Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (1)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (1)


Corresponds to cover of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (2)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (2)


Corresponds to inside cover of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (3)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (3)


Corresponds to unnumbered blank page and page 1 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle



big walnut high school
sunbury, ohio
volume iii part i

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (4)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (4)


Corresponds to unnumbered pages 2-3 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


people need to move toward each other.
we've got to reach out to grasp new
hands and different worlds. the time has
come when we must share and trust

illustration of young man walking with hands out

table of contents

dedication ... 4
opening ... 6
activities ... 20
sports ... 70
organizations ... 100

illustration of young woman walking with hands out
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (5)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (5)


Corresponds to pages 4-5 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

a teacher at all times
and more . . .
seven classes a day

her students remember drills
for speed
for accuracy
for character
accepting nothing short of perfection
and perfection is the goal for which her students so earnestly strive.

yet graduation does not end her interest in her students.
she takes pride in each position acquired
in each promotion earned
in each student's happiness in the life they choose.

caring for students
in a way unlike any other teacher
in a way only her students can understand.

the dedication of this annual
seems too small a tribute to pay to

a great teacher
a treasured friend

to our

mrs. leach.


photo of Mrs. Leach standing in front of large image of typewriter keyboard

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (6)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (6)


Corresponds to pages 6-7 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

4 candid shots of students in nature settings across 2 pages


out ...

reaching and wandering through the sky and
among mysterious children of the earth, you touch
the beginning. from the wind you capture the
wondrous feeling that comes not from seeing but
from being a part of nature.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (7)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (7)


Corresponds to pages 8-9 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


go placidly amid the noise and haste, and re-
member what peace there may be in silence.
as far a possible without surrender be on
good terms with all persons. speak your
truth quietly and clear; and listen to
others, even the dull and ignorant; they too
have their story.

avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are
vexations to the spirit. if you compare
yourself with others, you may become vain and
bitter; for always there will be greater and
lesser persons than yourself. enjoy your
achievements as well as your plans.

be yourself. especially, do not feign af-
fection. neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchant-
ment it is perennial as the grass.

you are a child of the universe, no less
than the trees and the stars; you have a right
to be here. and whether or not it is clear
to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding
as it should.

with all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world. be careful.
strive to be happy.


photo of child walking through a field of tall grasses

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (8)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (8)


Corresponds to pages 10-11 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

three photos on page: man standing on ladder; painting of a church set in snow ; 3 people playing guitar on stage


reach out . . .
through art

sometimes moments happen that are so
intense with emotion that words are too
conventional and don't make sharing
possible. yet song, paints and dance seem
to pass on the feeling uniquely. through art
we can reach out with feelings and moods.

2 photos of students playing instruments

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (9)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (9)


Corresponds to pages 12-13 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

out . . .

you are free to go and come, to run
and walk, to work and play. you can
set your limits high and low because
you are an individual. with your own
goals you can reach out to self-
satisfaction and respect.

photo of 2 cross country runners

photo of person filling in a form


photo of 2 hands on a football

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (10)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (10)


Corresponds to pages 14-15 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

photo of teacher sitting and resting


out . . .
to another

loosen up a bit, relax your muscles, close
your eyes to the world and dream. reach
for another world, another time. forget
everything practical that can be done
today and hope on a tomorrow. bring
the stars within your grasp and let your
soul and mind wander.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (11)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (11)


Corresponds to pages 16-17 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

photo of 2 students walking arm-in-arm


reach out . . . to
each other

alone in a crowd, a shadowy, outstretched hand is easily missed. look again
and feel the security of twoness. reach out to each other.

photo of people in study carrels

photo of two people in costume

photo of lab partners working in chemistry lab

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (12)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (12)


Corresponds to pages 18-19 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

reach out
. . . to
out to you

there are those who sing songs without
words knowing that somewhere there is
someone who understands. you wonder
at their intensity and depth and are
strangely compelled to touch their new
sounds. a clear call, a joyous melody, a
silent whisper and you come to know
how much a part of everything you are
and how much all things are a part of


photo of a banner with hand pointing upward toward a cross with the words, "One Way"

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (13)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (13)


Corresponds to pages 20-21 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank black page


photo of cube with images on three visible sides


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (14)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (14)


Corresponds to pages 22-23 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos of people engaged in different school activities


an all-american
homecoming for an
all-american queen

the bitter taste of a cold, we defeat soon melted away
at g.a.a.'s homecoming festivities following the game.
an "all-american homecoming" transformed the gym to
the warm smells of pizza and popcorn and the quiet
sounds to the band.

top center -- retiring queen rita brookens, after crowning queen
diane gallion.
homecoming court -- s. dunn, d. horn, h. stein, j. snyder, r.
garrabrant, d. gallion, r. brookens, m. fry, l. harman, d. pearson, b.
adkins, g. craig, d. jacobus, m. perfect.
left -- queen diane gallion and escort rick garrabrant.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (15)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (15)


Corresponds to pages 24-25 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos of teachers and students


banquet closes fall sports

2 photos

it was a rough year. internal and external desires
and demands clashed and hung in heavy clouds.
mud-spattered and exhausted, we reached the
bottom step ready to climb back up next year.

top right -- coach marshall announcing captain mike forman.
top middle -- coach marshall congratulating most valuable player gary condit.
above -- coach marshall congratulating the most improved player steve downey.
bottom left -- athletic director, norm nelson, welcomes the crowd.
right -- head coach marshall reflects on the season.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (16)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (16)


Corresponds to pages 26-27 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the spanish fiesta

once upon a time, spanish club came to big
walnut. it brought with it magic pinatas, hot-
spiced foods, festive music, long, bright
colored dresses and indigestion. and all
through the dinner under the looping
splashes of color, the "spanish" lived
happily ever after.

middle right -- mirtha barra salas and olga velasco.
lower right -- d. justice, g. didion, s. muir, s. wilson,
m. ward, k. young, s. burwell, l. sechrist, g. emler.


3 photos of Spanish Club members

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (17)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (17)


Corresponds to pages 28-29 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos from FFA banquet


ffa banquet; youth with a purpose

the youth with a purpose showed the results of their
work at their parent-banquet. they had attained
many of their goals by becoming the number one
chapter in the state again and winning many awards
at their state convention. they demonstrated at the
banquet what can be done when a group works and
cooperates with a purpose in mind.

71-72 ffa queen -- j.brown.
72-73 ffa queen court -- d. leaf, d. jacobus, d. justice, s. burwell.
secretary -- g worster.
72-73 officers -- s. shiveley -- news reporter, m. hall --
president, d.bradford -- vice president, m. pittman -- student
advisor, g. leaf -- sentinel, d. fisher -- chaplain, l. piper --
staar chapter farmer -- s. lord.

3 photos of ffa members

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (18)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (18)


Corresponds to pages 30-31 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

arnold ziffle, who . . .?

following the powderpuff football game, the junior class
sponsored a sadie hawkins square dance. clad in denim and
burlap, those who attended danced to the caller's fiddle and
enjoyed the alamand left to your corner . . .

3 photos

above -- r. hughes, j. dennison, d. hess, t. richardson --
sadie hawkins king, d. crowl, t. williams.
top right -- b. neibarger and m. pierce.
far right -- k. wahlen and guest.
right -- b. shoemaker and r. moodespaugh await bail from the pokey.


full page photo of couple at sadie hawkins dance

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (19)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (19)


Corresponds to pages 32-33 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos on the football field

row 1: m. salvage, c. worster, p. datillo, m. hundley, p. reppart, row 2: b. allen, j. merrick, j. brown, d. lawless, l. miller, c. white, row 3: r. brown, d. crooks, j. trautwein,
r. browne, b. trautwein, t. crooks, d. bradford.


but coach!!

one of the fund-raising projects sponsored by the junior class is the
powderpuff football game and sadie hawkins dance. the juniors
did a fine job in preparation for
the night, but unfortunately for
them the class of '72 was
victorious again.

powderpuff majorettes -- d. wampler, r. barcus, and s. hess.

row 1: d. glassburn, c. ames, d. smith, k. lines, k. levi, s. mcelwee, a. redinbaugh, row 2: a. wilkes, l. ryll, s. overturf, d. hasham, d. wollett, c. comstock, k. fuller, c.


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (20)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (20)


Corresponds to pages 34-35 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the cardington, delaware hayes and buckeye valley stage bands, hosted by b. w. presented a stage band festival. each band played
several numbers ranging from jazz to rock featuring solo parties. after a guest solo appearance by steve genteline, trophies were given
to individual musicians;

photo of band members performing


jazz incorporated

guest artist -- steve genteline

best trumpet soloist -- john lane

photo of big walnut stage band

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (21)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (21)


Corresponds to pages 36-37 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

. . . to teach the world to sing . . .

4 candid shots from performances by choir members


3 photos of choir members

the choirs and ensembles extended an invitation " . . . to
teach the world to sing . . ." as they presented their
annual spring concert. the boys quartet and girls ensemble
did a selection together and a group of eighth grade girls
danced along with the choirs singing a variety of new
songs and old favorites.

middle far left -- s. heil, d. smith, r. meadors.
middle -- r. mitchell, j. baker, m. mazzon.
above left -- r. brown, j. didion, k. wetherbee, b. bond, m. selvage.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (22)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (22)


Corresponds to pages 38-39 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

every spring the art department gets together with the
home ec., agriculture and industrial arts departments to
present the creative work of the year, a gathering of
the special abilities of big walnut students. each year
the display gets better and this year was no exception.

top center -- mark byers points out his painting to becky cochran


for the love of art

portrait of two people

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (23)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (23)


Corresponds to pages 40-41 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

retiring queen fonda gallogly with escort eric martindale.

freshman attendant julie bahl with escorts jamie jacobus and gary perfect

mary dattilo, 1972 basketball homecoming queen, with escort dale davis


imagine . . .

imagine a dance to celebrate a
103 point victory. imagine the
combined efforts of the varsity club
and girls athletic association.
imagine everyone joined to praise
a team of boys. imagine the 1972
basketball homecoming. imagine . . .

senior attendant sandy adkins with escorts mike fry and jim longshore

sophomore attendant karen mc custer with escorts wayman lawrence and geoff caito.

row 1: jamie didion with brent culver and marvin hall, row 2: jan garrabrant with john lane


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (24)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (24)


Corresponds to pages 42-43 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

this year the number of eagle basketball supporters was so
great that the awards banquet had to be moved to
otterbein's student center. there they assembled to hear
fred taylor, ohio state university head basketball coach,
and watch a long parade of awards and honors go to the
best basketball squad big walnut has ever had.

top -- head basketball coach bob shoemaker.
above -- roy everly, commissioner of the mid ohio conference,
congratulates dan saver upon receiving commissioner trophey for the
outstanding mid ohio player.
right -- guest speaker fred taylor.
right -- athletic director, norm nelson getting ready to present the
reserve awards.
far right -- coach shoemaker congratulating scott conant on his
placement to the first team all state.


no. 2 . . . next to who!

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (25)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (25)


Corresponds to pages 44-45 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos from band concert


washington bridge captures audience

the band under the direction of j. l.
swearingen seems to have started a
melody of success that has grown
steadily in volume and tempo. at their
spring concert it grew even stronger as
the members presented what could easily
be put up with the best of their concerts.

3 photos of band members
asst. principal richard miller presents senior bandsman aware to mary ann murphy.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (26)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (26)


Corresponds to pages 46-47 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

4 photos over 2 pages


jacob comes home

a heavy drama started off the night of one-acts. jacob comes
home was an anti-nazi play depicting the horrors the jewish
people lived with during hitler's control of germany. the
closeness of the audience to the actors got everyone even
more involved in the tragedy of the braun family.

top middle -- rudolf huber (jerry disbennett) consoling magada braun (kathy wetherbee).
above -- joseph braun (steve lord) listens to rudolf's story.
left -- magada, liese (becky cochran) and hulda (marilyn doyle) listen with hope and fear.


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (27)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (27)


Corresponds to pages 48-49 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the thespians tried a new type of theater in the zen substitute, a
kabuki play done in the traditional japanese white-face. the plot
was a comic farce about a hen-pecked husband who sneaks
away in the night while he is supposed to be involved in a
religious meditation. the audience was invited to join the fun as
lord ukyo made his comic attempt to fool his lady.


the zen substitute

left -- peter wetherbee relaxing after white face make-up.
far left -- a moment of silence in lord ukyo's (marc oberlin) garden.
bottom left -- an upset lady tamanoi (bridget baranek) after an
admission of adultery by lord ukyo.
below -- lord ukyo commanding tarokaja (keith mc clintock) to take
his place for meditation in the garden.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (28)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (28)


Corresponds to pages 50-51 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

4 photos over 2 page spread


lovers in midsummer

thespians finished the evening with a one-act adaptation of william
shakespeare's comedy a midsummer night's dream called the lovers
in midsummer. this was the story of mixed-matched, true and false
loves which were all straightened out with the help of the fairy
queen titania and her helper, puck. their escapades and mistakes
made the mortals follies even more comical.

left -- lysander (marc oberlin) presents his true love hermia (becky cochran) with a
token of affection.
far left -- helena (marilyn doyle) portrays discus in the woods near athens.
bottom left -- titania (kelly whalen), queen of the fairies.
below -- hermia shows her maid, felicia (kathy wetherbee), the token she received
from lysander.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (29)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (29)


Corresponds to pages 52-53 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 candid shots of couples in formal attire dining


as time goes on . . .

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (30)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (30)


Corresponds to pages 54-55 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos of students in formal wear over the 2 page spread


i realize

just what you mean to me

and now that you're near

promise your love

that i've waited to share . . .


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (31)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (31)


Corresponds to pages 56-57 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

and dream

of our moments


colour my world

with hope

of loving you.


4 photos of students in formal attire at dance

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (32)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (32)


Corresponds to pages 58-59 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

culver captures golden eagle award


it was a fine spring evening, when a group of
parents and friends met to honor those boys who
finished the year of sports as bw. a high point trophy
was presented to a member of the golf team; several
awards were given to track members; and individuals
on the baseball team received trophies for excelling
during the season.

far left -- coach mc kenna presents jim overtruf with the dollar federal eagle award.
middle -- coach marshall presents captain brent culver the most valuable player award.
left -- coach kletrovetz presents gary condit with the golfer's high point trophy.
below -- paul litzinger receives track's most valuable player trophy from coach mc kenna.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (33)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (33)


Corresponds to pages 60-61 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

4 candid photos of students at outdoor activities


never on a tuesday

off into the world went another senior
class -- twirling on frisbees, golf clubs
and footballs. at the senior picnic they
were once more together. the band
played, they ate and laughed. then
moved on to get a bigger drink of life's

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (34)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (34)


Corresponds to pages 62-63 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

this will be the last time

in a grand farewell to the school cafeteria, the class of '72 held its senior
luncheon. chewing over the class prophecy, as well as the chicken dressing,
they bid a "fond adieu" to the big-bright-yellow-heartburn machine. it was a
lovely luncheon, but just remember -- one piece of cake per person please!

5 candid photos from the luncheon

62 - 63
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (35)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (35)


Corresponds to pages 64-65 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

we make the paths . . .

it all seemed so simple -- a song, a speech, a handshake. and
then smiles, tears, and more handshakes. we accepted them all,
not even really sure of what was happening. then, all of a
sudden the laughter and congratulations stopped and we were
alone. and it was frightening.


3 candid shots from graduation

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (36)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (36)


Corresponds to pages 66-67 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the class of 1972 has definitely made its mark. in
all fields it had its stars -- its accomplishments.
but now, it's all over. the security and pampering
has to end and the wild world has to take over.
descending the stage, diplomas in hand, the new
alumni step out to tackle unthought of problems
and rewards.

2 photos from graduation ceremony


. . . that others follow

2 photos from graduation ceremony

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (37)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (37)


Corresponds to pages 68-69 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

gaa intramurals

gaa basketball team -- j. reese, s mc elwee, b. moreland, d. glassburn,
r. brown, s. overturf, j. droddy, c. comstock, r. browne, f. hannah, n.

gaa volleyball team -- row 1: s. overturf, d. leaf, l. hannah, d. smith, a. redinbaugh, n. daugherty, j. droddy, b. moreland, f. hannah, row 2: s. mann, m. sparks, j.
reese, t. powell, d. crooks, d. glassburn, c. brown, d. cooley, s. mc elwee, j. brown, d. klamfoth, row 3: a. creech, t. simmons.


bowling club

junior high --- row 1: t. powell, b. hoke, c. griffith, c. petrie, c. bricker, row 2: d.
mc elwee, p. barrow, k. downey, b. mc govern, m. cochran, d. gullet, row 3: s.
wilson, c. cordell, t. davis, g. puzine, c. sheets, f. hannah.

senior high -- row 1: j. kaufman, c. frost, n. sechrist, d. arthur, b. miller, r. leitner, s. muir, d. cooley, m. hundley, c.
salyers, row 2: m. sabados, d. burwell, j. miller, s. smith, a. redinbaugh, k. fuller, c. walton, d. wollett, d. krebs, l.
harman, m. gafigen, w. musgrave, row 3: m. deel, t. simmons, d. crowl, j. o'neall, d. baker, w. reeder, l. layton, m.
holly, r. barcus, j. ryder, row 4: s. schmidt, b. moreland, m. pittman, d. gallion, d. sager, c. anderson, d. worley, t.
hummel, d. barrow, m. perfect.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (38)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (38)


Corresponds to pages 70-71 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank black page


cube shape with basketball photos on its faces


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (39)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (39)


Corresponds to pages 72-73 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 images of cross country team members


run on, harriers

the dogged determination needed to survive cross country came this
fall in a small group of seven. working with a new coach through the
rain, wind, and sunshine made the going even tougher. the cross
country team showed that a little bit of work, a little bit of stamina,
and a whole lot of desire can take a team a long, long way.

top left -- j. overturf, j. kaufman, coach nethero, r. hood, r. hood, b. anderson, r.
top left -- coach nethero.
top -- senior, j. overturf.
bottom -- bw harriers gain steps on bv's best

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (40)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (40)


Corresponds to pages 74-75 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

6 images from football season


it was a rough season . . .

as the men of many decades have found true, football is the
game of life. sometimes life is harsh and the game gets bitter.
though the men of the sport may struggle to bring about
change, they may become lost in their efforts.

now, the harsh bitterness changes to frustration and frustration

burns deep, so deep, deeper than the heart. these men have
tasted life and this taste has burned deep within their souls.

first-year head coach jim marshall and co. have tasted life. they
didn't like the taste. next year the eagles will be back,
determined to change the taste from bitter to sweet.

varsity squad -- row 1: s. downey, b. culver, g. worster, g. condit, g. grandominico, j. groves, g. caito, m. woods, m. swysgood, r. glenn, r. wiggins, b. kletrovetz, row 2:
d. cochran, s. kessler, d. davis, d. wolfe, r. morgan, m. forman, c. white, g. yinger, g. hamm, d. bradford, g. helton, j. mc kenna, row 3: r. meadors, k. murphy, m.
montgomery, m. gafkiin, d. neibarger, p. litzinger, j. anderson, j. buxton, j. evans, t. williams, j. ryder, d. beddow, r. roberts, row 4: m. roof, d. counts, s. hiles, b.
arrington, b. schug, t. crooks, t. faiella, d. worley, r. thompson, w. musgrave, head coach j. marshall.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (41)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (41)


Corresponds to pages 76-77 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Blurred photo of players in action on football field


learning, growing and building
through athletic competition

ninth grade squad -- row 1: t. davis, t. arthur, m. martin, j. ward, j. johnson, p. mc govern, g. hall, b. swysgood, row 2: r. margraff, r. garrabrant, j. brown, mgr. b.
smith, r. smith, j. gill, c. lehrke, m. murphy, row 3: j. dennison, m. marsee, mgr. m. howard, t. liming, j. christy, t. deel, b. adkins, r. white, row 4: d. hess, j. jacobus, d.
hall, r. crippen, d. edwards, j. higgins, mgr. k. wolfe, row 5: coaches k. wampler, f. fulton, h. bricker.

eighth grade squad -- row 1: m. datillo, j. kumfer, c. blanchand, t. allen, g. hiles, r. meadors, d. piper, r. ball, d. nelson, r. lucas, m. counts, d. wymer, a. fling, d. hines,
row 2: coach k. wampler, mgr. k. wolfe, mgr. m. howard, mgr. b. smith, d. piper, j. hamm, r. kirkendall, p. muhlbach, d. marshall, m. havens, m. mc cusker, j. brooks, m.
tudor, d. haines, coach f. fulton, coach h. bricker.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (42)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (42)


Corresponds to pages 78-79 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

3 photos of football team members


teamwork -- cannot be forgotten

years of grinding work and sweat come at
last to the bittersweet end. summer
practices, cold autumn evenings, bruises,
and thrills all will fade and mellow, but the
initial bump -- that first feel of real contact
and teamwork -- cannot be forgotten. it
must remain to guide and direct the players
through the real thing.

senior football squad -- row 1: brent culver, geoff
caito, rick glenn, gordon helton, gary worster, joe
groves, mark woods, row 2: gary grandominico, ron
wiggins, steve downey, matt swysgood, gary condit.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (43)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (43)


Corresponds to pages 80-81 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

it was splendor on the court

3 photos of basketball team members in action


more fans than seats and finally more seats than ever filled to
the brink with eagle backers, all certain of leaving with another

3 photos of basketball team members in action

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (44)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (44)


Corresponds to pages 82-83 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

working and hoping and dreaming and striving, the
boys of 1972 build a dream team. making it hurt and
getting tired, they worked to a season of masterful
wins. each had his own special place and mission,
and yet all were one, moving and thinking together.


l. lane, g. condit, g. low, w. hale, m. fry, d. davis, s. conant,
d. saver, w. lawrence, b. culver, g. hamm, r. moodespaugh,
kneeling: s. kesler, d. roshon, r. shoemaker -- head coach, r.
glenn, r. meadors.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (45)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (45)


Corresponds to pages 84-85 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the best is yet to come

2 page spread photo of basketball team members

scott conant
gary condit
brent culver
mike fry
john lane
ron moodespaugh
dan saver


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (46)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (46)


Corresponds to pages 86-87 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

the construction of a squad

eighth -- row 1: t. allen, r. meadors, r. ball, d. piper, p. malbach, j. kumfort,
row 2: r. kerkendall, g. hiles, m. counts, j. emmert, j. low, k. corwin,
row 3: d. wymer, t. laub, d. nelson, m. havens, coach, k. wampler.

ninth -- row 1: t. failla, j. johnson, b. swysgood, d. hess, r. declue, j. dennison, d. davis,
row 2: coach nethero, d. edwards, j. ward, j. jacobus, c. lerhke, j. milem, r. hughes, j. gill.

t. allen, m. havens, d. nelson, k. corwin, j. low.


the final varsity championship
begins long before the actual
season. it starts with training and
development in the eighth, ninth
and reserve teams. then the boys
learn the basic skills and attitudes
that will later build another winning

reserve -- g. hall, m. montgomery, r. agler, r. burwell, g. perfect, w. hale, coach -- nelson, d. allen, t. vincent, p. mcgovern, d. counts, p. wetherbee, d. cochran.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (47)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (47)


Corresponds to pages 88-89 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

photo of baseball team members


the red machine rolled on . . .

like any sport, in baseball each group
must do its part if the team is to win. the
pitchers, catchers, in-fielders and out-
fielders must perform their assigned tasks
without errors. every position is equally
important for the whole team couldn't
survive without all of its parts.

opposite page -- row 1: s. kessler, b. culver, w.
owen, g. low, s. hiles, l. baughman, row 2: m.
davenport, j. haines, g. craig.
left -- front row: m. minturn, m. roof, s. hiles, back
row: b swysgood, d. wolfe, w. hale, g. low, f.
barry, d. davis.
bottom -- d. counts, r. morgan, g. hall, d. davis,
d. barrow, t. forman

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (48)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (48)


Corresponds to pages 90-91 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

row 1: coach nethero, j. brown, k. baughman,
b. swysgood, c. lehrke, d. edwards, j. ward, m.
martin, row 2: t. jahn, d. hall, j. dennison, c.
adams, r. agler, d. dunch, r. nitschke.

row 1: s. hiles, m. davenport, d. barrow, t.
forman, d. counts, r. morgan, g. hall, row 2: s.
kessler, d. wolfe, w. owen, b. swysgood, g.
low, j. haines, l. backman, row 3: coach j.
marshall, m.minturn, f. barry, b. culver, w.
hale, d. davis, g. craig, m. roof, asst. coach .


weather -- beaten but willing

battling with the weather
conditions as well as their
opponents, the eagles'
baseball team was forced
to a shorter schedule. but
despite the combined
adverse conditions, they
finished with a winning

coach marshall and captain brent culver.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (49)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (49)


Corresponds to pages 92-93 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

who could deny

the golf team earned another mid-ohio championship this
spring. this was a great effort in itself, but made the win
more spectacular by the fact that the sport has only been
organized three years and the past two years the eagles
have been champions.

kneeling: l. layton, d. williams, r. mead, standing: m. perfect, j. milem

s. conant, d. saver, g. perfect, j. lane, c. gambill, g. condit, r. kletrovetz -- coach.


gary condit
scott conant
charlie gambill
john lane
gary perfect
dan saver

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (50)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (50)


Corresponds to pages 94-95 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

catch us if you can

3 photos of track team members


individual effort is an especially large
component of a successful tract team, because
many events involve competition between
individual team members. some of the eagle
runners could be seen working out on the
weight machine in the morning before school
started. others practiced hard after school to
boost the team effort to a win.

left -- t. vincent, r. agler, s. downey, g. caito
opposite -- front row: d. sherman, m. murphy, r. hood, j. kaufman, j. christy,
back row: j. jacobus, m. woods, j. overturf.
bottom -- front row: j. anderson, k. murphy, t. davis, r. agler, g. yinger,
back row: c. cordell, m. swysgood, p. litzinger, m. marsee, s. downey.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (51)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (51)


Corresponds to pages 96-97 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

it was a season for rebuilding for the
track team. sometimes the job seemed so
huge that it was impossible, but everyone
stuck at it and soon the eagles scored a

coach -- j. mckenna, managers -- d. cochran, r. johnson.

junior high tract -- row 1: g. matney, j. low, d. mankins, m. mckusker, j. kumfer, p. muhlbach, p. ross, d. mitchell, coach -- b. shoemaker.


maybe tomorrow

r. crippen, b. arrington, p, mcgovern

s. downey, t. vincent, g. caito, g. grandominico, r. agler, g. yinger


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (52)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (52)


Corresponds to pages 98-99 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

bw score sheet

cross country

mt. gilead 30:
north union 45:
big walnut 56:
3rd ron hood 11:12
4th jim overturf 11:15
10th jim kaufman 11:39

malone college invitational
big walnut 20th 2-1/2 mi.
39th jim overturf 14:46
60th ron hood 15:05
75th jim kaufman 15:25

dual meet
north union 28:
big walnut 29:
1st jim overturf 11:07
2nd ron hood 11:09
6th jim kaufman 11:26

big walnut 29:
dublin 38:
buckeye valley 54:
1st ron hood 11:03
2nd jim overturf 11:08
4th jim kaufman 11:30

highland 29:
big walnut 33:
buckeye valley 65:
1st ron hood 12:57
2nd jim overturf 12:58
4th jim kaufman 13:15

marion franklin inv.
big walnut 12th
30th jim overturf 11:12
13th ron hood 11:14
47th jim kaufman 11:27

mid ohio
mount gilead 20:
big walnut 68:
highland 69:
north union 70:
buckeye valley 116
3rd jim overturf 11:14
6th ron hood 11:22
7th jim kaufman 11:29

1971 central district
class aa section 2
big walnut 7th
14th jim overturf 10:57
15th ron hood 10:58
30th jim kaufman 11:47

varsity football

bw 24 northridge 35
bw 6 centerburg 16
bw 28 cardington 0
bw 14 northmor 14
bw 14 mount gilead 52
bw 0 highland 20
bw 8 marion catholic 12
bw 0 north union 20
bw 0 buckeye valley 22

reserve football

bw 16 centerburg 0
bw 2 marion catholic 0
bw 0 north union 26

ninth football

bw 18 cardington 0
bw 0 northridge 28
bw 0 dublin 28
bw 0 marion catholic 30
bw 0 saint charles 38
bw 0 north union 34

eighth football

bw 28 ashley 0
bw 0 dublin 40
bw 6 radnor 0
bw 8 cardinton 8
bw 38 ostrander 0

eighth baseball

bw 34 delaware willis 54
bw 53 radnor 37
bw 30 dublin 36
bw 44 ashley 36
bw 49 ostrander 33
bw 50 ashley 36
bw 39 dublin 44
bw 44 radnor 25
bw 45 ostrander 27
bw 36 prospect 35
radnor tournament 1st

varsity basketball

bw 70 cardington 34
bw 84 northmor 40
bw 88 olentangy 55
bw 65 buckeye valley 55
bw 83 dublin 59
bw 96 northridge 41
bw 89 cardington 62
bw 101 northmor 36
bw 78 jonathan alder 39
bw 75 mount gilead 54
bw 95 dublin 43
bw 103 highland 44
bw 83 marion catholic 43
bw 72 olentangy 41
bw 72 north union 53
bw 65 buckeye valley 46
bw 68 mount gilead 33
bw 51 north union 45
bw 76 elgin 44
bw 82 lakewood 55
bw 65 bexley 41
bw 64 wellsville 50
bw 53 bishop ready 62

reserve baseball

bw 48 cardington 30
bw 35 northmor 33
bw 54 olentangy 31
bw 26 buckeye valley 36
bw 37 dublin 21
bw 39 northridge 28
bw 43 cardington 50
bw 49 northmor 30
bw 42 jonathan alder 35
bw 57 mount gilead 32
bw 42 dublin 53
bw 51 highland 46
bw 48 marion catholic 43
bw 39 north union 36
bw 40 buckeye valley 42
bw 53 mount gilead 35

ninth basketball

bw 35 northmor 44
bw 32 buckeye valley 37
bw 43 cardington 46
bw 29 new albany 22
bw 24 northmor 40
bw 39 mount gilead 47
bw 35 highland 30
bw 25 marion catholic 44
bw 30 north union 42
bw 34 buckeye valley 46


varsity golf

bw 0 delaware hayes 9
bw 7 elgin 2
bw 8-1/2 mount gilead 1/2
bw 6 cardington 3
bw 8 olentangy 1
bw 9 highland 0
bw 9 new albany 0
bw 9 north union 0
bw 4 buckeye valley 5
del. co. tournament 2nd
bw 7 marion catholic 2
bw 7 johnstown 2
mid ohio tournament 1st
bw 7 mount gilead 2
bw 8 buckeye valley 1
bw 7 marion catholic 2
bw 7-1/2 cardington 1-1/2
sectional 4th
bw 8-1/2 north union 1/2
district 8th

reserve golf

bw 7 cardington 0
bw 0 delaware hayes 7
bw 4 new albany 5
bw 8-1/2 buckeye valley 2
bw 3-1/2 marion catholic 5-1/2

varsity baseball

bw 1 olentangy 6
bw 9 ironton rock hill 4
bw 2 coal grove 11
bw 2 ironton sr. hi. 12
bw 0 mansfield malabar 2
bw 5 mansfield malabar 11
bw 2 cardington 4
bw 12 licking heights 3
bw 4 northmor 3
bw 5 mount gilead 2
bw 9 highland 7
bw 7 river valley 4
bw 2 northridge 1
bw 3 north union 4
bw 6 lakewood 5
bw 1 buckeye valley 11
bw 9 cardington 13
bw 15 columbus academy 6
bw 6 northridge 3
bw 8 northmor 5
bw 2 mount gilead 3
bw 9 mifflin 6
bw 10 highland 5
bw 3 elgin 4
bw 6 north union 4

reserve baseball

bw 2 cardington 3
bw 5 buckeye valley 10
bw 3 olentangy 7
bw 0 river valley 8
bw 2 river valley 10
bw 5 saint charles 4
bw 1 cardington 3
bw 3 olentangy 10
bw 14 delaware hayes 4
bw 14 delaware hayes 2
bw 1 saint charles 5


dual meet
bw 43 buckeye valley 84
bw 29 delaware hayes 77 elgin 52
dual meet
bw 40 mount gilead 87
bw 57 fredericktown 85 highland 17
dual meet
bw 50 jonathan alder 70
dual meet
bw 80 marion catholic 46
delaware county meet 2nd
fredericktown inv. 4th
bw 84 cardington 43 highland 29
dual meet
bw 83 north union 44
mid ohio 4th

junior high track
mount gilead relays 3rd
gahanna relays 20th
bw 36 highland 68
intersquad meet red team

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (53)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (53)


Corresponds to pages 100-101 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank black page


image of cube with photos on 3 sides


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (54)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (54)


Corresponds to pages 102-103 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

exchanging ideas and information by speech . . .

2 page photo with numbered ID key

1 georgia didion - spanish vice-president
2 teresa cockrell - spanish president
3 diane burwell - french vice-president
4 mike deel - spanish treassurer
5 tina simmons - spanish news reporter
6 steve lightfoot - thespian president
7 mark wurm - thespian treasurer, french secretary
8 brent culver - thespian news reporter
9 ron wiggins - spanish senior representative
10 john anderson - spanish sergeant at arms
11 robin browne - thespian vice president
12 karen innis - french news reporter
13 karen mc cusker - thespian secretary
14 vickie wallen - spanish secretary
15 lisa harman - french treasurer
16 barb moreland - french president

102 - 103
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (55)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (55)


Corresponds to pages 104-105 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

thespian club

to be totally inside another person and understand is never easy
- especially when portraying that person on stage. the thespians
concentrated all their efforts on a production of four one act
plays, jacob comes home, the zen substitue, sorry, wrong
number, and the lovers in midsummer in order to come out with
a variety of experiences for actors and audience. and when the
lights went down and the curtain went up "all the world was a

2 page photo spread with numbered ID key

1 b. miller * 2 c. worster * 3 p. wetherbee * 4 m. grandominco * 5 k. wetherbee *
6 d. wollett * 7 c. hill * 8 d. lightfoot * 9 b. allen * 10 g. godshall 8 11 j.
stockdale, advisor * 12 c. trautwein * c. morgenstern * 14 p. reppart * 15 s.
lightfoot * 16 j. abolins * 17 r. browne * 18 k. mc cusker * 19 m. doyle * 20 d.
garee * 21 s. miller * 22 a. creech * 23 b. culver * 24 j. anderson * 25 j. hill * 26
g. hamm * 27 e. davison 28 s. kessler * 29 s. lord * 20 j. disbennett * 31 l.
stockwell * 32 m. sabados * 33 k. innis * 34 J. lane * 35 d. krebs * 36 d. evans *
37 r. leitner * 38 l. brown * 39 c. salyers * 40 k. brown * 41 r. eberhard * 42 n.
montoney * 43 K. whalen * 44 b. cochran * 45 s. lord * 46 d. davidson * 47 m.
mazzon * 48 j. evans * 49 m. wurm * 50 s. mann * 51 s. adkins * 52 d. dunch
* 53 d. klamfoth * 54 m. davenport * 55 m. shannon * 56 b. baranek * 57 m.
oberlin * 58 l. ryll

104 -105

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (56)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (56)


Corresponds to pages 106-107 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

spanish club

the only way to really know another country is to step inside its
language, customs and culture and practice its ways. usuing this
as an objective the spanish club added a degree of fun and
developed a growing understanding of the spanish culture
through its activities.

2 page photo with numbered ID key

1 j. barber * 2 d. smith * 3 t. cockrell * 4 c. blackstone * 5 m. davenport * 6 t.
sewell * 7 l. hannah * 8 j. ryder * 9 j. hines * 10 g. emler * 11 j. droddy * 12
r. barnes * 13 f. hannah * 14 j. mc clintock * 15 g. salyers * 16 s. schmidt *
17 t. mc coy * 18 d. sherman * 19 s. burwell * 20 s. muir * 21 j. milem * 22 c.
shively * 23 w. musgrave * 24 c. schaffer * 25 d. alward * 26 m. gafkjen * 27
j. johnston, advisor * 28 p. wetherbee * 29 m. deel * 30 t. simmons * 31 a.
creech * 32 j. anderson * 33 l. ryll * 34 l. layton * 35 v. wallen * 36 d.
garrabrant * 37 t. murphy * 38 m. sabados * 39 d. cochran * 40 l. sechrist *
41 r. cherry * 42 r. smith * 43 g. didion * 44 c. young * 45 r. saunders * 46 k.
bender * 47 r. smith * 48 s. brunner * 49 s. stauch * 50 d. johnson * 51 d.
justice * 52 m. ward * 53 s. wilson * 54 d. keane * 55 c. muir

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (57)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (57)


Corresponds to pages 108-109 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

french club

language is commonly a basic unit of communication. through
classroom and outside activities students gain an awareness of
this link in understanding. writing directly to pen pals provides a
mutual friendship with france and her people.

2 page photo with numbered ID key

1 m. mazzon * 2 d. burwell * 3 l. harman * 4 r. eberhard * 5 b. baranek * 6 j.
garrabrant * 7 j. didion * 8 e. davison * 9 l. stockwell * 10 c. cook * 11 c. hill
* 12 s. lord * 13 c. worster * 14 k. mc cusker * 15 k. innis * 16 e. angel * 17
b. wagner, advisor * 18 m. davenport * 19 b. moreland

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (58)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (58)


Corresponds to pages 110-111 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

believing in the people, self and God . . .

2 page photo with numbered ID key

1 gary condit * nhs vice-president
2 karen evans * yac secretary
3 mike mosely * yac president
4 debbie wallett * yac treasurer
5 kathy haines * yac vic-president
6 marsha shannon * sc vice-president
7 laura sechrist * yac news reporter
8 fonda gallogly * sc president
9 bits trautwein * nhs news reporter
10 bambi allen * nhs secretary-treasurer
11 dan saver * sc news reporter
12 gary grandominico * sc treasurer
13 allen mc elwee * nhs president
m joan snyder * sc secretary

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (59)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (59)


Corresponds to pages of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

national honor society

national honor society is an organization for the
recognition of selected juniors and seniors.
membership in the society is based on outstanding
scholarship, leadership, character and service.

2 page photo spread

1 m. doyle * 2 n. sechrist * 3 d. lynn * 4 j. piper * 5 f.
gallogly * 6 k. wetherbee * 7 m. murphy * 8 c. morgenstern
* 9 v. pedersen, advisor * 10 b. allen * 11 b. trautwein * 12
g. condit * 13 g. grandominico * 14 b. de clue * 15 s. lord *
16 a, mc elwee

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (60)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (60)


Corresponds to pages 114-115 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

student council

the student council was set up as a "hot
line" to the administration. working to
please both students and faculty on matters
such as lunches and open studyhalls took a
major part of the council's efforts. it also
started the beginning of student government
by controlling class officer and steering
committee elections. an exchange day of
observation with a neighboring high school
helped bring in new suggestions for a better
student council.

2 page photo spread

1 g. hamm * 2 t. blackburn * 3 g. cox * 4 b. gallogly
* 5 f. gallogly * 6 c. bricker * 7 d. cooley * 8 m.
shannon * 9 d. saver * 10 c. salyers * 11 g.
grandominico * m. b. hill * j. hamm * r. campbell * c.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (61)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (61)


Corresponds to pages 116-117 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

youth in action for christ

recently seen on a local wall was the inscription "GOD IS
DEAD" signed nietzsche. and underneath that was seen
"nietzsche is dead" signed God. youth in action for christ, an in-
school organization dedicated to spreading the word of christ,
met regularly at the depot. backing these weekly rap sessions
was the power of press in their underground newspaper.
nietzsche is dead --- God lives.

2 page photo spread

1 d. krebs * 2. j. didion * 3 d. jacobus * 4 b. bond * 5 k. wolfe * 6 m.
rhodeback * 7 b. adkins * 8 k. miller * 9 c. warner * 10 d. wollet * 11 l. gendt
* 12 s. heil * 13 k. haines * 14 j. garrabrant * 15 j. merrick * 16 k. evans * 17
r. argabrite * 18 k. young * 19 r. mitchell * 20 d. cooley * 21 d. wolfe * 22 l.
sechrist * 23 r. campbell * 24 b. neibarger * 25 r. meadors * 26 b. de clue *
27 r. brown * 28 r. saunders * 29 s. muir * 30 lola searles, advisor * 31 s.
burwell * 32 r. agler * 33 d. wigton * 34 d. kean * 35 m. mosely * 36 c. muir
* 37 d. cantrell * 38 g. decker * r. johnson

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (62)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (62)


Corresponds to pages 118-119 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

training for feats of
physical strength and
agility . . .

2 page photo spread

1 jana droddy * gaa intramural chairman
2 dave counts * vc executive committee
3 carolyn comstock * gaa intramural chairman
4 dale wolfe * vc executive committee
5 sue overturf * gaa interscholastic chairman
6 cherry trautwein * gaa president
7 kathy wetherbee * gaa secretary
8 debbie crooks * gaa social chairman
9 guy yinger * vc secretary-treasurer
10 dan saver * vc executive committee
11 candy boxwell * gaa treasurer
12 barb moreland * gaa news reporter
13 gary condit * vc executive committee
14 mike forman * vc executive committee
15 janet reese * gaa vice president
16 gary grandominico * vc chairman
m mike montgomery * vc executive committee

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (63)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (63)


Corresponds to pages 120-121 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

varsity club

take --- boys with an interest in athletics in a
big way and what's the result? buy your
booster button here! got your ticket for the
annual varsity club-faculty basketball game?
be sure and come to the basketball
homecoming . . .

2 page photo spread

1 r. neibarger * 2 d. counts * 3 g. low * 4 r. hood * 5 g.
grandominico * 6 b. culver * 7 d. davis * 8 p. litzinger *
9. g. condit * 10 j. overturf * 11 d. saver * 12 t. vincent *
13 m. woods * 15 d. bradford * 15 f. berry * 16 d. wolfe
* 17 j. longshore * 18 m. forman * 19 j. groves * 20 g.
helton * 21 g. yinger * 22 r. moodespaugh * 23 s. conant
* 24 m. fry * 25 g. caito * 26 n. nelson, advisor

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (64)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (64)


Corresponds to pages 122-123 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

girls' athletic association

in gaa the girls learned through active participation
on teams and committees the meaning of
sportsmanship and cooperation. gaa was very busy
starting its co-ed intramurals in golf, archery,
volleyball, and basketball. it was also responsible for
sponsoring football homecoming and working with
the varsity club on basketball homecoming. not to be
neglected are the canoe trips, the hayrides, and the

2 page photo spread

1 j. reese * 2 k. lines * 3 m. johnson * 4 d. klamfoth * 5 s. mann
* 6 c. boxwell * 7 k. levi * 8 m. sherrets * 9 e. goodrich * 10 s.
brunner * 11 b. sparks * 12 d. wolfe * 13 s. anderson * 14 s.
conley * 15 d. cooley * 16 c. klamfoth * 17 b. klamfoth * 18 m.
sparks * 19 a. creech * 20 t. simmons * 21 , lewis * 22 d.
alward * 23 s. lord * 24 b. baranek * 25 m. sabados * 26 p.
morgan * 27 c. johnson * 28 b. adkins * 29 d. cooley * 30 n.
daugherty * 31 c. griffith * 32 d. cantrell * 33 r. brown * 34 m.
selvage * 35 k. wetherbee * 36 r. brookens * 37 d. garee * 38
p. reppart * 39 r. browne * 40 b. trautwein * 41 s. miller * 42 b.
moreland * 43 l. harman * 44 j. trautwein * 45 d. leaf * 46 d.
jacobus * 47 b. meade * 48 p. dattilo * 49 m. hundley * 50 c.
lynn * 51 s. sharon * 52 d. crooks * 53 j. murphy * 54 j. hill *
55 b. baldwin * 56 c. brown * 57 s. yoakam * 58 c. petrie * 59
j. merrick * 64 c. comstock * 65 b. copas, advisor * 66 s.
overturf * 67 m. ward * 68 s. mc elwee * 69 d. smith * 70a.
redinbaugh * 71 t. powell * 72 l. ryll * 73 j. droddy

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (65)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (65)


Corresponds to pages 124-125 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

experiencing acts
towards an occupational
goal . . .

2 page photo spread

1 bruce price * deca ii treasurer
2 jeanette piper * fta recording secretary
3 sandy adkins * deca ii vice-president
4 brent culver * fta parliamentarian
5 fonda gallogly * fta president
6 mary ann murphy * fta vice-president
7 barry smith * deca i secretary
8 dick mc coy * deca ii news reporter
9 steve hess * deca i news reporter
10 ray saunders * fta senior representative
11 roger argabrite * deca president
12 eva bushee * deca i vice-president
13 teri murphy * fta corresponding secretary
14 barry gallogly * deca i treasurer
15 steve lightfoot * deca i president
m jim schlaegel * deca ii secretary
m debbie skeens * fta treasurer
m kay allen * fta co-ordinator
m ann wilkes * fta junior representative

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (66)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (66)


Corresponds to pages 126-127 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


the distributive education program helps students break
into the business world gradually through job
opportunities offered in high school. as responsible
working citizens, members of the distributive education
club sponsored a successful glass and bottle collection
in an attempt to help in the ecological effort.

2 page photo spread

1 d. feazel * 2 m. fry * 3 s. ulery * 4 d. congrove * 5 b. smith * 6
d. gallion * 7 b. gallogly * 8 d. gullett 8 z. layman * 10 k. ames *
11 b. price * 12 p. daugherty * 13 d. davis * 14 e. bushee * 15 s.
hall * 16 s. hess * 17 s. lightfoot * 18 d. wigton * 19 d. mc coy *
20 t. chapman * 21 s. adkins * 22 s. dunn *23 m. cluck * 24 r.
argabrite * 25 g. helton * 26 m. hannah * 27 j. groves * 28 a.
wolfe, advisor * 29 s. morgenstern * 30 l. kinniard * 31 c. meade

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (67)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (67)


Corresponds to pages 128-129 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

future teachers of america

your regular teacher is "absent" today ---
applause --- yes, yes, i know.
i'm substituting.
booooooo . . .
please be quiet.
i don't like this any better than you do . . .
get out your books.
no! you can't go to the restroom and
the water fountain is broken.
stop that wiggling.
now . . .do questions 1 through 20 . . .
and after that . . .
this wasn't my idea.
now look --- mr. roberts is right next door.
shut up!!!!!
i'll get mr. miller.

2 page photo spread

1. b wagner, advisor * 2 c. cook * 3 b. hoke * 4 d. alward * 5 t.
simmons * 6 m. deel * 7 s. sharon * 8 t. murphy * 9 j. fisher * 10 s.
kroninger * 11 n. montoney * 12 m. lewis * 13 d. wigton * 14 b. boyd
* 15 a. wilkes * 16 m. perfect * 17 r. brown * 18 r. saunders * 19 d.
wilburn * 20 v. sheward * 21 k. smith * 22 p. dattilo * 23 b. moreland
* 24 l. harman * 25 j. abolins * 26 c. salyers * 27 f. gallogly * 28 d.
burwell * 29 d. lawless * 30 s. overturf * 31 s. mann * 32 s. heil * 33
a creech * 34 b. miller * 35 j. murphy * 36 k. miller * 37 k. evans * 38
b. gallogly * 39 m. wurm * 40 t. blackburn * 41 m. mazzon * 42 d.
smith * 43 a. redinbaugh * 44 m. murphy * 45 m. davenport * 46 r.
eberhard * 47 b. declue * 48 d. dunch * 49 c. frost * 50 t. williams *
51 m. hundley 52 j. barber * 53 j. trautwein * 54 m. grandominico *
55 c. worster * 56 p. wetherbee

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (68)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (68)


Corresponds to pages 130-131 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

through rhythmic
beats . . .

2 page photo spread

1 susie semon * mixed chorus treasurer
2 donna justice * mixed chorus president
3 becky hoke * band treasurer
4 ray saunders * band news reporter
5 dan edwards * mixed chorus vice-president
6 robin browne * eaglette captain
7 rene watts * a cappella asst. treasurer
8 mary ann murphy * band vice-president
9 donna evans * band secretary
10 dawn garee * eaglette co-captain
11 jerry disbennett * a cappella president
12 marilyn doyle * a cappella secretary
13 kathy wetherbee * a cappella vice-president
14 bambi allen * eaglette co-captain
15 ruth brown * a cappella treasurer
16 julie bahl * mixed chorus secretary
m john lane * band president
m donna horn * a cappella asst. secretary

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (69)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (69)


Corresponds to pages 132-133 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

big walnut golden eagle marching band

over, out, up! ladies and gentlemen, the big
walnut golden eagle marching band; under
the direction of jim swearingen; with
eaglette captain, miss robin browne, and
led on the field by head majorette, miss jan
garrabrant. the changing colors and vibrant
sounds whirl again as the members work as
a unit crossing, turning, and coming
together again. our band added a
sharpness to the field, and another source
of pride to bw fans.

2 page photo spread

bw director - jim swearingen
majorettes - jan garrarant, head, debbie krebs,
claudia cook, standing karen innis

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (70)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (70)


Corresponds to pages 134-135 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

concert band

combining a dissonance of clashing confusion. softening each
jarring and jolting discord to a whisper. weaving separate
melodies to a clear etching within the mind. waltzing
harmoniously with a force and with a mellowness.

7 photos over page spread

top - row 1: s. wilson, p. roddy, d. roshon, d. hoover, c. brown, b.
jones, j. overturf, row 2: t. steelsmith, s. breece, t. hummel.

above - row 1: c. muir. c. shivelly, s. mc elwee, b. moreland, l. harman,
row 2: 4 blackburn, s. burwell, j. milem.

above - d. kean, r. hood, s. muir, s. hess, b. anderson, d. wampler, m. ingrahm, d. allen.


row 1: j. lane, c. comstock, r. barcus, d. smith, row
2: d. barrow, d. yost, d. mc nett, j. blanton, m.
seit, d. davis, l. piper, r. glenn, l. page, r.
meadors, r. hughes, d. warner, row 3: c. bricker, m.
matthews, l. goodrich, g. emler, l. sechrist, j.

row 1: d. burwell, l. cockrell, k. allen, d. heyder, d. fisher, row 2: b. hoke, j. reece, c.
petrie, m. wurm, l. stockwell.

top - row 1: m. murphy, d. krebs, n. sechrist, d. evans, d. cook, row 2:
d. wolfe, e. davison, k. innis, p. christy, p. cluck, n. daugherty, row 3: r.
leitner, j. abolins, d. crooks, k. brown, b. wilburn, p. saunder.

above - row 1: l. miller, s. lord, l. gendt, d. cooley, d. gallion, k.
young, row 2: j. garrabrant, m. sherrets, k. levi, j. hildreth, l. ryll, d.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (71)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (71)


Corresponds to pages 136-137 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

energetic band members pursue their special interests

the pulsing surge of a sound, flowing through,
around, into the listeners, exciting the listeners,
participants. feeling its way to the center. and
pumping, plunging, pulsing, pushing its way to
the heart and brain of an audience.

mary ann murphy - pep band director

eighth grade band - row 1: n. forman, v. bowers, l.
beddow, j. johnson, b. sherman, c. longshore, c. hess, b.
jackson, c. hughes, s. wirick, row 2: c. shively, t. holmes, j.
kumfer, g. schlaegel, p. ross, d. piper, s. johnson, s.
glassburn, g. runyon, k. sherrets, row 3: t. laub, d. wymer,
c. blackstone, j. sellers, r. mitchell, d. hale, j. piper, d.

row 1: l. harman, b. moreland, s. mc elwee, c. fuller, s. burwell, d. fisher, m.
murphy, row 2: p. roddy, c. brown, s. wilson, d. hoover, d. warner, r. barcus,
row 3: d. yost, d. belt, l. sechrist, k. bender, j. blanton, d. warner, l. page, g.
emler, row 4: t. hummel, b. anderson, m. ingrahm, d. burwell, r. hood.

dance band - d. roshon, b. jones, d. hoover, d. bingham, j. lane, r. barcus, b. willis, r. glenn, l. page, g. emler, s. hess, c. comstock, d. yost, m. ingrahm, d. abell, d.
belt, mr. swearingen, r. blackburn, m. wurm, c. hill, b. moreland, l. harman, s. burwell.


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (72)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (72)


Corresponds to pages 138-139 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


from summer precision drills with the band ... to
modern dance routines --- to adding color to
parades ... to the thrill of final performance,
the eaglettes were harmony in motion.

1 b. baldwin * 2 j. didion * 3 s. yoakum * 4 m dattilo * 5 j.
bahl * 6 r. brown * 7 l. hannah * 8 b. allen * 9 c. downey *
10 d. jewett * 11 b. cochran * 12 c. sheets * 13 p. russell *
14 d. toothman * 15 v. petrushka * 16 b. copas, advisor *
17 d. garee * 18 r. browne * 19 c. frost * 20 m. selvage *
21 d. dunch * 22 p. mc nulty * 23 j. piper

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (73)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (73)


Corresponds to pages 140-141 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

a cappella

and upon the wind rode a sound
and this sound was joy
and it filled the hearts of men
and women alike
and it was not lost but preserved
in their throats
and all who heard it proclaimed
it a miracle
and so they sang and all was joyful
and it shall live forever.

1 b. fritsche, director * 2. k. hamilton * 3 b miller * 4 a. creech * 5 j. mc
pherson * 6 d. wilburn * 7 m. grandominico * 8 c. worster * 9 j. barber * 10 j.
russell * 11 d. williams * 12 m. rhodeback * 13 s. mann * 14 d. klamfoth * 15
k haines * 16 s. overturf * 17 d. goostree * 18 b. boyd * 19 k. king * 20 m.
selvage * 21 d. toothman * 22 b. bond * 23 d. lawless * 25 m. mazzon * 25
d. alward * 26 d. wigton * 27 r. meaders * 28 n. woods * 29 r. watts * 30 c.
frost * 31 j. didion * 32 d. smith * 33 c. walton * 34 n. ott * 35 p. scott * 36
d. cantrell * 37 d. dunch * 38 d. queen * 39 r. mitchell * 40 m. doyle * 41 j.
kaufman * 42 . sparks * 43 m. de lozier 44 v. lawless * 45 s. heil * 46 l.
brown * 47 d. horn * 48 r. brown * 49 r. de clue * 50 k. wetherbee * 51 r.
wiggins * 52 t. maynard * 53 k. sparks * 54 r. eberhard * 55 b. klamfoth * 56
c. klamfoth * 57 r. rummery * 58 j. disbennett * 59 r. michels * 60 r. agler *
61 j. baker * 62 l. bachman

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (74)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (74)


Corresponds to pages 142-143 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

voices blend to enrich culture of youth

responding to a new interpretation of beautiful
music, the former girls ensemble, now beulah's
babes, grew in a new direction. initiating a
divergent style was both enjoyable and exciting,
the final look included unprecedented dress, a
renovated repertoir and fresh, smiling faces.

choir librarians - s. boyd, j. mc pherson, d. cantrell, k. klick.

mixed chorus - b. fritsche, s. hill, b. gallogly, t. clark, d. mc kenzie, b. pierce, j. hines, s. gallion, s. yoakum, d. jewett, d. ott, t. richardson, k. klick, j. wurm, e. davis, d. justice, c. baker b. meade, e. maynard, p. cross, s. anderson, t. russell, j. lucas, s. mcnamara, d. dunch, g. didion, v. petrushka, t. blackburn, j. bahl, k. wolfe, l. smith, j.
johnson, d. edwards, g. borchers, r. cherry, t. powell s. semon, m. ward, s. conley, p. richardson, m. hoke.


beulah's babes - front: m. selvage, r. brown, seated: r. meadors, j. didion, b. bond, standing: d. smith, s. heil, k. wetherbee, b.
fritsche, t. powell.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (75)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (75)


Corresponds to pages 144-145 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

boys' choir -- mrs. fritsche, j. emmert, j.
allard, a. davison, c. morgan, t. holmes,
d. hall, j. o'quinn, d. gibson, b. baker.

girls' bell chorus -- c. kesler, k. fisher,
k. lenegar, h. dickens, m. russell, s.
barnett, r. manns, p. frakes, l. boyd.

girls' chorus -- row 1: c. mc laughlin, m. russell, v. tschakert, s. barnett, h. dickens, k. strawser, l. norman, d. mc elwee, d. ricsen, mrs. fritsche, row 2: d. gorley, a. mc
cain, b. mc govern, d. gullett, b. hobbs, k. fisher, b. thacker, t. cordle, a borchers, row 3: b. wigton, w. franklin, j. pittman, s. hamilton, c. breece, m. schommer, k.
lenegar, c. kesler, p. wilt, l. boyd, row 4: r. mann, k. hardy, p. frkes, k. foster, s. wetherbee, p. coleman, v. shull, k. dixon, a. horsley.


low in priority yet equal in enthusiasm

eighth grade poses a definite dilemma to young students. faced
with beginning responsibility and motivation, it is easy to remain
inhibited and stifled by earlier ways. new activities and
organizations may be the stimulus to an excitingly different way
of thinking. it is a wandering, expectant world.

eighth grade ffa -- row 1: d. piper, a. mc cain, l. beddow, r. williams, row 2: r. zieschang, d. gorley, l. boyd, d. wymer, row 3: b. white, d. gibson, d. piper, p. ross, t.
holmes, row 4: j. o'quinn, a fling, g. schlaegel, back: j. crocker, a bryant, j. wachtler, j. hamm, d. mitchell, b. hill, d. hoke, m. jeffries, r. baker, t. laub, t. mitchell, j.
allard, j. piper, a. davison, g. runyon.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (76)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (76)


Corresponds to pages 146-147 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

keeping a systematic program for the time yet to come . . .

2 page photo spread

1 joni fisher * fha junior representative
2 cindy downey * fha freshman representative
3 dianna leaf * fha student advisor
4 pat dattilo * fha recreation leader
5 steve lord * ffa vice-president
6 judy brown * fha 1st vice-president
7 terry shively * ffa sentinel
8 claudia cook * fha president
9 jeanette piper * fha aware of merit
10 roy hood * ffa student advisor
11 dan sherman * ffa chaplain
12 martha selvage * fha news reporter
13 cathy brown * fha song leader
14 pam scott * fha sophomore representative
15 sandy miller * fha 2nd vice-president
16 dawn garee * fha treasurer
17 marvin hall * ffa news reporter
18 rita brookens * fha senior representative
19 gary worster * ffa secretary
20 jodi hill * del. co. fha presedent
21 karen mc cusker * del. co. fha treasurer
22 debbie davidson * fha secretary
23 greg garee * ffa president
m steve crooks * ffa treasurer
m kathy garee * fha parliamentarian
m debbie skeens * fha degree chairman
m joan snyder * fha historian

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (77)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (77)


Corresponds to pages 148-149 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

future homemakers of america

this year marks the 3rd year in sequence for the star chapter
award. building homes on truth, love, security and faith is
quite a large goal, so the future homemakers of america are
constantly busy learning to fulfill it. among the many activities
handled are serving of banquets, helping with the annual arts
festival, cooperating with the ffa in the july fourth celebration,
and participating in the state fha convention and national fha

2 page photo spread

1. d. garee * 2. j. brown * 3. d. leaf * 4. c. cook * 5. mrs. miller * 6. mrs.
phillippi * 7. r. brookens * 8. j. roach * 9. d. lightfoot * 10. j. burkhart *
11. r. brown * 12. s. brunner * 13. b. sparks * 14. d. bailey * 15. s. stauch
* 16. b. wilburn * 17. v. lawless * 18. j. mcpherson * 19. d. mcnett * 20. d.
toothman * 21. s. adkins * 22. p. morgan * 23. c. moodespaugh * 24. k.
mccusker * 25. j. abolins * 26. j. fisher * 27. e. cox * 28 b. cordle * 29. j.
fisher * 30. s. fuller * 31. s. kopp * 32. r. raming * 33. k. stewart * 34. m.
davis * 35. p. scott * 36. j. murphy * 37. c. lynn * 38. s. sharon * 39. m.
datillo * 40. j. snyder * 41. d. glassburn * 42. m. cordle * 43. c. downey *
44. c. salyers * 45. f. boudinot * 46. s. starns * 47. b. pierce * 48. a.
wilkes * 49. d. skeens * 50. k. klick * 51. l. hiles * 52. p. saunders * 53. c.
baker * 54. r. meadors * 55. n. montoney * 56. c. ross * 57. a. gayhart *
58. j. harper * 59. c. wigton * 60. v. sheward * 61. j. piper * 62. k. miller *
63. s. miller * 64. b. mead * 65. r. gulick * 66. d. cox * 67. g. salyers *
68. l. lindsey * 69. p. stephens * 70. r. miller * 71. k. finnicum * 72. j.
mccoy * 73. k. garee * 74. d. crooks * 75. c. brown * 76 d. wilburn * 77.
r. watts * 78. f. gallogly * 79. s. miller * 80. l. beddow * 81. k. smith * 82.
m. helton * 83. s. heil * 84. l. goodrich * 85. m. johnson * 86. m. sherrets *
87 t. hubbard * 88. c. van dyke.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (78)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (78)


Corresponds to pages 150-151 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

future farmers of america

few places in the united states have not felt the impact of the big
walnut ffa. first place rankings in all areas of competition have
become normal for the chapter. big walnut, however, has the
honor of claiming the chapter for its own and receives a majority
of the rewards generated by its far-reaching projects. can-a
castle, the ecology center, dances, and sunbury's 4th-of-july are
a few of the community and school-wide activities that go hand-
in-hand with the more private and competitive ffa awards. big
walnut has a state officer, has been the number 1 chapter in
ohio for the last 3 years, and had won the governor's award for
the ecology center, as well as the regional award for the nation.
among the thousands of chapters in america, big walnut holds a
spot with just two others as the most honored chapter in the
nation. it's here in big walnut but known throughout the nation.

2 page photo spread

1 b. wachler * 2 s. whaley * 3 b. lawless * 4 j. keene * 5 t. davis * 6 b. walker
* 7 j. jacobs * 8 d. mc glothlin * 9 j. longshore * 10 b. frey * 11 p. hubbard *
12 m. de lozier * 13 s. lord * 14 g. garee * 15 t. shively * 16 c. de lozier * 17
b. lucas * 18 s. crooks * 19 f. rentler * 20 g. worster * 21 s. mosley * 22 r.
hood * 23 d. williams * 24 s. shively * 25 c. maroney * 26 l. piper * 27 l.
bachman * 28 b. semon * 29 d. bradford * 30 g. leaf * 31 r. hood * 32 t.
borror * 33 m. justice * 34 d. warner * 35 d. warner * 36 m. pittman * 37 m.
hall * 38 j. o'neal * 30 r. webb * 40 r. garrabrant * 41 j. cristy * 42 s.
rannebarger * 43 d. barrow * 44 t. arthur * 45 m. seitz * 46 d. fisher * 47 r.
brown * 48 s. hiles * 49 d. boyd * 50 j. mc kenzie * 51 c. white * 52 s.
gayheart * 53 r. morgan * 54 s. myers * 55 j. boudinot * 56 g. yinger * 57 t.
crooks * 58 w. owens * 59 m. hall * 60 j. clark * 61 s. downey * 62 d.
sherman * 63 h. stein * 64 j. merrick * 65 g. stitzlein, advisor * 66 i. cockrell *
67 d. metzger * 68 j. clark * 69 g. bauer, advisor.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (79)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (79)


Corresponds to pages 152-153 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

varsity cheerleaders

beginning with summer workshops, the varsity squad began
again to prepare for the season of frost-bitten noses, over-times,
tensions and the decisive sound of the victory bell. working on
pep signs, team boosters, and banquets were only a part of their
efforts. a constant and contagious flow of enthusiasm sparked
the spirit to carry us in shouting triumph on and on and on.

2 page photo spread with 3 photos

varisty cheerleaders - jodi barber, becky adkins, jean trautwein, diana horn,
marilyn doyle, debbie davidson, mary grandominico

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (80)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (80)


Corresponds to pages 154-155 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

reserve cheerleaders

strict practice and drills build athletes in boy's sports and the same holds true
for cheerleaders. working as reserves to maintain the enthusiasm helps foster
the vitality and precision that goes into a varsity squad.

2 page photo spread

reserve cheerleaders -- sharon gallion, diana cantrell, cheryl worster, gay salyers, susan semon, and georgia didion.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (81)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (81)


Corresponds to pages 156-157 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

eagles on review

working hard to top the reputation of clark
kent, mild-mannered reporter, the
newspaper staff strives to report and to
bring total awareness to its readers. the
eagles on review is a monthly journal which
records the inside story on all school events.
the staff had to combine the abilities of
through, factual reporting with the
journalistic technique of typography and
page make-up.

2 page photo spread

1. j. garrett, student advisor * 2. f. gallogly, associate
editor * 3. r. blackburn, sports head * 4. d. seelig,
business manager * 5. j. overturf, sports * 6. s. kesler,
sports * 7. d. basham, social * 8. r. wiggins,
advertising and circulation manager * 9. d. arthur,
reporter * 10. j. johnston, advisor * m. s. hess,
photographer * m. c. boxwell, clubs * m. k. levi, social
* m. g. bauer, advisor *

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (82)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (82)


Corresponds to pages 158-159 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

science club

t. crooks, d. bradford, m. thomas, r. de clue, l. stockwell, t. steelsmith, t. allard

new varsity club

seated: j. kaufman, t. faiella, w. hale, r. morgan, s. downey, r. wiggins, standing: r. meadors, r. glenn, s. hiles, d. counts, m.
montgomery, s. kesler, d. cochran, g. low.


new national honor society

row 1: k. krebs, j. didion, c. hill, c. smith, j. reese, d. cook, c. johnson, e. angel, s. lord, r. watts, r. browne,
row 2: r. eberhard, t. maynard, m. wurm, l. page, j. overturf, m. perfect, j. evans, m. holly.

ski club

row 1: l. ryll, l. stockwell, j. droddy, k. whalen, e. davison, row 2: s. lord, c. hill, j. didion, p. reppart, n. daugherty, g. didion, e. angel, row 3:
j. droddy, m. davenport, m. wurm, j. bergandine, r. barnes, s. lord, m. oberlin, j. stockdale, advisor.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (83)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (83)


Corresponds to pages 160 and 96 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

image of a right hand reaching out

intensely we could live each hour of the
day. in purposeful flight we could burst
into song or soar like birds with the
winds. a deep sense of urgency to reach
out, to be and feel a part of the world
could pulse through our lives. we must
have our limitations . . . as all things do
. . . yet we can live so fully within our
spheres of life that man could ever sum
to be wild, beautiful and free.


mirror image of page 160, inverted


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (84)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (84)


Corresponds to unnumbered page and page 1 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle



Big Walnut High School
Sunbury, Ohio
Volume III Part II

3 photos of school grounds

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (85)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (85)


Corresponds to pages 2-3 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Checkered with black boxes, various candid images of student activities spread across 2 pages


Breaking away . . .
Individualizing . . . Groping for
personal goals . . . Together
and alone . . . Simply free
. . . TO BE


Table of Contents

Memorial . . . 4
Opening . . . 6
Academics . . . 18
People . . . 36
Advertisement . . . 76

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (86)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (86)


Corresponds to pages 4-5 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

photo of entry to school building


An involved and dedicated teacher . . .a
cheerful friend . . . interested in each
student . . . always a supporter of big
walnut . . . warmly we remember John
W. Spangler.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (87)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (87)


Corresponds to pages 6-7 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle





DEC. 25 8:00 - 8:15 A M


Breaking away

3 candid shots of students

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (88)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (88)


Corresponds to pages 8-9 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Groping for personal goals . . .

2 page color photo of basketball team

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (89)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (89)


Corresponds to pages 10-11 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Individualizing . . .

4 photos across 2 pages of various aspects of student life

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (90)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (90)


Corresponds to pages 12-13 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Together and alone . . .

2 page spread of photos of students participating in various activities

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (91)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (91)


Corresponds to pages 14-15 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Simply free . . .

3 candid photos of individual students over 2 pages

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (92)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (92)


Corresponds to pages 16-17 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

TO BE . . .


photo of student in costume

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (93)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (93)


Corresponds to pages 18-19 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank page



photo cube with 3 candid shots showing

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (94)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (94)


Corresponds to pages 20-21 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Superintendent Hylen Souders


Estel Miller, Principal

Richard Miller
Assistant Principal

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (95)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (95)


Corresponds to pages 22-23 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

big walnut local
board of education

William Richardson - Member

Joan Lawrence - Member


Neal Perfect - President

Sam Reppart - Vice-President

Dick Wetherbee - Member

Joe Buckingham - Clerk

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (96)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (96)


Corresponds to pages 24-25 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Dorothy Barcus

Gary Bauer

Howard Bricker

Fran Bay

Beulah Fritsche

Sherry Buel


Maxine Buckingham

Myron Burt

Betty Copas

Bill Fraley

Robert Frey

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (97)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (97)


Corresponds to pages 26-27 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Fred Fulton

Bill Havens

Raymond Hammock

Martha Heil

Barbera Jean Ishler


Jan Johnston

Bob Kletrovetz

Bert Learman

Bob Marsee

Leslie Lee

Virginia Leach

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (98)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (98)


Corresponds to pages 28-29 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Jim Marshall

Florence Masters

Jacob Masters

Michael Nethero

Kay Miller

Jim McKenna


Norman Nelson

Valerie Pederson

Lucille Peregrine

Richard Phillips

Betty Phillipi

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (99)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (99)


Corresponds to pages 30-31 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Roger Roberts

Walter Roof

Bob Shoemaker

Lola Dell Searles

Maynard Slack

Gary Stitzlein


Don Wurm

Beverly Wagner

Allen Wolfe

Doug Theaker

Jim Swearingen

Jim Stockdale

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (100)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (100)


Corresponds to pages 32-33 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Donna Jaynes

Jane Saunders

Rita Litzinger

Aleta Stith

Everett Ford


Ted Ashbaugh

Ralph Lechler

Allen Cantleberry

Tina Doane

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (101)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (101)


Corresponds to pages 34-35 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

audio-visual gang -- T. Crippen, K. Griffith, M. Thomas

below -- cafeteria help -- row 1: S. Kopp, L. Ernhart, D. Glassburn, row 2:
M. Russell, D. Smith, T. Maynard, S. McElwee, C. Brown, row 3: J. Hildreth,
S. Hill, J. Cantleberry, D. Worley D. Smith, O. Horsley, J. Allard, B.

above -- office help -- D. Heyder, B.
Cochran, D. Garee, D. Lawless, K. Miller,
S. Muir, J. Reese, D. Arthur, V. DeWitt,
K. Smith, J. Piper.

independent study staff -- S. Carr, B.
Bond, S. Smith, B. Ishler, R. Eberhard, C.
Frost, T. Hummel


cafeteria committee -- D. Heyder, D.
Davis, e. Martindale, L. Earnhart, T.
Faiella, D. Glassburn, C. Brown.

library staff -- C. Frost, S. Adkins, M.
Mazzon, M. Davenport, C. Baker, L.
Gendt, C. Petrie, C. Young, R. Leitner,
L. Miller, C. Muir, D. Keen, N. Ryll, C.
Stewart, B. Meade, D. Wigton, R.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (102)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (102)


Corresponds to pages 36-37 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank page


photo cube with 3 candid shots


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (103)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (103)


Corresponds to pages 39-40 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

2 page photo



1 maynard slack * advisor
2 jim overturf * steering committere
3 marilyn doyle * steering committee
4 linda cockrell * news reporter
5 randy bruce * steering committee
6 mary ann murphy * secretary
7 robin browne * steering committee
8 wayne reeder * vice president
9 judy brown * treasurer
10 brent culver * president

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (104)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (104)


Corresponds to pages 40-41 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

70 days until graduation!!

Dan Abell
Sandy Adkins
Bambi Allen
Kay Allen

Roger Argabrite
Debby Arthur
Gene Gall
Rex Barker


challenged, excited

Dan Bell
Rober Blackburn
Debbie Boggs
Curt Boston

Marsha Bowers
Rita Brookens
Judy Brown
Robin Browne

Steve Baughn
Randy Bruce
Diane Burwell
Geoff Caito

Linda Beddow
Sara Carr
Bob Chandler

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (105)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (105)


Corresponds to pages 42-43 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

bored, tired

Tom Chapman

Jim Clark
Becky Cochran
Ida Cockrell

Linda Cockrell
Scott Conant
Gary Condit
Claudia Cook

Jeannie Cordle
Steve Crooks
Brent Culver
Pam Daugherty


Mickey Davenport
Sally Davis
Larry Decker
Charlotte Delozier

Velda DeWitt
Gary Disbennett

Steve Downey
Marilyn Doyle

Gary Dunn
Steve Dunn
Lynn Farris
Mike Fry

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (106)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (106)


Corresponds to pages 44-45 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Steve Fry
Fonda Gallogly
Dawn Garee
Greg Garee

Rick Garrabrank
Smitty Gayheart
Rick Glenn
Gary Grandominico


confused, puzzled

Jane Hall

Steve Hall
Mark Hannah

Dan Griffith
Joe Groves
Mike Hardbarger
Ginny Harper
Gordon Helton
Debbie Heyder

Melinda Groves
Kathy Haines
Becky Hoke
Diana Horn
Donna Horn
Betsy Jaycox


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (107)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (107)


Corresponds to pages 46-47 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

anxious, anticipating

Rick Johnson
Jim Keene
Eric Martindale
Dick McCoy

Les Kinniard
Chuck Knapp
John Lane
Allen McElwee
Diana McNett

Debbie Lawless
Dianna Leaf
Chris Liming
Steve Liming
Rick Mead
Jane Merrick

Jim Longshore
Steve Lord
Carolyn Lucas
Debbie Lynn


Lynda Miller
Sandy Miller
Ron Moodespaugh
Carol Morgenstern

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (108)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (108)


Corresponds to pages 44-49 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

ready, waiting

Mary Murphy
Mike Moseley

Bill Neibarger
Jim Overturf
Lloyd Page

Vasa Pavic
Anna Piper
Gary Piper
Jeanette Piper

Steve Pierce
Bruce Price
Wayne Reeder
Pat Reppart


Leslie Roederer

Dan Roshon

Nona Russell
Dean Saunders
Ray Saunders
Dan Saver

Nancy Sechrist
Dave Seelig
Cindy Sherbourne
Vicky Sheward

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (109)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (109)


Corresponds to pages 50-51 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

free, shouting

Terry Shively
Sandy Small
Alice Smith
Diana Smith

Kathie Smith
Kim Spangler
Steve Spangler
Brenda Sparks

Kathy Sparks
Matt Swysgood
Mike Thomas

Debbie Toothman
Cherry Trautwein


Tom Vincent
Dave Warner
Don Warner
Rene Watts

Roger Webb
Kathy Wetherbee

Ron Wiggins
Carol Wigton

Debbie Wilburn
Bruce Willis
Mark Woods
Mark Worster

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (110)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (110)


Corresponds to pages 52-53 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


2 page photo spread



1 bob shoemaker * advisor
2 mike forman * steering committee
3 donna evans * treasurer
4 debbie jacobus * vice president
5 jan garrabrant * secretary
6 jamie didion * steering committee
7 karen evans * news reporter
8 becky adkins * steering committee
9 marvin hall * president
10 mark perfect * steering committee

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (111)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (111)


Corresponds to pages 54-55 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Abell, Robert
Adkins, Rebecca
Ames, Cathy
Anderson, John
Angel, Etta
Bachman, Louis
Baldwin, Elizabeth

Baranek, Bridget
Basham, Debra
Berry, Fred
Blain, Rodney
Bond, Rebecca
Borror, Tom
Boxwell, Candy

Boyd, Barbara
Bradford, Charles
Bushee, Evie
Buxton, Richard
Byers, Mark
Campbell, Raymond
Canaday, Steve

2 candid photos of students

Chandler, James
Cluck, Michael
Cockrell, David
Comstock, Carolyn
Congrove, David
Cook, Deborah
Cordle, Mary

Craig, Gary
Creech, Phyllis
Cremeans, Everett
Crooks, Terry
Dattilo, Mary
Davidson, Debbie
Davis, Dale

Dickens, Russell
Didion, Jamie
Eberhard, Richard
Evans, Donna
Evans, Jim
Evans, Karen
Feazel, Dennis


involved, secure, cool, steady

2 candid student photos

Finnicum, Kathy
Fisher, Joan
Forman, Mike
Fuller, Kathy
Gallion, Diane
Gallion, Don
Gambill, Charley

Garrabrant, Doug
Garrabrant, Jan
Glassburn, Debbie
Griffith, Kevin
Gullett, Dan
Hamm, Greg
Heil, Susan

Hill, Christine
Hill, Jody
Holly, Michael
Hood, Roy
Hoover, David
Hubbard, Tena
Hummel, Terry

Inghram, Mike
Jacobs, Carolyn
Jacobus, Debra
Jeglenski, Derek
Jerett, Brenda
Johnson, Cindy
Kaufman, James

Kesler, Don
Klamfoth, Debra
Krebs, Debbie
Kroninger, Sherry
Lawless, Vickie
Layton, Larry


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (112)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (112)


Corresponds to 56-57 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Levi, Karla
Lightfoot, Steve
Lines, Kathleen
Litzinger, Paul
Lord, Susan

Mann, Sharon
Maynard, Jesse
Mazzon, Mike
McClintock, Keith
McElwee, Susan

Miller, Kathleen
Mitchell, Randy
Morgan, Robin
Morgenstern, Steve
Murphy, Teri

Oberlin, Marc
O'Neall, Joe
Ott, Noel
Overturf, Sue
Owen, Warren

2 candid photos of students

Perfect, Mark
Pierce, Martha
Pittman, Mike

Redinbaugh, Anita
Reese, Janet

Rhodeback, Marcelia
Riesen, Dan
Ruark, Bill


invulnerable, confident, comfortable

1 candid student photo

Russell, Eddy
Ryll, Linda
Sabados, Mona
Semon, William
Shaffer, Christina
Shannon, Marsha

Sherman, William
Skeen, Deborah
Smith, Barry
Smith, Cynthia
Smith, Deborah
Smith, Katrina

Snyder, Joan
Stein, Harry
Thompson, Terry
Ulery, Stephen
VanDyke, Kristy

Wallen, Vickie
Walton, Cynthia
Warner, Chris
Whalen, Kelly
White, Chad
Whitt, Raymond

Wigton, Donna
Williams, Tommy

Wilkes, Denise
Wilson, David

Wolfe, Dale
Wollett, Deborah

Wurm, Mark
Yinger, Guy

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (113)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (113)


Corresponds to pages 58-59 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

2 page photo



1 randy barcus * steering committee
2 karen innis * president
3 jodi barber * vice president
4 mary grandominico * secretary
5 martha selvage * news reporter
6 valerie pederson * advisor
7 jean trautwein * steering committee
8 bruce morgenstern * treasurer
9 cheryl worster * steering committee
10 richard agler * steering committee

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (114)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (114)


Corresponds to pages 60-61 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Abolins, Julie
Agler, Richard
Allen, Danny

Allard, Todd
Alward, Diane
Anderson, Clyde

Anderson, Ronnie
Arrington, Brad
Baker, Dan

Baker, John
Ball, Chris
Barber, Jodi

Barcus, Randy
Barrow, Dave
Beddow, David

Bender, Karen
Bernard, Dan
Bingham, Blain

Blackstone, Connie
Blair, Randy
Boyd, Donald

Brown, Cathy
Brown, Lynn

candid photo of 2 students


confident, plucky, rash

Burgess, James
Burwell, Rick
Burwell, Sharma
Cantleberry, Patty
Cantrell, Diana
Christy, Pam
Cochran, Dale
Cockrell, Teresa

Cooley, Debbie
Counts, Dave
Cox, Gary
Crooks, Debbie
Crowl, Doug
Dattilo, Pat
Davenport, Mike
Davidson, Erin

DeClue, Richard
Deel, Michael
Dickson, Jeff
Dunch, Sharon
Fisher, Richard
Forman, Thomas
Freeman, Candyce
Frey, Robert

Frost, Cynthia
Fry, Cindy
Gafkjen, Michael
Garee, Kathy
Gayheart, Anita
Grandominico, Mary
Grau, Dan
Haines, Joe

Hale, Wayne
Hamilton, Karen
Harman, Lisa

Hildreth, Joy
Hiles, Steve
Hood, Ronald

Horsley, Odia
Hubbard, Phil
Hundley, Marsha

Innis, Karen
Johnson, Dan

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (115)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (115)


Corresponds to pages 62-63 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Jones, Bill
King, Kathy
Kiser, Richard
Klamfoth, Bonnie
Klamfoth, Connie
Lawrence, Wayman
Leitner, Ruth
Levings, Jeff

Longshore, Betty
Low Gary
Lynn, Candi
McCoy, Tonia
McCusker, Karen
McKlintock, Jock
Mead, Ron

Meadors, Robin
Michels, Randy
Miller, Beverly
Miller, Janet
Miller, Rhonda
Montoney, Nancy
Moreland, Barbara
Morgenstern, Bruce

Muir, Sherry
Murphy, Joan
Murphy Kevin
Musgrave, Earl
Myers, Sam
Newland, Wes
Nitzshe, Richard
Queen, Danette

candid photo of student


venture some, experimenting, daring

Page, Leslie
Perry, Margaret
Piper, Larry

Raming, Robin
Riley, Sherry
Roof, Mike

Ross, Connie
Rumery, Ron
Rupe, Dave

Ryder, Jon
Sager, Doug
Salyer, Gary

candid photo of student

Salyers, Cherie
Schmidt, Susan
Schug, Bruce
Scott, Pamela
Selvage, Martha
Sewell, Tony
Sharon, Sunday
Shiveley, Carol

Shively, Steve
Simmons, Tina
Smith, Debbie
Smith, Michael
Sparks, Margie
Stauch, Sandy
Steelesmith, Tom
Stockwell, Laurie

Strouth, Connie
Thomas, Susie
Thompson, Randy
Trautwein, Jean
Vincent, Tim
Wachtler, Dave
Walker, Bill
Wetherbee, Pete

Whitt, Connie
Williams, Dave
William, Terry
Woods, Bertman
Worley, David
Worster, Cheryl
Zieser, Don
Zedekar, Bill


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (116)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (116)


Corresponds to pages 64-65 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


2 page photo

1 brenda gallogly * secretary
2 tom davis * steering committee
3 jan johnston * advisor
4 cindy petrie * steering committee
5 teresa blackburn * treasurer
6 cathy moodespaugh * news reporter
7 greg emler * steering committee
8 bruce anderson * president
9 kathy young * steering committee
m georgia didion * vice president


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (117)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (117)


Corresponds to pages 66-67 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Adams, Craig
Adkins, Billy
Agler, Ron
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Sheila
Arthur, Tony
Bachman, Wayne
Bahl, Julie

Bailey, Denise
Bailey, Donna
Baker, Cecelia
Baker, Richard
Bergandine, Jeff
Blackburn, Teresa
Blackwell, Teresa
Blackwell, Dave
Blanton, Joe

Borchers, Walter
Boudinot, Freda
Boudiot, Bob
Breece, Steven
Bricker, Cheryl
Brown, Charles
Brown, Jeff
Brown, Sherri

Brunner, Sandra
Burkhart, Jane
Canaday, Charles
Cantleberry, Jim
Cantrell, Steve
Cherry, Roger
Christy, John
Clark, Jack

Cluck, Pamela
Cockrell, Susan
Conley, Shirley
Cooley, Diane
Cordle, Brenda
Cordell, Claude
Cox, Della
Cox, Ella

Cradlebaugh, Jerry
Creech, Chris
Crippen, Rick
Cross, Pam

Daugherty, Nancy
Davis, Don
Davis, Electa
Davis, Thomas

Davis, Mary
DeClue, Randall
Deel, Tim
Dennison, John

candid student photo


naive, bold, daring, dubious

Didion, Georgia
Dipasquale, Tony
Downey, Cynthia

Droddy, Jana
Droddy, John
Dunch, Dan

Earnhart, Lisa
Edwards, Gordon
Edwards, Ray

Emler, Gregory
Faiella, Tom
Fisher, Juliann
Fuller, Sheila
Gallion, Sharon
Garrabrant, Clyde
Gayheart, Jim
Gendt, Linda

George, Tina
George, Tria
Gill, Jeff
Goodrich, Elizabeth
Griffith, Cynthia
Guiher, Kathy
Gulick, Regina
Hall, David

Hall, Lowell
Hall, Martha
Hammitt, Paul
Hannah, Anna
Hannah, Louise
Helton, Mary Ann
Hess, Doug
Higgins, Jerry

Hiles, Terry
Hill, Sue
Hines, Jan Marie
Hodges, Dan
Hoke, Marsha
Howard, Max
Hughes, Michael
Hughes, Randel

Jackey, Brenda
Jacobus, Jamie
Jahn, Tom
Jewett, Debbie
Johnson, John
Johnson, Mary
Justice, Donna
Kean, Debra

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (118)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (118)


Corresponds to pages 69-70 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

nerve, defying

Kean, Linda
Klick, Karen
Kopp, Shelly
Laslo, David
Lawless, Brian
Lehrke, Chris
Lightfoot, Dorothy

Liming, Terry
Lindsey, Lee
Lucas, Bill
Margraff, Ronald
Marlow, Diana
Maroney, Charles
Marsee, Mike

Martin, Michael
Mascari, Jacqueline
Matthews, Marla
Maynard, Eve
McGlothlin, Don
McGovern, Pat
McGraw, Robert

McKenzie, Jim
McNamara, Steven
Meade, Belinda
Meier, Dave
Milburn, Gary
Miller, Sandy

Moodespaugh, Catherine
Morgan, Peggy
Morris, Kevin
Moseley, Stephen
Muir, Cindy Jo
Murphy, Mike
Nash, Kathy

Perfect, Gary
Petrie, Cynthia
Petruchka, Valerie
Petry, Mark
Pierce, Brenda
Powell, Teresa
Puzines, Gus

Rentler, Joseph
Rentler, Ron

Richardson, Paul
Richardson, Terry

candid photo of students


3 candid student photos

Riffle, William
Roach, Julie
Roederer, Mary
Roddy, Pat
Roof, Cheryl
Russel, Pamela
Russell, Tony
Ryll, Nanette

Salyer, Janice
Saunders, Pamela
Sechrist, Laura
Seitz, Robert
Semon, Susan
Sewell, Theresa
Sheets, Cindy
Sherrets, Margaret

Smith, Billy
Smith, Patricia
Smith, Robert
Sparks, Darlene
Sparks, Bonnie
Stewart, Kathryn
Stephens, Pamela
Swysgood, Bob

Wampler, Darrell
Ward, Jeff
Ward, Melissa
Webb, Michael
Wheeler, Janice
White, Guy
White, Ronnie
Wilburn, Rebecca

Williams, Dan
Wilson, Steve
Wolfe, Donna
Wurm, Donna
Wurm, Jill
Yankie, John
Yoakum, Sharon
Yost, David
Young, Katherine

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (119)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (119)


Corresponds to pages 70-71 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Eighth Graders

2 page photo

1 Robert Frey * Advisor
2 Maida Gearhart * President
3 Judy McMains * Secretary
4 Cheryl Hughes * Vice-President
5 Barbara Blackstone * Steering Committee
6 Annette Borcher * Treasurer
7 Marjorie Horseley * Steering Committee



Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (120)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (120)


Corresponds to pages 72-73 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Agler, Debbie
Allard, Jerry
Allen, Tom
Bailey, Warren
Baker, Robert
Ball, Randall
Barnett, Stephanie
Barrow, Pam

Beacom, Steven
Beddow, Leona
Bible, Tony
Blackstone, Barb
Blain, Cheryl
Blanchard, Chris
Boggs, Charles
Bolton, John

Borchers, Annette
Bower, Valerie
Boyd, Linda
Bradford, Mike
Breece, Cindy
Brooks, Joe
Bryant, Arnold
Burwell, Randy

Campbell, Randy
Carroll, Connie
Clark, Randy
Cochran, Mary
Coleman, Danny
Coleman, Pamela
Cooper, David
Cordle, Teresa

Corwin, Keith
Counts, Michael
Cremean, Marjorie
Crooker, Jeff
Dadisman, Tom

Dattilo, Mike
Davenport, Mitchel
Davidson, Alan
Davidson, John
Decker, Greg

Dennison, Heidi
Dickens, Holly
Dixon, Kimberly
Downey, Kathy
Emmert, Jim

Finnicum, Floyd
Fisher, Kathy
Fling, Allen
Forman, Nancy
Foster, Karla

candid photo of student


hesitant, apprehensive, awed

candid photo of student

Frakes, Pam
Franklin, Wanita
Frey, Beverly
Gallogly, Denise
Gantt, James
Gearhard, Maida
Gibson, Don

Glassburn, Sharon
Gorley, Debbie
Grove, Fred
Gullett, Diane
Hanines, Dan
Hale, David
Hall, Douglas

Hamilton, Sue
Hamm, Jeff
Hannahs, Paula
Hardy, Kathy
Havens, Mike
Hawkinsberry, Randy
Hess, Cheryl

Hiles, Gregg
Hill, Butch
Hines, Dave
Hobbs, Rebecca
Hobor, Janettte
Holmes, Thomas
Horsley, Marjorie

Hughes, Cheryl
Hummel, Ralph
Ishler, Cathy
Jackson, Brenda
Jacobs, Keith
Jeffers, Mary
Johnson, Julia

Jones, Kelly
Kesler, Cindy
Kimes, Mary
Kirkendall, Charles
Kumfer, Jeff
Laslo, Steven
Laub, Tim

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (121)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (121)


Corresponds to pages 74-75 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Lenegar, Kathy
Lines, Debra
Longshore, Cheryl
Levings, Roger
Low, Jeff
Lucas, Richard
Mahr, Debby
Mankins, Dennis

Mann, Renay
Mann, Vivian
Marshall, Donald
McCain, Angela
McClintic, Carol
McClintic, Kandy
McCusker, Michael
McElwee, Donna

McGovern, Elizabeth
McLaughlin, Coleen
McMains, Julie
Meadors, Randy
Mitchell, Dennis
Mitchell, Robert
Morgan, Elmer
Muhlbach, Paul

Murphy, Matt
Nelson, David
Norman, Lynn
O'Neall, Cheryl
O'Quinn, Jeffrey
Pierce, Beverly
Piper, Duane
Piper, Dwight

2 candid photos of students

shy, timid, awkward, fearful

2 candid photos of students

Ruark, Darrell
Runyan, Gary
Russell, Cynthia
Russell, Linda
Russell, Marilyn
Schlaegel, Gary
Schoenberger, Cheryl
Schommer, Mary

Sellers, Jeff
Sherman, Bonita
Shively, Cathy
Sherrets, Kay
Shull, Vickie
Smelser, Randy
Smith, Dean
Smith, Richard

Sparks, Rita
Stanley, Margaret
Stockwell, David
Strawser, Katrinna
Strouth, Jeff
Thacker, Brenda
Tschakert, Vickie
Tudor, Mark

VanDyke, Cheryl
Wachtler, John
Wetherbee, Susie
Wheeler, Tom
White, Billy
White, Steve
Whitt, Clarence

Wigton, Barbara
Williams, Roderick
Wilt, Pamela
Wirick, Sally
Woods, Bob
Wymer, Donald
Zieschang, Roby

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (122)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (122)


Corresponds to pages 76-77 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

blank page


photo cube with 3 photos around Sunbury


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (123)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (123)


Corresponds to pages 78-79 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


Sunbury Mill
Bel-Air Inc.
Diehl Plumbing
The Sunbury News
Murphy Siding Co.
Sunbury Golf Club
Sunbury Auto Parts
Hoke Electric, Inc.
The Nestles Company
Big Walnut Skate Club
Crawford Nursing Home
Sparks Sohio Service
The Four County Company
Ted L. Forman, Realtors
Shaw Pharmacy, Dan Shaw
CCC Fruit Farm, 965-2422
Sunbury Alignment Service
Big Walnut Golf Club, Inc.
Kintner Oil, Harold Kintner
Frakes Towing, Eldon Frakes
Wendell C. Davidson, Realtor
The Sunbury Grill, Jim and Bess
Bob's Barber Shop, Bob Searles
Hancock Dairy, Clarence Hancock
Sunbury IGA, Townley and Main Inc.
Sunbury Lumber Company, 965-2461
Congratulations from Lewis Davis
Portrait Arts Studio, Les Warner
Congratulations from Lewis Davis
Portrait Arts Studio, Les Warner
Congratulations from Lou Guidotti
Curly-Q Beauty Salon, Linda Glaze
Hub Restaurant, Bill and Letha Mead
Sunbury Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
Main Trucking Company, Charles Main


senior personalities -- Jeanette Piper - most shy, Sandy Small -- best personality, Mary Murphy -- most cheerful, Patty Pullins -- individualist,
Diana Horn -- most spirit

First National Bank, Sunbury Office
Devore Funeral Home, Richard Devore
Sunbury Cleaners, Earl and Dorothy Bell
Warner Breece, Florist, Warner Breece
Miller Hardware, 6 East Cherry Street
Ellis Brothers, Inc. - Chuck Dial, Mgr.
J. P. Miles Co., Sunbury and Westerville
Delaware County Mutual Insurance Company
Sunbury Savings Branch of Dollar Federal
Whitney Insurance Agency, Inc., Bob Morris
Crowl's Creme Corner, Kenneth & Loraine Crowl
Sunnyacre Collies, John and Marty Jones 965-2336
Belvo's Foods - Meats, Groceries, and Produce 965-2511
Dick Wilson, Prudential Insurance 965-3578 or 486-0668
William Warner Sohio Distributor - Gas, Oil and Heat Oil


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (124)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (124)


Corresponds to pages 80-81 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

senior personalities -- Ron Moodespaugh -- playboy, Brent Culver -- class clown, Rita Brookens -- best dressed girl, Pat Reppart -- biggest flirt, Dan Saver -- best
dressed boy, Lynda Miller -- loudest, Kathy Sparks -- senior skip

R. Wilke Meats, Inc.
Columbus Steel Supply Co.
Wheaton's Popcorn Supply Co.
Tri State Supply Company, Inc.
ITT Continental Baking Company, Inc.
Chef's Pantry Portion-Pak Meats Inc.
Cabinetpak Kitchens of Columbus, Inc.
Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Co.
Adrian L. Wallick Co., Andrew L. Wallick
Browne Brothers Home Remodeling, C. Dean Browne



Beaver's Shoes
Red Bank Harbor
Jansen's Jewelry
Schneider's Bakery
Smittle's Pharmacy
Indian Run Golf Club
Tri-Co Tractor Sales
Westerville Pharmacy
Gold Star Food Market
Gene Gould Dodge Inc.
John Evans since 1935
Brown-Royal Furniture
M. L. Heating Co., Inc.
Westerville Realty, Inc.
McDonalds of Westerville Inc.
Elliott-Cooper-Barr Insurance
McVay Lumber Company, 882-2144
The Westerville Meadow Gold Dairy
Cring Marine, Henry and Diane Cring
Easter Oil Company, Inc., 885-7347
Brinkman's Rexall Drug, Al Gardner
Cobb's Econ-O-Wash, 11 West College
S and A Auto Parts and Machine Shop
Westerville Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream
Lehman Drilling, James Lynn, 855-1650
Vincent Motors Co. Chrysler-Plymouth
Westerville Typewriter Service, 882-1858
The Westerville Cleaners & Shirt Laundry
Buckeye Business Forms, Inc., Warren Hyde
Westerville Convalescent and Nursing Center
Paul C. Seelig - Income Tax Service, 882-4438
Brownies Trenching, 64 East Main Street, 882-1250
Westerville Center Barber Shop, M-F 10:30-8:30, S 9-6
Booth's General Store - Specialist in Power Equipment
Robin Enterprise Co., Offset Printing, 281 E. Broadway
Marhe boutique, 16 Westerville Square, 9 to 9 Mon. thru Sat.


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (125)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (125)


Corresponds to pages 82-83 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


Village of Galena
Blackhawk Golf Club
E. E. Buxton, Builder
The Delaware County Bank
The Galena Shale Tile and Brick Co.
E. D. Hardbarger, Dry Wall 965-1681
Berkshire Lake Campgrounds, Bill Davis
Joseph T. Hall, Contractor, 2969 Brookview Lane 965-1155
Galena Tire & Battery Service, Shell and Delco, James Vance


Boston Store
Bauereis Shoes
The Style Shop
Gene David Buick
Frisch's Big Boy
Great Scot, Inc.
Whitaker Pharmacy
Rohr Furniture Co.
Parker's Men's Wear
Dinovo Brothers, Inc.
Fuller Monument Works
Francis and Judy Held
Ralph's Marine Supply
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
Keefer Chevrolet, Inc.
The First National Bank
The Delaware County Bank
J & R Tire Service, Inc.
The Branding Iron REstaurant
O'Brien Oldsmobile GMC Company
Delaware Farmers Exchange Assn.
Pennsalt Chemicals Corporation
Zack Davis Co., Garden Supplies
People's Store, 18-20 North Sandusky
Delaware Lanes, Odus & Donald Baxter
Snelling and Snelling, Louis L. Becker


senior personalities - Fonda Gallogly - most
ambitious, Carol Morgenstern - most artistic, Cherry
Trautwein - most talented, Kathy Wetherbee - most
likely to succeed (girl), Dave Seelig - most likely to
succeed (boy), Gary Condit - most athletic, not
not pictured - Linda Cockrell - easiest to get along
with, Joe Groves - strongest, Bob Declue -

Bianchi Grill, 6 South Sandusky Street
Delaware County Farm Bureau Coop. Assn.
Strand Theatre - Special Student Prices
Compliments of Halfway House Restaurant
WDLR - 1550 Radio, Delaware and Marysville
Del Rx Pharmacy, Bob Taisey 9 to 9 daily
Delaware Hardware, Meet the Friendly Ones
U.S. Store & Royal Blue, downtown Delaware
Murphy's Doughnuts, Wholesale-Retail, 369-9192
Congratulations from Disbennett Real Estate Co.
Tilton Transfer and Storage Co., Warren Hammond
T & H Equipment Co., Your Massey- Ferguson Dealer
Georgetowne Centre Pharmacy, 4 Troy Road 369-4308
Cubberly Studio Inc., Wayne and Mrs. E. L. Cubberly
Jamesway Corporation, Your Quality Discount Store, Rt. 23.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (126)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (126)


Corresponds to 84-85 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Central Ohio Distributing Co.

Green Meadows Country Inn
Ruckmoor Lodge Motel, 7496 North High Street

Kenny Chevrolet, Inc.
Johnstown IGA, Robert Reed
The Clothing Store and The Hobbi House
Johnstown Federal Savings, W. A. Ashbrook, President

New Albany
New Albany Dairy Cream

Interstae 71
L & K Restaurant
West Brothers Shell
Hinkle's Happy Humble
Stuckey's Pecan Shoppe, Rt. 61

Center Village
Keller Insurance Agency, Downtown Berkshire

Centerburg Ace Hardware
Schoony's Tavern & Pizza Place

Mount Vernon
Niggles Pontiac-Buick, Inc., George Baughman, Sales Rep.


Track Court - Janet Reese, Queen Mary Ann Murphy, Julie Bahl, Karen McCusker, Robin Browne.
Sadie Hawkins Court - King Terry Richardson, Dale Davis, Eric Martindale, Dave Counts.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (127)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (127)


Corresponds to pages 86-87 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Delaware County Realty

Indianapolis, Ind.
Herff Jones Company, Dedication of Excellence

Washington, Pa.
Ace Cleaners & Reconditioners of Athletic Equipment, Inc.

Service Organizations
B.S.T. Fireman's Assn.
Sunbury Lions Club
Zoar Rebekah Lodge #887 Galena

Augustus, Berry, Nagle Realty Co., Inc.
Talbott's Flowers
Talk of the Town Beauty Salons
Tony's Music Shop

Eldridge Audio-Visuals, Inc.
Fortes Restaurant, Cleveland Avenue

Olive Green
Crowl's Grocery

Fargo Auto Sales and Service

Atlantic Richfield Company - Lawson
Banks Market - Mitchell's Barber Shop
Bargar Jewelry - Owen Jewelry
C & D Discount Store - C. V. Perry
Capp's Barber Shop - Russ's Barber Shop
Citizen's Federal Savings and Loan of Delaware - Ruth's Clip 'n' Curl Beauty Shop
Cyrus Breece, Florist - Smith Auto Service
Dunkin Jewelers - Suburban Shoppe
Four Season Nursery - Thompson's Bike & Key
Gibson Florist - Wilson's C. J. of Course
Gray's Shoes

John's Barber Shop
Brigitta A. Linnabarry
Glen Evans, Insurance

left - Claudia Cook, FHA District Queen;
Dianna Leaf, FFA Queen; and Kathy
Wetherbee, candidate Columbus Park of
Roses queen contest.
below - Marilyn Doyle, 3rd runner-up Miss
Teenage Columbus

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (128)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (128)


Corresponds to pages 88-89 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Senior Parent Patrons

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Beddow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brookens
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Clapham
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Conant
Mr. and Mrs. Earl G. Condit
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Culver Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Deel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Disbennett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gallogly
Mr. and Mrs. William Garee
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Garrabrant
Mr. and Mrs. Dail Gayheart
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Grandominico
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd N. Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. Herschel K. Haines
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Heyder
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kopp
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Richard McElwee
Mr. and Mrs. Estel Miller
Mr. and Mrs. S. Moodespaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Moseley
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Overturf
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reppart
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Saver
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seelig
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Swysgood
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wetherbee
Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. White Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiggins
Mr. and Mrs. David Wilburn

Professional Patrons

Dr. E. E. Reese
Dr. Melvin Wurm
Dr. R. L. Burwell
Dr. Paul E. Milem
Dr. H. C. Holdren
Dr. Gary Shidaker
Dr. J. E. Staughton
Dr. Dale M. Brevoort
Dr. Carl G. Godshall
M. W. Livingston, MD
Dr. Donald R. Thomas
Dr. Jon L. Thompson
Byron T. Leidtke, DDS
Drs. Wm. C. Joseph and Dale M. Anderson

Dr. L. W. Dixon
Dr. Thomas Pringle


Declaring that the 1972 Eagle is a "masterpiece of an annual" staff
members "hitchhike" out to make way for the 1973 Eagle staff.
Hitchhiking staffers from the right are Gary Grandominico, Editor-in-
Chief; Dan Saver, managing editor;John Lane, sports editor; Tom
Vincent, business manager; Steve Lord, academic editor; Jerry
Disbennett, photographer; Rita Brookens, sales manager; Kathy
Wetherbee, literary editor; Bambi Allen activities editor; Dawn Garee,
typist; Nancy Sechrist, opening section editor; Fona Gallogly, peoples
editor; Sandy Miller, advertising manager; Debie Lynn, copy editor;
Mary Ann Murphy,organization editor; Carol Morgenstern, art
coordinator; and Maynard Slack, advisor.

1973 Eagle Staff: seated: Cyn Smith, Jim Evans, Joni Fisher, Editor-in-Chief Mike
Forman; Chairs: Debbie Krebs, Debbie Cook, Janet Reece, Karen Evans, Etta Angel,
Kathy Miller, Jan Garrabrant; Standing: Don Sherman, Richard Eberhard, Marc OBerlin,
Robin Morgan. Not pictured: Steve Hess.


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (129)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (129)


Corresponds to pages 90-91 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Another year of pride . . .

2 page spread of 5 candid photos of students


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (130)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (130)


Corresponds to pages 92-93 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Have Pride Inside

2 page spread of 4 photos of students' activities


. . . comes to an end

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (131)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (131)


Corresponds to pages 94-95 of Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle

Every man is

a book,

if you know how

to read him.


4 photos from around school campus

This is a book

of many men,

if you know how

to read it.

Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (132)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (132)
Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (133)


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle (133)

Dublin Core


Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle


Big Walnut High School--Ohio--Sunbury
Public Schools--Ohio--Delaware County
Schools--Ohio--Delaware County


The Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle is a very interesting publication. If you were looking at the yearbook in person, you would find that the first 160 pages contain typical yearbook information: short biographies of administrators and teachers, photos of graduating seniors, academics, clubs, music, and sports. Then at page 166, the yearbook turns upside down and continues the pages from page 96 in descending order to a new beginning. The yearbook also includes sports directories, and photos of the junior, sophomore, freshmen and eighth grade classes, as well as lists of advertisers organized by locality.


Editor- in -Chief Gary Grandominico; managing editor Dan Saver; sports editor John Lane;
business manager Tom Vincent; academic editor Steve Lord; photographer Jerry Disbennett; sales manager Rita Brookens; literary editor Kathy Wetherbee; activities editor Bambi Allen; typist Dawn Garee; opening section editor Nancy Sechrist; peoples' editor; advertising manager Sandy Miller; copy editor Debbie Lynn; organization editor Mary Ann Murphy; art coordinator Carol Morgenstern; and advisor Maynard Slack.









Still Image





Editor- in -Chief Gary Grandominico; managing editor Dan Saver; sports editor John Lane; business manager Tom Vincent; academic editor Steve Lord; photographer Jerry Disbennett; sales manager Rita Brookens; literary editor Kathy Wetherbee; activities editor Bambi Allen; typist Dawn Garee; opening section editor Nancy Sechrist; peoples' editor; advertising manager Sandy Miller; copy editor Debbie Lynn; organization editor Mary Ann Murphy; art coordinator Carol Morgenstern; and advisor Maynard Slack. , “Big Walnut High School Yearbook. 1972: The Eagle,” Delaware County Memory, accessed October 18, 2024,

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