Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Vol. 1 June 1901 No. 1
NEW EDITION: Revised and Enlarged
[red pennant reading "OWU"]
Entered as second-class matter at the Post-Office at Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Vol. 1 June 1901 No. 1
NEW EDITION: Revised and Enlarged
[red pennant reading "OWU"]
Entered as second-class matter at the Post-Office at Delaware, Ohio
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside of cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to inside of cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to page I of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The college graduates in the United States throughout her history
have averaged one to seven hundred and fifty of the adult male popu-
lation. And yet from this small fraction of our people have come
thirty-two per cent of all our Congressmen, forty-six per cent of our
Senators, sixty-five per cent of the Presidents, and seventy-three per
cent of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Putting this striking fact
in another form, college training has increased the young American's
possibilities of reaching the House of Representatives three hundred
and fifty-two times; of reaching the Senate five hundred and thirty-
nine times; of reaching the Presidency thirteen hundred and ninety-two
times; and of reaching the Supreme Court of the United States, two
thousand and twenty-seven times.
Examining in a similar manner the fifteen thousand one hundred Who's Who
and forty-two Americans whose names appear in the Encyclopedia of
American Biography as having reached eminence throughout our
history, President Thwing finds that a college education has multiplied
the possibilities of young men reaching fame four hundred and
three fold. Examining the college record of the six thousand and
twenty-nine Americans whose names appear in Who's Who in America, we find that a college educa-
tion increases the possibilities of young men reaching success today one thousand and forty-three fold.
[portrait of President Bashford]
[corresponds to page I of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The college graduates in the United States throughout her history
have averaged one to seven hundred and fifty of the adult male popu-
lation. And yet from this small fraction of our people have come
thirty-two per cent of all our Congressmen, forty-six per cent of our
Senators, sixty-five per cent of the Presidents, and seventy-three per
cent of the Judges of the Supreme Court. Putting this striking fact
in another form, college training has increased the young American's
possibilities of reaching the House of Representatives three hundred
and fifty-two times; of reaching the Senate five hundred and thirty-
nine times; of reaching the Presidency thirteen hundred and ninety-two
times; and of reaching the Supreme Court of the United States, two
thousand and twenty-seven times.
Examining in a similar manner the fifteen thousand one hundred Who's Who
and forty-two Americans whose names appear in the Encyclopedia of
American Biography as having reached eminence throughout our
history, President Thwing finds that a college education has multiplied
the possibilities of young men reaching fame four hundred and
three fold. Examining the college record of the six thousand and
twenty-nine Americans whose names appear in Who's Who in America, we find that a college educa-
tion increases the possibilities of young men reaching success today one thousand and forty-three fold.
[portrait of President Bashford]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to page 2 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of campus buildings]
The larger advantages of college-bred young men today are due to the improvements in modern
education, and also to the fact that while the ratio named above holds good of our entire history as a
nation, nevertheless the ratio of college graduates has been rapidly increasing during the last quarter of
a century until they now number one in ninety-one of men twenty-one years of age and over.
[corresponds to page 2 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of campus buildings]
The larger advantages of college-bred young men today are due to the improvements in modern
education, and also to the fact that while the ratio named above holds good of our entire history as a
nation, nevertheless the ratio of college graduates has been rapidly increasing during the last quarter of
a century until they now number one in ninety-one of men twenty-one years of age and over.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page 3 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Not more striking, but perhaps more surprising is the fact that a similar study of the educational
advantages of the known millionaires in the United States shows that the college graduates have furnished
four hundred and forty times as many men of wealth as their numbers entitle them to. In other words,
if a young man is aiming only at material success, the discipline of a college gives him four hundred and
forty times as many possibilities of becoming rich as his untrained brother enjoys. To summarize the In the Hall of
external advantages of a higher education in a sentence we may say that a college education increases a Fame.
young American's possibilities of winning influence and gaining distinction as an author, teacher,
preacher, physician, lawyer, statesman, business man, inventor, reformer, from three hundred and fifty
to two thousand fold.
But these are only the advantages which can be measured by wordly standards. How immeasur-
able are the advantages of an education to the man himself! One's life consisteth not in the abundance
of the things which he possesseth. Education, as the word implies, means the development of all one's
faculties to the highest power. It aims at character, as well as scholarship. It insures the highest
preparation for life on one's own part, and for service for his family, his country, and his God. The
difference between barbarism and civilization is the difference between a life of the sense and a life of
faith. The barbarian lives from hand to mouth; the civilized man treats the harvest of today as the
seed-corn for tomorrow. So the heedless and indifferent young people of our land are living chiefly
for a good time today; those who are seeking education are preparing themselves for the services and
the blessedness of the morrow and of the new century now begun.
Young people of America who take themselves at all seriously will not fritter away their oppor- An Open Door.
tunities. The way to an education is wide open to all who have eyes to see and hands and hearts to
do and dare. This brochure sets before all an open door, and describes one of the institutions where
preparation may be made for this "more abundant life."
[corresponds to page 3 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Not more striking, but perhaps more surprising is the fact that a similar study of the educational
advantages of the known millionaires in the United States shows that the college graduates have furnished
four hundred and forty times as many men of wealth as their numbers entitle them to. In other words,
if a young man is aiming only at material success, the discipline of a college gives him four hundred and
forty times as many possibilities of becoming rich as his untrained brother enjoys. To summarize the In the Hall of
external advantages of a higher education in a sentence we may say that a college education increases a Fame.
young American's possibilities of winning influence and gaining distinction as an author, teacher,
preacher, physician, lawyer, statesman, business man, inventor, reformer, from three hundred and fifty
to two thousand fold.
But these are only the advantages which can be measured by wordly standards. How immeasur-
able are the advantages of an education to the man himself! One's life consisteth not in the abundance
of the things which he possesseth. Education, as the word implies, means the development of all one's
faculties to the highest power. It aims at character, as well as scholarship. It insures the highest
preparation for life on one's own part, and for service for his family, his country, and his God. The
difference between barbarism and civilization is the difference between a life of the sense and a life of
faith. The barbarian lives from hand to mouth; the civilized man treats the harvest of today as the
seed-corn for tomorrow. So the heedless and indifferent young people of our land are living chiefly
for a good time today; those who are seeking education are preparing themselves for the services and
the blessedness of the morrow and of the new century now begun.
Young people of America who take themselves at all seriously will not fritter away their oppor- An Open Door.
tunities. The way to an education is wide open to all who have eyes to see and hands and hearts to
do and dare. This brochure sets before all an open door, and describes one of the institutions where
preparation may be made for this "more abundant life."
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Public Library. Court House. Business Center. City Building.
William St. M.E. Church.
The Lucy Webb Home,
under the trees.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Public Library. Court House. Business Center. City Building.
William St. M.E. Church.
The Lucy Webb Home,
under the trees.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 5 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Ohio Wesleyan University.
Long before the University was dreamed of, Delaware was noted for beauty and for health. The
rolling ground, the mild climate and the healing waters made this spot the headquarters for rest and
recreation of the Delaware Indians after they had been driven from their eastern home. The first
white settlers soon learned that the fame of the sulphur springs rested not on Indian legend but on
established facts. The famous White Sulphur Spring on the College Campus is only one among many
of the springs within easy distance. The spring abounds in romantic associations, one of the most
interesting of which is the fact that at this spot young Rutherford B. Hayes first met Lucy Webb, the
first girl admitted to the College classes.
Delaware, originally known only as a watering-place but now far-famed as a college town, is grown Location.
to a city of eight thousand inhabitants. It is located twenty-three miles north of COlumbus, very near
to the exact geographical center of the state. Three railroads--two divisions of the Big Four (Cleveland
to Cincinnati, and Springfield to Delaware), the Hocking Valley, and the Sandusky Short Line, besides
an inter-urban trolley line now being built from Columbus through Delaware to Marion--make it easy
of access from every direction; while electric cars and lights, the new system of heating buildings and
residences by a central hot-water plant, the modern sewer system now being constructed, shady streets,
good schools, churches, and beautiful homes make it an almost ideal dwelling place.
The College grounds embrace the fine rolling Campus in the heart of the city, the beautiful Mon- Campus and
nett Campus in the west end, and the picturesque Observatory Park and Merrick Glen, forty-three Buildings.
acres in all.
[corresponds to page 5 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Ohio Wesleyan University.
Long before the University was dreamed of, Delaware was noted for beauty and for health. The
rolling ground, the mild climate and the healing waters made this spot the headquarters for rest and
recreation of the Delaware Indians after they had been driven from their eastern home. The first
white settlers soon learned that the fame of the sulphur springs rested not on Indian legend but on
established facts. The famous White Sulphur Spring on the College Campus is only one among many
of the springs within easy distance. The spring abounds in romantic associations, one of the most
interesting of which is the fact that at this spot young Rutherford B. Hayes first met Lucy Webb, the
first girl admitted to the College classes.
Delaware, originally known only as a watering-place but now far-famed as a college town, is grown Location.
to a city of eight thousand inhabitants. It is located twenty-three miles north of COlumbus, very near
to the exact geographical center of the state. Three railroads--two divisions of the Big Four (Cleveland
to Cincinnati, and Springfield to Delaware), the Hocking Valley, and the Sandusky Short Line, besides
an inter-urban trolley line now being built from Columbus through Delaware to Marion--make it easy
of access from every direction; while electric cars and lights, the new system of heating buildings and
residences by a central hot-water plant, the modern sewer system now being constructed, shady streets,
good schools, churches, and beautiful homes make it an almost ideal dwelling place.
The College grounds embrace the fine rolling Campus in the heart of the city, the beautiful Mon- Campus and
nett Campus in the west end, and the picturesque Observatory Park and Merrick Glen, forty-three Buildings.
acres in all.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Sulphur Spring]
One of the many springs of various chemical qualities, which are making Delaware
increasingly attractive as a health resort.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Sulphur Spring]
One of the many springs of various chemical qualities, which are making Delaware
increasingly attractive as a health resort.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
From "The College Song"
[musical score in 6/8 time, key of C major; text printed below]
4. Our spring is our glo-ry and pride (and pride);To quaff from its crys-tal tide (its tide),
Will cool us all off, from the Prep and the Soph To the Sen-ior so dig-ni-fied (be-side),
Re-fresh-ing both bod-y and soul (and soul); By a drink from its flowing bowl (its bowl),
Our voi-ces made clear, We're read-y to cheer, And thus will our mel-o-dy roll:
CHORUS (The College Yell.) Vivace.
O-wee, wi, wow, Al-lee ka-zee, zi, zow, Ra-zee, zi, zu,
Vi-va! Vi-va! O...... W..... U...........
[corresponds to unlabeled page 7 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
From "The College Song"
[musical score in 6/8 time, key of C major; text printed below]
4. Our spring is our glo-ry and pride (and pride);To quaff from its crys-tal tide (its tide),
Will cool us all off, from the Prep and the Soph To the Sen-ior so dig-ni-fied (be-side),
Re-fresh-ing both bod-y and soul (and soul); By a drink from its flowing bowl (its bowl),
Our voi-ces made clear, We're read-y to cheer, And thus will our mel-o-dy roll:
CHORUS (The College Yell.) Vivace.
O-wee, wi, wow, Al-lee ka-zee, zi, zow, Ra-zee, zi, zu,
Vi-va! Vi-va! O...... W..... U...........
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 8 of OWU Bulletin 1901] Twelve substantial buildings stand
upon the College Campus, including:
University Hall and Gray Chapel,
Slocum Library Building,
Science Hall,
Elliott Hall,
Sturges Hall,
The Gymnasium,
Monnett Hall,
Music Hall,
Art Hall,
Hartupee Missionary Home,
Perkins Observatory.
The Equipments include:
The Laboratory for Chemistry,
For Physics,
For Botany, and
For Zoology,
[photo of Elliott Hall]
The Original University Building.
Laboratories The Mann Cabinet of Paleontology, The William Wood Cabinet of Casts and Fossils,
and Cabinets. The Museum, The Merrick-Trimble Cabinet of Mineralogy,
The Prescott Cabinet of Biology, The Weber-Merrill Cabinet of the Holy Land, and
The William Walker Cabinet of American Archaelogy.
[corresponds to page 8 of OWU Bulletin 1901] Twelve substantial buildings stand
upon the College Campus, including:
University Hall and Gray Chapel,
Slocum Library Building,
Science Hall,
Elliott Hall,
Sturges Hall,
The Gymnasium,
Monnett Hall,
Music Hall,
Art Hall,
Hartupee Missionary Home,
Perkins Observatory.
The Equipments include:
The Laboratory for Chemistry,
For Physics,
For Botany, and
For Zoology,
[photo of Elliott Hall]
The Original University Building.
Laboratories The Mann Cabinet of Paleontology, The William Wood Cabinet of Casts and Fossils,
and Cabinets. The Museum, The Merrick-Trimble Cabinet of Mineralogy,
The Prescott Cabinet of Biology, The Weber-Merrill Cabinet of the Holy Land, and
The William Walker Cabinet of American Archaelogy.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 9 of OWU Bulletin 1901] [photo of library stacks]
The libraries include: The General Library, Estimated
Monnett Hall Library, Capacity of
Lacroix Memorial Library, Hebrew and German, Five Fire-proof
Library of the Department of History, Stack-rooms,
Library of the Department of English Literature, 175,000
Library of the Department of Physics, Volumes.
Library of the Department of Chemistry,
Library of the Department of Sociology,
Library of the School of Oratory,
Library of Comparative Religions and Missions,
Edward Nelson Memorial Library, Zoological,
L. D. McCabe Memorial Library, Philosophical,
John Williams White Classical Library,
Number of volumes in the libraries, 38,000.
Our space permits of a description of only five of the latest additions to the stately group of University Hall
buildings, the first and most imposing of which is University Hall and Gray Chapel, completed in 1893. and Gray
It is worth a quarter of a million dollars. It is a massive Romanesque structure, one hundred and fifty Chapel.
by one hundred and sixy feet in dimensions, four stories high, crowned by a stately tower one hundred
and forty-eight feet in height. It unites under one roof the administrative offices of the University,
twelve recitation rooms, six literary halls, lecture rooms and Gray Chapel. This Chapel, with its
magnificent Roosevelt organ, and with a seating capacity of nearly three thousand, has been pronounced
the most spacious and beautiful college chapel in America. A noted educator who had visited the
leading colleges in the United States and Europe pronounced University Hall and Gray Chapel the
finest college building in the land.
[corresponds to page 9 of OWU Bulletin 1901] [photo of library stacks]
The libraries include: The General Library, Estimated
Monnett Hall Library, Capacity of
Lacroix Memorial Library, Hebrew and German, Five Fire-proof
Library of the Department of History, Stack-rooms,
Library of the Department of English Literature, 175,000
Library of the Department of Physics, Volumes.
Library of the Department of Chemistry,
Library of the Department of Sociology,
Library of the School of Oratory,
Library of Comparative Religions and Missions,
Edward Nelson Memorial Library, Zoological,
L. D. McCabe Memorial Library, Philosophical,
John Williams White Classical Library,
Number of volumes in the libraries, 38,000.
Our space permits of a description of only five of the latest additions to the stately group of University Hall
buildings, the first and most imposing of which is University Hall and Gray Chapel, completed in 1893. and Gray
It is worth a quarter of a million dollars. It is a massive Romanesque structure, one hundred and fifty Chapel.
by one hundred and sixy feet in dimensions, four stories high, crowned by a stately tower one hundred
and forty-eight feet in height. It unites under one roof the administrative offices of the University,
twelve recitation rooms, six literary halls, lecture rooms and Gray Chapel. This Chapel, with its
magnificent Roosevelt organ, and with a seating capacity of nearly three thousand, has been pronounced
the most spacious and beautiful college chapel in America. A noted educator who had visited the
leading colleges in the United States and Europe pronounced University Hall and Gray Chapel the
finest college building in the land.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 12 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Perkins The Perkins Astronomical Observatory, in Observatory Park, occupies the most commanding site
Observatory. in the city. It is a handsome pressed brick building, with a frontage of sixty-two feet, containing a
transit room, clock room, computing and library room and dome. The telescope contains a refracting
glass nine and one-half inches in diameter, made by J. W. Brashear for exhibition at the World's Fair.
Astronomical experts have pro-
nounced it in clearness of defi-
nition superior to many noted
glasses of twice its size. It en-
ables the student to see a far
larger number of worlds than
could Sir John Herschel, who [photo of Perkins Observatory]
declared that 18,000,000 stars
were within the range of his
monster telescope.
The Library. The Slocum Library Build-
ing is the central structure in
the College group. It is one
hundred and fifteen by one hun-
dred and twenty-five feet in
dimensions, built of the famous
Bedford limestone, three stories high, and fireproof throughout. The stack room has an estimated
capacity for 175,000 volumes, while the reading room, sixty by one hundred feet, finely lighted from
above, is one of the largest and most beautiful college reading rooms in America. The classic design,
superior materials, scientific appliances for light and heat and air, the fine facilities for preserving,
[corresponds to page 12 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Perkins The Perkins Astronomical Observatory, in Observatory Park, occupies the most commanding site
Observatory. in the city. It is a handsome pressed brick building, with a frontage of sixty-two feet, containing a
transit room, clock room, computing and library room and dome. The telescope contains a refracting
glass nine and one-half inches in diameter, made by J. W. Brashear for exhibition at the World's Fair.
Astronomical experts have pro-
nounced it in clearness of defi-
nition superior to many noted
glasses of twice its size. It en-
ables the student to see a far
larger number of worlds than
could Sir John Herschel, who [photo of Perkins Observatory]
declared that 18,000,000 stars
were within the range of his
monster telescope.
The Library. The Slocum Library Build-
ing is the central structure in
the College group. It is one
hundred and fifteen by one hun-
dred and twenty-five feet in
dimensions, built of the famous
Bedford limestone, three stories high, and fireproof throughout. The stack room has an estimated
capacity for 175,000 volumes, while the reading room, sixty by one hundred feet, finely lighted from
above, is one of the largest and most beautiful college reading rooms in America. The classic design,
superior materials, scientific appliances for light and heat and air, the fine facilities for preserving,
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of people looking into large telescope]
"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars,
which thou hast ordained;
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest
him?" Psalm viii: 3, 4.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 13 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of people looking into large telescope]
"When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars,
which thou hast ordained;
What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest
him?" Psalm viii: 3, 4.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of reading room]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of reading room]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Gray Chapel]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Gray Chapel]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to page 14 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The New
"Old Mon-
classifying and cataloguing books, and the admirable reading room make the building a model structure
for a university library.
Monnett Hall, the home for the young women, is situated at a convenient walking distance from
University Hall on a beautiful campus of ten acres. The building is a large brick structure, and with the
extensive additions and improvements of recent years is completely transformed.
The latest improvement is due to the gen-
erosity of Hon. D. S. Gray, President of the
University Board of Trustees. It stands as a
memorial to his sister, Miss Lida Gray, a stu-
dent from 1860-62. It takes the form of a
basement story of Delaware limestone, a broad [photo of porch]
flight of stone steps, and a porch twelve and THE NEW PORCH AT MONNETT.
one-half by sixty-seven feet in dimensions, with
Doric stone columns, a tile floor, and a suitable
entrance to the Hall. The work was designed
by the well-known architect, Mr. J. W. Yost,
of New York City, and has been completed at
a cost of between five and six thousand dollars.
Only those who have seen the old and the new
entrance can realize how much it adds to the
solidity and dignity and beauty of the building
which it graces.
In addition to a sufficient number of rooms or suites of rooms, to accommodate 225 young
women, the Hall contains library and reading room, gymnasium, assembly room, Y.W.C.A. hall,
[corresponds to page 14 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The New
"Old Mon-
classifying and cataloguing books, and the admirable reading room make the building a model structure
for a university library.
Monnett Hall, the home for the young women, is situated at a convenient walking distance from
University Hall on a beautiful campus of ten acres. The building is a large brick structure, and with the
extensive additions and improvements of recent years is completely transformed.
The latest improvement is due to the gen-
erosity of Hon. D. S. Gray, President of the
University Board of Trustees. It stands as a
memorial to his sister, Miss Lida Gray, a stu-
dent from 1860-62. It takes the form of a
basement story of Delaware limestone, a broad [photo of porch]
flight of stone steps, and a porch twelve and THE NEW PORCH AT MONNETT.
one-half by sixty-seven feet in dimensions, with
Doric stone columns, a tile floor, and a suitable
entrance to the Hall. The work was designed
by the well-known architect, Mr. J. W. Yost,
of New York City, and has been completed at
a cost of between five and six thousand dollars.
Only those who have seen the old and the new
entrance can realize how much it adds to the
solidity and dignity and beauty of the building
which it graces.
In addition to a sufficient number of rooms or suites of rooms, to accommodate 225 young
women, the Hall contains library and reading room, gymnasium, assembly room, Y.W.C.A. hall,
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Monnett Hall]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 15 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of Monnett Hall]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of building]
Dedicated September, 1900.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of building]
Dedicated September, 1900.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 17 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
handsome parlors and three elegant literary society halls. An elevator is provided and is operated at
such times as to remove, to a large degree, all necessity of climbing stairs. Every room and corridor
is furnished with steam heat and gas light. Hot and cold water are supplied on every floor.
The general health of the young women has been remarkably good. During the past seventeen
years, with from one hundred and fifty to two hundred or more persons constantly in the Hall, not a
single death has occurred.
The new Medical College Building, which has been two years in process of erection, is Medical
now occupied by our Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, constituting the Medical College.
Department of the University. The building is a noble structure of classic design situated on
the corner of Brownell street and Central avenue, Cleveland, O. In addition to offices for administra-
tion, lecture rooms for the various professors, amphitheater, and Y.M.C.A. room, it contains
Laboratories of General and Medical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Bacteriology, Embryology, Comparative
Anatomy, Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, and Pathology.
The building and grounds are worth $76,000. Men of information assert that no building more
convenient and adequate for the purposes of medicine and surgery is to be found in the United States.
The total value of buildings and grounds of the University is $657,000; the total endowment of Buildings,
the University exceeds $700,000. The Colosseum at Rome, devoted to the destruction of human life, Grounds and
covers some six acres of ground and is the most august monument of heathen civilization upon the face Endowments.
of the globe. The Ohio Wesleyan University boasts no Colosseum. But the aggregate floor space of all
the buildings here consecrated to the service of mankind is over seven acres, thus surpassing the space
embraced by the most imposing ruin of the ancient world.
[corresponds to page 17 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
handsome parlors and three elegant literary society halls. An elevator is provided and is operated at
such times as to remove, to a large degree, all necessity of climbing stairs. Every room and corridor
is furnished with steam heat and gas light. Hot and cold water are supplied on every floor.
The general health of the young women has been remarkably good. During the past seventeen
years, with from one hundred and fifty to two hundred or more persons constantly in the Hall, not a
single death has occurred.
The new Medical College Building, which has been two years in process of erection, is Medical
now occupied by our Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, constituting the Medical College.
Department of the University. The building is a noble structure of classic design situated on
the corner of Brownell street and Central avenue, Cleveland, O. In addition to offices for administra-
tion, lecture rooms for the various professors, amphitheater, and Y.M.C.A. room, it contains
Laboratories of General and Medical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Bacteriology, Embryology, Comparative
Anatomy, Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, and Pathology.
The building and grounds are worth $76,000. Men of information assert that no building more
convenient and adequate for the purposes of medicine and surgery is to be found in the United States.
The total value of buildings and grounds of the University is $657,000; the total endowment of Buildings,
the University exceeds $700,000. The Colosseum at Rome, devoted to the destruction of human life, Grounds and
covers some six acres of ground and is the most august monument of heathen civilization upon the face Endowments.
of the globe. The Ohio Wesleyan University boasts no Colosseum. But the aggregate floor space of all
the buildings here consecrated to the service of mankind is over seven acres, thus surpassing the space
embraced by the most imposing ruin of the ancient world.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 18 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Personnel of the University.
Of far greater importance than buildings and equipments are the
teachers of a college. The former are only the tools; the latter are
the workmen, receiving the finest material in the universe and devel-
oping talents and shaping character. The devotion of the members
of the Faculty to the Ohio Wesleyan University has been marked from
the beginning. Doctors Williams, McCabe, Merrick and Thomson
gave the College its early fame. The eloquent Thomson was soon
called by the voice of the church to more public but not to more
[photo of Thomson] important service. But the three pillars of the University remained
EDWARD THOMSON.LLD. unmoved by flattering calls to other colleges, and devoted them-
President 1844-60. selves with unwearying diligence to the building up of the Ohio Wes-
leyan University and to the spread of Christian education throughout
the world. Their half century of united labor as members of the same
Faculty is without a parallel in the history of American colleges.
During the past few years especially the Faculty has been rapidly
enlarged and strengthened. One hundred and three teachers are
now employed in all the departments of the University. Many mom-
bers of the teaching corps have recently studied in Europe. To the age, experience and tried
The Faculty. ability of the older members of the Faculty, the new members have brought the enthusiasm of youth,
the most recent advances in learning and the latest methods of instruction. The lecture, the library
[corresponds to page 18 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Personnel of the University.
Of far greater importance than buildings and equipments are the
teachers of a college. The former are only the tools; the latter are
the workmen, receiving the finest material in the universe and devel-
oping talents and shaping character. The devotion of the members
of the Faculty to the Ohio Wesleyan University has been marked from
the beginning. Doctors Williams, McCabe, Merrick and Thomson
gave the College its early fame. The eloquent Thomson was soon
called by the voice of the church to more public but not to more
[photo of Thomson] important service. But the three pillars of the University remained
EDWARD THOMSON.LLD. unmoved by flattering calls to other colleges, and devoted them-
President 1844-60. selves with unwearying diligence to the building up of the Ohio Wes-
leyan University and to the spread of Christian education throughout
the world. Their half century of united labor as members of the same
Faculty is without a parallel in the history of American colleges.
During the past few years especially the Faculty has been rapidly
enlarged and strengthened. One hundred and three teachers are
now employed in all the departments of the University. Many mom-
bers of the teaching corps have recently studied in Europe. To the age, experience and tried
The Faculty. ability of the older members of the Faculty, the new members have brought the enthusiasm of youth,
the most recent advances in learning and the latest methods of instruction. The lecture, the library
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 19 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
and the laboratory supplement the text-books. Eleven depart- New Means
mental libraries have been opened recently; and the professors and Methods.
are placing in reach of the students the freshest literature upon
every subject under investigation. More books have been secured
for the University during the last five years than during the preced-
ing twenty years. Within the past seven years the Trustees have
doubled the number of professors and equipments in science in the
college, so that much special
work is now possible; while the
old-time standard of thorough-
ness in the classics and mathe- [photo of Payne]
matics is fully maintained. The CHARLES H. PAYNE.LLD.
Department of History was re- President 1876-88.
organized in 1893, with largely
increased equipments. The De-
partment of Missions and Com-
parative Religions was opened in
1894. Candidates for the foreign field can now secure private in-
struction in six of the oriental languages. The Ohio Wesleyan
University, which has more representatives in the foreign field and
more foreign students within its gates than any other college in
Methodism, now offers facilities for studying the great religions and
civilizations of the world unsurpassed by any other university in
Methodism. A complete new course in Pedagogy was added in
[photo of Merrick]
President 1860-73.
[corresponds to page 19 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
and the laboratory supplement the text-books. Eleven depart- New Means
mental libraries have been opened recently; and the professors and Methods.
are placing in reach of the students the freshest literature upon
every subject under investigation. More books have been secured
for the University during the last five years than during the preced-
ing twenty years. Within the past seven years the Trustees have
doubled the number of professors and equipments in science in the
college, so that much special
work is now possible; while the
old-time standard of thorough-
ness in the classics and mathe- [photo of Payne]
matics is fully maintained. The CHARLES H. PAYNE.LLD.
Department of History was re- President 1876-88.
organized in 1893, with largely
increased equipments. The De-
partment of Missions and Com-
parative Religions was opened in
1894. Candidates for the foreign field can now secure private in-
struction in six of the oriental languages. The Ohio Wesleyan
University, which has more representatives in the foreign field and
more foreign students within its gates than any other college in
Methodism, now offers facilities for studying the great religions and
civilizations of the world unsurpassed by any other university in
Methodism. A complete new course in Pedagogy was added in
[photo of Merrick]
President 1860-73.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Entrance to University Hall.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Entrance to University Hall.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 21 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
1900, and the Department of English Language and Literature was reorganized in 1900 with require-
ments and courses very much enlarged to meet the new demands of the expanding Anglo-Saxon world.
The University opened in 1844 with twenty-nine students, all from Ohio. The enrollment at the Undergraduates
beginning of 1900 was more than thirteen hundred and included representatives from thirty-one states and Alumni.
and eight foreign countries--Canada, England, Argentina, India, China, Japan, Persia and Turkey.
Twenty-two thousand students have been in attendance since 1844. The rapid recent growth of the
University is shown by the fact that more students completed courses and received degrees from
1889-00 inclusive than during the preceding forty-six years. The University, including the College of
Physicians and Surgeons, has conferred degrees upon 4,263 persons. Her graduates include over one
thousand physicians, over five hundred ministers and more than one hundred missionaries, some three
hundred and fifty lawyers, fifty editors, two hundred college presidents and professors, nearly four
hundred teachers in the public schools, and over fifteen hundred persons engaged in various business
occupations or in home duties.
University Life and Ideals.
The average non-collegiate is invariably impressed most by the buildings and grounds and long The Making of
faculty list of an institution of learning; and on these he is apt to base his choice of a college. But a Man.
every initiate into university life, whether undergraduate or alumnus, knows that colleges are as dissimilar
as families; that every college puts its own peculiar stamp upon its students; and that the determining
fact in choosing between colleges should be not only faculty and equipments, but, above all, the tradi-
tions and ideals dominating the life of the institution. The Ohio Wesleyan University is the outgrowth
of the strenuous life of pioneers who realized that in the making of a man, as in the making of a nation,
culture and character are as essential as brawn and muscle.
[corresponds to page 21 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
1900, and the Department of English Language and Literature was reorganized in 1900 with require-
ments and courses very much enlarged to meet the new demands of the expanding Anglo-Saxon world.
The University opened in 1844 with twenty-nine students, all from Ohio. The enrollment at the Undergraduates
beginning of 1900 was more than thirteen hundred and included representatives from thirty-one states and Alumni.
and eight foreign countries--Canada, England, Argentina, India, China, Japan, Persia and Turkey.
Twenty-two thousand students have been in attendance since 1844. The rapid recent growth of the
University is shown by the fact that more students completed courses and received degrees from
1889-00 inclusive than during the preceding forty-six years. The University, including the College of
Physicians and Surgeons, has conferred degrees upon 4,263 persons. Her graduates include over one
thousand physicians, over five hundred ministers and more than one hundred missionaries, some three
hundred and fifty lawyers, fifty editors, two hundred college presidents and professors, nearly four
hundred teachers in the public schools, and over fifteen hundred persons engaged in various business
occupations or in home duties.
University Life and Ideals.
The average non-collegiate is invariably impressed most by the buildings and grounds and long The Making of
faculty list of an institution of learning; and on these he is apt to base his choice of a college. But a Man.
every initiate into university life, whether undergraduate or alumnus, knows that colleges are as dissimilar
as families; that every college puts its own peculiar stamp upon its students; and that the determining
fact in choosing between colleges should be not only faculty and equipments, but, above all, the tradi-
tions and ideals dominating the life of the institution. The Ohio Wesleyan University is the outgrowth
of the strenuous life of pioneers who realized that in the making of a man, as in the making of a nation,
culture and character are as essential as brawn and muscle.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to page 22 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The conditions of mod-
ern life have so changed
from those of early days
[photo of gymnasium] that if no one is to maintain
health and strength he
must take time and make
specific provision for exer-
cise and recreation. The
Gymnasium is as vital to
the Ohio Wesleyan as a
library or laboratory. It
is equipped with apparatus
for class work and with an
excellent system of shower
baths and lockers. Regu-
larly organized classes exer-
cise under instructors every
afternoon and evening.
Equally important is the Athletic Field, with its facilities for baseball and football and the
numerous collegiate and intercollegiate games.
Military. The Military Department, which was organized originally by the students themselves, came to be
recognized ultimately as a system of exercise unexcelled for physical development and manly bearing.
An eminent physician has found by actual measurement of our student cadets such decided physical
improvement that he regards systematic military drill in the open air and under the direction of a
[corresponds to page 22 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The conditions of mod-
ern life have so changed
from those of early days
[photo of gymnasium] that if no one is to maintain
health and strength he
must take time and make
specific provision for exer-
cise and recreation. The
Gymnasium is as vital to
the Ohio Wesleyan as a
library or laboratory. It
is equipped with apparatus
for class work and with an
excellent system of shower
baths and lockers. Regu-
larly organized classes exer-
cise under instructors every
afternoon and evening.
Equally important is the Athletic Field, with its facilities for baseball and football and the
numerous collegiate and intercollegiate games.
Military. The Military Department, which was organized originally by the students themselves, came to be
recognized ultimately as a system of exercise unexcelled for physical development and manly bearing.
An eminent physician has found by actual measurement of our student cadets such decided physical
improvement that he regards systematic military drill in the open air and under the direction of a
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 23 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[three photographs]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 23 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[three photographs]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to page 24 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of sports] competent officer as of
priceless moral and hygienic
value. Its value, more-
over, towards superseding
the necessity for a large
standing army by develop-
ing a clean, intelligent and
conservative citizen sol-
diery, and also in securing
recognition for military
skill, is shown by the fact
that twenty-nine of our ca-
dets and fifty alumni who have been cadets entered the volunteer army during the Spanish War, and twenty-
eight of the seventy-nine volunteers received officers' commissions. The department is open to all young
men who elect the course, but the work is not required of any. It is under the direction of Lieuten-
ant-Colonel Adams of the late Spanish War, who is now Assistant Adjustant-General of Ohio. Colonel
Adams has had many years of military experience in connection with the national guard of Ohio, and
by his ability and popularity and manly character has risen from the ranks to his present position.
Social Life. Every undergraduate soon comes to realize that while scholarship is first and foremost, and he
cannot hope to retain the respect of his fellows if he allows himself to be diverted from the main
purpose, yet the social life of a college is nearly, if not quite, half of one's education. Personal friend-
ships and social relations here established are lifelong. The endless round of diversions peculiar to
the student world, including faculty and student receptions, class banquets, parties, picnics, athletic
exhibitions, concerts and recitals, art exhibitions, oratorical and debating contests, literary entertain-
[corresponds to page 24 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of sports] competent officer as of
priceless moral and hygienic
value. Its value, more-
over, towards superseding
the necessity for a large
standing army by develop-
ing a clean, intelligent and
conservative citizen sol-
diery, and also in securing
recognition for military
skill, is shown by the fact
that twenty-nine of our ca-
dets and fifty alumni who have been cadets entered the volunteer army during the Spanish War, and twenty-
eight of the seventy-nine volunteers received officers' commissions. The department is open to all young
men who elect the course, but the work is not required of any. It is under the direction of Lieuten-
ant-Colonel Adams of the late Spanish War, who is now Assistant Adjustant-General of Ohio. Colonel
Adams has had many years of military experience in connection with the national guard of Ohio, and
by his ability and popularity and manly character has risen from the ranks to his present position.
Social Life. Every undergraduate soon comes to realize that while scholarship is first and foremost, and he
cannot hope to retain the respect of his fellows if he allows himself to be diverted from the main
purpose, yet the social life of a college is nearly, if not quite, half of one's education. Personal friend-
ships and social relations here established are lifelong. The endless round of diversions peculiar to
the student world, including faculty and student receptions, class banquets, parties, picnics, athletic
exhibitions, concerts and recitals, art exhibitions, oratorical and debating contests, literary entertain-
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 25 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of women's basketball team]
[photos of dorm rooms]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 25 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of women's basketball team]
[photos of dorm rooms]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to page 26 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
ments and lecture courses,--
all contribute towards a
wholesome environment and
an elevated social life.
But the undergraduate is
almost invariably one who is
still in the formative period of [photo]
his life. If he is mindful as ELEVATOR LOBBY AT MONNETT HALL.
he should be of his own best
interests, he will covet for
himself such associations as
put a premium upon character
and make right conduct so
much the more easy. He
will not be attracted by a uni-
versity life like that of Ger-
many, which is so full of dis-
sipation that Bismarck said
"one-third of the students
die as a result of their vices;
one-third fritter away their opportunities; and the remaining one-third rule the empire." The same
is undoubtedly true, in a measure, of some American universities. But statisticians tell us that, while
of all the young men of America only one in twenty is a Christian, yet of the college young men one
in three is a Christian. And in institutions like the Ohio Wesleyan, where religion is given its rightful
preeminence, the Christian young men outnumber all others more than four to one.
[corresponds to page 26 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
ments and lecture courses,--
all contribute towards a
wholesome environment and
an elevated social life.
But the undergraduate is
almost invariably one who is
still in the formative period of [photo]
his life. If he is mindful as ELEVATOR LOBBY AT MONNETT HALL.
he should be of his own best
interests, he will covet for
himself such associations as
put a premium upon character
and make right conduct so
much the more easy. He
will not be attracted by a uni-
versity life like that of Ger-
many, which is so full of dis-
sipation that Bismarck said
"one-third of the students
die as a result of their vices;
one-third fritter away their opportunities; and the remaining one-third rule the empire." The same
is undoubtedly true, in a measure, of some American universities. But statisticians tell us that, while
of all the young men of America only one in twenty is a Christian, yet of the college young men one
in three is a Christian. And in institutions like the Ohio Wesleyan, where religion is given its rightful
preeminence, the Christian young men outnumber all others more than four to one.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to page 27 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The young men of the Ohio Wesleyan have no dormitories, but board and room according to their In Town.
own convenience and tastes in places duly accredited by the University authorities. A few live in
private families, others in fraternity houses, the majority secure their table board in clubs, while some
board themselves.
The young women of the University, except a few with friends in town or at home with their
parents, live at Monnett Hall. Here they are in residence with the Dean and his family, the
Preceptress, and several of the teachers. The ideal of the instituion is that of a family, in which all
the members who hold sacred the privileges of the household are allowed every liberty consistent with
the welfare of each and all. The young women attend classes on the same footing with young men and In the Class
mingle freely in the social life of the University. Their refining influence, the respect and consideration room.
with which they are treated, the absence of scandal and the constant manifestation of things good and
beautiful and true, all testify to the inevitable advantages of the normal association of the best young
people of the country under the auspices of a great University.
We need scarcely add that the University requires every student who enters her portals to bring a
certificate of good character, and also, if he comes from another college, a letter of honorable
dismissal; and she reserves the right to terminate her relations with a student at any time, when the
authorities are convinced that his influence is harmful to other students, or that his continuance is
unprofitable to himself.
The Ohio Wesleyan University is not sectarian; it has among its students members of all churches Religion.
and persons who are not members of any church. It is not a theological schools; it has not even a
theological department. But it accepts good faith the universally received definition of education as
the harmonious and highest development of the individual in body and mind and spirit. It holds that a
university which adequately fulfills its mission must make provision for more than the body and the
mind, it must have more than athletics and libraries and laboratories and a faculty; it will be wholly
[corresponds to page 27 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
The young men of the Ohio Wesleyan have no dormitories, but board and room according to their In Town.
own convenience and tastes in places duly accredited by the University authorities. A few live in
private families, others in fraternity houses, the majority secure their table board in clubs, while some
board themselves.
The young women of the University, except a few with friends in town or at home with their
parents, live at Monnett Hall. Here they are in residence with the Dean and his family, the
Preceptress, and several of the teachers. The ideal of the instituion is that of a family, in which all
the members who hold sacred the privileges of the household are allowed every liberty consistent with
the welfare of each and all. The young women attend classes on the same footing with young men and In the Class
mingle freely in the social life of the University. Their refining influence, the respect and consideration room.
with which they are treated, the absence of scandal and the constant manifestation of things good and
beautiful and true, all testify to the inevitable advantages of the normal association of the best young
people of the country under the auspices of a great University.
We need scarcely add that the University requires every student who enters her portals to bring a
certificate of good character, and also, if he comes from another college, a letter of honorable
dismissal; and she reserves the right to terminate her relations with a student at any time, when the
authorities are convinced that his influence is harmful to other students, or that his continuance is
unprofitable to himself.
The Ohio Wesleyan University is not sectarian; it has among its students members of all churches Religion.
and persons who are not members of any church. It is not a theological schools; it has not even a
theological department. But it accepts good faith the universally received definition of education as
the harmonious and highest development of the individual in body and mind and spirit. It holds that a
university which adequately fulfills its mission must make provision for more than the body and the
mind, it must have more than athletics and libraries and laboratories and a faculty; it will be wholly
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to page 28 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
lacking in the foremost requirements
for an education unless it provides
also for the spirit and ministers to
the religious life. Man has a body
and a mind; but he is neither body
nor mind, he is a spirit as God is a [photo]
spirit; and he must be educated as Y.M.C.A. ASSEMBLY ROOM.
such, if his education is to meet all
the requirements of his manhood.
The profound religiousness of
men is evidenced in nothing more
emphatically than in the fact that
vital godliness is more prevalent
among the educated than among the illiterate; and in the additional fact that in the University the
ordinary means of grace, including the daily worship in Gray Chapel and the weekly church services
and the montly lectures by the President and the annual revival meetings, beginning with the Day of
Prayer for colleges, are not sufficient to satisfy the demand. The University has been obliged to offer
elective courses in the Bible, both in English and in the original languages. And in addition the
students, of their own accord, have organized classes for special study of the Bible; class prayer-meet-
ings are held; and the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. both are maintained in vigorious condition,
with a paid Y.M.C.A. secretary supported by the students and faculty and devoting his whole time
to the work of the Association. The religious life is the normal life, and if all but a small minority pf
the gradutes of the University are professing Christians it is due to normal influences and conditions.
[corresponds to page 28 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
lacking in the foremost requirements
for an education unless it provides
also for the spirit and ministers to
the religious life. Man has a body
and a mind; but he is neither body
nor mind, he is a spirit as God is a [photo]
spirit; and he must be educated as Y.M.C.A. ASSEMBLY ROOM.
such, if his education is to meet all
the requirements of his manhood.
The profound religiousness of
men is evidenced in nothing more
emphatically than in the fact that
vital godliness is more prevalent
among the educated than among the illiterate; and in the additional fact that in the University the
ordinary means of grace, including the daily worship in Gray Chapel and the weekly church services
and the montly lectures by the President and the annual revival meetings, beginning with the Day of
Prayer for colleges, are not sufficient to satisfy the demand. The University has been obliged to offer
elective courses in the Bible, both in English and in the original languages. And in addition the
students, of their own accord, have organized classes for special study of the Bible; class prayer-meet-
ings are held; and the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. both are maintained in vigorious condition,
with a paid Y.M.C.A. secretary supported by the students and faculty and devoting his whole time
to the work of the Association. The religious life is the normal life, and if all but a small minority pf
the gradutes of the University are professing Christians it is due to normal influences and conditions.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 29 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of inside Gray Chapel]
Sittings for 2,500 People.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 29 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of inside Gray Chapel]
Sittings for 2,500 People.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to page 30 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Departments of the University.
The University embraces: -- III. The School of Business.
I. The College of Liberal Arts with IV. The School of Oratory.
1. The Classical Course. V. The School of Music.
2. The Scientific Course. VI. The Art Department.
3. The Literary Course. VII. The Cleveland College of Physicians and
II. The Academic Department. Surgeons.
I. The College of Liberal Arts.
By Certificate. (I) The University furnishes, on application, blanks to the superintendents of schools and to
principals of high schools and academies. When these blanks are properly filled, they afford a better
knowledge of the student's acquirements than examinations can reveal. Hence such certificates are
accepted in lieu of examinations, so far as the work in quantity and quality corresponds with the work
required for admission. Advance work brought from another college is accepted in the same manner,
so far as it is satisfactory to the professor in charge of the department in which such work is offered.
By Examina- (2) If the student offer himself without a certificate of scholarship, he is directed to the proper profes-
[corresponds to page 30 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Departments of the University.
The University embraces: -- III. The School of Business.
I. The College of Liberal Arts with IV. The School of Oratory.
1. The Classical Course. V. The School of Music.
2. The Scientific Course. VI. The Art Department.
3. The Literary Course. VII. The Cleveland College of Physicians and
II. The Academic Department. Surgeons.
I. The College of Liberal Arts.
By Certificate. (I) The University furnishes, on application, blanks to the superintendents of schools and to
principals of high schools and academies. When these blanks are properly filled, they afford a better
knowledge of the student's acquirements than examinations can reveal. Hence such certificates are
accepted in lieu of examinations, so far as the work in quantity and quality corresponds with the work
required for admission. Advance work brought from another college is accepted in the same manner,
so far as it is satisfactory to the professor in charge of the department in which such work is offered.
By Examina- (2) If the student offer himself without a certificate of scholarship, he is directed to the proper profes-
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to page 31 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
sor who ascertains, by
conversations with
him and by such oral
and written examin-
ations as he finds
necessary, the studies
and classes which
seem best adapted to
each student and [photo of Williams]
ionally to the same. Since 1844 he has taught in this same room in Elliott Hall.
The College of Lib-
eral Arts offers three
courses, viz.: The
Classical, the Scien-
tific, and the Liter-
ary, leading to the
degrees of Bachelor
of Arts, of Science,
and of Literature re-
[corresponds to page 31 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
sor who ascertains, by
conversations with
him and by such oral
and written examin-
ations as he finds
necessary, the studies
and classes which
seem best adapted to
each student and [photo of Williams]
ionally to the same. Since 1844 he has taught in this same room in Elliott Hall.
The College of Lib-
eral Arts offers three
courses, viz.: The
Classical, the Scien-
tific, and the Liter-
ary, leading to the
degrees of Bachelor
of Arts, of Science,
and of Literature re-
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to page 32 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Requirements All candidates for the Freshman Classes must offer the following studies to the extent named, or
for Freshmen. their equivalents:
(I) English.--English Grammar and Rhetoric. In addition the student should read during his
preparatory course the list of books recommended by the Joint Conference of colleges and secondary
schools and now published in the catalogues of the leading high schools. He should study carefully,
under the direction of a teacher, four or five of the leading speeches, essays or poems named in the list.
Whatever else a student lacks, he should have a correct command of his mother tongue. No student
will be passed into the college classes in English whose speech or writing is markedly defective in spell-
ing, punctuation, grammar or expression.
(2) History.--Eggleston's History of the United States; Myers' Short History of Greece and the
Eastern Nations; Allen's Short History of the Roman People; Myers' Mediaeval and Modern History;
or as much as is included in the manuals named above.
(3) Mathematics.--Higher Arithmetic; Complete Algebra, by Olney, Wentworth, or Ray; Went-
worth's Plane and Solid Geometry, with original problems.
(4) Geography.--Descriptive and Physical.
The four subjects named above are required for entrance to the Freshman class in all the courses.
For the Clas- In addition to the four requirements named above, the candidate for the Classical Course must
sical Course. present:
(5) Natural Science.--Elementary Physics; Gray's Botany, including the analysis of fifty flowers;
Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course. In lieu of part or all of the sciences named, the student may
offer an equal amount of Chemistry or of some other physical science.
(6) Latin.--Latin Grammar, including Prosody; Latin Prose Composition; four books of Caesar;
four orations of Cicero; twelve books of Vergil. The Roman pronunciation is used in the University.
(7) Greek.--Greek Grammar; four books of Xenophon's Anabasis; three books of Homer's Iliad.
[corresponds to page 32 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Requirements All candidates for the Freshman Classes must offer the following studies to the extent named, or
for Freshmen. their equivalents:
(I) English.--English Grammar and Rhetoric. In addition the student should read during his
preparatory course the list of books recommended by the Joint Conference of colleges and secondary
schools and now published in the catalogues of the leading high schools. He should study carefully,
under the direction of a teacher, four or five of the leading speeches, essays or poems named in the list.
Whatever else a student lacks, he should have a correct command of his mother tongue. No student
will be passed into the college classes in English whose speech or writing is markedly defective in spell-
ing, punctuation, grammar or expression.
(2) History.--Eggleston's History of the United States; Myers' Short History of Greece and the
Eastern Nations; Allen's Short History of the Roman People; Myers' Mediaeval and Modern History;
or as much as is included in the manuals named above.
(3) Mathematics.--Higher Arithmetic; Complete Algebra, by Olney, Wentworth, or Ray; Went-
worth's Plane and Solid Geometry, with original problems.
(4) Geography.--Descriptive and Physical.
The four subjects named above are required for entrance to the Freshman class in all the courses.
For the Clas- In addition to the four requirements named above, the candidate for the Classical Course must
sical Course. present:
(5) Natural Science.--Elementary Physics; Gray's Botany, including the analysis of fifty flowers;
Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course. In lieu of part or all of the sciences named, the student may
offer an equal amount of Chemistry or of some other physical science.
(6) Latin.--Latin Grammar, including Prosody; Latin Prose Composition; four books of Caesar;
four orations of Cicero; twelve books of Vergil. The Roman pronunciation is used in the University.
(7) Greek.--Greek Grammar; four books of Xenophon's Anabasis; three books of Homer's Iliad.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to page 33 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
In addition to the subjects
and amounts of the classics
named above, the student is
advised to complete Homer's
Iliad, and six more books of
the Aeneid, or four additional [photo of Gray Chapel and Merrick Hall]
orations of Cicero and the Gray Chapel. Merrick Hall of Science.
Eclogues and three books of VIEW FROM ELLIOTT HALL.
the Georgics. If a student
has not this additional work
in the classics, but has addi-
tional work in science, history
or English beyond the require-
ments for entrance, or in
French or German, which are
not required for entrance,
he may offer an equivalent
amount of such work in lieu of the additional work called for in Latin and Greek, otherwise the
additional Greek and Latin named are required for entrance.
In addition to the four requirements mentioned above the candidate for the Scientific Course must For the Scien-
present: tific Course.
(5) Natural Science.--Elementary Physics; Gray's Botany, including the analysis of fity flowers;
Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course. In lieu of part or all of the sciences named, the student may
offer an equal amount of Chemistry or of some other physical science.
[corresponds to page 33 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
In addition to the subjects
and amounts of the classics
named above, the student is
advised to complete Homer's
Iliad, and six more books of
the Aeneid, or four additional [photo of Gray Chapel and Merrick Hall]
orations of Cicero and the Gray Chapel. Merrick Hall of Science.
Eclogues and three books of VIEW FROM ELLIOTT HALL.
the Georgics. If a student
has not this additional work
in the classics, but has addi-
tional work in science, history
or English beyond the require-
ments for entrance, or in
French or German, which are
not required for entrance,
he may offer an equivalent
amount of such work in lieu of the additional work called for in Latin and Greek, otherwise the
additional Greek and Latin named are required for entrance.
In addition to the four requirements mentioned above the candidate for the Scientific Course must For the Scien-
present: tific Course.
(5) Natural Science.--Elementary Physics; Gray's Botany, including the analysis of fity flowers;
Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course. In lieu of part or all of the sciences named, the student may
offer an equal amount of Chemistry or of some other physical science.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to page 34 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
(6) Latin.--Latin
Grammar, including
Prosody; Latin Prose
Composition; four
books of Caesar; four
orations of Cicero;
twelve books of Ver- [photo]
gil. In lieu of the BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY.
four orations of Ci-
cero the student may
offer additional work
in Vergil.
(7) German.--
German Grammar;
Bronson's German
Prose and Poetry en-
tire; three plays of Goethe or Schiller. In lieu of the German prescribed, an equivalent amount of
For the German may be presented from other text-books. In addition to the four requirements mentioned
Literary above the candidate for the Literary Course must present:
Course. (5) Natural Science.--Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course, or an equivalent amount of some
other physical science.
(6) Latin.--Latin Grammar; Prose Composition; four books of Cicero; four orations of Cicero.
(7) German.--Joynes-Meissner's German Grammar; Bronson's German Prose and Poetry to
[corresponds to page 34 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
(6) Latin.--Latin
Grammar, including
Prosody; Latin Prose
Composition; four
books of Caesar; four
orations of Cicero;
twelve books of Ver- [photo]
gil. In lieu of the BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY.
four orations of Ci-
cero the student may
offer additional work
in Vergil.
(7) German.--
German Grammar;
Bronson's German
Prose and Poetry en-
tire; three plays of Goethe or Schiller. In lieu of the German prescribed, an equivalent amount of
For the German may be presented from other text-books. In addition to the four requirements mentioned
Literary above the candidate for the Literary Course must present:
Course. (5) Natural Science.--Martin's Human Body, Briefer Course, or an equivalent amount of some
other physical science.
(6) Latin.--Latin Grammar; Prose Composition; four books of Cicero; four orations of Cicero.
(7) German.--Joynes-Meissner's German Grammar; Bronson's German Prose and Poetry to
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to page 35 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
page 169. In lieu of the German prescribed, an equal amount of German may be offered from
other text-books.
An elaborate series of electives in connection with the Classical, Scientific, and Literary Courses of the
College of Liberal Arts, begins
with the Freshman year, and in-
cludes the following groups:
I. Ancient Languages.
II. Modern Languages.
III. English and English
IV. Elocution and Oratory. [photo of Sturges Hall]
VI. Advanced Music.
VII. Art History and Fine
VIII. Advanced Courses in
Business Methods.
IX. Mathematics
X. Natural Sciences.
XI. History.
XII. Political Sciences.
XIII. Philosophy and Peda-
XIV. Comparative Study of Religions, and Missions. XV. English Bible.
We have already referred to the new provisions recently made for a fresh variety of courses in
English Language and Literature. We would also call attention to the special course in Pedagogy which
[corresponds to page 35 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
page 169. In lieu of the German prescribed, an equal amount of German may be offered from
other text-books.
An elaborate series of electives in connection with the Classical, Scientific, and Literary Courses of the
College of Liberal Arts, begins
with the Freshman year, and in-
cludes the following groups:
I. Ancient Languages.
II. Modern Languages.
III. English and English
IV. Elocution and Oratory. [photo of Sturges Hall]
VI. Advanced Music.
VII. Art History and Fine
VIII. Advanced Courses in
Business Methods.
IX. Mathematics
X. Natural Sciences.
XI. History.
XII. Political Sciences.
XIII. Philosophy and Peda-
XIV. Comparative Study of Religions, and Missions. XV. English Bible.
We have already referred to the new provisions recently made for a fresh variety of courses in
English Language and Literature. We would also call attention to the special course in Pedagogy which
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[four photos]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[four photos]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to page 37 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
we are now able to offer along with our thorough course in Psychology. Prospective teachers will
recognize in this new course one more advantage added to those which they already enjoy in being
brought into daily contact with instructors who have reached eminence in the teacher's profession and
whose examples are an incalculable help and inspiration. Moreover, all the studies pursued by candi-
dates seeking preparation for teaching are credited on the books of the University, and at any later
date these credits can be counted toward a degree, if the teachers should decide to complete a college
course. Hundreds of young people who came to the University for a later course of study, not dream-
ing that a degree was within their reach, have found themselves by unexpected opportunities or else by
gradual achievements able to complete a college course and thus to fit themselves for lofty service in
their chosen profession.
The offer of so many electives is an encouragement to specialization. And we owe it to young
people to remind them that all educators advise against haste in entering upon technical or professional
studies and insist upon a preliminary course in the so-called liberal arts. Indeed, the technical and
professional schools are discouraging more and more the admission to their courses of any except college
graduates. Following this consensus of opinion and our own convictions born of experience, we have
not made preparation for that superficial education which results from excessive specialization. We
insist that the graduates of the University lay broad and deep foundations of general culture. Upon
the other hand we recognize the desire of students, who have decided upon their professions, to select
studies which will advance them in their preparation for life. Again, elective courses enable students
who have not yet selected their future work to secure, along with their general culture, special training
in those subjects for which they have tastes and talents. Hence in the three courses open to our
students, and in the relative amounts of prescribed and elective work fixed upon, we have tried to
[corresponds to page 37 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
we are now able to offer along with our thorough course in Psychology. Prospective teachers will
recognize in this new course one more advantage added to those which they already enjoy in being
brought into daily contact with instructors who have reached eminence in the teacher's profession and
whose examples are an incalculable help and inspiration. Moreover, all the studies pursued by candi-
dates seeking preparation for teaching are credited on the books of the University, and at any later
date these credits can be counted toward a degree, if the teachers should decide to complete a college
course. Hundreds of young people who came to the University for a later course of study, not dream-
ing that a degree was within their reach, have found themselves by unexpected opportunities or else by
gradual achievements able to complete a college course and thus to fit themselves for lofty service in
their chosen profession.
The offer of so many electives is an encouragement to specialization. And we owe it to young
people to remind them that all educators advise against haste in entering upon technical or professional
studies and insist upon a preliminary course in the so-called liberal arts. Indeed, the technical and
professional schools are discouraging more and more the admission to their courses of any except college
graduates. Following this consensus of opinion and our own convictions born of experience, we have
not made preparation for that superficial education which results from excessive specialization. We
insist that the graduates of the University lay broad and deep foundations of general culture. Upon
the other hand we recognize the desire of students, who have decided upon their professions, to select
studies which will advance them in their preparation for life. Again, elective courses enable students
who have not yet selected their future work to secure, along with their general culture, special training
in those subjects for which they have tastes and talents. Hence in the three courses open to our
students, and in the relative amounts of prescribed and elective work fixed upon, we have tried to
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to page 38 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
guarantee thoroughness in general culture along with
adaptation to practical requirements.
II. The Academic Department.
JOHN H. GROVE, A.M., Principal.
A person fifteen years old, of good moral char-
acter, and with sufficient knowledge to enter the classes
organized, will be admitted to the Aca-
demic Department. In admitting students,
the Princiapl learns by personal questions,
but without formal examination, what
preparation the candidate is seeking and
what studies he can profitably pursue,
and assigns him to classes accordingly.
The Principal reserves the right of ad-
vancing the pupil or of placing him in
lower classes, as his recitations reveal his
Balcony leading
to Seminar
Library Reading
[corresponds to page 38 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
guarantee thoroughness in general culture along with
adaptation to practical requirements.
II. The Academic Department.
JOHN H. GROVE, A.M., Principal.
A person fifteen years old, of good moral char-
acter, and with sufficient knowledge to enter the classes
organized, will be admitted to the Aca-
demic Department. In admitting students,
the Princiapl learns by personal questions,
but without formal examination, what
preparation the candidate is seeking and
what studies he can profitably pursue,
and assigns him to classes accordingly.
The Principal reserves the right of ad-
vancing the pupil or of placing him in
lower classes, as his recitations reveal his
Balcony leading
to Seminar
Library Reading
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to page 39 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
One can save time by entering our Academic Department, where he can pursue each study
demanded for entrance to the college, and where he is not required to pursue studies not needed for
admission to the Freshman class. Besides, young people doing their preparatory work at Delaware,
enjoy many advantages of the University, associate with classmates moving toward the same goal, and
feel the inspiration of college life.
III. The School of Business.
LYCURGUS L. HUDSON, A.M., Principal.
The School of Business affords and excellent training for a practical career, and also opportunities
for business training upon the part of those who are completing the college courses. It embraces
courses in Bookkeeping, Banking and Business Practice, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic,
Stenography, Typewriting and Correspondence, Penmanship and Telegraphy. The course of study is
equal to that offered by any modern business college, and the student in addition enjoys all the advan-
tages of the University. This department has had a remarkedly rapid growth under its present
efficient Principal and his able corps of five assistants. Many students are here securing rapid prepara-
tion at small expense for successful business careers; while professional students are securing that
practical training which will insure them the respect and co-operation of successful business men. The
department is open throughout the year and students can enter it at any time. For special catalogue
address the Principal.
IV. The School of Oratory.
The School of Oratory under the charge of an experienced Dean and two able assistants, offers an
[corresponds to page 39 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
One can save time by entering our Academic Department, where he can pursue each study
demanded for entrance to the college, and where he is not required to pursue studies not needed for
admission to the Freshman class. Besides, young people doing their preparatory work at Delaware,
enjoy many advantages of the University, associate with classmates moving toward the same goal, and
feel the inspiration of college life.
III. The School of Business.
LYCURGUS L. HUDSON, A.M., Principal.
The School of Business affords and excellent training for a practical career, and also opportunities
for business training upon the part of those who are completing the college courses. It embraces
courses in Bookkeeping, Banking and Business Practice, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic,
Stenography, Typewriting and Correspondence, Penmanship and Telegraphy. The course of study is
equal to that offered by any modern business college, and the student in addition enjoys all the advan-
tages of the University. This department has had a remarkedly rapid growth under its present
efficient Principal and his able corps of five assistants. Many students are here securing rapid prepara-
tion at small expense for successful business careers; while professional students are securing that
practical training which will insure them the respect and co-operation of successful business men. The
department is open throughout the year and students can enter it at any time. For special catalogue
address the Principal.
IV. The School of Oratory.
The School of Oratory under the charge of an experienced Dean and two able assistants, offers an
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to page 40 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
extended and thorough course in all branches pertaining to the art of expression. The schools seeks
attainments rather than numbers. It confers degrees only upon college graduates, thus maintaining a
standard equal to the highest professional schools, a standard not maintained by any other school of
oratory in the land. It aims to fit its pupils for the large and increasing demand for cultivated teachers
of oratory in schools and colleges; and to prepare ministers, lecturers, elocutionists and lawyers for
greater influence and usefulness in the higher walks of life. The instruction is given by principles which
are applied from the first lesson, thus making the student's work practical throughout. All attempts
to make form take the place of fact, and art the place of truth, are discouraged. The exercises are
prescribed for the purpose of freeing nature's avenues of expression and of enabling the student to
present with clearness and grace and power the convictions which he holds.
The enrolment [sic] in the School of Oratory for the present college year will include more than two
hundred separate students. The rapid growth of the school is due to the reputation of the Dean and the
excellence of the teachers employed to assist him in his work and to the very reasonable charges for tuition
in this school, supported in part by endowments, as compared with the ordinary schools of elocution
which are supported entirely by the fees of the students. This is the first school of oratory established
in connection with a great university demanding the completion of a college course of study by all of
its graduates, and thus taking an established rank as a real professional school. For catalogue address
the Dean.
V. The School of Music.
The rapid growth of the School of Music led the Trustees in 1899 to erect a Music Hall upon the
Monnett Hall Campus. This is a plain building with thirty rooms, furnishing offices, rooms for
instruction, practice rooms and a recital hall. With the rooms in a small building adjoining there are
[corresponds to page 40 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
extended and thorough course in all branches pertaining to the art of expression. The schools seeks
attainments rather than numbers. It confers degrees only upon college graduates, thus maintaining a
standard equal to the highest professional schools, a standard not maintained by any other school of
oratory in the land. It aims to fit its pupils for the large and increasing demand for cultivated teachers
of oratory in schools and colleges; and to prepare ministers, lecturers, elocutionists and lawyers for
greater influence and usefulness in the higher walks of life. The instruction is given by principles which
are applied from the first lesson, thus making the student's work practical throughout. All attempts
to make form take the place of fact, and art the place of truth, are discouraged. The exercises are
prescribed for the purpose of freeing nature's avenues of expression and of enabling the student to
present with clearness and grace and power the convictions which he holds.
The enrolment [sic] in the School of Oratory for the present college year will include more than two
hundred separate students. The rapid growth of the school is due to the reputation of the Dean and the
excellence of the teachers employed to assist him in his work and to the very reasonable charges for tuition
in this school, supported in part by endowments, as compared with the ordinary schools of elocution
which are supported entirely by the fees of the students. This is the first school of oratory established
in connection with a great university demanding the completion of a college course of study by all of
its graduates, and thus taking an established rank as a real professional school. For catalogue address
the Dean.
V. The School of Music.
The rapid growth of the School of Music led the Trustees in 1899 to erect a Music Hall upon the
Monnett Hall Campus. This is a plain building with thirty rooms, furnishing offices, rooms for
instruction, practice rooms and a recital hall. With the rooms in a small building adjoining there are
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 41 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 41 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 44)
[page 44]
[corresponds to page 42 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
now thirty-nine rooms for the accommodation of the school. The students in the school have an
opportunity for broadening their technical training by literary culture and thus securing for themselves
a recognized position in the world of letters. Full courses are offered in voice, upon the organ, the
piano, the violin and all wind instruments. In addition to such technical training thorough courses in
Theory, Harmony, and the History of Music are offered. Among the advantages of the school are the
privilege of membership in the Choral Society, open to competent students; the privilege of participa-
tion in Commencement Concerts given by the Choral Society and by eminent artists; practice in
ensemble playing; the privilege of attending weekly lectures in musical esthetics, recitals by advanced
pupils, concerts given by the members of the Faculty of the School of Music and chamber and solo
concerts given by distinguished artists from abroad. These privileges, with the use of the reading-
rooms and the libraries of the University and participation in University life, add peculiar attractions to
the study of this noble art in the School of Music in the Ohio Wesleyan University. The Roosevelt
Grand Organ in Gray Chapel is the finest organ in Ohio and worthy of comparison with the leading
organs of America. For further information send for catalogue to C. M. Jacobus, Director, or to C.
B. Austin, Dean of Monnett Hall.
VI. The Art Department.
SARAH E. VEEDER, B.P., Director.
The Art Department has been reorganized recently with a woman of European culture at its head,
and with a superior assistant. It embraces classes in Drawing, Painting, Sketching, Wood-carving,
China-painting, Tapestry-painting and Decorative Art. In 1895, Mrs. V. T. Hills, of Delaware,
purchased for this department reproductions of some of the masterpieces of art which are of great value
to the student. The thorough courses in History of Art offered by the college furnish the scientific
[corresponds to page 42 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
now thirty-nine rooms for the accommodation of the school. The students in the school have an
opportunity for broadening their technical training by literary culture and thus securing for themselves
a recognized position in the world of letters. Full courses are offered in voice, upon the organ, the
piano, the violin and all wind instruments. In addition to such technical training thorough courses in
Theory, Harmony, and the History of Music are offered. Among the advantages of the school are the
privilege of membership in the Choral Society, open to competent students; the privilege of participa-
tion in Commencement Concerts given by the Choral Society and by eminent artists; practice in
ensemble playing; the privilege of attending weekly lectures in musical esthetics, recitals by advanced
pupils, concerts given by the members of the Faculty of the School of Music and chamber and solo
concerts given by distinguished artists from abroad. These privileges, with the use of the reading-
rooms and the libraries of the University and participation in University life, add peculiar attractions to
the study of this noble art in the School of Music in the Ohio Wesleyan University. The Roosevelt
Grand Organ in Gray Chapel is the finest organ in Ohio and worthy of comparison with the leading
organs of America. For further information send for catalogue to C. M. Jacobus, Director, or to C.
B. Austin, Dean of Monnett Hall.
VI. The Art Department.
SARAH E. VEEDER, B.P., Director.
The Art Department has been reorganized recently with a woman of European culture at its head,
and with a superior assistant. It embraces classes in Drawing, Painting, Sketching, Wood-carving,
China-painting, Tapestry-painting and Decorative Art. In 1895, Mrs. V. T. Hills, of Delaware,
purchased for this department reproductions of some of the masterpieces of art which are of great value
to the student. The thorough courses in History of Art offered by the college furnish the scientific
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 45)
[page 45]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 43 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of band]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 43 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of band]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 46)
[page 46]
[corresponds to page 44 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
principles for the appreciation
of the fine arts and for the
technical work of the Art De-
partment. These opportun-
ities make the connection of
the Art Department with the [photo of Art Hall]
University of inestimable ad- ART HALL.
vantage to art students.
In 1897 the University pur-
chased the grounds and the
handsome stone building on
the corner of Winter and
Elizabeth streets, fronting the
Monnett Hall grounds on the
east. These commodious and
beautiful quarters give the
Art Department much needed
recognition and suggest the possibility of its future development into a School of Fine Arts. These
wise and generous plans upon the part of the Trustees, account in part for the recent growth of the Art
Department. For further information address the Director.
VII. The Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The new College Building with its administrative and lecture-rooms and its nine well-equipped labora-
[corresponds to page 44 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
principles for the appreciation
of the fine arts and for the
technical work of the Art De-
partment. These opportun-
ities make the connection of
the Art Department with the [photo of Art Hall]
University of inestimable ad- ART HALL.
vantage to art students.
In 1897 the University pur-
chased the grounds and the
handsome stone building on
the corner of Winter and
Elizabeth streets, fronting the
Monnett Hall grounds on the
east. These commodious and
beautiful quarters give the
Art Department much needed
recognition and suggest the possibility of its future development into a School of Fine Arts. These
wise and generous plans upon the part of the Trustees, account in part for the recent growth of the Art
Department. For further information address the Director.
VII. The Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The new College Building with its administrative and lecture-rooms and its nine well-equipped labora-
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 47)
[page 47]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 45 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 45 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 48)
[page 48]
[corresponds to page 46 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
tories has already been described in this brochure. It marks a most important advance in the evolution
of the University. We need only explain that the College of Physicians and Surgeons is located at
Cleveland rather than Delaware because of the necessity for large clinical advantages which can be
adequately supplied only in a great city. The students of our Medical Department have extraordinary
advantages in that while they share in the clinics of the City Hospital, the Faculty of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons own and control the Cleveland General Hopsital, so that the students of our
College enjoy exclusive use of its clinics. More than eight hundred patients were treated in ward in
the General Hospital in 1900, besides more than eight thousand cases in the Free Daily Dispensary.
There were also twenty-seven students in the Training-School for Nurses. The combined clinics of the
two hospitals are unsurpassed by any other medical college in the country, and bring yearly additions
to the senior class from other medical schools in Ohio and even from medical schools in Michigan,
New York, and Philadelphia.
The Faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons is composed of nearly fifty of the leading
physicians in Cleveland, some of whom, although young, have established a national reputation by their
researches. No physician is kept in the faculty simply upon his great reputation either as a practi-
tioner or as an investigator; but every member of the Faculty attends conscientiously to his duties as
an instructor and comes in personal contact with the students in their personal investigations under his
directions. For a catalogue address the Dean of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, corner
Brownell street and Central avenue, Cleveland, O.
[corresponds to page 46 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
tories has already been described in this brochure. It marks a most important advance in the evolution
of the University. We need only explain that the College of Physicians and Surgeons is located at
Cleveland rather than Delaware because of the necessity for large clinical advantages which can be
adequately supplied only in a great city. The students of our Medical Department have extraordinary
advantages in that while they share in the clinics of the City Hospital, the Faculty of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons own and control the Cleveland General Hopsital, so that the students of our
College enjoy exclusive use of its clinics. More than eight hundred patients were treated in ward in
the General Hospital in 1900, besides more than eight thousand cases in the Free Daily Dispensary.
There were also twenty-seven students in the Training-School for Nurses. The combined clinics of the
two hospitals are unsurpassed by any other medical college in the country, and bring yearly additions
to the senior class from other medical schools in Ohio and even from medical schools in Michigan,
New York, and Philadelphia.
The Faculty of the College of Physicians and Surgeons is composed of nearly fifty of the leading
physicians in Cleveland, some of whom, although young, have established a national reputation by their
researches. No physician is kept in the faculty simply upon his great reputation either as a practi-
tioner or as an investigator; but every member of the Faculty attends conscientiously to his duties as
an instructor and comes in personal contact with the students in their personal investigations under his
directions. For a catalogue address the Dean of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, corner
Brownell street and Central avenue, Cleveland, O.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 49)
[page 49]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 47 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of hospital]
The Cleveland General Hospital extends from Woodland Avenue, as seen above, the depth of
one square through to Orange Street.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 47 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[photo of hospital]
The Cleveland General Hospital extends from Woodland Avenue, as seen above, the depth of
one square through to Orange Street.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 50)
[page 50]
[corresponds to page 48 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
What It Costs.
The information given here is intended to indicate only in outline the various scales of expenditure
of students. For the benefit of young men and young women who desire fuller details, the University
has recently issued two leaflets entitled "What it Costs a Young Man at Ohio Wesleyan University"
and "Expenses at Monnett Hall." These cover almost every point of inquiry. The former is of
value to persons who are concerned about the matter of self-support. Either leaflet will be mailed on
Honor Gradu- Any young man, or young woman, who completes the course of study in the community in which
ates from he or she resides, and is designated by the Principal of the High School or the Superintendent of
High Schools. Schools as the first honor student in the graduating class, is entitled to a Free Scholarship in the Ohio
Wesleyan University during his college course. This Honor Scholarship is granted to only one graduate
each year of each school applying for it. If the High School offers two or more courses of study, the
Principal selects the honor graduate from the course which offers the best preparation for entrance to
college. The Free Scholarship covers the tuition for the entire four years' course at college, but does
not cover the incidental or laboratory fees. The printed form, officially signed, will be forwarded at
once on application to the President.
Two Dollars It is believed that there is no institution in the country with an equally high grade of scholarship
for One Dollar. where a liberal education can be secured at less expense. Tuition alone in the leading colleges in the
East is from $100 to $150 per year. Upon the other hand, thousands attend some school offering
comparatively slight advantages because they suppose the expenses must be far less there than at a large
[corresponds to page 48 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
What It Costs.
The information given here is intended to indicate only in outline the various scales of expenditure
of students. For the benefit of young men and young women who desire fuller details, the University
has recently issued two leaflets entitled "What it Costs a Young Man at Ohio Wesleyan University"
and "Expenses at Monnett Hall." These cover almost every point of inquiry. The former is of
value to persons who are concerned about the matter of self-support. Either leaflet will be mailed on
Honor Gradu- Any young man, or young woman, who completes the course of study in the community in which
ates from he or she resides, and is designated by the Principal of the High School or the Superintendent of
High Schools. Schools as the first honor student in the graduating class, is entitled to a Free Scholarship in the Ohio
Wesleyan University during his college course. This Honor Scholarship is granted to only one graduate
each year of each school applying for it. If the High School offers two or more courses of study, the
Principal selects the honor graduate from the course which offers the best preparation for entrance to
college. The Free Scholarship covers the tuition for the entire four years' course at college, but does
not cover the incidental or laboratory fees. The printed form, officially signed, will be forwarded at
once on application to the President.
Two Dollars It is believed that there is no institution in the country with an equally high grade of scholarship
for One Dollar. where a liberal education can be secured at less expense. Tuition alone in the leading colleges in the
East is from $100 to $150 per year. Upon the other hand, thousands attend some school offering
comparatively slight advantages because they suppose the expenses must be far less there than at a large
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 51)
[page 51]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 49 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 49 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 52)
[page 52]
[corresponds to page 50 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
and well-equipped institution.
The mistake is a natural one,
but facts show that just the
reverse is true. Private
schools and institutions with
little or no endowment must
of necessity be supported en-
tirely by the students attend- [photo of house]
ing themm, while in a large and RACHEL HARTUPEE MISSIONARY HOME.
well-endowed college the ex-
penses are largely met by the
benevolence of friends. The
Ohio Wesleyan University
possesses property in build-
ings, grounds, endowment
funds, etc., valued at $1,-
357,000; its professors are
paid in part by the income of the endowment. Every student attending the University enjoys his full
share of all benevolent contributions which have been made to it. It is conducted not for the purpose
of making money, but to dispense the benefactions of generous donors. The total tuition, incidental
and laboratory fees paid by the students meet scarcely more than one-third of the total expenses of the
University each year. Hence for every dollar which a student pays in fees the University places
nearly two dollars by the side of it and expends the three dollars for the benefit of the student. It
is no disparagement to private schools to say that they cannot offer their students the advantages which
an institution endowed as is the Ohio Wesleyan affords.
[corresponds to page 50 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
and well-equipped institution.
The mistake is a natural one,
but facts show that just the
reverse is true. Private
schools and institutions with
little or no endowment must
of necessity be supported en-
tirely by the students attend- [photo of house]
ing themm, while in a large and RACHEL HARTUPEE MISSIONARY HOME.
well-endowed college the ex-
penses are largely met by the
benevolence of friends. The
Ohio Wesleyan University
possesses property in build-
ings, grounds, endowment
funds, etc., valued at $1,-
357,000; its professors are
paid in part by the income of the endowment. Every student attending the University enjoys his full
share of all benevolent contributions which have been made to it. It is conducted not for the purpose
of making money, but to dispense the benefactions of generous donors. The total tuition, incidental
and laboratory fees paid by the students meet scarcely more than one-third of the total expenses of the
University each year. Hence for every dollar which a student pays in fees the University places
nearly two dollars by the side of it and expends the three dollars for the benefit of the student. It
is no disparagement to private schools to say that they cannot offer their students the advantages which
an institution endowed as is the Ohio Wesleyan affords.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 53)
[page 53]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 51 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
It is somewhat difficult to estimate the expenses of a young person in college, because the cost of Necessary
living varies with the habits, tastes and financial ability of people. To a large number of students, the Expenses.
cost of an education is not a matter of consideration; they have parents or friends who are more than
willing to pay the bills, if they will only do the work. To a larger number, the question of cost is a
more serious problem; for their parents or friends are unable to pay more than a portion of the expense,
and they must supplement their limited income with earnings from day to day or during vacations. To
very many others, the most serious problem is that of expense; they are without income or assistance
from parents or friends, and are wholly dependent upon their own endeavors. To this self-dependent
class have belonged hosts of men and women whose names are among the immortals--Ralph Waldo
Emerson who blacked the boots of the President of Harvard College, and Martin Luther who sang in
the streets for pay.
The cost of living in Delaware is not high; it is much less than in a city. Indeed, one of the Item by Item.
advantages of residence in Delaware is that it is within thirty-five minutes of Columbus by any one of
three railway routes, with a trolley line projected, and at the same time retired enough for quiet study
and wholesome recreation and fullness of life at a reasonable expense. Some conception of the total
expense of the University, aside from the cost of clothing and traveling, may be formed by the follow-
ing itemized estimates:
Incidental fee, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00 to $12.00
Scholarship, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.33 to 5.00
Table board in private family, per week . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 to 3.00
Table board in club, per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 to 2.50
Self board, per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 to 1.25
Furnished rooms for two persons, each person per week . . . . .50 to 1.25
[corresponds to unlabeled page 51 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
It is somewhat difficult to estimate the expenses of a young person in college, because the cost of Necessary
living varies with the habits, tastes and financial ability of people. To a large number of students, the Expenses.
cost of an education is not a matter of consideration; they have parents or friends who are more than
willing to pay the bills, if they will only do the work. To a larger number, the question of cost is a
more serious problem; for their parents or friends are unable to pay more than a portion of the expense,
and they must supplement their limited income with earnings from day to day or during vacations. To
very many others, the most serious problem is that of expense; they are without income or assistance
from parents or friends, and are wholly dependent upon their own endeavors. To this self-dependent
class have belonged hosts of men and women whose names are among the immortals--Ralph Waldo
Emerson who blacked the boots of the President of Harvard College, and Martin Luther who sang in
the streets for pay.
The cost of living in Delaware is not high; it is much less than in a city. Indeed, one of the Item by Item.
advantages of residence in Delaware is that it is within thirty-five minutes of Columbus by any one of
three railway routes, with a trolley line projected, and at the same time retired enough for quiet study
and wholesome recreation and fullness of life at a reasonable expense. Some conception of the total
expense of the University, aside from the cost of clothing and traveling, may be formed by the follow-
ing itemized estimates:
Incidental fee, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$8.00 to $12.00
Scholarship, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.33 to 5.00
Table board in private family, per week . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 to 3.00
Table board in club, per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 to 2.50
Self board, per week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 to 1.25
Furnished rooms for two persons, each person per week . . . . .50 to 1.25
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 54)
[page 54]
[corresponds to page 52 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Fuel, light, and washing, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 to $35.00
Text-books, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 to 30.00
Laboratory fees, per term, usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00
We know students who are boarding themselves and bringing their actual expenses at the College
down to $35 per term. Others boarding at clubs are bringing their expenses down to $50 per term.
Others are living better and spending more for books, entertainments, etc., whose legitimate expenses
are $75 to $100 per term. Fuller information will be given on application to the President of the
University, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, or the Dean of Monnett Hall.
How It Pays.
Measurement It is vastly better to attend any school where there are earnest teachers and ambitious pupils
of Values. struggling for an education than to remain unfitted for the work of the twentieth century. But there
are varying values in education as there are varying values in clothing or lands. The lowest priced
goods are seldom the cheapest. To determine the value of institutions of learning, compare the
original cost of an education with the value of the advantages offered by each. The chief cost of an
education is not in the money which one pays for tuition, but in the value of the time spent at the
college. You have only one youth in which to secure preparation for a lifetime of service to the world.
Can you afford therefore, for the sake of a slight difference in tuition, to spend your golden years of
preparation in a college destitute of the equipments necessary for educational work, and lacking in funds
with which to command the ablest teachers, when a slight increase in expenditures will secure the
enjoyment of all the advantages which come from more than a million dollars in buildings and equip-
ments and endowments?
[corresponds to page 52 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Fuel, light, and washing, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 to $35.00
Text-books, per term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 to 30.00
Laboratory fees, per term, usually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00
We know students who are boarding themselves and bringing their actual expenses at the College
down to $35 per term. Others boarding at clubs are bringing their expenses down to $50 per term.
Others are living better and spending more for books, entertainments, etc., whose legitimate expenses
are $75 to $100 per term. Fuller information will be given on application to the President of the
University, the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, or the Dean of Monnett Hall.
How It Pays.
Measurement It is vastly better to attend any school where there are earnest teachers and ambitious pupils
of Values. struggling for an education than to remain unfitted for the work of the twentieth century. But there
are varying values in education as there are varying values in clothing or lands. The lowest priced
goods are seldom the cheapest. To determine the value of institutions of learning, compare the
original cost of an education with the value of the advantages offered by each. The chief cost of an
education is not in the money which one pays for tuition, but in the value of the time spent at the
college. You have only one youth in which to secure preparation for a lifetime of service to the world.
Can you afford therefore, for the sake of a slight difference in tuition, to spend your golden years of
preparation in a college destitute of the equipments necessary for educational work, and lacking in funds
with which to command the ablest teachers, when a slight increase in expenditures will secure the
enjoyment of all the advantages which come from more than a million dollars in buildings and equip-
ments and endowments?
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 55)
[page 55]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 53 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Nearly Two Hundred Young Ladies at Table.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 53 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Nearly Two Hundred Young Ladies at Table.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 56)
[page 56]
[corresponds to page 54 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Scholastic But will not this same argument lead young people to seek older universities, where the tuition and
Honors for the rates of living are much higher than at Delaware? Our students are securing as good results as
Our Graduates. could be secured in the East; and at one-half the expense. Three of our students recently completed
graduate courses at Yale, where they were brought into competition with graduates from the leading
colleges in the land. Yet two of our three graduates secured special recognition based upon scholar-
ship. Seven of our graduates were enrolled in Harvard recently, four of whom secured special
recognition for their scholarship. Five of our graduates have recently studied at Johns Hopkins in
competition with three hundred graduates from the leading colleges of the land. Three of them won
fellowships of $500 each offered to the twenty best students in the University. Five of our graduates
completed the theological course in the Boston University recently in a class of forty-six. Our five
representatives secured two of the four honors awarded on graduation day. The Theological School
of Boston University and Drew Theological Seminary have recently established fellowships for foreign
study. Our graduates have won nearly half of these fellowships, although they number less than one-
tenth of the students in these schools. It was such facts as these which led President Hayes to
remark that he was familiar with the great colleges of the land, and that he believed the Ohio Wesleyan
University and Oberlin had the cream of American students.
Honors in Although the classes are divided into relatively small sections for recitations, yet the large attend-
Oratory and ance at the University awakens enthusaism and secures a broad testing of one's powers such as only
Debate. numbers can ensure. Again, students are in attendance at present from eighty-six out of the eighty-eight
counties in the state. The number, the distribution and the close fellowship of the graduates are of
inestimable advantage to a young man planning to engage in a profession or to enter upon a public
career in Ohio. While the University has always fostered scholarship, she has remained in touch with the
great outside world. Our eleven literary societies lead our students to discuss the problems of the day.
For fifteen years the University was associated with ten of the leading colleges of the state in oratorical
[corresponds to page 54 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Scholastic But will not this same argument lead young people to seek older universities, where the tuition and
Honors for the rates of living are much higher than at Delaware? Our students are securing as good results as
Our Graduates. could be secured in the East; and at one-half the expense. Three of our students recently completed
graduate courses at Yale, where they were brought into competition with graduates from the leading
colleges in the land. Yet two of our three graduates secured special recognition based upon scholar-
ship. Seven of our graduates were enrolled in Harvard recently, four of whom secured special
recognition for their scholarship. Five of our graduates have recently studied at Johns Hopkins in
competition with three hundred graduates from the leading colleges of the land. Three of them won
fellowships of $500 each offered to the twenty best students in the University. Five of our graduates
completed the theological course in the Boston University recently in a class of forty-six. Our five
representatives secured two of the four honors awarded on graduation day. The Theological School
of Boston University and Drew Theological Seminary have recently established fellowships for foreign
study. Our graduates have won nearly half of these fellowships, although they number less than one-
tenth of the students in these schools. It was such facts as these which led President Hayes to
remark that he was familiar with the great colleges of the land, and that he believed the Ohio Wesleyan
University and Oberlin had the cream of American students.
Honors in Although the classes are divided into relatively small sections for recitations, yet the large attend-
Oratory and ance at the University awakens enthusaism and secures a broad testing of one's powers such as only
Debate. numbers can ensure. Again, students are in attendance at present from eighty-six out of the eighty-eight
counties in the state. The number, the distribution and the close fellowship of the graduates are of
inestimable advantage to a young man planning to engage in a profession or to enter upon a public
career in Ohio. While the University has always fostered scholarship, she has remained in touch with the
great outside world. Our eleven literary societies lead our students to discuss the problems of the day.
For fifteen years the University was associated with ten of the leading colleges of the state in oratorical
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 57)
[page 57]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 55 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 55 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 58)
[page 58]
[corresponds to page 56 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
contests. The practical cast of our
college life together with the advan-
tages of the School of Oratory enabled
our representatives to win against the
entire field seven of these fifteen con-
tests. In 1897 the University de-
cided to secure literary foemen
worthy of her steel. She withdrew
from the State Oratorical Association [photo]
and joined with Cornell University, LITERARY SOCIETY HALL.
Ithaca, New York, and with the
State Universities of Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois in forming the Central
Oratorical League. She also joined
with Oberlin College, the State Uni-
versity and the Western Reserve
University in forming the Ohio De-
bating League. In the Debating
League the Ohio Wesleyan University is thus far in the lead, having won four of the five annual debating
contests; while in the Central Oratorical League she has won the first place against the field in the three
contests which have thus far taken place.
During the last few years our students have listened to lectures or addresses by such teachers as
Professors White of Harvard, and Raymond of Princeton, and Bowne of Boston University; by such
college presidents as Bascom and Raymond and King and Rogers and Warren; by such representatives
[corresponds to page 56 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
contests. The practical cast of our
college life together with the advan-
tages of the School of Oratory enabled
our representatives to win against the
entire field seven of these fifteen con-
tests. In 1897 the University de-
cided to secure literary foemen
worthy of her steel. She withdrew
from the State Oratorical Association [photo]
and joined with Cornell University, LITERARY SOCIETY HALL.
Ithaca, New York, and with the
State Universities of Ohio, Indiana
and Illinois in forming the Central
Oratorical League. She also joined
with Oberlin College, the State Uni-
versity and the Western Reserve
University in forming the Ohio De-
bating League. In the Debating
League the Ohio Wesleyan University is thus far in the lead, having won four of the five annual debating
contests; while in the Central Oratorical League she has won the first place against the field in the three
contests which have thus far taken place.
During the last few years our students have listened to lectures or addresses by such teachers as
Professors White of Harvard, and Raymond of Princeton, and Bowne of Boston University; by such
college presidents as Bascom and Raymond and King and Rogers and Warren; by such representatives
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 59)
[page 59]
[corresponds to page 57 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
of other lands as Doctors
Gracey and Scott and Tho-
burn of India, Butler of Mex-
ico, and Drees of South
America; by such preachers
as Foster and Warren and
Fowler and Payne and Stalker [photo of house]
and George Adam Smith; by PRESIDENT'S RESIDENCE.
such lecturers as Conwell and
Dixon and Graves, Booker T.
Washington and Gunsaulus and
Edward Everett Hale; by
such statesmen as Sherman
and Gordon and McKinley;
by such reformers as Parkhurst
and Woolley and Miss Willard.
As Demosthenes was inspired
to eloquence by listening to the speeches of Isaeus and Isocrates, so the young people at Delaware have
been awakened to successful effort by listening to the masters of the age.
We cannot close without urging two considerations upon every young American. First, not the Food for
least of the inspirations in the life struggle comes from college friendships. The charm is of its kind Reflection.
and has no fellow. By it one may keep in touch with thinkers, moral giants, and seers with widened
vision. Fill your eye with the glorious work that Oxford has wrought in the unfolding of England;
or that Cambridge has won through her gifted children; or that Harvard and Yale and our own Ohio
[corresponds to page 57 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
of other lands as Doctors
Gracey and Scott and Tho-
burn of India, Butler of Mex-
ico, and Drees of South
America; by such preachers
as Foster and Warren and
Fowler and Payne and Stalker [photo of house]
and George Adam Smith; by PRESIDENT'S RESIDENCE.
such lecturers as Conwell and
Dixon and Graves, Booker T.
Washington and Gunsaulus and
Edward Everett Hale; by
such statesmen as Sherman
and Gordon and McKinley;
by such reformers as Parkhurst
and Woolley and Miss Willard.
As Demosthenes was inspired
to eloquence by listening to the speeches of Isaeus and Isocrates, so the young people at Delaware have
been awakened to successful effort by listening to the masters of the age.
We cannot close without urging two considerations upon every young American. First, not the Food for
least of the inspirations in the life struggle comes from college friendships. The charm is of its kind Reflection.
and has no fellow. By it one may keep in touch with thinkers, moral giants, and seers with widened
vision. Fill your eye with the glorious work that Oxford has wrought in the unfolding of England;
or that Cambridge has won through her gifted children; or that Harvard and Yale and our own Ohio
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 60)
[page 60]
[corresponds to page 58 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
colleges have gained in American history from the names of those who delight to bless the memory of
college days. Back of Gladstone at Oxford were Eliot, martyr for parliamentary liberty, and Pym,
Hampden, Locke, Wesley, Butler and Peel. Back of Macaulay at Cambridge were Cromwell, Newton,
and Milton, and the undergraduate filled his soul with the achievements of the noble men whose names
adorned the rolls of his alma mater. The class spirit never dies out while, as at old Miami, such names
as Harrison, Walden, Halstead and Gray still lift the little class out of the ordinary and stir to nobler
deeds its surviving members.
In our turn, we covet for you the distinction which very many of our graduate host have won.
Science, politics, journalism, reform, education, and religion lift the proud finger to the names of
Dolbear and Conklin, of Fairbanks and Hoyt, of Mendenhall and Edwards, of Gunsaulus, Thomson,
Woolley and Wheeler, of McDowell, Mansell, Thirkield and the Lowrys.
New Occasions Second, unless we mistake the signs of the times, there dawns a day which will force upon us a
New Duties. most exacting struggle. It is not for us to brush it aside. What signal advance the race is to organize,
and what master stroke our own land is to supply, we may not say; but of one thing we are assured:
that the direction of affairs will be assumed by disciplined minds and hearts. Too much is at stake to
allow options to the capricious incompetence of novices. The Higher Education will lead off in the
future as it has in the past whenever the race has fronted a crisis. The Higher Education achieved th
conquest of England under William of Normandy, and became a godsend to the English people. It
was the Higher Education that unified the English in the fourteenth century, when Wyclif and Chaucer
taught England her tongue of melodious energy with which to order the march of later ages. The
Higher Education swung Germany out from the sinister paternalism of the papacy into the free activities
of adult life. The same power lifted Scotland up among the princes of thought. Not otherwise was
it when the Oxford students of the last century helped God turn a corner in human history. Higher
Education aroused and then leagued Germany against foreign opposition in the early days of this
[corresponds to page 58 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
colleges have gained in American history from the names of those who delight to bless the memory of
college days. Back of Gladstone at Oxford were Eliot, martyr for parliamentary liberty, and Pym,
Hampden, Locke, Wesley, Butler and Peel. Back of Macaulay at Cambridge were Cromwell, Newton,
and Milton, and the undergraduate filled his soul with the achievements of the noble men whose names
adorned the rolls of his alma mater. The class spirit never dies out while, as at old Miami, such names
as Harrison, Walden, Halstead and Gray still lift the little class out of the ordinary and stir to nobler
deeds its surviving members.
In our turn, we covet for you the distinction which very many of our graduate host have won.
Science, politics, journalism, reform, education, and religion lift the proud finger to the names of
Dolbear and Conklin, of Fairbanks and Hoyt, of Mendenhall and Edwards, of Gunsaulus, Thomson,
Woolley and Wheeler, of McDowell, Mansell, Thirkield and the Lowrys.
New Occasions Second, unless we mistake the signs of the times, there dawns a day which will force upon us a
New Duties. most exacting struggle. It is not for us to brush it aside. What signal advance the race is to organize,
and what master stroke our own land is to supply, we may not say; but of one thing we are assured:
that the direction of affairs will be assumed by disciplined minds and hearts. Too much is at stake to
allow options to the capricious incompetence of novices. The Higher Education will lead off in the
future as it has in the past whenever the race has fronted a crisis. The Higher Education achieved th
conquest of England under William of Normandy, and became a godsend to the English people. It
was the Higher Education that unified the English in the fourteenth century, when Wyclif and Chaucer
taught England her tongue of melodious energy with which to order the march of later ages. The
Higher Education swung Germany out from the sinister paternalism of the papacy into the free activities
of adult life. The same power lifted Scotland up among the princes of thought. Not otherwise was
it when the Oxford students of the last century helped God turn a corner in human history. Higher
Education aroused and then leagued Germany against foreign opposition in the early days of this
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 61)
[page 61]
[corresponds to page 59 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
century; it trained a new band of leaders under Cavour and Mazzini for the unification of Italy; it shook
Bulgaria free a generation ago and made a nation out of waning hopes and suffling officialism. It has
done no less for us many times over.
Nor is its work done. It is to set the true standard of might. The one-fifteenth-of-one-per-cent The Hood of
man--for that is the proportion of college men to the whole population--is to do the hard and high America.
tasks of coming days. The small is to lead the huge. History is to repeat itself in the coming glories
of the Higher Education. You will not fail to apply the true criterion of power when you think of
Athens, which may be covered with the finger tip, or of Judea, the tiny fulcrum upon which a divine
lever was laid for the uplift of whole ages, for Pericles and Plato still eye the world from the little city
of Greece, and David and his Greater Son still calm the world's tumults from the mountain town
between the river and the sea. Not size but worth, not extent of land, but trained character are
wanted. When one asked where Italy was six centuries ago, the answer came: "Under the hood of
Dante!" Higher Education is to be the hood of America for the twentieth century.
Line up with the leaders! Fill your soul with the ambition of the great Cambridge college youth,
and may you be "inflamed with the study ofN learning and the admiration of virtue, stirred up with high
hopes of living to be brave men and worthy patriots, dear to God and famous to all ages."
[corresponds to page 59 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
century; it trained a new band of leaders under Cavour and Mazzini for the unification of Italy; it shook
Bulgaria free a generation ago and made a nation out of waning hopes and suffling officialism. It has
done no less for us many times over.
Nor is its work done. It is to set the true standard of might. The one-fifteenth-of-one-per-cent The Hood of
man--for that is the proportion of college men to the whole population--is to do the hard and high America.
tasks of coming days. The small is to lead the huge. History is to repeat itself in the coming glories
of the Higher Education. You will not fail to apply the true criterion of power when you think of
Athens, which may be covered with the finger tip, or of Judea, the tiny fulcrum upon which a divine
lever was laid for the uplift of whole ages, for Pericles and Plato still eye the world from the little city
of Greece, and David and his Greater Son still calm the world's tumults from the mountain town
between the river and the sea. Not size but worth, not extent of land, but trained character are
wanted. When one asked where Italy was six centuries ago, the answer came: "Under the hood of
Dante!" Higher Education is to be the hood of America for the twentieth century.
Line up with the leaders! Fill your soul with the ambition of the great Cambridge college youth,
and may you be "inflamed with the study ofN learning and the admiration of virtue, stirred up with high
hopes of living to be brave men and worthy patriots, dear to God and famous to all ages."
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 62)
[page 62]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 60 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
One who is familiar with the grounds can locate the Gymnasium, Elliott Hall, Sturges
Hall, the Library, Gray Chapel, and Merrick Hall of Science.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 60 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
One who is familiar with the grounds can locate the Gymnasium, Elliott Hall, Sturges
Hall, the Library, Gray Chapel, and Merrick Hall of Science.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 63)
[page 63]
[corresponds to page 61 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Send to the President or to any member of the Faculty, Delaware, O., for catalogue showing
latest changes in courses of study and requirements for admission. The General Secretary of the
College Y.M.C.A. expects to be able to send to every student who notifies us of his intention to
enter the University, a new illustrated booklet containing a map of Delaware and valuable and detailed
information not otherwise available for new students.
[corresponds to page 61 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Send to the President or to any member of the Faculty, Delaware, O., for catalogue showing
latest changes in courses of study and requirements for admission. The General Secretary of the
College Y.M.C.A. expects to be able to send to every student who notifies us of his intention to
enter the University, a new illustrated booklet containing a map of Delaware and valuable and detailed
information not otherwise available for new students.
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 64)
[page 64]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 62 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[image of person holding OWU diploma]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 62 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[image of person holding OWU diploma]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 65)
[page 65]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 63 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 63 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 66)
[page 66]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 64 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 64 of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University (p. 67)
[page 67]
[corresponds to inside of back cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
[corresponds to inside of back cover of OWU Bulletin 1901]
Dublin Core
Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University
Campus--Services--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio
History--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Delaware County
Social aspects--Ohio Wesleyan University--1901
History--Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Ohio
Ohio Wesleyan University--Delaware--Delaware County
Social aspects--Ohio Wesleyan University--1901
Illustrated bulletin detailing life at Ohio Wesleyan University in 1901
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio.
James W. Bashford, Ph.D, D.D., President, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1901
Still Image
Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware County, Ohio., “Bulletin of Ohio Wesleyan University,” Delaware County Memory, accessed January 24, 2025, http://delawarecountymemory.org/items/show/170.