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L. A. Beeghly Library (p. 1)
Dedicatory brochure of L. A. Beeghly Library at Ohio Wesleyan University

La Zoar 1949 (p. 1)
La Zoar is the name of the 1949 yearbook of Galena, Ohio. The yearbook includes gray-scale photographs of administrators, teachers, staff, and students. The yearbook is arranged in descending order beginning with seniors and ending with 1st grade.…

La Zoar 1950 (p.1)
La Zoar is the name of the 1950 yearbook of Galena, Ohio. The yearbook includes gray-scale photographs of administrators, teachers, staff, and students. The yearbook is arranged in descending order beginning with seniors and ending with 1st grade.…

La Zore 1947 (p. 1)
La Zore is the 1947 yearbook of Galena High School. It includes photos of administrators, teachers, and staff, as well as photos of students and student activities. Note that the other Galena High School yearbooks with this title spell it as La…

On Aug 17-1925, accompanied

by Chas Daily of Colorado Sprs

who had come from Western

Elec. Plant, Chicago the 15th to visit

Ohio relatives of his mother, we

started early toward Chicago.

with Chas Wheaton at the

wheel for a…

This scene is at

Lakeside, Ohio-1921

Sister Alice Wheaton,

"Mother" Whitworth,

Daisy E. Wheaton and Susan

Gauschour reading

from left to right.

From here we drove on

to Detroit, then home

via Findlay-Ada…

Landing at the Grand Canyon
We landed at the

Grand Canyon the

morning of Mch 23.

Breakfasted at hotel

El Tovor, and started

sightseeing immediately

afterward, first taking

the ten mile drive along

the run, in company

with a lot of other…

The last photograph of the

Hatchards and Wheatons together

as friend Tom dropped dead

in their Winnipeg Apt Sept.

26-1925 This photo taken

Aug 26-'25. in front of Mrs.

Porters sons home, Highland

Park, Ill.

Mrs Porter was…

Le Zoar 1922(1)
Le Zoar is the 1922 yearbook of Galena High School. It includes photos of administrators, teachers, and staff, as well as photos of students and student activities, and includes photos of upcoming grades. An advertising section appears at the end.…

This color photograph shows the leaning and damaged steeple of the Old Blue Church, Kingston Township, Delaware County, Ohio, with its lightening rods.
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