Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 1)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 1)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 2)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 2)


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1856 Oct 5 - 2 21

Jan 25 - 1 66

March 22 6 80


10 67

3 30

3 50


6 80

wine Jug 85

Miss Rose 2 00

wine 50


[illegible] 59

[illegible] 3 50


7 14

3 30


10 74




10 67

8 04


2 63


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 3)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 3)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 4)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 4)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 5)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 5)


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Sessional Records

of the

1st Presbyterian Church

of Trenton

Delaware Co




1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 6)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 6)


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Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 7)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 7)


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On the 15th of October 1836, the

following persons, were organized

into a church, to be called, the

1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton

Squire Wheaton - Mercy Wheaton.

Sarah Wheaton - Alvin P. Condit.

Maria ^dead Condit - Mary Condit.

Asenath Condit - Dorcas Condit.

Louis (dead) Lewis - Robert ( dead) Lewis.

Elizabeth Leake - Magdalen Vandorn.

Silas Ogden - Simon Condit. dead

Jane Ogden - Elizabeth Condit.

Andrew Herron - Sarah Jacobus.

Julia Herron - Electa Ward x widow

At which time, Silas Ogden,

Robert Lewis, and Andrew Herron

were elected Ruling Elders

Alvin P. Condit, was elected

Ruling Elder in the Fall of 1838.

From the time of the organization

of this church, down to August 1851,

the following ministers, have
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 8)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 8)


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preached to them the Gospel, a part

of their time, at different periods, in

the following order. Joseph Fowler

Rev. Calvin N. Ransom. Warren Jenkin

Rev. Allen. Elias Thompson

Rev. Ezra G. Johnson. John Martin

Rev. Ahab Jinks. Robert Wylie

Rev. Whipple

Rev. John McCutchen

Rev. E. G. Johnson

Rev. Milton Starr

Rev. James Harrison

As there have been kept no

regular records of the doings of Session,

since the organization of this church,

its internal history cannot be known.

Since the 15th of Ocotber 1836, to the

first of April 1851, we find but five

recorded meetings of Session

The church, have held their regular

communions, and the Session attended

to their duties as a Session, but have
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 9)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 9)


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failed to keep any connected record

of their doings

The Session design to commence

keeping in this Book, a fair record

of their doings, from the 12th of April


Saturday, April 12th 1851.

Session met, and was

constituted with prayer. Members

present, James Harrison minister,

Alvin P. Condit, Silas Ogden, and

Andrew Herron - Elders. At which

time, the following persons appeared,

and were received into the com

munion of this church on examina

tion. Smith Condit. Susan Condit.

Elizabeth Condit. Frances Pierson

Abigail Jacobus. Harriet Jacobus.

Harret Wheaton. and on certificate,

Joseph Smith. Lydia Smith.

and Whitten Condit. Closed with

prayer James Harrison Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 10)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 10)


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Sabbath, April 13th

The Lords Supper was

administered, when the above named

persons, received on examination,

made their public profession of

love to Christ. J. H. Clerk

Sabbath morning July 13th 1851.

Session met, and was constituted

with prayer, members present - James

Harrison Minister; A. P. Condit,

Silas Ogden, and Andrew Herron

Elders; at which time Miss Sarah

Spindler appeared, and was received

into the communion of this church

on examination; and on the same

day made her public profession of

faith in Christ.

James Harrison Cl

Sabbath July 27th Session received

Dr Thomas R. Edmiston into the com

munion of this church on certificate

J. Harrison Cl
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 11)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 11)


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Thus far examined & appro-

ved in Presbytery at Delhi Sept.

3 - 1851 -

Henry L. Hitchcock


2d Sabbath of Nov 1851. The

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered, at which time, Mrs.

Margaret Pierson was admitted

to the communion of this church,

by certificate.

January 18th 1852 The sacra

ment of the Lords supper was

administered, at which time we

commenced a series of religious


Saturday - March 27th Session met,

and was constituted with prayer, members

present, A. Herron, S. Odgen, and A. P. Condit

Elders, and James Harrison minister -

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 12)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 12)


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at which meeting, the following per

-sons were admitted to the communion

of the church. Mr Enoch Condit on

certificate, and Mr Abdeil McAllister,

George Robberts, John W. Starr Thomas A

Watson, and Mrs Mary Ogden on

examination, closed with prayer

James Harrison Cl

Sabbath March 28th the Lords

Supper was administered, when the

above named persons were received

by a public confession of their faith

in Christ. J. Harrison Clerk

Thus far examined and approved

in Presbytery at Berlin Sept 8th 1852

James Harrison

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 13)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 13)


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On Saturday, the eighth of Jan

1853 Session met according to

adjournment, Members present

Silas Ogden, Alvin Condit, and

Andrew Herron Elders, and

James Harrison Minister, and

was constituted by prayer.

At which time Mr Lewis Freman

and Hannah his wife were

received under the care of this

church by certificate, from the

Presbyterian Church at West

Mill Grove.

Closed with prayer

J. Harrison Mod
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 14)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 14)


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When the Rev James Harrison was our minister

he officiated as clerk of session. when he moved

to Hartford he took this book with him and it came

not into the hands of the present clerk until the

spring of 1854

In the middle of last winter Brother Thomson held

a protracted meeting in our church and admin-

istered the Lords supper. The church enjoy'd a

refreshing season but no conversions.

About the first of April 1854 this church engaged

the half of the services of the Rev Mr Garland of

Johntown for one year

Sabbath April 1854 the Lords supper

was administered to this church by Brother

Garland. A Heron Clerk

Sabbath April 23rd Session met and was

constituted with prayer, Present Edward

Garland minister A P Condit and A Heron

ruling elders when R B Reeder
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 15)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 15)


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his wife Sarah and Daughter Ellen applied for

certificates of dissmission which were granted

Closed with prayer

A Heron Clerk

April 30th Session met and was constituted

with prayer prest Edward Garland minister

A. P Condit and A Heron ruling elders when

application for dissmission was received from

Silas, Jane, Mary, and Phebe Ann and Eliza

Ogden Robert and William Condit and Abigal

Doyle and Simon and Abigail Pierson their

request was granted Closed with prayer

A Heron Clerk

June 7 session met opened with prayer present

Edward Garland minister A. P. Condit A. Heron

ruling elders request from T A Mattson

and wife for dissmission - Granted - closed with

prayer A Heron Clerk

July Mary Elizabeth, infant child of

John and Matilda Ogden was baptized
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 16)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 16)


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On Thursday Aug 3rd according to previous notice

congregation met and elected Ira Pierson Joseph

Smith and Victor Arnold ruling elders of this

church. The latter declined and the two former

accepting were ordained on Saturday the 5th

of August A Heron Clerk

On the sabbath of August 6th The Lords Supper

was administered to this church

A Heron Clerk

Thus far approved in Presbytery

at Genoa Sept 6th 1854.

W. H. Marble


Sabbath Oct Session met. Constituted

with prayer. Received an application for

dismission from elder Joseph Smith

and Lydia his wife. Their request was

granted. A Heron Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 17)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 17)


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Friday, Nov 12th Session met Constituted

with prayer Present Edward Garland Minister

and A P Condit and Ira Pierson elders

received application for dismission from

Mrs Margaret Pierson which was granted

adjourned till sabbath when no other busi-

ness coming before them session was closed

with prayer

A Heron Clerk

Sunday Feby 4th Charles Clarence Son of

Lewis Freeman was baptised and the Lords

supper was administered to the church

A Heron Clerk

On sabbath februrary 18th session met constituted

with prayer Present Edward Garland minister

A P Condit Ira Pierson and A Heron elders

and received an application from Daniel

and Mary Ogden and Laura Nimmins for

dismission which was granted closed with


A Heron Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 18)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 18)


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Feb [crossed out] Nov. 1854 Session met & was con-

stituted with prayer. Present - E. Garland

Mod. A P Condit A Heron & I Pierson elders

Susan Piersons & Janette Piersons were

received by letter from the church

of New Albany Closed with prayer

E Garland Mod

N. B. The above record was omitted

by the Clerk in the proper place.

Also the appointment of A P Condit Clerk

May 17, 1855 E Garland Mod

Session met & was con

stituted with prayer. Present Edwd

Garland Mod. A P. Condit, A. Heron

& I Pierson Elds. Wickliffe C. Meeker

was received on examination.

Close with prayer A P Condit Clk

Thus far examined & approved by

Presbytery in session at Trenton

Sept 5th 1855.

Henry Bucknell Mod.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 19)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 19)


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Sabath October 7 1855 Session met

Constituted present I Pierson & A P

Condit Elders and Received An Application

from George Robberts for Dismission

to Join the Presbterian church in Ottaway

Illinois his Request was granted.

his request was Granted

A. P. Condit clk

Sabath May 4th 1856 the Lord Supper was

Administered to this church by the Revd Mr.

Samson servis commenced on Satruday at 2 O clock

after which the session met constituted with

prayer and received an application from the

following persons for Dismision to wit A. P. Condit

and Mariah his wife John M Ogden and Metilda

his wife Joseph S Condit and Elizabeth Perfect

thare request was granted

Ira Pierson Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 20)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 20)


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The services of Rev Warren Jenkins were enga

ged by this church for each alternate sabbath for one

year dating from August 1st 1856 & he commenced

his labors in that capacity on Sabbath August 17th

Election of Elders

Saturday Aug 4th 1856 - The members of the church

met at the new Meeting house in Trenton according to previous

notice & proceeded to the election of two persons to be ruling

Elders. On counting the ballots it appeared that Edgar

M. Condit & Silas Williams were chosen - Bro Williams

declined, & it appearing that he was not yet a member

of this church, he was excused. Whereupon a vote was

taken which resulted in the remaining choice of Charles

Wheaton in his stead Attest

Warren Jenkins


Dedication of House of Worship

Saturday Oct 4th 1856 - Pursuant to previous notice

the house of Worship recently erected by this congrega

tion was solemly dedicated to the service of Almighty God

A sermon was preached by the Rev John W. Thompson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 21)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 21)


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and an address delivered & dedicatory prayer offered by

Rev Warren Jenkins - in the forenoon -

Afternoon - a lecture preparatory to the communion of

the Lords Supper was preached by Rev Warren Jenkins &

a meeting for prayer was held in the evening -


Sabbath morning Oct 5th 1856 - The communion of

the Lords supper was administered after sermon from Rev

W Jenkins, by the minister in charge assisted by the Rev M

Barr - a member of the O. S. Presbytery - who also preached in

the evening of the same day -

Ira Pierson Clk

Saturday, Jany 24th 1857 - A lecture preparatory to

the communion was delivered by Rev W Jenkins.

Receiving of Members on Certificate

Sabbath Jany 25th 1857 - Session met. Present

Rev Warren Jenkins Moderator - Elders, Andrew Herron &

Ira Pierson. Constituted with Prayer. A letter of recommen

dation of Silas Williams & Pyrena his wife from the Con

greational Church of Columbia was presented, which
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 22)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 22)


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was approved and they were admitted to fellowship &

communion with this church


An application was made for a letter of dismission

for Mrs Harriet Condit late Harriet Wheaton, to unite

with the Presbyterian Church of Kirkersvile which was

granted Attest

Ira Pierson Clk


The Communion of the Lords supper was administer

ed on Sabbath Jany 25th 1857. Rev Warren Jenkins offici

ating, when Mr Silas Williams & Pyrena his wife were

publickly received into the church by a renewal of their

church covenant, & profession of faith in Christ - thy having

previously presented their letters. Ira Pierson Clk

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 23)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 23)


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Revival of Feb 1857

On Sabbath, February 8th 1857 a meeting

was commenced which was thence forward protracted

until Sabbath Feby 22nd In the morning of the 8th Rev

Warren Jenkins preached from John 3d 3. Prepare ye

the way of the Lord make his paths straight. "In the

evening from Ephesians 5, 14th Awake thou that sleepest

and arise from the dead & Christ shall give the light"

Monday Feby 9th 2 O clock P.M. he preached from Mali

chi 3d. "Return unto me & I will return unto you &

after sermon there was a long and deeply interesting conference

among the members of the church present. In the evening

W. J. Preached from Rev 3d. 20th. Behold I stand at the door

& knocked &c - a very solemn meeting.

Tuesday 10th Sermon at 10 AM from Rev 2d I hear

somewhat against thee because thou hast left thy first love

In the Evening. First Cor. XV. 56. The sting of death is sin -

The spirit moved the heart, of all present apparently. After

an invitation ws given for the anxious to come forward &

had not been responded to, and just as the meeting was

about to be closed. Clarinda Freeman & Louisa Condit

came forward weeping & were convened with & prayed

for & then was much earnestness among the congrega

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 24)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 24)


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Memorandum of the Revival

Wednesday Feby 11th 1857, the meetings were con

tinued sermon in the morning from the 51st Psalm

in Evening. From Phil 2. 12. Work out your own salva

tion with fear & Trembling for it is God who worketh in

you to will & to do of his Good pleasure. After sermon

5 came forward for prayers -

Thursday 12th Sermon in the AM. from John

3d 36 - He that beliveth on the Son hath everlasting life but

he that beliveth not shall not see life &c - In Evening from

Numbers 32. 22d - Be sure your sin will find you out.

After sermon 10 came forward for conversation & prayer

Friday 13th Sermon in AM. First part of V. chap of

Romans - Subject the Christians hope - its foundation &

sufficiency. In Evening, 1 Kings 18. 21 - How long holt

ye between two opinions &c - 11 came forward for prayer

& conference.

Saturday 14th Rev John W. Thompson took

the charge of the meetings in Mr Jenkin absence &

held an inquiry meeting in afternoon & Preached

in the evening - when 19 came forward for

prayer & conversation. Subject. They all began

with one [illegible] to make excuse
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 25)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 25)


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in Feby 1857 ~

Sunday morning Mr Thompson preached from

the words Come thou into the Ark thou & all thy

house - & after sermon, 24 came forward as

expression of hope in Christ or seekers of their

salvation. In Evening Bro Thompson again preached

from Strivity to enter into the [illegible] gate

& rev Mr Jenkins having returned joined in the

interesting service. 25 were on the anxious seats

and there was a general feeling that God was present

with power.

Monday afternoon a conference & inquiry meeting

which was blessed to man. In the evening Bro Thomps

on preached from, "If any man Thirst let him come

unto me & drink" Thirty came forward, many of

whom expressed hope in Christ.

Tuesday 17th In the Morning Rev Mr Jenkins

preached from John 6.37 - Him that cometh unto me I

will in no wise cast out. In the evening John 3d 3

The New Birth, Several new cases of awakening -

Wednesday 18 morning sermon by Mr Jenkins from

Oh ye of little faith wherefore didst thou doubt. It [crossed out]

[crossed out] At 4. Oclock comenced an inquiry

& Prayer meeting which was continued into the
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 26)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 26)


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the evening when Mr Jenkins preached from Josh

ua 24. 31. If it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord

choose ye this day whom ye will serve - 14, came out

professing to have obtained hope and about the same

number seeking for salvation.

Thursday 19th, Rain set in last night - & Bro

Thompson returned. In the morning meeting Bro

T. talked & the time was otherwise spent in Prayer &

Conference - In the Evening he preached from the words

"Lovest thou me more than these" The weather &

roads were very much against a full attendance

Friday Morning. Mr Jenkins preached from

Luke 11. 1. Lord Teach us to pray" - In the evening from

1. Ep. of John 2d 1. Christ our advocate. Fifteen came

their names to be enrolled of under the watch & care

of the church - very Rainy & Muddy

Saturday Morning Feby 21 - This Mor

ning Mr Jenkins preached to the children from

Luke 2d - Subject The announcement of the Saviour

birth - A full house & deep interest - 16 Names

enrolled for future membership.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 27)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 27)


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Ordination of Elders

Sunday Feby 22d 1857. Brothers Edgar

M. Condit & Charles Wheaton having been

elected by the congregation some weeks since

to the office of Ruling Elders were this day

publickly set apart & ordained to that office by

Rev Warren Jenkins = in accordance with the form of Government

Session on the occasion from 1. Cor XV. 57 -

"But thanks be to God who giveth us the victory

through our Lord Jesus Christ"

In the evening of the same day a sermon was

preached from Mathew 10th 32 33. "Whosoever therefore

shall deny [crossed out] confess me before men him will I confess be

fore my Father which is in Heaven, & whosoever shall

deny me before men him will I also deny before

My Father & the holy Angels.

After sermon 22 persons came forward to

express their hope recently obtained of salvation through

Jesus Christ & Eighteen of these desired to be taken

under the Watch and care of this church pre

paratory to being received into fellowship & com

munion if found worth - Thanks be to God

for his abundant Mercies -
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 28)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 28)


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Names of members of this church as

ascertained by the elders from the records & from

personal knowledge - Feby 22d 1857. This record

is now made that former omissions may now

be supplied as near as possible

1. 2. Squire Wheaton ^Died Jan 27 1864 & Mercy Wheaton his wife

^Mercy Wheaton Died Dec 23 1864

3. Mary Condit wife of Jotham Condit

4. Mrs Asenath Condit widow

5. Mrs Dorcas Ketchum, wife [crossed out] ^widow of Lewis Died March 3 1865

6. Mrs. Magdalene Vandorn wife of Gilbert

7. Mrs Elizabeth Leake widow

8. 9. Andrew Herron Elder - & Julia his wife

10. Mrs Sarah Jacobus wife of John C.

11. Mrs Susan Perfect wife of Norman

12. Miss Frances Pierson daughter of Ira

13. 14. Ira Pierson Elder, & Jemima his wife (dismissal by letter Oct 1858)

15. Mrs Harriet Domigan wife of J. Domigan

16. Enoch Condit

17. 18. Abdiel McCallister ^Died Feb 21 1865 & Lucinda his wife

19. 20. Lewis Freeman & Hannah his wife

21. Mrs Susan Pierson wife of L. Thompson Pierson

22. Miss Janette Pierson Daughter of Thompson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 29)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 29)


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Names of members. Feby 22d 1857. continued

23. Wickliffe C. Meeker dismissed to Genoa Oct 1858

24. Miss Elizabeth Dewitt Died Sep 1864

25. Mrs. John Knox Died October 16, 1865

26. Mrs Mary Jane Green wife of Edward

27. Mrs Dorcas Ketchum widow - Died March 3 1865

28. Mrs Sarah Ann Condit wife of J. M. Condit

29. Mrs Mary Jacobus wife of Edward

30. Charles Wheaton - Elder

31 32 John Ketchum & Martha his wife

33 Mr. Arza Pierson

34 Miss Jeannette Herron daughter of Andrew

35 36 Victor Arnold & Ann M. his wife dismissed

37 38 Edgar M. Condit Elder & Jane his wife

40 (Mrs Maria Condit wife of Whittier Condit)

Dismissed by letter Non Resident Members

Mr. Whitten Condit - in California

Miss Sarah Spindle - gone West. Dead 1857

Dr. Thomas R. Edmiston

Attest -

Ira Pierson Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 30)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 30)


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Reception of members by Session

Thursday. March 12th 1857. Session met accor

ding to previous notice and was constituted by prayer.

Present. Elders. Ira Pierson. Andrew Herron

Edgar M Condit & Charles Wheaton

The following named persons applied for ad

mission, on profession of their faith and were exam

ined and their examination was sustained tonight

Lewis Thompson Pierson

Miss Clarinda Freeman }

Thompson Freeman } children of Lewis Freeman

James Heron son of Andrew Heron Died

Stephen Post & Edmund Post, sons of John Post

Henry Wilson son of Oliver Wilson

Master Smith Condit Ketchum son of Dorcas Ketchum

Mrs Abby Sandford Widow Dismissed

Miss Sarah Sandford daughter of Abby Dism

Mr. J. Marrin Condit Died

Miss Adeline Dawson - daughter of Mrs Speer

Mr Stephen Vanness & his wife Rachel A. Dism

Miss Harriett Vanness daughter of Stephen & Rachel

Miss Louisa Condit daughter of Whitten & Maria Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 31)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 31)


[page 31]

[corresponds to labeled page 25 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


There being no further business session was closed

with prayer Attest

Ira Pierson Clk


Saturday March 21, 1857

After sermon the following named children

were baptised by Rev. Warren Jenkins-

Norton Smith & }

Charles Edgar } Sons of Whittier & Maria Condit

Smith Condit, son of Dorcas Ketchum widow

Allice Jane }

Martha Elizabeth}

John Albert } children of Jothan Marvin &

Lorenzo Smith } Mary [crossed out] Sarah Ann Condit

David Hylier }

Mary Elizabeth } daughters of Edward &

Susan Condit } Mary Elizabeth Green

After which Session met & was Constituted by

Prayer. Present. Rev Warren Jenkins Moderator &

Ira Pierson Charles Wheaton & Edgar M. Condit Elders

Mr. Jotham Condit & Edward Roberts were
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 32)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 32)


[page 32]

[corresponds to labeled page 26 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


examined for admission to the church on profession

of their faith & their examination was sustained.

Session adjourned to meet in the morning if

necessary Attest

Ira Pierson Clk

Sunday Morning March 22d 1857. Session met

and John A Post & Lucetta his wife were received

as members of this church on letters of Recommenda

tion from the Church N. Jersey


Ira Pierson Clk

Communion season & Reception of members

After sermon by the minister in charge - the following

persons were received on profession of their faith publicly made

& entering into covenant with God & his people to wit

Jotham Condit. Clarinda Freeman. Thompson Freeman

James Heron. Edmund Post. Stephen Post. Smith Ketchum

Mrs Abby Sandford. Miss Sarah Sandford. Stephen Van Ness

Rachel A Vanness wife of Stephen

Also the following on profession of faith & Baptism -

Lewis Thompson Pierson. Louisa Condit. Henry Wilson. Jotham

Marvin Condit. Adeline Dawson. Edward Roberts &

Miss Harriet Elizabeth Van Ness- daughter of Stephen & Rachel
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 33)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 33)


[page 33]

[corresponds to labeled page 27 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Also by letter. Mr. John A Post & Lucetta his wife -

Attest -

Ira Pierson Clk

Statistical Report to Presbytery at its session in Delaware

April 7th 1857.

Number of members Recd on profession since last Report 18

" " " By Letter " " 4

Dismissed by Letter 8

Prest number of members in communion (& all

resident within our bounds but two.) -- 62

Baptism of Infants - - - - - - 10

Do of Adults - - - - - - 7

Contributions to Home Missions -

Mem. Deaths. On the 2d Day of June 1857. Jotham Marvin Condit died Ag 42 years

Saturday July 25th 1857

Session convened. Subsequent to a preparatory lecture

from the minister in charge

Present Rev Warren Jenkins Moderator. Elder,

Andrew Heron. E. M. Condit Ira Pierson & Charles Wheaton.

Mrs. Esther Gordon wife of Gordon presented a

letter of dismission and recommendation from the [illegible]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 34)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 34)


[page 34]

[corresponds to labeled page 28 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Prairie Pres. Church Indiana which being satis

factory she was received into communion with this


On motion Andrew Heron Rev W Jenkins &

Elder Ira Pierson were appointed a committee to call

upon Mr. Edward Jacobus & converse with him rela

tive to his declared wish to unite with this church

Adjourned with prayer

Communion & Reception member

Sunday July 26th 1857. Session met & was constitu

ted with prayer. Present Rev W Jenkins, Moderator, Elder

Ira Pierson & E. M. Condit.

Mr. Edward Jacobus & Miss Eliza Jane Great

rake were severally examined as to their express interest

acquaintance with religion, and their examination

was sustained. After which

The services of the sanctuary having been accomplished

and a sermon preached by the Rev. W Jenkins from Numbers

23. 23 "What hast God wrought"

The above mentioned: Esther Gordan, Sarah

Eliza Jane Greatreaks & Edward Jacobus, were

publicly administered communion
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 35)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 35)


[page 35]

[corresponds to labeled page 29 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Session Gathering & Communion

Eliza Jane Greatrake was baptised & then the

sacrament of the Lords supper was administered. Elder

McCatchen of the O.S. Presb church in Trenton being present

and assisting in the distribution of the church.


Ira Pierson Clk

Mem. of Death. Mrs. Rachel A Vanness Died in August, 1857


Saturday January 30th 1858. Baptised Henrietta & Rachel

Ann - daughters of Mrs Abby Sandford; Wesley, Eleanor & Elizabeth

children of George Jacobus, and William Henry, Smith & Emma

children of Edward Jacobus.

March 21, 1858

Session met, and appointed Andrew Heron a delegate to

attend the meeting of Presbytery at Ashly April 6th with

instruction to present a call from this church to Rev Warren Jenkins

pastor Elect May 30th 1858

Communion of the Lords supper administered today by

Rev W. Jenkins. Collection taken up for Session $2.76
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 36)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 36)


[page 36]

[corresponds to labeled page 30 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Reception of a Member

Oct 17th 1858. Session met present Messers Edgar M. Condit

& Ira Pierson Elders , & Rev Warren Jenkins Moderator, constituted

with prayer. Miss Martha Jane Perry daughter of W. S. Perry

was examined on profession of her faith, and the examenation pro

ving satisfactory, she was received as a member of this church

closed with prayer. Subsequently, on the same day she made a public profession

& entered into covenant with the church - after which the sacrement

of the Lords supper was administered


By order of Session a letter of dismissier was granted

to Mrs. Francis Leonard - formerly Francis Pierson, and she

was at her own request recommended to the care of the

M. E. Church at Sunbury, Also to Victor Arnold Ann

M Arnold & Wickliff Meeker, to the Presbyterian Church of Genoa

Admission of Members

February 20th 1859. Session met & was constituted with

Prayer. Present. Elders, Condit. Pierson Wheaton. Rev W Jenkins

Moderator. The following named Persons were examined as to

their religious experience which being satisfactory they were

severally received as members of this church to wit.

Mrs Susannah Roberts (widow) Mrs Temperance Sellers (widow)
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 37)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 37)


[page 37]

[corresponds to labeled page 31 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Mr. Norman Perfect, and Mr Elias J. Condit. Closed

with prayer Attest. Ira Pierson


Preparatory Lecture and Infant Baptism

Saturday March 5th 1859. After sermon preparatory to

the communion, the ordinance of baptism was administered

by Rev Warren Jenkins to the following named infant children

to wit, Stacy Bannister; Marion Adelaid; & William Warren, all

the children of Wm S. Perry. Sarah Bell; Mary Elizabeth; Margaret

Anna, Orvilletta, all daughters of Mrs Temperance Sellers

and John Condit, son of Norman & Susan Perfect

Admission of Members.

March 5th 1859. Session met and was constituted

with prayer. Present Elders, Heron, Condit Pierson & Wheaton

Rev W. Jenkins Moderator. Miss ^Susan Pyrena Perry was

examined as to her religious experience, which being

satisfactory she was received as a member of this church

on profession of her faith.

Mr. Wm S Perry & Matilda his wife presented

letters of dismission & recomendation from the first

Presbyterian Church of Orange New Jersey, which
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 38)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 38)


[page 38]

[corresponds to labeled page 32 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


being satisfactory they were received into [crossed out] as members

of this church. Andrew Heron was appointed delegate

to attend Presbytery of Columbus the first Tuesday in April next.

Communion & Reception of


Sunday March 5th 1859. The above na

med persons were present, and entered into cov

enant relation to this church to wit. Mrs Susanna

Roberts, Mrs Temperance Sellers, Miss ^Susan Pyrena Perry

Mr. Norman Perfect, & Mr Elias J. Condit on profession

of their faith, and Mr. Wm S. Perry & Matilda his wife

by letter. After which the sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered. Baptisms

Mrs Susanna Roberts & Mr Norman Perfect, &

the infant children of John E. Ketchum, named

Joanna Louisa & Harriet Martha received the ordi

nance of Baptism.


Ira Pierson

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 39)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 39)


[page 39]

[corresponds to labeled page 33 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Dismission by letter.

April 3d 1859. Letter of dismission and recommendation

was granted by order of session to Mrs Temperance Sellers

who is about to remove to Utica Ohio.

Attest Ira Pierson


Statistics of Trenton Presby Church April 5 1859

Total number in communion Apl. Apl. 1857 62

Died I. Marvin Condit. Rachel Vanness - 2

Removed without Letters. Whitten Condit. Thomas }

R. Edmister Esther Gordon --- } 3

Dismissed by letters. V. Arnold An. M Arnold

Wickliff Meeker, Frances Pearson, Temperance Sellers 5 10


Additions On profession. July 26, 1857. 2

Oct. 7 1858 1

Mar 5 1859. 5 8

By Letter July 25, 1857. 1

Mar. 5 1859 2 3

Total in communion April 5, 1859 --- 63


Adults July 26 1857. 1 }

March 5 1859. 2 } 3

Infants Jany 30. 1858 8

March 5, 1859 10 18
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 40)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 40)


[page 40]

[corresponds to labeled page 34 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Mem. Sunday. Jun 26. Took up collection for Bibble cause



August 21st 1859. Session met. Elders present Miss Condit

Pierson & Wheaton. W. Jenkins Moderator, Constituted with

Prayer. Sarah Jane Domigan was examined & received as a

member, on profession of her faith, & ^Mrs Matilda Domigan was

received by letter from the Union Presby Church of Trenton.

Close with Prayer.

Same day the sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered. Sarah Jane Domigan was Baptised & then she

with her mother Matilda were received into fellowship by

entering into covenant in the usual form.

Attest Ira Pierson Clk

Dismission by letter.

Nov. 27th 1859. By order of Session a letter of dismission

& recommendation was given to Clarinda Freeman Peters, she being

about to remove to New Albany.


Nov. 27. The Sacrament of the Lord supper was Adminis

tered this day by Rev Warren Jenkins. Collection taken

up for cong. expenses.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 41)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 41)


[page 41]

[corresponds to labeled page 35 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]



Sunday February 26, 1860. The Sacrament of this Lords

Supper was administered by Rev Warren Jenkins Collection

taken up for Congregational expenses. There had been previ

ously collect on account of Church Erection Fund $6.52 & then

were forwarded by Trustees $10 = Attest Ira Pierson Clk

Statistics of Tren Presb. Church April 3 1860

Total number in communion at last report 63

Added on Profession of Faith S. Jane Domigan 1

" by Letters - Mrs Matilda Domigan 1


Dismissed by letter Mrs. C. Freeman Peters 1

Total in Communion Apl 3. 1860 64

Sunday June 17th 1860

Communion of the Lords Supper was

administered and Mr Ira A Pierson &

Juliett his wife ^Died Jan 1 1867 were received by a

vote of the session, & by publickly entering

into covenant as member of this church

on certificate from the Congregational

church of Columbus Ohio.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 42)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 42)


[page 42]

[corresponds to labeled page 36 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Therefore examine & appeared on

Presbytery at East Liberty Sept 5 1860

H. Calhoun Mod.

On the first of Agust 1860 the Reverend W

Jenkins labor as our ministor ^ for four years expired and it

was with much regret that we ware oblige to

part with him the Lord has Blessed his Labors with us so

that the Church had Increased from 40 to 60 members.

January 6th 1861 The Sacrament of the Lords

Supper was administered by Elias Thompson our

presant minestor at which time S H Pierson

and Abigal his wife ware received By letter from

the Congrational church at Columbia centor

Attest Ira Pierson Clk

April 7th 1861 The sacrament of the

Lords supper was administered by Rev Elias

Thompson our ministor and a Colection taken

up for church expenses Ira Pierson Clk

July 7th 1861 The sacrement of Lords supper

was adminstered by the Rev Elias Thompson

at which time Elias Whitfield Perfect son

of Norman & Susan Perfect was Baptised

Ira Pierson Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 43)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 43)


[page 43]

[corresponds to labeled page 37 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


On the first of October 1861 the labors of the

Rev. Elias Thomson expired for one year and

it was with regret that we was obleigd to

part with him as his labors ware highly

prised by the church

Attest Ira Pierson Clk

November 17th 1861 the sacrament of the lords

supper was administred By the Rev Mr Newton

and Rev J W Thomson the meeting commeced on

Fryday Evening and continued untill saboth


An application was made by Stepen Vaness

and Hariet his Daughter for a letter of Dismision

to unite with the Congrational Church at

Elexander which was granted

Attest Ira Pierson Clk

Sauterday April 12 1862 Sesion present

A Heron Ira Pierson Charles Wheaton

E M Condit on motion being made

E M Condit was Chosen Clerk of


E M Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 44)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 44)


[page 44]

[corresponds to labeled page 38 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Sauterday April 12th 1862 preparatory

Lecture Delivered by Rev John Martin

Sabath 13th the Lords Super was Adminster

to the Church by Rev John Martin

and A Colection of 4 Dollars to Defray

his expenses from Champain Co here

and back

E M Condit Clerk

Employment of Minister

Rev. John Martin was employed &

entered upon the duty of Stalid Supply of this

church and [illegible] from the first day

of June 1862.

Reception of Members by letter

Saturday August 23d 1862. Session met

Present, Elders. Condit Pearson Wheaton & Heron

Enos Peters & Clarinda his wife by letter from

the Congregational church of New Albany, & Mrs

Frances E. Leonard by letter from the Galena cir

cuit of the Methodist Episcopal church were re

ceived into the followship & communion of this

church - Rev John Martin action of Moderator
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 45)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 45)


[page 45]

[corresponds to labeled page 39 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Baptism of Infants

On the same day a lecture preparatory to

the communion was preached by the Rev

Warren Jenkins, and Infant baptism was

administered by Rev. John Martin to

Nettie Bell, daughter of Ira A & Juliett

Pierson, & James Harrison son of John E

& Martha Ketchum.

Sunday August 24th

The sacrament of the Lords supper was

administered by the Rev John Martin assis

ted by the Rev Warren Jenkins at which time

Enos Peters & his wife Clorinda, and Mrs

Frances E. Leonard, publickly entered into cov

enant with this church according to the vote

of session on yesterday.

After service the session met at the re

quest of Mrs Mary Dawes ^ constituted with prayer. Mrs Dawes was

formerly a member of this church in regular

standing & was many years since suspended

from the communion for dancing, but having

changed her views in relation thereto and
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 46)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 46)


[page 46]

[corresponds to labeled page 40 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


^ acknowledging the justness of the aforesaid vote of the session

and professing repentance for the past she

requested the session to restore her to the full

communion of the church -

Session after protracted conversation with her

on motive of Elder Charles Wheaten. Voted that

the suspension of Mrs Dawes be annulled & that

she be restored again to full fellowship & com

munion with this church.

Present of the aforesaid meeting of Session. Elsley

Heron Condit Wheaton & Pierson and Rev John

Martin Moderator.

E M Condit Clerk

Thus for Enumn & approved

Reynoldsburg Sept 3d 1862

Edward D. Marvis.


Contribution for Domestic mitons

Sunday Nov 2 1862 A Colection was

taken up for home Mitons when

Seventeen Dollars was Colected and

handled over to Rev John Martin Pastor

E M Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 47)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 47)


[page 47]

[corresponds to labeled page 41 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sauterday Dec 13 preparitory

Lecture Preached by Rev Elias

Thompson and on Sunday 14th

the Lords Super was administered

by Rev John Martin Pastor. A

Colection was taken up to defray

Expences of Communion and for sweeping

house and building fires

E M Condit Clerk

Protracted Meeting

Commenced Februrary 22 Preaching

Evry Evening for two weeks by

Rev J Martin and occasionly by

Rev Mr Wyatt Bablist and Mr

Condit Congregational from Olive

Green the results of the meeting

was the hopefull Convention of

Several young persons mostly of

Families belong to the Church

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 48)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 48)


[page 48]

[corresponds to labeled page 42 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sauterday April 4th 1863

Preparitory Sermon by Rev J W

Thompson after Sermon the folowing

Infants were baptised by Rev J Martin

Caroline, Magdalena Henry and

John Edmund Children of John

and Mary Dawes Adabel daug

hter of Norman and Susan Perfect

Admission of Members

Session met and was constituted with

prayer Present Elder Herron Pierson

Wheaton Condit Rev John Martin mod

erator the following named Persons were

Examined as to their Religious Experie

nce which being Satisfactory they were

Severaly named as members of this ch

urch to wit William Williams Stacy

B. Perry Zenas Condit Bertram Roberts

Charles E Condit Margaret Ann Post

Allice Condit Martha Condit Cloe

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 49)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 49)


[page 49]

[corresponds to labeled page 43 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Communion and reception of


Sunday April 5th 1863 the above

named persons were present except

(Stacy B Perry who was detained by

Sickness) and entered into covenant

relations with this Church to wit

William Williams Zenas Condit

Bertram Roberts Charles E Condit

Margaret Anne Post Alice Condit

Martha Condit Cloe Dawson

After which A Colection [crossed out] the Sacre

ment of the Lords Super was admin

-inistered and A collection taken up

to defray Expences of Commitioner to

general Assembly of $3.80 Cents

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 50)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 50)


[page 50]

[corresponds to labeled page 44 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Thursday June 14th 1863

The Rev John Martin presented

the Subject of Fouren Milions [sic] foreign missions

and a Colection for that object was

taken up of Eleve Dollars $11.

E M Condit Clk

Reception of Meber by leter

Saterday July 25th 1863 Sesion

met Elders present Pierson Wheaton

Condit Mrs Clara E Caldwell

preseented a leter from the Prsby

terian Church Johnstown and

by vote of Sesion was received into

fellowship and communion of

this Church Rev J Martin Moderator

E M Condit Clerk

Sunday July 26th 1863

The Sacrament of the Lords Super

was administered by the Rev J

Martin and a Collection taken up

to defray Church Expences

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 51)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 51)


[page 51]

[corresponds to labeled page 45 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Thus far examined & appeared in

Presbytery at Berlin Sept. 2 1863

Henry Shedd. Mod.

Sunday Nov 15th 1863

The Sacrement of the Lords Super

was Administered by the Rev John

Martin And a Colection taken

up to Defray Church Expences

$2.18 two Dollars and Eighteen cts

E M Condit

Thursday Nov 26th 1863

Thanksgiving Sermon by Rev John

Martin and A Colection taken up

for the benefit of Soldiers $11 Dollars

to be used by the U S Cristian


E M Condit

December the Cause of Educat

in was presented by Rev J Martin

and a collection taken up for the

same $4 four Dollars E M Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 52)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 52)


[page 52]

[corresponds to labeled page 46 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sauterday Feb 20th 1864

Preparitory Lecture Delivered

by Rev Mr Scott after Servics

Sesion was caled Rev John

Martin Moderator Prayer being

offered Jonah Pierce and Sarah

Ann his ^ wife were examined their

Examination being Satisfacto

ry on motion of E M Condit

and Second by Charles Wheaton

they were received

E M Condit Clk

Sunday 24 the Sacrament of

the Lords Super was adminis

tered and the above named

Jonah Pierce and wife were

publicly received by Babtism

and profesion of their faith

into the followship of this


E M Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 53)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 53)


[page 53]

[corresponds to labeled page 47 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


March 20th 1864 the Cause of

fouren Misions was presented

by Rev John Martin and a

Collection taken up for that

object Sevn Dollars

E M Condit

April 3d A Colection was

taken up to defray Expences

of Delegate to General assem

bly to be held at Dayton O

$1.90 was Colected

E M Condit Clk

Sauterday May 28th 1864

Preparitory Lecture by Reve John

Martin after Sermon

Babtism of Children

Daughter of

Ella Joanna } Simon and Abigail Pierson

James Elsworth } Son of Ira A. and

Juliaet Pierson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 54)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 54)


[page 54]

[corresponds to labeled page 48 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Meting dismised Sesion

met Elders present A Herron

Ira Pierson E M Condit and

Charles Wheaton A Leter was

presented by Merril Hough a

ruling Elder of the Church of

Johnstown and Sarah Hough

his wife on motion they were recei to

the fellowship of the Trenton

Presbyterian Church

Sunday May 29 the Sacriment

of the Lords Supper was administered

by Rev John Martin and a colle

ction take up for Church purposes

of $2.25 cent E M Condit Clerk


June 26, 1864

This day a Collection was

taken ip for publication

fund Six Dollars an

Sixty two Cents
E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 55)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 55)


[page 55]

[corresponds to labeled page 49 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


July 17th 1864 at a meeting of

Sesison this day leters of dismis

ion were given to Mrs Abby

Sandford and her Daughter

Sarah Sandford to unite with

the Church at Caldwell N J

E M Condit Clerk

Sunday July 31 A Collection

of $6.70 Six Dollars and Sevnty

Cents was taken up for the

U S Cristian Commition

Sunday August 21 the

Sacriment of the Lords Supper

was administered by Rev John

Martin and a Collection take

up to defray Church Expences

After Servis Sesion met Aplic

ation was made by Mrs Susan

Roberts and her Son M B Roberts
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 56)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 56)


[page 56]

[corresponds to labeled page 50 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


for leters of Recommendation from

this church to unite with the

Presbyterian or Congregational

Church Otaway Ilinois

E M Condit Clk

Sauterday Nov 19 1864

Preparitory Lecture preached

by Rev McVay and on Sunday

20th the Lords Supper was adm

inistered by Rev J Martin assisted

by Rev McVay

Baptism of Infants

by Rev McVay sunday 20th

Jinnie King Daughter of

Rev J Martin and Sarah E Martin

Edgar Newton son of

Norman and Susan Perfect

After meeting was dismissed

Sesion met and Rev John

Martin Stated to Session that

Sarah his wife wished to become
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 57)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 57)


[page 57]

[corresponds to labeled page 51 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


a member of this church but

had no leter from the place of her

last Connection and the Situation

of her familey being Such she could

not wel appear before Sesion for

Examination and Sesion being Satis

fied with her Christian Caracter

on motion of E M Condit and Second

by Charles Wheaton voted that

She be receive into the fellowship

of this Church

E M Condit Clerk

Nov 24th 1864 Day of Thanksgiving

Preaching by Rev J Martin after

Servis A Collection was taken

up for the Cristian Commition

Elevn Dollars and fifty Cents

E M Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 58)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 58)


[page 58]

[corresponds to labeled page 52 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


January 8 1865 Preaching by

Revd McVay after Servis a Coll

of $15 fifteen Dollars was taken

for Foureyn Missions

E M Condit Clerk

Thursday March 12th 1865

A Collection was taken up for

the Education Course Ten Dollars

E M Condit Clerk

Sauterday May 10th 1865 Preparitory

Lecture by Revd Mr Scot from

Centeral Colege after Servis

Sesion met Elders Herron Ira

Pierson Charles Wheaton and

E M Condit present Mr Hary J

Potter appeared before Sesion and

Expressed a desire to unite
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 59)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 59)


[page 59]

[corresponds to labeled page 53 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


with our Church he stated

that he had been A member of

the Babtist Church Elevn Years

Came here from Wisconsan Witho

ut a leter and Setled in the boun

ds of our Church and Expresed

a desire to unite with us on

Examination being Examined

by Revd J Martin and Sesion

being Satisfied of his Chris

tion. Caricter on Motion of

E M Condit and Seconted by

Charles Wheaton it was voted

that he be received into the

fellowship of this Church

E. M. Condit, Clerk

Sunday May 11th the Lords

Supper was administered

by Revd J Martin and a

Collection taken for church

Expences $2.55 E. M. Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 60)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 60)


[page 60]

[corresponds to labeled page 54 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sunday June 25th A

Collection was taken up

for home mitions thirteen

Dollars --- E M Condit Clerk

Sunday Sept 3 1865 the

Subject of Fouren Mitions

was presented by Rev John

Martin and ten Dollars

Collected to be applied

on the past year.

E M Condit

Thus far examined & approved

at Delhi Sept 6 1865 -

Walter Mitchell

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 61)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 61)


[page 61]

[corresponds to labeled page 55 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sauterday Sept 16th 1865

A preparitory Lecture was

Delivered by Rev John Martin

after public Servis Sesion

met Andrew Herron Ira

Pierson Charles Wheaton

and E M Condit Elders

were present and by vote

Received George Jacobus

by Leter from the M. E.

Church in to the fellowship

of this Church

Babtism of Infants

Sunday Sept 17th after

Semon Anna A Dell and

Harry S Infant

Children of Stephen and

Jane Post were presented

and be blesed by Revd

John Martin at the same

[illegible] the Lords Supper was
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 62)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 62)


[page 62]

[corresponds to labeled page 56 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Administered and A Colle

ction taken for church

purposes two Dollars & 0.65

E M Condit


Feb 18th 1866 A Collection

was take up for fouren

Mitions twenty five Dollars

E M Condit Clerk

Sauterday April 28th 1866

Preparatory Sermon by Revd

John Martin after Sermon

Sesion met and was organised

by Prayer John Martin Moderator

Ira Pierson Charles Wheaton and

E M Condit Elders present

Sarah A Perry wife of Lewis

Perry presented a leter
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 63)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 63)


[page 63]

[corresponds to labeled page 57 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


from M E Church North

Indianna Conference Sesion being

Satisfied with Certificate on motion

of E M Condit She was admited

to membership of this Church

Marian A Perry Susan C Green

and Mary E Green were examin

en at the Same time then

examination being Satisfactory

they were by vote of Sesion received

Sunday April 29th 1866

The Sacrament of Lords Supper

was administer by Rev J Martin

and the above named person

were present and Entered into

Covenant relations with this

Church to wit Sarah A Perry

Susan C Green Mary E Green

and Marian A Perry after

which a Collection was taken up

to defray church Expences E M Condit
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 64)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 64)


[page 64]

[corresponds to labeled page 58 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


May 1866 A Colection

of 21 Dollars was taken up for

the purpose of purchasing

Sabath School library

June 1866 9 dollars in

Stock was take by the Sabath

School Children for the new

Mitionary Ship

E M Condit Clerk

Sauterday August 18th 1866

preparitory Lecture by J W

Thompson after Sermon the

Ordnance of Baptism was

administerd by Rev J Martin

on Chancey Infant Son of

Edmund and Loize Post

After meeting was dismiss

Sesion met when leter was

presented by Rev J Martin

from Margaret Jane Knox
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 65)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 65)


[page 65]

[corresponds to labeled page 59 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Said Leter was from the

Presbyterian Church of

Kingston Dismising her from

Said Church And recommen

ding her to any Christian

church where God in his provi

dence Should direct her

on motion of E. M Condit

it was voted that She be

received into this church

Sund August 19th being Stormy

the Communion of the Lords

Supper was posponed to

Sunday Sept 2d 1866

Sunday Sept 2d the Lords

Supper was administered by

Rev J Martin after Servis

A Collection was taken up

to defray Church Expences

$3.28 cents was received

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 66)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 66)


[page 66]

[corresponds to labeled page 60 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Nov 1866 Colection for the Poor

A Collection was taken in the

Church for Miss Elen Boston to

Supply her with Clothes $10.00

Friday Jan 4th 1867 preaching by

Rev John Martin and on Sauter

Day by Rev Mr Tidball of Wester

ville after Service Sesion met

and Examined Leter from [crossed out] Recom

mending Mrs Carrie Smith as having

been an Acceptable member

of the Methodist Church of

Columbus on motion Session

voted to receive her into the

Communion of this Church

Sauterday Evening Preaching

by Mr Tidball

Sunday Jan 6 the Sacrament

of the Lords Supper was

administered (after Sermon by

Mr Tidball) by Revd John
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 67)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 67)


[page 67]

[corresponds to labeled page 61 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Martin assisted by Mr

Tidball after Servis a Colection

was taken to Defray Expences $2.85

and in the Evening preaching

by Mr Tidball

E M Condit Clerk


March 17th 1867 A Colection of

$15 Dollars was taken up for

Fouregn Mitions


Died April 20th 1867 Mrs

Elizabeth Leak her Funeral was

attended on Tuesday April 22 at

the Presbyterian Church Discourse

by Revd John Martin She was one

of the number that organised the

Trenton Church in 1836
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 68)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 68)


[page 68]

[corresponds to labeled page 62 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


April 27th 1867 A preparitory

Lecture was delivered by Revd

John Martin After Sevice

Squire Elmer Babtism

Infant Son of John and Martha

Ketcham was baptised


by vote of Sesion the following

Persons were Dismised by Leter

Thompson Freeman John E

Ketchum and Martha his wife

and Mrs Sarah Martin wife

of Rev John Martin

Reception of member

by Leter by vote of Sesion Miss

Anna Eliza Morrison was receivd

by Leter from Presbyterian Church

of Beech Spring Ohio

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 69)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 69)


[page 69]

[corresponds to labeled page 63 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Names of members of this Church

Corrected this 21 of March 1867

by E M Condit

Jotham Condit and Mary Condit

2 his wife

3 Asenath Condit widdow

4 Elizabeth Leak Widowe Died Apr 20 1867

Died Oct 2nd / 70 Andrew Herron ) and Julia

6 his wife Died March 10 1872

Died Sarah Jacobus wife of Sept 25. 68

7 John C Jacobus

Norman Perfect and Susan

9 his wife

H J Potter and Frances

11 his wife

Ira Pierson Elder and Jamina

13 Died his wife Dec 1869

Harriet Dumigan wife

14 of D Dumigain

E M Condit & Adaline

16 his wife Adaline died May 25 1868

17 Lucinda McAlister widow Died Nov 1868
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 70)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 70)


[page 70]

[corresponds to labeled page 64 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Lewis Freeman & Hannah

19 his wife

L T Pierson & Susan

21 his wife

22 Miss Janet Pierson

Mary June Green wife of

23 Edward Green

24 Sarah Ann Condit widow

Mary Jacobus wife of

25 Edward Jacobus

26 Charles Wheaton Elder

John E Ketcham and

28 Martha his wife Dismissed by leter

29 Arza Pierson

E M Condit Elder and

31 Jane his wife

32 Thompson Freeman Dismissed by leter

Edmund Post and Loiza

34 his wife

35 Smith Condit Ketcham

John A Post (& Lieucetta

37 his wife) Died March 1870
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 71)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 71)


[page 71]

[corresponds to labeled page 65 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

38 Elias J Condit

39 Miss Pyrena Perry

Matilda Dumegan wife of

40 John Dumegan

41 Sarah Jane Dumegan Daughter

42 Ira A Pierson

Simon Pierson and Abigail

44 his wife

Enos Peeters } Dismis by Leter and Clarrinda

46 his wife

Mary Dawes wife of Joined the Christian sect without being dismissed.

47 John Dawes

Silas C Williams and

49 Tyrena his wife

50 (William Williams Son) Died Aug 21st / 71

51 Staca B Perry

52 Zenas Condit Dismissed by letter Oct. 71

53 Charles E Condit Dismiss by letter Feb 21 1869

54 Margaret Ann Post

55 Alice Condit

56 Martha Condit

57 Cloe Dawson
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 72)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 72)


[page 72]

[corresponds to labeled page 66 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Clarra E Caldwell wife

58 of Joseph Caldwell

Jonah Pierce and Sarah Ann

60 his wife

Merril Hough & Sarah

62 his wife

63 George Jacobus

Sarah A Perry wife of

64 Lewis Perry

65 Marian A Perry

66 Susan C Green

67 Mary E Green

Margaret Jane Knox

68 wife of Alanson Knox

Carrie Smith wife of

69 Henry Smith Dismissed by Leter March 1869

70 Annie Elize Morrison

71 Fannie Rineheart Dismissed by letter Oct / 71

72 Mary Myres

(1869) 73 Mrs Mary Wheaton wife

of Charles Wheaton

74 Miss Elen Boston
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 73)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 73)


[page 73]

[corresponds to labeled page 67 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


75 Mrs Dee Wiley wife of

Rev Robert Wiley

76 Mary E Perry wife of S B Perry Died Jan / 71

77 Lorenzo Condit

78 Clinton Wheaton

79 Harvey Wheaton

80 William S Perry and

81 Matilda his wife

82 Aaron Griffith, Dismissed by letter Apr 1870

83 Margaret Griffith, Dismissed by letter Apr 1870

84 Julia H. Ketchum.

85 Mary E. Wilson.

86 Bill E. Wilson.

87 Robert Wilson. died July 21 1880

88 Mary J. Wilson.

89 John Daws.

90 Jane Condit.

91 N. S. Condit. Died

92 F. M Jacobs. Died April 9th / 71

93 Lewis Perry.

94 William Jacobus.

95 Ellen Jacobus Continued 74 P.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 74)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 74)


[page 74]

[corresponds to labeled page 68 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]



Sunday April 28th 1867 the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was Administered by Revd John

Martin Assisted by Revd Mr Tawnez

of Johnstown after Servis a Collection

was taken up to defray Church

Expences $6.45

as this is the Last Communion

Brother Martin Expects to Attend

in the Trenton Church the Sesion

woould here record that it is

with Deep regret that we are caled

uppon to part with a pastor So

mutch beloved and respected by

the Church and the Entire Commu

nity may the God whome he Serves

Direct him in the way that wil

restore to him health and strength

that he may be able these many

years to preach the un cearchable

riches of Christ to a Dieing world

E M Condit Clerk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 75)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 75)


[page 75]

[corresponds to labeled page 69 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


July 4 1867 the Revd Mr Wiley

A Student of Lane Simenary

was Employed to Supply this Trenton

and Porter Churches for the

term of three months

E M Condit Clerk

Sauterday August 17th

The Revd Mr Tawney was invited

to conduct a Communion Service

preached a preparatory Lecture on

Sauterday August 17 and on

Sunday 18th after Sermon the

ordnance of the Lords Supper

was administered

On Sauterday August 17

the Sesion met Mr Tawney acting

as moderator Miss Fannie Rinehart

appeard before Sesion and was Examined

as to her religious Experiance Sesion

being Satisfied on motion of Charles

Wheaton it was voted that she

be received to the Communion of

this Church
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 76)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 76)


[page 76]

[corresponds to labeled page 70 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sunday after Sermon the

Confesion of faith of this Church

was read to Miss Fannie Rinehert

She Suscribing to it was Babtisd

by Revd Tawney and to so receivd

to the Communion of this Church

After Servis a Collection to defray

church Expences was taken up

two Dollars and 94 Cents was


E M Condit Clerk

the Revd Homer McVay by Appoin

tment of Presbytery Preached in

the Trenton Church the 3d Sabbath

in November 1867
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 77)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 77)


[page 77]

[corresponds to labeled page 71 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


The Revd J W Thompson by

appointment of Presbytery preached

in the Trenton Church 3d Sabath

in December '67 and administered

the Lords Supper on the Same


E M Condit Clerk

on the first of Feb 1868 the Trustees

employed the Rev Mr Best to

preach for us Evry other Sabbath

for three months Mr Best is a

Cumberland Presbyterian

Esteemed a good Man and

his Laibors were very acceptable

in the Trenton Church

While Mr Best was preaching

for us we invited the Revd

Robert Wiley of Lane Seminary

to come and preach for us

which he consented to do
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 78)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 78)


[page 78]

[corresponds to labeled page 72 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


his Laibor with us Commenc

on the Last Sabbath in May

1868 and it is [crossed out] the Church are

in hope that his Laibors wit

Continue a long time with us

he be Blest and the Church

built up

E M Condit clerk

Sauterday July 25 preparitory

Lecture preached by Revd Mr

Royce after Sermon the ordinan

of baptism was administered on

Merril Caldwell Infant son

of Joseph and Eliza Caldwell

After meeting was dismised

Sesion met E M Condit and

Charles Wheaton present Miss

Mary Myres was by vote receivd

into this Church by leter from

the Methidist Communion
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 79)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 79)


[page 79]

[corresponds to labeled page 73 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


73 Sunday July 26th the

Communion of the Lords Supper

was administerd by the Revd

Mr Royse of Hartford our

minister Revd Robert Wiley

was not prepared to administer

the ordinance

E M Condit Clerk

Examined and approved by Presbytery at

Porter Sept 15 1869

S. D. Smith Mod.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 80)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 80)


[page 80]

[corresponds to labeled page 74 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


96 Harriet Jacobus.

97 Charles Pierson.

98 David Condit.

99 Frank O. Pierson.

100 Charles C. Freeman.

101 Libbie M. Wheaton.

102 Mary Condit.

103 Alma Potter.

104 Georgianna Speer.

105 Josephine Barton

106 Ebenezer Rice

107 Mrs Henry Cring.

108 Sarah Alden.

109 Margaret Robinson

110 Paul Dewitt Died /71

111 Louisa Jacobs

The roll of membership is corrected

on the 100 page.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 81)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 81)


[page 81]

[corresponds to labeled page 75 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Feb 21st 1869 A Series of meetings

Commenced Feb 16th and Continued

to Feb 21 Preaching Evry Evening by

Revd J W Thompson which was very

acceptable to the Church on Friday

Feb 19 A preparatory Lecture was prea

ched by J W Thompson after Sermon

the Session met Ira Pierson Charles

Wheaton and E M Condit present

the following Persons Appeard and

were Examined as to their faith and

hope in Christ Mrs Mary Wheaton

Mrs Wheaton had been a Member of

the Baptist Church for a number

of years Miss Ellen Boston who had

been a member of the Methodist

church both come without Leters

Clinton Wheaton Harvey Wheaton

and Lorenzo Condit the Session

being Satisfied they were by vote

received to unite with the Church

on the Sabath
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 82)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 82)


[page 82]

[corresponds to labeled page 76 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sunday Feb 21 1869

Sermon by J W Thompson

aftter Sermon Harvey Wheaton

and Clinton ^ Wheaton were Baptised

Lorenzo Condit Mrs Wheaton

and Elen Boston were received

into the membership of this

Church Mrs Dee Wiley

wife of Revd Robert Wiley

and Mary E Perry wife of

Stacy B Perry were received by

Leter as members of this Church

The Sacrament of the Lords Supper was admin

istered. After Servis A Collection of 8

Dollars and 18 Cents and by vote

of Session $5 were given to J W

Thompson for his Services with us

Dismised by Leter

Carrie E Smith Wife of Henry

Smith to unite with the Methodist

Church to which the formerly belong

Columbus and Charles E Condit

to unite with the Congregational
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 83)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 83)


[page 83]

[corresponds to labeled page 77 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Church Cass Center Ioway

Saturday August 28th 1869

preporatory lacture was preach

-ed by Rev Levi B. Sabin after

Sermon the ordinance of baptism

was administered to Eugene and

Hortense infant Son & daughter

of James & Mary E. Wilson.

Then the Session was opened by

prayer, and nine persons were

received into the church.

Mrs Jane Condit, Mrs Julia H.

Ketchum, Mrs Mary E. Wilson &

Mrs Bill E. Wilson by letter,

And Mr Aaron Griffith Miss M.

Griffith, Mr John Daws Mr Robert

Wilson and Mrs Mary J. Wilson

by examination.

Sabbath morning a sermon was

preached by Rev. L. B. Sabin after

which ^ John Daws was baptized & the sacrament of the Lords

Supper was administered, & a collection
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 84)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 84)


[page 84]

[corresponds to labeled page 78 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


of ($8.38) eight dollars & thirty

eight cents was taken up for

church purposes.

Aug 29th 1869

E. M. Condit

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 85)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 85)


[page 85]

[corresponds to labeled page 79 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Saturday November 27th 1869

Preparatory Lecture by R. Wylie

after which a business meeting

was called for the purpose of

electing two Elders to serve

in the place of Andrew Herron

and Ira Pierson, who are [illegible]

[illegible] Simon Pierson and

Smith Ketchum were elected.

Sabbath Nov. 28th 1869.

The Sacrament of the Lords

Supper was administered by

Robert Wylie Simon Pierson

and Smith Ketchum were

ordained ruling Elders.

Lewis B. Ketchum, the infant

Son of Smith and Julia H.

Ketchum was baptized

After Service a collection of

$17.46 was taken up for Foreign


E. M. Condit

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 86)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 86)


[page 86]

[corresponds to labeled page 80 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Feb. 26. 1870 A Series of Meetings Commen-

cing Feb 9th continued Until Feb 27th Preaching

every evening by Rev Hamlin (Congregation

-al) to Feb. 20th Prayer meeting every 2nd even

to Feb. 26th these meeting were attended with lively

interest the spirit of the Lord was indeed

with us.

Saturday Feb 26th Preparatory

Lecture by Rev R Wylie after which A [crossed out]

the folowing persons were examined for [crossed out]

profes [crossed out] as to their Faith in Christ by the

session. C Wheaton S H Pierson E M. Condit

S. C. Ketcham -- Names of the Persons

examined { N S Condit / Number Baptized

David Condit / F M Jacobs

Mary Condit [crossed out] / William Jacobus

Lewis Perry / Harriet Jacobus

Charles Pierson / Tibbie M Wheaton

F O Pierson / Mary Condit

Charles C Freeman / Alma Potter

Ebenezer Rice / Georgianna Speer

Ellen Jacobus / Josephine Barton

Mrs Cring /
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 87)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 87)


[page 87]

[corresponds to labeled page 81 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

they were by vote received to unite with

the Church on Sabbath

Sabbath Feb 27th Sermon by Rev R Wylie

after Sermon those persons before named

were Baptised and received into membership

with this Church. The Sacrament of the

Lords Supper was administered by R Wylie

S. C. Ketcham Clerk

Feb 20th 1870 A Collection of 2.50 was

taken up for Church expenses S C K clerk

April 3th 1870 A Collection of $10.00 was

taken up for Home mission.

S. C. Ketcham, Clk

May 15th A Collection of $5.76 was taken

up to defray the expences of delegates to

General Assembly Smith Ketcham Clk

Saturday Aug. 13. 1870. Preparatory Lecture

by Rev. R. Wylie, then Baptism of Alma and Mark Arthur

daughter and infant son of N & S. Perfect. also Hattilia Martha

infant daughter of W. and Bill. E. Wilson.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 88)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 88)


[page 88]

[corresponds to labeled page 82 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Saturday Aug. 13. 1870 [crossed out]

Preparatory Lecture by Rev. R. Wylie [crossed out]

after which a business meeting was

called for the purpose of giving Rev.

R. Wylie a call as Pastor of the

Trenton Presbyterian church.

The meeting was as follows E. M. Condit

nominated and elected as Mod.

S. C. Ketcham Secretary

A note was taken by Ballot which

stood 33 in favor to 3 against. The call was

made out & a commit. of 3 appointed to

[illegible] in the congregation

Sabbath morning Aug. 14 1870

Meeting of the Session, was called

E. M. Condit. S. H. Pierson & S. C. Ketcham

being present. Prayer by Rev. R. Wylie, after

which Mrs. Margaret Robinson was by

vote recd into this church by Letter from

the Presbyterian Church at Delaware.

Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was ad-

ministered by Rev. R. Wylie, when collection

was taken up amounting Seven dollars
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 89)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 89)


[page 89]

[corresponds to labeled page 83 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


and eighty six cents for the cause of educat

S. C. Ketcham Clk

June 1870 Collection was taken up

for the Sabboth school library and

Sabboth school papers amounting

to thirty one dollars.

S. C. Ketcham Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 90)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 90)


[page 90]

[corresponds to labeled page 84 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


September 21st 1870 Rev R. Wylie

was installed pastor of the Trenton

Presbyterian church according to

the appointment of Marian Presbytery

The installation Sermon was preached

by Rev S. D. Smith who also in

the absence of one of the Committee

gave the charge to the pastor

Rev J. D. Lower proposed the

Constitutional questions and

gave the charge to the congregation.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 91)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 91)


[page 91]

[corresponds to labeled page 85 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Dec 3rd 1870 Preparatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath morning Dec. 4th Sermon

by Rev R. Wylie after which the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered by the Same.

A collection for incidental purposes

was taken up amounting to ($4.96)

four dollars & ninety six cents.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

March 4th 1871 Preparatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath morning March 5th 1871

Sermon by Rev R. Wylie after

which the Sacrament of the

Lords Supper was admininsterd

by the same.

A collection was taken up

for ministerial Relief amounting

to ($500) five dollars.

S. C. Ketcham Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 92)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 92)


[page 92]

[corresponds to labeled page 86 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


April 9th 1871 A Collection of

$4.26 was taken up for Commissioner


S. C. Ketcham Clk

June 10th 1871 Preparatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath morning June 11th 1871

Sermon by Rev R. Wylie after which

the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered by the same.

A collection was taken up to defray

Church expenses, $4.88

Emma D. Caldwell infant daughter

of J. A. & C. E. Caldwell was baptized.

S. C. Ketcham Clk

Sabbath June 11th 1871 4 oclock P.M.

The Session met at the house of

Paul DeWitt, (he being unable to

come to the church) and was

constituted with prayer ^ by Rev R. Wylie,

Mr Paul Dewitt was examined &

received into the church. And
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 93)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 93)


[page 93]

[corresponds to labeled page 87 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered.

S. C. Ketcham Clk

June 18th a collection of Seven dollars

and twenty five cents was taken for

for the Bible cause.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

July 23rd 1871 a collection of

$24.35, was taken up for the board

of Church Elections.

S. C. Ketcham Clk

Saturday September 2nd 1871

Preparatory lecture by Rev. J. R. Dawson

after which Session met and was

constituted by prayer by Rev R. Wylie

Louisa Jacobs was examined and

received by the session

S. C. Ketcham Clk

Sabbath morning Sep 3rd Serman

by Rev R. Wylie after which

Louisa Jacobs was baptized and

received into the church and
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 94)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 94)


[page 94]

[corresponds to labeled page 88 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered, and a collection

of four dollars and sixty nine cents

was taken up for church purposes.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

September 5th $30.50 was sent to the board of


Sabbath Dec 10th a collection of

$16.00 was taken up for Foreign


S. C. Ketcham Clk.

Saturday Dec. 16th 1871 Preporatory

Lecture by Rev. A. Thomas.

Sabbath morning Dec. 17th 1871

Sermon by Rev A. Thomas after

which the sacrament of the

Lords Supper was administered.

A Collection of $4.68 was taken up to

defray Church expences

S. C. Ketcham Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 95)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 95)


[page 95]

[corresponds to labeled page 89 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Saturday March 2nd 1872 Preporatory

Lecture by Rev. J. L. Lower after which

Session was constituted by prayer by

Rev R. Wylie, and Encrease Speer

was received on profession of his

faith, to unite with the church on

Sabbath morning.

Sabboth morning March 3rd 1872

Sermon by Rev J. L. Lower after

which Mr Encrease Speer was

baptized by Rev R. Wylie, and received

into covenant relation with the church

The Sacrament of the Lords supper

was administered by Rev R. Wylie

assisted by Rev J. S. Lower,

Arthur R. T. Wylie infant Son of

Rev R. & D. Wylie was baptized by

Rev J. L. Lower,

A Collection of $4.25 was taken up

for Church incidentals.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 96)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 96)


[page 96]

[corresponds to labeled page 90 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


March 17th 1872 A Collection was

taken up for the board of Education

amounting to $12.12.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

Thus far examined & approved by

Presbtery, April 18th 1872.

C. A. Evans

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 97)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 97)


[page 97]

[corresponds to labeled page 91 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


April 1872 Commissioners fund was

collected amounting to ($5.88).

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

June 1872 $7.00 dollars was

collected for the board of Home

Missions. and $4.00 for the

board of Publications

S. C. Ketcham, Clk.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 98)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 98)


[page 98]

[corresponds to labeled page 92 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


[blank page]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 99)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 99)


[page 99]

[corresponds to labeled page 93 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


June 8th 1872 Preforatory Lecture by

Rev Robert Wylie, after which Robertie

the infant daughter of William & Mary

E. Wilson was baptized.

The Session was then constituted

by prayer by Rev R. Wylie, E. M. Con-

dit, S. H. Pierson & S. C. Ketcham

Elder, were present. Mr Charles

E. Ringer was received by letter

from the German Presbyterian

church of Livingston connected

with Meyersville, Morris Co., N.J.

Sabbath morning June 9th 1872

Hodge the infant son of James

& Bell E. Wilson was baptized, & also

Carrie Jennie the infant daughter of

Norman & Susan Perfect, after

which a Sermon was preached

& the Sacrament of the Lords

Supper was administered by

Rev Robert Wylie A collection

S. C. Ketcham
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 100)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 100)


[page 100]

[corresponds to labeled page 94 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


was taken up of $3.90 for church


S. C. Ketcham

August 24th 1872 $4.00 was sent

by the Trenton church to the

board to aid the Freedmen

S. C. Ketcham Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 101)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 101)


[page 101]

[corresponds to labeled page 95 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


September 7th 1872 Preporatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabboth morning September 8th 1872

A Sermon was preached and the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

admininstered by Rev R. Wylie.

A collection was taken up amounting

to $11.37 Six dollars was sent ^ to the

board of ministerial relief & $5.27 to

the board of Church erection.

S. C. Ketcham Clk

A Collection was taken up for the

board of Education amounting to

$10.00. April 1873.

A collection for commissioners

fund was taken up amounting

to $5.46. May 11th 1873.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 102)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 102)


[page 102]

[corresponds to labeled page 96 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Saturday Dec 7th 1872 Preparatory

Lecture by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath morning Dec. 8th 1872

A Sermon was preached and the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper

admininstered by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath Dec 8th a collection of

$10.00 was taken up for the

board of Foreign Missions.

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

January 26th 1873 meeting was held

at the house of Mr Edward Green

he being unable to come to the

church. After meeting the Session

was constituted by prayer by Rev R.

Wylie and Mr Edward Green was

received into the church upon exam

ination closed with prayer. And

the Sacrament of the Lords Supper

was administered by Rev R. Wylie

S. C. Ketcham Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 103)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 103)


[page 103]

[corresponds to labeled page 97 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


February 2nd 1873 A collection of $9.25

was taken up for the board of Susten


S. C. Ketcham Clk

Saturday March 1st 1873 Preparatory Lecture

by Rev R. Wylie, after which the Session

was constituted with prayer by Rev R.

Wylie, E. M. Condit Charles Wheaton

and S. H. Pierson Elders were present.

Ellen Williams Sarah Wheaton Eva D.

Wheaton & Elizzabeth Hevelow were received

by the Session upon profession of

their faith, the Session ajourned until Sabbath ^ morning

Sabbath morning March 2nd 1873. The

Session again ^met all the members being

present, & the following named persons

presented themselves before the session

& were received upon profession of

their faith in Christ. A. Wilson

Lawrence Hough & Frances his wife,

Philander Edminister & Sarah his wife

Session closed with prayer by Rev. R. Wylie.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 104)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 104)


[page 104]

[corresponds to labeled page 98 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sabbath morning March 2nd 1873

Sermon by Rev R. Wylie, after which

the following named person received

the ordinance of baptism by the same.

Lawrence Hough Frances Hough Sarah

Wheaton Eva D. Wheaton Ellen Williams

Elizzabeth Hevelow. After which the

Sacrament of the Lords Supper was

administered by Rev R. Wylie

A collection amounting to $9.69 was

taken up for church purposes

S. C. Ketcham Clk.

Sabbath Morning

March 30th after Sermon the Session

was constituted with prayer by the

Pastor Rev R. Wylie, & Mr S. C. Condit

& Philena his wife & Mrs Eugene

Carpenter were examined & received

upon profession of their faith in

Christ. They will enter into public

covenant with the church at our

next communion. closed with prayer [crossed out]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 105)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 105)


[page 105]

[corresponds to labeled page 99 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


A letter of dismission was given to

Mr Harvey Wheaton. There being

no more business the Session

was closed with prayer by the


S. C. Ketcham Clk

Thus far examined and approved

by Presbytery Apr 9th 1873

Milton McMillin

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 106)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 106)


[page 106]

[corresponds to labeled page 100 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Roll of membership of the Trenton

Presbyterian church as corrected March 1872

1 Jotham Condit & 19 Mary his wife.

2 Mary, his wife. 20 Arza Pierson.

3 Asentha Condit. 21 E. J. Post &

4 Norman Perfect & 22 Louisa his wife.

5 Susan his wife. 23 Smith C. Ketcham &

6 H. J. Potter & 24 Julia his wife.

7 Frances his wife. 25 John A. Post.

8 Ira Pierson 26 Elias J. Condit &

^ Died June 15th / 73

9 Harriet Dummegan 27 Jayne his wife.

10 E. W. Condit. 28 J. A. Pierson &

11 Lewis Freeman & 29 Pyrenia his wife.

12 Hannah his wife. 30 Matilda Dummegan

13 L. T. Pierson & 31 Sarah A. Jackson

14 Susan his wife. 32 Simon Pierson &

15 Janette Pierson. 33 Abigail his wife.

16 Mary J. Green 34 John Dawes &

wife of E. Green. 35 Mary his wife.

17 Sarah A. Condit. 36 Silas C. Williams &

18 Charles Wheaton & 37 Pyrena his wife.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 107)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 107)


[page 107]

[corresponds to labeled page 101 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


38 Stacy B. Perry 57 Mary Myers

39 Alice Condit. 58 Ellen Boston.

40 Martha Condit 59 Dee Wylie Wife

^ Died Dec. 30, 1872

41 Chloe Wilson Rev. R. Wylie.

wife of A. Wilson 60 Lorenzo Condit.

42 Clara E. Caldwell. 61 Clinton Wheaton

Dismissed by vote Sep / 74

wife of J. A. Caldwell. 62 Harvey Wheaton

Dismissed by letter March 30 / 70

43 Jonah Pierce & 63 W. S. Perry &

44 Sarah A. his wife 64 Matilda his wife.

45 Merrill Hough & 65 Mary E. Wilson &

Died Jan 24 1873

46 Sarah his wife. wife of Wm Wilson

47 George Jacobus & 66 Belle E. Wilson

48 Harriet his wife, wife of Jas. Wilson.

49 Lewis Perry & 67 Martha J. Wilson

Died Nov. 30 1872

^ Dismissed by letter Aug 1st 1870

50 Sarah his wife 68 William Jacobus.

51 Ebenezer Rice & 69 Ellen Jacobus.

^ suspended Oct 5th 1873

52 Marian his wife. 70 Charles Pierson.

53 Susan C. Green. 71 David Condit.

54 Mary E. Green. 72 Charles Freeman.

55 Margaret J. Knox 73 Frank O. Pierson.

wife of Alanson Knox 74 Elizabeth M. Wheaton.

56 Alma E. Potter. 75 Mary Condit.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 108)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 108)


[page 108]

[corresponds to labeled page 102 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


76 Anna E. Potter wife 97 Eugenia Carpenter.

of B. Potter 98 Margaret Robenson

77 Georgianna Speer 99 Sarah Wheaton.

Dismissed by letter April 13th / 74

78 Josephine Barton 100 Orial Jennette Alden

79 M. J. Cring wife

of Henry Cring.

80 Sarah Alden.

81 Louisa Jacobs.

82 Encrease Speer.

83 E. M. Condit &

84 Jane his wife.

85 Charles E. Ringer

86 Edward Green Died July 25th 1873

87 Ella Williams.

88 Eva D. Wheaton.

89 Elizabeth Hevelow.

90 Albert Wilson.

91 Lawrence Hough &

92 Frances his wife.

93 Philander Edminister

94 & Sarah his wife.

95 S. C. Condit &

96 Filena his wife.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 109)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 109)


[page 109]

[corresponds to labeled page 103 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Thus far examined & approved by

Presbytery at Liberty church.

April 18th 1872

C. A. Evans

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 110)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 110)


[page 110]

[corresponds to labeled page 104 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 111)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 111)


[page 111]

[corresponds to labeled page 105 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


May 31st 1873 Preparatory Lecture

by Rev A. C. Crist after which the

Session was constituted by prayer,

Miss Orial Gennette Alden presented

herself before the Session and

was examined as to her Christian

experience & faith in Christ. The

Session being satisfied she was

received. Closed with prayer by Rev R. Wylie

Sabbath morning June 1st 1873 Sermon

by Rev R. Wylie, after which the

following named persons received

the ordinance of baptism

Whitfield S. Condit & his

wife Filena Condit

Eugenia A. Carpenter &

Orial Gennette Alden.

The Sacrament of the Lords

Supper was administered by

Rev R. Wylie.

A collection of $10.00 dollars

was then taken up, $4.00 was used
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 112)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 112)


[page 112]

[corresponds to labeled page 106 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


for church purposes & Six was

sent to the board of


Thursday evening Aug. 28, 1873 Session

met & was opened with prayer by

the Moderator Rev R. Wylie E.M. Condit

Simon Pierson & S.C. Ketcham ^elders were

present, Miss Ellen Jacobus offered before

the session & ws examined in regard

to her unchristian conduct. A motion

was made to defer a decision in

the case until all the members of session

were present, which was adopted closed with prayer

Sabbath August 17th 1873

A collection of $5.95 was taken up

for the board of publication.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 113)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 113)


[page 113]

[corresponds to labeled page 107 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Saturday Sept. 6th 1873 Preparatory

lecture was preached by Rev. C. H. Perkins.

Sabbath morning Sermon by the

same after which the Sacrament of

the Lords Supper was administered.

Sabbath September 7th ^ 1873 a collection

of $7.00 was taken up for the board

of ministerial relief.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 114)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 114)



[corresponds to labeled page 108 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


Saturday Sept. 6th 1873.

The following children were baptized

Elliot Orr infant son of William

& Mary Wilson.

Frank T. & Nellie Dee, Son & daughter

of L. & F. Hough. Herman J. Son of

Charles Ringer. Emma & Corie

daughters of Simon & Abigal Pierson.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 115)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 115)


[page 115]

[corresponds to labeled page 109 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


October 6th 1873 Session met

and was opened with prayer by

the moderator ^ Rev R. Wylie. All the

members of the Session being

present the case of Miss Ellen

Jacobus was again taken up.

And it was the unanymous

decission of the Session that

She be Suspended from the Communion

of the Church, until they shall

have sufficient evidence of the

genuineness of ^ her repentence, by her godly

walk & conversation. Closed with

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 116)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 116)


[page 116]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 110 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Saturday Dec 6th 1873 Preparatory

Lecture by Rev R. Wylie after

which an election was held by the

Church for the purpose of electing

two ruling elders which

resulted in the choice of E. J. Post

and Philander Edminster.

Sabbath morning Dec. 7th 1873

The Sacriment of the Lords

Supper was administered after a

Sermon had been preached by

the Pastor Rev R. Wylie.
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 117)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 117)


[page 117]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 111 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Sabbath November 30th 1873 A

Collection $10.00 was taken up for

the board of Home Mission.

Sabbath December 7th 1873 A

Collection of $4.67 was taken up

for the board to aid the Freed-


Saturday February 28th 1874 Preparatory

Lecture by Rev R. Wylie.

Sabbath morning March 1st 1874

Serman by Rev R. Wylie after which

E. J. Post and Philander Edminster

were ordained & installed as ruling

Elders of the Trenton Presbyterian

Church. The Sacriment of the

Lords Supper was then admininster

ed by the Pastor.

Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 118)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 118)


[page 118]

[corresponds to labeled page 112 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Sabbath March 1st 1874 a collection

of $8.00 was taken up for the

Board of Foreign Missions.

Sabbath April 5th 1874

A collection of $12.50 was taken

up for the boards of Education

& Sustentation
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 119)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 119)


[page 119]

[corresponds to blank page]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 120)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 120)


[page 120]

[corresponds to blank page]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 121)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 121)


[page 121]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 113 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]


May 12 1855. Baptised Julia Samson & Sarah

Richards daughters of Victor & Ann M Ar-

Also Wm Lewis a son & Emma Eliza

daughter of John E. & Martha Ketcham

A P Condit Clk
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 122)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 122)


[page 122]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 114 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Sermon of the

Confession of Faith

We believe in the existence of One God, who is a spirit

infinite eternal & unchangeable in being wisdom power holiness

justice goodness & truth. That there are three persons in

the Godhead, the Father the Son & the Holy Ghost, and these

three are one God the same in substance & equal in power

& Glory.

We believe that all mankind are born unholy &

are by nature enemies to God and subject to his law neither

indeed can be.

We believe that men are free agents voluntarily

chosing life or death, and acting from this free choice they

are justly accountable for all their actions & must render

strict account for all their sins.

We believe that without regeneration, or being

born again it is impossible that any should be finally

saved, and that this work is preminently the work of the

Holy spirit who worketh in us to will & to do of his good

pleasure while we with fear & trembling work out our own


We believe that salvation comes to the Sinner

only through faith in the lord Jesus Christ, who by
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 123)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 123)


[page 123]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 115 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

his perfect obedience fulfilled the Divine law while by his

vicarious atonement he became a profitiation for our sins, & not

for ours only but for the sins of one whole world ^ so that who

soever believes in him might not perish, but have everlas

ting life.

We therefore believe that all who believe not on the

Son of God are under condemnation all ready ^ that the

wrath of God abideth on them, and unless they repent &

turn to God by faith, they will justly continue to un

der that condemnation throughout eternity.

We therefore believe that all the truly [illegible] will [crossed out] are

the sons of God, & that they shall good part ^ which they have chosen shall not

be taken away from there neither is there any one who

is able to pluck them from their fathers hand.

We believe that Christ has established a visible

church on earth, consisting of those who being born again

associate themselves together for mutual help watch & care & for

the proper observance of the ordinances which he has established

& that it is the bourden due & highest privilege of all true believers

to thus publicky, confess him before men, and in so far

become separated from the unbelieving world around them
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 124)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 124)


[page 124]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 116 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

We believe that the ordinance of Christs house

are baptism & the Lords Supper, the former to be

administered to believers only & the latter to believers

and their children the latter to believers.

We believe that God hath appointed a day in

the which he will judge the world, when the ^ righteous wicked

publicly acquitted will pass to the possession of that ^ enduring inheritance

prepared for them from the foundation of the world, while

the wicked are publicly condemned shall pass into punishment

which shall never end.

Covenant on Profession of Faith

And now do we hereby professing our faith in the saving

offering of Christs blood to the cleansing of all sin and humbly

trusting in him alone as the hope of our salvation publi before

God angels & [illegible] the Lord [illegible] to be our God &

father, the Lord Jesus Christ to be our savior, & the Holy Spirit

our sanctifier and hereby covenant with God & his people

to sincerely endeavor to walk in all the ordiances of of the

Gospel blameless adorning our firm passion by lives of godily

& well ordered conservation. That we will so far as in us

his forsake the vanities of this world & claim with full purpose

unto the Lord our God as our [illegible] our hope
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 125)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 125)


[page 125]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 117 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

and rock of refuge & defence. That we will cheerfully

submit to the watch care & disciple of this church

and that we will faithfully bear our several parts in

the duties ^ & labor of love which pertain to the relations thereto which we now

enter. Thus with a firm reliance upon the promised aid of

the Holy Spirit we do solemly covenant & promise

For Covenant of Members received by

letter see cont page of this Book

Also Covenant on the part of the church
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 126)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 126)


[page 126]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 118 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

List of members received from Apr. 1894

Names & [illegible]

Datd Dismissed Suspended Remarks
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 127)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 127)


[page 127]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 119 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Joseph Smith x Mary E. Jacobus o 29

Lydia Smith x Mary J. Green o 28

Minerva Adams Deceased Sarah A. Condit x

Thomas R. Edmister x Dismissed Miss Janet Houser o ^ Herron 27

Susan Condit x 35 Mrs Margaret Pierson x

Elizabeth Condit x Mr Enoch Condit x

Smith Condit x Mr Abdeil McAllister o

Frances Pierson o 34 Mr George Robberts x

Harriet Wheaton ^ Mr John W. Starr x

Harriet Jacobus o 30 Mr Thomas A Watson x ^ June 7

Abigail Jacobus x ^April 30 1854 Mrs Mary Ogden x

Sarah Spindler A Mr Lewis Freeman o 24

Fidelia Harrison x Mrs Hannah Freeman o

Elizabeth Dewit o 32 see preceding pg

Catharine Dewit x

Magdalen Van Dorn o 31 Apr

Mrs. Knox o 30

Ellen Reeder x Apl 30 1854

Mary Jacobus x

Martin Wheaton x

Jane Ward Dismissed

Albertus Pierson Dismissed
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 128)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 128)


[page 128]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 120 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Squire Wheaton o 22 John Ketcham o 10

Mercy Wheaton o 21 Martha Ketcham o 9

A. P. Condit. - x William Condit x

Maria Condit - x Robert Condit x

Mary Condit - o 20 ^Jacobus Simon Pierson x Aprl 30 1854

Asenath Condit - o 19 Arza Pierson o

Dorcus Ketcham o 18 Betsey Dent Deceased.

Elizabeth Leake x Phebe Ogden x

Andrew Herron o 17 Elder Mary Ogden [illegible] x

Julia Herron o Eliza Ogden x

Silas Ogden x ) Laura Nimins x

Jane Ogden x Aprl 30 1854) Juliett Herron x Dismissed

Elizabeth Condit o 15 Angenett Herron o 7

Sarah Jacobus o 16 Lucinda McCallister o 6

Ira Pierson - o 13 Victor Arnold o 5

Jemima Pierson - o 12 Ann M. Arnold o 4

Robert Reeder x Apl 30 1854) Edgar Condit o 3

Sarah Reeder x ) Jane Condit o 2

John Ogden x Daniel Ogden x

Matilda Ogden x Sarah Morrison Died

Charles Wheaton o Mrs Watson June x 7

George Jacobus x Whitten Condit A

May 12, 1855. W C. Meeker
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 129)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 129)


[page 129]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 121 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

List of members on the foregoing


Wickliff Meeker 01

o - Member ^ present marked thus Oct 4 - 1856

x Letters granted previous to Oct 6 1856

^ Absent member without Letters
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 130)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 130)


[page 130]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 122 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Covenant - of member secured by letter

You do now in the presence of God & these

witnesses renew your profession of faith in the Lord

Jesus Christ and enter into solemn covenant with

the members of this church promising as God shall give

you ability to walk in all the ordinances of the Gospel

blameless that you will strive to lead a godly life

& faithfuly bear your ^ served parts in the works & labors of love

which pertain to the members of Christs visible church -

That you will watch over your follow members of this

church with christian fidelity & that you will submit to

the discipline therof with all witnesses, as becometh saints

Thus you solemly promise & covenant with God & his

People -

The members will now rise -

And we the members of this church do now

most cordially welcome you to our fellowship & com

munion - promising on our part, to extend to you

our Christian charity & sincerest sympathy - and [illegible]

to watch over comfort & sustain you in all affection
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 131)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 131)


[page 131]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 123 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

& both now & herafter seek for these things which shall

make for ^ your peace ^ prosperity & happiness but promote the intent of the Redeeming

King =

Eliza Jane Greatrak

Edward Jacobus
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 132)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 132)


[page 132]

[corresponds to unlabeled page 124 of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Baptism - July 26 1857 - Adults - 1

Jany 30 1858 Infants 8

March 5 1859 Infants 10

" " " Adults - 2

dismissed - 1858 Francis Pierson - 1

Victor Arnold

Ann M. Arnold

Wickliff Meeker 3


17 - 1873




1855 56



Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 133)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 133)


[page 133]

[corresponds to inside back cover of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

200 37 Members

Apl 7 1856 - Members 62

July 25 - Admitted Letter 1 [illegible]

Confirm 2 Infant [crossed out]

Oct 1 58 - Dr - 1

March 5 1859 - Professed 5

Letter 2

1857 73

Dismised 4


[illegible] 2

Number of Members 67 Apl 5 1859

[math calculations]
Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 134)


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831 (p. 134)


[page 134]

[corresponds to back cover of Condit Presbyterian Church 1831 to 1874]

Dublin Core


Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831


Church history--Presbyterian church--Trenton Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Church records--Trenton Township--Delaware County--Ohio
Religious history--Presbyterianism--Delaware County--Ohio


This collection contains the Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton Delaware Co. Ohio 1831, and is housed at the Condit Presbyterian Church in Trenton Township, Delaware County, OH. The ink on some of the pages in this book has faded so the decision was made to temporarily darken them so that the transcript could be completed. The pages were then returned to their current hue as it appeared in 2014.


Members of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware County, Ohio














Members of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware County, Ohio, “Sessional Records of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Trenton, Delaware Co., Ohio, 1831,” Delaware County Memory, accessed October 22, 2024,

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