Anderson (b4/5/1914-
d 7/30/1968)
Issue VI:
1- Lonene Cram b 10/11/1936 on 8/6/1957
md Vincent Novak (b 1/11/1934)
2- Jack Cram b 6/30/1938, on 11/29/1958
md Mary Alice Pearce (b10/7/1941)
V - 2 Alma Beatrice Cram b 1/4/1911, on 3/19/1929
md Manly M. Olson (b 5/13/1909)
Issue VI - Doreen, Richard, Arlan, Karelyn
1 - Doreen VonDell Olson b 9/8/1930
on 7/29/1950 md Clifford H.
Plaisance (b 9/8/1929)
Issue VII
1 - Kim Clifford Plaisance
b 8/18/1951
2 - Angelesque Dee Plaisance
b 12/2/1954
2 - Richard Olson b 12/11/1931
on 8/9/1952 md Florence Young
b 10/10/1931
Issue VII
1 - Cynthia Louise Olson b
2 - Karen Ann Olson b
3 - Julie Ann b 7/25/1958
[corresponds to page 40 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus Longshore, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
V 2 Clifford C. Hammer b 10/21/1920, on 12/10/1921 md Betty Jean
LaValle (b 12/10/1921)
Issue VI
1 - Annette Rae Hammer b 8/5/1941, on 6/9/1959
md Roger Alden Walberd (b 9/28/1939)
Issue VII
1 - Richard Roger Walberd b 12/10/1961
2 - Suzanne K. Hammer b 1/17/1948
3 - Charles C. Hammer b 3/4/1951
Third child of Wm. A. & Amy J. (Peters) Longshore
IV - 3 Esther Elma Longshore b 1/1/0/1893, on 7/18/1908 md
Alonzo Wilson Cram (b 9/19/1888 - d 9/11/1955)
Issue V: - Raymond Alonzo, Alma Beatrice, William Earl,
Amy Jane, Cleon Forrest, Clayton Clair, and
Marlene Rea Cram
V - 1 Raymond Alonzo Cram b 11/26/1908, on 12/20/1933
md Esther Alvira Anderson (b4/5/1914-
d 7/30/1968)
Issue VI:
1- Lonene Cram b 10/11/1936 on 8/6/1957
md Vincent Novak (b 1/11/1934)
2- Jack Cram b 6/30/1938, on 11/29/1958
md Mary Alice Pearce (b10/7/1941)
V - 2 Alma Beatrice Cram b 1/4/1911, on 3/19/1929
md Manly M. Olson (b 5/13/1909)
Issue VI - Doreen, Richard, Arlan, Karelyn
1 - Doreen VonDell Olson b 9/8/1930
on 7/29/1950 md Clifford H.
Plaisance (b 9/8/1929)
Issue VII
1 - Kim Clifford Plaisance
b 8/18/1951
2 - Angelesque Dee Plaisance
b 12/2/1954
2 - Richard Olson b 12/11/1931
on 8/9/1952 md Florence Young
b 10/10/1931
Issue VII
1 - Cynthia Louise Olson b
2 - Karen Ann Olson b
3 - Julie Ann b 7/25/1958
I-DENTITY (p. 42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to page 41 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
through the family of his daughter,Esther, his third and last child.
Issue VI cont.
3 -Arlan Craig Olson b 8/25/1936, on 6/8/1957
md yla Abbott (b 1/24/1937)
Issue VII:
1 - Lisa Marie Olson b 4/11/1959
2 - Dayne Lynn Olson b 1/6/1961
4 -Karelyn Kay Olson b 12/2/1938, on 8/3/1958 md
Keith Alan Porter (b 6/8/1937)
Issue VII:
1 - Kristie Kay Porter b 7/2/1959
2 - Keith Alan Porter, Jr. b 1/14/1961
V - 3 William Earl Cram b 12/15/1915, on 9/22/1934 md
Hazel Torgerson (b 10/13/1914)
Issue VI:
1 - Lonna Byll Cram b 5/28/1937 d 3/12/1971
2 - Kath E. Cram b 10/7/1954
V - 4 Amy Jane b 5/13/1920 d 2/19/1926
V - 5 Cleon Forrest Cram b 6/11/1922, on 10/16/1942 md
Harriett Christenson
Issue VI:
1 - Marc A. Cram b 3/12/1946
2 - Todd A. Cram b 9/11/1947
3 - Carol Ann Cram b 7/7/1954
V - 6 Clayton Clair Cram b 9/25/1929, on 9/26/1950 md
Marlys Evenson (b 9/20/1930)
Issue VI:
1 - Nancy Jo Cram b 11/8/1951
2 - Jane Louise Cram b 11/1953
V - 7 Marlene Rea Cram b 7/7/1935
[corresponds to page 41 of I-DENTITY]
Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus line, William Armanthus Longshore Branch
through the family of his daughter,Esther, his third and last child.
Issue VI cont.
3 -Arlan Craig Olson b 8/25/1936, on 6/8/1957
md yla Abbott (b 1/24/1937)
Issue VII:
1 - Lisa Marie Olson b 4/11/1959
2 - Dayne Lynn Olson b 1/6/1961
4 -Karelyn Kay Olson b 12/2/1938, on 8/3/1958 md
Keith Alan Porter (b 6/8/1937)
Issue VII:
1 - Kristie Kay Porter b 7/2/1959
2 - Keith Alan Porter, Jr. b 1/14/1961
V - 3 William Earl Cram b 12/15/1915, on 9/22/1934 md
Hazel Torgerson (b 10/13/1914)
Issue VI:
1 - Lonna Byll Cram b 5/28/1937 d 3/12/1971
2 - Kath E. Cram b 10/7/1954
V - 4 Amy Jane b 5/13/1920 d 2/19/1926
V - 5 Cleon Forrest Cram b 6/11/1922, on 10/16/1942 md
Harriett Christenson
Issue VI:
1 - Marc A. Cram b 3/12/1946
2 - Todd A. Cram b 9/11/1947
3 - Carol Ann Cram b 7/7/1954
V - 6 Clayton Clair Cram b 9/25/1929, on 9/26/1950 md
Marlys Evenson (b 9/20/1930)
Issue VI:
1 - Nancy Jo Cram b 11/8/1951
2 - Jane Louise Cram b 11/1953
V - 7 Marlene Rea Cram b 7/7/1935
I-DENTITY (p. 43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to page 42 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus continued
The Longshore train comes back to its Ohio source for a time and visits
with the third son of Truman's, Clem Longshore. Depot - Sunbury, Ohio and
nearby areas.
Clem's three sons all live rural route Sunbury and their children have
about all settled nearby. Clem Longshore was born in Ohio; at age 16, he came
back from Illinois with his family as the result of his stepmother, Lucretia's
death. He lived with his Uncle Warner's family in Trenton twp., Delaware
County and worked on the farm there. Later he purchased the farm and
remained there the rest of his 90 years. The farm is now owned and operated
by his son, Lester, who have lived on it all of his 76 years.
Clem was a slightly built man, rather short in stature. Always in good
humor. He was a devoted husband caring tenderly for his wife Ella, during her invalidism
several years,before her death. He was a widower for 24 years. He
enjoyed traveling. His daughter-in-laws were as fond of him as his sons as he
treated them with respect. His grandchildren adored him. On his 77th birthday
he ice skated on the creek (in February) on his farm (this creek was and still is
the recreational spot for the whole family).
His grandchildren loved to fish but did not want to clean the small fish
so they would give them to Grandpa and he would clean them and fry them
crisp and crunch them, bones and all! Although he visited each of his sons
every day, he never caused any trouble because he never interfered in their
business or took sides in any disagreements. Everyone loved to see him come.
When his Great grandson, Jim, was born, Clem walked out across the
plowed field (in May, 1954) to where his son, John, was working and
announced, "Today I am a rich man" and then told of the birth of his first great
grandson (with the Longshore name). This was when he was 89 and he could
still get excited over the birth of a child!
He enjoyed doing favors for people and many is the time he took
someone to the doctor for regular treatments or took someone on an errand.
He seemed to enjoy his retirement because he could and did make himself
In his late years, his granddaughter, Betty and her husband, Sam Watts,
lived with Clem keeping house for him and caring for him when he needed it.
His life after age 16was somewhat serene and certainly more settled than his
father Truman's had been.
[corresponds to page 42 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus continued
The Longshore train comes back to its Ohio source for a time and visits
with the third son of Truman's, Clem Longshore. Depot - Sunbury, Ohio and
nearby areas.
Clem's three sons all live rural route Sunbury and their children have
about all settled nearby. Clem Longshore was born in Ohio; at age 16, he came
back from Illinois with his family as the result of his stepmother, Lucretia's
death. He lived with his Uncle Warner's family in Trenton twp., Delaware
County and worked on the farm there. Later he purchased the farm and
remained there the rest of his 90 years. The farm is now owned and operated
by his son, Lester, who have lived on it all of his 76 years.
Clem was a slightly built man, rather short in stature. Always in good
humor. He was a devoted husband caring tenderly for his wife Ella, during her invalidism
several years,before her death. He was a widower for 24 years. He
enjoyed traveling. His daughter-in-laws were as fond of him as his sons as he
treated them with respect. His grandchildren adored him. On his 77th birthday
he ice skated on the creek (in February) on his farm (this creek was and still is
the recreational spot for the whole family).
His grandchildren loved to fish but did not want to clean the small fish
so they would give them to Grandpa and he would clean them and fry them
crisp and crunch them, bones and all! Although he visited each of his sons
every day, he never caused any trouble because he never interfered in their
business or took sides in any disagreements. Everyone loved to see him come.
When his Great grandson, Jim, was born, Clem walked out across the
plowed field (in May, 1954) to where his son, John, was working and
announced, "Today I am a rich man" and then told of the birth of his first great
grandson (with the Longshore name). This was when he was 89 and he could
still get excited over the birth of a child!
He enjoyed doing favors for people and many is the time he took
someone to the doctor for regular treatments or took someone on an errand.
He seemed to enjoy his retirement because he could and did make himself
In his late years, his granddaughter, Betty and her husband, Sam Watts,
lived with Clem keeping house for him and caring for him when he needed it.
His life after age 16was somewhat serene and certainly more settled than his
father Truman's had been.
I-DENTITY (p. 44)
[page 44]
[corresponds to page 43 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus continued
Steven Clement Longshore
The third son of Truman Longshore
III - 3 Steven Clement Longshore b 2/22/1865 in Trenton Twp,
Delaware County, Ohio - d 10/27/1955 at him home at age 90.
On 5/28/1895, md Ella Watts (b 8/2/1862 - d 2/21/1931).Ella
was born in Genoa Twp. Delaware County, Ohio, daughter of John
and Lavina Ginn Watts, one of eight children. (Ella's Great Great
Grandfather (on her mother's side) was killed by the Indians, as
well as his wife, daughter and 2 sons during the Revolutionary
war. One son, Ella's Grandfather, was released by the Indians so
he could tell the sad news.)
Obituary of Clement Longshore
"Steven Clement Longshore was born Feb. 22, 1865 in Trenton
Township. He was the son of Truman and Lurusia Longshore.
On May 28, 1895, Clem was united in marriage to Ella Watts.
To this union four children were born: William, Bryan, James
Lester, and John Glendon. One child died in infancy. His wife,
Ella, preceded him in death. She died in 1931."
"Clem was a farmer for his active lifetime. He was member
of Vans Valley Methodist Church more than 50 years.
He passed into the life eternal on Oct. 27, 1955 leaving
to mourn his departure his 3 sons, 14 grandchildren, 6
greatgrandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends."
Issue IV: William Bryan, James Lester, John Glendon
1 - William Bryan Longshore b 7/20/1896 Trenton Twp.,
Delaware County, Ohio on 9/2/1922 md Inez Born
(b 3/9/1894 d 2/15/1985) Bill worked for 35 years as a
foreman in Hamilton Milk Plant in Columbus.(later
owned by Borden's) until retirement. Has lived most of
his married life in Berkshire Twp., Delaware County,
IV 2 James Lester Longshore b 4/23/1900 Trenton Twp.,
Delaware County, Ohio On 10/10/1921 md Ina Lillian
Adams (b 11/25/1904 - d 4/10/1943).
Ina was a daughter of Frank and Mary (Morrison)
Adams, b in Ohio.
Issue: V
V - 1 - Ruth Evelyn Longshore b Columbus, Ohio
b 8/1/1924 works as an accountantlives in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
[corresponds to page 43 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus continued
Steven Clement Longshore
The third son of Truman Longshore
III - 3 Steven Clement Longshore b 2/22/1865 in Trenton Twp,
Delaware County, Ohio - d 10/27/1955 at him home at age 90.
On 5/28/1895, md Ella Watts (b 8/2/1862 - d 2/21/1931).Ella
was born in Genoa Twp. Delaware County, Ohio, daughter of John
and Lavina Ginn Watts, one of eight children. (Ella's Great Great
Grandfather (on her mother's side) was killed by the Indians, as
well as his wife, daughter and 2 sons during the Revolutionary
war. One son, Ella's Grandfather, was released by the Indians so
he could tell the sad news.)
Obituary of Clement Longshore
"Steven Clement Longshore was born Feb. 22, 1865 in Trenton
Township. He was the son of Truman and Lurusia Longshore.
On May 28, 1895, Clem was united in marriage to Ella Watts.
To this union four children were born: William, Bryan, James
Lester, and John Glendon. One child died in infancy. His wife,
Ella, preceded him in death. She died in 1931."
"Clem was a farmer for his active lifetime. He was member
of Vans Valley Methodist Church more than 50 years.
He passed into the life eternal on Oct. 27, 1955 leaving
to mourn his departure his 3 sons, 14 grandchildren, 6
greatgrandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends."
Issue IV: William Bryan, James Lester, John Glendon
1 - William Bryan Longshore b 7/20/1896 Trenton Twp.,
Delaware County, Ohio on 9/2/1922 md Inez Born
(b 3/9/1894 d 2/15/1985) Bill worked for 35 years as a
foreman in Hamilton Milk Plant in Columbus.(later
owned by Borden's) until retirement. Has lived most of
his married life in Berkshire Twp., Delaware County,
IV 2 James Lester Longshore b 4/23/1900 Trenton Twp.,
Delaware County, Ohio On 10/10/1921 md Ina Lillian
Adams (b 11/25/1904 - d 4/10/1943).
Ina was a daughter of Frank and Mary (Morrison)
Adams, b in Ohio.
Issue: V
V - 1 - Ruth Evelyn Longshore b Columbus, Ohio
b 8/1/1924 works as an accountantlives in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
I-DENTITY (p. 45)
[page 45]
[corresponds to page 44 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, James Lester and Ina (Adams)
Longshore family
V - 2 Leona May Longshore b 7/25/1928 on 3/8/1949
md John Eli Pratt (b 11/2/1927) Mgr. of General
Tire Store West in Columbus. they live in Hilliard,
Issue VI:
1 - Patti Ann Pratt (b 9/14/1959)
Patti will be a senior at Hilliard High and
recently (from a scholarship test) rated in
the upper 2% of students in United
2 - Pamela Ruth Pratt b 8/27/1961
Leona and Ruth both were born in Columbus but
moved to Berkshire Twp. in 1930.
IV 2 James Lester Longshore b 4/23/1900 d 10/31/1988'Trenton Twp.
Ohio. On 10/10/1921 md. Ina Lillian Adams (b 11/25/1904
d 4/10/1943 Ina was a daughter of Frank and Mary (Morrison)
Adams, b in Ohio.
Issue V: 7 children - Betty Ellen, James Russell, Violet
May,Kenneth Lee, Dorothy Lurusia, Margaret Darlene,
and Phillip Bruce Longshore.
Lester md Beatrice (Glass) Goings (b 4/9/1918) on
6/9/1950 Beatrice had 3 children:
Margaret Louise Going b 4/28/1938, in Pagetown, West
Virginia, md Donald McGlothlin 12/5/1955 - dv in 1970 -
Margaret md2 Jim Fish in 1972,Delaware
Issue: Donald McGlothlin Jr. b 11/29/1956
1 - Donald md Teresa
Issue: Delisha Dawn McGlothlin
2 - Drema Jean McGlothlin b 12/16/1965
Marjorie Carol Goings b 9/8/1939 md Delano Walker
(b 4/10/1937) on 10/5/1955 - live on a farm near
Condit in Trenton Twp.
Issue: William LeRoy Walker b 1956
Bart Walker b 1960
Nancy L. Goings b 7/19/1942 md Elmer Clayton on
9/5/1958 - dv 1964
Issue: Linda, Michael, and Lisa Clayton
Nancy Clayton md Eduardo Quijada
Issue: Lisa (Clayton) Quijada b 2/5/1965
adopted by Eduardo
Eduardo Quijada, Jr. (Sonny) b 1/25/1968
This family lives in Delaware, Ohio.
[corresponds to page 44 of I-DENTITY]
Family of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, James Lester and Ina (Adams)
Longshore family
V - 2 Leona May Longshore b 7/25/1928 on 3/8/1949
md John Eli Pratt (b 11/2/1927) Mgr. of General
Tire Store West in Columbus. they live in Hilliard,
Issue VI:
1 - Patti Ann Pratt (b 9/14/1959)
Patti will be a senior at Hilliard High and
recently (from a scholarship test) rated in
the upper 2% of students in United
2 - Pamela Ruth Pratt b 8/27/1961
Leona and Ruth both were born in Columbus but
moved to Berkshire Twp. in 1930.
IV 2 James Lester Longshore b 4/23/1900 d 10/31/1988'Trenton Twp.
Ohio. On 10/10/1921 md. Ina Lillian Adams (b 11/25/1904
d 4/10/1943 Ina was a daughter of Frank and Mary (Morrison)
Adams, b in Ohio.
Issue V: 7 children - Betty Ellen, James Russell, Violet
May,Kenneth Lee, Dorothy Lurusia, Margaret Darlene,
and Phillip Bruce Longshore.
Lester md Beatrice (Glass) Goings (b 4/9/1918) on
6/9/1950 Beatrice had 3 children:
Margaret Louise Going b 4/28/1938, in Pagetown, West
Virginia, md Donald McGlothlin 12/5/1955 - dv in 1970 -
Margaret md2 Jim Fish in 1972,Delaware
Issue: Donald McGlothlin Jr. b 11/29/1956
1 - Donald md Teresa
Issue: Delisha Dawn McGlothlin
2 - Drema Jean McGlothlin b 12/16/1965
Marjorie Carol Goings b 9/8/1939 md Delano Walker
(b 4/10/1937) on 10/5/1955 - live on a farm near
Condit in Trenton Twp.
Issue: William LeRoy Walker b 1956
Bart Walker b 1960
Nancy L. Goings b 7/19/1942 md Elmer Clayton on
9/5/1958 - dv 1964
Issue: Linda, Michael, and Lisa Clayton
Nancy Clayton md Eduardo Quijada
Issue: Lisa (Clayton) Quijada b 2/5/1965
adopted by Eduardo
Eduardo Quijada, Jr. (Sonny) b 1/25/1968
This family lives in Delaware, Ohio.
I-DENTITY (p. 46)
[page 46]
[corresponds to page 45 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore--Lester and Ina Adams Longshore family continued
IV 2 V 1 - Betty Ellen Longshore b 11/7/1922 in Trenton Twp. md
Charles (Sam) Watts (b 4/16/1919) on 3/17/1942
Sam Watts works for Nestle's Inc. and Betty for The Sunbury
News. They live north of Sunbury on a farm.
Issue: VI
1 - Steven Bruce Watts b 3/17/1951 Trenton Twp.
Steve is a physical education teacher. He works Works with
Columbus Parks & Recreation centers.Lives in Columbus,
2 - Linda Rene Watts b 7/2/1954 Trenton Twp. md Larry
Arthur DeMint on 4/28/1973 Larry is a brick mason
contractor. Rene works for Farmers's Bank, Sunbury
Issue: V 2- James Russell Longshore b 5/25/1925, on 3/26/1950 md
Maxine (Linnabary) Nuckles (b 9/15/1919)
Issue VI; Ina Claire, James William, and Craig Thomas Longshore
Maxine had three children by a previous marriage:
Charles Allen, Janet Carole, and Cheryl Lynne Nuckles
VI - 1-Claire Longshore b 5/3/1951, on 8/5/1972 md John
Kenneth Raybuck (b 11/19/1949)
John is employed by Nationwide Insurance in
Columbus. Claire teaches 2nd grade in Gahanna Elementery.
They live in Gahanna, Ohio. Claire b Trenton twp. John
born in Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania but grew up in
Painesville, Ohio
ch: Jennifer, Joshua, Betsy
2- James William Longshore b 5/17/1954 in Trenton
Twp. Delaware County Employed by Cellar Lumber Co.,
3- Thomas Longshore b 6/15/1960 in Berkshire Twp.
Delaware County, Ohio. Attends Big Walnut High
School in sunbury
Russell formerly farmed but is now a Landmark employee
Russell's step-children: --
1 Charles Allen Nuckles b 6/8/1938 md in 1958 to
Barbara Jane Satterfield (b 8/1942)
Reside in Simi, Calif. (near Los Angeles)
Charles employed at Rocketdyn Aircraft
Charles b Trenton Twp.
[corresponds to page 45 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore--Lester and Ina Adams Longshore family continued
IV 2 V 1 - Betty Ellen Longshore b 11/7/1922 in Trenton Twp. md
Charles (Sam) Watts (b 4/16/1919) on 3/17/1942
Sam Watts works for Nestle's Inc. and Betty for The Sunbury
News. They live north of Sunbury on a farm.
Issue: VI
1 - Steven Bruce Watts b 3/17/1951 Trenton Twp.
Steve is a physical education teacher. He works Works with
Columbus Parks & Recreation centers.Lives in Columbus,
2 - Linda Rene Watts b 7/2/1954 Trenton Twp. md Larry
Arthur DeMint on 4/28/1973 Larry is a brick mason
contractor. Rene works for Farmers's Bank, Sunbury
Issue: V 2- James Russell Longshore b 5/25/1925, on 3/26/1950 md
Maxine (Linnabary) Nuckles (b 9/15/1919)
Issue VI; Ina Claire, James William, and Craig Thomas Longshore
Maxine had three children by a previous marriage:
Charles Allen, Janet Carole, and Cheryl Lynne Nuckles
VI - 1-Claire Longshore b 5/3/1951, on 8/5/1972 md John
Kenneth Raybuck (b 11/19/1949)
John is employed by Nationwide Insurance in
Columbus. Claire teaches 2nd grade in Gahanna Elementery.
They live in Gahanna, Ohio. Claire b Trenton twp. John
born in Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania but grew up in
Painesville, Ohio
ch: Jennifer, Joshua, Betsy
2- James William Longshore b 5/17/1954 in Trenton
Twp. Delaware County Employed by Cellar Lumber Co.,
3- Thomas Longshore b 6/15/1960 in Berkshire Twp.
Delaware County, Ohio. Attends Big Walnut High
School in sunbury
Russell formerly farmed but is now a Landmark employee
Russell's step-children: --
1 Charles Allen Nuckles b 6/8/1938 md in 1958 to
Barbara Jane Satterfield (b 8/1942)
Reside in Simi, Calif. (near Los Angeles)
Charles employed at Rocketdyn Aircraft
Charles b Trenton Twp.
I-DENTITY (p. 47)
[page 47]
[corresponds to page 46 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore-- Russell and Maxine (Linnabary) Longshore family continued
Issue: Dennis Ray Nuckles and Denise Kay Nuckles
B 10/18/1958 in Sunbury, Ohio
2 Janet Carole Nuckles b 5/1/1943 in Sunbury md.
Bradford Leo Freeman in 1961 dv 1969
Issue: Jeffrey Allen Freeman b 11/13/1961 in Sunbury
Angela Eileen Freeman b 8/28/1964 in
Janet md 2 Charles E. Mallett (7/11/1946) on 9/5/1975 -
Live in Westerville
3- Cheryl Lynne Nuckles b 4/14/1946 in 1962 md
Lawrence Hancock dv 10/1963
Issue: Gina Louise Hancock b 2/4/1963
Cheryl md 2 Edgar Belford 10/10/1964 dv 1970
Issue: Gina Belford (Ed adopted Gina Hancock)
Michael Charles Belford b 11/5/1968
Cheryl md 3 Robert Harold Morgan (b 3/25/1945)
Live in Whittier, California
V 3 Violet Mae Longshore b 2/13/1927 Trenton Twp, in
1946 md Howard (Andy) Cline (b 9/24/1919) He is
employed by Limbach Mechanical Contractors. This family
lives in Lewis Center, near Delaware, Ohio
Issue VI: Jerry Neal, Robert Dean, Larry Edward, Sandra Sue,
Ronda Lou, Douglas Wesley
1 - Jerry Neal Cline b 4/26/1947 on 10/12/1968 md
Jeanne Beale (b 7/28/1949) Jerry employed by PPG.
Issue VII
1 - Jessica Jeanne Cline b 12/17/1974
2 - Jason Nathaniel Cline b 7//1976
2 - Robert Dean Cline 5/24/1949 on 8/2/1969 md
Sharon Karshner (b 12/29/1949) They live in
Westerville, Ohio and Bob is employed by Ohio
3 - Larry Edward Cline b 12/22/1958
Attends Olentangy High School
4 - Sandra Sue Cline b 4/2/1964 student
5 - Ronda Lou Cline b 4/2/1964 student
6 - Douglas Wesley Cline b 3/26/1969 student
V 4 Kenneth Lee Longshore b 9/16/1932 Trenton Twp., on
11/17/1957 md Julia Keller (b 9/19/1938)
They live in Trenton Twp. where Kenny farms.
[corresponds to page 46 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore-- Russell and Maxine (Linnabary) Longshore family continued
Issue: Dennis Ray Nuckles and Denise Kay Nuckles
B 10/18/1958 in Sunbury, Ohio
2 Janet Carole Nuckles b 5/1/1943 in Sunbury md.
Bradford Leo Freeman in 1961 dv 1969
Issue: Jeffrey Allen Freeman b 11/13/1961 in Sunbury
Angela Eileen Freeman b 8/28/1964 in
Janet md 2 Charles E. Mallett (7/11/1946) on 9/5/1975 -
Live in Westerville
3- Cheryl Lynne Nuckles b 4/14/1946 in 1962 md
Lawrence Hancock dv 10/1963
Issue: Gina Louise Hancock b 2/4/1963
Cheryl md 2 Edgar Belford 10/10/1964 dv 1970
Issue: Gina Belford (Ed adopted Gina Hancock)
Michael Charles Belford b 11/5/1968
Cheryl md 3 Robert Harold Morgan (b 3/25/1945)
Live in Whittier, California
V 3 Violet Mae Longshore b 2/13/1927 Trenton Twp, in
1946 md Howard (Andy) Cline (b 9/24/1919) He is
employed by Limbach Mechanical Contractors. This family
lives in Lewis Center, near Delaware, Ohio
Issue VI: Jerry Neal, Robert Dean, Larry Edward, Sandra Sue,
Ronda Lou, Douglas Wesley
1 - Jerry Neal Cline b 4/26/1947 on 10/12/1968 md
Jeanne Beale (b 7/28/1949) Jerry employed by PPG.
Issue VII
1 - Jessica Jeanne Cline b 12/17/1974
2 - Jason Nathaniel Cline b 7//1976
2 - Robert Dean Cline 5/24/1949 on 8/2/1969 md
Sharon Karshner (b 12/29/1949) They live in
Westerville, Ohio and Bob is employed by Ohio
3 - Larry Edward Cline b 12/22/1958
Attends Olentangy High School
4 - Sandra Sue Cline b 4/2/1964 student
5 - Ronda Lou Cline b 4/2/1964 student
6 - Douglas Wesley Cline b 3/26/1969 student
V 4 Kenneth Lee Longshore b 9/16/1932 Trenton Twp., on
11/17/1957 md Julia Keller (b 9/19/1938)
They live in Trenton Twp. where Kenny farms.
I-DENTITY (p. 48)
[page 48]
[corresponds to back of page 46 of I-DENTITY]
[photo: Clem Longshore Family]
L-R - William (Bill) and wife, Inez
John and wife, Frances]
Lester and 2nd wife, Bea
[corresponds to back of page 46 of I-DENTITY]
[photo: Clem Longshore Family]
L-R - William (Bill) and wife, Inez
John and wife, Frances]
Lester and 2nd wife, Bea
I-DENTITY (p. 49)
[page 49]
[corresponds to page 47 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore-- Kenneth and Julia (Keller) Longshore family continued
Issue VI
1 - Peggy Jo Longshore 4/7/1960 attends B.W.
High School
2 - Karen Lyn 10/28/1962 attends B.W. High
V-5 Dorothy Lurusia Longshore b 4/12/1934, Sunbury, Ohio
On 8/2/1953 md. Howard Hale (b 5/19/1931 - 9/13/1969)
Howard was a farmer in Trenton, where his sons are
presently farming his farm. Dorothy is an employee of Dollar
Federal Loan in Sunbury.
Issue VI:
1 - Howard Wayne Hale b 11/18/1955 student at
2 - David Lee Hale b 9/25/1958 will attend O.S.U.
this fall David recently received a unique
honor when he was selected as one of four
Outstanding Young Citizens in Ohio. He was
honored at a ceremony at which Archie Griffin
received a similar honor for Outstanding Adult
Citizen in Ohio
3 - John Allen Hale b 4/24/1961 student at B.W.
V-6 Margaret Darlene Longshore b 9/20/1938, Sunbury, Ohio
Rt #1 On 7/21/1956 md. Robert Kean (b 2/18/1937)
Robert is an employee of PPG in Delaware.Darlene is
employed by a Delaware bank. The family lives on
Longshore Road in Trenton Twp.
Issue VI:
1- Debora Marie Kean b 5/1/1957 An employee of
Penney's Ins. Co.
2- Diana Esther Kean b 2/16/1960
A student at B.W. High
V-7 Phillip Bruce Longshore b 4/17/1941 in Trenton Twp.
On 7/18/1959 md Judy Barr (7/18/1942)
Phil is a deputy sheriff for Delaware County
Judy works for the Delaware Unemployment Bureau
This family lives in Trenton Twp.
Issue VI:
1-Bruce William Longshore b 5/7/1960
2-Todd Allen Longshore b 2/11/1961
3-Sherri Lynn Longshore b 10/5/1963
4-Heidi Lee Longshore b 1/4/1965
At this writing all are students at B.W. High
[corresponds to page 47 of I-DENTITY]
Line of Truman Longshore, son of Cyrus, Family of Clem and Ella Watts
Longshore-- Kenneth and Julia (Keller) Longshore family continued
Issue VI
1 - Peggy Jo Longshore 4/7/1960 attends B.W.
High School
2 - Karen Lyn 10/28/1962 attends B.W. High
V-5 Dorothy Lurusia Longshore b 4/12/1934, Sunbury, Ohio
On 8/2/1953 md. Howard Hale (b 5/19/1931 - 9/13/1969)
Howard was a farmer in Trenton, where his sons are
presently farming his farm. Dorothy is an employee of Dollar
Federal Loan in Sunbury.
Issue VI:
1 - Howard Wayne Hale b 11/18/1955 student at
2 - David Lee Hale b 9/25/1958 will attend O.S.U.
this fall David recently received a unique
honor when he was selected as one of four
Outstanding Young Citizens in Ohio. He was
honored at a ceremony at which Archie Griffin
received a similar honor for Outstanding Adult
Citizen in Ohio
3 - John Allen Hale b 4/24/1961 student at B.W.
V-6 Margaret Darlene Longshore b 9/20/1938, Sunbury, Ohio
Rt #1 On 7/21/1956 md. Robert Kean (b 2/18/1937)
Robert is an employee of PPG in Delaware.Darlene is
employed by a Delaware bank. The family lives on
Longshore Road in Trenton Twp.
Issue VI:
1- Debora Marie Kean b 5/1/1957 An employee of
Penney's Ins. Co.
2- Diana Esther Kean b 2/16/1960
A student at B.W. High
V-7 Phillip Bruce Longshore b 4/17/1941 in Trenton Twp.
On 7/18/1959 md Judy Barr (7/18/1942)
Phil is a deputy sheriff for Delaware County
Judy works for the Delaware Unemployment Bureau
This family lives in Trenton Twp.
Issue VI:
1-Bruce William Longshore b 5/7/1960
2-Todd Allen Longshore b 2/11/1961
3-Sherri Lynn Longshore b 10/5/1963
4-Heidi Lee Longshore b 1/4/1965
At this writing all are students at B.W. High
I-DENTITY (p. 50)
[page 50]
[corresponds to page 48 of I-DENTITY]
IV 3 Third child of Clem and Ella (Watts) Longshore
John Glendon Longshore b 4/26/1904 Trenton Twp, on
6/26/1931 md Frances Simms (b 10/31/1907) A farmer
presently. In early marriage, lived in Columbus and drove a City Transit
Bus. He then moved to Trenton Twp. and farmed but after he
sold his dairy cows, he worked as a custodian for
Gahanna School System. He has now retired and resumed farming full
time. This family also lives on Longshore Road in Trenton
Twp., neighbors to his father's farm.
Issue: V Donald, Shirley, Carole, Robert, Randy
1- Donald Wayne Longshore b 8/29/1933 on
7/22/1963 md. Diana VanderHout in Milwaukee.
Donald is employed by Allis chalmers. This family
now lives near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2- Shirley Ann Longshore b 2/9/1936 on 8/22/1959
md William Mertel (b 10/12/1935) live near
Cleveland, Ohio. Bill is an Art teacher in a Jewish
school. Shirley is a temporarily retired kindergarten
Issue VI:
1 Lori Lynn Mertel b 5/17/1966
2 Lisa Ellen Mertel b 10/21/1969
3- Carole Lynn Longshore b 6/28/1938
On 10/8/1966 md Melvin Bell (b 6/18/1939)
Melvin's employed by Columbus & Southern Ohio
Electric. This family lives near Columbus, Ohio
Issue VI:
1- Lisa Ann b 12/19/1968
4- Robert Lee Longshore b 8/3/1942
Bob farms in Trenton Twp
5- Randy Allen Longshore b 4/5/1952 on 6/8/1973
md Kathy Ann Fuller (b 5/10/1955)
Randy is an employee of Landmark, Inc.
[corresponds to page 48 of I-DENTITY]
IV 3 Third child of Clem and Ella (Watts) Longshore
John Glendon Longshore b 4/26/1904 Trenton Twp, on
6/26/1931 md Frances Simms (b 10/31/1907) A farmer
presently. In early marriage, lived in Columbus and drove a City Transit
Bus. He then moved to Trenton Twp. and farmed but after he
sold his dairy cows, he worked as a custodian for
Gahanna School System. He has now retired and resumed farming full
time. This family also lives on Longshore Road in Trenton
Twp., neighbors to his father's farm.
Issue: V Donald, Shirley, Carole, Robert, Randy
1- Donald Wayne Longshore b 8/29/1933 on
7/22/1963 md. Diana VanderHout in Milwaukee.
Donald is employed by Allis chalmers. This family
now lives near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
2- Shirley Ann Longshore b 2/9/1936 on 8/22/1959
md William Mertel (b 10/12/1935) live near
Cleveland, Ohio. Bill is an Art teacher in a Jewish
school. Shirley is a temporarily retired kindergarten
Issue VI:
1 Lori Lynn Mertel b 5/17/1966
2 Lisa Ellen Mertel b 10/21/1969
3- Carole Lynn Longshore b 6/28/1938
On 10/8/1966 md Melvin Bell (b 6/18/1939)
Melvin's employed by Columbus & Southern Ohio
Electric. This family lives near Columbus, Ohio
Issue VI:
1- Lisa Ann b 12/19/1968
4- Robert Lee Longshore b 8/3/1942
Bob farms in Trenton Twp
5- Randy Allen Longshore b 4/5/1952 on 6/8/1973
md Kathy Ann Fuller (b 5/10/1955)
Randy is an employee of Landmark, Inc.
I-DENTITY (p. 51)
[page 51]
[corresponds to page 49 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman & Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Jmaes Dean and
Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan) Family
III Descendants of Truman & Lucretia Peters Longshore
Issue IV: James Dean, Estella May, Isaac Newton,Milo E. & Nellie V.
1- James Dean b 1/16/1872 d 4/7/1952 Age 80
After age 18 settled in Iowa Born Delaware County, Ohio
On 10/30/1894 md. Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan)
This is a copy from a clipping out of the Wapello, Iowa newspaper sent to the
Longshore Reunion secretary at the time of Dean's death.
James Dean Longshore
Born Delaware County, Ohio January 26, 1872. At age 18
went to Iowa to farm. Married on October 30, 1894 to Nancy
Elizabeth Ryan. Children: Mattie Melissa, Homer Russell, Ernest
Cecil, Bertha May, Mabel Dean, Paul Marion, Lela Valentine,
James Vernon, Rollo Raymond, and Leslie Lewis. Elizabeth, his
wife, died June 24, 1930. Son of Truman and Lucretia (Peters)
Longshore. Lived with Paul. Three sisters and two brothers
preceded in death. Survived by two sons,Homer and Paul, and
daughter, Mrs. Mabel Murray (Oakville). Survived by two
brothers, Milo of Keokuk, Iowa and Clem Longshore of Sunbury,
Ohio. Died April 7, 1952.
Issue V:
1- Mattie Melissa Longshore b 12/13/1895
d 12/18/1909 d age 14
2- Homer Russell Longshore b 7/3/1897 d
9/21/1971 md Bessie E. Wilson (b 3/18/1906)
on 7/3/1927
Issue VI:
Harold Dean Longshore b 3/7/1929
LiveS in Wapello, Iowa
Both Homer and Harold worked for the state
Highway Dept.
3- Ernest Cecil Longshore b 9/20/1898
d 12/8/1927 on 6/28/1921 md Lela May Gunnells
b (5/1903)
Issue VI:
1 Nellie May b 5/12/1922 d 7/11/1923
[corresponds to page 49 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman & Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Jmaes Dean and
Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan) Family
III Descendants of Truman & Lucretia Peters Longshore
Issue IV: James Dean, Estella May, Isaac Newton,Milo E. & Nellie V.
1- James Dean b 1/16/1872 d 4/7/1952 Age 80
After age 18 settled in Iowa Born Delaware County, Ohio
On 10/30/1894 md. Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan)
This is a copy from a clipping out of the Wapello, Iowa newspaper sent to the
Longshore Reunion secretary at the time of Dean's death.
James Dean Longshore
Born Delaware County, Ohio January 26, 1872. At age 18
went to Iowa to farm. Married on October 30, 1894 to Nancy
Elizabeth Ryan. Children: Mattie Melissa, Homer Russell, Ernest
Cecil, Bertha May, Mabel Dean, Paul Marion, Lela Valentine,
James Vernon, Rollo Raymond, and Leslie Lewis. Elizabeth, his
wife, died June 24, 1930. Son of Truman and Lucretia (Peters)
Longshore. Lived with Paul. Three sisters and two brothers
preceded in death. Survived by two sons,Homer and Paul, and
daughter, Mrs. Mabel Murray (Oakville). Survived by two
brothers, Milo of Keokuk, Iowa and Clem Longshore of Sunbury,
Ohio. Died April 7, 1952.
Issue V:
1- Mattie Melissa Longshore b 12/13/1895
d 12/18/1909 d age 14
2- Homer Russell Longshore b 7/3/1897 d
9/21/1971 md Bessie E. Wilson (b 3/18/1906)
on 7/3/1927
Issue VI:
Harold Dean Longshore b 3/7/1929
LiveS in Wapello, Iowa
Both Homer and Harold worked for the state
Highway Dept.
3- Ernest Cecil Longshore b 9/20/1898
d 12/8/1927 on 6/28/1921 md Lela May Gunnells
b (5/1903)
Issue VI:
1 Nellie May b 5/12/1922 d 7/11/1923
I-DENTITY (p. 52)
[page 52]
[corresponds to page 50 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman & Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line James Dean and
Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan) Family
2-Marjorie Jean Longshore b 1926
Marjorie was just a little past 1 year of age
when her father died, so her aunt adopted her
More about this later.
4-Bertha May b 5/11/1903 d 8/13/1923 on
2/1/1922 md James J. McKinney
b 12/4/1890 d 12/11/1927) No issue:
5-Mabel Dean Longshore b 10/20/1904 on
6/14/1922 md Ben Murray (b 2/28/1903
d 6/19/1975)
Issue: VI
1- Marjorie Jean Murray (adopted 1930
from Lela (Gunnel) Longshore
Marjorie Jean Murray b 10/21/1926,
on 11/3/1944 md. Allan Gerst
(b 3/30/1923) dv 1966.
Issue VII: Marlan Allan, Karen Dean,
Janice Marie, Lynette Kay Gerst
1-Marlan Allan Gerst b 9/12/1947
md 3/7/1970 to Phyllis Jean
Hinrichs(b 8/22/1950)
2- Karen Dean Gerst b 11/1/1949
on 3/20/1970 md Ronald Humphrey
(b 7/8/1947)
3-Janice Marie Gerst b 9/29/1951
on 12/20/1969 md Robert V.
Hutchinson (b 12/5/1949)
Issue VI: Children
Nancy b 7/4/1970
Trudi Ann b 12/24/1973
4-Lynette Kay Gerst b 2/16/1954
Marjorie Jean (Murray-Gerst) md2 John
Humphries (b 6/18/1924) on 9/22/1966
6.Paul Marion Longshore b 3/15/1906
d 3/12/1970 md on 11/28/1928 to Margaret
Ellen Merrick (b 6/1/1903) Paul d age 64
Issue VI: Helen Pauline and Robert LeRoy
1 Helen Pauline b 1/19/1930 on 2/23/1952
md Richard W. Kenyon (b 6/1/1929)
[corresponds to page 50 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman & Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line James Dean and
Nancy Elizabeth (Ryan) Family
2-Marjorie Jean Longshore b 1926
Marjorie was just a little past 1 year of age
when her father died, so her aunt adopted her
More about this later.
4-Bertha May b 5/11/1903 d 8/13/1923 on
2/1/1922 md James J. McKinney
b 12/4/1890 d 12/11/1927) No issue:
5-Mabel Dean Longshore b 10/20/1904 on
6/14/1922 md Ben Murray (b 2/28/1903
d 6/19/1975)
Issue: VI
1- Marjorie Jean Murray (adopted 1930
from Lela (Gunnel) Longshore
Marjorie Jean Murray b 10/21/1926,
on 11/3/1944 md. Allan Gerst
(b 3/30/1923) dv 1966.
Issue VII: Marlan Allan, Karen Dean,
Janice Marie, Lynette Kay Gerst
1-Marlan Allan Gerst b 9/12/1947
md 3/7/1970 to Phyllis Jean
Hinrichs(b 8/22/1950)
2- Karen Dean Gerst b 11/1/1949
on 3/20/1970 md Ronald Humphrey
(b 7/8/1947)
3-Janice Marie Gerst b 9/29/1951
on 12/20/1969 md Robert V.
Hutchinson (b 12/5/1949)
Issue VI: Children
Nancy b 7/4/1970
Trudi Ann b 12/24/1973
4-Lynette Kay Gerst b 2/16/1954
Marjorie Jean (Murray-Gerst) md2 John
Humphries (b 6/18/1924) on 9/22/1966
6.Paul Marion Longshore b 3/15/1906
d 3/12/1970 md on 11/28/1928 to Margaret
Ellen Merrick (b 6/1/1903) Paul d age 64
Issue VI: Helen Pauline and Robert LeRoy
1 Helen Pauline b 1/19/1930 on 2/23/1952
md Richard W. Kenyon (b 6/1/1929)
I-DENTITY (p. 53)
[page 53]
[corresponds to page 51 of I-DENTITY]
Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
Dean Longshore branch- Family of Paul Marion Longshore family
Issue VII:
1- Paula Michelle Kenyon b 8/13/1956
2- Richard Bruce Longshore b 4/15/1958
2-Robert LeRoy Longshore b 11/3/1933
On 6/23/1957 md. Mary Lou Hutchcroft
Issue VII
1-Kathleen Ann Longshore b 10/20/1958
2-Karen Michelle Longshore b 5/16/1966
7. Lela Valentine Longshore b 2/14/1908
d 2/21/1933 md Ernest Clayton (her 1st cousin)
on 12/30/1926 (More on this later) d age 25 -
Children: William D., Verlee, & Cecile
8. James Vernon Longshore b 11/16/1910 d 6/24/1929 Age 19
9. Leslie Lewis Longshore b 1/28/1916 d 1/29/1916
10. Rollo Raymond Longshore b 4/13/1918 d 4/14/1918
(Note- This completes the Dean & Elizabeth Ryan Longshore Branch)
10 children: namely - Mattie Melissa, Homer Russell, Ernest Cecil, Bertha May,
Mabel Dean, Paul Marion,Lela Valentine, James Vernon, Rollo Vernon [sic Raymond] Longshore
This family saw much tragedy as 2 died in infancy; 2 died as teenagers; and 3 in
their 20's.
[corresponds to page 51 of I-DENTITY]
Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
Dean Longshore branch- Family of Paul Marion Longshore family
Issue VII:
1- Paula Michelle Kenyon b 8/13/1956
2- Richard Bruce Longshore b 4/15/1958
2-Robert LeRoy Longshore b 11/3/1933
On 6/23/1957 md. Mary Lou Hutchcroft
Issue VII
1-Kathleen Ann Longshore b 10/20/1958
2-Karen Michelle Longshore b 5/16/1966
7. Lela Valentine Longshore b 2/14/1908
d 2/21/1933 md Ernest Clayton (her 1st cousin)
on 12/30/1926 (More on this later) d age 25 -
Children: William D., Verlee, & Cecile
8. James Vernon Longshore b 11/16/1910 d 6/24/1929 Age 19
9. Leslie Lewis Longshore b 1/28/1916 d 1/29/1916
10. Rollo Raymond Longshore b 4/13/1918 d 4/14/1918
(Note- This completes the Dean & Elizabeth Ryan Longshore Branch)
10 children: namely - Mattie Melissa, Homer Russell, Ernest Cecil, Bertha May,
Mabel Dean, Paul Marion,Lela Valentine, James Vernon, Rollo Vernon [sic Raymond] Longshore
This family saw much tragedy as 2 died in infancy; 2 died as teenagers; and 3 in
their 20's.
I-DENTITY (p. 54)
[page 54]
[corresponds to page 52 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
IV 2 Estella Mae Longshore b 5/20/1873 d 9/24/1949
md 8/18/1897 to James C. Clevenger (b 3/31/1874
d 5/2/1947)
Issue V: Perry T., Carl C., and Eva Louise Clevenger
1 Perry T. Clevenger b 12/19/1898
d 3/22/1924 of TB md 7/23/1921 to
Everetta Weaver
2 Carl C. Clevenger b 9/23/1902 md 7/4/1923 d 1988 to
Ruth Hazelet (d 7/17/1926)
Carl md2 Lois Drutchell (b 1904) 8/20/1927
Carl and Lois formerly lived in Condit, Ohio and
moved about 15 years ago to Marysville Carl worked
many years as a house painter. He is now retired and
the family lives in Marysville, Union Co., Ohio.He is a
tall slender man.
Issue VI: Bernard, Donna & Norma
1 Bernard Clevenger b 3/12/1928 on
12/16/1950 md Mildred VanLoon dv
Issue VII:
1 James Edward Clevenger
b 6/11/1952
Bernard Clevenger md2 Frances Pruett
Issue VII:
2 Carla Ann Clevenger b 9/30/1960
2 Donna Mae Clevenger b 3/24/1930 on
8/21/1949 md Lee Crawford b
Donna owns and manages a Nursing Home
in Marysville. Lee Ann is a college student.
3. Norma La Vonne Clevenger b about 1932
Norma has an office job in Columbus,
Ohio, lives in Marysville.
3 Eva Louis Clevenger b 12/10/1910 d 1/28/1934
of TB md on 7/22/1930 to Sherman Walter Weiser.
It's been said that Jim and Mae clevenger were wonderful people. The kind who
were always on hand when a family or neighbor crisis arose; to comfort the
bereaved or ailing and to help in a physical sense. "Uncle" Jim always had a bit
of candy for the children; endearing himself to them.
[corresponds to page 52 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
IV 2 Estella Mae Longshore b 5/20/1873 d 9/24/1949
md 8/18/1897 to James C. Clevenger (b 3/31/1874
d 5/2/1947)
Issue V: Perry T., Carl C., and Eva Louise Clevenger
1 Perry T. Clevenger b 12/19/1898
d 3/22/1924 of TB md 7/23/1921 to
Everetta Weaver
2 Carl C. Clevenger b 9/23/1902 md 7/4/1923 d 1988 to
Ruth Hazelet (d 7/17/1926)
Carl md2 Lois Drutchell (b 1904) 8/20/1927
Carl and Lois formerly lived in Condit, Ohio and
moved about 15 years ago to Marysville Carl worked
many years as a house painter. He is now retired and
the family lives in Marysville, Union Co., Ohio.He is a
tall slender man.
Issue VI: Bernard, Donna & Norma
1 Bernard Clevenger b 3/12/1928 on
12/16/1950 md Mildred VanLoon dv
Issue VII:
1 James Edward Clevenger
b 6/11/1952
Bernard Clevenger md2 Frances Pruett
Issue VII:
2 Carla Ann Clevenger b 9/30/1960
2 Donna Mae Clevenger b 3/24/1930 on
8/21/1949 md Lee Crawford b
Donna owns and manages a Nursing Home
in Marysville. Lee Ann is a college student.
3. Norma La Vonne Clevenger b about 1932
Norma has an office job in Columbus,
Ohio, lives in Marysville.
3 Eva Louis Clevenger b 12/10/1910 d 1/28/1934
of TB md on 7/22/1930 to Sherman Walter Weiser.
It's been said that Jim and Mae clevenger were wonderful people. The kind who
were always on hand when a family or neighbor crisis arose; to comfort the
bereaved or ailing and to help in a physical sense. "Uncle" Jim always had a bit
of candy for the children; endearing himself to them.
I-DENTITY (p. 55)
[page 55]
[corresponds to page 53 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
IB III 3 Isaac Newton Longshore b 9/15/1874 d 11/4/1944
At age 70 on 10/1/1897 md susan C. Roberts (b 5/6/1876
d 7/3/1917) Newt was a slightly built man, known as a
good hostler
and driver of horses; also farmed in Trenton Twp, then
moved to
Galena where he worked for the Bennett Lumber Co.
Issue IV: Edward B., Ellen W., Alonzo J., Matilda May,William H,
Charles, and Mary Frances Longshore.
1 Edward B. Longshore b 2/17/1898 on 12/20/1927
md Letha Huse (b 2/17/1898 d 1/26/1971)
No Issue.
2 Ellen W. Longshore b 2/20/1900 on 8/20/1918 md Osco
Green (b 12/1/1893 d 12/10/1960) Lived in Mansfield.
Issue V: Pearl Louise, Harold Edward, & Beulah Mae Green
1 Pearl Louis Green b 4/8/1921 on 6/6/1942
md Clell Spearman
Issue VI:
1 Joseph Allan Spearman b 8/27/1947
2 Kay Ellen Spearman b 11/22/1953
3 Betsy Jane Spearman b 10/17/1954
2 Harold Green b 2/3/1924 on 6/30/1946
md Martha Young (b 8/21/1928)
Issue VI:
1 Roger Allan Green b 10/27/1947
2 Ralph Edward Green b 8/24/1949
3 Randy Lea Green b 11/9/1956
4 Robby Lynn Green b 8/23/1958
3 Buelah Mae Green b 4/5/1926 on 12/15/1953
md Clare Tucker
Issue VI:
1 Thomas Randal Tucker b 12/18/1955
2 Jerry Eugene Tucker b 12/13/1961
3 Alonzo J. Longshore b 6/6/1902 d 5/6/1960 on 10/3/1923
md Zella Downing (b 5/9/1903) Lived in Mansfield area.
Issue V:
1- Neland J. Longshore b 6/14/1924 on 9/1/1946
md Marilyn Ryner [sic Kyner]
4 Matilda Mae Longshore b 2/8/1905 on 6/12/1930
md Clyde Ruhl (b 10/12/1896) Lives in Mansfield, Ohio
Issue V: Dale Arnold Ruhl, Robert Eugene, Ruth Irene, Ralph
William, and Jean Ruhl
1-Dale Arnold Ruhl b 2/24/1933 d 3/25/1933
[corresponds to page 53 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
IB III 3 Isaac Newton Longshore b 9/15/1874 d 11/4/1944
At age 70 on 10/1/1897 md susan C. Roberts (b 5/6/1876
d 7/3/1917) Newt was a slightly built man, known as a
good hostler
and driver of horses; also farmed in Trenton Twp, then
moved to
Galena where he worked for the Bennett Lumber Co.
Issue IV: Edward B., Ellen W., Alonzo J., Matilda May,William H,
Charles, and Mary Frances Longshore.
1 Edward B. Longshore b 2/17/1898 on 12/20/1927
md Letha Huse (b 2/17/1898 d 1/26/1971)
No Issue.
2 Ellen W. Longshore b 2/20/1900 on 8/20/1918 md Osco
Green (b 12/1/1893 d 12/10/1960) Lived in Mansfield.
Issue V: Pearl Louise, Harold Edward, & Beulah Mae Green
1 Pearl Louis Green b 4/8/1921 on 6/6/1942
md Clell Spearman
Issue VI:
1 Joseph Allan Spearman b 8/27/1947
2 Kay Ellen Spearman b 11/22/1953
3 Betsy Jane Spearman b 10/17/1954
2 Harold Green b 2/3/1924 on 6/30/1946
md Martha Young (b 8/21/1928)
Issue VI:
1 Roger Allan Green b 10/27/1947
2 Ralph Edward Green b 8/24/1949
3 Randy Lea Green b 11/9/1956
4 Robby Lynn Green b 8/23/1958
3 Buelah Mae Green b 4/5/1926 on 12/15/1953
md Clare Tucker
Issue VI:
1 Thomas Randal Tucker b 12/18/1955
2 Jerry Eugene Tucker b 12/13/1961
3 Alonzo J. Longshore b 6/6/1902 d 5/6/1960 on 10/3/1923
md Zella Downing (b 5/9/1903) Lived in Mansfield area.
Issue V:
1- Neland J. Longshore b 6/14/1924 on 9/1/1946
md Marilyn Ryner [sic Kyner]
4 Matilda Mae Longshore b 2/8/1905 on 6/12/1930
md Clyde Ruhl (b 10/12/1896) Lives in Mansfield, Ohio
Issue V: Dale Arnold Ruhl, Robert Eugene, Ruth Irene, Ralph
William, and Jean Ruhl
1-Dale Arnold Ruhl b 2/24/1933 d 3/25/1933
I-DENTITY (p. 56)
[page 56]
[corresponds to page 54 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
2-Robert Eugene Ruhl b 7/14/1934 d 8/4/1934
3-Ruth Irene Ruhl b 3/9/1936 on 1/6/1956 md
Ronald Dean Brubaker (b 7/17/1936)
Issue VI:
1-Michelle Lynn Brubaker b 3/4/1962
2-Cynthia Kay Brubaker b 3/9/1963
3-Donald Douglas Brubaker b 6/14/1966
4-Ralph William Ruhl b 8/20/1939 on 4/29/1961
md Shirley Ludwig (b 12/18/1944)
Issue VI:
1 Teresa Marie Ruhl b 8/12/1961
2 William Eugene Ruhl b 5/8/1966
5-Barbara Jean Ruhl b 2/3/1941 on 12/28/1963
md Donald L. Queen (b 10/15/1941)
Issue VI:
1 David Harold Queen b 12/19/1966
2 Dianna Kay Queen b 4/27/1971
5 William H. Longshore b 1/20/1909 d 2/18/1930 d age 21
6 Charles Newton Longshore b 5/11/1912 on 11/4/1937
md Nellie DeBolt (b 10/23/1913) Always lived in Galena.
Issue V: Juanita Louise, Robert Eugene, Norma Jean,
James Lawrence, Charlene, Betty Longshore
1 Juanita Louise (Peggy) Longshore in 1958
md Norman Patrick Lafferty (b 11/21/1937)
Issue VI:
1 Leslie Diane Lafferty b 2/25/1959
2 Judy Marie Lafferty b 10/7/1960
3 Michael Patrick Lafferty b 11/2/1961
4 Steven Edward Lafferty b/26/1972
2 Robert Eugene Longshore b 2/3/1946
d 9/14/1948 age 2 1/2
3 Norma Jean Longshore b 2/4/1948
on 11/26/1968 md John Barrick Bowmar
(b 11/1/1943)
4 James Lawrence Longshore b 4/7/1949
on 6/18/1972 md Julia Silvers (b 9/15/1948)
5 Charlene Nancy Longshore b 1/14/1952
Died 12/24/1956 age 5
6 Betty Ann Longshore b 3/6/1955 on
12/14/1974 md Armando Munoz (b 8/27/1952)
Issue VI:
1 Genaro Carlos Munoz b 1976
[corresponds to page 54 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
2-Robert Eugene Ruhl b 7/14/1934 d 8/4/1934
3-Ruth Irene Ruhl b 3/9/1936 on 1/6/1956 md
Ronald Dean Brubaker (b 7/17/1936)
Issue VI:
1-Michelle Lynn Brubaker b 3/4/1962
2-Cynthia Kay Brubaker b 3/9/1963
3-Donald Douglas Brubaker b 6/14/1966
4-Ralph William Ruhl b 8/20/1939 on 4/29/1961
md Shirley Ludwig (b 12/18/1944)
Issue VI:
1 Teresa Marie Ruhl b 8/12/1961
2 William Eugene Ruhl b 5/8/1966
5-Barbara Jean Ruhl b 2/3/1941 on 12/28/1963
md Donald L. Queen (b 10/15/1941)
Issue VI:
1 David Harold Queen b 12/19/1966
2 Dianna Kay Queen b 4/27/1971
5 William H. Longshore b 1/20/1909 d 2/18/1930 d age 21
6 Charles Newton Longshore b 5/11/1912 on 11/4/1937
md Nellie DeBolt (b 10/23/1913) Always lived in Galena.
Issue V: Juanita Louise, Robert Eugene, Norma Jean,
James Lawrence, Charlene, Betty Longshore
1 Juanita Louise (Peggy) Longshore in 1958
md Norman Patrick Lafferty (b 11/21/1937)
Issue VI:
1 Leslie Diane Lafferty b 2/25/1959
2 Judy Marie Lafferty b 10/7/1960
3 Michael Patrick Lafferty b 11/2/1961
4 Steven Edward Lafferty b/26/1972
2 Robert Eugene Longshore b 2/3/1946
d 9/14/1948 age 2 1/2
3 Norma Jean Longshore b 2/4/1948
on 11/26/1968 md John Barrick Bowmar
(b 11/1/1943)
4 James Lawrence Longshore b 4/7/1949
on 6/18/1972 md Julia Silvers (b 9/15/1948)
5 Charlene Nancy Longshore b 1/14/1952
Died 12/24/1956 age 5
6 Betty Ann Longshore b 3/6/1955 on
12/14/1974 md Armando Munoz (b 8/27/1952)
Issue VI:
1 Genaro Carlos Munoz b 1976
I-DENTITY (p. 57)
[page 57]
[corresponds to page 55 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
7 (7th child of Isaac Newton & Susan Longshore)
Mary Frances Longshore b 4/4/1914 on 2/24/1946
md Arthur Zimmerman (b 4/8/1911)
Issue V:
1 Yvonne Sue Zimmerman b 6/18/1947
2 Garry Thomas Zimmerman b 10/28/1948
3 Carl Richard Zimmerman b 3/10/1951
Isaac Newton (Newt) Longshore md2 Eva Penin Green 11/27/1920
d 1/26/1938
Issue V:Earl Dean Longshore b 7/12/1921 on 11/4/1942
md Glenda Murray (Eva Green had 7 children by
her previous marriage; William, Jessie, Ray & Roy,
Ruby, Edison, and Almont Green)
On 2/14/1940, Newt md3 Mildred White Bennett
III 4 Milo Ernest Longshore 4th child of Truman & Lucretia
B 5/8/1867 d 6/17/1954 (A 87) bd Wapello Cemetery, Iowa
On 12/10/1902 md Susan F. Wilcox (b 9/16/1881 d 5/14/1926)
Issue IV: Leo H., Wilma Lucille, Hallie Rex, Dorothy Marie
IV Longshore
1 Leo H. Longshore b 12/5/1903 d 10/8/1966 age 63 on
11/10/1926 md Sara Hoffman (b 8/7/1907)
Issue V: Elva Jean, Wilma Maxine, Leo H., Jr., Bethene
Audray Longshore
1 Elva Jean Longshore b 2/27/1930 on
3/27/1949 md Richard Hedrick (b 8/27/1928)
Issue VI:
1 Lynn Diann Hedrick b 10/20/1956
2 Gail Ann Hedrick b 11/15/1957
2 Wilma Maxine Longshore b 10/3/1931 on
4/30/1950 md Don Harmon (b 9/14/1929)
Issue VI:
1 Rebecca Ann Harmon b 5/8/1951
2 Dale Harmon b
3 Leo H. Longshore, Jr. b 4/27/1937 on
8/30/1958 md Patricia Fritzmoser (b 6/6/1938)
Issue VI:
1 Nugent Michael Longshore b 7/22/1959
2 Patrick Douglas Longshore b 7/23/1961
3 Theresa Ann Longshore b 5/5/1963
4 Bethane Audray b 5/17/1939
2- Wilma Lucille Longshore b 3/11/1908 d 2/6/1909
[corresponds to page 55 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Isaac Newton
(Newt) and Susan (Roberts) Longshore family
7 (7th child of Isaac Newton & Susan Longshore)
Mary Frances Longshore b 4/4/1914 on 2/24/1946
md Arthur Zimmerman (b 4/8/1911)
Issue V:
1 Yvonne Sue Zimmerman b 6/18/1947
2 Garry Thomas Zimmerman b 10/28/1948
3 Carl Richard Zimmerman b 3/10/1951
Isaac Newton (Newt) Longshore md2 Eva Penin Green 11/27/1920
d 1/26/1938
Issue V:Earl Dean Longshore b 7/12/1921 on 11/4/1942
md Glenda Murray (Eva Green had 7 children by
her previous marriage; William, Jessie, Ray & Roy,
Ruby, Edison, and Almont Green)
On 2/14/1940, Newt md3 Mildred White Bennett
III 4 Milo Ernest Longshore 4th child of Truman & Lucretia
B 5/8/1867 d 6/17/1954 (A 87) bd Wapello Cemetery, Iowa
On 12/10/1902 md Susan F. Wilcox (b 9/16/1881 d 5/14/1926)
Issue IV: Leo H., Wilma Lucille, Hallie Rex, Dorothy Marie
IV Longshore
1 Leo H. Longshore b 12/5/1903 d 10/8/1966 age 63 on
11/10/1926 md Sara Hoffman (b 8/7/1907)
Issue V: Elva Jean, Wilma Maxine, Leo H., Jr., Bethene
Audray Longshore
1 Elva Jean Longshore b 2/27/1930 on
3/27/1949 md Richard Hedrick (b 8/27/1928)
Issue VI:
1 Lynn Diann Hedrick b 10/20/1956
2 Gail Ann Hedrick b 11/15/1957
2 Wilma Maxine Longshore b 10/3/1931 on
4/30/1950 md Don Harmon (b 9/14/1929)
Issue VI:
1 Rebecca Ann Harmon b 5/8/1951
2 Dale Harmon b
3 Leo H. Longshore, Jr. b 4/27/1937 on
8/30/1958 md Patricia Fritzmoser (b 6/6/1938)
Issue VI:
1 Nugent Michael Longshore b 7/22/1959
2 Patrick Douglas Longshore b 7/23/1961
3 Theresa Ann Longshore b 5/5/1963
4 Bethane Audray b 5/17/1939
2- Wilma Lucille Longshore b 3/11/1908 d 2/6/1909
I-DENTITY (p. 58)
[page 58]
[corresponds to page 56 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Milo and
Susan (Wilcox) Longshore family
3- Hallie Rex Longshore, 3rd child of Milo & Susan
b 11/21/1912 d 8/6/1941 on 4/24/1932 md Irene
Knight (b 8/29/1910)
Issue V:
1-Marrye Ann Longshore b 2/5/1933 on
8/27/1950 md Billie D. Hootman
Issue VI: Billie D., Dana Marie,Deanna Lynn,
& Erin Hootman
1- Billie C. Hootman, Jr. b 1/25/1952
d 1/27/1952
2- Dana Marie Hootman b 6/27/1953
md Patrick Bryan Conner on 5/5/1973
3- Deanna Lynn Hootman b 6/27/1953 on
6/5/1971 md Dennis Hess
4- Erin Hootman b 8/25/1960
2- Linda Irene Longshore b 6/1/1939 on
3/17/1962 md Clifford Eugene Barrett (b
Issue VI:
1- Shawn Lee Longshore Barrett b 9/1/1959
2-Kelley Joe Barrett b 7/7/1962
3-Stacie Lynne Barrett b 11/22/1963
3- Rose Marie Longshore b 1/1/1942 on 6/12/1963
md Allen Neilsen
Issue VI:
1-Rex Allen Neilsen b 6/12/1965
2-Jacalyn Suzette Neilsen b 9/27/1969
4- Hallie Rex Longshore, Jr. b 6/11/1940 on
6/11/1967 md Bonnie Lynne Gorrell
Issue VI:
1-Joseph Carl Longshore b 1/16/1969
2-Jacob Longshore b 11/4/1970
Hallie Rex Longshore, Jr. was ordained into Zion Lutheran Church at Hiawatha,
Iowa on 6/12/1966.
5- Dorothy Marie Longshore b 5/7/1919 in 1935
md Richard Paul Walker, dv
Issue VI:
1-James Walker b 7/20/1937 d 12/5/1984
2- Sharon Kay Walker b 10/31/1940 on 2/7/1959
md William Brenner
children Wm. Kent (Rocky) b 12/31/--
Rocky md Carol Lynn Hart 3/17/1989 in
- Anita Louise b 8/4/1962
- Brigitte Ann
[corresponds to page 56 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line Milo and
Susan (Wilcox) Longshore family
3- Hallie Rex Longshore, 3rd child of Milo & Susan
b 11/21/1912 d 8/6/1941 on 4/24/1932 md Irene
Knight (b 8/29/1910)
Issue V:
1-Marrye Ann Longshore b 2/5/1933 on
8/27/1950 md Billie D. Hootman
Issue VI: Billie D., Dana Marie,Deanna Lynn,
& Erin Hootman
1- Billie C. Hootman, Jr. b 1/25/1952
d 1/27/1952
2- Dana Marie Hootman b 6/27/1953
md Patrick Bryan Conner on 5/5/1973
3- Deanna Lynn Hootman b 6/27/1953 on
6/5/1971 md Dennis Hess
4- Erin Hootman b 8/25/1960
2- Linda Irene Longshore b 6/1/1939 on
3/17/1962 md Clifford Eugene Barrett (b
Issue VI:
1- Shawn Lee Longshore Barrett b 9/1/1959
2-Kelley Joe Barrett b 7/7/1962
3-Stacie Lynne Barrett b 11/22/1963
3- Rose Marie Longshore b 1/1/1942 on 6/12/1963
md Allen Neilsen
Issue VI:
1-Rex Allen Neilsen b 6/12/1965
2-Jacalyn Suzette Neilsen b 9/27/1969
4- Hallie Rex Longshore, Jr. b 6/11/1940 on
6/11/1967 md Bonnie Lynne Gorrell
Issue VI:
1-Joseph Carl Longshore b 1/16/1969
2-Jacob Longshore b 11/4/1970
Hallie Rex Longshore, Jr. was ordained into Zion Lutheran Church at Hiawatha,
Iowa on 6/12/1966.
5- Dorothy Marie Longshore b 5/7/1919 in 1935
md Richard Paul Walker, dv
Issue VI:
1-James Walker b 7/20/1937 d 12/5/1984
2- Sharon Kay Walker b 10/31/1940 on 2/7/1959
md William Brenner
children Wm. Kent (Rocky) b 12/31/--
Rocky md Carol Lynn Hart 3/17/1989 in
- Anita Louise b 8/4/1962
- Brigitte Ann
I-DENTITY (p. 59)
[page 59]
[corresponds to page 57 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Lngshore line through Milo
and Susan (Wilcox) Longshore family--Dana Marie Walker and Robert Browning
3- Dana Marie Walker b 8/24/1939 md
Robert Browning
Children: Kathleen b 11/30/58,Margaret (Peg) b 59
Thomas Oliver b 8/2/62,Jeannine Helene
4- Vernia b 8/24/1942 (Janis Marie Mezykowski)
md Frank F. Banicki
Children: 1- John Joseph b 7/16/1960 md Margaret
Children: Michael, Melissa
2- David Alan b 9/30/1961 md Margie
Children: Jennifer, David Jr.
3- Ronald Stanley b 4/15/1963 md Kim
Children: Matthew
4- Sharon Guadalupe b 7/9/1964 md
James Critchlow
Children: Jason, James Jr.
5- Barbara Jean b 7/17/1967
6- Thomas Michael b 9/6/1969 md Alma
Children: Amanda
7- Daniel Edward b 10/22/1971
8- Ann Marie b 9/1978
md2 Coy Winters in 1948 dv 1952
Issue VI 5: Susan Winters md Phillip
Children Kellie, Kristie
md3 Lawrence Cole in 7/28/1958
Issue VI:
6 - Martha Ann Cole b 10/6/1959 d 4/22/1989
7 - Lawrence Joseph Cole, Jr. b 1961
All the Walker children were born in South Bend, Indiana. Dorothy md Mr.
Winters in 1948 and divorced in 1952. She married (2) Mr. Cole in 1958,he died
in 1983.
[corresponds to page 57 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Lngshore line through Milo
and Susan (Wilcox) Longshore family--Dana Marie Walker and Robert Browning
3- Dana Marie Walker b 8/24/1939 md
Robert Browning
Children: Kathleen b 11/30/58,Margaret (Peg) b 59
Thomas Oliver b 8/2/62,Jeannine Helene
4- Vernia b 8/24/1942 (Janis Marie Mezykowski)
md Frank F. Banicki
Children: 1- John Joseph b 7/16/1960 md Margaret
Children: Michael, Melissa
2- David Alan b 9/30/1961 md Margie
Children: Jennifer, David Jr.
3- Ronald Stanley b 4/15/1963 md Kim
Children: Matthew
4- Sharon Guadalupe b 7/9/1964 md
James Critchlow
Children: Jason, James Jr.
5- Barbara Jean b 7/17/1967
6- Thomas Michael b 9/6/1969 md Alma
Children: Amanda
7- Daniel Edward b 10/22/1971
8- Ann Marie b 9/1978
md2 Coy Winters in 1948 dv 1952
Issue VI 5: Susan Winters md Phillip
Children Kellie, Kristie
md3 Lawrence Cole in 7/28/1958
Issue VI:
6 - Martha Ann Cole b 10/6/1959 d 4/22/1989
7 - Lawrence Joseph Cole, Jr. b 1961
All the Walker children were born in South Bend, Indiana. Dorothy md Mr.
Winters in 1948 and divorced in 1952. She married (2) Mr. Cole in 1958,he died
in 1983.
I-DENTITY (p. 60)
[page 60]
[corresponds to page 58 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
III V: Nellie V. Longshore - 5th child of Truman & Lucretia Longshore
Nellie V. Longshore b 11/16/1879 d 7/4/1914 on 3/17/1898 md
Virgil D. (b 12/14/1875 d 1955)
Issue IV: Fred, Ethel, Ernest, Harvey, Dave, Forrest,Iva Maude
1-Fred Clayton b 4/16/1899 d 12/16/1918 age 19
2-Ethel Mae Clayton b 7/30/1900 d 1918 age 18
md William Evans in 1917
Issue: one daughter who died
3-Ernest T. Clayton b 2/15/1902 d 7/16/1979 on
12/20/1926 md Lela V. Longshore --daughter of Dean &
Nancy Longshore--(b 2/14/1908 d 2/21/1933 age 25)
Issue V: William D. Clayton, Verlee Clayton,
Cecile Clayton
1-William D. Clayton b 4/10/1928 on 6/27/1959
md Isabelle Mae Belt (b 11/7/1930)
Issue VI:
1 - Anita Marie Clayton b 8/28/1960
md Glenn Hunt 3/10/79
2 - Rebecca Diane Clayton b 6/27/1961
3- Tayna [sic Tanya] b 8/18/77
2a- Elizabeth Verlee Clayton b 11/10/1930 on
10/21/1945 md James D. Lance III, Jr. div
Issue VI: James, Linda, Donald Lance
1- James Daniel Lance III b 1/5/1947
md 7/2/1966 to Marilyn Holbrook
b 12/5/1951
Issue VII:
1 -Troy DeWayne Lance b 1/12/1967
2 -Samantha Ann Lance b 7/13/1971
2- Linda Lou Lance b 1/16/1948 md
10/15/1961 to Ernest Stanley Gayhart,Jr.
(b 6/28/1944)
Issue: VII
1-Diana Sue Gayhart b 1/20/1964
2-Brenda Kay Gayhart b 5/15/1965
3- Gayhart b 4/18/1969
3 - Donald Eugene Lance b 10/9/1949 md
2/14/1970 to Pamela Raley (b 2/5/1952)
Issue VII:
1-Donald Eugene Patrick Lance b 11/1/1972
2b (Elizabeth) Verlee md2 Grady N. White on 9/2/1951
[corresponds to page 58 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line
III V: Nellie V. Longshore - 5th child of Truman & Lucretia Longshore
Nellie V. Longshore b 11/16/1879 d 7/4/1914 on 3/17/1898 md
Virgil D. (b 12/14/1875 d 1955)
Issue IV: Fred, Ethel, Ernest, Harvey, Dave, Forrest,Iva Maude
1-Fred Clayton b 4/16/1899 d 12/16/1918 age 19
2-Ethel Mae Clayton b 7/30/1900 d 1918 age 18
md William Evans in 1917
Issue: one daughter who died
3-Ernest T. Clayton b 2/15/1902 d 7/16/1979 on
12/20/1926 md Lela V. Longshore --daughter of Dean &
Nancy Longshore--(b 2/14/1908 d 2/21/1933 age 25)
Issue V: William D. Clayton, Verlee Clayton,
Cecile Clayton
1-William D. Clayton b 4/10/1928 on 6/27/1959
md Isabelle Mae Belt (b 11/7/1930)
Issue VI:
1 - Anita Marie Clayton b 8/28/1960
md Glenn Hunt 3/10/79
2 - Rebecca Diane Clayton b 6/27/1961
3- Tayna [sic Tanya] b 8/18/77
2a- Elizabeth Verlee Clayton b 11/10/1930 on
10/21/1945 md James D. Lance III, Jr. div
Issue VI: James, Linda, Donald Lance
1- James Daniel Lance III b 1/5/1947
md 7/2/1966 to Marilyn Holbrook
b 12/5/1951
Issue VII:
1 -Troy DeWayne Lance b 1/12/1967
2 -Samantha Ann Lance b 7/13/1971
2- Linda Lou Lance b 1/16/1948 md
10/15/1961 to Ernest Stanley Gayhart,Jr.
(b 6/28/1944)
Issue: VII
1-Diana Sue Gayhart b 1/20/1964
2-Brenda Kay Gayhart b 5/15/1965
3- Gayhart b 4/18/1969
3 - Donald Eugene Lance b 10/9/1949 md
2/14/1970 to Pamela Raley (b 2/5/1952)
Issue VII:
1-Donald Eugene Patrick Lance b 11/1/1972
2b (Elizabeth) Verlee md2 Grady N. White on 9/2/1951
I-DENTITY (p. 61)
[page 61]
[corresponds to page 59 of I-DENTITY]
Issue: VI
4 Michael Timothy White b 11/2/1951
5 Lilli Kathleen White b 8/29/1957
6 Grady Edward White b 10/15/1958
7 Tommy Dean White 9/26/1959
['* ch:
* ch:' handwritten in left margin]
[page 67]
[corresponds to page 53 of I-DENTITY]
Truman & Lucretia Longshore Line (II)
III Nellie V. Longshore Clayton (5th child)
Issue: IV 3
Cecile Viola Clayton b 1/8/1933 on 5/6/1951 md
Robert P. Ahr
Issue: Robin Pauline Ahr b 4/21/1955
Charles William Ahr b 4/24/1956
Ted Anthony Ahr b 9/8/1972
IV 4 4th child of Nellie V. Longshore Clayton
Harvey Clayton b 1/31/1905 d 6/24/1973 md on 2/28/1928
to Vergie Hubbard
Issue: V Irene and Giles
Letha Irene Clayton b 2/7/1929 md 9/18/1945
to Paul Poe
Issue: VI
1 Donna Jean Poe b 3/3/1946 d 8/4/1962
(killed in auto accident)
2 Dale Poe b 10/8/1947
3 Eddie Poe b 1/5/1949
4 Garry Lee Poe b
[photograph: unidentified]
Giles Raymond Clayton b 5/20/1932 on 12/1/1952
md Jeane Law
Issue: VI
1 Ronda clayton b md
Issue: VII
2 Randy Clayton b
3 Sherry Clayton
Harv md Louise Wilson of Iowa in 1935, no ch., dv.
Harvey md Cora Hess (b 10/9/1914) on 5/12/1937
Issue: V Elmer, Arbutus, Merle, Ruth, Kathy Clayton
1 Elmer Clayton b 7/7/1938 on 9/5/1958 md Nancy Goings dv
Issue: VI
1 Linda Sue Clayton b 12/6/1959
2 Michael Clayton b 9/5/1961
3 Lisa Sue b 2/5/1965 (later adopted by Eddie
Quijada) ['- Nancy's 2nd husband' handwritten)
[corresponds to page 59 of I-DENTITY]
Issue: VI
4 Michael Timothy White b 11/2/1951
5 Lilli Kathleen White b 8/29/1957
6 Grady Edward White b 10/15/1958
7 Tommy Dean White 9/26/1959
['* ch:
* ch:' handwritten in left margin]
[page 67]
[corresponds to page 53 of I-DENTITY]
Truman & Lucretia Longshore Line (II)
III Nellie V. Longshore Clayton (5th child)
Issue: IV 3
Cecile Viola Clayton b 1/8/1933 on 5/6/1951 md
Robert P. Ahr
Issue: Robin Pauline Ahr b 4/21/1955
Charles William Ahr b 4/24/1956
Ted Anthony Ahr b 9/8/1972
IV 4 4th child of Nellie V. Longshore Clayton
Harvey Clayton b 1/31/1905 d 6/24/1973 md on 2/28/1928
to Vergie Hubbard
Issue: V Irene and Giles
Letha Irene Clayton b 2/7/1929 md 9/18/1945
to Paul Poe
Issue: VI
1 Donna Jean Poe b 3/3/1946 d 8/4/1962
(killed in auto accident)
2 Dale Poe b 10/8/1947
3 Eddie Poe b 1/5/1949
4 Garry Lee Poe b
[photograph: unidentified]
Giles Raymond Clayton b 5/20/1932 on 12/1/1952
md Jeane Law
Issue: VI
1 Ronda clayton b md
Issue: VII
2 Randy Clayton b
3 Sherry Clayton
Harv md Louise Wilson of Iowa in 1935, no ch., dv.
Harvey md Cora Hess (b 10/9/1914) on 5/12/1937
Issue: V Elmer, Arbutus, Merle, Ruth, Kathy Clayton
1 Elmer Clayton b 7/7/1938 on 9/5/1958 md Nancy Goings dv
Issue: VI
1 Linda Sue Clayton b 12/6/1959
2 Michael Clayton b 9/5/1961
3 Lisa Sue b 2/5/1965 (later adopted by Eddie
Quijada) ['- Nancy's 2nd husband' handwritten)
I-DENTITY (p. 62)
[page 62]
[corresponds to page 60 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore
line - family of Harvey and Cora (Hess) cont.
2- Arbutus Clayton b 1/6/1940 on 10/25/1964
md Everett Swackhammer, a minister
Issue VI:
Eddie L. Swackhammer
3- Merle Clayton b 3/9/1942 md 8/16/1963 to
Janet Harris
Issue VI:
1 -Brenda Kay Clayton
4- Ruth Clayton b 7/30/1945 on 4/27/1964 md
Roger Ingmire
Issue VI:
1- Michelle
2- Melissa
3- Roger Allen
5- Kathy Clayton b 5/1/1951 md David Murphy
IV 5 Fifth child of Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
Dave Clayton b 1/29/1907 on 12/20/1933 md Nellie
Issue V:
1- Erwin Edward Clayton b 6/7/1937 on 5/5/1961
md Mary Elizabeth Miller (b 8/13/1938)
Issue VI:
1- Dennis Edward Clayton b 12/5/1965
2- David William b 6/5/1967
3- Denise Leanne b 12/5/1969
2- Janet Carole Clayton b 10/12/1938 on 11/9/1953
md William Callan (b 8/29/1938 d 2/18/77
Issue VII:
1- Deborah Lee Callan b 12/5/1954 md
Gregory R 2/11/19
2- Robert Eugene Callan b 1/20/1958 md
Diana Moss 5/28/1975
IV 6 Sixth child of Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
Forrest Alvy Clayton b 3/12/1909 d 7/16/1963 on
9/15/1934 md Erma Alberta Wilson- 12 children
Issue V: Foresteen Alberta, Martha Joan, Doris Marie,
Elva Elaine, Lola Mae, Patsy Lou, Ralph
Franklin, Nancy Beth, Minnie Lea, John
Delbert, Forrest Alvy, Jr., Shirley Louise
1- Foresteen Alberta b 7/22/1935
d 7/22/1935
2 - Martha Joan Clayton b 7/18/1936
d 3/28/1937
[corresponds to page 60 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore
line - family of Harvey and Cora (Hess) cont.
2- Arbutus Clayton b 1/6/1940 on 10/25/1964
md Everett Swackhammer, a minister
Issue VI:
Eddie L. Swackhammer
3- Merle Clayton b 3/9/1942 md 8/16/1963 to
Janet Harris
Issue VI:
1 -Brenda Kay Clayton
4- Ruth Clayton b 7/30/1945 on 4/27/1964 md
Roger Ingmire
Issue VI:
1- Michelle
2- Melissa
3- Roger Allen
5- Kathy Clayton b 5/1/1951 md David Murphy
IV 5 Fifth child of Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
Dave Clayton b 1/29/1907 on 12/20/1933 md Nellie
Issue V:
1- Erwin Edward Clayton b 6/7/1937 on 5/5/1961
md Mary Elizabeth Miller (b 8/13/1938)
Issue VI:
1- Dennis Edward Clayton b 12/5/1965
2- David William b 6/5/1967
3- Denise Leanne b 12/5/1969
2- Janet Carole Clayton b 10/12/1938 on 11/9/1953
md William Callan (b 8/29/1938 d 2/18/77
Issue VII:
1- Deborah Lee Callan b 12/5/1954 md
Gregory R 2/11/19
2- Robert Eugene Callan b 1/20/1958 md
Diana Moss 5/28/1975
IV 6 Sixth child of Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
Forrest Alvy Clayton b 3/12/1909 d 7/16/1963 on
9/15/1934 md Erma Alberta Wilson- 12 children
Issue V: Foresteen Alberta, Martha Joan, Doris Marie,
Elva Elaine, Lola Mae, Patsy Lou, Ralph
Franklin, Nancy Beth, Minnie Lea, John
Delbert, Forrest Alvy, Jr., Shirley Louise
1- Foresteen Alberta b 7/22/1935
d 7/22/1935
2 - Martha Joan Clayton b 7/18/1936
d 3/28/1937
I-DENTITY (p. 63)
[page 63]
[corresponds to page 61 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line - family of
Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
3- Doris Marie Clayton b 9/8/1937
4- Elva Elaine clayton b 11/20/1938
d. 4/1974 on 6/8/1957 md Donald Fry
(b 8/20/1938)
Issue: VI
1 - David clayton Fry b 5/3/1960
2 - Stanley Clarence Fry b 7/28/1965
3 - Donald Edward Fry II b 10/7/1966
4 - Sheldon Fry
5-Lola Mae b 12/3/1939 on 12/18/1957
md Pet Evans (10/3/1931)
Issue VI:
1 - Foresteen JoAnne Evans
b 10/7/1958
2 - Carolyn Marie Evans b 4/10/1963
3 - Harvey Allen b 6/10/1969
6 - Patsy Lou Clayton b 4/8/1941 on
7 - Ralph Franklin Clayton b 5/4/1942 on
5/4/1942 md Barbara Stevens
Issue VI:
1- JoAnne Elizabeth Clayton b 2/8/1962
8 - Nancy Beth Clayton b 4/25/1944 on
1/26/1961 md Tommy Perkins (b 3/4/1941)
9 - Minnie Lea b 11/18/1945 on 11/1963
md David Behrens
10 - John Delbert Clayton b 4/22/1948 on
10/17/1969 md Cathy Reichert
11 - Forrest Alvy Clayton Jr. b 9/11/1949
12 - Shirley Louise Clayton b 11/13/1950
Note - These tabulations complete the Cyrus and Margaret Young
Longshore line.
[corresponds to page 61 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Truman and Lucretia (Peters) Longshore line - family of
Nellie Longshore and Virgil Clayton
3- Doris Marie Clayton b 9/8/1937
4- Elva Elaine clayton b 11/20/1938
d. 4/1974 on 6/8/1957 md Donald Fry
(b 8/20/1938)
Issue: VI
1 - David clayton Fry b 5/3/1960
2 - Stanley Clarence Fry b 7/28/1965
3 - Donald Edward Fry II b 10/7/1966
4 - Sheldon Fry
5-Lola Mae b 12/3/1939 on 12/18/1957
md Pet Evans (10/3/1931)
Issue VI:
1 - Foresteen JoAnne Evans
b 10/7/1958
2 - Carolyn Marie Evans b 4/10/1963
3 - Harvey Allen b 6/10/1969
6 - Patsy Lou Clayton b 4/8/1941 on
7 - Ralph Franklin Clayton b 5/4/1942 on
5/4/1942 md Barbara Stevens
Issue VI:
1- JoAnne Elizabeth Clayton b 2/8/1962
8 - Nancy Beth Clayton b 4/25/1944 on
1/26/1961 md Tommy Perkins (b 3/4/1941)
9 - Minnie Lea b 11/18/1945 on 11/1963
md David Behrens
10 - John Delbert Clayton b 4/22/1948 on
10/17/1969 md Cathy Reichert
11 - Forrest Alvy Clayton Jr. b 9/11/1949
12 - Shirley Louise Clayton b 11/13/1950
Note - These tabulations complete the Cyrus and Margaret Young
Longshore line.
I-DENTITY (p. 64)
[page 64]
[corresponds to page 62 of I-DENTITY]
Warner Longshore
The Third Child of David and Elizabeth Longshore
IC Warner Longshore b 10/18/1807 d 1/1/1892 age 84. Warner was born in
Ohio and is buried beside his two wives in Sunbury Memorial Park, Sunbury,
Ohio. He settled on a farm east of Sunbury in Trenton Twp, Delaware County,
Ohio. This farm is still owned by a Longshore. Lester farms it at present, and
his father, Clem, farmed it before him.
The farm is situated on Longshore Road. Warner was quite active in the Vans
Valley Methodist Church in his community and was a trustee there. His name
appears on the church deed. His family of seven children all took part in the
work of the church. He and his wife, Cordelia,"took in" his brother Cyrus'
grandson, Clem, (Truman's son) at the time of Clem's stepmother's death.
Warner and Mary Ann Buxton Longshore (b 11/24/1811 d 2/20/1846)
Issue II: Norton, Elizabeth, Allen, Harriett, Tammison
After Mary Ann's death, Warner md Cordelia Searles (b 1810 d 1882)
on 6/1846 Cordelia was from New York. She died of heart disease
Issue II: Mary and Harmon.
II 1 Norton Longshore b 9/9/1832 d 2/2/1893 age 60 of pneumonia bd
in Trenton Cemetery. Norton farmed on a farm located on what is now Meredith
St. Rd. and it is still owned and occupied by a family member, Zada Longshore.
Issue III: Edith, Noah, and Albert Longshore
1 - Edith H. Longshore b 7/3/1859 d 6/25/1864 age 5
2 - Noah D. Longshore b 1866 d 1890 bd Trenton
Cemetery d age 24 taught school and worked in a
nearby sawmill. He lived on what is now the Charlie
Lane property North Old 3C Hwy. in Trenton Twp.
He was killed in a saw mill accident. His leg was cut off
and he bled to death. They had no children.
3 - Albert Longshore b 1857 in Illinois d 1921 a 64
md 8/28/1878 to Emma E. Wright (b 1859) She died
of malarial fever bd. Trenton Cemetery.
Issue IV: Otis (reared by his grandparents)
1- Otis H. Longshore b 1880 d 1927 never md
lived in Cols. was a foreman for many
years at Tellings-Mt. Vernon Ice Cream
Plant in Columbus, working up until his
death of a heart attack at age 46.
Albert Longshore md2 Lizzy Curry on 11/20/1884
(d 3/16/1926)
[corresponds to page 62 of I-DENTITY]
Warner Longshore
The Third Child of David and Elizabeth Longshore
IC Warner Longshore b 10/18/1807 d 1/1/1892 age 84. Warner was born in
Ohio and is buried beside his two wives in Sunbury Memorial Park, Sunbury,
Ohio. He settled on a farm east of Sunbury in Trenton Twp, Delaware County,
Ohio. This farm is still owned by a Longshore. Lester farms it at present, and
his father, Clem, farmed it before him.
The farm is situated on Longshore Road. Warner was quite active in the Vans
Valley Methodist Church in his community and was a trustee there. His name
appears on the church deed. His family of seven children all took part in the
work of the church. He and his wife, Cordelia,"took in" his brother Cyrus'
grandson, Clem, (Truman's son) at the time of Clem's stepmother's death.
Warner and Mary Ann Buxton Longshore (b 11/24/1811 d 2/20/1846)
Issue II: Norton, Elizabeth, Allen, Harriett, Tammison
After Mary Ann's death, Warner md Cordelia Searles (b 1810 d 1882)
on 6/1846 Cordelia was from New York. She died of heart disease
Issue II: Mary and Harmon.
II 1 Norton Longshore b 9/9/1832 d 2/2/1893 age 60 of pneumonia bd
in Trenton Cemetery. Norton farmed on a farm located on what is now Meredith
St. Rd. and it is still owned and occupied by a family member, Zada Longshore.
Issue III: Edith, Noah, and Albert Longshore
1 - Edith H. Longshore b 7/3/1859 d 6/25/1864 age 5
2 - Noah D. Longshore b 1866 d 1890 bd Trenton
Cemetery d age 24 taught school and worked in a
nearby sawmill. He lived on what is now the Charlie
Lane property North Old 3C Hwy. in Trenton Twp.
He was killed in a saw mill accident. His leg was cut off
and he bled to death. They had no children.
3 - Albert Longshore b 1857 in Illinois d 1921 a 64
md 8/28/1878 to Emma E. Wright (b 1859) She died
of malarial fever bd. Trenton Cemetery.
Issue IV: Otis (reared by his grandparents)
1- Otis H. Longshore b 1880 d 1927 never md
lived in Cols. was a foreman for many
years at Tellings-Mt. Vernon Ice Cream
Plant in Columbus, working up until his
death of a heart attack at age 46.
Albert Longshore md2 Lizzy Curry on 11/20/1884
(d 3/16/1926)
I-DENTITY (p. 65)
[page 65]
[corresponds to page 63 of I-DENTITY]
continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Norton and Zada Longshore family.
Issue IV: Gail Norton Longshore b 9/30/1907 d 1961
following a few days' illness from a stroke. In 1919
md Zada Freas. Gail was in military training in
Columbus for WWI when war ended. He always
lived on and farmed the home place.
Issue V:
1 Erma Louise Longshore b 2/25/1921 md Don
Scott,(b 9/14/1919) from McConnelsville, OH.
He was a paratrooper in England during WWII
for 2 yrs. He was a school superintendent at a
Cleveland, Ohio school until his recent
retirement.Erma taught Commercial subjects
at Northfield High in Ohio at that time.
They now live in Johnson City, Tenn.
Issue VI:
1- Randy Scott b 7/24/1949 b at
Kirkersville, Ohio, md on 3/1/1969 to
Carol Cooper
Issue VII:
1-Stephanie b 6/22/1970
Randy Scott was a Marine and served
in Japan for 2 yrs. He now lives in
Memphis, Tennessee and works for the
Naval Intelligence Corps.
2- Linda Scott b 11/3/1953 at Wooster,
Ohio. Now teaches kindergarten at
Northfield Elementary, near Cleveland,
The foregoing information was solicited from Zada Longshore
II 2 Elizabeth Longshore b 1834 d 3/3/1905 md Isaac DeWitt in
1855 (No further information on her.)
II 3 Allen Longshore b 1837 d 12/28/1863, age 28 yrs. 11 mo in
1858 md Martha Forwood (b 1831 d 1863 age 32)
Issue III:
1-Ella A. b 1859 d 1863, age 3, died 3 wks after father
All this family were victims of typhoid fever.
[corresponds to page 63 of I-DENTITY]
continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Norton and Zada Longshore family.
Issue IV: Gail Norton Longshore b 9/30/1907 d 1961
following a few days' illness from a stroke. In 1919
md Zada Freas. Gail was in military training in
Columbus for WWI when war ended. He always
lived on and farmed the home place.
Issue V:
1 Erma Louise Longshore b 2/25/1921 md Don
Scott,(b 9/14/1919) from McConnelsville, OH.
He was a paratrooper in England during WWII
for 2 yrs. He was a school superintendent at a
Cleveland, Ohio school until his recent
retirement.Erma taught Commercial subjects
at Northfield High in Ohio at that time.
They now live in Johnson City, Tenn.
Issue VI:
1- Randy Scott b 7/24/1949 b at
Kirkersville, Ohio, md on 3/1/1969 to
Carol Cooper
Issue VII:
1-Stephanie b 6/22/1970
Randy Scott was a Marine and served
in Japan for 2 yrs. He now lives in
Memphis, Tennessee and works for the
Naval Intelligence Corps.
2- Linda Scott b 11/3/1953 at Wooster,
Ohio. Now teaches kindergarten at
Northfield Elementary, near Cleveland,
The foregoing information was solicited from Zada Longshore
II 2 Elizabeth Longshore b 1834 d 3/3/1905 md Isaac DeWitt in
1855 (No further information on her.)
II 3 Allen Longshore b 1837 d 12/28/1863, age 28 yrs. 11 mo in
1858 md Martha Forwood (b 1831 d 1863 age 32)
Issue III:
1-Ella A. b 1859 d 1863, age 3, died 3 wks after father
All this family were victims of typhoid fever.
I-DENTITY (p. 66)
[page 66]
[corresponds to back of page 63 of I-DENTITY]
Ezekiel Brown was born March 13, 1760 in Orange County, New York and died
April 23, 1841, in Delaware County, Ohio at the home of his daughter, Nancy Brown
Leonard. He was married to Jane Smith, Feb. 26, 1786. She was born Sept. 15, 1766 and
died Aug. 19, 1821. In 1808 he came to Berkshire Township and settled on land a little
northeast of where Galena now is. He came from Lycoming County, PA, where he had
been elected to Congress for one or two terms.
In 1776 he enlisted in the Revolutionary Army and joined the forces under
Washington, just after the Battle of Trenton. He participated in several engagements.
Two years later, while on a furlough to visit his home, then in what is now Lycoming
Co., PA, he was unfortunately captured by the Indians. The incidents, as related by his
daughter, Nancy Brown Leonard, are as follows.
There had been numerous Indian alarms and the neighbors had gathered at
Ezekiel's father's house; a strong, hewed log cabin, which was easy of defense. Here
they awaited the onset of the savages, but they did not make the attack when expected.
Instead they kept secreted in the neighborhood for days until the settlers, lulled into a
false sense of security, went into their homes. As soon as the savages saw their plans
succeeding, they rushed in upon the unsuspecting and defenseless settlers, and
commenced their work of butchery. Ezekiel's father, mother, and sister's husband
were ruthlessly murdered, and himself and sister with her seven children were carried
into Indian captivity. The mother was separated from her children, and the children from
each other. Ezekiel was forced to pass through the forms preceding adoption into the
tribe. Three times during the journey to the main town of the Cayugas, near where
Scipio, N.Y. now stands, he was forced to run the gauntlet. The first time, he received a
severe wound from a tomahawk. The second time, less fortunate, he received a terrible
blow from a war club which felled him to the ground in a fearfully mangled condition.
His life seemed ended, but he finally recovered and proceeded with his captors to their
destination, where, after another trial, he passed through the fearful ordeal unharmed and
was adopted by a family who had lost a son in the war. He was afterwards taken to
Canada where he found his sister, and a clue to the whereabouts of her children. He
managed to become employed by a trader and bought his freedom,but the ties of kindred
were too strong for him to leave his sister in captivity. He at once set about securing her
release and that of her children. He had secured all of her seven children but two, when
one boy came up with the Indians and claimed his mother, but she told him she was not
his mother. He had changed so much and was so dirty she could not own him. She asked
him if he had any brothers and he said he had and told their names and said he had an
uncle, Ezekiel. Then she had to own him. They now had all the children but one boy
twelve years old. It was nearing the time when Ezekiel hoped to return to his friends, that
he learned a party of Indians with this boy was about to start for a distant point to hunt. If
this should occur, he despaired of ever seeing the child again, and determined to kidnap
the boy. Calling the Indians into the trader's cabin, he treated them to liquor. When they
became drunk he pushed them out and the boy in, then barred the door and waited the
issue. This treatment was not relished by the savages. The resented it by kicks and more
forcible attacks upon the door. There were no signs of it yielding, so they had to leave
the boy behind. But the lad had become enamored with the wild life of the woods and
longed to be with his Indian friends. One day while out playing he saw his opportunity
and his Uncle Ezekiel saw him running with all his might to regain his friends. With
sinking heart and almost in despair, he started in pursuit. The boy was recaptured and
with the whole family returned in 1783 to their friends in PA., after five years of Indian
captivity. Seven years later, Ezekiel Brown moved to Ohio and in 1808 to Berkshire
Township. Ezekiel Brown was my grandfather and your great grandfather.
[corresponds to back of page 63 of I-DENTITY]
Ezekiel Brown was born March 13, 1760 in Orange County, New York and died
April 23, 1841, in Delaware County, Ohio at the home of his daughter, Nancy Brown
Leonard. He was married to Jane Smith, Feb. 26, 1786. She was born Sept. 15, 1766 and
died Aug. 19, 1821. In 1808 he came to Berkshire Township and settled on land a little
northeast of where Galena now is. He came from Lycoming County, PA, where he had
been elected to Congress for one or two terms.
In 1776 he enlisted in the Revolutionary Army and joined the forces under
Washington, just after the Battle of Trenton. He participated in several engagements.
Two years later, while on a furlough to visit his home, then in what is now Lycoming
Co., PA, he was unfortunately captured by the Indians. The incidents, as related by his
daughter, Nancy Brown Leonard, are as follows.
There had been numerous Indian alarms and the neighbors had gathered at
Ezekiel's father's house; a strong, hewed log cabin, which was easy of defense. Here
they awaited the onset of the savages, but they did not make the attack when expected.
Instead they kept secreted in the neighborhood for days until the settlers, lulled into a
false sense of security, went into their homes. As soon as the savages saw their plans
succeeding, they rushed in upon the unsuspecting and defenseless settlers, and
commenced their work of butchery. Ezekiel's father, mother, and sister's husband
were ruthlessly murdered, and himself and sister with her seven children were carried
into Indian captivity. The mother was separated from her children, and the children from
each other. Ezekiel was forced to pass through the forms preceding adoption into the
tribe. Three times during the journey to the main town of the Cayugas, near where
Scipio, N.Y. now stands, he was forced to run the gauntlet. The first time, he received a
severe wound from a tomahawk. The second time, less fortunate, he received a terrible
blow from a war club which felled him to the ground in a fearfully mangled condition.
His life seemed ended, but he finally recovered and proceeded with his captors to their
destination, where, after another trial, he passed through the fearful ordeal unharmed and
was adopted by a family who had lost a son in the war. He was afterwards taken to
Canada where he found his sister, and a clue to the whereabouts of her children. He
managed to become employed by a trader and bought his freedom,but the ties of kindred
were too strong for him to leave his sister in captivity. He at once set about securing her
release and that of her children. He had secured all of her seven children but two, when
one boy came up with the Indians and claimed his mother, but she told him she was not
his mother. He had changed so much and was so dirty she could not own him. She asked
him if he had any brothers and he said he had and told their names and said he had an
uncle, Ezekiel. Then she had to own him. They now had all the children but one boy
twelve years old. It was nearing the time when Ezekiel hoped to return to his friends, that
he learned a party of Indians with this boy was about to start for a distant point to hunt. If
this should occur, he despaired of ever seeing the child again, and determined to kidnap
the boy. Calling the Indians into the trader's cabin, he treated them to liquor. When they
became drunk he pushed them out and the boy in, then barred the door and waited the
issue. This treatment was not relished by the savages. The resented it by kicks and more
forcible attacks upon the door. There were no signs of it yielding, so they had to leave
the boy behind. But the lad had become enamored with the wild life of the woods and
longed to be with his Indian friends. One day while out playing he saw his opportunity
and his Uncle Ezekiel saw him running with all his might to regain his friends. With
sinking heart and almost in despair, he started in pursuit. The boy was recaptured and
with the whole family returned in 1783 to their friends in PA., after five years of Indian
captivity. Seven years later, Ezekiel Brown moved to Ohio and in 1808 to Berkshire
Township. Ezekiel Brown was my grandfather and your great grandfather.
I-DENTITY (p. 67)
[page 67]
[corresponds to page 64 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Harriet Longshore Ginn family
II 4 Harriett Longshore (1839-5/28/1918) d age 79, bd Galena
md George Ginn (1839-11/11/1888) d age 49, This couple
raised Milo, Truman's son, along with their three daughters.
Issue: III Elmine, Minnie, Allie, and Greddie [Freddie] Ginn
Elmine Ginn b 1867 d age 89 md in 1903 to Bert C. Youman
(1868-1923) age 55
Issue IV: Zora Elizabeth Youman b 9/3/1904. Zora lived in
Westerville, OH. Was educated at Otterbein College,rec'd a degree for teaching
but graduated during the depression when there was no market for teachers.
She then took a business course and became a secretary at Westerville High. As
she says, a career she immensely enjoyed as it put her in touch with the school
personnel as well as the students and she often was a confidant of these
teenagers. Zora recently retired from her position as sec'y to the principal.
She never married.
2. Minnie Ginn (1862-1933), d age 71 md
Inman C. Budd (1865-8/6/1929), d age 61.
bd Galena
Issue IV: Madge Barrows (7/27/1920)
3. Allie Ginn (1850-1927), d age 77, md
William Foster
Issue V: Anabel and Mike Daugherty
Burr Foster md Grace Dill
Issue V: Dorothy Foster md Floyd Fickle
4. Freddie Ginn (12/1869-2/23/1871) d age 1 yr 2 months bd Galena
II 5 Tammison (Tammy) b 1846, md in 1865 to Isaac Watters
Issue III: Will Watters, Frank Watters (d 1915) in Toledo, Ohio,
Eva Watters, Gertie Watters, Clinton Watters, Destimona
Watters (d 1926)
Mary Ann (Buxton) Longshore died in 1846. Warner married Cordelia Searles in
II 6 Mary Longshore (1847-9/28/1926),bd in Sunbury Cemetery She
never married, kept house for her father and Clem Longshore,her cousin, in
the house where she was born. After Clem and Ella were married, she
maintained an apartment within the house.
II 7 Harmon Longshore (1851-10/8/1898) died age 46 of typhoid
fever, md Abbie Ross (1852-4/4/1939)
[corresponds to page 64 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Harriet Longshore Ginn family
II 4 Harriett Longshore (1839-5/28/1918) d age 79, bd Galena
md George Ginn (1839-11/11/1888) d age 49, This couple
raised Milo, Truman's son, along with their three daughters.
Issue: III Elmine, Minnie, Allie, and Greddie [Freddie] Ginn
Elmine Ginn b 1867 d age 89 md in 1903 to Bert C. Youman
(1868-1923) age 55
Issue IV: Zora Elizabeth Youman b 9/3/1904. Zora lived in
Westerville, OH. Was educated at Otterbein College,rec'd a degree for teaching
but graduated during the depression when there was no market for teachers.
She then took a business course and became a secretary at Westerville High. As
she says, a career she immensely enjoyed as it put her in touch with the school
personnel as well as the students and she often was a confidant of these
teenagers. Zora recently retired from her position as sec'y to the principal.
She never married.
2. Minnie Ginn (1862-1933), d age 71 md
Inman C. Budd (1865-8/6/1929), d age 61.
bd Galena
Issue IV: Madge Barrows (7/27/1920)
3. Allie Ginn (1850-1927), d age 77, md
William Foster
Issue V: Anabel and Mike Daugherty
Burr Foster md Grace Dill
Issue V: Dorothy Foster md Floyd Fickle
4. Freddie Ginn (12/1869-2/23/1871) d age 1 yr 2 months bd Galena
II 5 Tammison (Tammy) b 1846, md in 1865 to Isaac Watters
Issue III: Will Watters, Frank Watters (d 1915) in Toledo, Ohio,
Eva Watters, Gertie Watters, Clinton Watters, Destimona
Watters (d 1926)
Mary Ann (Buxton) Longshore died in 1846. Warner married Cordelia Searles in
II 6 Mary Longshore (1847-9/28/1926),bd in Sunbury Cemetery She
never married, kept house for her father and Clem Longshore,her cousin, in
the house where she was born. After Clem and Ella were married, she
maintained an apartment within the house.
II 7 Harmon Longshore (1851-10/8/1898) died age 46 of typhoid
fever, md Abbie Ross (1852-4/4/1939)
I-DENTITY (p. 68)
[page 68]
[corresponds to page 65 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore family
Issue III: Wilbur, Bertha, Warner (II), Clarence,Florence, and
Elsie Longshore; Florence, Warner, Clarence were
born in Iowa.
1- Wilbur Longshore (1874-5/7/1948) married in
1900 to Edna Mann, dv. md2 Nettie Smith
Issue IV: Abner Ross Longshore (4/21/1903-
7/1930) died age 27
2 - Bertha Longshore (1875-1952), d age 77, md
George Reiselt (1856-1934)
Issue IV: Howard Harmon Reiselt (7/1/1897) on
3/17/1917 md Sylvia Mae Huff
Issue V: Bernard, Marjorie Jane, Barbara,
Kenny,and Hilda Reiselt
1- Bernard Reiselt md Edna Mitchell,
ch: Ronald,Clifford, Richard, &
Edward Reiselt
Issue VI:
1- Ronald Resielt md Nancy
Overturf, ch David & Kevin
2- Clifford Reiselt md Sharon
Grice, ch Bart Reiselt
3- Richard Reiselt md Mary
Smith ch: Cindy Reiselt
4-Edward Reiselt md Sharon
Grimes, ch: Jeff & Craig
5-Marjorie Jane Reiselt md
Carl Harrington ch: Brenda
Harrington md Myron
Burdg, ch: Sarah,Julia, and
Jason Burdg
6-Barbara Reiselt md Eugene
Cahill, ch: Barb (Moller)
and Linda (Scheiderer), ch: Tiffany
7- Kenny Reiselt md Charlene
Armston, ch: Leslie Reiselt
md Charleve Armston, ch:
Leslie Reiselt md Susie Kandel
8- Hilda Reiselt md Carroll
Kandel, ch: Terry Kandel
[corresponds to page 65 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore family
Issue III: Wilbur, Bertha, Warner (II), Clarence,Florence, and
Elsie Longshore; Florence, Warner, Clarence were
born in Iowa.
1- Wilbur Longshore (1874-5/7/1948) married in
1900 to Edna Mann, dv. md2 Nettie Smith
Issue IV: Abner Ross Longshore (4/21/1903-
7/1930) died age 27
2 - Bertha Longshore (1875-1952), d age 77, md
George Reiselt (1856-1934)
Issue IV: Howard Harmon Reiselt (7/1/1897) on
3/17/1917 md Sylvia Mae Huff
Issue V: Bernard, Marjorie Jane, Barbara,
Kenny,and Hilda Reiselt
1- Bernard Reiselt md Edna Mitchell,
ch: Ronald,Clifford, Richard, &
Edward Reiselt
Issue VI:
1- Ronald Resielt md Nancy
Overturf, ch David & Kevin
2- Clifford Reiselt md Sharon
Grice, ch Bart Reiselt
3- Richard Reiselt md Mary
Smith ch: Cindy Reiselt
4-Edward Reiselt md Sharon
Grimes, ch: Jeff & Craig
5-Marjorie Jane Reiselt md
Carl Harrington ch: Brenda
Harrington md Myron
Burdg, ch: Sarah,Julia, and
Jason Burdg
6-Barbara Reiselt md Eugene
Cahill, ch: Barb (Moller)
and Linda (Scheiderer), ch: Tiffany
7- Kenny Reiselt md Charlene
Armston, ch: Leslie Reiselt
md Charleve Armston, ch:
Leslie Reiselt md Susie Kandel
8- Hilda Reiselt md Carroll
Kandel, ch: Terry Kandel
I-DENTITY (p. 69)
[page 69]
[corresponds to page 66 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Warner Longshore Line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore Family
3. Warner Longshore -2 (1876-3/1/1940) md in 1899 to
Alice Miles (1873-1/13/1928) Warner was a rather short,
stocky built man, he worked as a log hauler, railroader, and lastly on the State Highway
in Ohio. He lived in and around Galena most of his life.
Issue IV: Dellena Wave, Kelley Miles, Clyde, Harold, Pearl,
and Ralph Longshore
1-Dellena Wave Longshore (b & d 1904)
2- Kelly Miles Longshore (11/9/1905) about 1938
md Gertrude Davison. He was a railroader until
retirement. They live in Tuscon, Arizona,
no children
3- Clyde Longshore (1908-1975) md Soophia [Sophia] Miles
on 12/6/1933;settled in Cardington, Ohio,
where he farmed, ch: Marilyn Jean and James
Issue V:
1- Marilyn Longshore (4/28/1938) md Richard
Shoemaker, ch: Tony, Larry, and Cindy
2- James Longshore (6/8/1946)
4- Harold Longshore (1910) md Leota Millins [Mullins] in
1931. They live Rural Route Galena, retired from
North American Aviation.
Issue V: Harold Richard, Donna, Linda, & Larry Longshore
1 - Harold Richard Longshore (8/22/1932) md
Jackie Marshall in 1952, dv., ch: Steven
(10/29/1955) and Janet Longshore (2/6/1957)
H. Richard Longshore md Dee ___, live in
Dayton, Ohio, ch: Harold Richard, Jr. (5/3/1958),
James (10/23/1960), and Penny Sue (9/3/1962)
2 - Donna Longshore (2/8/1938) md Andrew Gallick
(7/18/1955), live Huntsville, Alabama, ch:
Mark (3/31/1963), and Sheryl Gallick (1/16/1965)
3 - Linda Longshore (2/16/1944), on 9/13/1963 md
Ray Downing (10/23/1943), live in Wash. C.H., Ohio
ch: Kevin (4/27/1965) and Karin (12/19/1967) Downing
[corresponds to page 66 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of Warner Longshore Line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore Family
3. Warner Longshore -2 (1876-3/1/1940) md in 1899 to
Alice Miles (1873-1/13/1928) Warner was a rather short,
stocky built man, he worked as a log hauler, railroader, and lastly on the State Highway
in Ohio. He lived in and around Galena most of his life.
Issue IV: Dellena Wave, Kelley Miles, Clyde, Harold, Pearl,
and Ralph Longshore
1-Dellena Wave Longshore (b & d 1904)
2- Kelly Miles Longshore (11/9/1905) about 1938
md Gertrude Davison. He was a railroader until
retirement. They live in Tuscon, Arizona,
no children
3- Clyde Longshore (1908-1975) md Soophia [Sophia] Miles
on 12/6/1933;settled in Cardington, Ohio,
where he farmed, ch: Marilyn Jean and James
Issue V:
1- Marilyn Longshore (4/28/1938) md Richard
Shoemaker, ch: Tony, Larry, and Cindy
2- James Longshore (6/8/1946)
4- Harold Longshore (1910) md Leota Millins [Mullins] in
1931. They live Rural Route Galena, retired from
North American Aviation.
Issue V: Harold Richard, Donna, Linda, & Larry Longshore
1 - Harold Richard Longshore (8/22/1932) md
Jackie Marshall in 1952, dv., ch: Steven
(10/29/1955) and Janet Longshore (2/6/1957)
H. Richard Longshore md Dee ___, live in
Dayton, Ohio, ch: Harold Richard, Jr. (5/3/1958),
James (10/23/1960), and Penny Sue (9/3/1962)
2 - Donna Longshore (2/8/1938) md Andrew Gallick
(7/18/1955), live Huntsville, Alabama, ch:
Mark (3/31/1963), and Sheryl Gallick (1/16/1965)
3 - Linda Longshore (2/16/1944), on 9/13/1963 md
Ray Downing (10/23/1943), live in Wash. C.H., Ohio
ch: Kevin (4/27/1965) and Karin (12/19/1967) Downing
I-DENTITY (p. 70)
[page 70]
[corresponds to back of page 67 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore family through Harold & Leota (Millin) Longshore family
4. Larry Michael Longshore (3/27/1951)
in 1970 md Debbie Hunter
(8/30/1955), live near Westerville
ch: Gary Longshore (7/4/1970)
III 6 Elsie b about 1884 md Roy Burnett dv
She Lives in Cols. Also made her living as a
seamstress in downtown stores in Columbus. Elsie,
much later, md a Mr. Luminais, dv
Issue IV: Frances Burnett b._ _ _ _ _ not married
This completes the Warner (I) Longshore line
Rachel Longshore
The Fourth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I D There is not much evidence to support the fact Rachel Longshore was a
child of David's, except it is known they had three daughters; that Rachel was
born in the same age bracket;and in the Vital Statistics in Delaware County
Library archives, a Rachel Longshore in 1836 md Tallman Squires. The Squires
always knew there was a family connection, even though they were not able to
trace it down,and in the early days of the Longshore Reunion, which began in
1898, they attended regularly.
A history of how the Longshore Reunion all began follows:
The Longshore Reunion idea was conceived on September 4,1897 at Condit,
Ohio in the home of Mrs. Ida Longshore (widow of David's son, Charles). Her
daughter, Eugenie Carpenter invited some folks into their home to celebrate
Ida's 80th birthday. It was then the well-wishers present decided to organize an
annual get-together beginning the next year, planning to have the first meeting
in the home of I.N. Longshore the 2nd Thursday of August, 1898. The first
[corresponds to back of page 67 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Warner Longshore line - Warner and Cordelia (Searles)
Longshore family through Harold & Leota (Millin) Longshore family
4. Larry Michael Longshore (3/27/1951)
in 1970 md Debbie Hunter
(8/30/1955), live near Westerville
ch: Gary Longshore (7/4/1970)
III 6 Elsie b about 1884 md Roy Burnett dv
She Lives in Cols. Also made her living as a
seamstress in downtown stores in Columbus. Elsie,
much later, md a Mr. Luminais, dv
Issue IV: Frances Burnett b._ _ _ _ _ not married
This completes the Warner (I) Longshore line
Rachel Longshore
The Fourth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I D There is not much evidence to support the fact Rachel Longshore was a
child of David's, except it is known they had three daughters; that Rachel was
born in the same age bracket;and in the Vital Statistics in Delaware County
Library archives, a Rachel Longshore in 1836 md Tallman Squires. The Squires
always knew there was a family connection, even though they were not able to
trace it down,and in the early days of the Longshore Reunion, which began in
1898, they attended regularly.
A history of how the Longshore Reunion all began follows:
The Longshore Reunion idea was conceived on September 4,1897 at Condit,
Ohio in the home of Mrs. Ida Longshore (widow of David's son, Charles). Her
daughter, Eugenie Carpenter invited some folks into their home to celebrate
Ida's 80th birthday. It was then the well-wishers present decided to organize an
annual get-together beginning the next year, planning to have the first meeting
in the home of I.N. Longshore the 2nd Thursday of August, 1898. The first
I-DENTITY (p. 71)
[page 71]
[corresponds to page 68 of I-DENTITY]
president was Seth Longshore, Secretary Burr Squires. The reunion date later
was changed to the 2nd Sunday in August. (The old-timers frowned on social
activity on Sunday) The reunion has met every year since, making this the 78th
This Reunion has been a large factor in holding the families together,
forming a nucleus, sort of. Although it was always held in central Ohio, since
that is the scene that the emigrators picked way back in 1808; family members
in various years have come from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota,as well
as distant points in Ohio. For many years, the annual affair was held in
different private homes; then in Galena Park where Charlie Longshore so
faithfully reserved the tables for the picnic; then it met a few times in Mt. Vernon
Municipal Park to be nearer the Mt. Vernon, Marion, and Mansfield contingent,
but for the past 15 or so years, the group has voted to meet in the beautiful
Centerburg Park facilities. It has shelter houses, horseshoe courts, basketball
court, and playground equipment in a lush setting beside a little stream. It has
been a tradition to serve ice cream in the afternoon following the business
meeting. Although everyone is stuffed to the brim with the abundance of good
food these excellent cooks turn out, there is always room made for this extra
treat. In these days of deep freezers, et cetera, ice cream is not the thrill it once
was, but yet the youngsters, who by then have run off their calories, look
forward to this part of the program, and yes, even the oldsters enjoy it!
Speaking of program, most likely everyone present can recall having
taken part in it in one way or another. The program through the years has taken on
every aspect in the entertainment field, and as one One that stands out is
Bob Cline telling us "That's Good; That's Bad" well --- and Jim Longshore's tale
about "No More Squoles". In this annual "talent show" there have been
reminiscences by the senior members; guitar and accordian playing; trios and
quartets; solos; tap dancing; patriotic readings; you name it, we've had it!
[corresponds to page 68 of I-DENTITY]
president was Seth Longshore, Secretary Burr Squires. The reunion date later
was changed to the 2nd Sunday in August. (The old-timers frowned on social
activity on Sunday) The reunion has met every year since, making this the 78th
This Reunion has been a large factor in holding the families together,
forming a nucleus, sort of. Although it was always held in central Ohio, since
that is the scene that the emigrators picked way back in 1808; family members
in various years have come from Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Minnesota,as well
as distant points in Ohio. For many years, the annual affair was held in
different private homes; then in Galena Park where Charlie Longshore so
faithfully reserved the tables for the picnic; then it met a few times in Mt. Vernon
Municipal Park to be nearer the Mt. Vernon, Marion, and Mansfield contingent,
but for the past 15 or so years, the group has voted to meet in the beautiful
Centerburg Park facilities. It has shelter houses, horseshoe courts, basketball
court, and playground equipment in a lush setting beside a little stream. It has
been a tradition to serve ice cream in the afternoon following the business
meeting. Although everyone is stuffed to the brim with the abundance of good
food these excellent cooks turn out, there is always room made for this extra
treat. In these days of deep freezers, et cetera, ice cream is not the thrill it once
was, but yet the youngsters, who by then have run off their calories, look
forward to this part of the program, and yes, even the oldsters enjoy it!
Speaking of program, most likely everyone present can recall having
taken part in it in one way or another. The program through the years has taken on
every aspect in the entertainment field, and as one One that stands out is
Bob Cline telling us "That's Good; That's Bad" well --- and Jim Longshore's tale
about "No More Squoles". In this annual "talent show" there have been
reminiscences by the senior members; guitar and accordian playing; trios and
quartets; solos; tap dancing; patriotic readings; you name it, we've had it!
I-DENTITY (p. 72)
[page 72]
[corresponds to page 69 of I-DENTITY]
Some of the young adults remember fun things in their play; such as
walking the logs at the Galena Park, or the annual dousing someone's sure to
get in the babbling brook at Centerburg Park. Those on the Park Reserve
Committee could tell of some near fights over the saving of the shelter houses -
times when they have had to spend the night lying or sitting on one of the
tables in order to keep it! It is on a first-come-first-served basis for the early
bird gets the shelter house.
Best of all is the visiting and renewing of old acquaintances and the
making of new firends among relatives.
"Auld Lang Syne", "Till We Meet Again" !
There were 43 present in that first select group, 19 of them, Longshore by name,
but all related or family connected:
Mrs Ida (Charles) Longshore Charlie Longshore, Richwood
Mrs Eugenie (Longshore) Carpenter Mrs. Harriett Gin, Galena
Mrs. Della Carpenter Miss Elmine Ginn
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Carpenter Mrs. Minnie Budd
Chelsea, Clyde, Kenneth Madge Budd
& Frank Carpenter Mrs. Wm. Foster,Sunbury
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Longshore, Johnstown Zora, Burr, Wilma Foster
Eva,Von, Fern, Iva John Squires, Chesterville
Mr. & Mrs. I.N. Longshore, Sunbury Burr Squires
Mr. & Mrs. James White Eden Mr. & Mrs. Arton Squires
Miss Mary Longshore Vans Valley Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Squires
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Longshore Mr. & Mrs. James Clevenger
Bryan Longshore Mrs. Abbie Longshore, Galena
Florence, Elsie, Clarence Longshore
In 1898, 48 were present
[corresponds to page 69 of I-DENTITY]
Some of the young adults remember fun things in their play; such as
walking the logs at the Galena Park, or the annual dousing someone's sure to
get in the babbling brook at Centerburg Park. Those on the Park Reserve
Committee could tell of some near fights over the saving of the shelter houses -
times when they have had to spend the night lying or sitting on one of the
tables in order to keep it! It is on a first-come-first-served basis for the early
bird gets the shelter house.
Best of all is the visiting and renewing of old acquaintances and the
making of new firends among relatives.
"Auld Lang Syne", "Till We Meet Again" !
There were 43 present in that first select group, 19 of them, Longshore by name,
but all related or family connected:
Mrs Ida (Charles) Longshore Charlie Longshore, Richwood
Mrs Eugenie (Longshore) Carpenter Mrs. Harriett Gin, Galena
Mrs. Della Carpenter Miss Elmine Ginn
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Carpenter Mrs. Minnie Budd
Chelsea, Clyde, Kenneth Madge Budd
& Frank Carpenter Mrs. Wm. Foster,Sunbury
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Longshore, Johnstown Zora, Burr, Wilma Foster
Eva,Von, Fern, Iva John Squires, Chesterville
Mr. & Mrs. I.N. Longshore, Sunbury Burr Squires
Mr. & Mrs. James White Eden Mr. & Mrs. Arton Squires
Miss Mary Longshore Vans Valley Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Squires
Mr. & Mrs. Clement Longshore Mr. & Mrs. James Clevenger
Bryan Longshore Mrs. Abbie Longshore, Galena
Florence, Elsie, Clarence Longshore
In 1898, 48 were present
I-DENTITY (p. 73)
[page 73]
[corresponds to page 70 of I-DENTITY]
Sarah Longshore
The Fifth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I E Sarah Longshore b 18116 - on 1/28/1836 md Hiram Carpenter in Delaware, Co. Ohio
The 1840 census shows the family had 2 children 1 boy, and 1 girl
Charles Longshore
The Sixth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I F Charles Longshore b 1818 d 8/1894 a 76, in 1840 md Ida Sharp (b 1817
d 8/23/1901 d a 83) three years afer the birthday party in her honor which
start the Longshore Reunion. Ida had a very tragic life, having borne 5 children,
three of whom died as young men and one as a small boy. Only the daughter
survived. (See preceding biography)
Issue II:
1- Cyrus Clinton Longshore b 1845 d 10/3/1848 age 3
2- Jasper W. Longshsore b 1842 d 3/10/1867 Co 96 Reg OVI
Served in the Civil War
3- Robert Clark Longshore b 1843 d 7/18/1868 age 25
4- Eugenia Longshore b 1846 d 1920 d age 74
5- James Seth b 1852 - d 3/26/1867 age 15
Charles, of course, shared in all this sadness. He farmed all his life
near Condit in Trenton Twp. on N. 3C Hwy.
4- Eugenia Longshore b 1846 d 1920 bd Trenton
md Johnson Carpenter b 1836 d 1870 bd Galena.
He was in the Civil War 3 years serving as a Cpl. in Co. C of
the 32nd Inf.
Eugenia was a widow 50 of her 74 years, and lived with her
parents, on the farm she later owned. In her late years, she
moved to Maryland with her son, Fred, and died there. She
is bd in Trenton Cemetery.
Issue III: Fred and Frank Carpenter
2 - Frank died at age 26 of TB, md but no children.
1 - Fred b 1868 d 1950 md Cora Fox dv. d age 82
Death Notice of Fred Carpenter
"Fred A. Carpenter, son of Eugenia and Johnson Carpenter.
Born Trenton Township, Delaware County 1/15/1868
d 2/8/1950 at Kilbourne. Married Cora Fox 2/25/1892.
Survived by 3 sons and 2 daughters: Clyde,Kenneth, Elmer,
Beatrice, and Florence. Chelsea, Frank, and Earl preceded in
death. Survived by 23 grandchildren and 25 great grand-
[corresponds to page 70 of I-DENTITY]
Sarah Longshore
The Fifth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I E Sarah Longshore b 18116 - on 1/28/1836 md Hiram Carpenter in Delaware, Co. Ohio
The 1840 census shows the family had 2 children 1 boy, and 1 girl
Charles Longshore
The Sixth child of the founding father David Longshore
(and wife, Elizabeth)
I F Charles Longshore b 1818 d 8/1894 a 76, in 1840 md Ida Sharp (b 1817
d 8/23/1901 d a 83) three years afer the birthday party in her honor which
start the Longshore Reunion. Ida had a very tragic life, having borne 5 children,
three of whom died as young men and one as a small boy. Only the daughter
survived. (See preceding biography)
Issue II:
1- Cyrus Clinton Longshore b 1845 d 10/3/1848 age 3
2- Jasper W. Longshsore b 1842 d 3/10/1867 Co 96 Reg OVI
Served in the Civil War
3- Robert Clark Longshore b 1843 d 7/18/1868 age 25
4- Eugenia Longshore b 1846 d 1920 d age 74
5- James Seth b 1852 - d 3/26/1867 age 15
Charles, of course, shared in all this sadness. He farmed all his life
near Condit in Trenton Twp. on N. 3C Hwy.
4- Eugenia Longshore b 1846 d 1920 bd Trenton
md Johnson Carpenter b 1836 d 1870 bd Galena.
He was in the Civil War 3 years serving as a Cpl. in Co. C of
the 32nd Inf.
Eugenia was a widow 50 of her 74 years, and lived with her
parents, on the farm she later owned. In her late years, she
moved to Maryland with her son, Fred, and died there. She
is bd in Trenton Cemetery.
Issue III: Fred and Frank Carpenter
2 - Frank died at age 26 of TB, md but no children.
1 - Fred b 1868 d 1950 md Cora Fox dv. d age 82
Death Notice of Fred Carpenter
"Fred A. Carpenter, son of Eugenia and Johnson Carpenter.
Born Trenton Township, Delaware County 1/15/1868
d 2/8/1950 at Kilbourne. Married Cora Fox 2/25/1892.
Survived by 3 sons and 2 daughters: Clyde,Kenneth, Elmer,
Beatrice, and Florence. Chelsea, Frank, and Earl preceded in
death. Survived by 23 grandchildren and 25 great grand-
I-DENTITY (p. 74)
[page 74]
[corresponds to page 71 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Charles & Ida (Sharp) Longshore line
Fred was a railroader and in later working years lived in Maryland, taking his
mother, Eugenie, and son, Chelsea to live with him. During his retirement years,
he lived in Kilbourne. He was a mathematical "whiZ" as he could add several
columns of figures at once in his head.
Issue IV: Chelsea, Clyde, Frank, Kenneth, Earl, Beatrice,
Elmer, Florence
IV 1 - Chelsea Carpenter b 1890 d 3/1926 age 36
md Aline Scott,lived in Cheshire, Ohio. At age
7, he went to live with his grandmother,
Eugenie Carpenter, and at age 17 moved to
Maryland with her to live with his father.
Issue V:
1 - Helen Ruth Carpenter b 10/16/1916 md
Ralph Alton on 6/1937. After his death
she married a Mr. Jolly. They live in
2- Merle Scott Carpenter b 1918 d ,
killed by a fall from a silo, which caused
a skull fracture.
3- Cecil Carlyle Carpenter b 1/20/1921
4- Albert Lincoln Carpenter b 6/14/1923,
lived with his grandmother, Cora
Carpenter, after his father's death when
he was 3. The other children were sent
to the Children's Home.
IV 2 - Clyde Carpenter b 1893 d 8/1950, md
Helen Updike
Issue V:
1- DeWitt Carpenter
2- Bob Carpenter
IV 3 - Frank Carpenter (#2) b 1894 d 6/9/1938
(according to his sister, Bea Barcus, as she
says he was age 44 at death - there is a)
discrepancy here). He died of a stroke and
heart attack, is bd in Trenton Cemetery
md 7/3/1915 to Nellie Nash (1897 d 1976)
Issue V: Hilda, Frances, George E., Mary,
Juanita Jane.
1- Hilda Carpenter b 1916 md Ernest
Bennett 1/1938 live in Columbus.
Issue VI:
[corresponds to page 71 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Charles & Ida (Sharp) Longshore line
Fred was a railroader and in later working years lived in Maryland, taking his
mother, Eugenie, and son, Chelsea to live with him. During his retirement years,
he lived in Kilbourne. He was a mathematical "whiZ" as he could add several
columns of figures at once in his head.
Issue IV: Chelsea, Clyde, Frank, Kenneth, Earl, Beatrice,
Elmer, Florence
IV 1 - Chelsea Carpenter b 1890 d 3/1926 age 36
md Aline Scott,lived in Cheshire, Ohio. At age
7, he went to live with his grandmother,
Eugenie Carpenter, and at age 17 moved to
Maryland with her to live with his father.
Issue V:
1 - Helen Ruth Carpenter b 10/16/1916 md
Ralph Alton on 6/1937. After his death
she married a Mr. Jolly. They live in
2- Merle Scott Carpenter b 1918 d ,
killed by a fall from a silo, which caused
a skull fracture.
3- Cecil Carlyle Carpenter b 1/20/1921
4- Albert Lincoln Carpenter b 6/14/1923,
lived with his grandmother, Cora
Carpenter, after his father's death when
he was 3. The other children were sent
to the Children's Home.
IV 2 - Clyde Carpenter b 1893 d 8/1950, md
Helen Updike
Issue V:
1- DeWitt Carpenter
2- Bob Carpenter
IV 3 - Frank Carpenter (#2) b 1894 d 6/9/1938
(according to his sister, Bea Barcus, as she
says he was age 44 at death - there is a)
discrepancy here). He died of a stroke and
heart attack, is bd in Trenton Cemetery
md 7/3/1915 to Nellie Nash (1897 d 1976)
Issue V: Hilda, Frances, George E., Mary,
Juanita Jane.
1- Hilda Carpenter b 1916 md Ernest
Bennett 1/1938 live in Columbus.
Issue VI:
I-DENTITY (p. 75)
[page 75]
[corresponds to page 72 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Fred and Cora (Fox) Carpenter line
Emory Bennett b 11/25/1942 md.
Dianne Whitehead - no children
2- Frances Carpenter b 1918 on 6/20/1937 md
Lauris Bennett (b 8/4/1901)
Issue VI: Patricia, Donna, Larry Curtis, and
Suzanne - all born Galena where
they have always lived
1.Patricia Bennett b 11/27/1938, in
1956 md Ellis Adkins, Jr.
Roy, Randolph, Liza Jane, Sarah Marie.
Issue VII:
1 Roger Adkins b 12/24/1958
2 RoseMary Adkins b 6/2/1960
3- Judith Ann Adkins b 10/5/1966
4- Ellis Adkins III b 1/20/1964
5- Roy Adkins b 5/14/1966
6- Randolph b 3/14/1970
7- Liza Jane b 8/27/1972
8- Sarah Marie b 8/21/1975
This family lives near Bristol, Virginia
2-Donna Bennett b 8/22/1940 on
3/17/1960 md George Hogg
(b 11/24/1938). George is post-
master in Galena, Ohio.
Issue VII: 5 adopted children
1- Troy Hogg b 4/18/1954
md Patricia
2- Eugene Hogg b 11/30/1961
3- Eugenia Hogg b 11/30/1961
4- Michael Hogg b 1962
5- Richard Hogg b 12/13/1962
3- Larry Curtis Bennett b 1/3/1943
md Phyllis Cookson (b 3/27/1945)
on 9/5/1964
Issue VII:
1-Jerry Lee Bennett b 6/8/1866
2-Curtis Allen b 12/8/1970
3-Rebecca Lynn Bennett
b 10/22/1972
This family lives in Galena
4-Suzanne Bennett b 9/5/1947 on
11/1968 md Richard Alexander
(b 5/22/1944)
I-DENTITY (p. 76)
[page 76]
[corresponds to page 73 of I-DENTITY]
Issue VII:
1-Tammy Sue Alexander
b 6/7/1970
2- Richard (Ricky) Alexander
b 9/11/1973
V 3- George E. Carpenter b 12/9/1920 the third
child of Frank and Nellie Nash Carpenter
d 1/1965 of a heart attack age 45 md Bonita
Grove dv
Issue VI: Raymond Carpenter by #1
Debora Carpenter by #2
1- Raymond Carpenter b 3/1940
md Carol Brinkman (4/19/1938)
Issue VII:
1- Gordon Earl Carpenter b 11/17/1960
2- Kristy Kay Carpenter b 9/9/1962
3- Dana Lynn Carpenter b 12/18/1963
4- Brian Henry Carpenter b 2/8/1965
This family lived in Greenwood, Ind.
V 4- Mary Carpenter b 1925 md. Harold Fetter, Jr.
Issue V:
1- Christine Fetter
VI - suzie
2- Sallie Fetter
3- Julia Fetter
4- Franklin Fetter
5- Jennifer Fetter
V 5- Juanita Jane Carpenter b 1928 md1
Robert Newberry md2 Lester Murray
Live in Columbus, Ohio.
Issue V:
1- Robert Newberry
2- Theresa Newberry
IV -4 Kenneth Carpenter- Fourth son of Fred Carpenter & Cora
Carpenter b 1895 d 1976 age 80 md Grace Bennett
on 6/4/1917 dv later md2 Iris ____ (d 1963)
Kenneth was a Sgt. in the Army during WWI and was in France 1918 & 1919.
He was quite versatile in his occupations: having worked as a blacksmith,
carpenter, schoolbus driver, driver on a bus for Buckeye
Stage lines and in later years was guard at the Ordinance Plant in Marion, Ohio.
He died in Marion.
[corresponds to page 73 of I-DENTITY]
Issue VII:
1-Tammy Sue Alexander
b 6/7/1970
2- Richard (Ricky) Alexander
b 9/11/1973
V 3- George E. Carpenter b 12/9/1920 the third
child of Frank and Nellie Nash Carpenter
d 1/1965 of a heart attack age 45 md Bonita
Grove dv
Issue VI: Raymond Carpenter by #1
Debora Carpenter by #2
1- Raymond Carpenter b 3/1940
md Carol Brinkman (4/19/1938)
Issue VII:
1- Gordon Earl Carpenter b 11/17/1960
2- Kristy Kay Carpenter b 9/9/1962
3- Dana Lynn Carpenter b 12/18/1963
4- Brian Henry Carpenter b 2/8/1965
This family lived in Greenwood, Ind.
V 4- Mary Carpenter b 1925 md. Harold Fetter, Jr.
Issue V:
1- Christine Fetter
VI - suzie
2- Sallie Fetter
3- Julia Fetter
4- Franklin Fetter
5- Jennifer Fetter
V 5- Juanita Jane Carpenter b 1928 md1
Robert Newberry md2 Lester Murray
Live in Columbus, Ohio.
Issue V:
1- Robert Newberry
2- Theresa Newberry
IV -4 Kenneth Carpenter- Fourth son of Fred Carpenter & Cora
Carpenter b 1895 d 1976 age 80 md Grace Bennett
on 6/4/1917 dv later md2 Iris ____ (d 1963)
Kenneth was a Sgt. in the Army during WWI and was in France 1918 & 1919.
He was quite versatile in his occupations: having worked as a blacksmith,
carpenter, schoolbus driver, driver on a bus for Buckeye
Stage lines and in later years was guard at the Ordinance Plant in Marion, Ohio.
He died in Marion.
I-DENTITY (p. 77)
[page 77]
[corresponds to page 74 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Charles Longshore line through daughter Eugenia, family
of Fred and Cora Carpenter
Issue V:
1- Viola Carpenter b 1921
2- Gladys Carpenter b 1923
V- 1 Viola Marie Carpenter b 2/11/1921, on
3/9/1939 md Webster (Bud) Potts
Issue VI: David, Dora, Joyce Elizabeth, Velma
Nadine, Verle Potts
1-David Potts b 1940 md Marjorie
Hubbard on 5/1960
Issue VII:
1- Kevin Wayne Potts b 2/26/1961
2- Kimberly Wynne b 6/17/1963
2-Dora Potts b 4/14/1942 md Tom
Stockdale 8/29/1964
Issue VII:
1-Anna Louise Stockdale b 4/8/1967
2-Alice Lynn Stockdale b 4/8/1968
3-Jason Lloyd Stockdale b 9/17/1969
3-Joyce Elizabeth Potts b 11/11/1944
md Harold Harris on 12/21/1963
Issue VII:
1-Karen Marie Harris b 8/17/1964
2-Gregory Dean Harris b 5/22/1967
3-Christina Lois Harris b 10/22/1969
4-Kelli Nadine Harris b 3/15/1972
4-Velma Nadine Potts b 10/19/1949 md
Marshall Hicks on 12/24/1970
Issue VII:
1-John Marshall Hicks b 12/22/1973
2-Rebecca Adele Hicks b 3/9/1975
5-Verle Potts b 3/7/1951 md Kathy Cook
on 2/21/1970
Issue VII:
1-Jill Kimberly Potts b 9/8/1970
Verle was in the Marines during the Vietnam War
V 2 Gladys Marguerite Carpenter-second daughter of Kenneth &
Grace Carpenter - md Coy Green, 1948, dv
Issue VI: 1-Coy Green, Jr. b 1949
Gladys m2 Strader
Issue VI: 2- Patricia Strader (b 1957)
3- Marguerite Strader (b 1965)
[corresponds to page 74 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation of the Charles Longshore line through daughter Eugenia, family
of Fred and Cora Carpenter
Issue V:
1- Viola Carpenter b 1921
2- Gladys Carpenter b 1923
V- 1 Viola Marie Carpenter b 2/11/1921, on
3/9/1939 md Webster (Bud) Potts
Issue VI: David, Dora, Joyce Elizabeth, Velma
Nadine, Verle Potts
1-David Potts b 1940 md Marjorie
Hubbard on 5/1960
Issue VII:
1- Kevin Wayne Potts b 2/26/1961
2- Kimberly Wynne b 6/17/1963
2-Dora Potts b 4/14/1942 md Tom
Stockdale 8/29/1964
Issue VII:
1-Anna Louise Stockdale b 4/8/1967
2-Alice Lynn Stockdale b 4/8/1968
3-Jason Lloyd Stockdale b 9/17/1969
3-Joyce Elizabeth Potts b 11/11/1944
md Harold Harris on 12/21/1963
Issue VII:
1-Karen Marie Harris b 8/17/1964
2-Gregory Dean Harris b 5/22/1967
3-Christina Lois Harris b 10/22/1969
4-Kelli Nadine Harris b 3/15/1972
4-Velma Nadine Potts b 10/19/1949 md
Marshall Hicks on 12/24/1970
Issue VII:
1-John Marshall Hicks b 12/22/1973
2-Rebecca Adele Hicks b 3/9/1975
5-Verle Potts b 3/7/1951 md Kathy Cook
on 2/21/1970
Issue VII:
1-Jill Kimberly Potts b 9/8/1970
Verle was in the Marines during the Vietnam War
V 2 Gladys Marguerite Carpenter-second daughter of Kenneth &
Grace Carpenter - md Coy Green, 1948, dv
Issue VI: 1-Coy Green, Jr. b 1949
Gladys m2 Strader
Issue VI: 2- Patricia Strader (b 1957)
3- Marguerite Strader (b 1965)
I-DENTITY (p. 78)
[page 78]
[corresponds to page 75 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation Charles Longshore line --Earl Carpenter Family
IV 5 -Earl Carpenter b 1900 d 1/1/1936 md 4/10/1924 to
Ruth Powless
m2 Bernice Rush Earl was killed in a truck accident on New
Year's Day
Issue V:
1 Betty Jean Carpenter md ____ Biggs, lives in Delaware
(She is Earl and Ruth's child)
2 Minnie Margaret
Ted Carpenter
Loyce Carpenter
(These last three, Earl and Bernice's children)
IV 6- Beatrice Carpenter b 1903 md Norman Barcus 1921
Lives in Sunbury
Issue V:
1- Leonard Gale Barcus b 1923 md Magdalene Skaggs
in 1950. They live in Hilliard, Ohio. Gale recenlty retired
from Westinghouse, Inc. and will soon become an
ordained Methodist minister. Magdalene works for the
DynaTrol Corp.
Issue VI: Vivian, Norman, Leonard Barcus
1-Vivian Barcus b 1951 md LeRoy Gaines
Issue VII:
1 Michael Gaines
2 Shawn Gaines
3 Shannon Gaines
2 Margaret Irene Barcus b 8/1/1925 md Meade Faye
Irene and Meade live in Newark
Issue VI:
1 Earl William Faye not md., lives in Cleveland, OH
2 Robert Eugene Faye b---- works at New Hope
Boys' Ranch, Reynoldsville, Ohio
3 Caroline Sue Faye b---- md Steven Cramer
Issue VII:
1- Regina Lynn Cramer b 1974
3 Jean Marie Barcus b 4/21/1930 md William Klick
Now live near Sunbury, Ohio; formerly lived in San
Diego, California.
Issue VII:
1- Karen Klick (adopted) md John Helms II
Issue VII:
1-John Helms III b 1976
4 Arthur Milton (Jake) Barcus b 11/24/1932 d 10/1968
md Phyllis Tucker
Issue VI:
1 Cathy Jo Barcus b 1959
2 Cindy Leigh Barcus b 5/27/1962
[corresponds to page 75 of I-DENTITY]
Continuation Charles Longshore line --Earl Carpenter Family
IV 5 -Earl Carpenter b 1900 d 1/1/1936 md 4/10/1924 to
Ruth Powless
m2 Bernice Rush Earl was killed in a truck accident on New
Year's Day
Issue V:
1 Betty Jean Carpenter md ____ Biggs, lives in Delaware
(She is Earl and Ruth's child)
2 Minnie Margaret
Ted Carpenter
Loyce Carpenter
(These last three, Earl and Bernice's children)
IV 6- Beatrice Carpenter b 1903 md Norman Barcus 1921
Lives in Sunbury
Issue V:
1- Leonard Gale Barcus b 1923 md Magdalene Skaggs
in 1950. They live in Hilliard, Ohio. Gale recenlty retired
from Westinghouse, Inc. and will soon become an
ordained Methodist minister. Magdalene works for the
DynaTrol Corp.
Issue VI: Vivian, Norman, Leonard Barcus
1-Vivian Barcus b 1951 md LeRoy Gaines
Issue VII:
1 Michael Gaines
2 Shawn Gaines
3 Shannon Gaines
2 Margaret Irene Barcus b 8/1/1925 md Meade Faye
Irene and Meade live in Newark
Issue VI:
1 Earl William Faye not md., lives in Cleveland, OH
2 Robert Eugene Faye b---- works at New Hope
Boys' Ranch, Reynoldsville, Ohio
3 Caroline Sue Faye b---- md Steven Cramer
Issue VII:
1- Regina Lynn Cramer b 1974
3 Jean Marie Barcus b 4/21/1930 md William Klick
Now live near Sunbury, Ohio; formerly lived in San
Diego, California.
Issue VII:
1- Karen Klick (adopted) md John Helms II
Issue VII:
1-John Helms III b 1976
4 Arthur Milton (Jake) Barcus b 11/24/1932 d 10/1968
md Phyllis Tucker
Issue VI:
1 Cathy Jo Barcus b 1959
2 Cindy Leigh Barcus b 5/27/1962
I-DENTITY (p. 79)
[page 79]
[corresponds to page 76 of I-DENTITY]
3-John Charles Barcus b 7/6/1966
Continuation Charles Longshore line -- Beatrice (Carpenter) & Norman Barcus family
5-Donald Cloise Barcus b 7/27/1934 md Betty Brown dv 1974
Issue VI:
1 David Barcus b 1956 lives in Florida
2 Danny Barcus b 1959
3 Terry Lee Barcus b 8/1966
4 Carman Barcus b 11/
Donald md2 Janet Bullock in 1976 He is a retired Navy Career
man, and now lives in Doylestown, Pennsylvania
IV 7 Elmer George Carpenter - the seventh child of Fred & Cora Carpenter
Elmer George Carpenter b 5/3/1905 d 4/9/1967 age 62
md to Lila ----
Issue V:
1- Elmer William Carpenter b 6/1923
2- Floyd Carpenter b 8/24/1927, was in WWII, died during the
war from measles contracted while in Japan.
3- Allen Carpenter b
4- Peggy Carpenter b in San Diego, California
The following is the death notice of Elmer G. Carpenter from a newspaper clipping:
"Elmer G. Carpenter, Croton died Doctor's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
of heart attack 4/9/1967. Retiree Naval Career (electronics); Veteran WWII,
Police Reserve Officer in Security. Retired 10/31/1966. Survivors: wife Lila of
Croton, 2 sisters, Beatrice Barcus and Florence Huffman, 2 children -
Peggy Carpenter of San Diego, Calif. and Allen Carpenter of Mt. Vernon,
Ohio. Military funeral Service Wednesday Snyder-Melick Funeral Home
Interment East Lawn, Centerburg."
Elmer had spent his last years in Texas and San Diego and had moved to Croton, Ohio
just 2 weeks before his sudden death.
IV 8 Florence Carpenter -Last child of Fred and Cora (Fox) Carpenter
b 7/1/1907 in Galena md Homer Huffman 1926; they recently
celebrated 50 years of marriage. They live in Centerburg.
Issue V:
1- Clark E. Huffman b 3/10/1928
2 Mabel Beatrice Huffman b 3/26/1933 md Bob Pruett
Issue VI:
1 Cheryl Pruett
2 Michael Pruett
3 Cathy Pruett
This completes the Charles and Ida Sharp Longshore Branch (Charles was the 6th child
of David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore
[corresponds to page 76 of I-DENTITY]
3-John Charles Barcus b 7/6/1966
Continuation Charles Longshore line -- Beatrice (Carpenter) & Norman Barcus family
5-Donald Cloise Barcus b 7/27/1934 md Betty Brown dv 1974
Issue VI:
1 David Barcus b 1956 lives in Florida
2 Danny Barcus b 1959
3 Terry Lee Barcus b 8/1966
4 Carman Barcus b 11/
Donald md2 Janet Bullock in 1976 He is a retired Navy Career
man, and now lives in Doylestown, Pennsylvania
IV 7 Elmer George Carpenter - the seventh child of Fred & Cora Carpenter
Elmer George Carpenter b 5/3/1905 d 4/9/1967 age 62
md to Lila ----
Issue V:
1- Elmer William Carpenter b 6/1923
2- Floyd Carpenter b 8/24/1927, was in WWII, died during the
war from measles contracted while in Japan.
3- Allen Carpenter b
4- Peggy Carpenter b in San Diego, California
The following is the death notice of Elmer G. Carpenter from a newspaper clipping:
"Elmer G. Carpenter, Croton died Doctor's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio
of heart attack 4/9/1967. Retiree Naval Career (electronics); Veteran WWII,
Police Reserve Officer in Security. Retired 10/31/1966. Survivors: wife Lila of
Croton, 2 sisters, Beatrice Barcus and Florence Huffman, 2 children -
Peggy Carpenter of San Diego, Calif. and Allen Carpenter of Mt. Vernon,
Ohio. Military funeral Service Wednesday Snyder-Melick Funeral Home
Interment East Lawn, Centerburg."
Elmer had spent his last years in Texas and San Diego and had moved to Croton, Ohio
just 2 weeks before his sudden death.
IV 8 Florence Carpenter -Last child of Fred and Cora (Fox) Carpenter
b 7/1/1907 in Galena md Homer Huffman 1926; they recently
celebrated 50 years of marriage. They live in Centerburg.
Issue V:
1- Clark E. Huffman b 3/10/1928
2 Mabel Beatrice Huffman b 3/26/1933 md Bob Pruett
Issue VI:
1 Cheryl Pruett
2 Michael Pruett
3 Cathy Pruett
This completes the Charles and Ida Sharp Longshore Branch (Charles was the 6th child
of David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore
I-DENTITY (p. 80)
[page 80]
[corresponds to page 77 of I-DENTITY]
David Longshore, Jr.
The Seventh child of David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore
IG David Longshore, was born 1823 in Ohio md Sarah Shannon
1- Augusta Longshore b. 1849
2- Mary Longshore b. 1850
3- Serepta J. Longshore b. 1853
4- Frank Longshore b 1860
For additional information by Judy (Longshore) Campbell see Addendum
Girl (Unknown name) Longshore
The Eighth child of David and Elziabeth (Warner) Longshore
IH The eighth child is a daughter, ----, and so far there is no data on her.
Perhaps she was not number eight in the "line-up" but it seems best to put her
in that sequence, since no date has been found by this compiler.
Note - This completes the tabulations of the David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore line
by this compiler. Every effort has been made to keep the lines
straight but if some should have crossed, it is because sometimes there
were so many Davids, Charles', et cetera, most without benefit of I, II, Sr.,
Jr., or whatever. It was the custom to have namesakes in the early days,
more then than now, and so babies were named not only after parents
and grandparents but also after aunts, uncles, etc., so again a confusion
develops - and there's no one to ask in most instances!
Also much of this information has been gathered via telephone so again
there is a greater margin for error in that type communication. And I may
as well admit it - sometimes I "goof" just for no reason at all! Seriously
though, all of this compiling has been done with the best of Intentions,
and no slights or errors intended.
So now, you know "who's who" among the Longshores!
[corresponds to page 77 of I-DENTITY]
David Longshore, Jr.
The Seventh child of David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore
IG David Longshore, was born 1823 in Ohio md Sarah Shannon
1- Augusta Longshore b. 1849
2- Mary Longshore b. 1850
3- Serepta J. Longshore b. 1853
4- Frank Longshore b 1860
For additional information by Judy (Longshore) Campbell see Addendum
Girl (Unknown name) Longshore
The Eighth child of David and Elziabeth (Warner) Longshore
IH The eighth child is a daughter, ----, and so far there is no data on her.
Perhaps she was not number eight in the "line-up" but it seems best to put her
in that sequence, since no date has been found by this compiler.
Note - This completes the tabulations of the David and Elizabeth (Warner) Longshore line
by this compiler. Every effort has been made to keep the lines
straight but if some should have crossed, it is because sometimes there
were so many Davids, Charles', et cetera, most without benefit of I, II, Sr.,
Jr., or whatever. It was the custom to have namesakes in the early days,
more then than now, and so babies were named not only after parents
and grandparents but also after aunts, uncles, etc., so again a confusion
develops - and there's no one to ask in most instances!
Also much of this information has been gathered via telephone so again
there is a greater margin for error in that type communication. And I may
as well admit it - sometimes I "goof" just for no reason at all! Seriously
though, all of this compiling has been done with the best of Intentions,
and no slights or errors intended.
So now, you know "who's who" among the Longshores!
I-DENTITY (p. 81)
[page 81]
[corresponds to page 78 of I-DENTITY]
Note - The following material is included because this writer feels it can be fit into the
family history somewhere,although she has not been able to find the "hook-up" as of
now.(1976) It was submittted by Curtis Longshore of Johnstown, Ohio last October at
his home when this compiler visited him there as he was recuperating from surgery.
He died a few months later.
"Isaac Longshore, resides in Blendon Twp, born in Zanesville, Muskingum Co.,
Ohio 10/17/1844. His parents being Thomas & Mary A.(Evans) Longshore whose
6 children are: William H., a farmer Pawnee Station, Kansas; George W., a fruit
grower in Grand Junction, Colorado; Isaac; Charles, a resident farmer of
Missouri; Thomas H a businessman in Kansas City, Missouri; and Margaret A.,
wife of Martin Brown of Ft. Scott, Kansas.
Thomas was born in Pennsylvania in 1811, son of Amos. Thomas, with his
father,came to Ohio during early childhood where his family settled on a farm
in Hocking Co. where Thomas was reared to manhood. In Muskingum Co.,
Thomas and Miss Evans (b 1817). Thomas took up abode in Zanesville and
operated a sawmill and sale of lumber until late 1850s when he purchased a
farm in Perry Co.,Ohio, 6 miles east of New Lexington, until 1884; sold farm and
went to Kansas making his home with his children, residing there in his 89th
year, well preserved at this time (1901). Thomas is a staunch republican, served
as a J.P. and township trustee several years; deacon in Baptist Church. Wife died
in 1892 at age 75 (wife of Thomas)
Isaac bought the homestead from his father, Thomas. House was over 100 years
old. He later married Elizabeth Driggs and moved to Morgan Co., purchased 80
acres of land near Beavertown. He operated the farm there until 8 years later
and then came to Blendon Twp., corner of 161 & 3C. Isaac's 5 children:
Jeremiah W. (Cincinnati Railway mail service); Archibald A.(1882-1902),
agriculturist (broom manufacturer) delivered brooms to penitentiary, wife
Minnie Buck; Josephine M., wife of Rev. R.W. Kohr; Edward md Lulu Buck; ---- [Cora] M.
at home."
Amos Longshore 17----
Thomas 1811
Isaac 1844 - 1930 (couldn't serve in Civil War;
couldn't bite cartridges with false teeth.)
Archibald C. 1882 - 1962 (Isaac's son)
Curtis -1976 Archibald's son
A.C. Longshore, age 91,
Johnston, Ohio. Survived by
daughter, Mrs. Dwight Smith;
son, Curtis L. Longshore,
Johnstown; sister, Mrs. Josephine
Kohr, Pasadena, Calif. Brother,
Edward Longshore, Johnstown,
Service Thursday 2 p.m.
Crouse and Son Funeral Home.,
Johnstown. Entombment in
Otterbein Cemetery Mausoleum,
Westerville, Ohio. Friends may call
at the funeral home...
[corresponds to page 78 of I-DENTITY]
Note - The following material is included because this writer feels it can be fit into the
family history somewhere,although she has not been able to find the "hook-up" as of
now.(1976) It was submittted by Curtis Longshore of Johnstown, Ohio last October at
his home when this compiler visited him there as he was recuperating from surgery.
He died a few months later.
"Isaac Longshore, resides in Blendon Twp, born in Zanesville, Muskingum Co.,
Ohio 10/17/1844. His parents being Thomas & Mary A.(Evans) Longshore whose
6 children are: William H., a farmer Pawnee Station, Kansas; George W., a fruit
grower in Grand Junction, Colorado; Isaac; Charles, a resident farmer of
Missouri; Thomas H a businessman in Kansas City, Missouri; and Margaret A.,
wife of Martin Brown of Ft. Scott, Kansas.
Thomas was born in Pennsylvania in 1811, son of Amos. Thomas, with his
father,came to Ohio during early childhood where his family settled on a farm
in Hocking Co. where Thomas was reared to manhood. In Muskingum Co.,
Thomas and Miss Evans (b 1817). Thomas took up abode in Zanesville and
operated a sawmill and sale of lumber until late 1850s when he purchased a
farm in Perry Co.,Ohio, 6 miles east of New Lexington, until 1884; sold farm and
went to Kansas making his home with his children, residing there in his 89th
year, well preserved at this time (1901). Thomas is a staunch republican, served
as a J.P. and township trustee several years; deacon in Baptist Church. Wife died
in 1892 at age 75 (wife of Thomas)
Isaac bought the homestead from his father, Thomas. House was over 100 years
old. He later married Elizabeth Driggs and moved to Morgan Co., purchased 80
acres of land near Beavertown. He operated the farm there until 8 years later
and then came to Blendon Twp., corner of 161 & 3C. Isaac's 5 children:
Jeremiah W. (Cincinnati Railway mail service); Archibald A.(1882-1902),
agriculturist (broom manufacturer) delivered brooms to penitentiary, wife
Minnie Buck; Josephine M., wife of Rev. R.W. Kohr; Edward md Lulu Buck; ---- [Cora] M.
at home."
Amos Longshore 17----
Thomas 1811
Isaac 1844 - 1930 (couldn't serve in Civil War;
couldn't bite cartridges with false teeth.)
Archibald C. 1882 - 1962 (Isaac's son)
Curtis -1976 Archibald's son
A.C. Longshore, age 91,
Johnston, Ohio. Survived by
daughter, Mrs. Dwight Smith;
son, Curtis L. Longshore,
Johnstown; sister, Mrs. Josephine
Kohr, Pasadena, Calif. Brother,
Edward Longshore, Johnstown,
Service Thursday 2 p.m.
Crouse and Son Funeral Home.,
Johnstown. Entombment in
Otterbein Cemetery Mausoleum,
Westerville, Ohio. Friends may call
at the funeral home...
I-DENTITY (p. 82)
[page 82]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 79 of I-DENTITY]
Additional Longshore Information
by Judy (Longshore) Campbell
David Longshore (I) lived in Middletown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. In
the 1800 Bucks County Census, he is listed with the unmarried men. He
and Elizabeth Weaber were married by Isaac Hicks, J.P. on January 20,
1802 in Middletown Twp., Pennsylvania. Elizabeth is listed as a spinster.
(She was 19). Her name on almost all Genealogical records (including,
LDS records) is Warner. Her mother's maiden name was Warner and I
believe that she took that as her own maiden name after her marriage.
The tombstone of David Longshore says that he came to Ohio in 1806. It
also states that he was 79 years 9 months 8 days old. Later census
records say that he came from Pennsylvania. After his wife Elizabeth
(Warner) died on August 8, 1840 he married Elisabeth (Betsy) Benton on
June 20th 1842. Betsy and her husband lived on a farm next to the
David and his brother, Euclydus bought land together in 1811 and
David lived in the same place the rest of his life.
Family of John Longshore
first son of David (1)
John Longshore b. 10/9/1802 d 3/18/1877 married Clarinda Benedict b.
about 9/7/1807 died 12/2/1871
After the family came to Ohio. John spent his whole life in Delaware
County and later owned a farm next to his fathers.
1. David C. Longshore b. 3/16/1827 died 9/05/1907 on 3/12/1851
md Fannie Bailey daughter of James and Eve (Kitts) Bailey.
Fannie was born 3/12/1829 and died 6/11/1901. David fought in
the civil War for Iowa and moved there to live in 1861. He lived in
Valley Junction (Polk County, Iowa), the rest of his life.
1- George b. 1853, Ohio died May 26, 1912, Iowa
m. Rosaline
1 daughter - Bessie b 1874 d 12/20/02
2- Julia b 1856, Illinois lived in Iowa
3- Alice b 1/12/1858, Illinois on 1/11/1883 md William
Youngerman. She died 10/3/1884 and is buried in Iowa
4- Henry Lee Longshore b 7/26/1860 d?
[corresponds to unnumbered page 79 of I-DENTITY]
Additional Longshore Information
by Judy (Longshore) Campbell
David Longshore (I) lived in Middletown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. In
the 1800 Bucks County Census, he is listed with the unmarried men. He
and Elizabeth Weaber were married by Isaac Hicks, J.P. on January 20,
1802 in Middletown Twp., Pennsylvania. Elizabeth is listed as a spinster.
(She was 19). Her name on almost all Genealogical records (including,
LDS records) is Warner. Her mother's maiden name was Warner and I
believe that she took that as her own maiden name after her marriage.
The tombstone of David Longshore says that he came to Ohio in 1806. It
also states that he was 79 years 9 months 8 days old. Later census
records say that he came from Pennsylvania. After his wife Elizabeth
(Warner) died on August 8, 1840 he married Elisabeth (Betsy) Benton on
June 20th 1842. Betsy and her husband lived on a farm next to the
David and his brother, Euclydus bought land together in 1811 and
David lived in the same place the rest of his life.
Family of John Longshore
first son of David (1)
John Longshore b. 10/9/1802 d 3/18/1877 married Clarinda Benedict b.
about 9/7/1807 died 12/2/1871
After the family came to Ohio. John spent his whole life in Delaware
County and later owned a farm next to his fathers.
1. David C. Longshore b. 3/16/1827 died 9/05/1907 on 3/12/1851
md Fannie Bailey daughter of James and Eve (Kitts) Bailey.
Fannie was born 3/12/1829 and died 6/11/1901. David fought in
the civil War for Iowa and moved there to live in 1861. He lived in
Valley Junction (Polk County, Iowa), the rest of his life.
1- George b. 1853, Ohio died May 26, 1912, Iowa
m. Rosaline
1 daughter - Bessie b 1874 d 12/20/02
2- Julia b 1856, Illinois lived in Iowa
3- Alice b 1/12/1858, Illinois on 1/11/1883 md William
Youngerman. She died 10/3/1884 and is buried in Iowa
4- Henry Lee Longshore b 7/26/1860 d?
I-DENTITY (p. 83)
[page 83]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 80 of I-DENTITY]
on 9/5/1888 md Anna Bell (Drury) b12/1865
1- Hazel L. Longshore b 11/19/1890
2- Edith Blanche b 6/5/1892
3- Gladys b. 9/1894
5-Infant b. 2/15/1863*
6-Infant b 4/1867*
7-Edwin Asa Longshore b. 8/21/1868 d 4/21/1935
on 8/21/1890 married Minnie Grace Chittenden
(b 12/3/1870 d 3/8/1931)
1- Cecil A. Longshore b. 11/21/1891 d 12/4/1971
never married
2- Blanche Marie b. 8/26/1893 d 10/17/75
never married
3- Harold Longshore b 10/12/1898 d 5/28/1960 on
10/12/1929 married Clista Davis (b 6/9/1908)
d 4/21/2002)
Jacqueline md Sam Genovese
Harold Jr. - never married
4-Russell Eldon Longshore b 8/18/1901 d 11/30/1973
never married
5- Ellwyn Edwin Longshore b 2/4/1904 d 10/3/1995
on 7/1/1934 md Audrey Lavona Burk
children: Judith Elaine
David Edwin
2. Aaron Longshore b Apr. 5. 1828 d 1/30/1855 on 10/21/1852
md Lucinda Powell
1 child Phebe who married Noah Coons
3. Hannah Longshore b. 7/8/1842 d. 10/31/1864 on 8/29/1861
md Nathan T. Stanley. Nathan was in the Civil War and away
from home when Hannah died.
1- John E. Stanley
2- Charles Lee Stanley
Note: After Hannah's death, her boys lived with their
grandparents John and Elisabeth. John's Will says that James Lampman
will be guardian of John E. Longshore (Stanley) and that his son, David
Longshore (in Iowa) will be guardian of Charles Lee stanley. Charles
[corresponds to unnumbered page 80 of I-DENTITY]
on 9/5/1888 md Anna Bell (Drury) b12/1865
1- Hazel L. Longshore b 11/19/1890
2- Edith Blanche b 6/5/1892
3- Gladys b. 9/1894
5-Infant b. 2/15/1863*
6-Infant b 4/1867*
7-Edwin Asa Longshore b. 8/21/1868 d 4/21/1935
on 8/21/1890 married Minnie Grace Chittenden
(b 12/3/1870 d 3/8/1931)
1- Cecil A. Longshore b. 11/21/1891 d 12/4/1971
never married
2- Blanche Marie b. 8/26/1893 d 10/17/75
never married
3- Harold Longshore b 10/12/1898 d 5/28/1960 on
10/12/1929 married Clista Davis (b 6/9/1908)
d 4/21/2002)
Jacqueline md Sam Genovese
Harold Jr. - never married
4-Russell Eldon Longshore b 8/18/1901 d 11/30/1973
never married
5- Ellwyn Edwin Longshore b 2/4/1904 d 10/3/1995
on 7/1/1934 md Audrey Lavona Burk
children: Judith Elaine
David Edwin
2. Aaron Longshore b Apr. 5. 1828 d 1/30/1855 on 10/21/1852
md Lucinda Powell
1 child Phebe who married Noah Coons
3. Hannah Longshore b. 7/8/1842 d. 10/31/1864 on 8/29/1861
md Nathan T. Stanley. Nathan was in the Civil War and away
from home when Hannah died.
1- John E. Stanley
2- Charles Lee Stanley
Note: After Hannah's death, her boys lived with their
grandparents John and Elisabeth. John's Will says that James Lampman
will be guardian of John E. Longshore (Stanley) and that his son, David
Longshore (in Iowa) will be guardian of Charles Lee stanley. Charles
I-DENTITY (p. 84)
[page 84]
[corresponds to unnumbered page 81 of I-DENTITY]
Stanley and Edwin Longshore married Chittenden sisters. ---My brother -
in-law is my cousin?
The Family of David Longshore, Jr.
The 7th child of David (1)
There is more to be told of this family than will be told here. David,
Jr. lived with his parents. The rules by which he would take care of them
in their old age and thereby inherit their land was written in deed form.
After the death of David Sr., David, Jr. sued all his brothers and sisters
for the right to the land. In this suit is evidence that Rachel Squires is a
sister of this Longshore family. David Jr, sues her children, since she was
already dead.
David Jr. served in the Civil War. His records show that he enlisted
at the end of the War so he wasn't in very long. He served with an Ohio
David was born about 1822 d 9/5/1871 and on 4/13/1848 married
Sarah Ellen Shannon. (b 2/06/1824 d 10/26/1895)
1- Agusta L. b 4/9/1849 d 10/11/1882 on 11/11/1867 md
Edward D. Lunt (b 7/11/1844)
Children: Charles E., Frank P. Emma L., Inez L.
(After her death, Charles remarried and moved to Wapello, Iowa)
2- Margaret Louisa b. 1850
3- Serepta J. b 1851
4- Frank M. b 10/1855
*David Jr. and David, son of John, both ended up living just miles apart in
Des Moines, Iowa. They are both buried in the same cemetery in a plot
purchased by David Longshore. There is no indication which David. The
infants buried there simply state infant of D. Longshore. It cannot be
certain which David Longshore family they belong to.
After David Jr's death, Sarah lived with her daughter Mary and family.
They went west in the late 1800's and she died and is buried in Mountain
Home, Idaho.
Mark Longshore, son of Isaac Newton
Mark Longshore, son of Isaac Newton, was found by this researcher by
using the Ancestry.com database. He died in 1945. His death certificate is
from Contra Costa County in California. (This includes the San Francisco
area. It verifies that Isaac and Angeline (Bourne) were his parents.
According to the certificate, he had lived in California for 30 years. At
time of death he was working as PBX operator at a San Francisco hotel.
[corresponds to unnumbered page 81 of I-DENTITY]
Stanley and Edwin Longshore married Chittenden sisters. ---My brother -
in-law is my cousin?
The Family of David Longshore, Jr.
The 7th child of David (1)
There is more to be told of this family than will be told here. David,
Jr. lived with his parents. The rules by which he would take care of them
in their old age and thereby inherit their land was written in deed form.
After the death of David Sr., David, Jr. sued all his brothers and sisters
for the right to the land. In this suit is evidence that Rachel Squires is a
sister of this Longshore family. David Jr, sues her children, since she was
already dead.
David Jr. served in the Civil War. His records show that he enlisted
at the end of the War so he wasn't in very long. He served with an Ohio
David was born about 1822 d 9/5/1871 and on 4/13/1848 married
Sarah Ellen Shannon. (b 2/06/1824 d 10/26/1895)
1- Agusta L. b 4/9/1849 d 10/11/1882 on 11/11/1867 md
Edward D. Lunt (b 7/11/1844)
Children: Charles E., Frank P. Emma L., Inez L.
(After her death, Charles remarried and moved to Wapello, Iowa)
2- Margaret Louisa b. 1850
3- Serepta J. b 1851
4- Frank M. b 10/1855
*David Jr. and David, son of John, both ended up living just miles apart in
Des Moines, Iowa. They are both buried in the same cemetery in a plot
purchased by David Longshore. There is no indication which David. The
infants buried there simply state infant of D. Longshore. It cannot be
certain which David Longshore family they belong to.
After David Jr's death, Sarah lived with her daughter Mary and family.
They went west in the late 1800's and she died and is buried in Mountain
Home, Idaho.
Mark Longshore, son of Isaac Newton
Mark Longshore, son of Isaac Newton, was found by this researcher by
using the Ancestry.com database. He died in 1945. His death certificate is
from Contra Costa County in California. (This includes the San Francisco
area. It verifies that Isaac and Angeline (Bourne) were his parents.
According to the certificate, he had lived in California for 30 years. At
time of death he was working as PBX operator at a San Francisco hotel.
Dublin Core
Longshore family--Genealogy
Longshore, Maxine--Personal narratives
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History
Longshore, Maxine--Personal narratives
Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury--History
This book is the history of the Longshore Family, prepared by Maxine Longshore in 1976.
Author Maxine Longshore
Community Library, Sunbury Ohio
Author Maxine Longshore, “I-DENTITY,” Delaware County Memory, accessed February 7, 2025, http://delawarecountymemory.org/items/show/13.