The Owl 1916
The Owl 1916 (2)
page 2
Corresponds to inside cover of The Owl 1916
Carleton S. Burrer
47 N. Morning Street
Sunbury, Ohio 43074
Corresponds to inside cover of The Owl 1916
Carleton S. Burrer
47 N. Morning Street
Sunbury, Ohio 43074
The Owl 1916 (3)
page 3
Corresponds to front of blue flyleaf of The Owl 1916
Carleton S. Burrer
Corresponds to front of blue flyleaf of The Owl 1916
Carleton S. Burrer
The Owl 1916 (5)
page 5
Corresponds to unnumbered title page of The Owl 1916
Corresponds to unnumbered title page of The Owl 1916
The Owl 1916 (6)
page 6
Corresponds to page 2 of The Owl 1916
The time for publishing our Annual has again arrived.
The Student body seemed to be a unit in declaring their
intention of making this the best publication the school
has ever gotten up. And in order to realize the desire
neither time nor money has been spared. Much praise is due the
business men and other public spirited people of the community
for their interest and support, and to them belongs much credit for
whatever measure of success this Annual is. May the Annual
continue to grow from year to year in beauty and size.
Corresponds to page 2 of The Owl 1916
The time for publishing our Annual has again arrived.
The Student body seemed to be a unit in declaring their
intention of making this the best publication the school
has ever gotten up. And in order to realize the desire
neither time nor money has been spared. Much praise is due the
business men and other public spirited people of the community
for their interest and support, and to them belongs much credit for
whatever measure of success this Annual is. May the Annual
continue to grow from year to year in beauty and size.
The Owl 1916 (7)
page 7
Corresponds to page 3 of The Owl 1916
photo of the Sunbury School
Corresponds to page 3 of The Owl 1916
photo of the Sunbury School
The Owl 1916 (8)
page 8
Corresponds to page 4 of The Owl 1916
(Back row left to right) Llewellyn Davis, Led McCoy, Dwight
(Sitting left to right) William Frazier, Ray Eley, Elizabeth
Literary EditorLEO McCOY
Athletic EditorRAY ELEY
Advertising EditorDWIGHT HUSTON
Faculty AdvisersELEANOR HUSTON
Corresponds to page 4 of The Owl 1916
(Back row left to right) Llewellyn Davis, Led McCoy, Dwight
(Sitting left to right) William Frazier, Ray Eley, Elizabeth
Literary EditorLEO McCOY
Athletic EditorRAY ELEY
Advertising EditorDWIGHT HUSTON
Faculty AdvisersELEANOR HUSTON
The Owl 1916 (9)
page 9
Corresponds to page 5 of The Owl 1916
"All people said she had authority."
"A youth wise beyond his years."
Base Ball 14-15; Basket Ball; Vice. Pres.
of Philo Society; Sec'y of Class 15-16
"As faithful as "Old Faithful'."
Corresponds to page 5 of The Owl 1916
"All people said she had authority."
"A youth wise beyond his years."
Base Ball 14-15; Basket Ball; Vice. Pres.
of Philo Society; Sec'y of Class 15-16
"As faithful as "Old Faithful'."
The Owl 1916 (10)
page 10
Corresponds to page 6 of The Owl 1916
"An ounce of pluck is worth a ton of luck."
"I woke up one morning and found myself
Sec'y. A. A., '13; Editor-in-Chief of
Annual 15-16; Sec'y. of Junior class '15;
Captain of Track, '16; Debating, '16
"A might fine fellow, always ready to
make himself useful."
Capt. Basket Ball '13; Base Ball '14;
Pres. Athenian Society '15; Pres. Senior
Class '16; Basket ball '13-'16; Base ball
'13-'14; Debating '16; Track '15-'16;
Literary Editor '15. Athletic Editor '16.
"He who invented work should have finished
Base ball '13, '14: Basket Ball '13-'16;
Track '14-'15.
Corresponds to page 6 of The Owl 1916
"An ounce of pluck is worth a ton of luck."
"I woke up one morning and found myself
Sec'y. A. A., '13; Editor-in-Chief of
Annual 15-16; Sec'y. of Junior class '15;
Captain of Track, '16; Debating, '16
"A might fine fellow, always ready to
make himself useful."
Capt. Basket Ball '13; Base Ball '14;
Pres. Athenian Society '15; Pres. Senior
Class '16; Basket ball '13-'16; Base ball
'13-'14; Debating '16; Track '15-'16;
Literary Editor '15. Athletic Editor '16.
"He who invented work should have finished
Base ball '13, '14: Basket Ball '13-'16;
Track '14-'15.
The Owl 1916 (11)
page 11
Corresponds to page 7 of The Owl 1916
"I have a heart with room for every joy."
Pianist of Philo Society '14-'15; Sec'y
Society '15.
"Oh don't you remember sweet Janie?"
R. O. H. S. '12-'15; S. H. S. '15-'16;
Pres. A. A. '15-'16; Vice Pres. Athenian
Society; Orchestera '16; Debating '16;
Advertising Editor '16; Manager Basket
Ball '15-'16
"The worst of having a romance is that it
leaves one so unromantic."
Mt. Sterling High '12-'15;S.H.S. '15-'16;
Pres. Philo Society '15-'16.
"Thine is such music as would charm the
savage breast."
Corresponds to page 7 of The Owl 1916
"I have a heart with room for every joy."
Pianist of Philo Society '14-'15; Sec'y
Society '15.
"Oh don't you remember sweet Janie?"
R. O. H. S. '12-'15; S. H. S. '15-'16;
Pres. A. A. '15-'16; Vice Pres. Athenian
Society; Orchestera '16; Debating '16;
Advertising Editor '16; Manager Basket
Ball '15-'16
"The worst of having a romance is that it
leaves one so unromantic."
Mt. Sterling High '12-'15;S.H.S. '15-'16;
Pres. Philo Society '15-'16.
"Thine is such music as would charm the
savage breast."
The Owl 1916 (12)
page 12
Corresponds to page 8 of The Owl 1916
"And who, though vanquished he could
argue still."
Manager Base ball '14-'15; Capt. Basket
Ball '15-'16; Athenian Debator '15; Cheer
Leader '16.
"Golden kisses are always sweet praises."
Pres. Junior Class '14-'15; Pres. Athenian
Society '15; Presiding officer of Literary
Contest '16; Basket Ball Squad '15-'16.
"I have never found the limit of my capacity.
"She hath a tender heart."
Sec'y. Philo Society '15; Girls' Basket
Ball '15-'16.
Corresponds to page 8 of The Owl 1916
"And who, though vanquished he could
argue still."
Manager Base ball '14-'15; Capt. Basket
Ball '15-'16; Athenian Debator '15; Cheer
Leader '16.
"Golden kisses are always sweet praises."
Pres. Junior Class '14-'15; Pres. Athenian
Society '15; Presiding officer of Literary
Contest '16; Basket Ball Squad '15-'16.
"I have never found the limit of my capacity.
"She hath a tender heart."
Sec'y. Philo Society '15; Girls' Basket
Ball '15-'16.
The Owl 1916 (13)
page 13
Corresponds to page 9 of The Owl 1916
Much wisdom often goes with fewest
He that governs well leads the blind,
but he that teaches gives him eyes.
"Knowledge is power."
Corresponds to page 9 of The Owl 1916
Much wisdom often goes with fewest
He that governs well leads the blind,
but he that teaches gives him eyes.
"Knowledge is power."
The Owl 1916 (14)
page 14
Corresponds to page 10 of The Owl 1916
The fewer the words the better the
To think is to become.
High aims bring out great minds.
All work and no play is the price of a
Corresponds to page 10 of The Owl 1916
The fewer the words the better the
To think is to become.
High aims bring out great minds.
All work and no play is the price of a
The Owl 1916 (15)
page 15
Corresponds to page 11 of The Owl 1916
Talent is something, but tact is everything.
To do is but to live.
I have no parting sigh to give, so take
my parting smile.
illustration of flowers in vase
Corresponds to page 11 of The Owl 1916
Talent is something, but tact is everything.
To do is but to live.
I have no parting sigh to give, so take
my parting smile.
illustration of flowers in vase
The Owl 1916 (16)
page 16
Corresponds to page 12 of The Owl 1916
County Superintendent
District Superintendent
Normal Director
Corresponds to page 12 of The Owl 1916
County Superintendent
District Superintendent
Normal Director
The Owl 1916 (17)
page 17
Corresponds to page 13 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man playing an instrument with words One more year! coming out
Corresponds to page 13 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man playing an instrument with words One more year! coming out
The Owl 1916 (18)
page 18
Corresponds to page 14 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class
(Front row left to right) Eleanor Granger, Lucille Cook, Mona
Cockrell, Edith Gorsuch, Nellie Brooks, Mary Bolton.
(Back row) Donald Main, Clyde Barton, Leo McCoy, Newell
McElwee, Cloise Grey, Clyde Bricker.
Corresponds to page 14 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class
(Front row left to right) Eleanor Granger, Lucille Cook, Mona
Cockrell, Edith Gorsuch, Nellie Brooks, Mary Bolton.
(Back row) Donald Main, Clyde Barton, Leo McCoy, Newell
McElwee, Cloise Grey, Clyde Bricker.
The Owl 1916 (19)
page 19
Corresponds to page 15 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class
(Front row left to right) Nancy Walters, Elizabeth Summers,
Opal Hupp, Susie Spearman, Floy Orndorff, Elizabeth Gorsuch.
(Back row) Armand Patrick, Harold Meeker, Lehr Perfect,
Roland Sedgwick, Everett Perfect.
Corresponds to page 15 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class
(Front row left to right) Nancy Walters, Elizabeth Summers,
Opal Hupp, Susie Spearman, Floy Orndorff, Elizabeth Gorsuch.
(Back row) Armand Patrick, Harold Meeker, Lehr Perfect,
Roland Sedgwick, Everett Perfect.
The Owl 1916 (20)
page 20
Corresponds to page 16 of The Owl 1916
(Front row left to right) William Frazier, Hugh Rosecrans, Cepter
Stark, Merwin Fisher, Theodore Saunders, Cecil Ford, Clyde Barker.
(Second row) Florence Sherbourne, Mildred Boy, Ruth Huston,
Leta Speer, Lillian Grey, Mary Williams, Verma Perfect.
(Third row) Ruth Domigan, Mabel Gammil, Grace Domigan,
Grace Fisher, Katheryn Walters, Gertrude Weiser, Ethel Furry.
(Fourth row) Harry Ford, Cecil Bricker, Homer Fisher, Ansel
Wilcox, Vernie Cline, Chester Cring, Gordon Huston.
Corresponds to page 16 of The Owl 1916
(Front row left to right) William Frazier, Hugh Rosecrans, Cepter
Stark, Merwin Fisher, Theodore Saunders, Cecil Ford, Clyde Barker.
(Second row) Florence Sherbourne, Mildred Boy, Ruth Huston,
Leta Speer, Lillian Grey, Mary Williams, Verma Perfect.
(Third row) Ruth Domigan, Mabel Gammil, Grace Domigan,
Grace Fisher, Katheryn Walters, Gertrude Weiser, Ethel Furry.
(Fourth row) Harry Ford, Cecil Bricker, Homer Fisher, Ansel
Wilcox, Vernie Cline, Chester Cring, Gordon Huston.
The Owl 1916 (21)
page 21
Corresponds to page 17 of The Owl 1916
(Front row left to right) Forest Wilcox, Herbert Kempton, Ray-
mond Axline, Arthur Murphy, Joseph Chamberlain, Dennis Ed-
wards, Cecil Townley.
(Second row) Ethel Forwood, Ruby Chandler, Theo Farman,
Margaret Hough, Goldie Lloyd, Elizabeth Utley, Dorothy Hupp,
Mary Cring.
(Third Row) Myrtle Buel, Paul Walker, Charles Robinson,
Clarence Pace, Clayton Spenser, George Chambers, Genevieve
Granger, Elizabeth Weiss.
(Fourth row) Herschel Hill, Frank Frye, Claude Bonham, Loy
Perfect, Vergil Perfect, Herman Hill, Dean Lane, Bernard Baker.
Corresponds to page 17 of The Owl 1916
(Front row left to right) Forest Wilcox, Herbert Kempton, Ray-
mond Axline, Arthur Murphy, Joseph Chamberlain, Dennis Ed-
wards, Cecil Townley.
(Second row) Ethel Forwood, Ruby Chandler, Theo Farman,
Margaret Hough, Goldie Lloyd, Elizabeth Utley, Dorothy Hupp,
Mary Cring.
(Third Row) Myrtle Buel, Paul Walker, Charles Robinson,
Clarence Pace, Clayton Spenser, George Chambers, Genevieve
Granger, Elizabeth Weiss.
(Fourth row) Herschel Hill, Frank Frye, Claude Bonham, Loy
Perfect, Vergil Perfect, Herman Hill, Dean Lane, Bernard Baker.
The Owl 1916 (22)
page 22
Corresponds to page 18 of The Owl 1916
illustratiom of books on a book shelf
Corresponds to page 18 of The Owl 1916
illustratiom of books on a book shelf
The Owl 1916 (23)
page 23
Corresponds to page 19 of The Owl 1916
Class Will
We, the students of the Sunbury, Delaware County Normal
School, Sunbury, Ohio of 1916, being of sound and dis-
posing mind and memory and about to depart from
pleasures of our school life, do hereby make and publish
this as and for our last will and testament, hereby revoking and
making void every and all other wills, by us at any time heretofore
made. And first, we direct our executors, herein after named, to
pay all our just debts, funeral expenses and the expense incident to
the administration of our estate, as soon as reasonably may be after
our decease.
Item I. We give, devise and bequeath to our beloved Board of
Education our most sincere gratitude for their kindness and liber-
ality in furnishing us with our modern equipment, up-to-date school
room and supplies.
Item II. To Patrick & Strong our up-to-date gas stove.
Item III. To Slim Huston a bottle of Dr. King's fat reducer.
Item IV. To Mr. Neilson the large mirror of the Toilet Room
Item V. To Lillian Gray the right to find a new beau.
Item VI. To the Sophomores of s.H.S. a train of cars and
a few other toys with which to amuse them.
Item VII. To Lamont Kempton an automobile in which he
can ride instead of walking so much every noon and evening.
Item VIII. To Richard Paul a scholarship from S.H.S.
Item IX. To Cepter Stark a pony to help him to the Caesar
Item X. To the pupils of Elementary Grades the right to enter
the Normal School without knocking.
Item XI. To noisy Seniors the partition on which to play a
Item XII. To Flo Orndorff, Mona Cockrell, Let Speer, Gene-
vieve Granger and Lillian Grey a toilet set with paints, powder and
Item XIII. To Dwight Huston the privilege of entering the
Normal School Room quietly, but not to interrupt our Director or
to talk without permission.
Item XIV. To Prof. St. Clair the power to see a joke.
Item XV. To Prof. Eswine all the Lover's Knots tied by the
Normal School
Item XVI. To Prof. Utley the privilege to go fishing in Little
Walnut whenever he so desires.
Item XVII. To County Supt. Lybarger a new "Ford."
Item XVIII. To Miss Bair a box of dyspepsia tablets to help
her digest the many things she is required to taste in Domestic
Corresponds to page 19 of The Owl 1916
Class Will
We, the students of the Sunbury, Delaware County Normal
School, Sunbury, Ohio of 1916, being of sound and dis-
posing mind and memory and about to depart from
pleasures of our school life, do hereby make and publish
this as and for our last will and testament, hereby revoking and
making void every and all other wills, by us at any time heretofore
made. And first, we direct our executors, herein after named, to
pay all our just debts, funeral expenses and the expense incident to
the administration of our estate, as soon as reasonably may be after
our decease.
Item I. We give, devise and bequeath to our beloved Board of
Education our most sincere gratitude for their kindness and liber-
ality in furnishing us with our modern equipment, up-to-date school
room and supplies.
Item II. To Patrick & Strong our up-to-date gas stove.
Item III. To Slim Huston a bottle of Dr. King's fat reducer.
Item IV. To Mr. Neilson the large mirror of the Toilet Room
Item V. To Lillian Gray the right to find a new beau.
Item VI. To the Sophomores of s.H.S. a train of cars and
a few other toys with which to amuse them.
Item VII. To Lamont Kempton an automobile in which he
can ride instead of walking so much every noon and evening.
Item VIII. To Richard Paul a scholarship from S.H.S.
Item IX. To Cepter Stark a pony to help him to the Caesar
Item X. To the pupils of Elementary Grades the right to enter
the Normal School without knocking.
Item XI. To noisy Seniors the partition on which to play a
Item XII. To Flo Orndorff, Mona Cockrell, Let Speer, Gene-
vieve Granger and Lillian Grey a toilet set with paints, powder and
Item XIII. To Dwight Huston the privilege of entering the
Normal School Room quietly, but not to interrupt our Director or
to talk without permission.
Item XIV. To Prof. St. Clair the power to see a joke.
Item XV. To Prof. Eswine all the Lover's Knots tied by the
Normal School
Item XVI. To Prof. Utley the privilege to go fishing in Little
Walnut whenever he so desires.
Item XVII. To County Supt. Lybarger a new "Ford."
Item XVIII. To Miss Bair a box of dyspepsia tablets to help
her digest the many things she is required to taste in Domestic
The Owl 1916 (24)
page 24
corresponds to page 20 of The Owl 1916
Item XIX. To Miss McClane and people of the community
our good will and best wishes.
Item XX. All the rest, residue and remainder of our estate,
real, personal and mixed, we give, devise and bequeath to the Janitor
and Driver of School Wagons, their heirs, executors and assigns
Item XXI. We do hereunto set our hand and seal this thirty-
first day of May A.D., 1916.
Helen Cook,
(For the Class.)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by Helen Cook (for
the class) the above named testator, as and for the last will and
testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, in his presence
and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our
names as witness.
(Seal) Martha Domigan.
(Seal) Nellie Strosnider.
(Seal) Nellie Duckworth.
Signed, sealed, and witnessed this thirty-first day of May, 1916.
Ten Commandments
1. Thou shalt not repeat answers.
2. Thous shalt not cut thy class to see thy best friend married
for thy director will not hold thee guiltless.
3. Thou shalt not fall in love (if it can be avoided) until thou
receiveth thy diploma.
4. Thou shalt not enter thy beloved building by another way
than the Normal School entrance.
5. Thou shalt not go to see thy best friend on Monday evening
or any other night except Friday and Saturday nights.
6. Thou shalt not lop, not sit on thy shoulder in thy seat, but
stand straight in thy way and sit up rightly.
7. Honor thy Normal School, that thy days may be long in the
realm of efficiency as a teacher.
8. Thou shalt consult the dictionary diligently, for therein
lies a world of wealth.
9. Remember thy advice and thy enthusiasm to keep it alive.
10. Thou shalt not covet traditional methods, thou shalt not
covet the desire to rule by absolute authority, nor anything obsolete.
corresponds to page 20 of The Owl 1916
Item XIX. To Miss McClane and people of the community
our good will and best wishes.
Item XX. All the rest, residue and remainder of our estate,
real, personal and mixed, we give, devise and bequeath to the Janitor
and Driver of School Wagons, their heirs, executors and assigns
Item XXI. We do hereunto set our hand and seal this thirty-
first day of May A.D., 1916.
Helen Cook,
(For the Class.)
Signed, sealed, published, and declared by Helen Cook (for
the class) the above named testator, as and for the last will and
testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, in his presence
and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our
names as witness.
(Seal) Martha Domigan.
(Seal) Nellie Strosnider.
(Seal) Nellie Duckworth.
Signed, sealed, and witnessed this thirty-first day of May, 1916.
Ten Commandments
1. Thou shalt not repeat answers.
2. Thous shalt not cut thy class to see thy best friend married
for thy director will not hold thee guiltless.
3. Thou shalt not fall in love (if it can be avoided) until thou
receiveth thy diploma.
4. Thou shalt not enter thy beloved building by another way
than the Normal School entrance.
5. Thou shalt not go to see thy best friend on Monday evening
or any other night except Friday and Saturday nights.
6. Thou shalt not lop, not sit on thy shoulder in thy seat, but
stand straight in thy way and sit up rightly.
7. Honor thy Normal School, that thy days may be long in the
realm of efficiency as a teacher.
8. Thou shalt consult the dictionary diligently, for therein
lies a world of wealth.
9. Remember thy advice and thy enthusiasm to keep it alive.
10. Thou shalt not covet traditional methods, thou shalt not
covet the desire to rule by absolute authority, nor anything obsolete.
The Owl 1916 (25)
page 25
Corresponds to page 21 of The Owl 1916
History of class of 1916
In our school it is considered an honor to have reached the
first year of high school or to belong to that select body
which is known as the freshman class.
Thus in the Grammar Grade we were being prepared for
High School work by the teacher Miss Ryant. If we attained a
degree of perfection so did Miss Ryant for in a short time she became
Mrs. Perfect.
With a large class increase by several foreign pupils we entered
High School with many thoughts and considerations among these
was the desire to graduate at the end of the four specified years.
We also were considering how we would be received by the other
classes. We reported to Mr. Utley, the Superintendent, and Mr.
Kaylor, Principal. Because of the increase of pupils it fell to the
lot of the Freshmen to remain in the Grammar Room until the new
addition could be completed. This did not cause us any serious
worry, for it would give us time to improve our fresh manners. It
did not take long to find out that Mr. Utley could teach algebra,
even if his temper became a little roiled when we failed on a prob-
lem. After the holidays we were moved into the new room. There
we found a new trouble before us, we were informed that every three
weeks we should take part in a literary program. This was not as
difficult as expected, for even if we did become a little frightened, and
did not deliver our productions up to the expectations of the teachers,
the greater part made as good an appearance as the so called upper
classmen, Juniors and Seniors.
Sooner than we expected the general appearance of the class
began to change from fresh to foolish or in other words, those who
could muster up a grade of 75% were raised to the rank of Sopho-
more. This did not affect all so we found the class somewhat lessened
in membership, some were attracted toward other duties, while
others decided that it would be best to get better acquainted with
the studies that they had, before taking up any more. During this
year there was a renewed activity in Literary. The School was
divided into two Societies, we were much honored by having the
President of one society elected from our class, since then we have
had four presidents chosen from the class. Before the end of the
first semester Mr. Kaylor was compelled to give up his duties as
Principal, because of sickness. To prevent our minds from forgetting
Caesar and Rhetoric, Mr. Plumb and later Miss Swope became our
instructors in those branches. We can but say that Mr. Plumb could
recite the commentaries equal to Caesar himself, and that Miss Swope
aided us in getting all that Shakespeare could desire from the study
of Merchant of Venice.
At the beginning of our Junior year the class was organized
with Mr. Harold Roof as President and at the same time we selected
Red and Black for our class colors, "Study and don't pay too much
attention to the young ladies" were the rules, which were enforced
Corresponds to page 21 of The Owl 1916
History of class of 1916
In our school it is considered an honor to have reached the
first year of high school or to belong to that select body
which is known as the freshman class.
Thus in the Grammar Grade we were being prepared for
High School work by the teacher Miss Ryant. If we attained a
degree of perfection so did Miss Ryant for in a short time she became
Mrs. Perfect.
With a large class increase by several foreign pupils we entered
High School with many thoughts and considerations among these
was the desire to graduate at the end of the four specified years.
We also were considering how we would be received by the other
classes. We reported to Mr. Utley, the Superintendent, and Mr.
Kaylor, Principal. Because of the increase of pupils it fell to the
lot of the Freshmen to remain in the Grammar Room until the new
addition could be completed. This did not cause us any serious
worry, for it would give us time to improve our fresh manners. It
did not take long to find out that Mr. Utley could teach algebra,
even if his temper became a little roiled when we failed on a prob-
lem. After the holidays we were moved into the new room. There
we found a new trouble before us, we were informed that every three
weeks we should take part in a literary program. This was not as
difficult as expected, for even if we did become a little frightened, and
did not deliver our productions up to the expectations of the teachers,
the greater part made as good an appearance as the so called upper
classmen, Juniors and Seniors.
Sooner than we expected the general appearance of the class
began to change from fresh to foolish or in other words, those who
could muster up a grade of 75% were raised to the rank of Sopho-
more. This did not affect all so we found the class somewhat lessened
in membership, some were attracted toward other duties, while
others decided that it would be best to get better acquainted with
the studies that they had, before taking up any more. During this
year there was a renewed activity in Literary. The School was
divided into two Societies, we were much honored by having the
President of one society elected from our class, since then we have
had four presidents chosen from the class. Before the end of the
first semester Mr. Kaylor was compelled to give up his duties as
Principal, because of sickness. To prevent our minds from forgetting
Caesar and Rhetoric, Mr. Plumb and later Miss Swope became our
instructors in those branches. We can but say that Mr. Plumb could
recite the commentaries equal to Caesar himself, and that Miss Swope
aided us in getting all that Shakespeare could desire from the study
of Merchant of Venice.
At the beginning of our Junior year the class was organized
with Mr. Harold Roof as President and at the same time we selected
Red and Black for our class colors, "Study and don't pay too much
attention to the young ladies" were the rules, which were enforced
The Owl 1916 (26)
page 26
Corresponds to page 22 of The Owl 1916
under the command of Mr. St. Clair, seconded by Miss Huston and
Miss Wilson. During this year besides keeping up with our studies,
we helped to support the Athletic teams and gave three members as
Editors on the Annual Staff.
When the class returned for our last year we were surprised to
find that Mr. Macklin Murphy, one of the leading members of the
class was not going to return to graduate. But we found four new
members, who were added to the class, Dean Tippy, Dwight Huston,
Caroline Beacon, and Ralph Kendrick. These members soon took
up the spirit of the school and began to take an interest and a part
in all the school activities. We elected Ray Eley for our President
and changed the class colors to Orange and Black, over these colors
war was nearly declared with the three lower classmen. It is not
known whether they lost their nerve or not at any rate the colors are
still ours. Through the Basket Ball team, the class received more
honors. For it was a Champion team composed entirely of Seniors.
Good marks along with bad marks of credit we have acquired
during this year, though we have studied both day and night. It
was but yesterday that we were Freshmen but today we are Senios.
Four years we have spent in study, trying our best to obey the rules
put down by our teachers and learn the lessons set down in the test
book. If we have learned these lessons it will be shown in the time
to come by the way we live up to our motto, "No success without
great labor."
-Ross Beaver, '16
illustration of a book on a corbel
Corresponds to page 22 of The Owl 1916
under the command of Mr. St. Clair, seconded by Miss Huston and
Miss Wilson. During this year besides keeping up with our studies,
we helped to support the Athletic teams and gave three members as
Editors on the Annual Staff.
When the class returned for our last year we were surprised to
find that Mr. Macklin Murphy, one of the leading members of the
class was not going to return to graduate. But we found four new
members, who were added to the class, Dean Tippy, Dwight Huston,
Caroline Beacon, and Ralph Kendrick. These members soon took
up the spirit of the school and began to take an interest and a part
in all the school activities. We elected Ray Eley for our President
and changed the class colors to Orange and Black, over these colors
war was nearly declared with the three lower classmen. It is not
known whether they lost their nerve or not at any rate the colors are
still ours. Through the Basket Ball team, the class received more
honors. For it was a Champion team composed entirely of Seniors.
Good marks along with bad marks of credit we have acquired
during this year, though we have studied both day and night. It
was but yesterday that we were Freshmen but today we are Senios.
Four years we have spent in study, trying our best to obey the rules
put down by our teachers and learn the lessons set down in the test
book. If we have learned these lessons it will be shown in the time
to come by the way we live up to our motto, "No success without
great labor."
-Ross Beaver, '16
illustration of a book on a corbel
The Owl 1916 (27)
page 27
Corresponds to page 23 of The Owl 1916
Senior Class Poem
Through four long years we now have passed
Our day of honor has come at last;
Oh, yes, some days were long and weary,
But many more were bright and cheery.
Dear S.H.S. so firm and true,
Has welcomed us, as it does you.
And all who try will then succeed
As others have, who took the lead.
With thirty-one, we filled the year
In which we started with great fear;
Our numbers lessened as we passed,
From that first year, till this our last.
When sturdy Sophomores we became
With ruling power o'er Freshman's fame
Our teachers kind said to each one
"By working hard, your race is won."
As eighteen Juniors proud and gay,
Were striving earnestly each day,
Less fear we had of books and rules
Taught by our teachers in High School.
As fifteen stately Seniors we,
Are proud of our supremacy;
We've spent much time, and studied our best
In looking forward to the test.
In Athletics, both boys and girls,
Have much honor and joy unfurled.
We've taken some part in each game,
And helped to win the school's fame.
Through High School, we have labored hard,
To make a grand deportment card.
Some day we'll love to think with ease
About the past sweet memories.
"No success without great labor."
This, the motto, won our favor.
To our High School's fame and joy,
We give our best without alloy.
Corresponds to page 23 of The Owl 1916
Senior Class Poem
Through four long years we now have passed
Our day of honor has come at last;
Oh, yes, some days were long and weary,
But many more were bright and cheery.
Dear S.H.S. so firm and true,
Has welcomed us, as it does you.
And all who try will then succeed
As others have, who took the lead.
With thirty-one, we filled the year
In which we started with great fear;
Our numbers lessened as we passed,
From that first year, till this our last.
When sturdy Sophomores we became
With ruling power o'er Freshman's fame
Our teachers kind said to each one
"By working hard, your race is won."
As eighteen Juniors proud and gay,
Were striving earnestly each day,
Less fear we had of books and rules
Taught by our teachers in High School.
As fifteen stately Seniors we,
Are proud of our supremacy;
We've spent much time, and studied our best
In looking forward to the test.
In Athletics, both boys and girls,
Have much honor and joy unfurled.
We've taken some part in each game,
And helped to win the school's fame.
Through High School, we have labored hard,
To make a grand deportment card.
Some day we'll love to think with ease
About the past sweet memories.
"No success without great labor."
This, the motto, won our favor.
To our High School's fame and joy,
We give our best without alloy.
The Owl 1916 (28)
page 28
Corresponds to page 24 of The Owl 1916
And now Adieu; to teachers true
To classmates, pupils, not a few.
And may we ever loyal be
And bring our school prosperity.
-Hazel A. Comstock '16
Our Janitor
MR. Orley Adams took charge of our Sunbury School build-
ing as janitor in the spring of nineteen hundred and four-
teen and has remained a true and faithful janitor ever
His work has been of the very best and the way he made the
rooms shine made us feel more like going to school. For this very
reason we were filled with the school spirit when we came into our
respective rooms. Mr. Adams not only kept our room shining but
he put in many hours of hard labor trying to beautify our schoolyard.
The school body appreciates this and wishes to thank Mr.
Adams for his good work since he has been our janitor.
If Donald Main is meek is Harold Meeker?
If Edith Gorsuch is good is Everett Perfect?
If Clyde Bricker bought some apples would Caroline Beacom?
If Cepter Stark is green is Cloise Gray?
If Dean Lane ran when he saw a ghost would Clarence Pace?
If Clyde Barton caught a rabbit would Lucile Cook (it)?
If Elizabeth Gorsuch bought a house would Harold Roof (it)?
If Claude Bonham caught a fish would Frank Frye (it)?
If Opal Hupp is wise is Lewis Wiser?
If Charles Robinson knelt would William Neel?
If Ruth Huston was in a canoe would Harold Tippet?
If Lloyd Pace is worth 2 cents what is Nellie Duckworth?
If Ruby Chandler is backward is Ethel Forwood?
-Susanna Spearman, '17
Corresponds to page 24 of The Owl 1916
And now Adieu; to teachers true
To classmates, pupils, not a few.
And may we ever loyal be
And bring our school prosperity.
-Hazel A. Comstock '16
Our Janitor
MR. Orley Adams took charge of our Sunbury School build-
ing as janitor in the spring of nineteen hundred and four-
teen and has remained a true and faithful janitor ever
His work has been of the very best and the way he made the
rooms shine made us feel more like going to school. For this very
reason we were filled with the school spirit when we came into our
respective rooms. Mr. Adams not only kept our room shining but
he put in many hours of hard labor trying to beautify our schoolyard.
The school body appreciates this and wishes to thank Mr.
Adams for his good work since he has been our janitor.
If Donald Main is meek is Harold Meeker?
If Edith Gorsuch is good is Everett Perfect?
If Clyde Bricker bought some apples would Caroline Beacom?
If Cepter Stark is green is Cloise Gray?
If Dean Lane ran when he saw a ghost would Clarence Pace?
If Clyde Barton caught a rabbit would Lucile Cook (it)?
If Elizabeth Gorsuch bought a house would Harold Roof (it)?
If Claude Bonham caught a fish would Frank Frye (it)?
If Opal Hupp is wise is Lewis Wiser?
If Charles Robinson knelt would William Neel?
If Ruth Huston was in a canoe would Harold Tippet?
If Lloyd Pace is worth 2 cents what is Nellie Duckworth?
If Ruby Chandler is backward is Ethel Forwood?
-Susanna Spearman, '17
The Owl 1916 (29)
page 29
Corresponds to page 25 of The Owl 1916
Senior Class Prophecy
THE world was a very discontented place when it was
young. The fairies dwelt upon it but were very dissatis-
fied because they did not know their future, so they made
a wonderful pair of spectacles which very clearly revealed
to them anything they wished to know concerning the future.
After they had found out all that was destined to befall them, they
concealed their wonderful spectacles in the depth of a very secluded
forest and declared on the eve of some very important event they
should be given to someone who would be able to discern to them
the future of all concerned in the momentous occasion.
Having been chosen prophetess of my class and since the gradua-
tion of the class of '16 is the greatest event since that time the magic
spectacles have been handed to me, through them I shall peer into
the misty future of this class.
I first glance into a large city and my eyes turn to a massive
building bearing the inscription, High School, and standing before
a class of brilliant pupils in History. I see Mr. Ross Beaver reveal-
ing to his pupils the knowledge acquired at S.H.S.
A great automobile whizzed past and as it stopped before a
handsome residence out jumped our old friend Dwight T. Huston,
but now he is known as Dr. Dwight T. Huston, busiest and best
doctor in town.
Here appears before me a newspaper. I turned to the glaring
headlines and read that Miss Caroline Beacom, the noted Missionary,
formerly of Sunbury is to return to the jungles of Africa where she
has been a success in former years.
On a road toward Centerburg I see an immense, well equipped
dairy farm. On a large white barn, I noticed in plain letters DEAN
In a crowded court room the rising young lawyer, Mr. Llewellyn
Davis is pleading in defense of the prisoner at bar.
The scene changes to a College and walking carefully about the
room I see strict professor R.L. Eley, one of the most learned college
men of the day.
Now appears a number of large and handsome buildings, well
shaded over which I see the sign, JOURNEYMAN'S REST;
time I see Ralph happily smiling and I know that he is enjoying life.
I am now in a great crowded music hall among a large crowd of
music lovers who are applauding Miss Hazel Comstock, who has
just rendered most beautifully one of her famous instrumental solos.
The interpretation was excellent and she well deserves the hearty
I now see a large crowd before a house where an auction is being
held. I hear the auctioneer's, strident voice repeating, "going,
Corresponds to page 25 of The Owl 1916
Senior Class Prophecy
THE world was a very discontented place when it was
young. The fairies dwelt upon it but were very dissatis-
fied because they did not know their future, so they made
a wonderful pair of spectacles which very clearly revealed
to them anything they wished to know concerning the future.
After they had found out all that was destined to befall them, they
concealed their wonderful spectacles in the depth of a very secluded
forest and declared on the eve of some very important event they
should be given to someone who would be able to discern to them
the future of all concerned in the momentous occasion.
Having been chosen prophetess of my class and since the gradua-
tion of the class of '16 is the greatest event since that time the magic
spectacles have been handed to me, through them I shall peer into
the misty future of this class.
I first glance into a large city and my eyes turn to a massive
building bearing the inscription, High School, and standing before
a class of brilliant pupils in History. I see Mr. Ross Beaver reveal-
ing to his pupils the knowledge acquired at S.H.S.
A great automobile whizzed past and as it stopped before a
handsome residence out jumped our old friend Dwight T. Huston,
but now he is known as Dr. Dwight T. Huston, busiest and best
doctor in town.
Here appears before me a newspaper. I turned to the glaring
headlines and read that Miss Caroline Beacom, the noted Missionary,
formerly of Sunbury is to return to the jungles of Africa where she
has been a success in former years.
On a road toward Centerburg I see an immense, well equipped
dairy farm. On a large white barn, I noticed in plain letters DEAN
In a crowded court room the rising young lawyer, Mr. Llewellyn
Davis is pleading in defense of the prisoner at bar.
The scene changes to a College and walking carefully about the
room I see strict professor R.L. Eley, one of the most learned college
men of the day.
Now appears a number of large and handsome buildings, well
shaded over which I see the sign, JOURNEYMAN'S REST;
time I see Ralph happily smiling and I know that he is enjoying life.
I am now in a great crowded music hall among a large crowd of
music lovers who are applauding Miss Hazel Comstock, who has
just rendered most beautifully one of her famous instrumental solos.
The interpretation was excellent and she well deserves the hearty
I now see a large crowd before a house where an auction is being
held. I hear the auctioneer's, strident voice repeating, "going,
The Owl 1916 (30)
page 30
Corresponds to page 26 of The Owl 1916
going, going," I take the second look and recognize him to be Richard
Paul, our classmate at Sunbury High School.
In a well known Girls' Seminary I see our friend, Mary Whisner
as matron. She is firm and dignified and her pupils all love her.
Now before me appears a field prepared for corn. I look and
see in a far corner a team pulling a corn planter under the careful
management of Mr. H. W. Roof, a wealthy farmer in his community.
Now I am facing a little bungalow along a country road, this
little house is surrounded by green and well kept meadows. Joseph
Linnabary is the owner and he and his little bride have just moved
in and are enjoying their new home.
And who is this very elegantly dressed young man who seems so
attractive to all the pretty girls? It is Hobert Grey, the beau
ideal of all the girls and he is considered a good catch by society
The next view was one of expensive buildings, the interiors of
which were brilliantly lighted and the busy whirr of wonderful
machinery could be heard. Glendon Comstock holds complete
control of the massive machinery and is respectfully spoken of as
the greatest electrician of the day.
There, truly, Old Sunbury High has harbored a wonderful class
all these years and according to my wonderful spectacles it has all
been a successful one. Alas! The writer saw through those spectacles
herself, "A lone and lorn maiden
Of uncertain age
A sad forlorn maiden
On Life's last stage."
-Hazel M. Holt, '16
Corresponds to page 26 of The Owl 1916
going, going," I take the second look and recognize him to be Richard
Paul, our classmate at Sunbury High School.
In a well known Girls' Seminary I see our friend, Mary Whisner
as matron. She is firm and dignified and her pupils all love her.
Now before me appears a field prepared for corn. I look and
see in a far corner a team pulling a corn planter under the careful
management of Mr. H. W. Roof, a wealthy farmer in his community.
Now I am facing a little bungalow along a country road, this
little house is surrounded by green and well kept meadows. Joseph
Linnabary is the owner and he and his little bride have just moved
in and are enjoying their new home.
And who is this very elegantly dressed young man who seems so
attractive to all the pretty girls? It is Hobert Grey, the beau
ideal of all the girls and he is considered a good catch by society
The next view was one of expensive buildings, the interiors of
which were brilliantly lighted and the busy whirr of wonderful
machinery could be heard. Glendon Comstock holds complete
control of the massive machinery and is respectfully spoken of as
the greatest electrician of the day.
There, truly, Old Sunbury High has harbored a wonderful class
all these years and according to my wonderful spectacles it has all
been a successful one. Alas! The writer saw through those spectacles
herself, "A lone and lorn maiden
Of uncertain age
A sad forlorn maiden
On Life's last stage."
-Hazel M. Holt, '16
The Owl 1916 (31)
page 31
Corresponds to page 27 of The Owl 1916
(From row left to right) Dwight Huston, Joseph Linnabary,
Clyde Barker, Elizabeth Summers, Roland Neilson.
(Back row) Lamont Kempton, Gordon Huston, Chalmers Hus-
Corresponds to page 27 of The Owl 1916
(From row left to right) Dwight Huston, Joseph Linnabary,
Clyde Barker, Elizabeth Summers, Roland Neilson.
(Back row) Lamont Kempton, Gordon Huston, Chalmers Hus-
The Owl 1916 (32)
page 32
Corresponds to page 28 of The Owl 1916
Will of Class of '16
We, the class of 1916, of the village of Sunbury, county of
Delaware and state of Ohio, being of sound mind and
memory, do make, publish and declare this to be our last
will and testament, towit:
First--We do direct that our funeral service shall be conducted
by our friends and well wishers, the faculty, only enjoining that the
funeral be carried on with all the dignity and pomp our situation
in the High School scale has merited.
Second--We give and bequeath to the Board of Education
restful nights and peaceful dreams. We promise them a rest from
Nineteen Sixteen's petitions. No more will we be called upon to
bend our haughty knee to supplicate; no more will they be pained
to refuse. But they have done their duty and they have their reward.
To the teachers of the past we bequeath our sincere thanks for
the faithful work shown us during their stay in S.H.S.
To Mr. St. Clair, who liked to teach Geometry to our class, we
bequeath our last year's drawing books.
To Miss Huston, who has shown the greatest interest in our
school work during the past two years, we bequeath our sincere
thanks and the greatest hopes for her success in her work where'er
she may go.
To Miss Wilson we bequeath our last year's quids of gum which
we have been saving up all this time hoping that she would permit
us to chew them.
To Mr. utley, our present district superintendent, and former
teacher, we the Class, bequeath our sincere wishes for his success in
the future.
To the class of '17 we leave our places in the Assembly room.
Let every member show his or her gratitude by being in their respect-
ive seat each morning.
To the remaining two Classes we leave our sincere hope for their
success in the remaining years of High School work.
Individual members bequeath the following: Ray Eley be-
queaths his Athletic and debating ability to the industrious Freshman
Frank Frye.
Ralph Kendricks bequeaths his delightful little strolls to the
Freshman, Herbert Kempton.
Ross Beaver bequeaths his ability of writng histories as well as
his historical knowledge to the Junior Leo McCoy.
Richard Paul bequeaths his list of new words to any one wishing
to publish a new Dictionary.
Hazel Comstock, the poetess of the Senior Class, bequeaths
her poetical ability to the poets of the future.
Hobert Grey leaves his office as Squire to Newell McElwee.
Glendon Comstock leaves his Senior dignity to the Junior
Everett Perfect.
Corresponds to page 28 of The Owl 1916
Will of Class of '16
We, the class of 1916, of the village of Sunbury, county of
Delaware and state of Ohio, being of sound mind and
memory, do make, publish and declare this to be our last
will and testament, towit:
First--We do direct that our funeral service shall be conducted
by our friends and well wishers, the faculty, only enjoining that the
funeral be carried on with all the dignity and pomp our situation
in the High School scale has merited.
Second--We give and bequeath to the Board of Education
restful nights and peaceful dreams. We promise them a rest from
Nineteen Sixteen's petitions. No more will we be called upon to
bend our haughty knee to supplicate; no more will they be pained
to refuse. But they have done their duty and they have their reward.
To the teachers of the past we bequeath our sincere thanks for
the faithful work shown us during their stay in S.H.S.
To Mr. St. Clair, who liked to teach Geometry to our class, we
bequeath our last year's drawing books.
To Miss Huston, who has shown the greatest interest in our
school work during the past two years, we bequeath our sincere
thanks and the greatest hopes for her success in her work where'er
she may go.
To Miss Wilson we bequeath our last year's quids of gum which
we have been saving up all this time hoping that she would permit
us to chew them.
To Mr. utley, our present district superintendent, and former
teacher, we the Class, bequeath our sincere wishes for his success in
the future.
To the class of '17 we leave our places in the Assembly room.
Let every member show his or her gratitude by being in their respect-
ive seat each morning.
To the remaining two Classes we leave our sincere hope for their
success in the remaining years of High School work.
Individual members bequeath the following: Ray Eley be-
queaths his Athletic and debating ability to the industrious Freshman
Frank Frye.
Ralph Kendricks bequeaths his delightful little strolls to the
Freshman, Herbert Kempton.
Ross Beaver bequeaths his ability of writng histories as well as
his historical knowledge to the Junior Leo McCoy.
Richard Paul bequeaths his list of new words to any one wishing
to publish a new Dictionary.
Hazel Comstock, the poetess of the Senior Class, bequeaths
her poetical ability to the poets of the future.
Hobert Grey leaves his office as Squire to Newell McElwee.
Glendon Comstock leaves his Senior dignity to the Junior
Everett Perfect.
The Owl 1916 (33)
page 33
Corresponds to page 29 of The Owl 1916
Caroline Beacom gives and bequeaths her good looks to Dr.
Merwin Fisher.
Dean Tippy refuses to bequeath his great Agricultural knowledge
which he has stored up this year, believing that he will need all of it
in the future.
Hazel Holt bequeaths her ability of prophesying the future to
the future prophet Opal Hupp.
Mary Whisner leaves a good clear record as a guide board to
those passing that way in the future.
Harold Roof bequeaths his willed popularity to Clarence Pace.
Joseph Linnabary leaves his musical talent and great spelling
ability to Raymond Axline.
Dwight Huston bequeaths his many enjoyable evenings which
were spent with some of the fair sex during the past school year to
Roland Sedgwick.
Llewellyn Davis bequeaths his power and ability of writing wills
and transacting other legal business to our worthy Sophomore,
Chester Cring.
And we do hereby constitute and appoint D.M. Cupp sole
executor of this, our last will and testament.
In witness Whereof, We, the Class of Nineteen-Sixteen, the
testators, have to this our last will and testament, written on one
sheet of parchment, set our hand and seal this twenty-third day of
May, A.D., one thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
Harold Meeker,
Donald Main,
Cloise Gray,
Llewellyn Davis, '16
illustration of medical emblem snake and book
Corresponds to page 29 of The Owl 1916
Caroline Beacom gives and bequeaths her good looks to Dr.
Merwin Fisher.
Dean Tippy refuses to bequeath his great Agricultural knowledge
which he has stored up this year, believing that he will need all of it
in the future.
Hazel Holt bequeaths her ability of prophesying the future to
the future prophet Opal Hupp.
Mary Whisner leaves a good clear record as a guide board to
those passing that way in the future.
Harold Roof bequeaths his willed popularity to Clarence Pace.
Joseph Linnabary leaves his musical talent and great spelling
ability to Raymond Axline.
Dwight Huston bequeaths his many enjoyable evenings which
were spent with some of the fair sex during the past school year to
Roland Sedgwick.
Llewellyn Davis bequeaths his power and ability of writing wills
and transacting other legal business to our worthy Sophomore,
Chester Cring.
And we do hereby constitute and appoint D.M. Cupp sole
executor of this, our last will and testament.
In witness Whereof, We, the Class of Nineteen-Sixteen, the
testators, have to this our last will and testament, written on one
sheet of parchment, set our hand and seal this twenty-third day of
May, A.D., one thousand nine hundred and sixteen.
Harold Meeker,
Donald Main,
Cloise Gray,
Llewellyn Davis, '16
illustration of medical emblem snake and book
The Owl 1916 (34)
page 34
Corresponds to page 30 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class History
On the 8th of September, 1913, thirty Freshmen entered
S.H.S. Of this number twelve were promoted from the
eighth grade while fifteen came from other schools.
Though they were strangers they were soon made to feel
at home by the kindness of the upper classmen. As usual the
Freshies dreaded Literary day and our hearts quaked with fear when
the time came for our productions to be given. This year the High
School divided in two Literary Societies, Athenian and Philo. When
the societies held their Literary contest, two members of our class
were chosen to represent the Recitations for the two societies.
Elizabeth Gorsuch for the Athenians and Gaye Edwards for
Philos. Professor Utley guided us safely through the perils of Alge-
bra and although we changed Latin teachers several times, we
managed to acquire some knowledge of this branch before the term
was over. Amo for instance!
At the beginning of our sophomore year the High School gave
a chicken supper in the K. P. Hall. Each class had a table which
was decorated by the members to the superlative degree of art. The
aim of each class was to "Put one over" all the other classes by tak-
ing in the most money. As our class always wins in financial affairs
the Sophomores were far beyond the others both financially and in
washing dishes. This year our class was organized and the following
officers were elected. Leo McCoy, President; Cloise Gray, Vice
President; Elizabeth Gorsuch, Treasurer.
Another year has rolled around and now we are "stuckup"
Juniors! Several members dropped by the wayside but we were
fortunate in having four new members added to our class making a
grand total of twenty-four. The class officers are Eleanor Granger,
President; Edith Gorsuch, Vice President; Opal Hupp, Secretary.
Our class is surely not lacking in Athletics as Opal Hupp, Nancy
Walters, Elizabeth and Edith Gorsuch are on the Girls' Basket Ball
team. Donald Main, Leo McCoy and Cloise Gray were subs. on the
boys' team.
In the Literary contest between the Athenian and Philos, Leo
McCoy and Clyde Bricker won the debate for the Philos. Elizabeth
Gorsuch won the oration for the Athenians against Floy Orndorff,
Philo. In the intercounty debate, Leo McCoy and Clyde Bricker
debated the Negative side of the question at Ashley but Oh! alas
they were defeated.
The Juniors take an active part in the social activity of the school.
December 1st, 1915, Lehr Perfect entertained the Junior class at
his country home. The evening was spent in playing games and at
a late hour all returned home, a delightful time was reported by all.
March 16, 1916, the Juniors held a box social in the basement of
the school house where they initiated the Seniors into their fast
games. The social was a decided success both socially and finan-
Corresponds to page 30 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class History
On the 8th of September, 1913, thirty Freshmen entered
S.H.S. Of this number twelve were promoted from the
eighth grade while fifteen came from other schools.
Though they were strangers they were soon made to feel
at home by the kindness of the upper classmen. As usual the
Freshies dreaded Literary day and our hearts quaked with fear when
the time came for our productions to be given. This year the High
School divided in two Literary Societies, Athenian and Philo. When
the societies held their Literary contest, two members of our class
were chosen to represent the Recitations for the two societies.
Elizabeth Gorsuch for the Athenians and Gaye Edwards for
Philos. Professor Utley guided us safely through the perils of Alge-
bra and although we changed Latin teachers several times, we
managed to acquire some knowledge of this branch before the term
was over. Amo for instance!
At the beginning of our sophomore year the High School gave
a chicken supper in the K. P. Hall. Each class had a table which
was decorated by the members to the superlative degree of art. The
aim of each class was to "Put one over" all the other classes by tak-
ing in the most money. As our class always wins in financial affairs
the Sophomores were far beyond the others both financially and in
washing dishes. This year our class was organized and the following
officers were elected. Leo McCoy, President; Cloise Gray, Vice
President; Elizabeth Gorsuch, Treasurer.
Another year has rolled around and now we are "stuckup"
Juniors! Several members dropped by the wayside but we were
fortunate in having four new members added to our class making a
grand total of twenty-four. The class officers are Eleanor Granger,
President; Edith Gorsuch, Vice President; Opal Hupp, Secretary.
Our class is surely not lacking in Athletics as Opal Hupp, Nancy
Walters, Elizabeth and Edith Gorsuch are on the Girls' Basket Ball
team. Donald Main, Leo McCoy and Cloise Gray were subs. on the
boys' team.
In the Literary contest between the Athenian and Philos, Leo
McCoy and Clyde Bricker won the debate for the Philos. Elizabeth
Gorsuch won the oration for the Athenians against Floy Orndorff,
Philo. In the intercounty debate, Leo McCoy and Clyde Bricker
debated the Negative side of the question at Ashley but Oh! alas
they were defeated.
The Juniors take an active part in the social activity of the school.
December 1st, 1915, Lehr Perfect entertained the Junior class at
his country home. The evening was spent in playing games and at
a late hour all returned home, a delightful time was reported by all.
March 16, 1916, the Juniors held a box social in the basement of
the school house where they initiated the Seniors into their fast
games. The social was a decided success both socially and finan-
The Owl 1916 (35)
page 35
Corresponds to page 31 of The Owl 1916
Of the Junior class five have taken the complete course in the
Sunbury School, Nellie Brooks, Eleanor Granger, Roland Sedgwick,
Lucile Cook, and Edith Gorsuch.
Our class history ends here but not so our good times and troubles.
Next year we will be Seniors, and then our High School days will
be at an end and we will leave good old S.H.S., forever. But though
we are gone we trust we will not be forgotten. For we expect to make
S.H.S. heart leap with pride whenever our names are mentioned.
-Edith Gorsuch, '17.
illustration of a log with twigs. flowers and leaves
Corresponds to page 31 of The Owl 1916
Of the Junior class five have taken the complete course in the
Sunbury School, Nellie Brooks, Eleanor Granger, Roland Sedgwick,
Lucile Cook, and Edith Gorsuch.
Our class history ends here but not so our good times and troubles.
Next year we will be Seniors, and then our High School days will
be at an end and we will leave good old S.H.S., forever. But though
we are gone we trust we will not be forgotten. For we expect to make
S.H.S. heart leap with pride whenever our names are mentioned.
-Edith Gorsuch, '17.
illustration of a log with twigs. flowers and leaves
The Owl 1916 (36)
page 36
Corresponds to page 32 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class Phophecy
In 1913 Freshmen were we,
Green uncouth as Freshmen could be,
And if mistakes we were to make,
The blame was always laid on fate.
Several ponies were brought to school,
But this was sadly against the rule
And Sophomores would never dare to cheat,
They must win fair or suffer defeat.
When Juniors we became at last,
We thought the hardest days were past.
But alas it was a forlorn hope,
For in the Geometry class we suddenly awoke.
And now the future I am to foretell,
All have a chance to do very well.
'Mid a pathway of roses each one may glide,
If we do our best whate'er betide.
And now for the brown eyed girl of the class,
Who a stenographer will become at last.
Elizabeth's future was not hard to tell,
For a studious girl always does well.
Mona and Floy will sail the great sea,
And take the gospel to the little Japanese.
Their reward will be great and many will share,
The grand good efforts implanted there.
President McCoy will not sound strange,
And over the land he will win great fame.
People will look back and say, "I guess
The best presidents come from S.H.S."
Now of the future of Newell McElwee,
A great stern judge he will be.
And in the same court, Harry Ford we shall see,
As diligent a lawyer as e'er could be.
"The Perfect Brothers' will start up a show,
Known as the "Bell Ringers" where'er they go.
They will make their debut in the K. P. Hall,
And it shall be greatly enjoyed by all.
Cloise G. and Clyde B. will prosper by Agriculture class,
For modern farmers they have become at last.
By adding science to art and following the rule,
Which they studied and learned in the Sunbury School.
The friends of Clyde Bricker all will have voted
To Congress for him, because he was noted
For debates and writing, and articles of fame,
And over the land he will have a great name.
Miss Opal Hupp shall attend Wellesley College,
Corresponds to page 32 of The Owl 1916
Junior Class Phophecy
In 1913 Freshmen were we,
Green uncouth as Freshmen could be,
And if mistakes we were to make,
The blame was always laid on fate.
Several ponies were brought to school,
But this was sadly against the rule
And Sophomores would never dare to cheat,
They must win fair or suffer defeat.
When Juniors we became at last,
We thought the hardest days were past.
But alas it was a forlorn hope,
For in the Geometry class we suddenly awoke.
And now the future I am to foretell,
All have a chance to do very well.
'Mid a pathway of roses each one may glide,
If we do our best whate'er betide.
And now for the brown eyed girl of the class,
Who a stenographer will become at last.
Elizabeth's future was not hard to tell,
For a studious girl always does well.
Mona and Floy will sail the great sea,
And take the gospel to the little Japanese.
Their reward will be great and many will share,
The grand good efforts implanted there.
President McCoy will not sound strange,
And over the land he will win great fame.
People will look back and say, "I guess
The best presidents come from S.H.S."
Now of the future of Newell McElwee,
A great stern judge he will be.
And in the same court, Harry Ford we shall see,
As diligent a lawyer as e'er could be.
"The Perfect Brothers' will start up a show,
Known as the "Bell Ringers" where'er they go.
They will make their debut in the K. P. Hall,
And it shall be greatly enjoyed by all.
Cloise G. and Clyde B. will prosper by Agriculture class,
For modern farmers they have become at last.
By adding science to art and following the rule,
Which they studied and learned in the Sunbury School.
The friends of Clyde Bricker all will have voted
To Congress for him, because he was noted
For debates and writing, and articles of fame,
And over the land he will have a great name.
Miss Opal Hupp shall attend Wellesley College,
The Owl 1916 (37)
page 37
Corresponds to page 33 of The Owl 1916
And make great wages acquired by her knowledge;
For a High School teacher she shall become at last
And teach in a room where her school days were passed.
And if perchance in twenty years more,
You should stop and enter a department store
Mr. Patrick, the owner will step up and say,
"Is there something we may do for you today?"
And Nancy Walters will have taught school,
and tell you how to cook by rule;
For a teacher of Domestic Science
Tells of new methods and their appliance.
Now Lucile Cook will be a Hair Dresser
While Donald Main a German Professor;
Harold Meeker as an Artist shall rise,
Till his fame reaches far above the skies.
Miss Mary Bolton will act her part,
In choosing a husband winning his heart.
Eleanor Granger a Christian Science reader shall be,
And if you're sick, you're not, don't you see?
And into a Creamery, large and clean,
Mr. R. Sedgwick would naturally be seen.
And if you were there desirous to learn,
He would certainly tell you about the churn.
Edith Gorsuch's future will be fair,
For she shall marry a millionaire.
And help the poor, with the money she has,
All will be sunshine along her paths.
But if wild oats you are bound to sow,
Beware! For they will certainly grow.
And the reaping days are turned,
The sheaves shall be gathered, the tares will be burned.
-Nellie Brooks, '17
Corresponds to page 33 of The Owl 1916
And make great wages acquired by her knowledge;
For a High School teacher she shall become at last
And teach in a room where her school days were passed.
And if perchance in twenty years more,
You should stop and enter a department store
Mr. Patrick, the owner will step up and say,
"Is there something we may do for you today?"
And Nancy Walters will have taught school,
and tell you how to cook by rule;
For a teacher of Domestic Science
Tells of new methods and their appliance.
Now Lucile Cook will be a Hair Dresser
While Donald Main a German Professor;
Harold Meeker as an Artist shall rise,
Till his fame reaches far above the skies.
Miss Mary Bolton will act her part,
In choosing a husband winning his heart.
Eleanor Granger a Christian Science reader shall be,
And if you're sick, you're not, don't you see?
And into a Creamery, large and clean,
Mr. R. Sedgwick would naturally be seen.
And if you were there desirous to learn,
He would certainly tell you about the churn.
Edith Gorsuch's future will be fair,
For she shall marry a millionaire.
And help the poor, with the money she has,
All will be sunshine along her paths.
But if wild oats you are bound to sow,
Beware! For they will certainly grow.
And the reaping days are turned,
The sheaves shall be gathered, the tares will be burned.
-Nellie Brooks, '17
The Owl 1916 (38)
page 38
Corresponds to page 34 of The Owl 1916
Domestic Science
(Left to right) Eleanor Granger, Mary Whisner, Floy Orndorff,
Ruth Utley, Mona Cockrell, Helen Cook, Martha Domigan, Fern
Hoover, Kathleen Wigton, Nellie Strosnider, Flo Hoover, Caroline
Beacom, Hazel Comstock, Hazel Holt, Mary Bolton, Edith Gorsuch
Nellie Brooks, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Susie Spearman.
Corresponds to page 34 of The Owl 1916
Domestic Science
(Left to right) Eleanor Granger, Mary Whisner, Floy Orndorff,
Ruth Utley, Mona Cockrell, Helen Cook, Martha Domigan, Fern
Hoover, Kathleen Wigton, Nellie Strosnider, Flo Hoover, Caroline
Beacom, Hazel Comstock, Hazel Holt, Mary Bolton, Edith Gorsuch
Nellie Brooks, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Susie Spearman.
The Owl 1916 (39)
page 39
Corresponds to page 35 of The Owl 1916
Romance of A Hidden Letter
IT all happened in the small town of Clydesdale and all
because a fusty, rusty old bachelor chose to write such a
silly will. At least that is what Eleanor called it, when
she read it for the first time. The week after her uncle's
funeral she was summoned to a lawyer's office.
The lawyer was a funny looking man with a bald head and he
cleared his throat so often that the situation appeared ridiculous to
Eleanor. But as the little man read on, Eleanor became interested
and listened breathlessly. The will said that the old bachelor had
two relatives and didn't know to which to give the money. So he
devised this novel plan. He had hidden a letter and then the one
who found the letter first would get the money. The people could
search anywhere but they were advised to search his bachelor quar-
ters in the city and his country home.
Eleanor loved adventure and the plan pleased her. She jumped
up and said; "I am going to find that letter and the quicker I get
started the better." But she stopped short; "Why, what does he
think I am? I haven't any money except my wages and even if I
did scrape up enough to pay my way to New York, I would have
nothing to live on during the hunt."
The little man laughed, "Oh all that was foreseen and has
been taken care of. Your uncle has provided funds for that, but
I don't know why he hasn't mentioned much about the other party."
"Oh, there is another person, isn't there?" exclaimed Eleanor.
"Who is she? What's her name? Where does she live?"
"Easy, easy" exclaimed the poor little man. "In the first
place the other person is a man. His name is Victor Reynolds and
he lives in Canada."
"How interesting," exclaimed Eleanor, "Uncle Dick was a
dear. This will be just like a long vacation. And Mr. Reynolds."
she stepped back and shook her fist threateningly, "I am going to
beat you to the letter." So saying, she snatched up her papers and
was gone before the little man had recovered from his surprise.
Mr. Stanton, the lawyer, had explained, that the letters contained
a map showing where the fabulous wealth was hidden. Eleanor
was much interested in the mysterious letter and about a week
later, having secured funds from Mr. Stanton, she started for New
York. All the way she kept wondering about Victor Reynolds.
"I hope he is at least nice looking that will make it more interesting
anyway," she confessed to herself.
Having reached New York, and having seen her baggage stowed
in her room at a hotel, she went at once to her late uncle's rooms.
Letting herself into the apartment by means of the key the lawyer
had given her, she walked slowly through the handsomely furnished
rooms. "At least, he didn't spare any money on his rooms," she
Corresponds to page 35 of The Owl 1916
Romance of A Hidden Letter
IT all happened in the small town of Clydesdale and all
because a fusty, rusty old bachelor chose to write such a
silly will. At least that is what Eleanor called it, when
she read it for the first time. The week after her uncle's
funeral she was summoned to a lawyer's office.
The lawyer was a funny looking man with a bald head and he
cleared his throat so often that the situation appeared ridiculous to
Eleanor. But as the little man read on, Eleanor became interested
and listened breathlessly. The will said that the old bachelor had
two relatives and didn't know to which to give the money. So he
devised this novel plan. He had hidden a letter and then the one
who found the letter first would get the money. The people could
search anywhere but they were advised to search his bachelor quar-
ters in the city and his country home.
Eleanor loved adventure and the plan pleased her. She jumped
up and said; "I am going to find that letter and the quicker I get
started the better." But she stopped short; "Why, what does he
think I am? I haven't any money except my wages and even if I
did scrape up enough to pay my way to New York, I would have
nothing to live on during the hunt."
The little man laughed, "Oh all that was foreseen and has
been taken care of. Your uncle has provided funds for that, but
I don't know why he hasn't mentioned much about the other party."
"Oh, there is another person, isn't there?" exclaimed Eleanor.
"Who is she? What's her name? Where does she live?"
"Easy, easy" exclaimed the poor little man. "In the first
place the other person is a man. His name is Victor Reynolds and
he lives in Canada."
"How interesting," exclaimed Eleanor, "Uncle Dick was a
dear. This will be just like a long vacation. And Mr. Reynolds."
she stepped back and shook her fist threateningly, "I am going to
beat you to the letter." So saying, she snatched up her papers and
was gone before the little man had recovered from his surprise.
Mr. Stanton, the lawyer, had explained, that the letters contained
a map showing where the fabulous wealth was hidden. Eleanor
was much interested in the mysterious letter and about a week
later, having secured funds from Mr. Stanton, she started for New
York. All the way she kept wondering about Victor Reynolds.
"I hope he is at least nice looking that will make it more interesting
anyway," she confessed to herself.
Having reached New York, and having seen her baggage stowed
in her room at a hotel, she went at once to her late uncle's rooms.
Letting herself into the apartment by means of the key the lawyer
had given her, she walked slowly through the handsomely furnished
rooms. "At least, he didn't spare any money on his rooms," she
The Owl 1916 (40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to page 36 of The Owl 1916]
thought, "I wonder where that letter could be. Well I am
going to begin right here, and search every inch of this house, and
if I don't find the letter here I'll bet Mr. Victor Reynolds won't."
She went through every room, turning over cushions, taking
down pictures and searching the walls for secret springs. "I guess
it isn't on the first floor all right," she said. Running quickly up
the wide, rich stairway, she entered a large bedroom. Throwing up
the blind she glanced around the room. Everything a man could
wish was there. She uttered an exclamation of delight. "I wouldn't
mind being a bachelor myself, if I could live in such rooms," she said
aloud. The sound of her voice startled her and reminded her of her
quest. She searched both rooms and was just going to descend
the steps when she noticed a black cloth carefully tacked against the
wall of a clothespress. "That looks rather suspicious," she thought,
"I wonder what's behind it." Tearing aside the cloth, she beheld a
small door, fastened with a latch. She opened it quickly and was
about to enter, but it was so dark, she decided to hunt some kind of
light. After searching in the "den" for a few minutes, she found a
flash light. Lighting herself along the queer passage with this, she
at last came up against a black mass which blocked her way. "Of
all things an old trunk! I think I have stumbled upon the treasure
instead of the letter." But the trunk was locked. Returning the
way she had come she at last found a hatchet. When she had opened
the trunk, she saw--old clothes. Dumping them in a heap on the
floor, she searched the sides of the trunk. "Nothing here I guess"
said she disgustedly as she viewed her dirty hands. She sat down on
the trunk to rest, leaning her hand on the side. Something rustled.
With the aid of the hatchet, she removed the covering of the box
and out dropped a letter. With a little scream of surprise, Eleanor
picked up the letter. On the outside was printed--To the Heir of
the Livingstone Treasure. "How funny" thought Eleanor; opening
the queer envelope, she drew out a blank sheet of paper. "Of all
silly jokes! Well, if Uncle Dick thought this would be funny, I
don't agree with him."
Replacing every thing as she found it, except perhaps the trunk,
she went down stairs. Putting the letter in her handbag, she was
about to go out, when she heard a key grate in the lock. Stepping
quickly behind some dark curtains, she waited.
Someone came in, shut the door with a bang and then Eleanor
heard, "Whew the old duffer sure fixed up some." Eleanor peeked
out. She beheld a tall young man, with a mop of reddish brown hair,
gray eyes and an altogether jolly looking face. The young man flung
himself into a chair and threw his cap into the farthest corner.
"Gee I didn't know I was so near done up" was what the girl next
heard, "But I guess I will take a look about." He laughed boyishly.
His laugh was so infectious that Eleanor couldn't resist joining also,
stepping from behind the curtain she dropped a low courtesy and
[corresponds to page 36 of The Owl 1916]
thought, "I wonder where that letter could be. Well I am
going to begin right here, and search every inch of this house, and
if I don't find the letter here I'll bet Mr. Victor Reynolds won't."
She went through every room, turning over cushions, taking
down pictures and searching the walls for secret springs. "I guess
it isn't on the first floor all right," she said. Running quickly up
the wide, rich stairway, she entered a large bedroom. Throwing up
the blind she glanced around the room. Everything a man could
wish was there. She uttered an exclamation of delight. "I wouldn't
mind being a bachelor myself, if I could live in such rooms," she said
aloud. The sound of her voice startled her and reminded her of her
quest. She searched both rooms and was just going to descend
the steps when she noticed a black cloth carefully tacked against the
wall of a clothespress. "That looks rather suspicious," she thought,
"I wonder what's behind it." Tearing aside the cloth, she beheld a
small door, fastened with a latch. She opened it quickly and was
about to enter, but it was so dark, she decided to hunt some kind of
light. After searching in the "den" for a few minutes, she found a
flash light. Lighting herself along the queer passage with this, she
at last came up against a black mass which blocked her way. "Of
all things an old trunk! I think I have stumbled upon the treasure
instead of the letter." But the trunk was locked. Returning the
way she had come she at last found a hatchet. When she had opened
the trunk, she saw--old clothes. Dumping them in a heap on the
floor, she searched the sides of the trunk. "Nothing here I guess"
said she disgustedly as she viewed her dirty hands. She sat down on
the trunk to rest, leaning her hand on the side. Something rustled.
With the aid of the hatchet, she removed the covering of the box
and out dropped a letter. With a little scream of surprise, Eleanor
picked up the letter. On the outside was printed--To the Heir of
the Livingstone Treasure. "How funny" thought Eleanor; opening
the queer envelope, she drew out a blank sheet of paper. "Of all
silly jokes! Well, if Uncle Dick thought this would be funny, I
don't agree with him."
Replacing every thing as she found it, except perhaps the trunk,
she went down stairs. Putting the letter in her handbag, she was
about to go out, when she heard a key grate in the lock. Stepping
quickly behind some dark curtains, she waited.
Someone came in, shut the door with a bang and then Eleanor
heard, "Whew the old duffer sure fixed up some." Eleanor peeked
out. She beheld a tall young man, with a mop of reddish brown hair,
gray eyes and an altogether jolly looking face. The young man flung
himself into a chair and threw his cap into the farthest corner.
"Gee I didn't know I was so near done up" was what the girl next
heard, "But I guess I will take a look about." He laughed boyishly.
His laugh was so infectious that Eleanor couldn't resist joining also,
stepping from behind the curtain she dropped a low courtesy and
The Owl 1916 (41)
page 41
Corresponds to page 37 of The Owl 1916
said "How do you do Mr. Victor Reynolds. If you are looking for
the letter you might as well stop for I have found it." Reaching into
her bag she drew out the letter and handed it to him.
He was too surprised to do anything but stare stupidly, first at
the letter in his hand and then at her.
The girl laughed and so did Victor. "So you are Eleanor
Livingstone. I have been wondering about you ever since I heard
about that will." He looked at her admiringly. Eleanor was a
small girl with curly brown hair, which just showed under her hat
rim, and merry brown eyes.
"You don't seem to be much interested in the letter," said
Eleanor mischievously. Victor blushed and quickly opened the
envelope, drew out the blank paper. "Well of all--" The girl
laughed merrily. "Isn't that some map? Let's go hunt the treasure
immediately." Victor grinned: "So this is all it amounts to. I
thought I was going on a wild goose chase. I had plenty of my own
dough, but I thought it would be fun. But I am glad to come.
Here I thought I didn't have a relative in the world, and I find--
you. It is good to know you have some relatives, even if we are
about sixty fifth cousins, Come! Let's go out and get a bit to eat.
I'm almost starved."
That evening when Eleanor reached her room at the hotel she
was very happy. Running quickly up the rickety stairs she entered
her room. "Goodness! It's dark in here. I wonder where the
matches are." She soon found a box of matches turning on the gas,
still holding the blank paper in her hand she held the lighted match
to the burner. When the light blazed up, she looked at the paper
wonderingly. Small letters began to appear. Holding the paper
nearer the fire, she watched breathlessly. she was able to make out
the words country and fireplace, but the rest of the sentence was
unintelligible. "I wonder what it can mean! I'm going to ask
Victor tomorrow," for she had promised that he might call the next
afternoon. She thought about it all night and the next forenoon,
but could make nothing of it.
Promptly at one o'clock, Victor was announced, running down
the stairs with the paper fluttering in her hand, she met him at the
door and waved the paper before his eyes. "Look!" she cried
"I have solved the mystery!"
Victor took the paper and examined the writing on it. "You
are a genius, Eleanor. How did you manage such a stunt?"
"What do you suppose it means?" she asked breathlessly and
then told of her experience the night before.
"I think country must mean his country home. Don't you?
Let's go out and investigate. It's only two hours ride on the cars."
"Oh! I bet too, that's what it means. What a stupid I am!"
exclaimed Eleanor, "I'll be ready in jiffy."
Corresponds to page 37 of The Owl 1916
said "How do you do Mr. Victor Reynolds. If you are looking for
the letter you might as well stop for I have found it." Reaching into
her bag she drew out the letter and handed it to him.
He was too surprised to do anything but stare stupidly, first at
the letter in his hand and then at her.
The girl laughed and so did Victor. "So you are Eleanor
Livingstone. I have been wondering about you ever since I heard
about that will." He looked at her admiringly. Eleanor was a
small girl with curly brown hair, which just showed under her hat
rim, and merry brown eyes.
"You don't seem to be much interested in the letter," said
Eleanor mischievously. Victor blushed and quickly opened the
envelope, drew out the blank paper. "Well of all--" The girl
laughed merrily. "Isn't that some map? Let's go hunt the treasure
immediately." Victor grinned: "So this is all it amounts to. I
thought I was going on a wild goose chase. I had plenty of my own
dough, but I thought it would be fun. But I am glad to come.
Here I thought I didn't have a relative in the world, and I find--
you. It is good to know you have some relatives, even if we are
about sixty fifth cousins, Come! Let's go out and get a bit to eat.
I'm almost starved."
That evening when Eleanor reached her room at the hotel she
was very happy. Running quickly up the rickety stairs she entered
her room. "Goodness! It's dark in here. I wonder where the
matches are." She soon found a box of matches turning on the gas,
still holding the blank paper in her hand she held the lighted match
to the burner. When the light blazed up, she looked at the paper
wonderingly. Small letters began to appear. Holding the paper
nearer the fire, she watched breathlessly. she was able to make out
the words country and fireplace, but the rest of the sentence was
unintelligible. "I wonder what it can mean! I'm going to ask
Victor tomorrow," for she had promised that he might call the next
afternoon. She thought about it all night and the next forenoon,
but could make nothing of it.
Promptly at one o'clock, Victor was announced, running down
the stairs with the paper fluttering in her hand, she met him at the
door and waved the paper before his eyes. "Look!" she cried
"I have solved the mystery!"
Victor took the paper and examined the writing on it. "You
are a genius, Eleanor. How did you manage such a stunt?"
"What do you suppose it means?" she asked breathlessly and
then told of her experience the night before.
"I think country must mean his country home. Don't you?
Let's go out and investigate. It's only two hours ride on the cars."
"Oh! I bet too, that's what it means. What a stupid I am!"
exclaimed Eleanor, "I'll be ready in jiffy."
The Owl 1916 (42)
page 42
Corresponds to page 38 of The Owl 1916
When they reached the house, Eleanor exclaimed: "Isn't it
pretty? Uncle Dick surely had an eye for beauty. Oh! Victor!"
(They had already decided to use their Christian names,) "How are
we going to get in? I haven't any key, have you?"
"Yes, indeed," laughed the boy, "You don't suppose I would
forget that, do you?" He opened the door and Eleanor ran in.
"Oh! here's the fireplace!" she exclaimed. "But I don't see any
money laying around loose, do you?"
"I certainly don't!" said Victor. "Let's see if we can find any
secret springs around here." Victor was busy trying to dislodge a
large stone inside the fireplace. "There it is," exclaimed the boy
when he had removed the stone, "You press the magic button
Eleanor." The girl pressed the button and the fireplace slowly
turned around, disclosing a small room with several small trunks in it.
"At last," breathed Eleanor as they entered the room and found
that the trunks opened at their touch. Gold, jewels, precious paint-
ings of many kinds and all kinds of wealth was stored in the three
trunks. "Oh! Isn't this pretty? Dear Uncle Dick! I wonder
what this is for? Just look! here is a gold thimble! Where do you
suppose the old bachelor got it?" These and many more similar
exclamations burst from Eleanor as she examined the treasure.
Running from one chest to the other, examining and exclaiming.
At last she noticed Victor's silence and exclaimed! "Why what
is the matter?"
Victor has been standing a little away from her, watching her
every motion. "I was just wondering what you would do with all
you wealth," he said. "You will be as rich as Croesus."
Eleanor stared at him. She had not thought about anything
but finding the money. Now that it was found, she didn't know what
to do. She wondered vaguely why Victor looked at her go gravely.
Then she remembered what he had said and exclaimed: "My
money! Why it isn't mine any more than it is yours. I never
would have thought about this house. You must have half."
Victor looked at her meaningly and said, "But remember, Dear,
Uncle Dick did not want the money divided."
Eleanor flushed crimson, covered her face with her hands, and
sat down weakly on one of the treasure trunks. "Oh what shall I
"The money doesn't have to be divided," exclaimed the boy
eagerly. "Eleanor won't you marry me? I know I haven't known
you very long, but what difference does that make?"
"Not any," murrmured Eleanor, as she buried her face on his
"Hurrah--! for the hidden letter" shouted Victor.
--Elizabeth Gorsuch, '17
Corresponds to page 38 of The Owl 1916
When they reached the house, Eleanor exclaimed: "Isn't it
pretty? Uncle Dick surely had an eye for beauty. Oh! Victor!"
(They had already decided to use their Christian names,) "How are
we going to get in? I haven't any key, have you?"
"Yes, indeed," laughed the boy, "You don't suppose I would
forget that, do you?" He opened the door and Eleanor ran in.
"Oh! here's the fireplace!" she exclaimed. "But I don't see any
money laying around loose, do you?"
"I certainly don't!" said Victor. "Let's see if we can find any
secret springs around here." Victor was busy trying to dislodge a
large stone inside the fireplace. "There it is," exclaimed the boy
when he had removed the stone, "You press the magic button
Eleanor." The girl pressed the button and the fireplace slowly
turned around, disclosing a small room with several small trunks in it.
"At last," breathed Eleanor as they entered the room and found
that the trunks opened at their touch. Gold, jewels, precious paint-
ings of many kinds and all kinds of wealth was stored in the three
trunks. "Oh! Isn't this pretty? Dear Uncle Dick! I wonder
what this is for? Just look! here is a gold thimble! Where do you
suppose the old bachelor got it?" These and many more similar
exclamations burst from Eleanor as she examined the treasure.
Running from one chest to the other, examining and exclaiming.
At last she noticed Victor's silence and exclaimed! "Why what
is the matter?"
Victor has been standing a little away from her, watching her
every motion. "I was just wondering what you would do with all
you wealth," he said. "You will be as rich as Croesus."
Eleanor stared at him. She had not thought about anything
but finding the money. Now that it was found, she didn't know what
to do. She wondered vaguely why Victor looked at her go gravely.
Then she remembered what he had said and exclaimed: "My
money! Why it isn't mine any more than it is yours. I never
would have thought about this house. You must have half."
Victor looked at her meaningly and said, "But remember, Dear,
Uncle Dick did not want the money divided."
Eleanor flushed crimson, covered her face with her hands, and
sat down weakly on one of the treasure trunks. "Oh what shall I
"The money doesn't have to be divided," exclaimed the boy
eagerly. "Eleanor won't you marry me? I know I haven't known
you very long, but what difference does that make?"
"Not any," murrmured Eleanor, as she buried her face on his
"Hurrah--! for the hidden letter" shouted Victor.
--Elizabeth Gorsuch, '17
The Owl 1916 (43)
page 43
Corresponds to page 39 of The Owl 1916
Junior Alphabet
A is for Armond, a bright young boy,--gay and ambitious, his mother's joy.
B is for Bricker, who strikes all the time, his lessons well learned, his debating
fine. He thinks a woman has little sense but for his love for Caroline is very
C is for Clyde and Clarance, the lawyers two, who play and sing and do other
things not a few.
D is for Donald, mischievous and sly, the handsomest boy in Sunbury High.
E is for Everett, a wee little boy, beside brother Lehr, he looks like a toy.
F is for Floy, charming and gay, she giggles and chatters the livelong day.
G is for Gorsuch who is very bright, she studies all day and most of the night.
Also for Granger a girl frail and small, who lingers and lingers in the long
quiet hall.
H is for Harold, with features so fine,--girls--why he can get them most any time.
L is for Leo who comes so soon, to talk with Bernice most every noon. L too, is
for Lucile, a slender brunette, who if you saw her, you ne'er could forget.
M is for Mona with light brown hair, tall and slender and very fair. And M is
for Mary--Bolton, you know, studious, quiet and very slow.
N is for Nellie who ever inclines to talk in a voice like the whipering pines.
Also for Newell, a boy tall and sedate, he works and works both early and late.
O is for Opal, a gem precious as gold, quiet and thoughtful and not at all bold.
P is for Peggy, a girl with bright eyes, loud natured and shy but still very wise.
R is for Rolland, a mischievous lad, frolicsome, gay and always bad.
S is for Susie , a tall Saxon beauty, she works very hard and does her duty. Also
for Summers, a quiet little girl, but to Clyde she is a precious pearl.
W is for Walters,--Nancy you see, bashful but studious and busy as a bee.
The rest for the Juniors that might have been here, for Jacob, Thomas, Ina
and Vere. Also for Cloise, quiet, bashful and shy, so we are the Juniors of Sun-
bury High.
--Cloise Gray, '17
Freshman Class History
It would seem as though a history of the Freshman class would be out
of order. We are living our history not writing it. The upperclass-
men have written volumes about their wonderful achievements and
adventures. Modesty forbids us to parade our deeds before the gaze
of the public. We believe in hiding our light under a bushel and never
letting our right hand know what the left hand doeth. Not so with the upperclass-
men. They ask reverence and preach honor to whom honor is due. Again if
we should write our own history we might be tempted to tell of our good deeds and
omit the bad. We wonder what sort of a class history the Juniors would have if
they had written their history from an unbiased standpoint. Would not the smarty
Sophomores burn with shame if the account of their doing was published? Then
knowing the true history of these individuals whom we have mentioned it be-
hooves us to act with modesty and if we cannot write a true history then we had
better not write any at all.
--Frank Frye, '19
Corresponds to page 39 of The Owl 1916
Junior Alphabet
A is for Armond, a bright young boy,--gay and ambitious, his mother's joy.
B is for Bricker, who strikes all the time, his lessons well learned, his debating
fine. He thinks a woman has little sense but for his love for Caroline is very
C is for Clyde and Clarance, the lawyers two, who play and sing and do other
things not a few.
D is for Donald, mischievous and sly, the handsomest boy in Sunbury High.
E is for Everett, a wee little boy, beside brother Lehr, he looks like a toy.
F is for Floy, charming and gay, she giggles and chatters the livelong day.
G is for Gorsuch who is very bright, she studies all day and most of the night.
Also for Granger a girl frail and small, who lingers and lingers in the long
quiet hall.
H is for Harold, with features so fine,--girls--why he can get them most any time.
L is for Leo who comes so soon, to talk with Bernice most every noon. L too, is
for Lucile, a slender brunette, who if you saw her, you ne'er could forget.
M is for Mona with light brown hair, tall and slender and very fair. And M is
for Mary--Bolton, you know, studious, quiet and very slow.
N is for Nellie who ever inclines to talk in a voice like the whipering pines.
Also for Newell, a boy tall and sedate, he works and works both early and late.
O is for Opal, a gem precious as gold, quiet and thoughtful and not at all bold.
P is for Peggy, a girl with bright eyes, loud natured and shy but still very wise.
R is for Rolland, a mischievous lad, frolicsome, gay and always bad.
S is for Susie , a tall Saxon beauty, she works very hard and does her duty. Also
for Summers, a quiet little girl, but to Clyde she is a precious pearl.
W is for Walters,--Nancy you see, bashful but studious and busy as a bee.
The rest for the Juniors that might have been here, for Jacob, Thomas, Ina
and Vere. Also for Cloise, quiet, bashful and shy, so we are the Juniors of Sun-
bury High.
--Cloise Gray, '17
Freshman Class History
It would seem as though a history of the Freshman class would be out
of order. We are living our history not writing it. The upperclass-
men have written volumes about their wonderful achievements and
adventures. Modesty forbids us to parade our deeds before the gaze
of the public. We believe in hiding our light under a bushel and never
letting our right hand know what the left hand doeth. Not so with the upperclass-
men. They ask reverence and preach honor to whom honor is due. Again if
we should write our own history we might be tempted to tell of our good deeds and
omit the bad. We wonder what sort of a class history the Juniors would have if
they had written their history from an unbiased standpoint. Would not the smarty
Sophomores burn with shame if the account of their doing was published? Then
knowing the true history of these individuals whom we have mentioned it be-
hooves us to act with modesty and if we cannot write a true history then we had
better not write any at all.
--Frank Frye, '19
The Owl 1916 (44)
page 44
Corresponds to page 40 of The Owl 1916
Debating Team
(Front row left to right) Leo McCoy, Everett Perfect, Dwight
(Back row) Clyde Bricker, Llewellyn Davis, Ray Eley, Frank
Corresponds to page 40 of The Owl 1916
Debating Team
(Front row left to right) Leo McCoy, Everett Perfect, Dwight
(Back row) Clyde Bricker, Llewellyn Davis, Ray Eley, Frank
The Owl 1916 (45)
page 45
Corresponds to page 41 of The Owl 1916
Debating Team
The need for a closer relationship and of wholesome rivalry
among the various high schools of Delaware County has
long been felt. Thru the hearty cooperation, for the past
two years, of the various principals and district superin-
tendents, rapid strides have been made to supply this need. Much
has been done to encourage clean athletics. Basket ball schedules
and track meets have been arranged and successfully carried out.
And s.H.S. has made her presence felt in the contests. But the
intellectual side has not been neglected. An orational contest was
held at Ashley in May, nine hundred and fifteen. Most of the high
schools sent a representative. This contest will be an annual event.
On the eighteenth of February was held the first debate among the
mnay high schools of the county. Each school had an affirmative
and a negative team, the former debating at home, the latter visiting
another school. The subject was, "Resolved, That there should be
an immediate and substantial increase in our army and navy."
S.H.S. had two splendid teams. The affirmative team won an
interesting debate from Powell. The team had been coached on
argument in particular and this won the debate. The Powell Team
showed much evidence of coaching on delivery.
Our encounter with Ashley did not come out so successfully to
us. Bricker, one of our star debaters, was unable to do himself and
his school justice as he was just recovering from a severe illness.
The people at Ashley were honest when they gave McCoy, the third
man on our team, the credit of making the best speech of the evening.
We know that our debating season was a success and we look
forward to a good year in 1916-17.
illustration of man in a dress suit with arms and hands reaching forward
Corresponds to page 41 of The Owl 1916
Debating Team
The need for a closer relationship and of wholesome rivalry
among the various high schools of Delaware County has
long been felt. Thru the hearty cooperation, for the past
two years, of the various principals and district superin-
tendents, rapid strides have been made to supply this need. Much
has been done to encourage clean athletics. Basket ball schedules
and track meets have been arranged and successfully carried out.
And s.H.S. has made her presence felt in the contests. But the
intellectual side has not been neglected. An orational contest was
held at Ashley in May, nine hundred and fifteen. Most of the high
schools sent a representative. This contest will be an annual event.
On the eighteenth of February was held the first debate among the
mnay high schools of the county. Each school had an affirmative
and a negative team, the former debating at home, the latter visiting
another school. The subject was, "Resolved, That there should be
an immediate and substantial increase in our army and navy."
S.H.S. had two splendid teams. The affirmative team won an
interesting debate from Powell. The team had been coached on
argument in particular and this won the debate. The Powell Team
showed much evidence of coaching on delivery.
Our encounter with Ashley did not come out so successfully to
us. Bricker, one of our star debaters, was unable to do himself and
his school justice as he was just recovering from a severe illness.
The people at Ashley were honest when they gave McCoy, the third
man on our team, the credit of making the best speech of the evening.
We know that our debating season was a success and we look
forward to a good year in 1916-17.
illustration of man in a dress suit with arms and hands reaching forward
The Owl 1916 (46)
page 46
Corresponds to page 42 of The Owl 1916
Sophomore Class History
In the year 1914 we were Freshmen. There were 35 of us,
which number made quite a class. We came from all
parts of the country round, including Sunbury, Condit,
Olive Green, and Kilbourne. We felt very strange for the
first few days but we soon became accustomed to our new surround-
ings. We underwent the jeers of the upper classmen with a smile
but none but ourselves knew what those smiles cost.
As we were "Little Freshies" we stood quite in fear of the first
examination, but after it was over and most of us received good
grades, we felt more like ourselves.
We had not gone to school long when Death called Marie Allison
from us.
When final examination came around some of us were excused
and most of us received a pass. At the end of the year we had the
satisfaction of knowing that our grades averaged better than any of
the other classes.
When we again came together on September 6th, 1915, we found
that there were only twenty-six of our original number, but we had
one new member. We were now Sophomores and we hoped our
studies would not be so hard as last, but alas! Geometry was our
lot. It was now our turn to jeer at the "Little Freshies," and so we
felt quite at our ease.
Three days after school opened, our classmate Mamie Ruth
Spangler became ill with typhoid fever and lingered for three short
weeks. Her death was mourned by the entire class.
This year we had the honor of having two of the members of our
class, Leta Speer and Ruth Huston, on the Girls' Basket ball team.
During our Sophomore year several of the boys discarded knicker-
bockers for trousers. With the beginning of the second semester we
began to study our Geometry very hard and the next time we re-
ceived our grade cards there were several hundreds.
Mt. Carmel Hospital had the care of two of our members,
Hugh Rosecrans and William Frazier, but we are glad that they are
back with us again.
We had a class party at the home of Ethel Furry on March 17th.
The members of the Sophomore class and their invited guests were
there to the number of forty. One feature of the evening was magic
lantern pictures. We departed at a late hour for our homes, having
had a fine time.
This ends our History for the past two years. We do not know
what our History for the next two years will be, but in the language of
the poet, we say, "Our future is just what we make it."
--Ruth Domigan '18
Corresponds to page 42 of The Owl 1916
Sophomore Class History
In the year 1914 we were Freshmen. There were 35 of us,
which number made quite a class. We came from all
parts of the country round, including Sunbury, Condit,
Olive Green, and Kilbourne. We felt very strange for the
first few days but we soon became accustomed to our new surround-
ings. We underwent the jeers of the upper classmen with a smile
but none but ourselves knew what those smiles cost.
As we were "Little Freshies" we stood quite in fear of the first
examination, but after it was over and most of us received good
grades, we felt more like ourselves.
We had not gone to school long when Death called Marie Allison
from us.
When final examination came around some of us were excused
and most of us received a pass. At the end of the year we had the
satisfaction of knowing that our grades averaged better than any of
the other classes.
When we again came together on September 6th, 1915, we found
that there were only twenty-six of our original number, but we had
one new member. We were now Sophomores and we hoped our
studies would not be so hard as last, but alas! Geometry was our
lot. It was now our turn to jeer at the "Little Freshies," and so we
felt quite at our ease.
Three days after school opened, our classmate Mamie Ruth
Spangler became ill with typhoid fever and lingered for three short
weeks. Her death was mourned by the entire class.
This year we had the honor of having two of the members of our
class, Leta Speer and Ruth Huston, on the Girls' Basket ball team.
During our Sophomore year several of the boys discarded knicker-
bockers for trousers. With the beginning of the second semester we
began to study our Geometry very hard and the next time we re-
ceived our grade cards there were several hundreds.
Mt. Carmel Hospital had the care of two of our members,
Hugh Rosecrans and William Frazier, but we are glad that they are
back with us again.
We had a class party at the home of Ethel Furry on March 17th.
The members of the Sophomore class and their invited guests were
there to the number of forty. One feature of the evening was magic
lantern pictures. We departed at a late hour for our homes, having
had a fine time.
This ends our History for the past two years. We do not know
what our History for the next two years will be, but in the language of
the poet, we say, "Our future is just what we make it."
--Ruth Domigan '18
The Owl 1916 (47)
page 47
Corresponds to page 43 of The Owl 1916
The Ten Commandments
1. Remember A.D.S., the principal of the school. Thou shalt
bring thy excuses to him above all others and hold him in esteem.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Geometry in vain or
call it vile names, but study it diligently if thou wouldst become a
3. Remember in thy schooldays to keep thyself busy. Seven
days out of the week thou shalt devote to thy studies, and the rest
thou mayst devote to what thou seest fit.
4. Honor thy teachers and instructors lest thou shouldst be
canned with too much fluency.
5. Thou shalt not kill time, for the wrath of A.D.S. falleth on
him that doeth this.
6. Thou shalt not steal thy Physics data from another lest at
any time a zero grace thy grade card.
7. Thou shalt not tattle lest thou be condemned.
8. Thou shalt not loiter in the halls if thou desirest all to think
well of thee.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's girl if thou desirest to
be friends with thy neighbors.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors' grades but devote ten
hours a day to study and thy grades will be as thy neighbors.
--Hazel Holt, '16
Corresponds to page 43 of The Owl 1916
The Ten Commandments
1. Remember A.D.S., the principal of the school. Thou shalt
bring thy excuses to him above all others and hold him in esteem.
2. Thou shalt not take the name of the Geometry in vain or
call it vile names, but study it diligently if thou wouldst become a
3. Remember in thy schooldays to keep thyself busy. Seven
days out of the week thou shalt devote to thy studies, and the rest
thou mayst devote to what thou seest fit.
4. Honor thy teachers and instructors lest thou shouldst be
canned with too much fluency.
5. Thou shalt not kill time, for the wrath of A.D.S. falleth on
him that doeth this.
6. Thou shalt not steal thy Physics data from another lest at
any time a zero grace thy grade card.
7. Thou shalt not tattle lest thou be condemned.
8. Thou shalt not loiter in the halls if thou desirest all to think
well of thee.
9. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's girl if thou desirest to
be friends with thy neighbors.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors' grades but devote ten
hours a day to study and thy grades will be as thy neighbors.
--Hazel Holt, '16
The Owl 1916 (48)
page 48
Corresponds to page 44 of The Owl 1916
A Huge Joke
Among the passengers to board the train at Caxton were Mr. and Mrs.
James Smythe and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smythe and baby Louise.
As Mrs. James leaned back in her seat she delicately shook her head
and the folds of her gown to see if any tell-tale grains of rice might
be lurking there. James observed the movement and smiled tenderly
at her, conveying all the love in that smile of which a husband of two hours is
capable. Mr. and Mrs. Harry smiled also, for they were thinking of a time only
two years past when they were newly-weds, too.
Perhaps it would be well to inform the reader that Harry and James are twin
brothers, looking just as much alike as "two peas in a pod." Indeed no ordinary
observer could have told them apart. Both had gone to college, but strange as
it may seem, to different places, Harry to M____ and James to Boston. They
were thirty years old, so their college chums had not seen them for a long time.
Jim had wired one of his chums of his wedding and as they were passing thru Boston
he casually mentioned the day and the train upon which he might be expected.
After he had done this he had some misgiving as to whether he had acted wisely,
for he remembered how they treated the newly-weds, in his younger days.
He thought he caught a glimpse of his salvation when Harry announced that
he was going on the same day to Boston on business.
Just now Jim's eyes rested on a card saying, "Just Married" attached to one
of his suit cases. Skillfully turning it so as to conceal the card, he said to Harry,
"Say, Harry, why can't you take my suitcases up to the hotel, and we'll take
yours and the baby? We both stop at the same hotel you know."
"Why, what makes the difference?" answered his brother.
"Oh, None! Only people won't think that we are just married. But--of
course if you don't want to--" James turned away with an air of resignation.
"Cut that, Jim, you know I'd do anything to please you. Of course we will,
won't we Mary?" Then he turned to the demure little woman at his side.
"Certainly," she said, smilingly, "anything you say, dear."
Then they determined to see if Louise would vote in the affirmative. Harry
handed her over to James and she so far as one could judge from external appearance
was perfectly satisfied and signified the same by dropping to sleep in her uncle's
James drew a deep breath of satisfaction for he thought, if anything does hap-
pen, Trix and I will be on the safe side, since they have never seen Mary or my wife,
they will think that Harry is the bridegroom and he early chuckled as he kicked
the suitcase with the "just married" placard attached.
But alas! Little did Jim know what the fates had in store for him.
By this time they had reached Boston and Jim, grasping Harry's suitcases and
taking baby Louise, lost no time in getting off the train--on the left side we may
add by way of explanaton. This occurred because he happened to notice a large
automobile profusely decorated with signs and the placard "We're living on Love,"
up by the curbing on the right side and surrounded by a large number of the
fraternity boys.
Corresponds to page 44 of The Owl 1916
A Huge Joke
Among the passengers to board the train at Caxton were Mr. and Mrs.
James Smythe and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smythe and baby Louise.
As Mrs. James leaned back in her seat she delicately shook her head
and the folds of her gown to see if any tell-tale grains of rice might
be lurking there. James observed the movement and smiled tenderly
at her, conveying all the love in that smile of which a husband of two hours is
capable. Mr. and Mrs. Harry smiled also, for they were thinking of a time only
two years past when they were newly-weds, too.
Perhaps it would be well to inform the reader that Harry and James are twin
brothers, looking just as much alike as "two peas in a pod." Indeed no ordinary
observer could have told them apart. Both had gone to college, but strange as
it may seem, to different places, Harry to M____ and James to Boston. They
were thirty years old, so their college chums had not seen them for a long time.
Jim had wired one of his chums of his wedding and as they were passing thru Boston
he casually mentioned the day and the train upon which he might be expected.
After he had done this he had some misgiving as to whether he had acted wisely,
for he remembered how they treated the newly-weds, in his younger days.
He thought he caught a glimpse of his salvation when Harry announced that
he was going on the same day to Boston on business.
Just now Jim's eyes rested on a card saying, "Just Married" attached to one
of his suit cases. Skillfully turning it so as to conceal the card, he said to Harry,
"Say, Harry, why can't you take my suitcases up to the hotel, and we'll take
yours and the baby? We both stop at the same hotel you know."
"Why, what makes the difference?" answered his brother.
"Oh, None! Only people won't think that we are just married. But--of
course if you don't want to--" James turned away with an air of resignation.
"Cut that, Jim, you know I'd do anything to please you. Of course we will,
won't we Mary?" Then he turned to the demure little woman at his side.
"Certainly," she said, smilingly, "anything you say, dear."
Then they determined to see if Louise would vote in the affirmative. Harry
handed her over to James and she so far as one could judge from external appearance
was perfectly satisfied and signified the same by dropping to sleep in her uncle's
James drew a deep breath of satisfaction for he thought, if anything does hap-
pen, Trix and I will be on the safe side, since they have never seen Mary or my wife,
they will think that Harry is the bridegroom and he early chuckled as he kicked
the suitcase with the "just married" placard attached.
But alas! Little did Jim know what the fates had in store for him.
By this time they had reached Boston and Jim, grasping Harry's suitcases and
taking baby Louise, lost no time in getting off the train--on the left side we may
add by way of explanaton. This occurred because he happened to notice a large
automobile profusely decorated with signs and the placard "We're living on Love,"
up by the curbing on the right side and surrounded by a large number of the
fraternity boys.
The Owl 1916 (49)
page 49
Corresponds to page 45 of The Owl 1916
No sooner did the boys see Harry's suitcase than they saw that the desired
object of their search had arrived and proceeded to shout their congratulations
into that astonished gentleman's ear. Did I say "astonished"? Well, that is the
faintest possible term to be applied to the state of the minds of Harry and Mary.
Presently they saw that they were being conducted toward that profusely decorated
automobile. Harry's heart sank like lead. He then tried to tell his captors that
they were making a mistake, but if they heard they did not heed. Presently he
found his wife and himself escorted to the machine and when he saw that the
buildings were seemingly moving he realized that they must be moving instead.
The haze before his mind seemed to gradually disappear, then he saw why
Jim was so anzious to exchange suitcases. "Oh, when I see him," he muttered
between his teeth, "I'll make him pay for this."
Then ye gods, he thought of his baby. For well he knew that Jim's knowledge
of babies was very limited.
He had looked at his watch before he left the train and then glancing over the
man's shoulder just in front of him he ascertained that they were going at least
forty miles per hour. Doing a little calculation in his mind he discovered that
they were about twenty-five miles from Boston.
The boys seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely for they kept up a
continued flow of conversation and when they passed a farmhouse they did not
neglect to test their lung power. The people whom they passed also seemed to
be enjoying themselves at Harry's and Mary's expense.
When all this was passing thru Harry's mind--crack! and a tire was punc-
tured! The boys piled out, not forgetting to take out the newly weds' suitcases
as a further precaution. As it took some time to repair the damage Harry and his
wife engaged in a whispered conversation to the effect that when the boy said that
it was just about repaired he quietly got over into the front seat and when the
boys cranked up he sailed gracefully away leaving an astonished group of boys
standing precisely in the center of the road twenty-five miles from Boston.
It is true that they left the suitcases but they were Jim's, so why borrow
Meanwhile Jim and Trix were having troubles of heir own. When baby
Louise awoke she ascertained that it was not her father that held her and began
to inform James of the fact by a series of cries, punctuated now and then by an
emphatic kick. He then thought if he removed his coat he could handle baby
Louise to a better advantage. So off came the coat. Of course it is foolish to
think that the baby could detect any difference for, at least she didn't. "Where,
oh where are Harry and Mary? Why don't they come? Don't they know I
can't take care of a baby?" These and similar questions flashed thru Jim's mind.
Finally he sheepishly handed Louise over to Trix and said that he was going
down to tell the clerk that if Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smythe came in to tell them to
come up to No. 166 at once. He flew up the stairs to his room. He then picked
up the nearly frantic Louise and proceeded to walk the floor with her. This seemed
to quiet her for a while and he glanced trimuhantly at his wife, but alas! pride
goeth before a fall; for when the novelty of the situation wore off she commenced
her protestations with renewed vigor, emphasizing the same by running a soft hand
thru his hair and seizing large handfuls of it with such determinaton that nearly
caused the roots of his hair to dissolve partnership with his scalp.
Now, an automobile had just pulled up in front of the hotel and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry alighted before the car had hardly reached a standstill. Just as Harry
finished registering, the clerk said that a gentleman in No. 166 wanted to see him.
Corresponds to page 45 of The Owl 1916
No sooner did the boys see Harry's suitcase than they saw that the desired
object of their search had arrived and proceeded to shout their congratulations
into that astonished gentleman's ear. Did I say "astonished"? Well, that is the
faintest possible term to be applied to the state of the minds of Harry and Mary.
Presently they saw that they were being conducted toward that profusely decorated
automobile. Harry's heart sank like lead. He then tried to tell his captors that
they were making a mistake, but if they heard they did not heed. Presently he
found his wife and himself escorted to the machine and when he saw that the
buildings were seemingly moving he realized that they must be moving instead.
The haze before his mind seemed to gradually disappear, then he saw why
Jim was so anzious to exchange suitcases. "Oh, when I see him," he muttered
between his teeth, "I'll make him pay for this."
Then ye gods, he thought of his baby. For well he knew that Jim's knowledge
of babies was very limited.
He had looked at his watch before he left the train and then glancing over the
man's shoulder just in front of him he ascertained that they were going at least
forty miles per hour. Doing a little calculation in his mind he discovered that
they were about twenty-five miles from Boston.
The boys seemed to be enjoying themselves immensely for they kept up a
continued flow of conversation and when they passed a farmhouse they did not
neglect to test their lung power. The people whom they passed also seemed to
be enjoying themselves at Harry's and Mary's expense.
When all this was passing thru Harry's mind--crack! and a tire was punc-
tured! The boys piled out, not forgetting to take out the newly weds' suitcases
as a further precaution. As it took some time to repair the damage Harry and his
wife engaged in a whispered conversation to the effect that when the boy said that
it was just about repaired he quietly got over into the front seat and when the
boys cranked up he sailed gracefully away leaving an astonished group of boys
standing precisely in the center of the road twenty-five miles from Boston.
It is true that they left the suitcases but they were Jim's, so why borrow
Meanwhile Jim and Trix were having troubles of heir own. When baby
Louise awoke she ascertained that it was not her father that held her and began
to inform James of the fact by a series of cries, punctuated now and then by an
emphatic kick. He then thought if he removed his coat he could handle baby
Louise to a better advantage. So off came the coat. Of course it is foolish to
think that the baby could detect any difference for, at least she didn't. "Where,
oh where are Harry and Mary? Why don't they come? Don't they know I
can't take care of a baby?" These and similar questions flashed thru Jim's mind.
Finally he sheepishly handed Louise over to Trix and said that he was going
down to tell the clerk that if Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smythe came in to tell them to
come up to No. 166 at once. He flew up the stairs to his room. He then picked
up the nearly frantic Louise and proceeded to walk the floor with her. This seemed
to quiet her for a while and he glanced trimuhantly at his wife, but alas! pride
goeth before a fall; for when the novelty of the situation wore off she commenced
her protestations with renewed vigor, emphasizing the same by running a soft hand
thru his hair and seizing large handfuls of it with such determinaton that nearly
caused the roots of his hair to dissolve partnership with his scalp.
Now, an automobile had just pulled up in front of the hotel and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry alighted before the car had hardly reached a standstill. Just as Harry
finished registering, the clerk said that a gentleman in No. 166 wanted to see him.
The Owl 1916 (50)
page 50
Corresponds to page 46 of The Owl 1916
Harry didn't stop to knock at the door to which he was easily guided by Louise'
frantic cries for help. He stopped short at the sight he beheld, if Jim had been in
better humor and less worried, he would have laughed heartily at the extremely
ludicrous spectacle. Mary had arrived by this time, she, too, stopped short and
looked. Mary was the first to break the spell. "Why, you foolish children,
didn't you know that baby Louise was hungry and wanted something to eat."
So saying she went to one of the suitcases and opened it. Then she extracted a
bottle of milk at the sight of which Louise ceased her struggles and became quiet.
Harry proceeded to ask Jim the reason why he had played him such a mean trick,
then he related his adventures.
"Upon my word, Harry, I didn't think it would have been quite so serious or
I wouldn't have done if for anything. But talk of getting even, just as if you
haven't." Here he glanced significantly at Louise, who was now lying contentedly
on her mother's lap. There they all laughed and Harry said that he did not envy
the boys their walk home, who we may as well admit resolved never again, from
this day forth to disturb a newly married couple.
"By the way, Harry, what did you do with our suitcases," asked Trix.
"Why," stammered Harry, "I almost forgot but you'll find them out where
our tire got punctured, about 25 miles from here, I think."
Here Mary interposed, "I think Jim ought to be made to go for the suitcases
for the origin of the whole plot lies with him."
All heartily agreed and pronounced themselves no worse off for the day's
--Susanna Spearman '17.
illustration of owl
Corresponds to page 46 of The Owl 1916
Harry didn't stop to knock at the door to which he was easily guided by Louise'
frantic cries for help. He stopped short at the sight he beheld, if Jim had been in
better humor and less worried, he would have laughed heartily at the extremely
ludicrous spectacle. Mary had arrived by this time, she, too, stopped short and
looked. Mary was the first to break the spell. "Why, you foolish children,
didn't you know that baby Louise was hungry and wanted something to eat."
So saying she went to one of the suitcases and opened it. Then she extracted a
bottle of milk at the sight of which Louise ceased her struggles and became quiet.
Harry proceeded to ask Jim the reason why he had played him such a mean trick,
then he related his adventures.
"Upon my word, Harry, I didn't think it would have been quite so serious or
I wouldn't have done if for anything. But talk of getting even, just as if you
haven't." Here he glanced significantly at Louise, who was now lying contentedly
on her mother's lap. There they all laughed and Harry said that he did not envy
the boys their walk home, who we may as well admit resolved never again, from
this day forth to disturb a newly married couple.
"By the way, Harry, what did you do with our suitcases," asked Trix.
"Why," stammered Harry, "I almost forgot but you'll find them out where
our tire got punctured, about 25 miles from here, I think."
Here Mary interposed, "I think Jim ought to be made to go for the suitcases
for the origin of the whole plot lies with him."
All heartily agreed and pronounced themselves no worse off for the day's
--Susanna Spearman '17.
illustration of owl
The Owl 1916 (51)
page 51
Corresponds to page 47 of The Owl 1916
The Freshman Boy
Blessings on thee, unlearned man
Freshman boy, with tie of tan!
With thy new long pantaloons,
and thy discord'd whistled tunes;
with thy red lips, redder still
When kissed by sweet girls, on the hill;
With all blushing on thy face,
Thru thy sad days' scanty grace;
From my heart I give thee joy,--
I was once a Freshman boy;
Minor thou art,--the Sohp'more man
Only is republican.
Let the dear Senior ride!
Freshman, trudging at his side,
Thou hast such that none can buy
In the reach of Junior eye,--
Outward greenness, inward hope;
Blessings on thee, Freshman mope!
By J. William Frazier, '18
Buy an Annual
Send one to your mother,
One to your brother,
And one to your sister too.
illustration of man chasing a hat in the wind
Corresponds to page 47 of The Owl 1916
The Freshman Boy
Blessings on thee, unlearned man
Freshman boy, with tie of tan!
With thy new long pantaloons,
and thy discord'd whistled tunes;
with thy red lips, redder still
When kissed by sweet girls, on the hill;
With all blushing on thy face,
Thru thy sad days' scanty grace;
From my heart I give thee joy,--
I was once a Freshman boy;
Minor thou art,--the Sohp'more man
Only is republican.
Let the dear Senior ride!
Freshman, trudging at his side,
Thou hast such that none can buy
In the reach of Junior eye,--
Outward greenness, inward hope;
Blessings on thee, Freshman mope!
By J. William Frazier, '18
Buy an Annual
Send one to your mother,
One to your brother,
And one to your sister too.
illustration of man chasing a hat in the wind
The Owl 1916 (52)
page 52
Corresponds to page 48 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man playing tennis and missing the ball
Corresponds to page 48 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man playing tennis and missing the ball
The Owl 1916 (53)
page 53
Corresponds to page 49 of The Owl 1916
Boys' Basket Ball Team
(From left to right) Hobert Grey, Richard Paul, Cloise Grey,
Leo McCoy, Ross Beaver, Ray Eley, Dwight Huston, Donald Main,
A.D. St. Clair.
Corresponds to page 49 of The Owl 1916
Boys' Basket Ball Team
(From left to right) Hobert Grey, Richard Paul, Cloise Grey,
Leo McCoy, Ross Beaver, Ray Eley, Dwight Huston, Donald Main,
A.D. St. Clair.
The Owl 1916 (54)
page 54
Corresponds to page 50 of The Owl 1916
Basket Ball
Sunbury boys' basket ball team came up to the expecta-
tions this year, and carried away the county championship
without a single defeat. The team work was excellent in
spite of the fact that only three of the team had played
together before and the other two had never had any experience on a
The schedule included games with the best teams in the county.
Out of six games played our boys won all six making an average of
100%. During the season our team scored 197 points to their oppo-
nents 58, an average of over 32 points per game or a lead of 139
The season was officially opened at Ashley, when in the best
and fastest game of the season, Ashley went down in defeat and Sun-
bury returned home carrying their scalps, having won the first game
to score 28-17. At the return game our boys had things their own
way. After banqueting both the boys and girls teams, the Ashley
boys were sent home in defeat with a score of 33-3. The next game
was with Powell on their grounds and this proved to be one of the
easiest games of the season and Sunbury returned home with a 40-14
The next players to be met were our rivals from Radnor whom
we played on our home ground and defeated 32-12. This victory
was mighty sweet, for the Radnor boys had taken the Track meet the
spring before.
Our next victory was the return game with Powell and this time
they played a better game but they strived in vain and were again
drubbed 30-7.
The season closed with our return game with Radnor and again
forced them to bow down to our colors with the score 34-5.
Ray Eley playing his third year for S.H.S. displayed the best
playing he has shown during his basket ball career. He was the
scoring machine of the Sunbury aggregation, having an average of
over 9 goals in each game.
Mose Beaver playing his first year for S.H.S. displayed great
form. Although he did not make so many baskets he aided greatly
in the passing and team work.
Captain Dick Paul, as center, laying his third and last year for
S.H.S., played exceptionally well at center this year and aided team
greatly in the knock off.
Manager Huston and Squire Gray were excellent guards. Their
work was always of high order, both in guarding and returning ball
to the Sunbury forwards.
Corresponds to page 50 of The Owl 1916
Basket Ball
Sunbury boys' basket ball team came up to the expecta-
tions this year, and carried away the county championship
without a single defeat. The team work was excellent in
spite of the fact that only three of the team had played
together before and the other two had never had any experience on a
The schedule included games with the best teams in the county.
Out of six games played our boys won all six making an average of
100%. During the season our team scored 197 points to their oppo-
nents 58, an average of over 32 points per game or a lead of 139
The season was officially opened at Ashley, when in the best
and fastest game of the season, Ashley went down in defeat and Sun-
bury returned home carrying their scalps, having won the first game
to score 28-17. At the return game our boys had things their own
way. After banqueting both the boys and girls teams, the Ashley
boys were sent home in defeat with a score of 33-3. The next game
was with Powell on their grounds and this proved to be one of the
easiest games of the season and Sunbury returned home with a 40-14
The next players to be met were our rivals from Radnor whom
we played on our home ground and defeated 32-12. This victory
was mighty sweet, for the Radnor boys had taken the Track meet the
spring before.
Our next victory was the return game with Powell and this time
they played a better game but they strived in vain and were again
drubbed 30-7.
The season closed with our return game with Radnor and again
forced them to bow down to our colors with the score 34-5.
Ray Eley playing his third year for S.H.S. displayed the best
playing he has shown during his basket ball career. He was the
scoring machine of the Sunbury aggregation, having an average of
over 9 goals in each game.
Mose Beaver playing his first year for S.H.S. displayed great
form. Although he did not make so many baskets he aided greatly
in the passing and team work.
Captain Dick Paul, as center, laying his third and last year for
S.H.S., played exceptionally well at center this year and aided team
greatly in the knock off.
Manager Huston and Squire Gray were excellent guards. Their
work was always of high order, both in guarding and returning ball
to the Sunbury forwards.
The Owl 1916 (55)
page 55
Corresponds to page 51 of The Owl 1916
McCoy, Main and C. Gray, were substitutes. They had oppor-
tunities to disply their skill in a few games and always showed up
Mr. St. Clair, principal and coach of the team, deserves praise
in his successful coaching of the team and encouraging them on to
Through this year's team all leave by graduation there is plenty
of material in the school for a good team next year and they should
be able to defend Sunbury's present title and win the championship
again next year.
--Ray Eley, '16
Track Season of 1915
The season was not what could be called a success, owing to
bad weather and lack of competition. Still by the coach-
ing of Mr. St. Clair, we had a team which was by no means
the poorest in the meet, as it won third place. Radnor
came first with a score of 28, Galena second with 25 points, and
Sunbury following with 24 points. Most of the team is back this
year and if they show a little more competition there is not reason
why they should not come out first. By graduation some of the
team go out this year so it is the school's ambitioin to win this spring
while our chances are good for doing so. The others schools had
better not get to napping too much just because they beat us last
year. We were handicapped then and they had better look out for
us, this year for we are bad.
--Ray Eley '16
TRACK [drawing of student clearing a hurdle]
Corresponds to page 51 of The Owl 1916
McCoy, Main and C. Gray, were substitutes. They had oppor-
tunities to disply their skill in a few games and always showed up
Mr. St. Clair, principal and coach of the team, deserves praise
in his successful coaching of the team and encouraging them on to
Through this year's team all leave by graduation there is plenty
of material in the school for a good team next year and they should
be able to defend Sunbury's present title and win the championship
again next year.
--Ray Eley, '16
Track Season of 1915
The season was not what could be called a success, owing to
bad weather and lack of competition. Still by the coach-
ing of Mr. St. Clair, we had a team which was by no means
the poorest in the meet, as it won third place. Radnor
came first with a score of 28, Galena second with 25 points, and
Sunbury following with 24 points. Most of the team is back this
year and if they show a little more competition there is not reason
why they should not come out first. By graduation some of the
team go out this year so it is the school's ambitioin to win this spring
while our chances are good for doing so. The others schools had
better not get to napping too much just because they beat us last
year. We were handicapped then and they had better look out for
us, this year for we are bad.
--Ray Eley '16
TRACK [drawing of student clearing a hurdle]
The Owl 1916 (56)
page 56
Corresponds to page 52 of The Owl 1916
Girls' Basket Ball Team
(Front row left to right) Edith Gorsuch, Mary Williams, Gene-
vieve Granger.
(Back row) Mary Whisner, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Nancy Walters, Elizabeth
Weiss, Leta Speer.
Corresponds to page 52 of The Owl 1916
Girls' Basket Ball Team
(Front row left to right) Edith Gorsuch, Mary Williams, Gene-
vieve Granger.
(Back row) Mary Whisner, Elizabeth Gorsuch, Nancy Walters, Elizabeth
Weiss, Leta Speer.
The Owl 1916 (57)
page 57
Corresponds to page 53 of The Owl 1916
The Girls' Basket Ball Season
The Girls' team of basket tossers had their first experience
this year at our door sports, and though they did not come
out ahead they did exceptionally well and deserve the
support of the school. Out of the four games played they
won 2. The season's score was 36 points to opponents 33.
The first game was against the Ashley girls and came out a
tie; but in playing the tie off our girls won out by score of 9-7.
The teams' Waterloo came next, and they were defeated both
times by the Powell girls.
The last game of the season was with Radnor and ended in a
victory for our girls 14-6. This game was played on our home ground
and evidently the Radnor girls saw enough of our girls for they did
not allow them to play the return game.
All of the team except one will be back next year and they will
have a better chance to defend the quality of Athletics as put out by
this school, and it is the hope of the school to see them win the cham-
pionship next year.
--Ray Eley, '16
Corresponds to page 53 of The Owl 1916
The Girls' Basket Ball Season
The Girls' team of basket tossers had their first experience
this year at our door sports, and though they did not come
out ahead they did exceptionally well and deserve the
support of the school. Out of the four games played they
won 2. The season's score was 36 points to opponents 33.
The first game was against the Ashley girls and came out a
tie; but in playing the tie off our girls won out by score of 9-7.
The teams' Waterloo came next, and they were defeated both
times by the Powell girls.
The last game of the season was with Radnor and ended in a
victory for our girls 14-6. This game was played on our home ground
and evidently the Radnor girls saw enough of our girls for they did
not allow them to play the return game.
All of the team except one will be back next year and they will
have a better chance to defend the quality of Athletics as put out by
this school, and it is the hope of the school to see them win the cham-
pionship next year.
--Ray Eley, '16
The Owl 1916 (58)
page 58
Corresponds to page 54 of The Owl 1916
Seventh and Eighth Grade
photo of seventh and eighth grade students
Corresponds to page 54 of The Owl 1916
Seventh and Eighth Grade
photo of seventh and eighth grade students
The Owl 1916 (59)
page 59
Corresponds to page 55 of The Owl 1916
Fifth and Sixth Grade
photo of fifth and sixth grade students
Corresponds to page 55 of The Owl 1916
Fifth and Sixth Grade
photo of fifth and sixth grade students
The Owl 1916 (60)
page 60
Corresponds to page 56 of The Owl 1916
Third and Fourth Grade
photo of third and fourth grade students
Corresponds to page 56 of The Owl 1916
Third and Fourth Grade
photo of third and fourth grade students
The Owl 1916 (61)
page 61
Corresponds to page 57 of The Owl 1916
First and Second Grade
photos of first and second grade students
Corresponds to page 57 of The Owl 1916
First and Second Grade
photos of first and second grade students
The Owl 1916 (62)
page 62
photos of various students and teachers arranged in a collage
photos of various students and teachers arranged in a collage
The Owl 1916 (63)
page 63
corresponds to page 59 of The Owl 1916
illustration of a jester playing a stringed instrument and a dog sitting in front of a fire
corresponds to page 59 of The Owl 1916
illustration of a jester playing a stringed instrument and a dog sitting in front of a fire
The Owl 1916 (64)
page 64
corresponds to page 60 of The Owl 1916
Student Teacher (Endeavoring to teach Language Game, "It is I.") "Who
is there?"
Lewis:--"It's me."
Harold:--Doctor, I cannot sleep at night, have no appetite and do not take
any interest in things about me.
Doctor:--Marry her at once.
Miss Bair (serving at table):--Mr. Pace, do you like eggs perfectly or partially
Lloyd (thoughtfully) :--Perfectly, please.
Mr. St. Clare:--Women are more beautiful than men.
Mrs. St. Claire:--Naturally.
Mr. St. Claire:--No, artificially.
College President, to his cook--"Aunt Chloe, how do you get such ready
obedience from your Bessie?"
Cook:--"Why, sah! Dat's easy. I beat her good, once. Den when I
say, Bessie, yo' wash dem dishes. She pouts. I take down my stick, and say--
Bessie, yo' wash dem dishes and smile. She done do it cheerful like and quick."
A North High Street Car travelling southward.
A pretty girl gets on at the terminal. She sees a girl friend--Gives a pleas-
ant greeting to the friend---Remarks: "Oh! I can't do a thing with my hair,
I just washed it this morning."
Seven other girls boarded the car and made similar remarks.
A college professor was on the car, and overheard the remarks--At Hubbard
Avenue, a friend of his boarded the car, but stumbled over the professor's feet. The
professor said: "Excuse me, I can't do a thing with my feet, because I just washed
them this morning."
Psychology professor went out to make an experiment to test reactions. At
the street corner, he met a newsboy. "Hallo, sonny, what time is it by your nose?"
I cannot tell, sir, my nose is not running, what time is it by yours?"
A good memory is important, but there are times when a good forgettery is
a great convenience.
A clear conscience is a might good sleep inducer.
corresponds to page 60 of The Owl 1916
Student Teacher (Endeavoring to teach Language Game, "It is I.") "Who
is there?"
Lewis:--"It's me."
Harold:--Doctor, I cannot sleep at night, have no appetite and do not take
any interest in things about me.
Doctor:--Marry her at once.
Miss Bair (serving at table):--Mr. Pace, do you like eggs perfectly or partially
Lloyd (thoughtfully) :--Perfectly, please.
Mr. St. Clare:--Women are more beautiful than men.
Mrs. St. Claire:--Naturally.
Mr. St. Claire:--No, artificially.
College President, to his cook--"Aunt Chloe, how do you get such ready
obedience from your Bessie?"
Cook:--"Why, sah! Dat's easy. I beat her good, once. Den when I
say, Bessie, yo' wash dem dishes. She pouts. I take down my stick, and say--
Bessie, yo' wash dem dishes and smile. She done do it cheerful like and quick."
A North High Street Car travelling southward.
A pretty girl gets on at the terminal. She sees a girl friend--Gives a pleas-
ant greeting to the friend---Remarks: "Oh! I can't do a thing with my hair,
I just washed it this morning."
Seven other girls boarded the car and made similar remarks.
A college professor was on the car, and overheard the remarks--At Hubbard
Avenue, a friend of his boarded the car, but stumbled over the professor's feet. The
professor said: "Excuse me, I can't do a thing with my feet, because I just washed
them this morning."
Psychology professor went out to make an experiment to test reactions. At
the street corner, he met a newsboy. "Hallo, sonny, what time is it by your nose?"
I cannot tell, sir, my nose is not running, what time is it by yours?"
A good memory is important, but there are times when a good forgettery is
a great convenience.
A clear conscience is a might good sleep inducer.
The Owl 1916 (65)
page 65
Corresponds to page 61 of The Owl 1916
After God finished the rattle-snake, the toad and the vampire he had some
awful "Substance" left, from which he made a Knocker.
A knocker is a two-legged animal with a cork-screw soul, a water-sogged brain
and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue; where other people have their
hearts he carries a tumor of rotten principles.
When the knocker comes down the street, honest men turn their backs, the
angels weep tears in Heaven and the devil shuts the gates of Hell to keep him out.
No man has a right to be a knocker as long as there is a pool of water deep
enough to drown his body in or a rope to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot
was a gentleman compared to a knocker for after betraying his Master he had
enough character to hang himself and a knocker has not.
The Sophies do study
but none too much,
For they like too well
To write notes and the such.
The Freshmen do work
their books they adore,
But many a one
Has stood on the floor.
The pony is my helper, I shall not flunk,
It maketh me to be shy of my teacher
It leadeth me into secrets, It restoreth my grades.
It leadeth me in the path of temptation for its easy translation
Yea as I walk through the halls of S.H.S.
I do fear evil for thou art with me, but thy words and thy readings they comfort
Thou preparest a better recitation for me,
Thou helpest me in exams., my grade card looks better;
Surely thy helping goodness shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will remember the S.H.S. forever.
Most Popular Man......................Ray Eley
Best Looking Man...................Ross Beaver
Biggest Bluffer...................Dwight Huston
Most Popular Girl............Elizabeth Gorsuch
Best Looking Girl................Ethel Forwood
Biggest Loafer..................Hugh Rosecrans
Worst Grind................Florence Sherbourne
Biggest Sport......................Hobert Gray
Beau Ideal......................Lamont Kempton
Teachers' Pet...................Raymond Axline
Book Worms....Armand Patrick and Gordon Huston
The Biggest Talker................Myrtle Buell
Corresponds to page 61 of The Owl 1916
After God finished the rattle-snake, the toad and the vampire he had some
awful "Substance" left, from which he made a Knocker.
A knocker is a two-legged animal with a cork-screw soul, a water-sogged brain
and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue; where other people have their
hearts he carries a tumor of rotten principles.
When the knocker comes down the street, honest men turn their backs, the
angels weep tears in Heaven and the devil shuts the gates of Hell to keep him out.
No man has a right to be a knocker as long as there is a pool of water deep
enough to drown his body in or a rope to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot
was a gentleman compared to a knocker for after betraying his Master he had
enough character to hang himself and a knocker has not.
The Sophies do study
but none too much,
For they like too well
To write notes and the such.
The Freshmen do work
their books they adore,
But many a one
Has stood on the floor.
The pony is my helper, I shall not flunk,
It maketh me to be shy of my teacher
It leadeth me into secrets, It restoreth my grades.
It leadeth me in the path of temptation for its easy translation
Yea as I walk through the halls of S.H.S.
I do fear evil for thou art with me, but thy words and thy readings they comfort
Thou preparest a better recitation for me,
Thou helpest me in exams., my grade card looks better;
Surely thy helping goodness shall follow me all the days of my life
And I will remember the S.H.S. forever.
Most Popular Man......................Ray Eley
Best Looking Man...................Ross Beaver
Biggest Bluffer...................Dwight Huston
Most Popular Girl............Elizabeth Gorsuch
Best Looking Girl................Ethel Forwood
Biggest Loafer..................Hugh Rosecrans
Worst Grind................Florence Sherbourne
Biggest Sport......................Hobert Gray
Beau Ideal......................Lamont Kempton
Teachers' Pet...................Raymond Axline
Book Worms....Armand Patrick and Gordon Huston
The Biggest Talker................Myrtle Buell
The Owl 1916 (66)
page 66
Corresponds to page 62 of The Owl 1916
How dear to our causeMiss Huston asked in General His-
Was the cash of this subscriptiontory test "Where did the war of the
When you, generous subscriber,Roses happen?"
Presented it to view;In reply Cecil wrote: "In the garden
But the one who didn't pay,of Eden."
I refrain from description;
Next year gentle readerMr. St. Clair to Dwight on question
May we expect help from you.on butter making. "What did he
leave out? Perhaps I had better ask
Alas we must lose a very old friendsome of the girls. All right Hobert,
Ray Eley leaves as the year doth enddo you know?"
His life was pleasure to us while he(Hobert's reply, "I am no girl.")
Let us hope he won't spoil it by justMiss Wilson--"Can you not be good
getting married.Hugh?"
Hugh--"What will you give me?"
Miss Huston--Now has anyone anyMiss Wilson--"You should expect
questions?no reward for being good."
Gordan--What's the lesson?Hugh--"Then I'll be good for nothing."
Lillian strolls and strolls and strolls
Harold he strolls some too,
And then they stroll togetherMr. St. Clair to Herschel in Gen-
Long hours after school.eral Science--"What famous canal is
"Tis wrong for any maid to befound in the St. Lawrence valley?"
Abroad at night alone;Herschel--"The Suez Canal, if you
A chaperon she must haveplease.'
Till she can call some chap-her-own.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen,Wonderful Knowledge
Lend me your ears; The equator is a menagerie line
Here comes the Freshman girls,running around the earth.
Aren't they dears? Geometry teaches us to bisex angles.
"James" is the subject of a fine
She's a Junior and two years younger,eyed verb.
so what am I to do?
I love her nose, her eyes, her chin, Parallel lines are the same distance
Those rosy red cheeks where theall the way and do not meet unless
dimples go in,you bend them.
From the tilt of her hat to the tip of An angle is a triangle with only two
her toessides.
A phantom of delight wherever she Gender shows whether a man is
goesmasculine, feminine or neuter.
But I am a post graduate and two An abstract noun is something you
years older so what am I to do?can't see when you are looking at it.
Why is it that the night falls and A vacuum is a large empty space
does not break and the day breakswhere the pope lives.
and does not fall? Two explorers of the Mississippi
were Romeo and Juliet.
What care we for wind and weather
So long as Kathleen and I are together. Pompeii was destroyed by an erup-
--Ralph Kendrick.tion of saliva from the vatican.
Georgia was founded by people who
had been executed.
A mountain range is a large sized.
Corresponds to page 62 of The Owl 1916
How dear to our causeMiss Huston asked in General His-
Was the cash of this subscriptiontory test "Where did the war of the
When you, generous subscriber,Roses happen?"
Presented it to view;In reply Cecil wrote: "In the garden
But the one who didn't pay,of Eden."
I refrain from description;
Next year gentle readerMr. St. Clair to Dwight on question
May we expect help from you.on butter making. "What did he
leave out? Perhaps I had better ask
Alas we must lose a very old friendsome of the girls. All right Hobert,
Ray Eley leaves as the year doth enddo you know?"
His life was pleasure to us while he(Hobert's reply, "I am no girl.")
Let us hope he won't spoil it by justMiss Wilson--"Can you not be good
getting married.Hugh?"
Hugh--"What will you give me?"
Miss Huston--Now has anyone anyMiss Wilson--"You should expect
questions?no reward for being good."
Gordan--What's the lesson?Hugh--"Then I'll be good for nothing."
Lillian strolls and strolls and strolls
Harold he strolls some too,
And then they stroll togetherMr. St. Clair to Herschel in Gen-
Long hours after school.eral Science--"What famous canal is
"Tis wrong for any maid to befound in the St. Lawrence valley?"
Abroad at night alone;Herschel--"The Suez Canal, if you
A chaperon she must haveplease.'
Till she can call some chap-her-own.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen,Wonderful Knowledge
Lend me your ears; The equator is a menagerie line
Here comes the Freshman girls,running around the earth.
Aren't they dears? Geometry teaches us to bisex angles.
"James" is the subject of a fine
She's a Junior and two years younger,eyed verb.
so what am I to do?
I love her nose, her eyes, her chin, Parallel lines are the same distance
Those rosy red cheeks where theall the way and do not meet unless
dimples go in,you bend them.
From the tilt of her hat to the tip of An angle is a triangle with only two
her toessides.
A phantom of delight wherever she Gender shows whether a man is
goesmasculine, feminine or neuter.
But I am a post graduate and two An abstract noun is something you
years older so what am I to do?can't see when you are looking at it.
Why is it that the night falls and A vacuum is a large empty space
does not break and the day breakswhere the pope lives.
and does not fall? Two explorers of the Mississippi
were Romeo and Juliet.
What care we for wind and weather
So long as Kathleen and I are together. Pompeii was destroyed by an erup-
--Ralph Kendrick.tion of saliva from the vatican.
Georgia was founded by people who
had been executed.
A mountain range is a large sized.
The Owl 1916 (67)
page 67
Corresponds to page 63 of The Owl 1916
Miss Huston (In History class to Elizabeth--"I told him this was no
Hobert Gray)--Where is Gibraltar?agricultural experiment station."
Hobert--It is in South America.
Miss Wilson in Rhetoric Class--
When in Rhetoric class one day after"Frank, use the word notwithstanding
studying Silas Marner Miss Wilsonin a sentence."
said to Cepter--"Could you write theFrank--"Lehr wore his trousers
uplift of Dunston?"out but notwithstanding."
Cepter scratched his head and said-- Seniors, don't feel down in the
"Yes. When they lifted him out ofmouth, think of Jonah, he came out
the stone pit."all right.
Elizabeth--"Down in Pennsylvania How would this do for a new way
last year some young farmer tried toof writing The Golden Rule.
kiss me. He said he had never kissed "Lend unto others as you would
a girl before."have them lend unto you."
Peggy--"How crazy. what did
you tell him?"
If Cepter forgot his gum?
If Miss Huston lost her temper?
If Hugh Rosecrans had his lessons?
If Bernard Baker became a woman hater?
If Gordon Huston and Lehr Perfect would "swap" legs?
If Roland Sedgwick would return Elizabeth Weiss' love?
If Lamont Kempton would cease to be jealous?
If Clarence Pace would sit still?
If Newell McElwee wouldn't talk so much?
If George Chambers would have a girl?
If Hazel Holt would catch a coon?
If Ruby Chandler would laugh out loud?
If Calf Love would again break out in school?
If Clyde Barker would insist upon having Summers all the time?
If St. Clair had a heart?
If Charles was on time?
If Lamont would forget to write to Mona?
If Gordon would get slim?
If Myrtle would stop talking to the boys?
If Hob would get a girl?
If Dick would lose his oratorical inclination?
If the Freshies wouldn't cry about their grades?
If the Principal would allow gum chewing?
If we would have Chapel oftener?
If Mose wouldn't have his History lesson?
If Dwight didn't think he owned the whole school?
If Armand would study?
If Floy would quit laughing?
If Joseph would stop going with Verma?
Corresponds to page 63 of The Owl 1916
Miss Huston (In History class to Elizabeth--"I told him this was no
Hobert Gray)--Where is Gibraltar?agricultural experiment station."
Hobert--It is in South America.
Miss Wilson in Rhetoric Class--
When in Rhetoric class one day after"Frank, use the word notwithstanding
studying Silas Marner Miss Wilsonin a sentence."
said to Cepter--"Could you write theFrank--"Lehr wore his trousers
uplift of Dunston?"out but notwithstanding."
Cepter scratched his head and said-- Seniors, don't feel down in the
"Yes. When they lifted him out ofmouth, think of Jonah, he came out
the stone pit."all right.
Elizabeth--"Down in Pennsylvania How would this do for a new way
last year some young farmer tried toof writing The Golden Rule.
kiss me. He said he had never kissed "Lend unto others as you would
a girl before."have them lend unto you."
Peggy--"How crazy. what did
you tell him?"
If Cepter forgot his gum?
If Miss Huston lost her temper?
If Hugh Rosecrans had his lessons?
If Bernard Baker became a woman hater?
If Gordon Huston and Lehr Perfect would "swap" legs?
If Roland Sedgwick would return Elizabeth Weiss' love?
If Lamont Kempton would cease to be jealous?
If Clarence Pace would sit still?
If Newell McElwee wouldn't talk so much?
If George Chambers would have a girl?
If Hazel Holt would catch a coon?
If Ruby Chandler would laugh out loud?
If Calf Love would again break out in school?
If Clyde Barker would insist upon having Summers all the time?
If St. Clair had a heart?
If Charles was on time?
If Lamont would forget to write to Mona?
If Gordon would get slim?
If Myrtle would stop talking to the boys?
If Hob would get a girl?
If Dick would lose his oratorical inclination?
If the Freshies wouldn't cry about their grades?
If the Principal would allow gum chewing?
If we would have Chapel oftener?
If Mose wouldn't have his History lesson?
If Dwight didn't think he owned the whole school?
If Armand would study?
If Floy would quit laughing?
If Joseph would stop going with Verma?
The Owl 1916 (68)
page 68
Corresponds to page 64 of The Owl 1916]
Remember thy professor with a kind smile or the days may not be long in the
school where thy dad sendeth thee.
The upper classmen gaineth favor but the way of the Freshman is rugged.
Answer a Freshman according to his foolishness lest he putteth on airs.
A wise student taketh his horse to class; the foolish one leaves it at home.
Behold the sports of the school. They toil not neither do they spin yet they
try to slip thru the high school.
Go to the Senior, Oh! Sophomore, consider his ways and get wise.
Peck's Bad Boy.................................Armand Patrick
The Crisis..............................................Exams
When Knighthood was in Flower..................Lamont Kempton
A Lonely Maid.................................Eleanor Granger
In the Days of St. Claire.......................The year 1916
Love's Labors Lost...............................Cepter Stark
Vanity Fair......................................Lillian Gray
Beautiful Joe................................Joseph Linnabary
Master Musicians....................................Orchestra
Maiden All Forlorn..................................Opal Hupp
Children's Corner................................Freshman Row
A Devoted Couple..............Ralph Kendrick, Kathleen Wigton
Little Torment................................Roland Sedgwick
Uncle Remus..................................Glendon Comstock
A Mere Cyper.......................................Zero Grade
No Ordinary Girl.................................Floy Orndorf
One Chance in a Hundred...........................To Graduate
One Way Out.........................................Pony Ride
A Person of some Importance.....................Dwight Huston
Just a Little Boy................................Lehr Perfect
The Boss............................................Mr. Utley
Monkey Shines..................................Everett Perfect
Keeping Up with Lizzie...........................Clyde Barker
One Laugh and Then an Other.....................Clarence Pace
Hoosier School Master.................................Neilson
The Chaperon......................................Miss Huston
Winning the Way......................................Ray Eley
Young Germany......................................Frank Frye
Mutual Friend.....................................Miss Wilson
The Man of the Hour...............................Ross Beaver
Torchy...........................................Homer Fisher
A Case of Suspension...........................Chalk Throwing
Mostly True........................................Text Books
The Rival Artists.............................Willie and Dean
--Ross Beaver, '16
Corresponds to page 64 of The Owl 1916]
Remember thy professor with a kind smile or the days may not be long in the
school where thy dad sendeth thee.
The upper classmen gaineth favor but the way of the Freshman is rugged.
Answer a Freshman according to his foolishness lest he putteth on airs.
A wise student taketh his horse to class; the foolish one leaves it at home.
Behold the sports of the school. They toil not neither do they spin yet they
try to slip thru the high school.
Go to the Senior, Oh! Sophomore, consider his ways and get wise.
Peck's Bad Boy.................................Armand Patrick
The Crisis..............................................Exams
When Knighthood was in Flower..................Lamont Kempton
A Lonely Maid.................................Eleanor Granger
In the Days of St. Claire.......................The year 1916
Love's Labors Lost...............................Cepter Stark
Vanity Fair......................................Lillian Gray
Beautiful Joe................................Joseph Linnabary
Master Musicians....................................Orchestra
Maiden All Forlorn..................................Opal Hupp
Children's Corner................................Freshman Row
A Devoted Couple..............Ralph Kendrick, Kathleen Wigton
Little Torment................................Roland Sedgwick
Uncle Remus..................................Glendon Comstock
A Mere Cyper.......................................Zero Grade
No Ordinary Girl.................................Floy Orndorf
One Chance in a Hundred...........................To Graduate
One Way Out.........................................Pony Ride
A Person of some Importance.....................Dwight Huston
Just a Little Boy................................Lehr Perfect
The Boss............................................Mr. Utley
Monkey Shines..................................Everett Perfect
Keeping Up with Lizzie...........................Clyde Barker
One Laugh and Then an Other.....................Clarence Pace
Hoosier School Master.................................Neilson
The Chaperon......................................Miss Huston
Winning the Way......................................Ray Eley
Young Germany......................................Frank Frye
Mutual Friend.....................................Miss Wilson
The Man of the Hour...............................Ross Beaver
Torchy...........................................Homer Fisher
A Case of Suspension...........................Chalk Throwing
Mostly True........................................Text Books
The Rival Artists.............................Willie and Dean
--Ross Beaver, '16
The Owl 1916 (69)
page 69
Corresponds to page 65 of The Owl 1916
"The Junior"
Senior Class Play
Was Given at the
K.P. Hall, Sunbury, O.
Friday Evening, May 5, 1916
Edward Moore......................................Ray Eley
"Jimmie" Monroe................................Hobert Grey
"Thin" Smith...................................Ross Beaver
"Demonsthenes" Merwin...........................Dean Tippy
"Silk" Ricketts..............................Dwight Huston
"Willy" Rockwell...............................Harold Roof
Thomas J. Highfield.......................Joseph Linnabary
President Fowler...........................Llewellyn Davis
Janet Hale......................................Hazel Holt
Mable Gray..................................Hazel Comstock
Verda Griswold.............................Caroline Beacom
Violet........................................Mary Whisner
Don...........................................Richard Paul
Tom.........................................Ralph Kendrick
Joe.......................................Glendon Comstock
The Class Play was a decided success. It was greeted by a large
and appreciative audience. The staging was excellent and the differ-
ent parts well rendered. It is a college play, as the name indicates,
and the actors injected true college spirit into the performance.
Miss Huston and Mr. St. Clair coached the play. The High School
Orchestera, under the leadership of Mr. Neilson, furnished music
for the occasion.
Corresponds to page 65 of The Owl 1916
"The Junior"
Senior Class Play
Was Given at the
K.P. Hall, Sunbury, O.
Friday Evening, May 5, 1916
Edward Moore......................................Ray Eley
"Jimmie" Monroe................................Hobert Grey
"Thin" Smith...................................Ross Beaver
"Demonsthenes" Merwin...........................Dean Tippy
"Silk" Ricketts..............................Dwight Huston
"Willy" Rockwell...............................Harold Roof
Thomas J. Highfield.......................Joseph Linnabary
President Fowler...........................Llewellyn Davis
Janet Hale......................................Hazel Holt
Mable Gray..................................Hazel Comstock
Verda Griswold.............................Caroline Beacom
Violet........................................Mary Whisner
Don...........................................Richard Paul
Tom.........................................Ralph Kendrick
Joe.......................................Glendon Comstock
The Class Play was a decided success. It was greeted by a large
and appreciative audience. The staging was excellent and the differ-
ent parts well rendered. It is a college play, as the name indicates,
and the actors injected true college spirit into the performance.
Miss Huston and Mr. St. Clair coached the play. The High School
Orchestera, under the leadership of Mr. Neilson, furnished music
for the occasion.
The Owl 1916 (70)
page 70
Corresponds to page 66 of The Owl 1916
Program for Commencement Week
May 19th to 24, 1916
Junior reception for Seniors Thursday evening, May 19, 8 to 11.
High School Building.
Principals Reception for Seniors and Faculty Saturday evening, May
20th, 8 to 11.
Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday May 21st, 2 P.M. K.P. Hall. Rev.
J. M. Ackman, speaker,. Music by H. S. Orchestra and
Commencement exercises Tuesday evening, May 23rd, 8 o'clock,
K.P. Hall. Music by O. W. U. Quartette.
Alumni Banquet Wednesday evening, May 24th, 8 to 11, K.P. Hall.
Corresponds to page 66 of The Owl 1916
Program for Commencement Week
May 19th to 24, 1916
Junior reception for Seniors Thursday evening, May 19, 8 to 11.
High School Building.
Principals Reception for Seniors and Faculty Saturday evening, May
20th, 8 to 11.
Baccalaureate Sermon, Sunday May 21st, 2 P.M. K.P. Hall. Rev.
J. M. Ackman, speaker,. Music by H. S. Orchestra and
Commencement exercises Tuesday evening, May 23rd, 8 o'clock,
K.P. Hall. Music by O. W. U. Quartette.
Alumni Banquet Wednesday evening, May 24th, 8 to 11, K.P. Hall.
The Owl 1916 (71)
page 71
corresponds to page 67 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man painting the word ADVERTISEMENT
corresponds to page 67 of The Owl 1916
illustration of man painting the word ADVERTISEMENT
The Owl 1916 (72)
page 72
Corresponds to page 68 of The Owl 1916
Mistery Solved
1 + 1 + 1 = 3
illustration of hand pointing upward to math equation
Buying for our Three Busy Stores
as one makes it possible for us
to sell you
More Stilish Goods for Less Money
Corresponds to page 68 of The Owl 1916
Mistery Solved
1 + 1 + 1 = 3
illustration of hand pointing upward to math equation
Buying for our Three Busy Stores
as one makes it possible for us
to sell you
More Stilish Goods for Less Money
The Owl 1916 (73)
page 73
Corresponds to page 69 of The Owl 1916
Condit Presbyterian Church
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M.
C. E. Society meets at 6:30 P. M., followed by
preaching services at 7:30 P. M.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 P. M.
You will be cordially welcomed at any of these
W. M. HYDE Jr., Pastor
"Come with us and we will do thee good"
Corresponds to page 69 of The Owl 1916
Condit Presbyterian Church
Sabbath School at 9:30 A. M.
Preaching Services at 10:30 A. M.
C. E. Society meets at 6:30 P. M., followed by
preaching services at 7:30 P. M.
Prayer Meeting, Wednesday at 7:30 P. M.
You will be cordially welcomed at any of these
W. M. HYDE Jr., Pastor
"Come with us and we will do thee good"
The Owl 1916 (74)
page 74
Corresponds to page 70 of The Owl 1916
Methodist Church
Rev. J. M. Ackman, Pastor
Preaching Services on alternate Sabbaths.
Time: 10:45 A. M. 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M.
Dale McCormick, Superintendent.
The everage attendance at Sabbath School is
near 200.
Epworth League every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
You are cordially invited to attend any and all these
services. You will receive a hearty welcome.
Baptist Church
Rev. J. M. Huston, Pastor.
Preaching Services every Sunday.
Time: 10:30 A. M. 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M.
PARKER BURRER, Superintendent.
B. Y. P. U. 6:45 P. M.
If not attending elsewhere, will be cordially welcomed
Corresponds to page 70 of The Owl 1916
Methodist Church
Rev. J. M. Ackman, Pastor
Preaching Services on alternate Sabbaths.
Time: 10:45 A. M. 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M.
Dale McCormick, Superintendent.
The everage attendance at Sabbath School is
near 200.
Epworth League every Sunday at 6:30 P. M.
You are cordially invited to attend any and all these
services. You will receive a hearty welcome.
Baptist Church
Rev. J. M. Huston, Pastor.
Preaching Services every Sunday.
Time: 10:30 A. M. 7:30 P. M.
Sabbath School every Sunday at 9:30 A. M.
PARKER BURRER, Superintendent.
B. Y. P. U. 6:45 P. M.
If not attending elsewhere, will be cordially welcomed
The Owl 1916 (75)
page 75
Corresponds to page 71 of The Owl 1916
A. D. Strosnider
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Office Phone 67, Residence Phone 16 Sunbury, Ohio
Mutual Remedies
for every emergency
in your home
Chas. F. Peel
J. F. Schneider, Dr.
Lame and Interfering
Horses carefully and
scientifically Treated
illustrations of horses, buggies, and riders
Corresponds to page 71 of The Owl 1916
A. D. Strosnider
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Office Phone 67, Residence Phone 16 Sunbury, Ohio
Mutual Remedies
for every emergency
in your home
Chas. F. Peel
J. F. Schneider, Dr.
Lame and Interfering
Horses carefully and
scientifically Treated
illustrations of horses, buggies, and riders
The Owl 1916 (76)
page 76
Corresponds to page 72 of The Owl 1916
Patrick Hardware Co.
Best for all Baking Purposes
Ask the Women who use it
Corresponds to page 72 of The Owl 1916
Patrick Hardware Co.
Best for all Baking Purposes
Ask the Women who use it
The Owl 1916 (77)
page 77
Corresponds to page 73 of The Owl 1916
Berkshire, Ohio
The Sunbury
and Galena
Cash Grocery and Meat Market
You will always find a complete line of
Home Dressed Fresh Meats
Just call and give us a trial. 'Phone 66
J. F. Stelzer, Prop.
Corresponds to page 73 of The Owl 1916
Berkshire, Ohio
The Sunbury
and Galena
Cash Grocery and Meat Market
You will always find a complete line of
Home Dressed Fresh Meats
Just call and give us a trial. 'Phone 66
J. F. Stelzer, Prop.
The Owl 1916 (78)
page 78
Corresponds to page 74 of The Owl 1916
Established 1872
Banking Hours: 9 to 12 A.M., 1 to 4 P.M.
We receive deposits, loan money from thirty days to six months, buy
and sell, exchange U. S. and other bonds, Gold, Silver, Coupons,
Notes, etc. Do a general banking and collection business. Also pay
interest on time deposits.
JOHN LANDON, President J.J. STARK, Vice President
C. O. ARMSTRONG, Assistant Cashier
C.M. Wheaton & Co.
Sunbury - - Ohio.
Both Phones
J. W. Glick
New Address
Same Room With
McDonnell Optical Co.
All Roll or Pack
Films Developed Free
Corresponds to page 74 of The Owl 1916
Established 1872
Banking Hours: 9 to 12 A.M., 1 to 4 P.M.
We receive deposits, loan money from thirty days to six months, buy
and sell, exchange U. S. and other bonds, Gold, Silver, Coupons,
Notes, etc. Do a general banking and collection business. Also pay
interest on time deposits.
JOHN LANDON, President J.J. STARK, Vice President
C. O. ARMSTRONG, Assistant Cashier
C.M. Wheaton & Co.
Sunbury - - Ohio.
Both Phones
J. W. Glick
New Address
Same Room With
McDonnell Optical Co.
All Roll or Pack
Films Developed Free
The Owl 1916 (79)
page 79
Corresponds to page 75 of The Owl 1916
Calls Answered at all Hours
Rubber Tires
We do all kinds of repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
D. B. Rosecrans
illustrations of leaves
illustrations of leaves
Dr. C. D. VanHouten
Gelstom's Celebrated
Our Motto: Quantity-Quality
illustrations of lions standing upright
illustrations of man in suit
Corresponds to page 75 of The Owl 1916
Calls Answered at all Hours
Rubber Tires
We do all kinds of repairing
Satisfaction Guaranteed
D. B. Rosecrans
illustrations of leaves
illustrations of leaves
Dr. C. D. VanHouten
Gelstom's Celebrated
Our Motto: Quantity-Quality
illustrations of lions standing upright
illustrations of man in suit
The Owl 1916 (80)
page 80
Corresponds to page 76 of The Owl 1916
Bonham & Harrison
Sunbury, Ohio
The Pythian Picture Show
K. P. Opera House
Wednesday and Saturday Eve.
We have the Best Show that can
be exhibited
J. A. Loar
COMM. Frank Roof
E. G Kempton
Sunbury Dray,
Coal and
Ice Co.
Piano Moving
a Specialty
Alberry Livery
Feed Barn
Sunbury, Ohio.
Corresponds to page 76 of The Owl 1916
Bonham & Harrison
Sunbury, Ohio
The Pythian Picture Show
K. P. Opera House
Wednesday and Saturday Eve.
We have the Best Show that can
be exhibited
J. A. Loar
COMM. Frank Roof
E. G Kempton
Sunbury Dray,
Coal and
Ice Co.
Piano Moving
a Specialty
Alberry Livery
Feed Barn
Sunbury, Ohio.
The Owl 1916 (81)
page 81
Corresponds to page 77 of The Owl 1916
Chas. Budd's Restaurant
Short Orders Served at All Hours
illustration of dressed turkey
Special Prices on Quantities of Ice Cream
Boarding by Day or Week
Rates Reasonable
Our Millinery Styles are
We Invite you to Call
Gorsuch & Hixenbaugh
Practices in all State
and Federal Courts
illustrations of men in fine suits
Citizens Phone 159
Corresponds to page 77 of The Owl 1916
Chas. Budd's Restaurant
Short Orders Served at All Hours
illustration of dressed turkey
Special Prices on Quantities of Ice Cream
Boarding by Day or Week
Rates Reasonable
Our Millinery Styles are
We Invite you to Call
Gorsuch & Hixenbaugh
Practices in all State
and Federal Courts
illustrations of men in fine suits
Citizens Phone 159
The Owl 1916 (82)
page 82
Corresponds to page 78 of The Owl 1916
The Sunbury Co-operative
Creamery Co.
Is the Farmer's Friend and Consumers' Delight.
A Whole Milk Plant --- Highest quality
Sweet Cream and Genuine Butter
R. P. ANDERSON, The Druggist
Sunbury, Ohio
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Agents for the NYAL Family
Medicines; Veterinary Remedies and Drug Sundries, etc.
Corresponds to page 78 of The Owl 1916
The Sunbury Co-operative
Creamery Co.
Is the Farmer's Friend and Consumers' Delight.
A Whole Milk Plant --- Highest quality
Sweet Cream and Genuine Butter
R. P. ANDERSON, The Druggist
Sunbury, Ohio
Drugs, Patent Medicines, Agents for the NYAL Family
Medicines; Veterinary Remedies and Drug Sundries, etc.
The Owl 1916 (83)
page 83
Corresponds to page 79 of The Owl 1916
"Star Brand Shoes Are Better"
They are made of all leather. They are
solid through and through.
They are good. They have been tested.
There is a "Star Brand" Shoe for every
member of the family.
Come, see our splendid stock for spring.
SUNBURY - - - - - OHIO
illustration of a medallion and ribbon
Corresponds to page 79 of The Owl 1916
"Star Brand Shoes Are Better"
They are made of all leather. They are
solid through and through.
They are good. They have been tested.
There is a "Star Brand" Shoe for every
member of the family.
Come, see our splendid stock for spring.
SUNBURY - - - - - OHIO
illustration of a medallion and ribbon
The Owl 1916 (84)
page 84
Corresponds to page 80 of The Owl 1916
Why not beautify the school room
walls as well as the home walls.
Sunbury, Ohio Citz. 'Phone 191
You Will Always Find A Large Stock of--
Building Material
Roofing, Cement
and Coal at
The Members of the Staff
wish to thank the Adver-
tisers for their support.
Corresponds to page 80 of The Owl 1916
Why not beautify the school room
walls as well as the home walls.
Sunbury, Ohio Citz. 'Phone 191
You Will Always Find A Large Stock of--
Building Material
Roofing, Cement
and Coal at
The Members of the Staff
wish to thank the Adver-
tisers for their support.
The Owl 1916 (85)
page 85
Corresponds to unnumbered page 81 of The Owl 1916
page 86
College Printers
The Champlin Press
Columbus Ohio
Quality Always
The Champlin Press, makers of this book, prints MORE College
Catalogs, Annuals, Views Bulletins and Calnedars, than any
other print-shop. Write for samples, prices and references.
Established 1893. Assets $90,000.
Corresponds to unnumbered page 81 of The Owl 1916
page 86
College Printers
The Champlin Press
Columbus Ohio
Quality Always
The Champlin Press, makers of this book, prints MORE College
Catalogs, Annuals, Views Bulletins and Calnedars, than any
other print-shop. Write for samples, prices and references.
Established 1893. Assets $90,000.
The Owl 1916 (87)
page 88
Corresponds to back of blue end paper of The Owl 1916
Corresponds to back of blue end paper of The Owl 1916
Dublin Core
The Owl 1916
History--Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury
Public schools--Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury
School Yearbooks--Ohio--Delaware County
Sunbury High School--Ohio--Delaware County
Public schools--Ohio--Delaware County--Sunbury
School Yearbooks--Ohio--Delaware County
Sunbury High School--Ohio--Delaware County
This is the 1916 yearbook of Sunbury High School. This book belonged to Carleton Burrer and it is part of the local history collection at Community Library in Sunbury, Ohio.
The photographs are black and white, and include the school's administration, faculty, staff members and school employees. Sunbury High School seniors through 1st grade students are featured in descending order. Photos and names of students participating in sports and various club activities are included as well.
The photographs are black and white, and include the school's administration, faculty, staff members and school employees. Sunbury High School seniors through 1st grade students are featured in descending order. Photos and names of students participating in sports and various club activities are included as well.
Editor-in-Chief Llewellyn Davis; Literary Editor Leo McCoy;
Athletic Editor Ray Eley; Advertising Editor Dwight Huston;
Accounting Editor Elizabeth Gorsuch; Staff ArtistWilliam Frazier;
Athletic Editor Ray Eley; Advertising Editor Dwight Huston;
Accounting Editor Elizabeth Gorsuch; Staff ArtistWilliam Frazier;
The Champlin Press. College Printers. Columbus, Ohio
Faculty Advisor: Eleanor Huston; Faculty Adviso:r A.D. St. Clair.
Still Image
Editor-in-Chief Llewellyn Davis; Literary Editor Leo McCoy;
Athletic Editor Ray Eley; Advertising Editor Dwight Huston;
Accounting Editor Elizabeth Gorsuch; Staff ArtistWilliam Frazier; , “The Owl 1916,” Delaware County Memory, accessed March 6, 2025,