Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 1)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 1)


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[corresponds to front cover of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]



Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 2)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 2)


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[corresponds to inside front cover and cover page of Tax Duplicate 2,1828, Delaware County OH]



of the


Charged in the County

of Delaware

for the year

Eighteen hundred and twentyeight

United States


Virginia Military


Volume 1.St.
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 3)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 3)


[page 3]

[corresponds to blank page and unlabeled page 1 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]


of the


Charged in the County

of Delaware

for the year

Eighteen hundred and twentyeight

United States


Virginia Military


Volume 2.d
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 4)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 4)


[page 4]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 2 and 3 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Township being the 6th township and 18th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Alarich, Timothy 18 6 2 117 160

Alarich, William 18 6 2 51 52

Alarich Josiah 18 6 2 56 38

Bishop Elisha 18 6 2 98 1/2 169

Clark Elihu 18 6 2 53 73

Clark James 18 6 2 122 126

Foust Henry 18 6 2 50 52

Same 18 6 2 25 34

Foust David 18 6 2 50 52

Foust Abraham 18 6 2 65 111

Hile Michael 18 6 2 200 276

Jones Robert 18 6 2 200 342

Jones Daniel 18 6 4 813 558

Kirk David 18 6 2 25 34

Knapp Cyrus 18 6 2 75 75

Lewis George 18 6 2 1.620 1.665

McWilliams James 18 6 4 241 165
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 5)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 5)


[page 5]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 4 and 5 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Olas Ezra 18 6 2 75 155

Pugh David 18 6 4 242 166

Potter Amos 18 6 4 103 105

Remson Henry 18 6 2 200 137

Rathbone John 18 6 3 4.000. 2.740

Riley John 18 6 4 125 129

Riley Henry 18 6 4 200 205

Stanberry Jonas 18 6 2 818 836

Smith Chloe 18 6 2 50 52

Schenck Wm C. 18 6 4 333 456

State of Ohio 18 6 4 129 89

Scott Arthur 18 6 4 100 68

Winsor Adin 18 6 2 150 256

Whipple Reuben 18 6 4 916 607

Waters Hugh 18 6 4 148 203

Wolf Henry 18 6 4 98 136

Wilson John 18 6 4 290 196

Wilson Samuel 18 6 4 68 46
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 6)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 6)


[page 6]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 6 and 7 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Aldrich Timothy 1 40 4 32

Aldrich Smith 1 40

Brown Robert 5 40

Bishop Elisha 2 80 4 32

Clark Isaac R 4 32

Clark Elihu 1 40 3 24

Claypool George 1 40 2 16

Claypool William 3 120 2 16

Cowles Joel 6 48

Crooks George 1 40 4 32

Cleveland Silas H 3 24

Cowles Calvin 1 40 8 64

Chadwick James 2 16

Forrester Peter 2 16

Foust Abram 5 40

Foust Henry 1 40 4 32

Hite Israel 1 40 1 8

Houston Thomas 2 80 5 40

Jones Robert 2 80 3 24

Knapp Cyrus 1 40 1 8

Kirk David 5 40

Olds Ezra 1 40 2 16

McGonigal Jos. 2 80 3 24

McWilliams James 4 160 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 7)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 7)


[page 7]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 8 and 9 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 12 Oxford Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Phelps Levi 3 24

Patter Alvah 3 24

Russell Syrel 4 32

Russell James 2 16

Russell Samuel 2 16

Riley John 1 40 2 16

Riley Henry 2 80 1 8

Slack John 1 40 2 16

Smith Nehemiah 2 16

Smith Elisha 6 48

Smith Simeon 2 80 4 32

Shoemaker Jacob 3 24

Shearman John 1 40 3 24

Smith Elijah 3 120 7 56

Slack William 1 40 1 8

Slack Ralph 2 80 3 24

Shoemaker Adam 4 32

Winsor Aden 4 160 10 80

Wornstaff Daniel 2 80 2 16

Wood Electe 4 32

Waters Hugh 2 80 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 8)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 8)


[page 8]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 10 and 11 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Township being township No. 3 in the 18th Range of the United States Military Lands

Except so much of the 3d quarter as lies west of the Whetstone River.

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Black Issac 18 3 1 106 290

Black Marshall 18 3 1 100 342

Barrows Nathanl W. 18 3 1 194 670

Barrows Orrin 18 3 1 90 308

Bennett Isaac 18 3 1 41 85

Bennett James 18 3 1 55 75

Bill Samuel 18 3 4 50 205

Beach Samuel 18 3 2 66 113

Barker Simeon 18 3 2 66 90

Bennett Henry 18 3 1 114 195

Barnaby Stephen 18 3 2 46 63

Campbell Chester 18 3 1 75 282

Clark Satchel 18 3 1 80 274

Chambers Cyrus 18 3 1 80 192

Case Truman 18 3 2 50 83

Canine John 18 3 2 100 137

Cummins John 18 3 2 52 88

Cummins Joshua 18 3 1 110 188

Cummins Waters 18 3 1 50 85

Cline Henry 18 3 2 50 103

Dudley Ambrose 18 3 1 840 2302

Dewolf James 18 3 2 300 646

Same 18 3 2 220 301

Same 18 3 3 3.700 7.903
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 9)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 9)


[page 9]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 12 and 13 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Eaton Stephen S 18 3 2 157 269

Ferson James 18 3 1 88 301

Ferson Samuel 18 3 1 88 301

Ferson John 18 3 1 44 151

Ferson Paul 18 3 1 44 151

Faulkner Joshua 18 3 2 50 85

Gooding George 18 3 2 250 514

Same 18 3 3 50 103

Goodrich John 18 3 2 15 31

Gooding Gamaliel 18 3 2 100 205

Griswold Ezra 18 3 2 137 234

Humphrey Lemuel 18 3 2 51 69

Johnson John 18 3 2 84 115

Kenyon Samuel 18 3 2 100 421

Lock Jesse 18 3 4 50 205

Ludlow Isreal 18 3 1 410 562

McLeod Thomas 18 3 1 50 119

Maynard Moses 18 3 2 276 567

Moore Sidney 18 3 2 85 174
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 10)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 10)


[page 10]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 14 and 15 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Nettleton John 18 3 1 58 171

Pool Simeon 18 3 2 325 556

Patterson Samuel 18 3 1 122 257

Patterson David 18 3 1 84 201

Pinney Levi 18 3 2 66 113

Roberts David Jr 18 3 2 46 79

Reed Thomas 18 3 2 90 153

Reed Horace 18 3 4 1.900 3.904

Root Sylvester 18 3 2 50 79

Sacket Milton 18 3 1 220 .603

Smith Daniel 18 3 1 40 137

Sullivan Lucas H 18 3 1 210 575

Same 18 3 1 95 190

same 18 3 1 140 384

Same 18 3 1 120 411

Same 18 3 1 55 75

Stark George 18 3 1 40 137

Smith Jenkins 18 3 4 2.000 4.110

Skeels V. Nelson 18 3 1 46 110

Stanberry Recompence 18 3 2 213 364

Taylor Washington 18 3 2 50 69

Thomas David 18 3 2 34 69

Thompson Wm 18 3 2 195 401

Topping John 18 3 2 100 206
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 11)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 11)


[page 11]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 16 and 17 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Topping Zophar 18 3 2 67 138

Tinkham Joseph 18 3 1 75 282

Vroman Adam 18 3 1 10 21

Vining William 18 3 2 51 69

Same 18 3 2 200 411

Wells Chester 18 3 2 135 278

Williams Wm. F. 18 3 2 136 230

Wilcox Phineas B 18 3 2 10 22
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 12)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 12)


[page 12]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 18 and 19 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Barrows Nath. W. 3 120 5 40

Barrows Orrin 2 80 4 32

Bennett Henry 1 40 4 32

Bill Samuel 1 40 1 8

Black Marshall 1 40 6 48

Black Nathan 4 32

Black George 1 40 2 16

Canine John 2 80 9 72

Case Truman 1 40 5 40

Cummins Joshua 5 40

Cummins John 1 8

Cummins Water 4 32

Campbell Chester 1 40 5 40

Chambers Cyrus 1 40 6 48

Clark Satchel 4 32

Carver Henry 2 80 2 16

Eaton Stephen S. 1 40 6 48

Falkner samuel 1 8

Falkner Joshua 1 40 6 48

Ferson Paul 2 80 5 40

Ferson Samuel 1 40 7 56

Ferson James 6 48

Ferson John 3 24

Gooding George 4 160 14 112

Gooding Gamaliel 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 13)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 13)


[page 13]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 20 and 21 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hann Jacob 2 80 2 16

Joslin James 1 40 1 8

Johnston John 2 16

Kenyon Samuel 1 40 8 64

McLeod Thomas 4 32

Norton Lucy 5 40

Nettleton Nathl. 2 80 2 16

Patterson Samuel 3 24

Patterson David 4 32

Pool Joseph 3 24

Plummer Asa 5 200 27 216

Roberts Henry 1 8

Roberts David Jr. 1 40 2 16

Reed Thomas 2 16

Skeels Nelson 1 40 2 16

Sackett Milton. H. 3 120 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 14)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 14)


[page 14]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 22 and 23 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 13 Orange Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Tinkham Joseph 6 48

Tinkham Abel 2 16

Williams Horace 4 32

Williams, Wm F 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 15)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 15)


[page 15]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 24 and 25 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Township being township No. 6 in the 17th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Agard Noah 17 6 3 59 60

Benedict Aaron 17 6 1 96 132

Benedict Adin S 17 6 1 33 45

Benedict Reuben 17 6 1 180 267

Benedict Martha 17 6 1 43 56

Benedict William 17 6 1 151 196

Buck Andrew 17 6 1 99 136

Bunker Isaac 17 6 1 362 1/2 248

Champlin Jesse 17 6 3 101 138

Clark Nathan 17 6 3 100 68

Chase John 17 6 3 3 3

Dagget Otis 17 6 3 62 1/2 64

Dagget Isreal 17 6 3 64 88

Dayton Jonathan 17 6 3 640 436

Dillingham Micajab 17 6 1 50 36

Dillingham John 17 6 1 95 66

Devoy David 17 6 4 144 1/4 119

Dayton Jonathan 17 6 3 117 79

Eaton Isaac 17 6 3 77 105

Eaton Joseph 17 6 3 86 59

Eaton David 17 6 3 84 56

Eagar William 17 6 4 2.841 2.335

Edgar Alexander 17 6 4 312 321
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 16)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 16)


[page 16]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 26 and 27 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Earl Nathaniel 17 6 1 53 73

Earl Amos 17 6 1 50 34

Flemming Henry 17 6 3 246 337

Flatt Jonathan 17 6 3 52 71

Gidley William 17 6 1 74 51

Gardner Robert 17 6 1 50 34

Gardner John 17 6 1 153 1/2 158

Hall Mathero 17 6 3 100 68

Heaverlo Barnet 17 6 3 136 92

Heavelo stapleton 17 6 3 66 45

Heverlo William 17 6 3 116 1/2 79

Keese John 17 6 1 33 45

Keene Joseph 17 6 1 100 137

Keene Hannah 17 6 1 100 137

Keene Hannah 2nd 17 6 1 200 137

Lee Asa 17 6 3 84 58

Larke Edward 17 6 2 15 12

McLaughlin Nicholas 17 6 3 61 42

Mosher Gershom 17 6 1 40 27

Moore Sidney 17 6 3 60 61
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 17)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 17)


[page 17]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 28 and 29 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Mosely William

Morehouse Stephen 17 6 2 285 215

Morehouse James C 17 6 2 50 38

Morehouse Caleb 17 6 2 50 32

Moorehouse Daniel 17 6 2 80 60

Moorehouse Charles 17 6 2 80 60

Moorehouse Wm 17 6 2 80 60

Osborn Daniel 17 3 1 44 61

Osbborn David 17 6 1 389 533

Potter Asahel 17 6 3 94 97

Root Zenas 17 6 2 75 75

Root Spaffon 17 6 3 50 34

Riley John 17 6 3 50 34

Randolph James F. 17 6 4 135 185

Same 17 6 4 149 204

Same 17 6 4 150 205

Russell Richard 17 6 1 123 169

Redman James 17 6 1 147 101

Smith Isaac 17 6 3 182 124

Sacket Augustine 17 6 3 100 137

Smith Solomon S. 17 6 3 84 115

Smith Ira 17 6 1 166 227

Sharp & Boyd 17 6 1 140 96

Stanberry Jonas 17 6 1 127 87
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 18)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 18)


[page 18]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 30 and 31 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Stanberry Jonas 17 6 1 200 137

Same 17 6 1 100 68

Thatcher John 17 6 3 47 64

Same 17 6 3 30 21

Townsend Alex 17 6 1 73 50

Thurston Isaac 17 ? 3 50 34

Vandevender Jacob 17 6 3 117 160

Vanduzer Abram. 17 6 3 117 121

Wright William 17 6 3 64 66

Whipple Reuben 17 6 3 100 103

Same 17 6 3 14 38

Whipple Barton 17 6 4 79 3/4 66

Wood Daniel 17 6 1 33 45

Same 17 6 1 80 110

Same 17 6 1 50 34
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 19)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 19)


[page 19]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 32 and 33 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names Town Value Including House

Clark Nathan Napoleon 6

Dagget Isreal Napoleon 3

Same " 20

Same " 18

Eaton Iseph Napoleon 5

Flemming Isaac Napoleon 4

Files Solomon B. " 5

Flemming Henry " 4

Hall Matthew Napoleon 4

Kilbourne James Napoleon 10

McMillin John Napoleon 6

Murphy James Napoleon 4

McCutchen John Napoleon 4

Root Orlin Napoleon 4

Thatcher George Napoleon 6

Willard Dustin Napoleon 5

Williams Edward Napoleon 5

Whipple Reuben Napoleon 15

Whipple V. Kilbourne " 24

Same Napoleon 24

same Napoleon 20
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 20)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 20)


[page 20]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 34 and 35 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru In Lots and Out Lots in Towns

Owners Names Town Value Including House

Whipple V.Kilbourne Napoleon

Same Napoleon 35

Same Napoleon

same Napoleon 30

Same Napoleon 24

Same Napoleon 24

Same Napoleon 24

Same Napoleon 24

Same Napoleon

Same Napoleon 24

Same Napoleon 3

Same Napoleon

same Napoleon 63

Same Napoleon

Same Napoleon 60
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 21)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 21)


[page 21]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 36 and 37 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Agard Noah 5 40

Bennett Joel 2 80 3 24

Benedict Martha 5 40

Benedict John 4 32

Benedict Aaron 1 40 6 48

Benedict William 3 120 7 56

Benedict Aden S 1 40 4 32

Benedict Ezra 3 24

Benedict Reuben 2 80 7 56

Buck Andrew 1 40 3 24

Clark Nathan 2 80 4 32

Champlin Jesse 4 160 4 32

Dillingham John 4 160 8 66

Dillingham Sylvannus 1 40 4 32

Dillingham Micajah 1 40 3 24

Dutton David 4 160 10 80

Dagget Otis 2 16

Edgar Alexander 7 280 11 88

Earl Amos 6 48

Earl Nathaniel 5 40

Eaton David 1 40 1 8

Eaton Joseph 2 80 2 16

Goodin Asa 2 80 2 16

Gidley William 2 80 2 16

Gardner John 3 120 7 56

Gardner Robert 1 40 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 22)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 22)


[page 22]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 38 and 39 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Flemming John 4 32

Fleming Henry 2 80 2 16

Fleming William 1 40 3 24

Fleming Isaac 2 80 2 16

Flarr Jonathan 1 8

Heaverlo Barnet 2 16

Heaverlo Stapleton 2 16

Heaverlo William 6 48

Hall Matthew 1 40 4 32

Keene Joseph 2 80 3 24

Lancaster Benjm 3 24

Lee Asa 1 40 1 8

McLaughlin Nicholas 1 40 1 8

Morehouse Caleb 5 40

Morehouse James 1 40 2 16

Morehouse Daniel 4 32

Morehouse Stephen 2 80 10 80

Morehouse William 1 40

McComica James 1 40 4 32

Osborn David 2 80 8 64

Osborn Azan 1 40 1 8

Potter Asahel 2 80 8 64

Rupel Richard 2 16

Root Zenas 7 56

Randolph Connelient 2 80
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 23)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 23)


[page 23]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 40 and 41 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 14 Peru Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Randolph James 1 40 3 24

Root Spaffon 3 24

Riley Joseph 1 40 3 24

Smith Jirah 3 120 7 56

Stenback John 2 80

Smith James 2 16

Thatcher John 2 80 2 16

Thurstin Isaac 1 40 5 40

Vandevender Jacob 5 200 5 40

Vandozer Abram 2 80 6 48

Wood Daniel 2 80 11 88

Westbrook James 1 40 2 16

Wing Abner 1 40 8 64

Whipple Barton 1 40 2 16

Whipple Reuben 1 40 6 48
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 24)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 24)


[page 24]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 42 and 43 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Township being township No. 5.6 & 7 in the 20th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Adams Elijah 20 6 2 200 636

Barry Lawrence 20 7 3 100 177

Same 20 7 3 100 172

Same 20 7 3 100 276

Same 20 7 3 100 117

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Boyd William 20 5 1 200 342

Byxbe & Dayton 20 5 4 2.596 3.557

Cryder Henry 20 7 3 118 122

Cratty Robert 20 7 3 100 103

Cox John 20 6 4 94 137

Same 20 6 4 114 156

Cox Joseph 20 6 4 59 81

Same 20 6 4 59 81

Chidlow Mary 20 6 4 100 171

Cadwallader David 20 6 4 50 82

Same 20 7 4 100 103

Cooper Samuel 20 5 1 165 520

Cronkleton Joseph 20 5 1 200 274

Chase Juah 20 5 4 100 205

Cadwallader John 20 6 3 55 32

Claypool Abraham 20 6 3 100 213

Same 20 6 3 100 213

Same 20 6 3 100 213

Campbell Duncan 20 6 4 125 147
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 25)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 25)


[page 25]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 44 and 45 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Dayton Jonathan 20 7 3 100 274

Same 20 7 3 100 274

Same 20 7 3 100 86

Same 20 7 3 100 86

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Same 20 7 3 100 171

Same 20 6 1 3.000 2.055

Same 20 7 4 3.037 2.080

Davis David 20 6 2 100 171

Same 20 6 2 100 171

Same 20 6 2 100 205

Davis Elizabeth 20 6 3 100 276

Dungan Thomas 20 6 3 100 103

Same 20 6 3 100 205

Davis James 20 6 3 100 137

Dildine Ralph 20 5 1 240 411

Dunlap Joseph 20 5 1 290 996

Same 20 5 1 910 1.558

Dudley Ambrose 20 6 2 100 171

Same 20 6 2 100 171

David Sylvannus 20 5 1 100 205

Fleming Henry C 20 6 3 100 205

Foos John 20 6 4 100 68

Foos Solutine 20 6 4 50 64

Same 20 6 1 50 51

Fillian Nancy 20 5 4 150 411
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 26)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 26)


[page 26]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 46 and 47 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Gallant James 20 5 1 125 171

Hardy Elisha 20 6 1 825 848

Hinton Seaborn 20 6 3 15 15

Hushaw Phillip 20 5 1 100 171

Same 20 5 1 100 171

Herbert Benjamin 20 5 1 100 171

Hull Benjamin 20 5 4 100 171

Jones Davia E 20 6 4 90 353

Jones Thomas 20 6 4 100 171

Jenkins Isabella 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 5 4 100 240

Jones John L. 20 6 4 80 137

Jones Elizabeth 20 6 4 50 32

Jones John 20 5 4 133 364

Jones Thomas 20 6 4 55 32

Keplar Abraham 20 6 2 73 200

Kepler Mary Ann 20 6 1 50 68

Same 20 6 4 50 82

Kyle Hugh 20 6 4 100 171

Karshner Jacob 20 6 2 100 171

Ludwick Thomas 20 6 4 100 137

Moorehouse Saml. 20 6 1 75 51

McIntosh Lauchlin 20 6 2 100 239

Same 20 6 2 100 239
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 27)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 27)


[page 27]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 48 and 49 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

McIntosh Lauchlin 20 6 2 100 274

Same 20 6 2 100 274

Same 20 6 2 100 274

Same 20 6 2 100 274

Same 20 6 2 100 308

Same 20 6 2 100 308

Same 20 6 2 100 308

McHenry James 20 5 2 100 171

Same 20 5 2 100 308

Same 20 5 2 100 274

Same 20 5 2 100 308

Minter Valentine 20 6 4 100 171

Moreton Thomas 20 6 4 82 140

Minter John Jnr 20 5 1 100 171

McKinnie John 20 5 1 339 581

Same 20 5 1 346 356

McKinnie Robert 20 5 1 213 364

McIlvain Robert 20 5 4 200 548

Moore Christopher 20 6 4 50 34

Munday Presley 20 6 3 88 151

Mason Samuel 20 7 3 120 126

Pugh Elizabeth 20 7 3 122 84

Pugh David 20 6 2 100 240

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Same 20 6 4 100 68

Same 20 6 4 50 68

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Same 20 6 4 100 137

Same 20 6 4 100 103

Same 20 6 4 100 103
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 28)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 28)


[page 28]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 50 and 51 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Pugh David 20 6 4 100 68

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Same 20 6 4 123 126

Patten Robert 20 6 3 300 822

Perry Robert 20 6 3 75 205

Perry Henry 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 5 1 100 171

Penany S William 20 5 1 125 171

Phillips John 20 5 2 100 205

Pettibone Hector T 20 6 3 80 82

Save 20 6 3 75 77

State of Ohio 20 6 3 10 10

Sullivant Lucas 20 6 4 42 29

Same 20 6 4 50 34

Salter Thomas 20 6 4 100 171

Strong Daniel 20 5 1 100 171

Smith Sarah 20 5 1 3 5

Smith Samuel W. 20 5 1 97 166

Smith Henry 20 5 1 100 68

Sullivant Luca 20 6 4 100 68

Taggart Obed 20 5 1 200 274

Talbert John 20 6 2 100 103

Same 20 6 2 52 54

Same 20 6 2 27 65

Taggart Joseph 20 6 3 100 171
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 29)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 29)


[page 29]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 52 and 53 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Taggert Jos. (trustee) 20 6 3 100 103

Thomas Evan O. 20 6 2 48 49

Wason Mains 20 6 2 27 74

Wason James 20 5 1 200 342

Wood Stephen 20 7 3 100 68

Watson Joseph 20 6 3 50 137

Watkins William 20 6 4 30 41

same 20 6 4 20 27

Wolfley Mary 20 6 4 100 171

Watkins Watkin 20 6 4 100 137

Watkins John 20 6 4 100 171

Warren Thomas 20 6 4 114 195

Warren Robert 20 6 4 100 171

Same 20 6 4 50 86

Watkins Roger 20 6 4 123 126

Wason Mains 20 6 2 73 175

Unknown Owner 20 6 2 100 68

Same 20 6 2 100 103
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 30)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 30)


[page 30]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 54 and 55 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Arrison John 1 40 1 8

Aye Jacob 1 40

Adams Elijah 3 120 5 40

Boyd William 2 80 2 16

Bratton James 1 40

Cummins James 2 80 2 16

Cadwallader David 1 40 3 24

Cox Joseph 2 80 2 16

Cox John 3 24

Cadwallader John 1 40 6 48

Campbell Duncan 1 40 1 8

Crow George 1 40 3 24

Cratty Robert 2 80 3 24

Cronkleton John 2 16

Cooper Samuel 4 160 2 16

Campbell Caleb B. 2 80 1 8

Dunlap Joseph 2 80 8 64

Dildine Allen 1 40 2 16

Dildine Ralph 2 80 11 88

Davis John 1 40 3 24

Davis John (River) 1 40 1 8

Davis Elizabeth 2 16

Davis Robert 1 40 4 32

David Sylvannus 1 40 1 8

David David 2 80 2 16

Davis David 1 40 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 31)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 56 and 57 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Evans Edward 2 80 3 24

Flemming James 3 24

Foos John 6 48

Foos Jesse 1 40 4 32

Foos Valentine 2 80 1 8

Foos Joseph 1 40

Flemming H.C. 2 80 2 16

Flemming Matthew 3 24

Fillian Nancy 2 80 3 24

Foos William 1 40

Gallant Mary 2 80 5 40

Griffith David 1 40 1 8

Hushaw Phillip 4 160 8 64

Herbert Benjm 1 40 4 32

Humphrey John 3 120 6 48

Hardy Joseph T. 2 80 6 48

Irwin James 1 40 2 16

Jones John P. 2 80 6 48

Jones David 1 40 5 40

Jones John (Mason) 1 40 3 24

Jones John R 1 40 1 8

Jones Thomas 3 120 5 40

Jones John 2 80 2 16

Kepler Abram 1 40 1 8

Kyle Hugh 2 80 5 40

Kepler Benjamin 2 80 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 32)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 58 and 59 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Lawrence David 1 40 3 24

Lloyd David 1 40 2 16

Ludwick Thomas 1 40 4 32

McKinnie Robert 2 80 2 16

McSlvain Robert 2 80 4 32

Munday Presley 2 80 2 16

Markley Ezra 2 80 2 16

Markley Aaron 2 80 4 32

Markley Ephraim 2 16

Moore Christopher 2 80 2 16

Minter John Jnr 2 80 2 16

Moreton Thomas 2 80 3 24

Minter John 2 80 4 32

McKinnie John 2 80 3 24

McKinnie James 8 64

Nixon James 2 80 2 16

Owens John 2 80 2 16

Phillips David 1 40

Phillips John 2 80 6 48

Perry Robert 2 80 4 32

Pugh Elizabeth 1 40 2 16

Perry Joseph 1 40

Perry Henry 4 160 7 56

Penry David 1 40 2 16

Penry Walter 3 24

Penry Mary 2 80 4 32

Peterson Daniel B 2 80 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 33)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 60 and 61 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 15 Radnor Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Russel Alanson 1 40 2 16

Russel George 1 40 1 8

Smith Sarah 1 40 1 8

Scribner Elias 2 80 7 56

Thomas John 2 80 2 16

Taylor Obed 2 80 1 8

Warren Wm. M. 2 16

Williams Morgan 1 40 2 16

Wolfley George 2 80

Wolfley Mary 3 24

Williams Margaret 2 80 2 16

Watkins Evan 1 40

Watkins Watkin 1 40 5 40

Wason William 1 40

Wason James 2 80 6 48

Warren Thomas Jr. 1 40

Warren Robert 2 80 11 88

Warren Thomas 1 40 7 56

Waddle Alexr 2 80 2 16

Watkins William 1 40 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 34)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 62 and 63 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Township being township No. 4 in the 19th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Alexander Samuel 16 4 2 40 55

Alexander John 16 4 3 10 14

Bensley James 16 4 2 18 19

Beard Thomas 16 4 2 130 222

Bensley John 16 4 2 60 82

Carpenter Robert 16 4 2 235 241

Carpenter Samuel 16 4 2 77 132

Carver Addison 16 4 3 96 166

Cockrell Peter 16 4 4 65 178

Carpenter Lyman 16 4 4 50 103

Doty John H 16 4 3 80 137

Edwards Eli 16 4 4 50 103

Edwards David 16 4 4 50 103

Fisher George 16 4 2 150 205

Finch David 16 4 2 132 271

Galphin Ebenzer 16 4 2 95 130

Ginn John 16 4 4 80 236

Ginn James 16 4 3 101 38
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 35)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 64 and 65 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Huff Owen 16 4 3 101 138

Huff James 16 4 3 58 103

Hanville John 16 4 3 50 68

Howard Joseph 16 4 4 750 2,312

Johnes Francis C 16 4 3 372 620

Same 16 4 3 592 608

Jones James 16 4 2 75 51

Jones Nathaniel 16 4 2 64 132

Lawrence Ephraim 16 4 2 119 245

Leake John 16 4 2 100 276

Lewis Robert 16 4 4 272 559

Lewis Robert Jnr 16 4 4 50 103

McCoy Mary 16 4 2 90 185

Morrison Henry 16 4 3 128 219

Osborn David 16 4 2 138 237

Ogden Silas 16 4 3 100 171

Patrick Norman 16 4 3 17 29

Place John 16 4 2 32 33

Perfect William 16 4 2 200 274

Perfect John 16 4 2 50 68

Patrick Norman 16 4 2 69 95

Same 16 4 2 70 68

Same 16 4 3 36 49

Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 36)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 66 and 67 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Pierce Orange 16 4 3 101 173

Pierce Silas 16 4 3 81 111

Perfect Thomas 16 4 4 195 601

Patrick Joseph 16 4 2 95 585

Roberts John 16 4 4 100 276

Rose Isaac H. 16 4 4 50 103

Rose Silas 16 4 4 60 103

Ridgway William 16 4 4 86 236

Rogers Samuel 16 4 3 60 103

Stanberry Recompence 16 4 3 238 390

Spinning Isaac 16 4 2 1,110 1,902

Smith Josiah M. 16 4 2 118 122

Swallow Jacob 16 4 3 105 179

Smith Rodney 16 4 2 40 41

Smith William 16 4 2 60 62

Tarrance Moses S. 16 4 4 1,105 3,406

Thomas Michael 16 4 2 60 103

Thrasher Elisha 16 4 3 100 171

Taylor Nathan 16 4 2 120 82

Sandorn Gilbert 16 4 4 390 1,052

Same 16 4 4 200 362

Sandorn Aaron 16 4 4 5338 685

Wade Jonas 16 4 5 100 108

Same 16 4 5 100 103

Same 16 4 8 100 108
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 37)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 68 and 69 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Wade Jonas 16 4 3 50 51

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 100 103

Same 16 4 3 50 51

Walker Cornelius 16 4 4 80 137

Walker Obediah 16 4 2 175 240

Wyrick George 16 4 2 87 119

Williamson John 16 4 2 200 411

Whitney Horace 16 4 4 54 40

Young Jacob L 16 4 3 50 68

Young Cornelius 16 4 3 25 34
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 38)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 70 and 71 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 sunbury Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bensley James 2 80 3 24

Bard Thomas 1 40 1 8

Bennett William 3 24

Bensley John 2 80 2 16

Butt Bazel 2 16

Cockrel Peter 2 80 3 24

Clark John 2 80 2 16

Chamberlin Thomas 2 80 2 16

Chamberlin John 1 40 2 16

Chamberlin Wm 1 40 2 16

Carver Samuel 2 80 5 40

Crane Alfred W. 3 26

Doty John H 1 40 5 40

Edwards David 1 8

Edwards Eli 4 32

Ely Michael 1 40

Finch Daniel 5 200 3 24

Fine Frederick 2 80 2 16

Ginn James 3 120 6 48

Ginn John 2 80 2 16

Greatreaks Oliver 1 40 2 16

Galpin Ebenezer 1 40 2 16

Hanvill John 9 72

Huff James 1 40 2 16

Hooks Thomas 1 40 1 8

Huff Owen 1 40 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 39)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 72 and 73 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 sunbury Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Jones Nathaniel 1 40 2 16

Leak John 2 80 5 40

Lewis Robert 1 40 5 40

McRill John 1 40

Morrison Henry 1 8

McCoy Mary 1 8

Northrope John 2 16

Northrope Harrington 1 40 5 40

Ogden Silas 1 40 4 32

Pierce Ruth 3 24

Pray Joseph 1 40

Pray John 4 32

Patrick Norman 2 80 10 80

Perfect Middleton 2 80 4 32

Perfect John 2 80 4 32

Perfect Wm 1 40 3 24

Place John 1 40 2 16

Pierce Silas 5 40

Rutter Edmond 1 40 1 8

Roberts John 1 8

Ridgeway Wm 1 40 1 8

Rogers Samuel 4 32

Ryan Michael 2 16

Rose Silas 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 40)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 74 and 75 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 16 Sunbury Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Swallow Jacob 6 48

Thrasher Elisha 6 48

Vandorn Gilbert 3 120 13 104

Whitney Walter 1 8

Waher Cornelius 2 16

Whitney Horace 3 24

Williamson John 1 40 6 48

Walker Robert 2 16

Young Cornelius 1 40 5 40

Young Jacob L 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 41)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 76 and 77 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Township being Survey's Numbered 5868.5869.4068.2993.5447.4267.2994.4266.6031.

5995.3007.5326.3696.1493.5499.5500.5502.5501.4065.4070.3402.3008.3511.835 Virginia Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Bayley Thomas M Thos M Bayley 1457 2/3 1996

Same Wm B Bunting 1000 1370

Ball Rachel E Rickman 200 276

Bell Jesse Same 55 75

Beem George Wm Croghan 100 171

Black Wm Same 100 205

Beard John John Beard 593 812

Barnet James 640 640

Camron Samuel M E. Gill 106 145

Crawford Jas W Same 129 266

Cratty John Wm Croghan 100 137

Cratty william Same 260 536

Carr Solomon Same 150 258

Carr Amos Same 200 342

Dilsaver Michael Gill & Massie 114 312

Dodds William C E Rickman 100 103

Drumgool Edwards E Drumgool 1500 1541

Flannigan Jas E Rickman 122 167

Gallant William E Gill 64 88

Graham John Richman Wm Croghan 129 177

Same Same 16 22

Same John Graham 580 795
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 42)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 78 and 79 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Graham John/W C John Graham 3 4

Green Robert 250 250

Hoskins Richard E Gill 150 411

Hashaw Phillip Same 259 355

Same Same 100 137

Hodsden Stephen John Clark 100 103

Hamlin Nathal Wm Croghan 125 258

Hamlin Charles Same 30 32

Hull Nathaniel 94 129

Jones John M E Gill 300 1027

Lawrence Joseph Wm Croghan 268 360

Liggot James Same 150 258

McKune James E Gill 150 411

Massie Henry H Massie 120 1/2 160

Means Robert Robert Means 1000 1370

Same Same 800 1096

McKune James John Clark 200 206

Newhouse Anthony E Rickman 145 199

North Zachariah E Gill 52 71

Osborn Ralph Wm Croghan 106 100
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 43)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 80 and 81 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Payne Benjamin E. Gill 400 1096

Paul James E Rickman 1200 1644

Same John Barret 500 685

Porter William E Rickman 100 103

Pinkerton Hugh Same 120 166

Radford Wm John Graham 590 808

State of Ohio Robert Means 800 1096

Same Jarvin Miller 470 1291

Same Same 640 1754

Smith Joseph P John clark 100 68

Shoup David E Gill 130 178

Smith Stewart Same 215 295

Stephen Nancy Same 312 641

Tyler Richard Same 70 94

Tyler Samuel Same 99 136

Williams Joseph Same 50 68

Walker Anthony Stephen T Muson 1110 2280

Young Andrew John Graham 466 636
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 44)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 82 and 83 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Beakly John 2 80 2 16

Black William 5 200 12 96

Beau George 1 40 3 24

Broadie Clement 2 16

Ball Rachel 3 120 2 16

Crawford Joseph W 1 40 5 40

Clemments John 1 40 3 24

Cratty John 2 80 3 24

Cratty James 1 40 1 8

Cratty William 2 80 3 24

Cameron Samuel 2 80 3 24

Dodds Joseph 1 40 1 8

Dodds William 1 40 2 16

Dodds James 2 16

Decker Joseph 1 40 2 16

Dilsaver Michael 4 160 3 24

Ferris Joshua 1 40 2 16

Flannagan James 1 40 4 32

Gallant William 1 40 4 32

Hoskins Richard 2 80 7 56

Hoskins William 2 16

Hodsden Stephen 2 80 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 45)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 82 and 83 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Hamlin Charles 1 40 2 16

Hamlin Nathaniel 2 80 4 32

Hamlin John 2 80 3 24

Harper Jacob 1 40 2 16

Jones Thomas 1 40 1 8

Jones JOhn M 1 40 4 32

Kerr L Augustus 1 8

Kerr Benjamin 1 40

Kerr Amos 4 160 3 24

Kerr Solomon 3 120 4 32

Lawrence Joseph 2 16

Legget James 3 120 7 56

Legget Job 2 80 1 8

Maise John 2 16

Mc Kune James 2 80 4 32

Newhouse John 2 16

Newhouse Anthony 2 80 9 72

Porter Wm Jnr. 1 8

Porter William 1 40 2 16

Pinkerton Hugh 1 40 3 24

Vincent Sherman 1 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 46)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 84 and 85 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 17 Scioto Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Smith Joseph 2 80 1 8

Shaub David 1 40 4 32

Smith Sarah 1 40 1 8

Stephens Andrew 2 80

Tyler Richard 2 80 5 40

Tyler Edward 2 80 3 24

Wigle Robert 1 40 1 8

Wigle John 2 80 2 16

Worrington John 1 40 1 8

Winget Erza 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 47)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 86 and 87 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Township being Survey's Numbered 3100. 3221.675.3020.5750.1931.6199.5873.6161.12559.5975.7023.6129.6162.6136.6540.6138.6134.5095. Virginia Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Brough John Chas Moorehead 280 576

Bowdish Samuel Jonathan Clark 60 123

Bowdish Elijah Same 60 123

Baum & Perry Same 800 1644

Same Same 1505 3093

Same Same 1730 3555

Same Same 1645 2254

Barnaby Stephen Cuthbut Harris 100 103

Same Taggert & Others 407 279

Same John Kerr 250 171

Cooke Justin H Chas Moorehead 120 246

Cochran James Johnth Clark 200 548

Crawford Jas W Same 150 411

Carter William William carter 562 1/2 770

Crouse John John Crouse 823 566

Dilsaver John B Jonathan clark 108 296

Davenport Samuel H Bedinger 533 1/3 1062

Evans Thomas B Clayborne 200 137

Fields Roswell Jonathan Clark 100 276
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 48)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 88 and 89 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Hurd John Jonathan clark 80 219

Harford Henry H Massie 50 68

Landon Darius Jonahn Clark 100 205

Landon Cyree Same 100 430

Linsley Simeon Same 80 219

Mc Laughlin Albert J Taggart & others 444 304

Same Same 418 572

Miller Jesse Wm Pelham 280 383

Myers Christopher Rice Haggart 100 68

Russell Daniel Johnath Clark 100 205

Russell Joseph Same 215 444

Russell Alanson Same 60 68

Strode William H Bedinger 236 1/2 548

State of Ohio John Baird 400 274

Same Wm Carter 500 685

Same J Taggart & others 576 2/3 395

Same Same 76 52

Same Same 24 16

Same Same 90 62

Smartz Jacob Jonathan Clark 268 734

Strode Samuel Same 1665 618
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 49)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 90 and 91 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names Original Proprietor Acres Value Including House

Tyler Samuel Jonathan clark 100 171

Tipton John & Joseph H. Massie 50 51

Weaver samuel Same 114 312

Same & John V. George Same 14 77

Walker Anthony Rice Haggart 100 69
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 50)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 92 and 93 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bowdish Elijah 1 40 5 40

Brige Bezaliel 1 40 1 8

Clark John 1 40 1 8

Cubberly Joseph 2 80 3 24

Cochran James 2 80 5 40

Dilsaver John 3 120 1 8

Dilsaver Elizabeth 1 40 2 16

Evans Thomas 1 40 2 16

Fields Roswell 3 120 6 48

Hoskins John 4 160 10 80

Hurd John 1 40 2 16

Landon Darius 2 80 4 32

Landon Cyree 2 80 5 40

Landon Samuel 3 24

Linsley Simeon 3 120 3 24

Markley John 2 80 4 32

Orrahood Amos 1 40 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 51)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 94 and 95 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 18 Thompson Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Russell Daniel 2 80 2 16

Russell Joseph 2 80 4 32

Shoup Sebastian 1 40 2 16

Swartz Daniel 1 40 3 24

Swartz Jacob 1 40 2 16

Tyler Samuel 2 80 3 24

Waters Israel 1 40 9 72

Weaver Samuel 2 80 3 24

Weaver John 2 80 1 8

Weaver George 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 52)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 96 and 97 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Township being the North half of the 5th Township and the south half of
the 6th Township in the 19th Range of the United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Aldrich Arnold 19 5 1 50 103

Byxbe Moses 19 5 1 220 603

Same 19 5 1 1.377 2.829

Cole Joseph 19 6 4 408 1.797

Cline Henry 19 6 4 147 252

Crawford Oliver 19 6 3 160 219

Downing Samuel 19 6 3 160 219

Downing Andrew 19 6 3 115 170

Dix David 19 6 4 250 685

Duncan John 19 6 4 80 137

Foust David 19 6 4 24 33

Feaster George 19 6 4 40 55

Gill Thomas 19 5 1 125 171

Giffin George 19 6 3 160 219

Giffin John 19 6 3 117 160

Same 19 6 3 160 219

Hinton Wm 19 6 3 160 219

Same 19 6 3 60 82

Hinton Levi 19 6 4 81 111
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 53)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 98 and 99 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Main Perez 19 5 1 45 123

Same 19 6 4 42 44

Munn Stephen B. 19 5 1 1139 2340

Martin Benjamin 19 5 1 50 68

Same 19 5 1 160 219

Same 19 6 4 80 110

Main Timothy 19 5 1 121 166

Same 19 6 4 100 137

Main Lyman 19 5 1 145 199

Main Sabeus 19 5 1 152 208

Main John 19 5 1 178 244

Same 19 6 4 80 110

Same 19 6 4 135 277

Main Eleazer 19 6 4 163 559

Main Jonas 19 6 4 76 1/2 130

Moreton Henry 19 6 4 208 356

Mizner John 19 6 4 200 685

Norris James 19 6 4 75 103

Porter Robert 19 5 2 2,000 1,370

Porter William 19 5 2 2,000 1,370

Reed William 19 6 3 160 219

Sweetsen Flavia 19 5 1 78 214

Sharp Wm T. 19 6 4 262 1/2 718
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 54)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 100 and 101 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Taylor Homer 19 6 4 17 23

Terboss David 19 6 4 263 720

Vanlier Mathew & Wm 19 6 4 262 359

Wason Mains 19 6 3 45 49

Weiser Frederick 19 5 1 100 274

worline Adams 19 5 1 50 103

Wilcox Ira 19 5 1 54 148

Williams Elijah 19 5 1 56 77

Wilson John 19 6 4 181 248

Wilson Samuel 19 6 4 276 756

Wolf John & Samuel 19 6 4 149 204

Worline Henry 19 6 4 192 1/2 330

Wolf Daniel 19 6 4 20 27

Williams James 19 6 4 69 118

Willey Henry 19 6 3 160 219

Same 19 6 4 108 148

Williams William 19 6 4 62 1/2
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 55)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 102 and 103 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Aldrich Arnold 1 8

Brown James 2 80 1 8

Carter Mary 1 40 2 16

Cole Joseph 4 160 6 48

Cline Henry 4 160 6 48

Downing Elizabeth 2 80 3 24

Dix David 2 80 4 32

Foust David 1 40 1 8

Feester George 2 80 2 16

Gill Thomas 1 40 5 40

Gilpin Eli 1 40 3 24

Hinton William 3 120 3 24

Hinton Levi 1 40 6 48

Hinton William 3 24

Huff Eleazer 1 8

Jones Elizabeth 1 40 2 16

Joy Solomon 1 40 4 32

Leopard Nicholas 2 16

Lewelling Phillip 2 80 6 48

Main Sabeas 3 120 26 208

Main Timothy 3 120 8 64

Main John 2 80 18 144

Main James 1 40 1 8

Main Lyman 1 40 3 24

Martin Benjamin 2 80 27 216
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 56)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 104 and 105 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 19 Troy Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Martin Nehemiah 3 24

Main Thomas 2 16

Martin James 1 40 8 64

Main Eleazer 1 40 4 32

Main Jonas 1 40 3 24

Main Peres 1 40 5 40

Norris James 1 40 7 56

Price Henry 2 80

Plumb Marquis L 1 40 1 8

Reed William Jnr 1 40 1 8

Reed William 1 8

Rine Cyrus 1 40 1 8

Rail Noble 2 80 2 16

Straton Isaac 3 24

Sweetser Earl 2 80 1 8

Terboss David 4 160 7 56

Thompson James 2 16

Taylor Homer R 1 40 1 8

Worline Adam 1 40 2 16

Weiser Frederick 2 80 8 64

Willy Peter 2 80 2 16

Willy Henry 3 120 5 40

Worline Catharine 1 40 2 24

Wolf John 2 80 5 40

Wilson John 1 40 21 168

Williams Sarah 1 8

Williams Elijah 1 40 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 57)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 106 and 107 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Township being the North half of the 7th Township in the 18th Range and two fifths west part of the 2nd & 3rd quarters of the 7th Township in the 17th Range United states Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Adrich Timothy 18 7 4 72 123

Anway George 17 7 2 68 47

Bierce Winslow 18 7 2 30 21

Baylor Walker 18 7 1 100 68

Same 18 7 1 100 103

Boude Thomas 18 7 1 3 5

Same 18 7 1 3 4

Black Esther 18 7 4 96 132

Brundige James 18 7 4 150 258

Cutshall David 18 7 2 100 68

Creighton William 18 7 1 100 103

Donahoo John G 18 7 1 100 103

Elliot Elizabeth 18 7 4 126 173

Elliot John 18 7 4 120 205

Same 18 7 4 90 155

Foust John 18 7 4 70 96

Gray Ebenez 18 7 1 1 1

Same 18 7 1 10 11
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 58)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 108 and 109 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Gray Ebenezer 18 7 1 10 11

Same 18 7 1 31 32

Gorton Silas C 17 7 2 75 77

Hull Nathaniel 18 7 1 100 103

Same 18 7 2 70 48

Hull James 18 7 1 100 137

Same 17 7 2 29 21

Howard Caleb 17 7 2 100 103

Loup George 18 7 2 100 68

Mosely William 17 7 2 100 80

Martin Benjamin 18 7 1 44 60

Myers Martha 18 7 4 100 137

Mann Gideon 18 7 1 100 137

Millikan John 18 7 2 100 68

McClary Silas C 18 7 1 240 158

Musser Daniel 18 7 4 90 153

Mitchel David 18 7 4 40 55

Murray Richard 18 7 2 100 68

Main John 18 7 2 100 68

Same 18 7 2 100 68

Meeker William 18 7 1 60 41

Mason Edward 18 7 2 99 66

Moore Emery 18 7 1 69 71

Mosely William 17 7 2 100 80

Same 17 7 2 100 80

Same 17 7 2 100 80
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 59)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 110 and 111 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Price Stephen 18 7 1 100 68

Rhodes Dudley W 18 7 1 100 103

Same 18 7 1 100 103

Ross John 18 7 1 97 153

Same 18 7 1 15 21

Same 18 7 1 47 64

Roberts Henry 18 7 1 90 92

Starns Isaac 18 7 2 100 68

Shaw Jonathan 18 7 2 100 68

Same 18 7 1 100 103

Shaw John 18 7 1 100 103

Shaw John Jnr 18 7 1 100 103

State of Ohio 18 7 2 200 137

Same 18 7 2 1 2

Same 17 7 2 32 22

Same 17 7 2 75 77

Sprague Pardon 18 7 1 17 23

Same 17 7 2 25 26

Same 17 7 2 98 105

Same 17 7 2 69 48

Same 18 7 1 38 52

State of Ohio 17 7 2 200 160

Taylor William 18 7 4 50 86
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 60)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 112 and 113 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Williams Hosea 17 7 2 2 3

Whaland George 18 7 1 100 103

Wilson John 17 7 2 2 1

White Israel 18 7 4 100 171

Williams Hosea 18 7 1 36 50

Welch Aaron 18 7 1 99 102

Same 18 7 1 90 92
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 61)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 114 and 115 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Armstrong Joshua 2 80 4 32

Aldrich Timothy 3 80 2 16

Brundige James 2 80 3 24

Black Easter 1 40

Conklin Jacob 1 40 2 16

Camp Benjamin 1 40 8 64

Cutshall Daniel 1 40 4 32

Clark William 2 16

Cook David 4 32

Dixon Alexander 2 80

Elliot Elizabeth 1 40 2 16

Elliot John 2 40 4 32

Foust John 5 40

French William 4 32

Goodhue Josiah 12 90

Jolly William 2 16

Mecker Darius 1 40 5 40

Mitchel David 1 40 3 24

Myers Jacob 2 80 3 24

Mann Gideon 5 40

Mann Cyrus 2 80 1 8

Martin John 1 40 1 8

Martin Reuben 1 40 2 16
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 62)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 116 and 117 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 20 Westfield Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Olds Benjamin 3 120 5 40

Patte Henry 1 40 3 24

Place Sullivant 1 40 6 48

Porterfield John 1 40 5 40

Payne Erza 4 32

Peake Daniel 1 40 10 80

Shaw John 2 80 7 56

Shaw John Jnr 1 40 4 32

Shaw Jonathan 2 80 6 48

Smith Simeon 1 8

Smith Ebenzer 4 32

Tibbets Thomas 1 40 6 48

Tillitson Wm B 1 40 1 8

Washburn Miles 4 32

Washburn Theory 3 24

White Nancy 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 63)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 118 and 119 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Township being Township in No. 5 the 18th Range United states Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Byxbe & Baldwin 18 5 3 1,450 1,490

Bomford & Barlow 18 5 3 740 1/2 766

Cunningham Hugh 18 5 3 200 342

Cunningham Barnet 18 5 3 50 51

Cunningham Wm 18 5 3 50 51

Campbell David 18 5 3 250 342

Davis John 18 5 3 317 1/2 322

Lee Hugh 18 5 3 170 292

Lee James 18 5 3 170 292

Norton John L 18 5 4 4,000 6,850

Rathbone John 18 5 2 4,000 5,480

Storm George 18 5 3 100 137

Smith Josiah M 18 5 3 300 514

Strain Alexander 18 5 3 150 258

Sacket Elijah Jnr 18 5 3 50 65
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 64)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 120 and 121 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Bell William 2 80 3 24

Baker Jacob 2 80 1 8

Conklin Samuel 2 16

Cunningham Sarah 3 120 3 24

Cunningham John 2 16

Cunningham William 2 80 7 56

Cowgill Thomas 2 80 6 48

Dagget Isreal 5 40

Eaton Isreal 2 80 2 16

Findley John 2 80 2 16

Findley David F 2 80 2 16

Findley Andrew 2 80 1 8

Gaylord Eleazer 4 32

Jenkins John 2 80 2 16

Kensler John 1 40 3 24

Lee Hugh 1 40 4 32

Longwell Ezekiel 3 24

Longwell James 1 40 2 16

Leonard Zenas 3 24

Leonard Amos 2 80 1 8

Leonard Benjm 1 40 2 16

Moore Johnston 2 80 2 16

McMaster Benjm 37 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 65)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 122 and 123 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 21 Brown Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Palmer John 3 120 4 32

Root Joel 1 40 1 8

Root Zenas Jnr 1 40

Salmon John 2 80 2 16

Smith Josiah M 2 80 10 80

Strain Robert 2 16

Thurstin Daniel G 3 120 6 48

Thurstin Joseph 3 24

Vandozen John M 2 80 2 16

Vandozen Alonzo 4 32

elch George 4 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 66)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 124 and 125 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Township being Township in No. 5 the 16th Range United states Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Anway Abraham 16 5 2 175 144

Clark James 16 5 2 139 190

Chase Eliphalet 16 5 3 50 52

Chase John M 16 5 3 50 52

Chase Ira 16 5 3 50 50

Davis John (Capt) 16 5 3 300 308

Davis John 16 5 3 50 75

Duane William 16 5 3 150 103

Davis Lewelling 16 5 3 150 154

Edgar & Stanberry 16 5 2 900 925

Garrard Jepthen D 16 5 4 900 1232

Holmes & Rainey 16 5 4 4000 2740

Harris Daniel 16 5 1 2000 1370

Jones Joshua 16 5 3 400 273

Lindenberger Christn 16 5 2 100 137

Lindenberger George 16 5 2 91 125

Lindenberger Ebenzer 16 5 2 275 282

Lindenberger John 16 5 2 100 103
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 67)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 126 and 127 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Merson Edward 16 5 2 160 219

Same 16 5 3 66 2/3 90

Same 16 5 3 50 51

same 16 5 2 250 252

Same 16 5 3 200 205

Mendenhall Joel Z 16 5 3 300 308

Marsh James 16 5 2 91 299

Mason Edward 16 5 3 100 103

Same 16 5 3 25 26

North Caleb 16 5 3 450 308

Pettibone Hector D 16 5 2 125 126

Porter Robert 16 5 3 1,050 1,080

Pike Zebulon 16 5 2 187 188

Root Sylvester 16 5 1 400 274

Smith Jas E 16 5 1 1,600 1,096

Sprague Festus 16 5 2 100 137

Stark James 16 5 3 133 182

Vansickle John 16 5 3 25 26

Vansickle Peter 16 5 2 188 190

Wincoop Garret 16 5 3 400 274

Wells James 16 5 2 92 126
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 68)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 128 and 129 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Anway Abraham 4 32

Broad George 2 80 1 8

Chase Eliphalet 1 40 1 8

Chase Ira 1 8

Chase John M 1 40 1 8

Cornish Alanson 2 16

Culver John 1 40 3 24

Carney Rickman 1 8

Drake Jacob 3 24

Hopkins Abram 2 16

Lindenberger Christn 5 40

Lindenberger Ebenezer 1 40 3 24

Miller Abram 4 32

Mendenhall Joel Z 2 80 2 16

Mason Edward 2 80 4 32

Meeker James 1 40 2 16

Place Peleg 7 56

Place Reuben 3 120 3 24

Place Isaac 4 32

Place John Jnr 5 40

Perdew James 1 40 3 24
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 69)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 130 and 131 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 22 Porter Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Paint Daniel 1 40 8 24

Place William 2 16

Rosecrans Jacob 2 16

Sturdivant Marshall 2 16

Wells Isaac 3 24

Williams John 4 32

Wills Hugh 1 8
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 70)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 132 and 133 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Township being Township being the 1st & 4th quarters and three fifths East part of the 2nd & 3rd quarters of the 7th township in 17th Range two fifths of the west part of the 2nd & 3rd quarter of the 7th T in the 16th Range and so much of the 8th Tp. as lies North of the foregoing United States Military Lands

Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Antill Edward 17 7 1 50 34

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Armstrong John 17 7 4 1 1

Alward Samuel 16 7 2 100 68

same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Same 16 7 2 100 68

Asberry Henry 17 7 4 100

Buck Edmund 16 7 2 86 71

Same 16 7 2 40 27

Buck Gideon 17 7 1 11 9

Bohn Glingluff 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Bush Lewis 17 7 4 8 8

Same 17 7 4 7 7

Beard John 17 7 1 21 13

Same 17 7 1 50 40

Baird John 17 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Baylor Walker 17 7 2 2 1

Byxbee Moses 17 7 2 85 83
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 71)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 134 and 135 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Byxbe Moses 17 7 2 93 91

Collins Benjamin 17 7 1 45 47

Cole Stephen 17 7 4 100 68

Collins Jedediah 17 7 4 49 33

Same 17 7 4 19 19

Same 17 7 4 10 10

Collins Daniel H 17 7 4 74 77

Same 17 7 4 100 103

Same 17 7 4 74 77

Collins John A 17 7 4 13 9

Collins Daniel H 17 7 4 7 7

Same 17 7 4 9 9

Clark James 17 7 1 29 24

Doughty Stephen 17 7 1 60 62

Same 17 7 4 25 26

Danforth Joshua 17 7 2 100 68

Doughty Stephen 17 7 4 7 7

Earl Daniel 17 7 2 69 48

Ells Edward 17 7 2 3 3

Ellison Andrew 17 7 4 150 203

Gray Ebenezer 17 7 1 11 9

Gonter John 17 7 4 12 8

Garey Thomas E. 17 7 2 10 11

Gardner Marquis 17 7 4 39 27

Same 17 7 4 48 33
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 72)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 136 and 137 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Gray Ebenezer 17 7 1 11 9

Gardner Marquis 17 7 4 45 47

Hubble Shadrack 17 7 4 42 43

Same 17 7 1 5 5

Same 16 7 2 80 54

Same 16 7 2 28 19

Hull Nathaniel 17 7 2 98 67

Hance Thomas 17 7 1 50 34

Hutt Nimrod 17 7 4 100 68

Hubble Shadrack 17 7 1 27 22

Same 16 7 2 37 25

Hull James 17 7 1 20 14

Huffman Joseph 17 7 2 100 68

Howard Caleb 17 7 2 100 104

Same 17 7 2 100 103

Same 17 7 2 47 64

Jones David 17 7 1 50 34

Kingman Joseph 16 7 2 87 1/2 59

Kerr John 17 7 1 50 41

Keller Samuel 16 7 2 20 14

Same 16 7 2 60 41

Kilbourne Heza 17 7 2 100 68

Leeman Nathaniel 17 7 1 50 50

Leonard Byran 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 73)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 138 and 139 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Martin Benjamin 17 7 1 30 20

Massana Lyons 16 7 2 35 24

Meeker Davis 16 7 2 8 23

Mason Edward 16 8 3 39 26

Same 16 8 3 61 42

Mills Peter 17 7 4 4 3

Moore Emery 17 7 4 59 41

Same 17 7 4 18 11

Same 17 7 2 50 45

Same 17 7 2 15 15

Montgomery Saml 17 7 4 100 103

Same 17 7 4 100 103

Same 17 7 4 13 13

Myers Lawrence 17 7 4 11 7

Same 17 7 4 44 31

Same 17 7 4 18 12

M. Conica James 17 7 4 60 41

Same 17 7 4 24 16

Same 17 7 4 16 11

Newcomb Thaddeus 17 7 2 100 105

Parker Thomas 17 7 4 61 41

Same 17 7 4 62 35

Same 17 7 4 82 56

Patton John 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Patrick Joseph 16 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 36 36

Patterson John 17 7 2 100 168
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 74)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 140 and 141 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Quinn James 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Roloson Cornelius 16 7 2 100 68

State of Ohio 17 7 4 110 75

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 4 100 68

Same 17 7 1 33 27

Same 17 7 4 19 13

Same 17 7 1 17 14

Same 17 7 2 7 7

Same 17 7 2 19 20

Stinar William 16 7 2 80 55

Stark James 17 7 4 100 68

State of Ohio 17 7 2 81 84

Same 17 7 2 100 68

Same 17 7 2 31 22

Snell Appleton 17 7 1 12 10

Taylor James 17 7 1 50 51

Same 17 7 1 50 34

Taylor Obadiah 17 7 4 88 60
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 75)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 142 and 143 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Lands and Houses

Owners Names R T QrTp Acres Value Including House

Vanhorn Isaac 17 7 1 72 49

White Paul 17 7 1 100 70

Williams Wm 17 7 4 20 13

williams Hosea 17 7 2 44 45

Same 17 7 2 100 104

Young Andrew 17 7 1 39 32
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 76)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to unlabeled pages 144 and 145 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

No. 23 Lincoln Continued Personal Property

Owners Names Horses Value Neat Cattle Value

Barris Abner 1 8

Buck Edmund 2 80 5 40

Collins Benj 1 40 2 16

Doughty Stephen W 1 8

Doughty Stephen W 11 88

Doughty George 3 24

Gardener Marquis 1 40 8 64

Hubble Shadrock 1 40 6 48

Hubble Manasseth 2 16

Hawkins John 1 40 3 24

Kingman Joseph 1 40 9 72

M. Conica James 2 16

Snell Appleton 4 32

Stiner William 2 80 6 48

Scott Joseph 2 16

White Paul 1 40 5 40
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 77)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 146 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

The several footings of the foregoing Townships in this duplicate boroughs forward.Viz.

No. of Acres of Value Includ Value Town Horses Value Cattle Value
Townshp Land Houses Lot Build

1 15447 1/2 33316 2826 196 7840 462 3696

2 16138 2/2 25351 101 4040 341 2728

3 11937 1/2 11539 37 1480 184 1472

4 20516 40509 473 55 2200 103 824

5 15466 2/2 48947 36594 113 4520 312 2496

6 15280 39283 84 3360 227 1816

7 16016 21703 65 2600 211 1688

8 7074 1/2 4999 15 600 39 312

9 15119 1/2 17947 90 3600 243 1944

10 23948 1/2 52949 92 3680 312 2496

11 16110 25964 635 81 3240 227 1816

12 11906 1/2 10560 46 1840 153 1224

13 15745 34425 41 1640 207 1656

14 11473 10735 507 89 3540 273 2184

15 25331 36352 145 5800 298 2384

16 12025 1/3 22133 57 2280 191 1528

17 19364 30252 77 3080 148 1184

18 14210 22840 44 1760 90 720

19 13576 1/2 22055 72 2880 246 1968

20 5879 6055 37 1480 150 1200

21 12000 17255 43 1720 103 824

22 160727 13875 16 640 78 624

23 7644 1/2 5994 10 400 70 560
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 78)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 148 of Tax Duplicate 2, 1828, Delaware County OH]

The State of Ohio

Delaware County ss.

I Solomon Smith County Auditor of said

County certify that the foregoing is a correct duplicate of the

taxes charged on property subject to taxation within said county

for the year eighteen hundred & twenty eight - that the footings

of the several articles subject to taxation in said county are

correct as above stated and that the taxes charged thereon a

mounts for the state and canal purposes to two thousand and four hun

dred and ninety nine dollars. sixty six cents and one mill;for

county and school purposes to three thousand and seventy six

dollars. thirty five cents and six mills; for road purposes to

two thousand four hundred and ninety nine dollars sixty six

cents and one mill; for township purposes to sixty two dollars

forty seven cents and five mills; amounting together to eight

thousand one hundred and thirty eight dollars fifteen cents and

three mills In witness where of I have hereunto set my

hand and official signature this first day of August A.D.


Solomon Smith

County Auditor
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 79)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to inside back cover]
Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 80)


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to back cover]

Dublin Core


Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2


Tax Records--Delaware County--Delaware--Ohio--1828


1828 Tax Duplicate Part 2 for Delaware County, OH. This book is located at the Delaware County Records Center at 2079 US 23 North PO Box 8006 Delaware Ohio, 43015


Tax payers of Delaware County, Ohio













Tax payers of Delaware County, Ohio, “Delaware County Tax Duplicate 1828 Part 2,” Delaware County Memory, accessed October 22, 2024,

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