The Delaware, Ohio, Blue Book; Some Facts and Figgers. 1913
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of Delaware Blue Book 1913]
PRICE [image of two men smoking cigars] 15 CTS.
[corresponds to front cover of Delaware Blue Book 1913]
PRICE [image of two men smoking cigars] 15 CTS.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside of front cover of Delaware Blue Book]
Natural Gas
Gladdens the Home
Natural Gas
Is the Best, Cheapest and Most Satis-
factory Fuel on Earth. The People
Who Use It Know This.
The Delaware
Gas Co.
[corresponds to inside of front cover of Delaware Blue Book]
Natural Gas
Gladdens the Home
Natural Gas
Is the Best, Cheapest and Most Satis-
factory Fuel on Earth. The People
Who Use It Know This.
The Delaware
Gas Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Delaware Blue Book]
[left hand side]
The Store
[image of woman with hat]
The Store
that Others
Try to
[right hand side]
New York Cash Store
Cloak and Suit Dept.
Leaders in outer garment
apparels, always showing
the newest and most up to
date Coats, Suits and Dress-
es from New York's fore-
most designers. Also
Waists, Petticoats, Furs,
Raincoats and Skirts. A
visit to this department is
convincing and quality guar-
anteed. We show new
ideas every week.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 3 of Delaware Blue Book]
[left hand side]
The Store
[image of woman with hat]
The Store
that Others
Try to
[right hand side]
New York Cash Store
Cloak and Suit Dept.
Leaders in outer garment
apparels, always showing
the newest and most up to
date Coats, Suits and Dress-
es from New York's fore-
most designers. Also
Waists, Petticoats, Furs,
Raincoats and Skirts. A
visit to this department is
convincing and quality guar-
anteed. We show new
ideas every week.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Delaware Blue Book]
Cregmile Carpet Company
Rugs Expert
Draperies Advice
Linoleum in
Matting Choosing
Window Shades
The Best
the Market
Your Inspection of Our Showings is Solicited
20 North Sandusky Street
(With THE STANDARD Clothing Co.)
-Headquarters For-
Pennants, Leather Pillows and Banners
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Delaware Blue Book]
Cregmile Carpet Company
Rugs Expert
Draperies Advice
Linoleum in
Matting Choosing
Window Shades
The Best
the Market
Your Inspection of Our Showings is Solicited
20 North Sandusky Street
(With THE STANDARD Clothing Co.)
-Headquarters For-
Pennants, Leather Pillows and Banners
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Delaware Blue Book]
Now, as Always, it is the
Leading Insurance Company
in the Country
The Ohio Farmers'
Insurance Company
Began business in Delaware
County in 1850
Rates as low as the lowest--
always consistent with relia-
ble indemnity. Losses ad-
justed satisfactorily as our
past record of 62 years will
show. Your business solic-
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Delaware Blue Book]
Now, as Always, it is the
Leading Insurance Company
in the Country
The Ohio Farmers'
Insurance Company
Began business in Delaware
County in 1850
Rates as low as the lowest--
always consistent with relia-
ble indemnity. Losses ad-
justed satisfactorily as our
past record of 62 years will
show. Your business solic-
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Delaware Blue Book]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 7 of Delaware Blue Book]
City of Delaware.
First Ward.
Precinct A--Territory bounded by Sandusky street on the east,
Winter street on the south, Liberty on the west and Lincoln avenue
on the north. Voting place, Courthouse basement.
Precinct B--Bounded by Liberty street on the east, Winter
street as far as Elizabeth and William street to the corporation line
on the south, corporation line on the west and Lincoln avenue on the
north. Voting place, Evans residence, 181 North Liberty street.
Precinct C--Bounded on the north and west by the corporation
line, on the east by Sandusky street and on the south by Lincoln
avenue. Voting place, F. M. Marriott garage.
Second Ward.
Precinct A--Northern boundary is Winter street, with Sandusky
on the east, Park avenue on the south and Liberty street on the west.
Voting place, building at Delaware run on Franklin street.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by Winter street from Winter to
Elizabeth, then west on William street; on east by Liberty street,
south by Park avenue and west by corporation line. Voting place,
Shaffer residence on South Liberty street.
Precinct C--Bounded on north by Park avenue, east by Liberty
street, south and west by corporation line. Voting place, High-
warden building on South Liberty street.
Prceinct [sic] D--Bounded on north by Park avenue, east by San-
dusky street, south by corporation line and west by Liberty street.
Voting place, English's barn, near corner Railroad and Sandusky
Third Ward.
Precinct A--Bounded on north by East Winter street, east by
the Olentangy river, south by corporation line and west by Sandusky
street. Voting place, City Hall.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by Winter street, east and south
by corporation line and west by the river. Voting place, Ferguson
house, corner Lewis and William streets.
Fourth Ward.
Precinct A--Bounded on north by corporation line, on east by
the river, south by Winter street and west by Sandusky street.
Voting place, Company K armory.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by corporation line, east by Big
Four railway, south by Winter street, and west by the Olentangy
river. Voting place, near corner Annette and East Winter streets.
Precinct C--Includes territory north of Winter street and east
of the Big Four tracks. Voting place, Maloney house on East Cen-
tral avenue, just east of Potter street.
[corresponds to page 7 of Delaware Blue Book]
City of Delaware.
First Ward.
Precinct A--Territory bounded by Sandusky street on the east,
Winter street on the south, Liberty on the west and Lincoln avenue
on the north. Voting place, Courthouse basement.
Precinct B--Bounded by Liberty street on the east, Winter
street as far as Elizabeth and William street to the corporation line
on the south, corporation line on the west and Lincoln avenue on the
north. Voting place, Evans residence, 181 North Liberty street.
Precinct C--Bounded on the north and west by the corporation
line, on the east by Sandusky street and on the south by Lincoln
avenue. Voting place, F. M. Marriott garage.
Second Ward.
Precinct A--Northern boundary is Winter street, with Sandusky
on the east, Park avenue on the south and Liberty street on the west.
Voting place, building at Delaware run on Franklin street.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by Winter street from Winter to
Elizabeth, then west on William street; on east by Liberty street,
south by Park avenue and west by corporation line. Voting place,
Shaffer residence on South Liberty street.
Precinct C--Bounded on north by Park avenue, east by Liberty
street, south and west by corporation line. Voting place, High-
warden building on South Liberty street.
Prceinct [sic] D--Bounded on north by Park avenue, east by San-
dusky street, south by corporation line and west by Liberty street.
Voting place, English's barn, near corner Railroad and Sandusky
Third Ward.
Precinct A--Bounded on north by East Winter street, east by
the Olentangy river, south by corporation line and west by Sandusky
street. Voting place, City Hall.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by Winter street, east and south
by corporation line and west by the river. Voting place, Ferguson
house, corner Lewis and William streets.
Fourth Ward.
Precinct A--Bounded on north by corporation line, on east by
the river, south by Winter street and west by Sandusky street.
Voting place, Company K armory.
Precinct B--Bounded on north by corporation line, east by Big
Four railway, south by Winter street, and west by the Olentangy
river. Voting place, near corner Annette and East Winter streets.
Precinct C--Includes territory north of Winter street and east
of the Big Four tracks. Voting place, Maloney house on East Cen-
tral avenue, just east of Potter street.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Delaware Blue Book]
Neville = Made
The Stylish Cut
The Cheapest Price
The Best Made
The Goods that Wear Best
Then why try others when you are
sure to get the best value and
satisfaction from
[corresponds to unlabeled page 8 of Delaware Blue Book]
Neville = Made
The Stylish Cut
The Cheapest Price
The Best Made
The Goods that Wear Best
Then why try others when you are
sure to get the best value and
satisfaction from
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of Delaware Blue Book]
There is at all times a demand for information of various kinds
relative to the city and county of Delaware. Hundreds of queries are
answered weekly from the newspaper offices. This book is an en-
deavor to place in a convenient form, such as the city has not pre-
viously had, the information that is often useful to both citizens and
non-residents. C. A. JONES, G. G. WHITEHEAD,
Agricultural Statistics........... 57 Expenses ............... 91
Ashley, Officials, etc............ 29 Council ................ 15
Athletic Records................17-18 Facts of Interest....... 89
Banks ............................ 37 Clerks-Townships ....... 53
Benevolent Institutions........... 43 Commercial Club......... 79
Building and Loan Associations.... 37 Constitutional Amendment Vote.. 41
Carnegie Library ................. 83 County-Officials ....... 45-47
Church Directory .............. 83 1/2 Duties of Officials..... 47
City--History .................... 61 Map .................. 16 1/2
Officials .................. 15 Creation--County .............. 59
Salaries ................ 16 1/2 Court--Times of Holding........ 21
Duties of Officials ........ 93 Districts .............. 21
Kodaks and Photo Supplies
Leather Goods
And Everything to be found in a First-Class Stationery Store.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 9 of Delaware Blue Book]
There is at all times a demand for information of various kinds
relative to the city and county of Delaware. Hundreds of queries are
answered weekly from the newspaper offices. This book is an en-
deavor to place in a convenient form, such as the city has not pre-
viously had, the information that is often useful to both citizens and
non-residents. C. A. JONES, G. G. WHITEHEAD,
Agricultural Statistics........... 57 Expenses ............... 91
Ashley, Officials, etc............ 29 Council ................ 15
Athletic Records................17-18 Facts of Interest....... 89
Banks ............................ 37 Clerks-Townships ....... 53
Benevolent Institutions........... 43 Commercial Club......... 79
Building and Loan Associations.... 37 Constitutional Amendment Vote.. 41
Carnegie Library ................. 83 County-Officials ....... 45-47
Church Directory .............. 83 1/2 Duties of Officials..... 47
City--History .................... 61 Map .................. 16 1/2
Officials .................. 15 Creation--County .............. 59
Salaries ................ 16 1/2 Court--Times of Holding........ 21
Duties of Officials ........ 93 Districts .............. 21
Kodaks and Photo Supplies
Leather Goods
And Everything to be found in a First-Class Stationery Store.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of Delaware Blue Book]
Good Clothes Are an
Index to Character
Our Shirts and Neckwear have
that individuality of quality and
appearance that cannot fail to
Our Men's Furnishings are a
feast of fine fixings from the
foremost makers.
J. M. Mead
Haberdasher Dry Cleaning and Pressing
69 North Sandusky Street
[corresponds to unlabeled page 10 of Delaware Blue Book]
Good Clothes Are an
Index to Character
Our Shirts and Neckwear have
that individuality of quality and
appearance that cannot fail to
Our Men's Furnishings are a
feast of fine fixings from the
foremost makers.
J. M. Mead
Haberdasher Dry Cleaning and Pressing
69 North Sandusky Street
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of Delaware Blue Book]
Distances in County........... 95 Public Service Corporations....... 39
Election--Results ............ 41 City Contracts.................... 89
Cost of............. 49 Red Cross Seals .................. 53
Expenses--City ............... 91 Rivers ........................... 93
County ............. 49 Railroad Time Tables........... 13-15
Express Companies ............ 35 Railroad History ................. 59
Fair Dates.................... 57 Rural Postal Routes............... 89
Fraternal Directory ....... 69-78 Safety Department ............ 16 1/2
Girls' Industrial Home ....... 63 Salaries--City ............... 16 1/2
Hayes, Rutherford B........... 63 County ................. 47
Historical Facts.............. 59 Schools--Cost, Salaries........... 55
Industries ................ 31-33 City .................... 55
Interurban Lines ............. 63 Settlement Dates ................. 59
Maps--City ................... 6 Senatorial District............... 21
County ............. 16 1/2 Street Directory .............. 23-29
Parcel Post............. 87 Street Names...................... 59
Marriages .................... 49 Street Railway ................... 85
Mayors of Delaware............ 63 Sunbury Officials ................ 29
Mortgages .................... 49 Taxation Figures.................. 49
Newspapers ................... 39 Telegraph Hours .................. 83
Oak Grove Cemetery ........... 89 Time Tables.................... 13-15
Ohio Wesleyan University...... 37 Township--Clerks ................. 53
Oldest Buildings.............. 59 Map ................ 16 1/2
Organizations ............. 81-82 Acreage ................ 65
Ostrander--Officials, etc..... 29 Population ............. 65
Parcel Post and Rates......... 86 Values ................. 65
Parcel Post Zone Map ......... 87 Voting Places .................... 7
Party Organizations........... 83 Villages ......................... 29
Population Facts.............. 65 Wool in Eighth District........... 20
Postoffice, Officials, etc.... 85 Wet and Dry Vote.................. 43
Y. M. C. A........................ 79
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Warren & Dengler
[corresponds to unlabeled page 11 of Delaware Blue Book]
Distances in County........... 95 Public Service Corporations....... 39
Election--Results ............ 41 City Contracts.................... 89
Cost of............. 49 Red Cross Seals .................. 53
Expenses--City ............... 91 Rivers ........................... 93
County ............. 49 Railroad Time Tables........... 13-15
Express Companies ............ 35 Railroad History ................. 59
Fair Dates.................... 57 Rural Postal Routes............... 89
Fraternal Directory ....... 69-78 Safety Department ............ 16 1/2
Girls' Industrial Home ....... 63 Salaries--City ............... 16 1/2
Hayes, Rutherford B........... 63 County ................. 47
Historical Facts.............. 59 Schools--Cost, Salaries........... 55
Industries ................ 31-33 City .................... 55
Interurban Lines ............. 63 Settlement Dates ................. 59
Maps--City ................... 6 Senatorial District............... 21
County ............. 16 1/2 Street Directory .............. 23-29
Parcel Post............. 87 Street Names...................... 59
Marriages .................... 49 Street Railway ................... 85
Mayors of Delaware............ 63 Sunbury Officials ................ 29
Mortgages .................... 49 Taxation Figures.................. 49
Newspapers ................... 39 Telegraph Hours .................. 83
Oak Grove Cemetery ........... 89 Time Tables.................... 13-15
Ohio Wesleyan University...... 37 Township--Clerks ................. 53
Oldest Buildings.............. 59 Map ................ 16 1/2
Organizations ............. 81-82 Acreage ................ 65
Ostrander--Officials, etc..... 29 Population ............. 65
Parcel Post and Rates......... 86 Values ................. 65
Parcel Post Zone Map ......... 87 Voting Places .................... 7
Party Organizations........... 83 Villages ......................... 29
Population Facts.............. 65 Wool in Eighth District........... 20
Postoffice, Officials, etc.... 85 Wet and Dry Vote.................. 43
Y. M. C. A........................ 79
Men's Clothing and Furnishings
Warren & Dengler
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of Delaware Blue Book]
Any Time, All the Time
Let Your Train of Thought Take You to
Bob Watson's Jack
Smoke House
Hotel Donavin Block
Magazines News
Cigars Huyler's
Cigarettes Reymer's
Pipes Whitman's
Post Cards Candy
[corresponds to unlabeled page 12 of Delaware Blue Book]
Any Time, All the Time
Let Your Train of Thought Take You to
Bob Watson's Jack
Smoke House
Hotel Donavin Block
Magazines News
Cigars Huyler's
Cigarettes Reymer's
Pipes Whitman's
Post Cards Candy
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 13 of Delaware Blue Book]
Railway Time Tables.
Big Four--Westbound, 12:17 a.m., 5:52 a.m., 10:35 a.m., 3:08
p.m., 9:02 p.m. Eastbound, 2:50 a.m., 7:58 a.m., 12:26
p.m., 5:20 p.m., 10:13 p.m. Westbound train due at 10:35
and eastbound at 5:20 do not run on Sunday.
Springfield Branch--Leave Delaware 6:10 a.m., 3:20 p.m. Arrive
Delaware 12:20 p.m., 7:15 p.m. No trains on Sunday.
Pennsylvania--Southbound, 11:05 a.m., 8:51 p.m. Northbound,
7:42 a.m., 6:14 p.m.
Hocking Valley--Northbound, 7:01 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 3:31 p.m.,
5:30 p.m., 10:57 p.m. Southbound, 6:21 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,
11:00 a.m., 1:56 p.m., 8:00 p.m. The 7:01 northbound and
1:56 southbound trains do not run on Sunday. The 5:30 north-
bound runs thirty minutes late Saturday and Sunday; run to
Marion only.
-Southbound- -Northbound-
Lv. Dela. Ar. Colum. Lv. Dela. Ar. Marion.
5:10 a.m. 6:18 a.m. 4:55 a.m. 5:55 a.m.
6:03 7:18 5:55 6:55
*7:03 8:18 6:55 7:55
*8:03 9:18 7:55 8:55
9:03 10:18 9:55 10:55
*10:03 11:18 11:55 12:55 p.m.
11:03 12:18 p.m. 1:55 p.m. 2:55
*12:03 p.m. 1:18 3:55 4:55
1:03 2:18 5:55 6:55
*2:03 3:18 7:55 8:55
3:03 4:18 9:55 10:55
*4:03 5:18 Limited Cars.
5:03 6:18 9:03 a.m. 9:50 a.m.
*6:03 7:18 1:03 p.m. 1:50 p.m.
7:03 8:18 5:03 5:50
*8:03 9:18
9:03 10:18
*10:03 11:18
Limited Cars.
6:48 a.m. 7:45 a.m.
8:48 9:45
12:48 p.m. 1:45 p.m.
4:48 5:45
*These cars from Marion to Columbus make street stops in
North and South Delaware.
All regular cars leave Columbus on the half hour, from 6:30
a.m. to 10:30 p.m. The theater car leaves Columbus C., D. & M.
station at 11:20 p.m., reaching Delaware at 12:45 a.m.
[corresponds to page 13 of Delaware Blue Book]
Railway Time Tables.
Big Four--Westbound, 12:17 a.m., 5:52 a.m., 10:35 a.m., 3:08
p.m., 9:02 p.m. Eastbound, 2:50 a.m., 7:58 a.m., 12:26
p.m., 5:20 p.m., 10:13 p.m. Westbound train due at 10:35
and eastbound at 5:20 do not run on Sunday.
Springfield Branch--Leave Delaware 6:10 a.m., 3:20 p.m. Arrive
Delaware 12:20 p.m., 7:15 p.m. No trains on Sunday.
Pennsylvania--Southbound, 11:05 a.m., 8:51 p.m. Northbound,
7:42 a.m., 6:14 p.m.
Hocking Valley--Northbound, 7:01 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 3:31 p.m.,
5:30 p.m., 10:57 p.m. Southbound, 6:21 a.m., 8:00 a.m.,
11:00 a.m., 1:56 p.m., 8:00 p.m. The 7:01 northbound and
1:56 southbound trains do not run on Sunday. The 5:30 north-
bound runs thirty minutes late Saturday and Sunday; run to
Marion only.
-Southbound- -Northbound-
Lv. Dela. Ar. Colum. Lv. Dela. Ar. Marion.
5:10 a.m. 6:18 a.m. 4:55 a.m. 5:55 a.m.
6:03 7:18 5:55 6:55
*7:03 8:18 6:55 7:55
*8:03 9:18 7:55 8:55
9:03 10:18 9:55 10:55
*10:03 11:18 11:55 12:55 p.m.
11:03 12:18 p.m. 1:55 p.m. 2:55
*12:03 p.m. 1:18 3:55 4:55
1:03 2:18 5:55 6:55
*2:03 3:18 7:55 8:55
3:03 4:18 9:55 10:55
*4:03 5:18 Limited Cars.
5:03 6:18 9:03 a.m. 9:50 a.m.
*6:03 7:18 1:03 p.m. 1:50 p.m.
7:03 8:18 5:03 5:50
*8:03 9:18
9:03 10:18
*10:03 11:18
Limited Cars.
6:48 a.m. 7:45 a.m.
8:48 9:45
12:48 p.m. 1:45 p.m.
4:48 5:45
*These cars from Marion to Columbus make street stops in
North and South Delaware.
All regular cars leave Columbus on the half hour, from 6:30
a.m. to 10:30 p.m. The theater car leaves Columbus C., D. & M.
station at 11:20 p.m., reaching Delaware at 12:45 a.m.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of Delaware Blue Book]
Those Who Know Delaware, Also
Know the Quality of
Jewelry, Watches and
Young's Jewelry
Special attention to repair work,
and the quality is guaranteed, be-
cause we do it ourselves.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 14 of Delaware Blue Book]
Those Who Know Delaware, Also
Know the Quality of
Jewelry, Watches and
Young's Jewelry
Special attention to repair work,
and the quality is guaranteed, be-
cause we do it ourselves.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 15 of Delaware Blue Book]
Limited cars leave Columbus at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m.,
stopping at North Columbus, Worthington, Delaware, Prospect and
Marion. Radnor is a signal stop. Limiteds do not run on Sundays
nor holidays, but there is hourly service to Marion on such days.
Regular cars stop at almost all streets crossed in Columbus, Dela-
ware and Marion.
Northbound--Leave Delaware 7:56 a.m., 8:26 a.m., 12:56 p.m.,
3:26 p.m., 5:56 p.m. and 8:26 p.m.
Southbound--Arrive Delaware 7:45 a.m., 10:25 a.m., 12:55 p.m.,
3:25 p.m., 5:55 p.m. and 8:25 p.m.
The distance to Magnetic Springs is 13 miles and to Richwood
18 miles.
Delaware City Officials.
Bert V. Leas (D.), Mayor. Arthur J. White (R.), Solicitor.
H.L. Eliot (R.), Vice Mayor F.D. King (R.), Auditor.
J. Windsor Cone (D.), Treasurer.
Herbert L. Eliot (R.), Pres. Robt. Parker, Jr. (D.), Pres. pro tem.
F.D. King (R.), Clerk.
Members-at-large, George G. Whitehead (D.), Henry Freese (D.),
William A. Howald (D.). First ward, C.W. Chidester (R.);
Second ward, C. C. Dunlap (R.); Third ward, William Hanra-
han (D.); Fourth ward, Robert Parker, Jr. (D.).
Standing Committees of Council--Finance, Dunlap, Parker, White-
head; service, Parker, Dunlap, Freese; safety, Freese, Chidester,
Whitehead; law and ordinance, Whitehead, Howald, Hanrahan;
claims, Chidester, Parker, Howald; sanitation, Hanrahan,
Freese, Dunlap; library, Howald, Chidester, Hanrahan. Regular
meeting, first Monday evening of each month.
Stephen Potter, director of public service; I. E. Martin, clerk; George
S. Irwin, engineer; Clarence Hazelton, street commissioner;
William Wohlheater, custodian city building.
A. J. Willey, director of public safety; F. D. King, clerk; James
Spaulding, chief of police; Charles Keiser, chief of city fire de-
Bert V. Leas, chairman ex-officio; F. D. King, clerk; Stephen Potter,
A. J. Willey.
Bert V. Leas, chairman ex-officio; F. V. Miller, health officer and
clerk; A. K. Harmount, J. J. McGough, George Firtch, Joseph
Schweitzer, Charles C. Smith.
[corresponds to page 15 of Delaware Blue Book]
Limited cars leave Columbus at 8 a.m., 12 noon and 4 p.m.,
stopping at North Columbus, Worthington, Delaware, Prospect and
Marion. Radnor is a signal stop. Limiteds do not run on Sundays
nor holidays, but there is hourly service to Marion on such days.
Regular cars stop at almost all streets crossed in Columbus, Dela-
ware and Marion.
Northbound--Leave Delaware 7:56 a.m., 8:26 a.m., 12:56 p.m.,
3:26 p.m., 5:56 p.m. and 8:26 p.m.
Southbound--Arrive Delaware 7:45 a.m., 10:25 a.m., 12:55 p.m.,
3:25 p.m., 5:55 p.m. and 8:25 p.m.
The distance to Magnetic Springs is 13 miles and to Richwood
18 miles.
Delaware City Officials.
Bert V. Leas (D.), Mayor. Arthur J. White (R.), Solicitor.
H.L. Eliot (R.), Vice Mayor F.D. King (R.), Auditor.
J. Windsor Cone (D.), Treasurer.
Herbert L. Eliot (R.), Pres. Robt. Parker, Jr. (D.), Pres. pro tem.
F.D. King (R.), Clerk.
Members-at-large, George G. Whitehead (D.), Henry Freese (D.),
William A. Howald (D.). First ward, C.W. Chidester (R.);
Second ward, C. C. Dunlap (R.); Third ward, William Hanra-
han (D.); Fourth ward, Robert Parker, Jr. (D.).
Standing Committees of Council--Finance, Dunlap, Parker, White-
head; service, Parker, Dunlap, Freese; safety, Freese, Chidester,
Whitehead; law and ordinance, Whitehead, Howald, Hanrahan;
claims, Chidester, Parker, Howald; sanitation, Hanrahan,
Freese, Dunlap; library, Howald, Chidester, Hanrahan. Regular
meeting, first Monday evening of each month.
Stephen Potter, director of public service; I. E. Martin, clerk; George
S. Irwin, engineer; Clarence Hazelton, street commissioner;
William Wohlheater, custodian city building.
A. J. Willey, director of public safety; F. D. King, clerk; James
Spaulding, chief of police; Charles Keiser, chief of city fire de-
Bert V. Leas, chairman ex-officio; F. D. King, clerk; Stephen Potter,
A. J. Willey.
Bert V. Leas, chairman ex-officio; F. V. Miller, health officer and
clerk; A. K. Harmount, J. J. McGough, George Firtch, Joseph
Schweitzer, Charles C. Smith.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of Delaware Blue Book]
You don't need a hand book
to secure the best values in
House Furnishings
If you buy of
& Noble
40-42 S. Sandusky Street
All kinds of FURNITURE, "from the
cheapest that's good to the best that's made."
The largest line of LACE CURTAINS
and DRAPERIES in the city.
A complete line of all makes of STOVES
and RANGES, including the famous Majestic
Malleable Ranges, charcoal iron body.
Exclusive agents for the Whittall line of
No matter what it is you want
for the furnishing of your home,
see us before you buy.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 16 of Delaware Blue Book]
You don't need a hand book
to secure the best values in
House Furnishings
If you buy of
& Noble
40-42 S. Sandusky Street
All kinds of FURNITURE, "from the
cheapest that's good to the best that's made."
The largest line of LACE CURTAINS
and DRAPERIES in the city.
A complete line of all makes of STOVES
and RANGES, including the famous Majestic
Malleable Ranges, charcoal iron body.
Exclusive agents for the Whittall line of
No matter what it is you want
for the furnishing of your home,
see us before you buy.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 of Delaware Blue Book]
[map of Delaware County townships and towns, with bordering counties labeled]
J. and W
[corresponds to unlabeled page 17 of Delaware Blue Book]
[map of Delaware County townships and towns, with bordering counties labeled]
J. and W
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Delaware Blue Book]
Sinking Fund Trustees--C. E. Kuhlthau, Paul Bliss, E. R. Wil-
liams, W. F. Thompson.
Civil Service Commission--James Neville, H. T. Main, B. P. Benton.
Trustees Carnegie Library--V. D. Stayman, C. W. Wiles, George H.
Carter, W. M. Heseltine, H. T. Main, T. J. Griffin, D. H. Batten-
field, clerk.
Board of Education--G. J. Hoffman, president; D. E. Hughs, secre-
tary; E. M. Semans.
City School Examiners--William McK. Vance, John A. Shoemaker,
Henry T. Main.
United States Distributing Agent for Delaware--E. I. Pollock.
Deputy City Auditor--Miss Rena Swickheimer.
Night Captain Police--William Pickett.
Sanitary Policeman--Joseph Hartsough.
Sanitary Contractor--James Gatton.
Keeper of the Royal Pound--James Jamison.
Police--James Spaulding, chief; Frank vining, night captain.
Officers, William Pickett, Charles Ruder, Frank Pliickebaum,
Jr., and William Wilson.
Number of arrests in past five years: 1908, 357; 1909, 238;
1910, 214; 1911, 243; 1912, 317. February and April seem to be
the most peaceable months, while police are busiest in July. The
1912 record by months is as follows: January, 21; February, 17;
March 25; April, 21; May, 28; June, 27; July, 45; August, 26; Sep-
tember, 24; October, 31; November, 21; December, 31.
Fire Department--Chief, Charles Keiser. Captain Frank Amrine,
Firemen Sam Jones and Rollie Morey, Central department;
Captain Clive Dall, Fireman Earl Amrine, East Side depart-
ment. Combination automobile fire truck and motor equipment
for hook and ladder wagon added to Central station in spring
of 1913. There were forty alarms in 1912, with total damage
of but $8,560. In 1911 there were but 33 alarms, while in 1910
there were 51. December is the worst month for fires.
Mayor, $1,000 per annum; vice mayor, $75 per annum; city so-
licitor, $500 per annum; city auditor, $900 per annum; city treas-
urer, $480 per annum; city councilman, $60 per annum; service
director, $500 per annum; safety director, $200 per annum; clerk of
board of control, $100 per annum; clerk to service director, $140
per annum; clerk to safety director, $100 per annum; city engineer,
$4.50 per day; clerk of council, $300 per annum; street commis-
sioner, $800 per annum; health officer, $600 per annum; sanitary
policeman, $57 per month; city fireman, $57 per month; chief of fire
department, $70 per month; city police, $57 per month; captain of
police, $62 per month; chief of police, $70 per month; custodian of
city building, $50 per month; street laborers, graded from $1.75 to
$2.50 per day; white wings, $26 per month; dog catcher, 50 cents
each for dogs, 25 cents each for cats. Clerkships bring the salary of
the city auditor to a more reasonable figure than the nominal $900,
as seen by the above payroll.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Delaware Blue Book]
Sinking Fund Trustees--C. E. Kuhlthau, Paul Bliss, E. R. Wil-
liams, W. F. Thompson.
Civil Service Commission--James Neville, H. T. Main, B. P. Benton.
Trustees Carnegie Library--V. D. Stayman, C. W. Wiles, George H.
Carter, W. M. Heseltine, H. T. Main, T. J. Griffin, D. H. Batten-
field, clerk.
Board of Education--G. J. Hoffman, president; D. E. Hughs, secre-
tary; E. M. Semans.
City School Examiners--William McK. Vance, John A. Shoemaker,
Henry T. Main.
United States Distributing Agent for Delaware--E. I. Pollock.
Deputy City Auditor--Miss Rena Swickheimer.
Night Captain Police--William Pickett.
Sanitary Policeman--Joseph Hartsough.
Sanitary Contractor--James Gatton.
Keeper of the Royal Pound--James Jamison.
Police--James Spaulding, chief; Frank vining, night captain.
Officers, William Pickett, Charles Ruder, Frank Pliickebaum,
Jr., and William Wilson.
Number of arrests in past five years: 1908, 357; 1909, 238;
1910, 214; 1911, 243; 1912, 317. February and April seem to be
the most peaceable months, while police are busiest in July. The
1912 record by months is as follows: January, 21; February, 17;
March 25; April, 21; May, 28; June, 27; July, 45; August, 26; Sep-
tember, 24; October, 31; November, 21; December, 31.
Fire Department--Chief, Charles Keiser. Captain Frank Amrine,
Firemen Sam Jones and Rollie Morey, Central department;
Captain Clive Dall, Fireman Earl Amrine, East Side depart-
ment. Combination automobile fire truck and motor equipment
for hook and ladder wagon added to Central station in spring
of 1913. There were forty alarms in 1912, with total damage
of but $8,560. In 1911 there were but 33 alarms, while in 1910
there were 51. December is the worst month for fires.
Mayor, $1,000 per annum; vice mayor, $75 per annum; city so-
licitor, $500 per annum; city auditor, $900 per annum; city treas-
urer, $480 per annum; city councilman, $60 per annum; service
director, $500 per annum; safety director, $200 per annum; clerk of
board of control, $100 per annum; clerk to service director, $140
per annum; clerk to safety director, $100 per annum; city engineer,
$4.50 per day; clerk of council, $300 per annum; street commis-
sioner, $800 per annum; health officer, $600 per annum; sanitary
policeman, $57 per month; city fireman, $57 per month; chief of fire
department, $70 per month; city police, $57 per month; captain of
police, $62 per month; chief of police, $70 per month; custodian of
city building, $50 per month; street laborers, graded from $1.75 to
$2.50 per day; white wings, $26 per month; dog catcher, 50 cents
each for dogs, 25 cents each for cats. Clerkships bring the salary of
the city auditor to a more reasonable figure than the nominal $900,
as seen by the above payroll.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 17 of Delaware Blue Book]
Athletic Records.
Wesleyan ...............61 Buchtel ...............14
Wesleyan ...............13 Colgate ...............39
Wesleyan ...............19 St. Lawrence ..........33
Wesleyan ...............12 Rochester .............37
Wesleyan ...............11 Allegheny .............41
Wesleyan ...............20 Ohio State ............23
Wesleyan ...............32 Cincinnati ............24
Wesleyan ...............38 Wittenberg ............17
Wesleyan ...............39 Ohio University .......27
Wesleyan ...............35 Rochester .............25
Wesleyan ...............36 Denison ...............25
Wesleyan ...............36 Western Reserve .......26
Wesleyan ...............29 Wooster ...............25
Wesleyan ...............30 Wooster ...............25
Wesleyan ...............63 Cincinnati ............22
Wesleyan ...............28 Allegheny .............18
Wesleyan ...............47 Denison ...............25
Wesleyan ...............33 Ohio State ............15
__ __
Wesleyan ..............582 Opponents .............470
Wesleyan ...............5 Ohio Medics ...............4
Wesleyan ...............2 Western Reserve ...........8
Wesleyan ...............2 Kentucky ..................5
Wesleyan ...............2 Michigan Ags. .............1
Wesleyan ...............3 Michigan ..................8
Wesleyan ...............1 Wooster ...................2
Wesleyan ...............3 Case ......................2
Wesleyan ...............8 Washington and Jefferson ..7
Wesleyan ...............3 West Virginia .............2
Wesleyan ...............2 Michigan Ags ..............5
Wesleyan ...............5 Ohio State ................8
Wesleyan ...............3 Ohio State ................0
Wesleyan ...............5 Otterbein .................2
Wesleyan ...............6 Ohio University ...........3
Wesleyan ...............4 Ohio University ...........5
Wesleyan ...............5 Wooster ...................2
*Wesleyan .............10 Alumni ...................11
Wesleyan ...............6 Denison ...................2
Wesleyan ...............1 Muskingum ................12
Wesleyan ...............8 Oberlin ...................5
__ __
Wesleyan ...............84 Opponents ................94
*Post season series of four games.
[corresponds to page 17 of Delaware Blue Book]
Athletic Records.
Wesleyan ...............61 Buchtel ...............14
Wesleyan ...............13 Colgate ...............39
Wesleyan ...............19 St. Lawrence ..........33
Wesleyan ...............12 Rochester .............37
Wesleyan ...............11 Allegheny .............41
Wesleyan ...............20 Ohio State ............23
Wesleyan ...............32 Cincinnati ............24
Wesleyan ...............38 Wittenberg ............17
Wesleyan ...............39 Ohio University .......27
Wesleyan ...............35 Rochester .............25
Wesleyan ...............36 Denison ...............25
Wesleyan ...............36 Western Reserve .......26
Wesleyan ...............29 Wooster ...............25
Wesleyan ...............30 Wooster ...............25
Wesleyan ...............63 Cincinnati ............22
Wesleyan ...............28 Allegheny .............18
Wesleyan ...............47 Denison ...............25
Wesleyan ...............33 Ohio State ............15
__ __
Wesleyan ..............582 Opponents .............470
Wesleyan ...............5 Ohio Medics ...............4
Wesleyan ...............2 Western Reserve ...........8
Wesleyan ...............2 Kentucky ..................5
Wesleyan ...............2 Michigan Ags. .............1
Wesleyan ...............3 Michigan ..................8
Wesleyan ...............1 Wooster ...................2
Wesleyan ...............3 Case ......................2
Wesleyan ...............8 Washington and Jefferson ..7
Wesleyan ...............3 West Virginia .............2
Wesleyan ...............2 Michigan Ags ..............5
Wesleyan ...............5 Ohio State ................8
Wesleyan ...............3 Ohio State ................0
Wesleyan ...............5 Otterbein .................2
Wesleyan ...............6 Ohio University ...........3
Wesleyan ...............4 Ohio University ...........5
Wesleyan ...............5 Wooster ...................2
*Wesleyan .............10 Alumni ...................11
Wesleyan ...............6 Denison ...................2
Wesleyan ...............1 Muskingum ................12
Wesleyan ...............8 Oberlin ...................5
__ __
Wesleyan ...............84 Opponents ................94
*Post season series of four games.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Music Center of Delaware
Piano buyers are pleased with
every phase of their purchase here
[image of three people and pianos in a store]
The Chute & Butler
Music Store
K. C. FERGUSON, Manager
30 South Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio
Phone No. 91 for Expert Tuning and Repairing.
McKinley and Carl Fischer Edition of Sheet Music.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 18 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Music Center of Delaware
Piano buyers are pleased with
every phase of their purchase here
[image of three people and pianos in a store]
The Chute & Butler
Music Store
K. C. FERGUSON, Manager
30 South Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio
Phone No. 91 for Expert Tuning and Repairing.
McKinley and Carl Fischer Edition of Sheet Music.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 19 of Delaware Blue Book]
Wesleyan ..................16 Otterbein ..................0
Wesleyan ...................6 Denison ...................19
Wesleyan ...................8 Ohio University ............6
Wesleyan ...................7 Oberlin ...................48
Wesleyan ...................6 Case ......................19
Wesleyan ...................0 Michigan Ags. .............46
Wesleyan ..................20 Wooster ....................7
Wesleyan ...................0 Reserve ....................7
Wesleyan ...................6 Ohio State ................39
___ ___
Wesleyan ..................69 Opponents .................191
Delaware H.S. .............33 Alumni ...................27
Delaware H.S. ............111 Ashley ...................11
Delaware H.S. .............64 Mutes ....................18
Delaware H.S. .............70 Worthington ..............19
Delaware H.S. .............46 Company K ................26
Delaware H.S. .............43 Galion ....................7
Delaware H.S. .............33 Stivers ..................19
Delaware H.S. .............46 Marion ...................20
Delaware H.S. .............35 Newark ...................25
Delaware H.S. .............38 Lancaster ................22
Delaware H.S. .............33 Plain City ...............22
Delaware H.S. .............38 Kingston .................12
Delaware H.S. .............34 Crestline .................5
Delaware H.S. .............25 Springfield ..............23
Delaware H.S. .............10 Findlay ..................22
Delaware H.S. .............15 Springfield ..............16
___ ___
Delaware H.S. ............674 Opponents ...............294
Delaware H.S. .............7 Alumni ..................6
Delaware H.S. .............7 Galion ..................3
Delaware H.S. .............6 Marion ..................9
Delaware H.S. .............10 Galion ..................3
Delaware H.S. .............6 Marion ..................1
Delaware H.S. .............5 Mt. Gilead ..............8
Delaware H.S. .............8 Mt. Gilead .............11
___ ___
Delaware H.S. .............49 Opponents ..............41
Delaware H.S. .............14 Alumni ..................0
Delaware H.S. .............53 Mt. Gilead ..............0
Delaware H.S. .............13 Columbus East ...........7
Delaware H.S. ............101 Crestline ...............7
Delaware H.S. .............62 Doane Academy ...........0
Delaware H.S. ..............6 Ohio Wesleyan Freshmen ..0
Delaware H.S. .............25 Mt. Gilead ..............6
[corresponds to page 19 of Delaware Blue Book]
Wesleyan ..................16 Otterbein ..................0
Wesleyan ...................6 Denison ...................19
Wesleyan ...................8 Ohio University ............6
Wesleyan ...................7 Oberlin ...................48
Wesleyan ...................6 Case ......................19
Wesleyan ...................0 Michigan Ags. .............46
Wesleyan ..................20 Wooster ....................7
Wesleyan ...................0 Reserve ....................7
Wesleyan ...................6 Ohio State ................39
___ ___
Wesleyan ..................69 Opponents .................191
Delaware H.S. .............33 Alumni ...................27
Delaware H.S. ............111 Ashley ...................11
Delaware H.S. .............64 Mutes ....................18
Delaware H.S. .............70 Worthington ..............19
Delaware H.S. .............46 Company K ................26
Delaware H.S. .............43 Galion ....................7
Delaware H.S. .............33 Stivers ..................19
Delaware H.S. .............46 Marion ...................20
Delaware H.S. .............35 Newark ...................25
Delaware H.S. .............38 Lancaster ................22
Delaware H.S. .............33 Plain City ...............22
Delaware H.S. .............38 Kingston .................12
Delaware H.S. .............34 Crestline .................5
Delaware H.S. .............25 Springfield ..............23
Delaware H.S. .............10 Findlay ..................22
Delaware H.S. .............15 Springfield ..............16
___ ___
Delaware H.S. ............674 Opponents ...............294
Delaware H.S. .............7 Alumni ..................6
Delaware H.S. .............7 Galion ..................3
Delaware H.S. .............6 Marion ..................9
Delaware H.S. .............10 Galion ..................3
Delaware H.S. .............6 Marion ..................1
Delaware H.S. .............5 Mt. Gilead ..............8
Delaware H.S. .............8 Mt. Gilead .............11
___ ___
Delaware H.S. .............49 Opponents ..............41
Delaware H.S. .............14 Alumni ..................0
Delaware H.S. .............53 Mt. Gilead ..............0
Delaware H.S. .............13 Columbus East ...........7
Delaware H.S. ............101 Crestline ...............7
Delaware H.S. .............62 Doane Academy ...........0
Delaware H.S. ..............6 Ohio Wesleyan Freshmen ..0
Delaware H.S. .............25 Mt. Gilead ..............6
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of Delaware Blue Book]
Makers of High Grade Photos
and Portraits
The Largest and Best Equipped
Studio in the City.
Opposite College Campus.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 20 of Delaware Blue Book]
Makers of High Grade Photos
and Portraits
The Largest and Best Equipped
Studio in the City.
Opposite College Campus.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 21 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware H.S. .............14 Columbus North .............0
Delaware H.S. .............45 Cleveland Central ..........0
___ ___
Delaware H.S. ............333 Opponents ..................13
Company K .................21 Marysville Crescents .......15
Company K .................60 Dublin .....................13
Company K ..................5 New Straitsville ...........48
Company K .................29 Columbus Independents .......1
Company K .................18 Ashville ...................40
Company K .................41 Kenton Independents ........14
Company K .................19 Marysville .................55
Company K .................10 Plain City .................26
Company K .................12 Plain City .................50
Company K .................12 Delaware Reps. .............32
Company K .................47 Big Four ....................6
Company K .................42 Northern Blues .............20
Company K .................24 Marysville .................15
Company K .................11 Delaware Reps. .............32
Company K .................35 O.S.U. Sophomores ..........24
Company K .................15 Northern Blues .............44
Company K .................37 Columbus Reps. .............10
Company K .................17 Marysville .................54
Company K .................15 Dublin .....................17
____ ____
Company K ................470 Opponents .................516
Common Pleas Judicial--First subdivision, sixth district, Dela-
ware, Licking and Knox counties. Judges, H. W. Jewell, Delaware,
and T. B. Fulton, Newark.
Circuit Judicial--Fifth circuit, Delaware, Ashland, Morrow,
Richland, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Perry, Morgan, Muskingum, Co-
shocton, Holmes, Wayne, Stark and Tuscarawas counties. Judges,
Voorhees of Coshocton, Shields of Canton and Powell of Morrow.
F. M. Marriott, Delaware, ended the short term February 9, being
succeeded by L. K. Powell of Mt. Gilead.
Senatorial--Fifteenth-sixteenth, Delaware, Licking, Muskingum
and Perry counties. Hon. W. E. Haas, Delaware, second term.
Congressional--Eighth district, Delaware, Hancock, Hardin,
Logan, Champaign and Union counties. Hon. Frank B. Willis, na-
tive of Delaware, but later of Ada, second term.
Hon. F. M. Marriott, ex-judge of the circuit court, was Dela-
ware county's representative at the Fourth Ohio Constitutional Con-
vention held in Columbus the first half of 1912.
Court of Appeals--Voorhees, Shields, Powell; May 27, Nov. 25.
Common Pleas--Jewell, Fulton; Jan. 6, April 7, Sept. 15.
[corresponds to page 21 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware H.S. .............14 Columbus North .............0
Delaware H.S. .............45 Cleveland Central ..........0
___ ___
Delaware H.S. ............333 Opponents ..................13
Company K .................21 Marysville Crescents .......15
Company K .................60 Dublin .....................13
Company K ..................5 New Straitsville ...........48
Company K .................29 Columbus Independents .......1
Company K .................18 Ashville ...................40
Company K .................41 Kenton Independents ........14
Company K .................19 Marysville .................55
Company K .................10 Plain City .................26
Company K .................12 Plain City .................50
Company K .................12 Delaware Reps. .............32
Company K .................47 Big Four ....................6
Company K .................42 Northern Blues .............20
Company K .................24 Marysville .................15
Company K .................11 Delaware Reps. .............32
Company K .................35 O.S.U. Sophomores ..........24
Company K .................15 Northern Blues .............44
Company K .................37 Columbus Reps. .............10
Company K .................17 Marysville .................54
Company K .................15 Dublin .....................17
____ ____
Company K ................470 Opponents .................516
Common Pleas Judicial--First subdivision, sixth district, Dela-
ware, Licking and Knox counties. Judges, H. W. Jewell, Delaware,
and T. B. Fulton, Newark.
Circuit Judicial--Fifth circuit, Delaware, Ashland, Morrow,
Richland, Knox, Licking, Fairfield, Perry, Morgan, Muskingum, Co-
shocton, Holmes, Wayne, Stark and Tuscarawas counties. Judges,
Voorhees of Coshocton, Shields of Canton and Powell of Morrow.
F. M. Marriott, Delaware, ended the short term February 9, being
succeeded by L. K. Powell of Mt. Gilead.
Senatorial--Fifteenth-sixteenth, Delaware, Licking, Muskingum
and Perry counties. Hon. W. E. Haas, Delaware, second term.
Congressional--Eighth district, Delaware, Hancock, Hardin,
Logan, Champaign and Union counties. Hon. Frank B. Willis, na-
tive of Delaware, but later of Ada, second term.
Hon. F. M. Marriott, ex-judge of the circuit court, was Dela-
ware county's representative at the Fourth Ohio Constitutional Con-
vention held in Columbus the first half of 1912.
Court of Appeals--Voorhees, Shields, Powell; May 27, Nov. 25.
Common Pleas--Jewell, Fulton; Jan. 6, April 7, Sept. 15.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 22 of Delaware Blue Book]
Gilbert's Bakery
Made from pure full cream milk. We have a fine line of appe-
tizing Cakes, Cream Puffs, Cookies, Cinnamon Rolls, Dough-
nuts, etc.
Our customers are satisfied with the quality of our home-
baked goods. Join in and help boost Delaware products.
Gilbert's Bakery
Established 1862
Shoes that please mankind have to fit right, feel right, look
right and be PRICED right.
We, as shoe dealers, make it our highest aim to fill the
We buy our shoes of strong, well-known manufacturers,
who stand behind the goods. We stand behind the shoes we
In every department--Men's Women's and Children's--
we are strong. We want your trade. We extend a special in-
vitation for you to call and look over our shoes, whether you
are in the market or not. We issue premium tickets with
every sale.
B. W. Brown & Co.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 22 of Delaware Blue Book]
Gilbert's Bakery
Made from pure full cream milk. We have a fine line of appe-
tizing Cakes, Cream Puffs, Cookies, Cinnamon Rolls, Dough-
nuts, etc.
Our customers are satisfied with the quality of our home-
baked goods. Join in and help boost Delaware products.
Gilbert's Bakery
Established 1862
Shoes that please mankind have to fit right, feel right, look
right and be PRICED right.
We, as shoe dealers, make it our highest aim to fill the
We buy our shoes of strong, well-known manufacturers,
who stand behind the goods. We stand behind the shoes we
In every department--Men's Women's and Children's--
we are strong. We want your trade. We extend a special in-
vitation for you to call and look over our shoes, whether you
are in the market or not. We issue premium tickets with
every sale.
B. W. Brown & Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to page 23 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Street Directory.
The dividing line between streets east and west in Delaware is
Sandusky street, and between streets north and south is William
street. William street was designed as the main thoroughfare of the
city by its founders, and in the central section is sixty feet wide.
Natural conditions, primarily the natural route of traffic along the
old Sandusky trail, from Columbus to the lakes, made Sandusky the
business street of the city despite the original plans. Delaware has
115 streets and avenues, named as follows:
(Unless otherwise noted, the suffix "street" is correct.)
Ann--From East William south, second east of Big Four railroad.
Annette--From AEast Winter north to East Central avenue, second
east of river.
Bank--From Wade street east along Big Four railroad.
Belle Avenue--From Sandusky street west to the Liberty road, south
boundary of the corporation.
Berlin--From Vine street south to city limits.
Bern--From Pennsylvania avenue to Heffner street, sixth west of
Blymyer--From Lincoln avenue to city limits, second east of San-
Branch--North from Hayes street to Calm street.
Calm--From Frank street east to Branch street.
Campbell--North and south between West Central avenue and West
Lincoln avenue, sixth west of Sandusky--city car line.
Carlisle Avenue--North from Flax street, second west of Lake.
Catherine--From William to Winter, fourth west of Sandusky.
Central Avenue--East and west, second north of William.
Chamberlain--From Lake street east, second nroth of Big Four
Channing--From William street north, third east of Big Four.
Cheshire--From East William south, first east of Big Four railroad.
Chestnut--From Pennsylvania north to Heffner street, seventh west
of Sandusky.
Columbus Avenue--North and south between West William street
and Springfield branch of Big Four, second east of Hocking Val-
ley railroad.
Cottage--From Liberty west, first north of Central avenue.
Court--East and west, Sandusky to Franklin, between Courthouse
and Carnegie Library.
Curtis--From West William south, third west of Hocking Valley
[corresponds to page 23 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Street Directory.
The dividing line between streets east and west in Delaware is
Sandusky street, and between streets north and south is William
street. William street was designed as the main thoroughfare of the
city by its founders, and in the central section is sixty feet wide.
Natural conditions, primarily the natural route of traffic along the
old Sandusky trail, from Columbus to the lakes, made Sandusky the
business street of the city despite the original plans. Delaware has
115 streets and avenues, named as follows:
(Unless otherwise noted, the suffix "street" is correct.)
Ann--From East William south, second east of Big Four railroad.
Annette--From AEast Winter north to East Central avenue, second
east of river.
Bank--From Wade street east along Big Four railroad.
Belle Avenue--From Sandusky street west to the Liberty road, south
boundary of the corporation.
Berlin--From Vine street south to city limits.
Bern--From Pennsylvania avenue to Heffner street, sixth west of
Blymyer--From Lincoln avenue to city limits, second east of San-
Branch--North from Hayes street to Calm street.
Calm--From Frank street east to Branch street.
Campbell--North and south between West Central avenue and West
Lincoln avenue, sixth west of Sandusky--city car line.
Carlisle Avenue--North from Flax street, second west of Lake.
Catherine--From William to Winter, fourth west of Sandusky.
Central Avenue--East and west, second north of William.
Chamberlain--From Lake street east, second nroth of Big Four
Channing--From William street north, third east of Big Four.
Cheshire--From East William south, first east of Big Four railroad.
Chestnut--From Pennsylvania north to Heffner street, seventh west
of Sandusky.
Columbus Avenue--North and south between West William street
and Springfield branch of Big Four, second east of Hocking Val-
ley railroad.
Cottage--From Liberty west, first north of Central avenue.
Court--East and west, Sandusky to Franklin, between Courthouse
and Carnegie Library.
Curtis--From West William south, third west of Hocking Valley
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 24 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware
National Bank
Delaware, Ohio
The Oldest and Strongest Bank
In The County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
[corresponds to unlabeled page 24 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware
National Bank
Delaware, Ohio
The Oldest and Strongest Bank
In The County
Capital, Surplus and Profits
Safe Deposit Boxes
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to page 25 of Delaware Blue Book]
Eaton--From South Liberty west, third south of William.
Elizabeth--From West William street north to Central avenue, fifth
west of Sandusky.
Elm--From Kurrley street east, second south of William.
Euclid--From West Central avenue north, seventh west of Sandusky.
Fair Avenue--From Big Four railroad east, second north of East
Central avenue.
Flax--From Lybrand street east to Lake street, first north of East
Central avenue.
Forest Avenue--From Lincoln north to Heffner, first west of Liberty.
Fountain avenue--East and west, fourth north of William.
Frank--From East William south, between Big Four viaducts.
Franklin--North and south, first west of Sandusky.
Griswold--From North Franklin west to Euclid, first north of West
Central avenue.
Gruber--From West William south to Spring street, first west of
Hocking Valley railroad.
Hammond--From East Central avenue north, third east of Big Four
Harrison--East and west, between South Henry and South Liberty
streest, fifth south of William.
Hayes--Henry street to river and river to east corporation line, first
south of William.
Heffner--From Union to Euclid streets, fifth of William.
Henry--From East Central avenue, south to Olentangy avenue, sec-
ond east of Sandusky.
High--From South Liberty west to Noble, south of William.
Highland--South from Foutain [sic] avenue, second west of Liberty.
Hillyer Avenue--South from Wootring street, first east of Sandusky.
Hoyt Avenue--South from Wootring street, first east of Sandusky.
John--from Elizabeth street to Kign avenue, first north of William.
Joy Avenue--East from Lake street, fourth north of Central avenue.
King Avenue--From West William north to Central, first west of
Monnett Hall.
Kirkland--Pennsylvania to Heffner street, fifth west of Sandusky.
Kurrley--From East William south to Big Four railroad, third east
of railroad.
Lake--From East William north, first west of Big Four railroad.
Lewis--North and south between East William and East Winter, sec-
ond east of river.
Liberty--North and south, third west of Sandusky.
Lincoln--East and west, third north of William.
Little--North from William to Winter, first east of river.
Maple--East and west between Noble and David streets.
Mason Avenue--From Liberty to Euclid, first north of Fountain.
Montrose Avenue--South from West William street, third east of
Hocking Valley railroad.
Morning--Central avenue north, first west of Hocking Valley.
Neil--South from South street, first west of Liberty.
Noble--From Park avenue south to South street, fourth west of
[corresponds to page 25 of Delaware Blue Book]
Eaton--From South Liberty west, third south of William.
Elizabeth--From West William street north to Central avenue, fifth
west of Sandusky.
Elm--From Kurrley street east, second south of William.
Euclid--From West Central avenue north, seventh west of Sandusky.
Fair Avenue--From Big Four railroad east, second north of East
Central avenue.
Flax--From Lybrand street east to Lake street, first north of East
Central avenue.
Forest Avenue--From Lincoln north to Heffner, first west of Liberty.
Fountain avenue--East and west, fourth north of William.
Frank--From East William south, between Big Four viaducts.
Franklin--North and south, first west of Sandusky.
Griswold--From North Franklin west to Euclid, first north of West
Central avenue.
Gruber--From West William south to Spring street, first west of
Hocking Valley railroad.
Hammond--From East Central avenue north, third east of Big Four
Harrison--East and west, between South Henry and South Liberty
streest, fifth south of William.
Hayes--Henry street to river and river to east corporation line, first
south of William.
Heffner--From Union to Euclid streets, fifth of William.
Henry--From East Central avenue, south to Olentangy avenue, sec-
ond east of Sandusky.
High--From South Liberty west to Noble, south of William.
Highland--South from Foutain [sic] avenue, second west of Liberty.
Hillyer Avenue--South from Wootring street, first east of Sandusky.
Hoyt Avenue--South from Wootring street, first east of Sandusky.
John--from Elizabeth street to Kign avenue, first north of William.
Joy Avenue--East from Lake street, fourth north of Central avenue.
King Avenue--From West William north to Central, first west of
Monnett Hall.
Kirkland--Pennsylvania to Heffner street, fifth west of Sandusky.
Kurrley--From East William south to Big Four railroad, third east
of railroad.
Lake--From East William north, first west of Big Four railroad.
Lewis--North and south between East William and East Winter, sec-
ond east of river.
Liberty--North and south, third west of Sandusky.
Lincoln--East and west, third north of William.
Little--North from William to Winter, first east of river.
Maple--East and west between Noble and David streets.
Mason Avenue--From Liberty to Euclid, first north of Fountain.
Montrose Avenue--South from West William street, third east of
Hocking Valley railroad.
Morning--Central avenue north, first west of Hocking Valley.
Neil--South from South street, first west of Liberty.
Noble--From Park avenue south to South street, fourth west of
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 26 of Delaware Blue Book]
The "Echo"
Sanborn's BEST "The Garden
Coffees In Things to Ripe
and Teas Eat! Flavor"
J. HESSNAUER & CO., Makers
Delaware, Ohio.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 26 of Delaware Blue Book]
The "Echo"
Sanborn's BEST "The Garden
Coffees In Things to Ripe
and Teas Eat! Flavor"
J. HESSNAUER & CO., Makers
Delaware, Ohio.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to page 27 of Delaware Blue Book]
Oak--East from Potter, third north of William.
Oak Hill Avenue--From South Liberty west, first south of William.
Ohio--West from South Liberty, fifth south of William.
Olentangy Avenue--Sandusky east to river, sixth south of William.
Olentangy Street--South from west end of Prospect street.
Orchard Avenue--Sandusky east, fifth south of William.
Park Avenue--From Sandusky west, third south of William.
Parker--From East Central avenue north to Fair avenue, third east
of Big Four.
Pennsylvania Avenue--Sandusky weset, sixth north of William.
Perkins Avenue--William to Spring streets, second west of Hocking
Valley railroad.
Plum--South from Fountain avenue, first west of Liberty.
Potter--North and south, first east of Big Four railroad.
Prospect--From Lake street to river, second north of Central.
Railroad--From South Sandusky west along Springfield branch of
Big Four, fourth south of William.
Ralph--From Pennsylvania railroad to Wolfley street, first north of
Fountain avenue.
Reid--From Lake east to Channing, first north of Central avenue.
Renner--From Cheshire east along Big Four railroad.
Rheem--From Cheshire east, first south of William.
Richardson--From Central to William, second east of Big Four.
Ross--From South Liberty west, first south of Railroad.
Sandusky--North and south, the main street of the city, Columbus to
Marion and Sandusky road.
Sheldon--South from South street, third west of Liberty.
Smith--North and south, fourth east of Lake.
South--West from Sandusky, south of William.
Spencer--From Pennsylvania street to Heffner street, fourth west of
Spring--From South Sandusky west, first south of William.
State--From Hayes to Vining streets, first east of Berlin street.
Stillson--South from South street to Oak Grove Cemetery, second
west of Liberty.
Sweetzer Avenue--From Wootring street north, first east of San-
Tod Avenue--From Montrose avenue to Toledo street, first west of
Park avenue.
Toledo--From William street Springfield branch of Big Four, first
east of Hocking Valley railroad.
Union--North and South, first east from Sandusky street.
University Avenue--From Sandusky west, second south of William.
VanDeman Avenue--From West Central to Griswold, fifth west of
Vernon Avenue No. 1--North from Flax street, first west of Lake.
Vernon Avenue No. 2--East from Channing street, along Big Four.
Vining--From the river to east corporation line, second south of
Wade--From central avenue south to Big Four, fourth east of Big
Four railroad station.
Walnut No. 1--South from Hayes street, first east of Henry.
[corresponds to page 27 of Delaware Blue Book]
Oak--East from Potter, third north of William.
Oak Hill Avenue--From South Liberty west, first south of William.
Ohio--West from South Liberty, fifth south of William.
Olentangy Avenue--Sandusky east to river, sixth south of William.
Olentangy Street--South from west end of Prospect street.
Orchard Avenue--Sandusky east, fifth south of William.
Park Avenue--From Sandusky west, third south of William.
Parker--From East Central avenue north to Fair avenue, third east
of Big Four.
Pennsylvania Avenue--Sandusky weset, sixth north of William.
Perkins Avenue--William to Spring streets, second west of Hocking
Valley railroad.
Plum--South from Fountain avenue, first west of Liberty.
Potter--North and south, first east of Big Four railroad.
Prospect--From Lake street to river, second north of Central.
Railroad--From South Sandusky west along Springfield branch of
Big Four, fourth south of William.
Ralph--From Pennsylvania railroad to Wolfley street, first north of
Fountain avenue.
Reid--From Lake east to Channing, first north of Central avenue.
Renner--From Cheshire east along Big Four railroad.
Rheem--From Cheshire east, first south of William.
Richardson--From Central to William, second east of Big Four.
Ross--From South Liberty west, first south of Railroad.
Sandusky--North and south, the main street of the city, Columbus to
Marion and Sandusky road.
Sheldon--South from South street, third west of Liberty.
Smith--North and south, fourth east of Lake.
South--West from Sandusky, south of William.
Spencer--From Pennsylvania street to Heffner street, fourth west of
Spring--From South Sandusky west, first south of William.
State--From Hayes to Vining streets, first east of Berlin street.
Stillson--South from South street to Oak Grove Cemetery, second
west of Liberty.
Sweetzer Avenue--From Wootring street north, first east of San-
Tod Avenue--From Montrose avenue to Toledo street, first west of
Park avenue.
Toledo--From William street Springfield branch of Big Four, first
east of Hocking Valley railroad.
Union--North and South, first east from Sandusky street.
University Avenue--From Sandusky west, second south of William.
VanDeman Avenue--From West Central to Griswold, fifth west of
Vernon Avenue No. 1--North from Flax street, first west of Lake.
Vernon Avenue No. 2--East from Channing street, along Big Four.
Vining--From the river to east corporation line, second south of
Wade--From central avenue south to Big Four, fourth east of Big
Four railroad station.
Walnut No. 1--South from Hayes street, first east of Henry.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 30)
[page 30]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 28 of Delaware Blue Book]
Home-dressed Meats
Seal Shipt Oysters
Blue Points
Deliciously Cured Meats
-See The-
[corresponds to unlabeled page 28 of Delaware Blue Book]
Home-dressed Meats
Seal Shipt Oysters
Blue Points
Deliciously Cured Meats
-See The-
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 31)
[page 31]
[corresponds to page 29 of Delaware Blue Book]
Walnut No. 2--From Wilder to Joy, fifth east of Lake street.
Washington--North and south, second west of Sandusky.
Webb--From Reid street north to Wilder street, first east of Lake.
Weiser Avenue--East from Sandusky to Henry streets, fourth south
of William.
Welch--South from Fountain avenue, third east of Sandusky.
Wells--From Wilder to Joy, third east of Lake street.
Wilder--East from Lake, third north of Central avenue.
William--Main street east and west through city.
Willow--From Wilder to Joy, first east of Lake.
Wilmer--From Sandusky to Henry, first south of William.
Winter--East and west, first north of William.
Wolfley--North from Fountain avenue, third east of Sandusky.
Wootring--From Sandusky to Henry streets, third south of William.
County Towns.
Population, 1910, 431; 1900, 401; 1890, 357.
Postmaster, Martin L. Kalb; superintendent of schools, C. E.
Village officials--William C. Bovey (D.), mayor; John W.
Gabriel, clerk; Stanley McKittrick, treasurer; Edward McWade,
Harry W. Robinson, E. F. Stone, A. N. Jacobs, Cal Price, Jasper
Larcomb, councilmen; George P. Liggett, marshal; Earl N. Smart,
assistant marshal and health officer.
Population, 1910, 485; 1900, 464; 1890, 475.
Postmaster, Oatfield Whitney; superintendent of schools, Milton
Village officials--H. W. Stone (R.), mayor; Milton Utley, clerk;
Charles Armstrong, treasurer; C. D. VanHouten, A. C. Williams,
C. M. Wheaton, A. J. Cook, John Loar, Charles Beaver (resigned),
councilmen; Pearl Stanforth, marshal.
Population, 1910, 706; 1900, 700.
Postmaster, George H. Riley; superintendent of schools, W. C.
Village officials--L. E. Thomas (D.), mayor; George Richards
(R.), clerk; Frank Riley, treasurer; Luther Kirk, Daniel Drake,
Frank Pierce, Ray Watters, Thomas Wilcox and J. B. Lea, council-
men; Walter Shoemaker. marshal.
Figures compiled by Congressman F. B. Willis show that the
Eighth district of Ohio, of which Delaware county is a part, is the
largest wool producing region in the world.
[corresponds to page 29 of Delaware Blue Book]
Walnut No. 2--From Wilder to Joy, fifth east of Lake street.
Washington--North and south, second west of Sandusky.
Webb--From Reid street north to Wilder street, first east of Lake.
Weiser Avenue--East from Sandusky to Henry streets, fourth south
of William.
Welch--South from Fountain avenue, third east of Sandusky.
Wells--From Wilder to Joy, third east of Lake street.
Wilder--East from Lake, third north of Central avenue.
William--Main street east and west through city.
Willow--From Wilder to Joy, first east of Lake.
Wilmer--From Sandusky to Henry, first south of William.
Winter--East and west, first north of William.
Wolfley--North from Fountain avenue, third east of Sandusky.
Wootring--From Sandusky to Henry streets, third south of William.
County Towns.
Population, 1910, 431; 1900, 401; 1890, 357.
Postmaster, Martin L. Kalb; superintendent of schools, C. E.
Village officials--William C. Bovey (D.), mayor; John W.
Gabriel, clerk; Stanley McKittrick, treasurer; Edward McWade,
Harry W. Robinson, E. F. Stone, A. N. Jacobs, Cal Price, Jasper
Larcomb, councilmen; George P. Liggett, marshal; Earl N. Smart,
assistant marshal and health officer.
Population, 1910, 485; 1900, 464; 1890, 475.
Postmaster, Oatfield Whitney; superintendent of schools, Milton
Village officials--H. W. Stone (R.), mayor; Milton Utley, clerk;
Charles Armstrong, treasurer; C. D. VanHouten, A. C. Williams,
C. M. Wheaton, A. J. Cook, John Loar, Charles Beaver (resigned),
councilmen; Pearl Stanforth, marshal.
Population, 1910, 706; 1900, 700.
Postmaster, George H. Riley; superintendent of schools, W. C.
Village officials--L. E. Thomas (D.), mayor; George Richards
(R.), clerk; Frank Riley, treasurer; Luther Kirk, Daniel Drake,
Frank Pierce, Ray Watters, Thomas Wilcox and J. B. Lea, council-
men; Walter Shoemaker. marshal.
Figures compiled by Congressman F. B. Willis show that the
Eighth district of Ohio, of which Delaware county is a part, is the
largest wool producing region in the world.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 32)
[page 32]
[corresponds to unlabled page 30 of Delaware Blue Book]
Funeral Directors
Some (not our friends) advertise us as high-
priced. But are we?
Our record is based on the high quality of
our work, and on the very reasonable charges
which we have always made.
Ambulance Service Day or Night.
PHONE 268.
20 East William Street Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to unlabled page 30 of Delaware Blue Book]
Funeral Directors
Some (not our friends) advertise us as high-
priced. But are we?
Our record is based on the high quality of
our work, and on the very reasonable charges
which we have always made.
Ambulance Service Day or Night.
PHONE 268.
20 East William Street Delaware, Ohio
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 33)
[page 33]
[corresponds to page 31 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Industries.
C. & E. Shoe Company--East William street. Started operation
September, 1912. There are now 225 employes, with capacity
for 350 and a daily output of 200 dozen pairs of ladies' and chil-
dren's shoes. C. B. Wolfe is president, and there are factories
in Columbus and Marion, headquarters being in the former city.
The company employs 1,000 men and women, and, beginning
with the spring of 1913, operates an automobile truck between
the three points.
Cook Motor Company--Located west of Hocking Valley. Incor-
porated in 1901. Capital stock, $100,000. Makers of gas, gaso-
line, distillate, naphtha, alcohol and coal oil engines, stantionary
and portable. Fifty employes. Officers: L. L. Denison, presi-
dent and treasurer; H. W. Jewell, vice president; C. C. Stedman,
secretary and general manager. Directors: L. L. Denison,
H. W. Jewell, C. C. Stedman, C. Riddle, C. C. Dunlap, James
Ousey and G. Wirt.
Sunray Stove Company--North Union street. Incorporated Decem-
ber, 1908. Capital stock, $25,000. Makers of gas stoves,
ranges and heaters. Fifteen employes. Officers: S. S. Blair,
president; B. W. Hough, vice president; H. L. Eliot, secretary;
M. C. Russell, treasurer and general manager. Directors:
H. L. Eliot, M. C. Russell, B. W. Hough, S. S. Blair and W. H.
Scioto Lime and Stone Company--Plant at Klondyke. H. E. Kend-
rick, manager. Office, 9 New York Cash Store building.
Delaware Garment Company (formerly Delaware Underwear Com-
pany)--South Sandusky street. Incorporated 1903. Capital
stock, $100,000. Makers of wash dresses, skirts and flannellette
gowns. Local employes, 100. Another plant in Galion. Officers:
President, W. A. Morrison; vice president, F. M. Bauereis; sec-
retary-treasurer, J. L. Anderson; directors, officers and R. W.
Cellars and John A. Shoemaker.
Delaware Clay Manufacuring Company--Incorporated 1892. Cap-
ital stock, $250,000. Makers of hollow brick, hollow building
tile, drain tile, silo blocks, fireproofing. Officers: L. L. Deni-
son, president; C. W. Denison, vice president; Ann B. Denison,
secretary-treasurer; directors: L. L. Denison, C. W. Denison,
L. B. Denison, F. P. Hills and Anna B. Denison.
Delaware Ice Company--Incorporated 1904. Capital stock, $20,000.
Officers: Willard Galleher, president; F. P. Hills, vice presi-
dent; L. K. Galleher, secretary; W. B. Galleher, treasurer.
Directors: Officers and J. C. Swickheimer. Average annual
consumption of ice, 2,500 tons.
Automatic Incubator Company--James Ferguson, president; D. H.
Leas, secretary. Office, 15 East Central avenue.
Potter Cigar Box Factory--Located 17 West William street. W. H.
Potter, manager. Eight employes. Founded 1895.
[corresponds to page 31 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Industries.
C. & E. Shoe Company--East William street. Started operation
September, 1912. There are now 225 employes, with capacity
for 350 and a daily output of 200 dozen pairs of ladies' and chil-
dren's shoes. C. B. Wolfe is president, and there are factories
in Columbus and Marion, headquarters being in the former city.
The company employs 1,000 men and women, and, beginning
with the spring of 1913, operates an automobile truck between
the three points.
Cook Motor Company--Located west of Hocking Valley. Incor-
porated in 1901. Capital stock, $100,000. Makers of gas, gaso-
line, distillate, naphtha, alcohol and coal oil engines, stantionary
and portable. Fifty employes. Officers: L. L. Denison, presi-
dent and treasurer; H. W. Jewell, vice president; C. C. Stedman,
secretary and general manager. Directors: L. L. Denison,
H. W. Jewell, C. C. Stedman, C. Riddle, C. C. Dunlap, James
Ousey and G. Wirt.
Sunray Stove Company--North Union street. Incorporated Decem-
ber, 1908. Capital stock, $25,000. Makers of gas stoves,
ranges and heaters. Fifteen employes. Officers: S. S. Blair,
president; B. W. Hough, vice president; H. L. Eliot, secretary;
M. C. Russell, treasurer and general manager. Directors:
H. L. Eliot, M. C. Russell, B. W. Hough, S. S. Blair and W. H.
Scioto Lime and Stone Company--Plant at Klondyke. H. E. Kend-
rick, manager. Office, 9 New York Cash Store building.
Delaware Garment Company (formerly Delaware Underwear Com-
pany)--South Sandusky street. Incorporated 1903. Capital
stock, $100,000. Makers of wash dresses, skirts and flannellette
gowns. Local employes, 100. Another plant in Galion. Officers:
President, W. A. Morrison; vice president, F. M. Bauereis; sec-
retary-treasurer, J. L. Anderson; directors, officers and R. W.
Cellars and John A. Shoemaker.
Delaware Clay Manufacuring Company--Incorporated 1892. Cap-
ital stock, $250,000. Makers of hollow brick, hollow building
tile, drain tile, silo blocks, fireproofing. Officers: L. L. Deni-
son, president; C. W. Denison, vice president; Ann B. Denison,
secretary-treasurer; directors: L. L. Denison, C. W. Denison,
L. B. Denison, F. P. Hills and Anna B. Denison.
Delaware Ice Company--Incorporated 1904. Capital stock, $20,000.
Officers: Willard Galleher, president; F. P. Hills, vice presi-
dent; L. K. Galleher, secretary; W. B. Galleher, treasurer.
Directors: Officers and J. C. Swickheimer. Average annual
consumption of ice, 2,500 tons.
Automatic Incubator Company--James Ferguson, president; D. H.
Leas, secretary. Office, 15 East Central avenue.
Potter Cigar Box Factory--Located 17 West William street. W. H.
Potter, manager. Eight employes. Founded 1895.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 34)
[page 34]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 32 of Delaware Blue Book]
If You Want
Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Sand, Cement, Sash Doors,
Builders' Hardware, Paints and Oils or in fact
Anything That it Takes to
Construct a Building
Call Phone 575
-Or Better Still-
Come to Our Office
And Talk it Over.
Yard and Office West William Street, Near Hocking Valley Depot
[corresponds to unlabeled page 32 of Delaware Blue Book]
If You Want
Lumber, Lime, Plaster, Sand, Cement, Sash Doors,
Builders' Hardware, Paints and Oils or in fact
Anything That it Takes to
Construct a Building
Call Phone 575
-Or Better Still-
Come to Our Office
And Talk it Over.
Yard and Office West William Street, Near Hocking Valley Depot
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 35)
[page 35]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 33 of Delaware Blue Book]
Ohio Wesleyan University
Stands for the Best in Modern Education
[photo of Gray Chapel]
A building that is notable among the college buildings of the
United States.
Location, central and ideal.
Faculty, able and progressive.
Scholarship high.
Enrollment increasing.
Unexcelled physical equipment.
Atmosphere delightful.
Write to Pres. Herbert Welch, D.D., LL.D.
Delaware, Ohio, for Information.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 33 of Delaware Blue Book]
Ohio Wesleyan University
Stands for the Best in Modern Education
[photo of Gray Chapel]
A building that is notable among the college buildings of the
United States.
Location, central and ideal.
Faculty, able and progressive.
Scholarship high.
Enrollment increasing.
Unexcelled physical equipment.
Atmosphere delightful.
Write to Pres. Herbert Welch, D.D., LL.D.
Delaware, Ohio, for Information.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 36)
[page 36]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 34 of Delaware Blue Book]
Ohio Wesleyan University
Stands For the Best in Modern Education
[photo of Sanborn Hall]
One of the Best Equipped in the Central States.
Courses in Liberal Arts, Music, Fine
Arts, Engineering.
Academy for Those With Deficient Preparation.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 34 of Delaware Blue Book]
Ohio Wesleyan University
Stands For the Best in Modern Education
[photo of Sanborn Hall]
One of the Best Equipped in the Central States.
Courses in Liberal Arts, Music, Fine
Arts, Engineering.
Academy for Those With Deficient Preparation.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 37)
[page 37]
[corresponds to page 35 of Delaware Blue Book]
J. Hessnauer & Co.--Cigar manufacturers; started in 1880;
"Commercial," 5-cent, and "Lynette," 10-cent, chief brands; No. 25
South Sandusky street.
C. C. Dunlap--Lumber; started ten years ago; twenty-five em-
ployes; office on West William street, just west of Hocking Valley
National Fireproofing Company--Main offices at Pittsburg, Pa.,
this being one of thirty factories in the United States; opened on
East William street ten years ago; H. L. Eliot, manager; forty-five
H. J. McCulloguh & Co.--Started business here in 1853; retail
lumber yards; offices at 88 East Winter street, phone 52.
Delaware Creamery Company--W. Z. Evans, manager; manu-
facturers of ice cream, butter, ice, condensed milk, etc.; established
twelve years ago; heavy business throughout country, the payroll for
dairy products amounting to $60,000 annually.
A. C. Miller Sawmill--West off Lincoln avenue; twenty em-
ployes; in business ten years.
Electric Roller Milling Company--Organized March 23, 1904;
John F. Gaynor, president; Thomas J. Griffin, treasurer; J. G. Rosen-
thal, secretary; manufactureres "Electric" brand flour.
McKenzie Lumber Company--William McKenzie, manager.;
P. H. Said, secretary-treasurer; operate at Delaware, Ashley, Waldo,
Sunbury, Springfield and West Mansfield; wholesale and retail lum-
ber; 150 employes.
Riddle, Graff & Co.--Cigar manufacturers; founded in 1866;
Christian Riddle & Sons; leading brands, "El Delo," "Moss Agate,"
"No Deviation" and others; 130 employes.
White Sulphur Stone Company--George B. Christian, Sr., presi-
dent; B. F. Freshwater, vice president; George B. Christian, Jr., gen-
eral manager; J. F. Dombaugh, secretary-treasurer; O. P. Bird, su-
The four express companies doing business in Delaware county
are assessed a total of $15,000 on the personal property tax dupli-
cate. The American Express Company has the largest holdings,
while the United States company, with a small office at Peerless on
the Toledo & Ohio Central, is set down for but $20. Aside from this
the valuations are as follows:
American--Delaware, $3,610; Ashley, $2,030; Hyatts, $170;
Leonardsburg, $290; Lewis Center; $200; Meredith, $290; Ostran-
der, $270; Powell, $240; White Sulphur, $60. Total, $7,180.
Adams--Delaware, $1,400; Condit, $150; Galena, $310; Lewis
Center, $40; Norton, $40; Sunbury, $770. Total, $2,710.
Wells Fargo--Delaware, $2,300; Radnor, $40; Troy, $3,550.
Total, $5,890.
[corresponds to page 35 of Delaware Blue Book]
J. Hessnauer & Co.--Cigar manufacturers; started in 1880;
"Commercial," 5-cent, and "Lynette," 10-cent, chief brands; No. 25
South Sandusky street.
C. C. Dunlap--Lumber; started ten years ago; twenty-five em-
ployes; office on West William street, just west of Hocking Valley
National Fireproofing Company--Main offices at Pittsburg, Pa.,
this being one of thirty factories in the United States; opened on
East William street ten years ago; H. L. Eliot, manager; forty-five
H. J. McCulloguh & Co.--Started business here in 1853; retail
lumber yards; offices at 88 East Winter street, phone 52.
Delaware Creamery Company--W. Z. Evans, manager; manu-
facturers of ice cream, butter, ice, condensed milk, etc.; established
twelve years ago; heavy business throughout country, the payroll for
dairy products amounting to $60,000 annually.
A. C. Miller Sawmill--West off Lincoln avenue; twenty em-
ployes; in business ten years.
Electric Roller Milling Company--Organized March 23, 1904;
John F. Gaynor, president; Thomas J. Griffin, treasurer; J. G. Rosen-
thal, secretary; manufactureres "Electric" brand flour.
McKenzie Lumber Company--William McKenzie, manager.;
P. H. Said, secretary-treasurer; operate at Delaware, Ashley, Waldo,
Sunbury, Springfield and West Mansfield; wholesale and retail lum-
ber; 150 employes.
Riddle, Graff & Co.--Cigar manufacturers; founded in 1866;
Christian Riddle & Sons; leading brands, "El Delo," "Moss Agate,"
"No Deviation" and others; 130 employes.
White Sulphur Stone Company--George B. Christian, Sr., presi-
dent; B. F. Freshwater, vice president; George B. Christian, Jr., gen-
eral manager; J. F. Dombaugh, secretary-treasurer; O. P. Bird, su-
The four express companies doing business in Delaware county
are assessed a total of $15,000 on the personal property tax dupli-
cate. The American Express Company has the largest holdings,
while the United States company, with a small office at Peerless on
the Toledo & Ohio Central, is set down for but $20. Aside from this
the valuations are as follows:
American--Delaware, $3,610; Ashley, $2,030; Hyatts, $170;
Leonardsburg, $290; Lewis Center; $200; Meredith, $290; Ostran-
der, $270; Powell, $240; White Sulphur, $60. Total, $7,180.
Adams--Delaware, $1,400; Condit, $150; Galena, $310; Lewis
Center, $40; Norton, $40; Sunbury, $770. Total, $2,710.
Wells Fargo--Delaware, $2,300; Radnor, $40; Troy, $3,550.
Total, $5,890.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 38)
[page 38]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware, Ohio
Does a general Banking Business. Pays in-
terest on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates.
Banking rooms newly remodeled.
President--C. B. Austin
Vice President--B. F. Freshwater
Cashier--F. P. Hills
Assistant Cashier--J. H. Buck.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 36 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware, Ohio
Does a general Banking Business. Pays in-
terest on Savings Deposits and Time Certificates.
Banking rooms newly remodeled.
President--C. B. Austin
Vice President--B. F. Freshwater
Cashier--F. P. Hills
Assistant Cashier--J. H. Buck.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 39)
[page 39]
[corresponds to page 37 of Delaware Blue Book]
Under control Methodist Episcopal Church. Established 1844,
on grounds of famous Sulphur Spring and Mansion House. Mansion
House (Elliott Hall) original building. Ohio Wesleyan Female Col-
lege established at Monnett Hall 1853. Union effected and institu-
tion became co-educational 1877. Number of students first semester
1912-13, 1,103. Value of grounds and buildings, $1,000,000. In-
come producing endowment $900,000. Scholarship funds, etc.,
$200,000. Members of faculty, 65. Gray Chapel ranks as the finest
college building of the middle west; cost $180,000 when completed
1893. President board of trustees, Hon. D. S. Gray, Columbus; sec-
retary board of trustees, W. G. Hormell, Delaware, O.; president,
Dr. Herbert Welch, D.D., LL.D.; vice president, R. T. Stevenson,
B.D., Ph.D.; treasurer, B. E. Cartmell, B.A.; registrar, W. E.
Smyser, M.A.; dean of women, C. B. Austin; dean of school of ora-
tory, R. I. Fulton; principal academy, D. L. Edwards. Volumes in
library, June, 1912, 62,884.
Delaware National Bank--Assets (February 4, 1913), $737,659.09.
Officers: President and manager, E. I. Pollock; vice president,
T. M. Thomson; cashier, W. Brooks Galleher; directors, E. I.
Pollock, T. M. Thomson, T. J. Griffin, J. L. Anderson, J. O.
Gooding, C. G. Lewis, S. S. Blair.
Delaware Savings Bank Company--Assets (February 4, 1913),
$572,393.96. Officers: President, C. B. Austin; vice president,
B. F. Freshwater; cashier, F. P. Hills, W. H. Bodurtha, T. C.
Jones, L. L. Denison, B. F. Freshwater and Charles Brundige.
Deposit Banking Company--Assets (February 4, 1913), $612,663.66.
Officers: C. Riddle, president; R. G. Lybrand, vice president;
A. S. Conklin, cashier; H. W. Jones, assistant cashier; directors,
C. Riddle, George Cleveland, G. J. Hoffman, E. J. Healey, R. G.
Lybrand, A. S. Conklin, W. M. Heseltine.
First National Bank--Assets (February 4, 1913), $540,013.25.
Officers: M. Miller, president; H. W. Jewell, vice president;
George Powers, cashier; Robert Powers, assistant cashier;
directors, M. Miller, H. W. Jewell; J. D. VanDeman, R. K. Willis,
William M. Miller, G. W. Powers, George W. Thomas.
People's Building and Loan Company--Assets (January 31, 1913),
$920,224.27. Officers: President, C. Riddle; vice president,
R. G. Lybrand; secretary, H. C. Clippinger; directors, C. Rid-
dle, R. G. Lybrand, J. E. Campbell, J. H. Cunningham, T. J.
Griffin, B. F. Freshwater, James Ousey, William McKenzie and
R. J. Pumphrey.
Fidelity Building and Loan Company--Officers: D. H. Battenfield,
president; V. D. Stayman, vice president; Frank S. Watkins,
secretary; Robert B. Powers, treasurer; directors, D. H. Batten-
field, Dr. W. P. Caldwell, G. J. Hoffman, R. J. Cox, J. D. Van
Deman, M. Miller, E. P. Nash, F. J. R. Pfiffner, V. D. Stayman.
[corresponds to page 37 of Delaware Blue Book]
Under control Methodist Episcopal Church. Established 1844,
on grounds of famous Sulphur Spring and Mansion House. Mansion
House (Elliott Hall) original building. Ohio Wesleyan Female Col-
lege established at Monnett Hall 1853. Union effected and institu-
tion became co-educational 1877. Number of students first semester
1912-13, 1,103. Value of grounds and buildings, $1,000,000. In-
come producing endowment $900,000. Scholarship funds, etc.,
$200,000. Members of faculty, 65. Gray Chapel ranks as the finest
college building of the middle west; cost $180,000 when completed
1893. President board of trustees, Hon. D. S. Gray, Columbus; sec-
retary board of trustees, W. G. Hormell, Delaware, O.; president,
Dr. Herbert Welch, D.D., LL.D.; vice president, R. T. Stevenson,
B.D., Ph.D.; treasurer, B. E. Cartmell, B.A.; registrar, W. E.
Smyser, M.A.; dean of women, C. B. Austin; dean of school of ora-
tory, R. I. Fulton; principal academy, D. L. Edwards. Volumes in
library, June, 1912, 62,884.
Delaware National Bank--Assets (February 4, 1913), $737,659.09.
Officers: President and manager, E. I. Pollock; vice president,
T. M. Thomson; cashier, W. Brooks Galleher; directors, E. I.
Pollock, T. M. Thomson, T. J. Griffin, J. L. Anderson, J. O.
Gooding, C. G. Lewis, S. S. Blair.
Delaware Savings Bank Company--Assets (February 4, 1913),
$572,393.96. Officers: President, C. B. Austin; vice president,
B. F. Freshwater; cashier, F. P. Hills, W. H. Bodurtha, T. C.
Jones, L. L. Denison, B. F. Freshwater and Charles Brundige.
Deposit Banking Company--Assets (February 4, 1913), $612,663.66.
Officers: C. Riddle, president; R. G. Lybrand, vice president;
A. S. Conklin, cashier; H. W. Jones, assistant cashier; directors,
C. Riddle, George Cleveland, G. J. Hoffman, E. J. Healey, R. G.
Lybrand, A. S. Conklin, W. M. Heseltine.
First National Bank--Assets (February 4, 1913), $540,013.25.
Officers: M. Miller, president; H. W. Jewell, vice president;
George Powers, cashier; Robert Powers, assistant cashier;
directors, M. Miller, H. W. Jewell; J. D. VanDeman, R. K. Willis,
William M. Miller, G. W. Powers, George W. Thomas.
People's Building and Loan Company--Assets (January 31, 1913),
$920,224.27. Officers: President, C. Riddle; vice president,
R. G. Lybrand; secretary, H. C. Clippinger; directors, C. Rid-
dle, R. G. Lybrand, J. E. Campbell, J. H. Cunningham, T. J.
Griffin, B. F. Freshwater, James Ousey, William McKenzie and
R. J. Pumphrey.
Fidelity Building and Loan Company--Officers: D. H. Battenfield,
president; V. D. Stayman, vice president; Frank S. Watkins,
secretary; Robert B. Powers, treasurer; directors, D. H. Batten-
field, Dr. W. P. Caldwell, G. J. Hoffman, R. J. Cox, J. D. Van
Deman, M. Miller, E. P. Nash, F. J. R. Pfiffner, V. D. Stayman.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 40)
[page 40]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 38 of Delaware Blue Book]
1881 Your Money's Worth 1913
Your Money Back.
A Great Store for All the People.
New York Cash Store
Department Store. Largest Store in Delaware.
Turney's Department Store
The Place to Buy
German, English and Amer- A large line of China,
ican open stock Dinnerware. Jardinieres and Glassware,
A full line of Swiss spun Lamps, Toilet Sets, Water
Aluminum Cooking Utensils, Sets and Vases.
not cast, the only goods of Underwear, Hosiery, Crash,
this kind shown in the city. Laces and Embroidery.
Everything Kept in a First-Class Notion Store.
Ours is the Big Christmas Store
Don't Fail to See Us Christmas.
We Carry a Full Line of Groceries, and Deliver.
Come and see us. R. C. TURNEY,
Always welcome. Telephone 510. Proprietor.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 38 of Delaware Blue Book]
1881 Your Money's Worth 1913
Your Money Back.
A Great Store for All the People.
New York Cash Store
Department Store. Largest Store in Delaware.
Turney's Department Store
The Place to Buy
German, English and Amer- A large line of China,
ican open stock Dinnerware. Jardinieres and Glassware,
A full line of Swiss spun Lamps, Toilet Sets, Water
Aluminum Cooking Utensils, Sets and Vases.
not cast, the only goods of Underwear, Hosiery, Crash,
this kind shown in the city. Laces and Embroidery.
Everything Kept in a First-Class Notion Store.
Ours is the Big Christmas Store
Don't Fail to See Us Christmas.
We Carry a Full Line of Groceries, and Deliver.
Come and see us. R. C. TURNEY,
Always welcome. Telephone 510. Proprietor.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 41)
[page 41]
[corresponds to page 39 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Gas Company--Organized 1860. Natural gas turned in
October 20, 1902. Has 1,800 consumers. Average annual con-
sumption of gas, 312,000,000 feet. Rate (1912 contract), 33
cents per 1,000 feet, first five years; 35 cents per 1,000 feet,
second five years; less 3 cents discount for payment in ten days.
Officers: T. C. Jones, president; J. W. Hills, vice president;
J. F. Shoub, secretary-treasurer. Directors: T. C. Jones, F. P.
Hills, R. E. Hills, H. W. Jones, J. W. Hills. Gas shut off only
twice in eleven years, and then only for short period. Company
prides itself on having best pressure of any town in Ohio.
Delaware Electric Light, Heat and Power Company--Incorporated
March 4, 1890. Has 700 Consumers. Regular lighting rates,
12 cents per K. W., less 2 cents per K. W. if paid before the
tenth of each month. Minimum charge, 90 cents per month.
Special contracts at various rates on schedule furnished.
Officers: J. E. Campbell, president; B. F. Freshwater, vice
president; J. G. Rosenthal, secretary; M. Miller, treasurer.
Directors: J. E. Campbell, B. F. Freshwater, J. G. Rosenthal,
M. Miller, Adolph Frank, T. J. Griffin, Ed Banner, William
Miller and W. F. Mitchell.
Citizens' Telephone Company--Established January, 1898. Has
2,462 phones. Average calls in ten hours, 12,000 to 14,000.
Delaware exchange, 26 operators; two operators in sub-
exchanges at Ostrander, Lewis Center, Kilbourne and Radnor.
Bell and Citizens' long distance. Rates: Business, $2 and
$2.50 per month; resident, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.10, less 10 per
cent before tenth of month. County rate, $1.25 net. Officers:
C. D. Young, president; W. G. Hormell, vice president; George
H. Carter, secretary and general manager; A. S. Conklin, treas-
urer. Directors: C. D. Young, W. Guy Jones, J. L. Anderson,
W. M. Heseltine, W. G. Hormell, F. A. Owen, Dr. A. J. Pounds,
J. O. Gooding and George H. Carter.
Delaware Water Company--F. M. Marriott, president; Martin
Miller, vice president; C. W. Wiles, secretary-treasurer; valuation by
state tax commission, $200,000 of which approximately $45,000 is
outside the city, in Delaware and Troy townships; rate to consumers,
25 cents per 1,000 gallons; rate to city, $40 for each of 262 hydrants,
and 7 cents per 1,000 gallons in city building; city contract for ten
years expires December 31, 1920. Entire city's average daily con-
sumption, 1,000,000 gallons.
City Newspapers--The Daily Journal-Herald. Officers: J. D.
Knowles, president and general manager; F. M. Marriott, vice
president; W. A. Hall, secretary; H. E. Buck, treasurer. George
G. Whitehead, city editor.
Delaware Daily Gazette. H. C. Thomson, editor and pro-
prietor; W. D. Thomson, managing editor; C. A. Jones, city
[corresponds to page 39 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Gas Company--Organized 1860. Natural gas turned in
October 20, 1902. Has 1,800 consumers. Average annual con-
sumption of gas, 312,000,000 feet. Rate (1912 contract), 33
cents per 1,000 feet, first five years; 35 cents per 1,000 feet,
second five years; less 3 cents discount for payment in ten days.
Officers: T. C. Jones, president; J. W. Hills, vice president;
J. F. Shoub, secretary-treasurer. Directors: T. C. Jones, F. P.
Hills, R. E. Hills, H. W. Jones, J. W. Hills. Gas shut off only
twice in eleven years, and then only for short period. Company
prides itself on having best pressure of any town in Ohio.
Delaware Electric Light, Heat and Power Company--Incorporated
March 4, 1890. Has 700 Consumers. Regular lighting rates,
12 cents per K. W., less 2 cents per K. W. if paid before the
tenth of each month. Minimum charge, 90 cents per month.
Special contracts at various rates on schedule furnished.
Officers: J. E. Campbell, president; B. F. Freshwater, vice
president; J. G. Rosenthal, secretary; M. Miller, treasurer.
Directors: J. E. Campbell, B. F. Freshwater, J. G. Rosenthal,
M. Miller, Adolph Frank, T. J. Griffin, Ed Banner, William
Miller and W. F. Mitchell.
Citizens' Telephone Company--Established January, 1898. Has
2,462 phones. Average calls in ten hours, 12,000 to 14,000.
Delaware exchange, 26 operators; two operators in sub-
exchanges at Ostrander, Lewis Center, Kilbourne and Radnor.
Bell and Citizens' long distance. Rates: Business, $2 and
$2.50 per month; resident, $1.50, $1.25 and $1.10, less 10 per
cent before tenth of month. County rate, $1.25 net. Officers:
C. D. Young, president; W. G. Hormell, vice president; George
H. Carter, secretary and general manager; A. S. Conklin, treas-
urer. Directors: C. D. Young, W. Guy Jones, J. L. Anderson,
W. M. Heseltine, W. G. Hormell, F. A. Owen, Dr. A. J. Pounds,
J. O. Gooding and George H. Carter.
Delaware Water Company--F. M. Marriott, president; Martin
Miller, vice president; C. W. Wiles, secretary-treasurer; valuation by
state tax commission, $200,000 of which approximately $45,000 is
outside the city, in Delaware and Troy townships; rate to consumers,
25 cents per 1,000 gallons; rate to city, $40 for each of 262 hydrants,
and 7 cents per 1,000 gallons in city building; city contract for ten
years expires December 31, 1920. Entire city's average daily con-
sumption, 1,000,000 gallons.
City Newspapers--The Daily Journal-Herald. Officers: J. D.
Knowles, president and general manager; F. M. Marriott, vice
president; W. A. Hall, secretary; H. E. Buck, treasurer. George
G. Whitehead, city editor.
Delaware Daily Gazette. H. C. Thomson, editor and pro-
prietor; W. D. Thomson, managing editor; C. A. Jones, city
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 42)
[page 42]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 40 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware Clay
Mfg. Co.
Manufacturers of
3 to 27 inches, inclusive
START TODAY to smoke
"Look for the Little Yellow Band."
Riddle, Graff
& Co.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 40 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware Clay
Mfg. Co.
Manufacturers of
3 to 27 inches, inclusive
START TODAY to smoke
"Look for the Little Yellow Band."
Riddle, Graff
& Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 43)
[page 43]
[corresponds to page 41 of Delaware Blue Book]
At the Polls.
President--Wilson (D.), 2,934; Taft (R.), 2,584; Roosevelt (Prog.),
1,510; Debs (S.), 123; Chafin (Proh.), 157. Wilson's plurality
over Taft, 350.
Governor--Cox (D.), 2,980; Brown (R.), 2,379; Garford (Prog.),
1,465; Poling (Proh.), 202; Ruthenberg (S.), 118; Kircher
(S.L.), 8. Cox's plurality over Brown, 601.
Congressional (Eighth District)--Willis (R.), 3,297; Durbin (D.),
2,799; Herbert (Prog.), 796; Parthemer (S.), 89. Willis' plu-
rality, 498.
Circuit Court--Long term: Powell (D.), 2,465; Stasel (R.), 1,948.
Powell's majority, 517. Short term: Marriott (D.), 3,359;
Kuntz (R.), 1,782. Marriott's majority, 1,577.
Common Pleas Court--Jewell (R.), 3,809; Carr (D.), 2,289; Mont-
gomery (R.), 2,099; Fulton (D.), 1,770. Jewell's plurality over
Carr, 1,510.
State Senate (Fifteenth-Sixteenth District)--Watkins (R.), 3,331;
Haas (D.), 2,791; Shaw (Prog.), 662; Blaney (S.), 88; Haskall
(Proh.), 70. Watkins' plurality, 540.
Representative--Plumb (R.), 3,412; Miller (D.), 3,100. Plumb's
majority, 312.
Probate Judge--Humes (R.), 3,259; Martin (D.), 2,424. Humes'
majority, 835.
Clerk of Courts--Gregory (R.), unopposed, 3,842; W. P. Caldwell
(Prog.), written names, 11.
Sheriff--Williams (R.), 3,723; Leonard (D.), 2,926. Williams' ma-
jority, 797.
Auditor--Aldrich (R.), 3,591; Main (D.), 2,817. Aldrich's major-
ity, 774.
Commissioners--Dickerson (R.), 3,373; Gorsuch (D.), 3,344; Shoe-
maker (R.), 3,317; Eckelberry (D.), 3,030; Swickheimer (R.),
3,017; Baxter (D.), 3,008. Dickerson, Gorsuch and Shoemaker
Treasurer--Hessnauer (D.), 3,309; Gallant (R.), 3,275. Hess-
nauer's majority, 34.
Recorder--Rose (R.), 3,746; Warren (D.), 2,749. Rose's major-
ity, 997.
Surveyor--Higley (R.), 3,399; Reichelderfer (D.), 3,045. Higley's
majority, 354.
Prosecuting Attorney--Williams (D.), 3,423; Bliss (R.), 2,874.
Williams' majority, 549.
Coroner--Davies (R.), unopposed, 3,576.
Delaware county was one of the few in the state to vote against
the adoption of every amendment submitted at the special election
[corresponds to page 41 of Delaware Blue Book]
At the Polls.
President--Wilson (D.), 2,934; Taft (R.), 2,584; Roosevelt (Prog.),
1,510; Debs (S.), 123; Chafin (Proh.), 157. Wilson's plurality
over Taft, 350.
Governor--Cox (D.), 2,980; Brown (R.), 2,379; Garford (Prog.),
1,465; Poling (Proh.), 202; Ruthenberg (S.), 118; Kircher
(S.L.), 8. Cox's plurality over Brown, 601.
Congressional (Eighth District)--Willis (R.), 3,297; Durbin (D.),
2,799; Herbert (Prog.), 796; Parthemer (S.), 89. Willis' plu-
rality, 498.
Circuit Court--Long term: Powell (D.), 2,465; Stasel (R.), 1,948.
Powell's majority, 517. Short term: Marriott (D.), 3,359;
Kuntz (R.), 1,782. Marriott's majority, 1,577.
Common Pleas Court--Jewell (R.), 3,809; Carr (D.), 2,289; Mont-
gomery (R.), 2,099; Fulton (D.), 1,770. Jewell's plurality over
Carr, 1,510.
State Senate (Fifteenth-Sixteenth District)--Watkins (R.), 3,331;
Haas (D.), 2,791; Shaw (Prog.), 662; Blaney (S.), 88; Haskall
(Proh.), 70. Watkins' plurality, 540.
Representative--Plumb (R.), 3,412; Miller (D.), 3,100. Plumb's
majority, 312.
Probate Judge--Humes (R.), 3,259; Martin (D.), 2,424. Humes'
majority, 835.
Clerk of Courts--Gregory (R.), unopposed, 3,842; W. P. Caldwell
(Prog.), written names, 11.
Sheriff--Williams (R.), 3,723; Leonard (D.), 2,926. Williams' ma-
jority, 797.
Auditor--Aldrich (R.), 3,591; Main (D.), 2,817. Aldrich's major-
ity, 774.
Commissioners--Dickerson (R.), 3,373; Gorsuch (D.), 3,344; Shoe-
maker (R.), 3,317; Eckelberry (D.), 3,030; Swickheimer (R.),
3,017; Baxter (D.), 3,008. Dickerson, Gorsuch and Shoemaker
Treasurer--Hessnauer (D.), 3,309; Gallant (R.), 3,275. Hess-
nauer's majority, 34.
Recorder--Rose (R.), 3,746; Warren (D.), 2,749. Rose's major-
ity, 997.
Surveyor--Higley (R.), 3,399; Reichelderfer (D.), 3,045. Higley's
majority, 354.
Prosecuting Attorney--Williams (D.), 3,423; Bliss (R.), 2,874.
Williams' majority, 549.
Coroner--Davies (R.), unopposed, 3,576.
Delaware county was one of the few in the state to vote against
the adoption of every amendment submitted at the special election
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 44)
[page 44]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 42 of Delaware Blue Book]
Plumbing or Gas
Manring & Bing
Phone 32 22 South Sandusky Street
-The Famous-
"Round Oak"
Stoves and Ranges
Cannot be Excelled Either in Quality or Price.
General Hardware Supplies
[corresponds to unlabeled page 42 of Delaware Blue Book]
Plumbing or Gas
Manring & Bing
Phone 32 22 South Sandusky Street
-The Famous-
"Round Oak"
Stoves and Ranges
Cannot be Excelled Either in Quality or Price.
General Hardware Supplies
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 45)
[page 45]
[corresponds to page 43 of Delaware Blue Book]
September 3, 1912. The adverse majorities on the forty-two amend-
ments ranged from 109 to 1,850, in some townships reaching as
high as 6 to 1. The liquor license clause lacked 124 votes of carry-
ing (1,579 to 1,455), the woman suffrage amendment lost by 191
(2,098 to 1,907), the initiative and referendum by 1,071, abolition
of capital punishment by 1,258. Home rule for cities lost heavily in
the townships and in the city by 618 to 598.
Delaware county went into the "dry" column October 1, 1908,
and thirty days later fifteen Delaware saloons were closed. The
county went "dry" by 2,147, and to this total the city contributed a
"dry" majority of 528. No precincts except those in the Fourth ward
went "wet," although Harlem township came within one vote of a
tie. Precinct A of the First ward scored the most decisive "dry"
victory, the proportion being 7 to 1. On the day of the local option
election there were two arrests on charges of keeping saloons open
and two for alleged illegal voting. The total vote cast was 6,539,
4,343 being "dry" and 2,196 "wet." Delaware county was the seven-
teenth to vote under the Rose law.
May 25, 1903, the city voted on the liquor question and went
"wet" by a majority of 574, as against the "dry" majority which the
city gave at the 1908 election. Before 1890 the city was "dry" for a
period of a year, but in August, 1899, the "wets" won again and helf
sawy until the 1908 election. At one time there were twenty-seven
saloons in the county.
Aged People's Home--Located 47 East William street. Established
July 4, 1892. Present home occupied 1901. Home for sixteen
ladies, February, 1913. Controlled by board of managers, com-
posed of thirty-four members. Officers: Mrs. J. R. Simpson,
president; Mrs. John Cowgill and Mrs. W. A. Morrison, vice
presidents; Mrs. Lewis Slack, secretary; Mrs. J. L. Wolfley,
treasurer; trustees, Mrs. Sidney Moore, Mrs. George H. Carter,
Mrs. H. C. Thomson and officers named above.
Jane M. Case Hospital--Corner West Winter and Franklin streets.
Incorporated August 10, 1904. Opened July 21, 1906. Capac-
ity, 24 patients. Patients in 1912, 388. Officers: R. K. Willis,
president; S. Potter, vice president; S. S. Blair, secretary;
C. Riddle, treasurer; trustees, officers and F. M. Marriott, C. C.
Stedman and Dr. A. J. Willey. Miss Anna O'Harra, head nurse;
president Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. M. Miller. Nine nurses.
Children's Home--Incorporated January 2, 1882. Present home oc-
cupied March 1890. Managed by board of twenty-four ladies.
Officers: Mrs. J. F. Shaffer, president; Mrs. Jane Nelson, vice
president; Mrs. Henry Welch, secretary; Mrs. F. M. Baureris,
treasurer. Matron, Miss Simon. Advisory board, H. W. Crist,
R. K. Willis. Fifty-six children in home from Delaware, Hardin
and Morrow counties. Acres in property, fifty-nine.
[corresponds to page 43 of Delaware Blue Book]
September 3, 1912. The adverse majorities on the forty-two amend-
ments ranged from 109 to 1,850, in some townships reaching as
high as 6 to 1. The liquor license clause lacked 124 votes of carry-
ing (1,579 to 1,455), the woman suffrage amendment lost by 191
(2,098 to 1,907), the initiative and referendum by 1,071, abolition
of capital punishment by 1,258. Home rule for cities lost heavily in
the townships and in the city by 618 to 598.
Delaware county went into the "dry" column October 1, 1908,
and thirty days later fifteen Delaware saloons were closed. The
county went "dry" by 2,147, and to this total the city contributed a
"dry" majority of 528. No precincts except those in the Fourth ward
went "wet," although Harlem township came within one vote of a
tie. Precinct A of the First ward scored the most decisive "dry"
victory, the proportion being 7 to 1. On the day of the local option
election there were two arrests on charges of keeping saloons open
and two for alleged illegal voting. The total vote cast was 6,539,
4,343 being "dry" and 2,196 "wet." Delaware county was the seven-
teenth to vote under the Rose law.
May 25, 1903, the city voted on the liquor question and went
"wet" by a majority of 574, as against the "dry" majority which the
city gave at the 1908 election. Before 1890 the city was "dry" for a
period of a year, but in August, 1899, the "wets" won again and helf
sawy until the 1908 election. At one time there were twenty-seven
saloons in the county.
Aged People's Home--Located 47 East William street. Established
July 4, 1892. Present home occupied 1901. Home for sixteen
ladies, February, 1913. Controlled by board of managers, com-
posed of thirty-four members. Officers: Mrs. J. R. Simpson,
president; Mrs. John Cowgill and Mrs. W. A. Morrison, vice
presidents; Mrs. Lewis Slack, secretary; Mrs. J. L. Wolfley,
treasurer; trustees, Mrs. Sidney Moore, Mrs. George H. Carter,
Mrs. H. C. Thomson and officers named above.
Jane M. Case Hospital--Corner West Winter and Franklin streets.
Incorporated August 10, 1904. Opened July 21, 1906. Capac-
ity, 24 patients. Patients in 1912, 388. Officers: R. K. Willis,
president; S. Potter, vice president; S. S. Blair, secretary;
C. Riddle, treasurer; trustees, officers and F. M. Marriott, C. C.
Stedman and Dr. A. J. Willey. Miss Anna O'Harra, head nurse;
president Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. M. Miller. Nine nurses.
Children's Home--Incorporated January 2, 1882. Present home oc-
cupied March 1890. Managed by board of twenty-four ladies.
Officers: Mrs. J. F. Shaffer, president; Mrs. Jane Nelson, vice
president; Mrs. Henry Welch, secretary; Mrs. F. M. Baureris,
treasurer. Matron, Miss Simon. Advisory board, H. W. Crist,
R. K. Willis. Fifty-six children in home from Delaware, Hardin
and Morrow counties. Acres in property, fifty-nine.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 46)
[page 46]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 44 of Delaware Blue Book]
Armor Plate
The Kind All Others Try to "Imitate". All Sixes, All Prices
For Men, Women and Children.
C.O. Haas
147 East Winter Street Delaware, Ohio
TAILORING Especially For
[image of tailor and man, scissors, measuring tape, thread]
Can Please You
[corresponds to unlabeled page 44 of Delaware Blue Book]
Armor Plate
The Kind All Others Try to "Imitate". All Sixes, All Prices
For Men, Women and Children.
C.O. Haas
147 East Winter Street Delaware, Ohio
TAILORING Especially For
[image of tailor and man, scissors, measuring tape, thread]
Can Please You
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 47)
[page 47]
[corresponds to page 45 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware County Officials.
Judges Court of Common Pleas--Harry W. Jewell (R.) and T. B.
Fulton (D.). Terms began February 9, 1913, for six years.
Delaware, Licking and Knox counties.
Representative--Grant M. Plumb (R.). Term began Jan. 6, 1913.
Auditor--W. H. Bodurtha (R.); deputy, W. V. Aldrich (R.), who
succeeds as auditor the third Monday in October, 1913. Term
two years.
Treasurer--W. P. Smart (R.). Will be succeeded by J. Hessnauer
(D.) the first Monday in September, 1913. Term two years.
Deputy, Miss Nina Humiston.
Prosecuting Attorney--E. R. Williams (D.). Second term of two
years began January 6, 1913.
Probate Judge--E. T. Humes (R.). Deputy, C. P. Thompson. Sec-
ond term of four years began February 9, 1913.
Clerk of Courts--Orton G. Lea (R.). Will be succeeded by Ira Greg-
ory (R.) August 4, 1913. Deputy, Miss Margaret Mead. Term
two years.
Sheriff--T. B. Williams (R.). Second term began January 6, 1913.
Deputy, Al Linn; jail matron, Mrs. T. B. Williams. Term two
County Commissioners--P. H. Perry (R.), R. G. Dickerson (R.) and
W. D. Sherwood (D.). Messrs. Perry and Sherwood will be suc-
ceeded by Guy Shoemaker (R.) and Seth Gorsuch (D.) the
third Monday in September. Clerk, W. H. Bodurtha. Terms
two years.
Recorder--C. G. Rose (R.). Second term will begin the first Mon-
day in September. Deputy, Miss Irena Rose. Term two years.
Coroner--Dr. M. Wray Davies (R.). Term began January 6, 1913.
Term two years.
Surveyor--W. F. Whittier (D.). Will be succeeded by F. C. Higley
(R.) the first Monday in September. Term two years.
Appointive County Boards.
Blind Commissioners--E. A. Furniss, B. F. Davids, Henry S. Brey-
fogle. Appointed by probate court. Disburse $3,200 to $3400
annually. Salary $2 per meeting, not to exceed ten meetings a
Soldiers' Relief Commission--Aaron Frantz, Gilbert Fravel, R. W.
Whitney. Appointed by common pleas court. Meet last Satur-
day in each month. Salary $2.50 per day and expenses. Dis-
burse $1,600 to $1,800 a year to soldiers, their widows and
Board of County Visitors--Mesdames N. F. Overturf, C. B. Austin,
S. A. Markel, Hettie McDowell; Messrs. V. D. Stayman and R. K.
Willis. Appointments made by the probate judge.
[corresponds to page 45 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware County Officials.
Judges Court of Common Pleas--Harry W. Jewell (R.) and T. B.
Fulton (D.). Terms began February 9, 1913, for six years.
Delaware, Licking and Knox counties.
Representative--Grant M. Plumb (R.). Term began Jan. 6, 1913.
Auditor--W. H. Bodurtha (R.); deputy, W. V. Aldrich (R.), who
succeeds as auditor the third Monday in October, 1913. Term
two years.
Treasurer--W. P. Smart (R.). Will be succeeded by J. Hessnauer
(D.) the first Monday in September, 1913. Term two years.
Deputy, Miss Nina Humiston.
Prosecuting Attorney--E. R. Williams (D.). Second term of two
years began January 6, 1913.
Probate Judge--E. T. Humes (R.). Deputy, C. P. Thompson. Sec-
ond term of four years began February 9, 1913.
Clerk of Courts--Orton G. Lea (R.). Will be succeeded by Ira Greg-
ory (R.) August 4, 1913. Deputy, Miss Margaret Mead. Term
two years.
Sheriff--T. B. Williams (R.). Second term began January 6, 1913.
Deputy, Al Linn; jail matron, Mrs. T. B. Williams. Term two
County Commissioners--P. H. Perry (R.), R. G. Dickerson (R.) and
W. D. Sherwood (D.). Messrs. Perry and Sherwood will be suc-
ceeded by Guy Shoemaker (R.) and Seth Gorsuch (D.) the
third Monday in September. Clerk, W. H. Bodurtha. Terms
two years.
Recorder--C. G. Rose (R.). Second term will begin the first Mon-
day in September. Deputy, Miss Irena Rose. Term two years.
Coroner--Dr. M. Wray Davies (R.). Term began January 6, 1913.
Term two years.
Surveyor--W. F. Whittier (D.). Will be succeeded by F. C. Higley
(R.) the first Monday in September. Term two years.
Appointive County Boards.
Blind Commissioners--E. A. Furniss, B. F. Davids, Henry S. Brey-
fogle. Appointed by probate court. Disburse $3,200 to $3400
annually. Salary $2 per meeting, not to exceed ten meetings a
Soldiers' Relief Commission--Aaron Frantz, Gilbert Fravel, R. W.
Whitney. Appointed by common pleas court. Meet last Satur-
day in each month. Salary $2.50 per day and expenses. Dis-
burse $1,600 to $1,800 a year to soldiers, their widows and
Board of County Visitors--Mesdames N. F. Overturf, C. B. Austin,
S. A. Markel, Hettie McDowell; Messrs. V. D. Stayman and R. K.
Willis. Appointments made by the probate judge.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 48)
[page 48]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 46 of Delaware Blue Book]
Marvel Flour From Spring
Graham Flour Wheat
Whole Wheat Flour
Corn Meal
Our Own Make. Ground Fresh Daily.
Feed of All Kinds
Custom Grinding
Poultry Supplies
M. A. Campion
Delray Pure Salt in Barrels, Sack or Lump.
Also Salt Ash.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 46 of Delaware Blue Book]
Marvel Flour From Spring
Graham Flour Wheat
Whole Wheat Flour
Corn Meal
Our Own Make. Ground Fresh Daily.
Feed of All Kinds
Custom Grinding
Poultry Supplies
M. A. Campion
Delray Pure Salt in Barrels, Sack or Lump.
Also Salt Ash.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 49)
[page 49]
[corresponds to page 47 of Delaware Blue Book]
Infirmary Superintendent--E.M. Reed. Matron, Mrs. E. M. Reed.
Appointed by county commissioners. Salary of superintendent,
$696; matron, $200.
Law Librarian--Colonel B. W. Hough. Appointed by common pleas
Secret Service Officer--W. B. Matthews. Appointed by common pleas
court. Salary $1,200 and expenses.
Juvenile Officer--Mrs. H. C. Clippinger. Appointed by probate court.
Salary $40 per month.
Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures--Howard Core. Appointed
by county auditor. Salary $720 per annum.
Delaware City Board of Review--R. J. Cox, J. A. Thomas, T. J.
Griffin. Appointed by state board of assessors. Meet first Mon-
day in June and thereafter until work is completed. Time fixed
by state board and generally forty days. Salary $4 per day.
Delaware County Board of Equalization (outside Delaware city)--
The county commissioners. Meet the first Monday in June.
County Board of Elections--John Shoemaker, chief deputy; Ed
Slocum, F. H. Richey and Art Wing; Forest Curtin, clerk. Meet
before and after each primary and election.
Budget Commission--County auditor, prosecuting attorney and
mayor of Delaware.
Court Bailiff--Al Linn. Salary $2 per day.
County School Examiners--Prof. C. E. Weatherby, Prof. H. T. Main,
Mrs. Ella Knowles; Prof. H. T. Main, clerk. Appointed by pro-
bate court. Hold examinations first Saturday in each month.
Pension Examiners--Dr. C. W. Chidester, Dr. G. W. Morehouse, Dr.
O. W. Bonner. Appointed by congressman. Meetings fourth
Wednesday in each month.
Common Pleas Judge--$4,000 per year ($3,000 paid by state, $1,000
from the three counties apportioned according to population of
each county. Delaware county's share is $260.78 per year).
County Auditor, Probate Judge and County Treasurer--$2,280 each
per year, based on population; $100 per 1,000 for first 15,000,
$65 per 1,000 for second 15,000.
Clerk of Courts--$1,995. Based on population; $85 per 1,000 for
first 15,000, $60 per 1,000 for second 15,000.
Sheriff--$1,690. Based on population; $65 per 1,000 for first
15,000, $55 per 1,000 for second 15,000. Also certain fees.
Representative--$1,000 per year.
County Commissioners--$1,200 per year, and allowance for ditches,
$3 per day not to exceed 100 days in year.
Recorder--$1,500 per year.
Surveyor--$5 per day, generally charged to work on which he is
Coroner--Certain fees. Minimum $10 per inquest.
Auditor--All matters of taxation, all road and ditch records, all
bond records, blind relief, all moneys paid in and out of the county
treasury go through his office, records county commissioners and
[corresponds to page 47 of Delaware Blue Book]
Infirmary Superintendent--E.M. Reed. Matron, Mrs. E. M. Reed.
Appointed by county commissioners. Salary of superintendent,
$696; matron, $200.
Law Librarian--Colonel B. W. Hough. Appointed by common pleas
Secret Service Officer--W. B. Matthews. Appointed by common pleas
court. Salary $1,200 and expenses.
Juvenile Officer--Mrs. H. C. Clippinger. Appointed by probate court.
Salary $40 per month.
Deputy Sealer of Weights and Measures--Howard Core. Appointed
by county auditor. Salary $720 per annum.
Delaware City Board of Review--R. J. Cox, J. A. Thomas, T. J.
Griffin. Appointed by state board of assessors. Meet first Mon-
day in June and thereafter until work is completed. Time fixed
by state board and generally forty days. Salary $4 per day.
Delaware County Board of Equalization (outside Delaware city)--
The county commissioners. Meet the first Monday in June.
County Board of Elections--John Shoemaker, chief deputy; Ed
Slocum, F. H. Richey and Art Wing; Forest Curtin, clerk. Meet
before and after each primary and election.
Budget Commission--County auditor, prosecuting attorney and
mayor of Delaware.
Court Bailiff--Al Linn. Salary $2 per day.
County School Examiners--Prof. C. E. Weatherby, Prof. H. T. Main,
Mrs. Ella Knowles; Prof. H. T. Main, clerk. Appointed by pro-
bate court. Hold examinations first Saturday in each month.
Pension Examiners--Dr. C. W. Chidester, Dr. G. W. Morehouse, Dr.
O. W. Bonner. Appointed by congressman. Meetings fourth
Wednesday in each month.
Common Pleas Judge--$4,000 per year ($3,000 paid by state, $1,000
from the three counties apportioned according to population of
each county. Delaware county's share is $260.78 per year).
County Auditor, Probate Judge and County Treasurer--$2,280 each
per year, based on population; $100 per 1,000 for first 15,000,
$65 per 1,000 for second 15,000.
Clerk of Courts--$1,995. Based on population; $85 per 1,000 for
first 15,000, $60 per 1,000 for second 15,000.
Sheriff--$1,690. Based on population; $65 per 1,000 for first
15,000, $55 per 1,000 for second 15,000. Also certain fees.
Representative--$1,000 per year.
County Commissioners--$1,200 per year, and allowance for ditches,
$3 per day not to exceed 100 days in year.
Recorder--$1,500 per year.
Surveyor--$5 per day, generally charged to work on which he is
Coroner--Certain fees. Minimum $10 per inquest.
Auditor--All matters of taxation, all road and ditch records, all
bond records, blind relief, all moneys paid in and out of the county
treasury go through his office, records county commissioners and
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 50)
[page 50]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 48 of Delaware Blue Book]
Pres. and Mgr. Vice Pres. Sec.-Treas.
McKenzie Lumber
Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealers
Our Specialties, Everything
A complete stock of Building Material.
Poplar, White and Yellow Pine Siding,
Shingles of all kinds, Flooring, Ceiling, Lath,
Moulding, etc., etc.
We are always in the market for Logs and
Phone 175.
Yard and Office, East Winter Street, Delaware.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 48 of Delaware Blue Book]
Pres. and Mgr. Vice Pres. Sec.-Treas.
McKenzie Lumber
Wholesale and Retail Lumber Dealers
Our Specialties, Everything
A complete stock of Building Material.
Poplar, White and Yellow Pine Siding,
Shingles of all kinds, Flooring, Ceiling, Lath,
Moulding, etc., etc.
We are always in the market for Logs and
Phone 175.
Yard and Office, East Winter Street, Delaware.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 51)
[page 51]
[corresponds to page 49 of Delaware Blue Book]
infirmary directors, transfer of deeds, payment of all bills and con-
tracts, payment of all court costs paid out of county treasury, in-
numerable reports to state officials. Member county board of eqal-
ization. Secretary of board of review. Clerk county commissioners.
Member budget commission.
Treasurer--Pays out all money on auditor's warrant and re-
ceives all taxes, etc.
Recorder--In charge of all records of recordable instruments
of writing, deeds, mortgages, etc.
Probate Court--Has charge of all matters pertaining to es-
tates, guardianships, trusteeships, marriage licenses, lunacy cases,
certain criminal and civil cases; juvenile judge.
Clerk of Courts--Has charge of all files, records, etc., of the
courts, and obeys the orders of all courts save the probate court.
Sheriff--Handles all orders in partition, serves warrants and
court papers. Custodian of prisoners in charge of county courts.
Cost of an Election--The expenses of a primary or election in
Delaware county averages about $1,800. The annual election ex-
penses of the county total from $3,600 to $4,000 per year.
Powell Fair Appropriation--Delaware county makes an ap-
propriation of $543.84 to the Powell Fair annually, under the county
fair law.
The State Board of Agriculture receives $175 per year from Del-
aware county, which also pays the actual expenses of each Farmers'
Institute held in the county up to $31.25.
Mortgages Recorded (county recorder's report)--Year ending
June 30, 1912, 604, totaling in value $1,048,276.30. Paid off. 574
amounting to $754,257.75. In 12 months 922 deeds recorded.
Vital Statistics Record--Delaware city, 1912, 162 deaths, 177
births. Dr. A. J. Pounds, registrar.
Marriages in 1912--219 marriage licenses were issued in Dela-
ware county in 1912, an increase of 11 over 1911.
Total real and personal property in Delaware county (shown by
1912 abstract in county auditor's office)--Real estate, $40,693,010,
and personal property, $13,573,560. Valuation Delaware city--Real
estate, $6,095,180, and personal property, $2,851,950. County total
duplicate, 1911, $39,538,495.
County tax levy, exclusive of special assessments, $434,184.75.
Levy in 1911, $404,578.01.
Levy in Delaware city, limit of 15 mills, as provided under the
Smith law. Divided as follows: State, 0.451 mills; county, 2.349;
county sinking fund, 0.2; township, 0.1; corporation, 3.7; schools
3.4; school sinking fund, 1.2; corporation, 3.6.
The total of the county tax levy of $434,184.75 is divided as fol-
lows: State purposes, $18,352.72 (of which about $13,000 comes
back for common schools and as interest on irreducible debt from
United States and Virginia military lands); county purposes, $103,-
726.51; township, $41,999.96; schools, $132,345.24; corporation,
$71,483.68; turnpike debt, $66,276.64.
[corresponds to page 49 of Delaware Blue Book]
infirmary directors, transfer of deeds, payment of all bills and con-
tracts, payment of all court costs paid out of county treasury, in-
numerable reports to state officials. Member county board of eqal-
ization. Secretary of board of review. Clerk county commissioners.
Member budget commission.
Treasurer--Pays out all money on auditor's warrant and re-
ceives all taxes, etc.
Recorder--In charge of all records of recordable instruments
of writing, deeds, mortgages, etc.
Probate Court--Has charge of all matters pertaining to es-
tates, guardianships, trusteeships, marriage licenses, lunacy cases,
certain criminal and civil cases; juvenile judge.
Clerk of Courts--Has charge of all files, records, etc., of the
courts, and obeys the orders of all courts save the probate court.
Sheriff--Handles all orders in partition, serves warrants and
court papers. Custodian of prisoners in charge of county courts.
Cost of an Election--The expenses of a primary or election in
Delaware county averages about $1,800. The annual election ex-
penses of the county total from $3,600 to $4,000 per year.
Powell Fair Appropriation--Delaware county makes an ap-
propriation of $543.84 to the Powell Fair annually, under the county
fair law.
The State Board of Agriculture receives $175 per year from Del-
aware county, which also pays the actual expenses of each Farmers'
Institute held in the county up to $31.25.
Mortgages Recorded (county recorder's report)--Year ending
June 30, 1912, 604, totaling in value $1,048,276.30. Paid off. 574
amounting to $754,257.75. In 12 months 922 deeds recorded.
Vital Statistics Record--Delaware city, 1912, 162 deaths, 177
births. Dr. A. J. Pounds, registrar.
Marriages in 1912--219 marriage licenses were issued in Dela-
ware county in 1912, an increase of 11 over 1911.
Total real and personal property in Delaware county (shown by
1912 abstract in county auditor's office)--Real estate, $40,693,010,
and personal property, $13,573,560. Valuation Delaware city--Real
estate, $6,095,180, and personal property, $2,851,950. County total
duplicate, 1911, $39,538,495.
County tax levy, exclusive of special assessments, $434,184.75.
Levy in 1911, $404,578.01.
Levy in Delaware city, limit of 15 mills, as provided under the
Smith law. Divided as follows: State, 0.451 mills; county, 2.349;
county sinking fund, 0.2; township, 0.1; corporation, 3.7; schools
3.4; school sinking fund, 1.2; corporation, 3.6.
The total of the county tax levy of $434,184.75 is divided as fol-
lows: State purposes, $18,352.72 (of which about $13,000 comes
back for common schools and as interest on irreducible debt from
United States and Virginia military lands); county purposes, $103,-
726.51; township, $41,999.96; schools, $132,345.24; corporation,
$71,483.68; turnpike debt, $66,276.64.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 52)
[page 52]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 50 of Delaware Blue Book]
[photo of house]
Residence 110 Montrose Avenue, bought by Mrs. A. D. Foster
Has constructed more than a hundred
splendid residences, garages and
other buildings in Delaware during
the past seven years--enough to make a respec-
table little city all by itself.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 50 of Delaware Blue Book]
[photo of house]
Residence 110 Montrose Avenue, bought by Mrs. A. D. Foster
Has constructed more than a hundred
splendid residences, garages and
other buildings in Delaware during
the past seven years--enough to make a respec-
table little city all by itself.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 53)
[page 53]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 51 of Delaware Blue Book]
[photo of a house]
Residence on Montrose Avenue erected for Rev. W. McK. Brackney, D.D.
Are You Thinking of
Building or Buying?
If you are, we would ask you to call at our
office, No. 1 Lamb's Block, over Bee
Hive Store, and talk over the matter.
Pictures are on exhibit of 50 or 60 houses built
in Delaware, and there are all kinds of plans.
We will be glad to consult with you. No trou-
ble to show properties.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 51 of Delaware Blue Book]
[photo of a house]
Residence on Montrose Avenue erected for Rev. W. McK. Brackney, D.D.
Are You Thinking of
Building or Buying?
If you are, we would ask you to call at our
office, No. 1 Lamb's Block, over Bee
Hive Store, and talk over the matter.
Pictures are on exhibit of 50 or 60 houses built
in Delaware, and there are all kinds of plans.
We will be glad to consult with you. No trou-
ble to show properties.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 54)
[page 54]
[corresponds to unlabled page 52 of Delaware Blue Book]
Jewelers and Opticians
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Sil-
ver, Clocks, Libby Cut Glass, etc.
Our Aim is High-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. A Large
and Well-Selected Stock to Choose From.
-IS A-
For 60 years the discriminating buyers of
Building Materials have found there the most
You Know the Place
Winter and Henry Sts.
Delaware, O.
[corresponds to unlabled page 52 of Delaware Blue Book]
Jewelers and Opticians
Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Sil-
ver, Clocks, Libby Cut Glass, etc.
Our Aim is High-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. A Large
and Well-Selected Stock to Choose From.
-IS A-
For 60 years the discriminating buyers of
Building Materials have found there the most
You Know the Place
Winter and Henry Sts.
Delaware, O.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 55)
[page 55]
[corresponds to page 53 of Delaware Blue Book]
The county levy of $103,726.51 (as above) is divided as follows:
County fund (all court costs, all salaries, all appraisement costs, sup-
plies, costs Farmers' Institutes, expense juvenile and secret service
officers, damages, election expenses, etc.), $48,831.62; poor fund,
$8,952.47; bridge fund, $22,381.16; soldiers' relief, $1,587.03; debt
or sinking fund, $8,138.61; improved road repair, $6,714.36; ditch
fund, $4,069.30; blind relief, $3,051.97.
Taxing districts in county, 52. Rate varies in each, and may be
obtained from county auditor.
The appraisement for 1912 returned for the county: 204 auto-
mobiles valued at $75,165; 906 watches valued at $12,941; 1,077
pianos valued at $88,056. Merchandise stocks are valued at $578,-
465, manufacturers' stocks at $192,205; money subject to check,
amounts to $767,730, and credits to $1,435,985. The banks report
$661,000. The total valuation of steam railways in the county is
placed at $6,049,940, and electric railways at $719,470. The total
returns by assessors is $5,610,325, and by incorporations $7,963,235.
Bonded Indebtedness Delaware County--January 1, 1913.
Roads, $583,901.50; ditches, $73,653.50; county, $46,700.00. Total,
$604,255.00. Of this the road and ditch bonds are covered by special
Most valuable city corners, according to last appraisement--
Southwest corner Winter and Sandusky streets, $90 per front foot;
Northwest corner Winter and Sandusky streets, $82 per front foot.
Berkshire township, W. E. Lohr, Sunbury; Galena district, F. C.
Cornell, Galena; Sunbury district, H. O. Kempton, Sunbury; Berlin
township, Harry Jaynes, Galena No. 1; Brown township, Wesley Ott,
Kilbourne; Eden district, Charles H. Wilson, Kilbourne; Concord
township, Alvin Dunlap, Delaware No. 5; Delaware township, E. E.
Moeller, Delaware; Genoa township, George F. Hogans, Westerville;
Harlem township, Cleveland Grove, Galena; Kingston township, D. P.
Carney, Sunbury; Liberty township, W. F. Boyles, Powell; Liberty
district, V. P. Rutherford, Powell; Marlboro township, Albert Main,
Norton; Orange township, C. E. Boyd, Westerville; Lewis Center,
P. B. Goodrich, Lewis Center; Oxford township, J. W. Strine, Ashley;
Ashley district, Emma McCurdy, Ashley; Porter township, Howard
A. Trimmer, Sunbury No. 2; Radnor township, R. W. Holmes, Rad-
nor; Radnor district, R. W. Jones, Radnor; Scioto township, Forest
Gabriel, Ostrander No. 2; Ostrander district, Odell Liggett, Ostran-
der; Warrensburg, V. T. Mitchell, Delaware No. 6; Thompson town-
ship, Emmett Fryman, Radnor No. 1; Trenton township, Milo J. Con-
dit Condit No. 1; Trenton district, H. H. Cring, Condit; Troy town-
ship, A. D. Main, Delaware No. 7; Eagleville district, G. F. Robinson,
Radnor No. 1; Special No. 5, George E. Ayers, Radnor No. 1.
Red Cross Seals--The report of sale of Red Cross seals during the
holiday season of 1912 shows: South school, 867; North school,
3,000; West school, 4,283; East school, 1,034; high school, 660;
business firms, 3,300; retail stores, 2,246; Ashley, 178. Total,
15,568, at the sale price of 1 cent each. The record for 1912
was 46 seals ahead of 1911, and 2,498 behind the sale of 1910.
[corresponds to page 53 of Delaware Blue Book]
The county levy of $103,726.51 (as above) is divided as follows:
County fund (all court costs, all salaries, all appraisement costs, sup-
plies, costs Farmers' Institutes, expense juvenile and secret service
officers, damages, election expenses, etc.), $48,831.62; poor fund,
$8,952.47; bridge fund, $22,381.16; soldiers' relief, $1,587.03; debt
or sinking fund, $8,138.61; improved road repair, $6,714.36; ditch
fund, $4,069.30; blind relief, $3,051.97.
Taxing districts in county, 52. Rate varies in each, and may be
obtained from county auditor.
The appraisement for 1912 returned for the county: 204 auto-
mobiles valued at $75,165; 906 watches valued at $12,941; 1,077
pianos valued at $88,056. Merchandise stocks are valued at $578,-
465, manufacturers' stocks at $192,205; money subject to check,
amounts to $767,730, and credits to $1,435,985. The banks report
$661,000. The total valuation of steam railways in the county is
placed at $6,049,940, and electric railways at $719,470. The total
returns by assessors is $5,610,325, and by incorporations $7,963,235.
Bonded Indebtedness Delaware County--January 1, 1913.
Roads, $583,901.50; ditches, $73,653.50; county, $46,700.00. Total,
$604,255.00. Of this the road and ditch bonds are covered by special
Most valuable city corners, according to last appraisement--
Southwest corner Winter and Sandusky streets, $90 per front foot;
Northwest corner Winter and Sandusky streets, $82 per front foot.
Berkshire township, W. E. Lohr, Sunbury; Galena district, F. C.
Cornell, Galena; Sunbury district, H. O. Kempton, Sunbury; Berlin
township, Harry Jaynes, Galena No. 1; Brown township, Wesley Ott,
Kilbourne; Eden district, Charles H. Wilson, Kilbourne; Concord
township, Alvin Dunlap, Delaware No. 5; Delaware township, E. E.
Moeller, Delaware; Genoa township, George F. Hogans, Westerville;
Harlem township, Cleveland Grove, Galena; Kingston township, D. P.
Carney, Sunbury; Liberty township, W. F. Boyles, Powell; Liberty
district, V. P. Rutherford, Powell; Marlboro township, Albert Main,
Norton; Orange township, C. E. Boyd, Westerville; Lewis Center,
P. B. Goodrich, Lewis Center; Oxford township, J. W. Strine, Ashley;
Ashley district, Emma McCurdy, Ashley; Porter township, Howard
A. Trimmer, Sunbury No. 2; Radnor township, R. W. Holmes, Rad-
nor; Radnor district, R. W. Jones, Radnor; Scioto township, Forest
Gabriel, Ostrander No. 2; Ostrander district, Odell Liggett, Ostran-
der; Warrensburg, V. T. Mitchell, Delaware No. 6; Thompson town-
ship, Emmett Fryman, Radnor No. 1; Trenton township, Milo J. Con-
dit Condit No. 1; Trenton district, H. H. Cring, Condit; Troy town-
ship, A. D. Main, Delaware No. 7; Eagleville district, G. F. Robinson,
Radnor No. 1; Special No. 5, George E. Ayers, Radnor No. 1.
Red Cross Seals--The report of sale of Red Cross seals during the
holiday season of 1912 shows: South school, 867; North school,
3,000; West school, 4,283; East school, 1,034; high school, 660;
business firms, 3,300; retail stores, 2,246; Ashley, 178. Total,
15,568, at the sale price of 1 cent each. The record for 1912
was 46 seals ahead of 1911, and 2,498 behind the sale of 1910.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 56)
[page 56]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 54 of Delaware Blue Book]
Best Work
Most Painless Methods
Lowest Possible Cost
Davison Dental
69 1-2 North Sandusky Street
[corresponds to unlabeled page 54 of Delaware Blue Book]
Best Work
Most Painless Methods
Lowest Possible Cost
Davison Dental
69 1-2 North Sandusky Street
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 57)
[page 57]
[corresponds to page 55 of Delaware Blue Book]
Cost of Schools.
During the year ending September 1, 1912, the public school
system of the county cost $154,132.02, divided as follows: Salaries
elemntary teachers, $83,563.41; salaries high school teachers,
$44,612.15; superintendents, exclusive of teachers, $342.69; cost of
buildings and grounds, $3,071.09; other purposes (janiors, coal,
furnishings Delaware's new high school building, etc.), $53,684.29.
In Delaware the total cost of the city's school system was
$34,082.00, divided as follows: Elementary tuition, $20,287.09;
high school tuition, $11,070.00; supervision, $2,725.00.
School Census, Salaries, Etc.
The school enumeration of May, 1912, showed 6,572 persons
under 21 years of age in the county; 3,397 male and 3,185 female.
In Delaware city there were 2,102 persons; 1,016 male and 1,086
female. By ages the total of 6,572 in the county is divided as fol-
lows: 6 to 8 years, 1,168; 8 to 14 years, 2,746; 14 to 16 years,
1,020; 16 to 21 years, 1,638.
There are 139 school buildings, containing 211 rooms, in the
county, with a total valuation of $343,300; 197 teachers are em-
ployed. The total enrollment for the year 1911-12 was 4,979, and
the average daily attendance 3,902.
The average salary of teachers in the county was as follows:
Elementary--Townships, men $42.66, women $40.13; districts, men
$55.40, women $44; Delaware city, women $52. High school--Men
$96.16, women $64.50; Delaware city, men $120, women $68.
The average cost of instruction per pupil on daily attendance in
the elementary grade was $25.55 in the townships and $22.78 in
the districts. Based on the total enrollment, the average cost per
pupil was $20.71 in the townships and $27.11 in the districts. In
the high schools the cost (based on daily attendance) averaged
$41.99 and on total enrollment $30.89. In Delaware city the aver-
age cost was as follows (based on daily attendance): Elementary,
$23.57; high, $44.13. Based on total enrollment: Elementary,
$20.07; high, $38.87.
High schools are maintained in Delaware, Powell, Ashley, Sun-
bury, Galena, Ostrander, Radnor and Warresnburg.
Delaware City Schools
Superintendent, William McK. Vance.
High School--Ranked first class and accredited by the Nort-
western Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Principal,
H. T. Main. Thirteen regular and two special teachers. Enroll-
ment, 383.
North School--North Washington street. Amy M. Swisher, act-
ing principal. Six teachers. Enrollment, 233. All pupils residing
north of Central avenue between the Olentangy river and Hocking
Valley railroad.
West School--West Winter street. Mary L. Pratt, principal.
Twelve teachers. Enrollment, 466. All pupils residing west of the
Olentangy between the center of Park avenue and Central avenue;
[corresponds to page 55 of Delaware Blue Book]
Cost of Schools.
During the year ending September 1, 1912, the public school
system of the county cost $154,132.02, divided as follows: Salaries
elemntary teachers, $83,563.41; salaries high school teachers,
$44,612.15; superintendents, exclusive of teachers, $342.69; cost of
buildings and grounds, $3,071.09; other purposes (janiors, coal,
furnishings Delaware's new high school building, etc.), $53,684.29.
In Delaware the total cost of the city's school system was
$34,082.00, divided as follows: Elementary tuition, $20,287.09;
high school tuition, $11,070.00; supervision, $2,725.00.
School Census, Salaries, Etc.
The school enumeration of May, 1912, showed 6,572 persons
under 21 years of age in the county; 3,397 male and 3,185 female.
In Delaware city there were 2,102 persons; 1,016 male and 1,086
female. By ages the total of 6,572 in the county is divided as fol-
lows: 6 to 8 years, 1,168; 8 to 14 years, 2,746; 14 to 16 years,
1,020; 16 to 21 years, 1,638.
There are 139 school buildings, containing 211 rooms, in the
county, with a total valuation of $343,300; 197 teachers are em-
ployed. The total enrollment for the year 1911-12 was 4,979, and
the average daily attendance 3,902.
The average salary of teachers in the county was as follows:
Elementary--Townships, men $42.66, women $40.13; districts, men
$55.40, women $44; Delaware city, women $52. High school--Men
$96.16, women $64.50; Delaware city, men $120, women $68.
The average cost of instruction per pupil on daily attendance in
the elementary grade was $25.55 in the townships and $22.78 in
the districts. Based on the total enrollment, the average cost per
pupil was $20.71 in the townships and $27.11 in the districts. In
the high schools the cost (based on daily attendance) averaged
$41.99 and on total enrollment $30.89. In Delaware city the aver-
age cost was as follows (based on daily attendance): Elementary,
$23.57; high, $44.13. Based on total enrollment: Elementary,
$20.07; high, $38.87.
High schools are maintained in Delaware, Powell, Ashley, Sun-
bury, Galena, Ostrander, Radnor and Warresnburg.
Delaware City Schools
Superintendent, William McK. Vance.
High School--Ranked first class and accredited by the Nort-
western Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Principal,
H. T. Main. Thirteen regular and two special teachers. Enroll-
ment, 383.
North School--North Washington street. Amy M. Swisher, act-
ing principal. Six teachers. Enrollment, 233. All pupils residing
north of Central avenue between the Olentangy river and Hocking
Valley railroad.
West School--West Winter street. Mary L. Pratt, principal.
Twelve teachers. Enrollment, 466. All pupils residing west of the
Olentangy between the center of Park avenue and Central avenue;
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 58)
[page 58]
[corresponds to unlabled page 56 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Name of
Has been synonymous with the latest and most
up-to-date Photography.
It is more true today than ever in the past.
Studio: 57 1/2 N. Sandusky St.
[corresponds to unlabled page 56 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Name of
Has been synonymous with the latest and most
up-to-date Photography.
It is more true today than ever in the past.
Studio: 57 1/2 N. Sandusky St.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 59)
[page 59]
[corresponds to page 57 of Delaware Blue Book]
all west of the Hocking Valley north to the corporation line. Cost
of building, $42,800.
South School--South Liberty street. Laura A. Woodward, prin-
cipal. Eight teachers. Enrollment, 309. Only kindergarten de-
partment in the city. All pupils south of Park avenue and west of
East Building--East Winter street. Mrs. Ella N. Stokes, prin-
cipal. Six teachers. Enrollment, 221. All pupils east of Olentangy.
New $35,000 building, with auditorium, will be erected in 1913.
Volumes in school libraries, 2,670.
(Compiled with Assessor's Returns, May, 1912.)
Total number of acres in county, 237,846.
Acres sown Bu. produced Acres sown
1911. 1911. 1912.
Wheat.....................19,010 284,103 16,047
Rye........................1,282 14,012 901
Oats......................10,020 228,186 14,818
Barley........................63 ...... 11
Corn......................37,722 1,417,493 41,815
Ensilage corn..............1,535 ...... 1,298
Peas..........................70 3,500 lbs.
Irish potatoes...............482 32,080 444
Meadow....................41,899 44,188
Clover.....................8,995 9,926 tons.
Alfalfa......................459 1,276 tons.
Gallons of milk produced, 1911, 632,581. Butter made in home
dairies, 484,628 pounds; in creameries, 1,509,836. Eggs produced,
1,160,637 dozen.
Acres in fruit--Apples, 2,162 acres, producing 161,581 bushels
in 1911; grapes, 2 acres; peaches, 38 acres, 1,873 bushels; pears,
26 1/2 acres, 2.067 bushels; cherries, 15 1/4 acres, 475 bushels.
Acres cultivated, 1911, 73,363; acres in pasture, 144,888; acres
woodland, 17,493; acres lying waste, 2,102.
Animals owned--10,120 horses, valued at $1,187,381; 17,089
cattle, valued at $440,227; 201 mules, valued at $23,190; 48,821
sheep, valued at $154,075; 21,183 hogs, valued at $156,900.
The Pumpkin Show--October 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Rome Fair--September 18 and 19.
Powell Fair--September 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Ashley Fair--September 10, 11 and 12.
Ohio State Fair--September 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Richwood Tri-County Fair--September 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Marion County Fair--September 23, 24, 25 and 26.
Hardin County Fair (Kenton)--August 26, 27, 28 and 29.
Morrow County Fair (Mt. Gilead)--September 30 to October 3.
Champaign County Fair (Urbana)--August 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Wyandot County Fair (Upper Sandusky)--September 16 to 19.
[corresponds to page 57 of Delaware Blue Book]
all west of the Hocking Valley north to the corporation line. Cost
of building, $42,800.
South School--South Liberty street. Laura A. Woodward, prin-
cipal. Eight teachers. Enrollment, 309. Only kindergarten de-
partment in the city. All pupils south of Park avenue and west of
East Building--East Winter street. Mrs. Ella N. Stokes, prin-
cipal. Six teachers. Enrollment, 221. All pupils east of Olentangy.
New $35,000 building, with auditorium, will be erected in 1913.
Volumes in school libraries, 2,670.
(Compiled with Assessor's Returns, May, 1912.)
Total number of acres in county, 237,846.
Acres sown Bu. produced Acres sown
1911. 1911. 1912.
Wheat.....................19,010 284,103 16,047
Rye........................1,282 14,012 901
Oats......................10,020 228,186 14,818
Barley........................63 ...... 11
Corn......................37,722 1,417,493 41,815
Ensilage corn..............1,535 ...... 1,298
Peas..........................70 3,500 lbs.
Irish potatoes...............482 32,080 444
Meadow....................41,899 44,188
Clover.....................8,995 9,926 tons.
Alfalfa......................459 1,276 tons.
Gallons of milk produced, 1911, 632,581. Butter made in home
dairies, 484,628 pounds; in creameries, 1,509,836. Eggs produced,
1,160,637 dozen.
Acres in fruit--Apples, 2,162 acres, producing 161,581 bushels
in 1911; grapes, 2 acres; peaches, 38 acres, 1,873 bushels; pears,
26 1/2 acres, 2.067 bushels; cherries, 15 1/4 acres, 475 bushels.
Acres cultivated, 1911, 73,363; acres in pasture, 144,888; acres
woodland, 17,493; acres lying waste, 2,102.
Animals owned--10,120 horses, valued at $1,187,381; 17,089
cattle, valued at $440,227; 201 mules, valued at $23,190; 48,821
sheep, valued at $154,075; 21,183 hogs, valued at $156,900.
The Pumpkin Show--October 8, 9, 10 and 11.
Rome Fair--September 18 and 19.
Powell Fair--September 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Ashley Fair--September 10, 11 and 12.
Ohio State Fair--September 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Richwood Tri-County Fair--September 16, 17, 18 and 19.
Marion County Fair--September 23, 24, 25 and 26.
Hardin County Fair (Kenton)--August 26, 27, 28 and 29.
Morrow County Fair (Mt. Gilead)--September 30 to October 3.
Champaign County Fair (Urbana)--August 12, 13, 14 and 15.
Wyandot County Fair (Upper Sandusky)--September 16 to 19.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 60)
[page 60]
[corresponds to unlabled page 58 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Modern Way
[graphic of heart with arrow through it]
This is the route of the
Columbus, Delaware &
Marion Railway
Cheapest, quickest and most convenient Route
to Columbus. Limited cars, leaving Delaware
at 6:48 and 8:48 a.m., 12:48 and 4:48 p.m.,
maket he trip to North Columbus in 36 minu-
tes, and to Gay and High Streets in 57 minutes
We have been enjoying a large passenger
and freight business in Franklin, Delaware
and Marion counties, and solicit a continua-
tion of your patronage.
The C. D. & M. Railway.
[corresponds to unlabled page 58 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Modern Way
[graphic of heart with arrow through it]
This is the route of the
Columbus, Delaware &
Marion Railway
Cheapest, quickest and most convenient Route
to Columbus. Limited cars, leaving Delaware
at 6:48 and 8:48 a.m., 12:48 and 4:48 p.m.,
maket he trip to North Columbus in 36 minu-
tes, and to Gay and High Streets in 57 minutes
We have been enjoying a large passenger
and freight business in Franklin, Delaware
and Marion counties, and solicit a continua-
tion of your patronage.
The C. D. & M. Railway.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 61)
[page 61]
[corresponds to page 59 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Historically.
First Settlement--In the county made by Nathan Carpenter and
Avery Powers, six miles south of Delaware, in Liberty township,
May 1, 1801. In the city, first settlement made by Moses Byxbe,
who removed from Berkshire in 1808 and was big factor in early
history; died September 9, 1826.
County Created--Act creating Delaware county passed February 10,
1808. Delaware county organized May 1, 1808. First officers:
John Welch, Ezekiel Brown and Avery Powers, commissioners;
Rev. Joseph Drake, treasurer; Dr. Reuben Lamb, recorder;
Solomon Smith, sheriff; Azariah Root, surveyor.
Delaware Platted--On west side of Olentangy, May 9, 1808. Incor-
porated 1816.
First Tavern--On elevation facing on Henry street and now located
in Ohio Wesleyan campus, opened by Joseph Barber. Head-
quarters of General William Henry Harrison during advnce to
the lakes in war of 1812. Site has just been marked by a
memorial tablet erected by the Daughters of the American Rev-
Oldest Buildings Now Standing--Oldest business room, now occupied
by Emerson's Meat Market, erected by Alexander Kilbourne,
1831. Oldest residence, brick building at southwest corner of
East William and Union streets, erected by Dr. Reuben Lamb
in 1810.
First Bank--Bank of Delaware, organized 1817, with Moses Byxbe
president. Located northwest corner William and Sandusky
street. History of short duration.
In War Times--Delaware was prominent in the march of troops to
the lakes during war of 1812. During the civil war many
troops went from Camp Delaware, which was located just east
of the Olentangy and south of the Springfield division of the
Big Four.
Public Buildings--Present courthouse erected 1870; cost, $80,000.
Present jail erected 1878; cost $25,845.35. City hall erected
1879-82; cost, $135,000. Carnegie library erected 1906; cost,
Local Street Names--Winter, a corruption of Witter, maiden name of
wife of Moses Byxbe. Henry, name of Henry Baldwin's partner
in platting Delaware. William, for brother of Henry Baldwin.
Griswold, for Ezra Griswold, prominent early resident. Other
names largely patriotic in origin.
Railway History--Big Four (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & St.
Louis), now part of New York Central system; completed east
of city in 1851; county paid $100,000 to secure it; curve built
into Delaware later. Hocking Valley, incorporated May 23,
1872; first trains ran January 10, 1877. Pennsylvania (origin-
ally Columbus & Sandusky Short Line), opened for traffic April
15, 1893; purchased by Pennsylvania November, 1902.
[corresponds to page 59 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware Historically.
First Settlement--In the county made by Nathan Carpenter and
Avery Powers, six miles south of Delaware, in Liberty township,
May 1, 1801. In the city, first settlement made by Moses Byxbe,
who removed from Berkshire in 1808 and was big factor in early
history; died September 9, 1826.
County Created--Act creating Delaware county passed February 10,
1808. Delaware county organized May 1, 1808. First officers:
John Welch, Ezekiel Brown and Avery Powers, commissioners;
Rev. Joseph Drake, treasurer; Dr. Reuben Lamb, recorder;
Solomon Smith, sheriff; Azariah Root, surveyor.
Delaware Platted--On west side of Olentangy, May 9, 1808. Incor-
porated 1816.
First Tavern--On elevation facing on Henry street and now located
in Ohio Wesleyan campus, opened by Joseph Barber. Head-
quarters of General William Henry Harrison during advnce to
the lakes in war of 1812. Site has just been marked by a
memorial tablet erected by the Daughters of the American Rev-
Oldest Buildings Now Standing--Oldest business room, now occupied
by Emerson's Meat Market, erected by Alexander Kilbourne,
1831. Oldest residence, brick building at southwest corner of
East William and Union streets, erected by Dr. Reuben Lamb
in 1810.
First Bank--Bank of Delaware, organized 1817, with Moses Byxbe
president. Located northwest corner William and Sandusky
street. History of short duration.
In War Times--Delaware was prominent in the march of troops to
the lakes during war of 1812. During the civil war many
troops went from Camp Delaware, which was located just east
of the Olentangy and south of the Springfield division of the
Big Four.
Public Buildings--Present courthouse erected 1870; cost, $80,000.
Present jail erected 1878; cost $25,845.35. City hall erected
1879-82; cost, $135,000. Carnegie library erected 1906; cost,
Local Street Names--Winter, a corruption of Witter, maiden name of
wife of Moses Byxbe. Henry, name of Henry Baldwin's partner
in platting Delaware. William, for brother of Henry Baldwin.
Griswold, for Ezra Griswold, prominent early resident. Other
names largely patriotic in origin.
Railway History--Big Four (Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & St.
Louis), now part of New York Central system; completed east
of city in 1851; county paid $100,000 to secure it; curve built
into Delaware later. Hocking Valley, incorporated May 23,
1872; first trains ran January 10, 1877. Pennsylvania (origin-
ally Columbus & Sandusky Short Line), opened for traffic April
15, 1893; purchased by Pennsylvania November, 1902.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 62)
[page 62]
[corresponds to unlabled page 60 of Delaware Blue Book]
[image of watch]
Wins respect. It has gained a reputation for
That we feel proud of. Our selection of time-
pieces are marvels of artistic skill in design and
finish. We sell Guaranteed watches at Reasona-
ble figures.
We carry the best there is in
We solicit your inspection of our goods.
Hotel Donavin Block. Sign of the Big Street Clock.
[corresponds to unlabled page 60 of Delaware Blue Book]
[image of watch]
Wins respect. It has gained a reputation for
That we feel proud of. Our selection of time-
pieces are marvels of artistic skill in design and
finish. We sell Guaranteed watches at Reasona-
ble figures.
We carry the best there is in
We solicit your inspection of our goods.
Hotel Donavin Block. Sign of the Big Street Clock.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 63)
[page 63]
[corresponds to page 61 of Delaware Blue Book]
Electric Lines--Columbus, Delaware & Marion opened for traffic to
Columbus September, 1902. Delaware, Magnetic Springs &
Northern, incorporated 1903; first cars to Magnetic Springs
June 23, 1904; cars to Richwood October 15, 1906.
By act of the Ohio Legislature, February 10, 1808, Delaware
county was created.
Through the influence of Moses Byxby, special commissioners
located the county seat here in March, 1808.
Delaware was first incorporated as a village in 1816. That year
thirty-two votes were polled, and in the winter of the first election a
wood-chopper, standing on the barren Monnett Hall hill, looked over
the surrounding valley and counted thirty-two houses. In four years
these increased to fifty, and in 1823 there were sixty houses.
At that time a Board of Trustees, elected by the people, man-
aged the affairs of the village. This form of government continued
until 1849, when the Legislature passed an act providing for a town
council of eight members. This council chose from its ranks a
Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and Assessor. They also elected a mar-
shall and a street committee of three.
Up to 1857 the Mayor served without pay, except such legal fees
as he received as a magistrate. In that year, however, the salary
was fixed at $200. In 1863 this salary was cut in half. In 1854
councilmen were allowed $1 for each regular session and 50 cents
for each special meeting. The marshal received $200 annually. In
fact, at that time the marshal was a most important functionary.
Besides representing the majesty of municipal law, he collected the
taxes, cleaned the streets, had charge of the village market. Later
it became the duty of council to appoint the marshal, and he served
night and day for $2, exclusive of legal fees.
In the early days city officials were much troubled with stray
animals. Hogs, dogs and cows ran at large, greatly to the worry of
the citizenry. Finally a dog and hog tax was levied in 1842, but the
friends of the latter were too powerful, and the partially collected
tax was refunded. But with the growth of the village the opposition
grew stronger, and the hog, shorn of his liberty, cannot at this pro-
gressive date be nurtured within the closely guarded precincts of the
In 1821 James B. Weaver was the only school teacher in Dela-
ware. He taught in a building on the site of present city hall. In
a fit of passion he fatally injured a pupil, and although no prosecu-
tion followed, the act broke up the school and drove the teacher from
his profession and from the town.
In 1873 Delaware advanced from village rank to the dignity of
a city. The population was slightly more than 6,000. The city was
divided into three wards, and later into five. There was a re-division
in 1891, when six wards were created. There was another change in
1899, and finally the divisions were made in 1912 to include four
wards, with a total of twelve precincts. It is interesting to note the
[corresponds to page 61 of Delaware Blue Book]
Electric Lines--Columbus, Delaware & Marion opened for traffic to
Columbus September, 1902. Delaware, Magnetic Springs &
Northern, incorporated 1903; first cars to Magnetic Springs
June 23, 1904; cars to Richwood October 15, 1906.
By act of the Ohio Legislature, February 10, 1808, Delaware
county was created.
Through the influence of Moses Byxby, special commissioners
located the county seat here in March, 1808.
Delaware was first incorporated as a village in 1816. That year
thirty-two votes were polled, and in the winter of the first election a
wood-chopper, standing on the barren Monnett Hall hill, looked over
the surrounding valley and counted thirty-two houses. In four years
these increased to fifty, and in 1823 there were sixty houses.
At that time a Board of Trustees, elected by the people, man-
aged the affairs of the village. This form of government continued
until 1849, when the Legislature passed an act providing for a town
council of eight members. This council chose from its ranks a
Mayor, Recorder, Treasurer and Assessor. They also elected a mar-
shall and a street committee of three.
Up to 1857 the Mayor served without pay, except such legal fees
as he received as a magistrate. In that year, however, the salary
was fixed at $200. In 1863 this salary was cut in half. In 1854
councilmen were allowed $1 for each regular session and 50 cents
for each special meeting. The marshal received $200 annually. In
fact, at that time the marshal was a most important functionary.
Besides representing the majesty of municipal law, he collected the
taxes, cleaned the streets, had charge of the village market. Later
it became the duty of council to appoint the marshal, and he served
night and day for $2, exclusive of legal fees.
In the early days city officials were much troubled with stray
animals. Hogs, dogs and cows ran at large, greatly to the worry of
the citizenry. Finally a dog and hog tax was levied in 1842, but the
friends of the latter were too powerful, and the partially collected
tax was refunded. But with the growth of the village the opposition
grew stronger, and the hog, shorn of his liberty, cannot at this pro-
gressive date be nurtured within the closely guarded precincts of the
In 1821 James B. Weaver was the only school teacher in Dela-
ware. He taught in a building on the site of present city hall. In
a fit of passion he fatally injured a pupil, and although no prosecu-
tion followed, the act broke up the school and drove the teacher from
his profession and from the town.
In 1873 Delaware advanced from village rank to the dignity of
a city. The population was slightly more than 6,000. The city was
divided into three wards, and later into five. There was a re-division
in 1891, when six wards were created. There was another change in
1899, and finally the divisions were made in 1912 to include four
wards, with a total of twelve precincts. It is interesting to note the
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 64)
[page 64]
[corresponds to unlabled page 62 of Delaware Blue Book]
Motion Picture Plays
and Vaudeville
Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear
We Want Your Business
[corresponds to unlabled page 62 of Delaware Blue Book]
Motion Picture Plays
and Vaudeville
Dry Goods and Ready-to-Wear
We Want Your Business
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 65)
[page 65]
[corresponds to page 63 of Delaware Blue Book]
Mayors and their politics, from the city's organization down to the
present time:
1872--John D. VanDeman (Republican).
1874--W. O. Semans (Temperance).
1876--J. A. Barnes (Republican).
1878--C. H. McElroy (Republican).
1880--F. M. Joy (Republican).
1882--H. L. Baker (Democrat), two terms.
1886--H. E. Buck (Democrat).
1888--J. K. Newcomer (Democrat).
1890--Henry S. Culver (Republican), two terms.
1894--H. L. Baker (Democrat), third term.
1896--W. R. Carpenter (Republican).
1902--H. H. Beecher (Republican).
1908--W. E. Haas (Democrat), two terms.
1912--Bert V. Leas (Democrat).
Governor of Ohio three terms, and President of the United
Born October 4, 1822, at 17 East William street, in a log struc-
ture now clapboarded and at the rear; the nineteenth President of
the United States, being inaugurated in 1877, at the age of 54. He
died at Fremont, January 17, 1893. He was major general in the
civil war and was a member of congress immediately thereafter. He
was Ohio's governor (Republican) for two terms, 1868-1872, and an-
other term beginning in 1876. He received 250,935 less popular
votes than his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, but he won the United
States Presidency with the electoral commission, the vote being 185.
Columbus, Delaware & Marion railway; 1912 valuation,
Delaware, Magnetic Springs & Northern railway; 1912 valua-
tion, $227,130.
Delaware Electric Light, Heat and Power Company; 1912 valua-
tion, $141,190.
Delaware Water Company; 1912 valuation; $200,000.
Delaware Gas Company; 1912 valuation; $116,300.
Matron, Miss Charlotte Dye.
Present population, 414.
Girls on parole, 680.
Size of farm, 189 acres.
Value of all property, $476,324.72.
Value of lands, $13,230.
Value of buildings, $388,800.
Value of furniture and fixtures, $13,625.21.
Value of machinery and tools, $27,883.75.
[corresponds to page 63 of Delaware Blue Book]
Mayors and their politics, from the city's organization down to the
present time:
1872--John D. VanDeman (Republican).
1874--W. O. Semans (Temperance).
1876--J. A. Barnes (Republican).
1878--C. H. McElroy (Republican).
1880--F. M. Joy (Republican).
1882--H. L. Baker (Democrat), two terms.
1886--H. E. Buck (Democrat).
1888--J. K. Newcomer (Democrat).
1890--Henry S. Culver (Republican), two terms.
1894--H. L. Baker (Democrat), third term.
1896--W. R. Carpenter (Republican).
1902--H. H. Beecher (Republican).
1908--W. E. Haas (Democrat), two terms.
1912--Bert V. Leas (Democrat).
Governor of Ohio three terms, and President of the United
Born October 4, 1822, at 17 East William street, in a log struc-
ture now clapboarded and at the rear; the nineteenth President of
the United States, being inaugurated in 1877, at the age of 54. He
died at Fremont, January 17, 1893. He was major general in the
civil war and was a member of congress immediately thereafter. He
was Ohio's governor (Republican) for two terms, 1868-1872, and an-
other term beginning in 1876. He received 250,935 less popular
votes than his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, but he won the United
States Presidency with the electoral commission, the vote being 185.
Columbus, Delaware & Marion railway; 1912 valuation,
Delaware, Magnetic Springs & Northern railway; 1912 valua-
tion, $227,130.
Delaware Electric Light, Heat and Power Company; 1912 valua-
tion, $141,190.
Delaware Water Company; 1912 valuation; $200,000.
Delaware Gas Company; 1912 valuation; $116,300.
Matron, Miss Charlotte Dye.
Present population, 414.
Girls on parole, 680.
Size of farm, 189 acres.
Value of all property, $476,324.72.
Value of lands, $13,230.
Value of buildings, $388,800.
Value of furniture and fixtures, $13,625.21.
Value of machinery and tools, $27,883.75.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 66)
[page 66]
[corresponds to unlabled page 64 of Delaware Blue Book]
Established 1857. [image of shoe, man, and woman]
BAUEREIS' have been
selling GOOD SHOES for
the whole family--a rec-
ord which could not have
been attained without de-
pendable merchandise,
honest service and meth-
ods. Why don't you wear
BAUEREIS'S shoes, too?
Is one good habit to have.
We pay 4 per cent interest on savings deposits.
We pay 5 per cent on six month time deposits.
It is no trouble for us to answer questions
about our business methods.
Get in Communication with Us.
People's Building & Loan Co.
[corresponds to unlabled page 64 of Delaware Blue Book]
Established 1857. [image of shoe, man, and woman]
BAUEREIS' have been
selling GOOD SHOES for
the whole family--a rec-
ord which could not have
been attained without de-
pendable merchandise,
honest service and meth-
ods. Why don't you wear
BAUEREIS'S shoes, too?
Is one good habit to have.
We pay 4 per cent interest on savings deposits.
We pay 5 per cent on six month time deposits.
It is no trouble for us to answer questions
about our business methods.
Get in Communication with Us.
People's Building & Loan Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 67)
[page 67]
[corresponds to page 65 of Delaware Blue Book]
Facts on Population.
Delaware city--In 1910, 9,076; 1900, 7,940; 1890, 8,224; 1880,
6,894; 1870, 6,000; 1860, 3,889; 1850, 2,074; 1840, 898; 1830, 532;
1820, 250; 1910, 27.
Delaware county--In 1910, 27,182; 1900, 26,401; 1890, 27,189;
1880, 27,381; 1870, 25,175; 1860, 23,902; 1850, 21,817; 1840, 22,-
060; 1830, 11,504; 1820, 7,639; 1810, 2,000. Gain in a century,
Ohio population--In 1910, 4,767,121; 1800, 45,365.
Delaware county incorporated villages--Ashley, 706; Ostrander,
431; Sunbury, 485.
Delaware county has 445 square miles area. The population is
61.1 people to every square mile, while the rural population alone is
40.7 persons to each square mile. The county's rural population in
1910 was 18,106, and in 1900 it was 18,461, showing a decrease
of 355.
Elevation of county points, above sea level--Delaware, 927 feet;
Peerless, 1,179; Sunbury, 970; Summit, 972. Val. 1910 du-
Real Estate--Value, Acreage--Population Minor Subdivisions. plicate before
Delaware County Population Acreage. Value fixed by Tax Com.
Townships. in 1910. Tax Com. was created.
Berkshire ............... 1,126 15,323 $ 997,100 $ 395,590
Berlin .................. 976 16,440 1,107,045 410,120
Brown ................... 930 16,006 1,241,200 399,210
Concord ................. 1,579 15,227 1,065,195 331,360
Delaware ................ 996 13,225 1,209,145 447,050
Genoa ................... 856 15,225 1,067,833 353,070
Harlem .................. 925 16,687 1,169,820 400,410
Kingston ................ 555 15,083 817,780 304,450
Liberty ................. 1,377 21,048 1,387,778 515,830
Marlborough ............. 405 7,564 585,720 184,140
Orange .................. 954 16,249 1,202,724 390,910
Oxford .................. 613 12,337 922,374 319,160
Porter .................. 659 16,053 843,714 325,460
Radnor .................. 1,082 19,566 1,766,715 578,810
Scioto .................. 1,219 21,821 1,533,072 539,900
Thompson ................ 666 12,472 1,072,700 341,670
Trenton ................. 882 16,397 1,062,873 377,240
Troy .................... 684 15,609 1,112,616 422,210
_______ _______ _________ ________
Totals ................. 16,484 282,332 $20,165,424 $7,036,590
[corresponds to page 65 of Delaware Blue Book]
Facts on Population.
Delaware city--In 1910, 9,076; 1900, 7,940; 1890, 8,224; 1880,
6,894; 1870, 6,000; 1860, 3,889; 1850, 2,074; 1840, 898; 1830, 532;
1820, 250; 1910, 27.
Delaware county--In 1910, 27,182; 1900, 26,401; 1890, 27,189;
1880, 27,381; 1870, 25,175; 1860, 23,902; 1850, 21,817; 1840, 22,-
060; 1830, 11,504; 1820, 7,639; 1810, 2,000. Gain in a century,
Ohio population--In 1910, 4,767,121; 1800, 45,365.
Delaware county incorporated villages--Ashley, 706; Ostrander,
431; Sunbury, 485.
Delaware county has 445 square miles area. The population is
61.1 people to every square mile, while the rural population alone is
40.7 persons to each square mile. The county's rural population in
1910 was 18,106, and in 1900 it was 18,461, showing a decrease
of 355.
Elevation of county points, above sea level--Delaware, 927 feet;
Peerless, 1,179; Sunbury, 970; Summit, 972. Val. 1910 du-
Real Estate--Value, Acreage--Population Minor Subdivisions. plicate before
Delaware County Population Acreage. Value fixed by Tax Com.
Townships. in 1910. Tax Com. was created.
Berkshire ............... 1,126 15,323 $ 997,100 $ 395,590
Berlin .................. 976 16,440 1,107,045 410,120
Brown ................... 930 16,006 1,241,200 399,210
Concord ................. 1,579 15,227 1,065,195 331,360
Delaware ................ 996 13,225 1,209,145 447,050
Genoa ................... 856 15,225 1,067,833 353,070
Harlem .................. 925 16,687 1,169,820 400,410
Kingston ................ 555 15,083 817,780 304,450
Liberty ................. 1,377 21,048 1,387,778 515,830
Marlborough ............. 405 7,564 585,720 184,140
Orange .................. 954 16,249 1,202,724 390,910
Oxford .................. 613 12,337 922,374 319,160
Porter .................. 659 16,053 843,714 325,460
Radnor .................. 1,082 19,566 1,766,715 578,810
Scioto .................. 1,219 21,821 1,533,072 539,900
Thompson ................ 666 12,472 1,072,700 341,670
Trenton ................. 882 16,397 1,062,873 377,240
Troy .................... 684 15,609 1,112,616 422,210
_______ _______ _________ ________
Totals ................. 16,484 282,332 $20,165,424 $7,036,590
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 68)
[page 68]
[corresponds to unlabled page 66 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Walk-Over Way
"Never mind what size the customer wears,
sell him what he ought to wear."
That's the WALK-OVER method and we
always try to carry it out.
However, if you insist on something that
doesn't fit you we'll sell it to you--politely but
But to get your full money's worth you
ought to buy WALK-OVER shoes fitted the
"Walk-Over" Prices $3.50 to $6.00.
The Walk-Over Shop
Hotel Donavin Corner. Delaware, Ohio.
[corresponds to unlabled page 66 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Walk-Over Way
"Never mind what size the customer wears,
sell him what he ought to wear."
That's the WALK-OVER method and we
always try to carry it out.
However, if you insist on something that
doesn't fit you we'll sell it to you--politely but
But to get your full money's worth you
ought to buy WALK-OVER shoes fitted the
"Walk-Over" Prices $3.50 to $6.00.
The Walk-Over Shop
Hotel Donavin Corner. Delaware, Ohio.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 69)
[page 69]
[corresponds to unlabled page 67 of Delaware Blue Book]
Watch Us Grow Watch Us Grow
To Our New Store
To the Public:--
In order to keep pace with our constantly growing busi-
ness, we will, about November 1st, remove to greatly improved
and more commodious quarters in the "New Building and Loan
and McKenzie" fireproof building on the corner of Sandusky
and Winter streets, where we will occupy about 8,000 square
feet in all, with an entrance on both streets.
The location is three doors north of our present location
and directly opposite the Hotel Donavin.
The store will be one of the finest dry goods stores of its
size in Ohio.
& Martin
[corresponds to unlabled page 67 of Delaware Blue Book]
Watch Us Grow Watch Us Grow
To Our New Store
To the Public:--
In order to keep pace with our constantly growing busi-
ness, we will, about November 1st, remove to greatly improved
and more commodious quarters in the "New Building and Loan
and McKenzie" fireproof building on the corner of Sandusky
and Winter streets, where we will occupy about 8,000 square
feet in all, with an entrance on both streets.
The location is three doors north of our present location
and directly opposite the Hotel Donavin.
The store will be one of the finest dry goods stores of its
size in Ohio.
& Martin
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 70)
[page 70]
[corresponds to unlabled page 68 of Delaware Blue Book]
We endeavor at all times to present for your approval an
unsurpassed selection of Dry Goods and Women's Wearing Ap-
parrel, comprising the very newest ideas--styles that are cor-
rect in every detail, and merchandise which for quality and
general attractiveness cannot be equalled at our prices--is our
effort. Every desirable mode, embracing quality, exclusiveness
and distinctiveness, rightly priced, is found in our showing.
& Martin
[corresponds to unlabled page 68 of Delaware Blue Book]
We endeavor at all times to present for your approval an
unsurpassed selection of Dry Goods and Women's Wearing Ap-
parrel, comprising the very newest ideas--styles that are cor-
rect in every detail, and merchandise which for quality and
general attractiveness cannot be equalled at our prices--is our
effort. Every desirable mode, embracing quality, exclusiveness
and distinctiveness, rightly priced, is found in our showing.
& Martin
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 71)
[page 71]
[corresponds to page 69 of Delaware Blue Book]
Fraternal Directory.
Hiram Lodge No. 18, Free and Accepted Masons--Founded January
21, 1811. Officers: W. A. Whitacre, W.M.; A. C. Jones, S.W.;
D. H. Leas, J.W.; H. W. Jones, treasurer; W. M. Semans, secre-
tary; John Holl, S.D.; J. F. Wittlinger, J.D.; Louis Thorman,
tyler; T. H. Housel, chaplain; C. G. Lewis, R. T. Graff and E. R.
Williams, finance committee; J. L. Sperling, F. A. Owen and
J. W. Heimberger, trustees; W. A. Sellars and C. S. Hyde,
stewards; E. Y. Mason, organist. Stated communication second
and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Election first De-
cember communication.
Delaware Chapter No. 54, Royal Arch Masons--Chartered October
15, 1855. Officers: D. H. Leas, M.E.H.P.; W. A. Greiner, E.
King; O. S. Smith, E. Scribe; H. L. Clark, C. of H.; J. W. Heim-
berger, Princ. Soj.; H. W. Jones, R.A.C.; E. H. Shipman, G.M.
3d V.; C. W. McKeehan, G.M. 2d V.; E. P. Nash, G.M. 1st V.;
R. T. Graff, treasurer; W. M. Semans, secretary; Louis Thor-
man, guard; E. Y. Mason, organist; C. W. Denison, C. W. Wiles
and J. G. Rosenthal, finance committee. Stated conventions
first Thursday of each month. Election first Thursday in De-
Sidney Moore Council No. 84, Royal and Select Masters--Chartered
October 9, 1900. Officers: C. W. Denison, T.I.M.; John Holl,
D.I.M.; O. P. Sell, Prin. C. of W.; W. B. Galleher, treasurer;
W. M. Semans, recorder; C. W. McKeehan, Captain of G.; F. N.
Sell, Cor. of C.; J. F. Utz, steward; Louis Thorman, sentinel;
R. J. Cox, C. W. Wiles and J. W. Heimberger, finance commit-
tee. Stated assembly third Monday in each month. Election
third Monday in December.
Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias--Officers: A. J. White, captain;
E. S. Owen, first lieutenant; George Irwin, second lieutenant;
H. V. Spicer, recorder; John Pfiffner, treasurer-sergeant; Henry
Freese, first sergeant; Frank Mason, second sergeant. Staff:
A. J. Pounds, surgeon third battalion, first regiment; H. H.
Miller, chaplain first regiment; B. H. Masters, major brigadier-
general's staff. Meetings first and third Thursdays each month.
Catholic Knights of Ohio--Officers: John Schweitzer, president;
John Maloney, vice president; John Shoub, recording secretary;
F. W. Pliickebaum, financial secretary; J. P. Grasser, treasurer;
John Haas, sentinel; A. Pliickebaum, George Haas and P.
Griffin, trustees.
Josephine Camp No. 14051, Modern Woodmen of America--Officers:
J. A. Baumgardner, V.C.; W. A. Fisher, P.C.; P. N. Teeple,
W.A.; Paul S. Nichols, clerk; Michael Nappi, banker; G. V.
Matthews, escort; C. B. Brewster, physician; J. Cunningham,
watchman; H. W. Simpson, sentry; W. L. Smith, trustee.
[corresponds to page 69 of Delaware Blue Book]
Fraternal Directory.
Hiram Lodge No. 18, Free and Accepted Masons--Founded January
21, 1811. Officers: W. A. Whitacre, W.M.; A. C. Jones, S.W.;
D. H. Leas, J.W.; H. W. Jones, treasurer; W. M. Semans, secre-
tary; John Holl, S.D.; J. F. Wittlinger, J.D.; Louis Thorman,
tyler; T. H. Housel, chaplain; C. G. Lewis, R. T. Graff and E. R.
Williams, finance committee; J. L. Sperling, F. A. Owen and
J. W. Heimberger, trustees; W. A. Sellars and C. S. Hyde,
stewards; E. Y. Mason, organist. Stated communication second
and fourth Tuesday evening of each month. Election first De-
cember communication.
Delaware Chapter No. 54, Royal Arch Masons--Chartered October
15, 1855. Officers: D. H. Leas, M.E.H.P.; W. A. Greiner, E.
King; O. S. Smith, E. Scribe; H. L. Clark, C. of H.; J. W. Heim-
berger, Princ. Soj.; H. W. Jones, R.A.C.; E. H. Shipman, G.M.
3d V.; C. W. McKeehan, G.M. 2d V.; E. P. Nash, G.M. 1st V.;
R. T. Graff, treasurer; W. M. Semans, secretary; Louis Thor-
man, guard; E. Y. Mason, organist; C. W. Denison, C. W. Wiles
and J. G. Rosenthal, finance committee. Stated conventions
first Thursday of each month. Election first Thursday in De-
Sidney Moore Council No. 84, Royal and Select Masters--Chartered
October 9, 1900. Officers: C. W. Denison, T.I.M.; John Holl,
D.I.M.; O. P. Sell, Prin. C. of W.; W. B. Galleher, treasurer;
W. M. Semans, recorder; C. W. McKeehan, Captain of G.; F. N.
Sell, Cor. of C.; J. F. Utz, steward; Louis Thorman, sentinel;
R. J. Cox, C. W. Wiles and J. W. Heimberger, finance commit-
tee. Stated assembly third Monday in each month. Election
third Monday in December.
Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias--Officers: A. J. White, captain;
E. S. Owen, first lieutenant; George Irwin, second lieutenant;
H. V. Spicer, recorder; John Pfiffner, treasurer-sergeant; Henry
Freese, first sergeant; Frank Mason, second sergeant. Staff:
A. J. Pounds, surgeon third battalion, first regiment; H. H.
Miller, chaplain first regiment; B. H. Masters, major brigadier-
general's staff. Meetings first and third Thursdays each month.
Catholic Knights of Ohio--Officers: John Schweitzer, president;
John Maloney, vice president; John Shoub, recording secretary;
F. W. Pliickebaum, financial secretary; J. P. Grasser, treasurer;
John Haas, sentinel; A. Pliickebaum, George Haas and P.
Griffin, trustees.
Josephine Camp No. 14051, Modern Woodmen of America--Officers:
J. A. Baumgardner, V.C.; W. A. Fisher, P.C.; P. N. Teeple,
W.A.; Paul S. Nichols, clerk; Michael Nappi, banker; G. V.
Matthews, escort; C. B. Brewster, physician; J. Cunningham,
watchman; H. W. Simpson, sentry; W. L. Smith, trustee.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 72)
[page 72]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 70 of Delaware Blue Book]
Let Me Have Your Next Order for
Roses, Carnations, and All
Flowers in Season.
325 West William Street Telephone 309
John G. Koch
-Wholesale and Retail Dealer in-
Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard and
Dressed Poultry.
Sausage a Specialty.
Phone 433 73 South Sandusky Street
3rd Door South of Post Office
[corresponds to unlabeled page 70 of Delaware Blue Book]
Let Me Have Your Next Order for
Roses, Carnations, and All
Flowers in Season.
325 West William Street Telephone 309
John G. Koch
-Wholesale and Retail Dealer in-
Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard and
Dressed Poultry.
Sausage a Specialty.
Phone 433 73 South Sandusky Street
3rd Door South of Post Office
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 73)
[page 73]
[corresponds to page 71 of Delaware Blue Book]
Buckeye Lodge No. 2873, Modern Brotherhood of America--Officers:
A. A. Stephen, president; L. F. Hall, vice president; H. E. Mar-
tin, secretary; J. H. Smith, chaplain; C. M. Hurd, sentry;
Chauncey Shaw, watchman; J. W. Long, conductor; J. K. James,
physician; George W. Kughn, Michael Stack and C. S. Baron,
Delaware Lodge No. 76, B.P.0. Elks--Officers: M. L. Wolff, exalted
ruler; L. C. Riddle, esteemed leading knight; Ellis Cregmile,
esteemed loyal knight; Ellis Gallant, esteemed lecturing knight;
A. K. Harmount, secretary; H. B. Powers, treasurer; Ray Yates,
tyler; E. W. Carpenter, T. B. Williams and James McDonald,
trustees; J. D. Knowles, esquire; A. J. White, chaplain; Edward
Moeller, inner guard; Ernest Main, musician.
Catholic Ladies of Columbia--Officers: Mrs. Ellen Potter, presi-
dent; Mrs. Frank King, vice president; Miss Anna Kraus, sec-
retary; Mrs. Lena Nappi, financial secretary; Mrs. Margaret
Reinhart, treasurer; Miss Minnie Enright, monitor; Miss Kate
Connell, sentinel.
Haymakers' Association No. 42 1/2--Officers: F. C. Grojane, P.C.H.;
John Aigner, C. of H.; J. L. Cooperrider, A.C.H.; Emery John-
son, overseer; J. H. Pinyerd, C. of S.; J. H. Temple, A.S.; R. L.
Sherwood, K. of B.; Jacob Shearer, H. B.; Albert Ufferman,
B.D.; N. E. Harris, G. of H.; R. L. Hudson, G. of B.
Delawanta Lodge No. 42, Improved Order of Red Men--Officers:
Frank Grove, sachem; Nelson Jones, Sr. sagamore; Harry Clark,
Jr. Sagamore; John Cooperrider, prophet; William Temple, sec-
retary; Clark Long, collector of wampum; G. K. Zimmerman,
keeper of wampum.
Delaware Council No. 1056, Knights of Columbus--Officers: George
Parker, grand knight; William Thompson, deputy grand knight;
Maurice Hanning, chancellor; Forest J. Curtin, treasurer; John
Hines, recorder; Daniel Griffin, financial secretary; William
Quirk, advocate; Joseph Shea, inside guard; Daniel Sullivan,
outside guard; Henry Burke, lecturer; Jerome Montaine, O. J.
Ryan and J. J. McGough, trustees. Meetings first and third
Tuesdays of each month.
Silver Maple Camp No. 6, Woodmen of the World--Officers: A. S.
Conklin, council commander; C. M. Hettenbaugh, advisor lieu-
tenant; Al Linn, banker; Charles G. Rose, clerk; H. T. Main,
escort; Wilbert Main, watchman; S. F. Truxall, sentry; E. M.
Semans, physician; H. F. Owen, J. C. Swickheimer and F. R.
Conklin, managers.
Ladies of the Modern Maccabees No. 971--Organized November 22,
1912. Officers: Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, commander; Mrs.
Emma Dennis, Lieut. Com.; Mrs. Belle Cavin, past commander;
Mrs. Elizabeth Amrine, chaplain; Miss Lena Wheeler, record
keeper; Mrs. Gertrude Watrous, finance keeper; Miss Nellie
Shaw, captain of guard. Meetings in P.H.C. hall first and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Delaware Lodge No. 284, Protected Home Circle--Officers: Ira
Trout, president; Clara Miller, vice president; Cecil McKnight,
secretary; Bessie Long, treasurer; G. K. Zimmerman, account-
[corresponds to page 71 of Delaware Blue Book]
Buckeye Lodge No. 2873, Modern Brotherhood of America--Officers:
A. A. Stephen, president; L. F. Hall, vice president; H. E. Mar-
tin, secretary; J. H. Smith, chaplain; C. M. Hurd, sentry;
Chauncey Shaw, watchman; J. W. Long, conductor; J. K. James,
physician; George W. Kughn, Michael Stack and C. S. Baron,
Delaware Lodge No. 76, B.P.0. Elks--Officers: M. L. Wolff, exalted
ruler; L. C. Riddle, esteemed leading knight; Ellis Cregmile,
esteemed loyal knight; Ellis Gallant, esteemed lecturing knight;
A. K. Harmount, secretary; H. B. Powers, treasurer; Ray Yates,
tyler; E. W. Carpenter, T. B. Williams and James McDonald,
trustees; J. D. Knowles, esquire; A. J. White, chaplain; Edward
Moeller, inner guard; Ernest Main, musician.
Catholic Ladies of Columbia--Officers: Mrs. Ellen Potter, presi-
dent; Mrs. Frank King, vice president; Miss Anna Kraus, sec-
retary; Mrs. Lena Nappi, financial secretary; Mrs. Margaret
Reinhart, treasurer; Miss Minnie Enright, monitor; Miss Kate
Connell, sentinel.
Haymakers' Association No. 42 1/2--Officers: F. C. Grojane, P.C.H.;
John Aigner, C. of H.; J. L. Cooperrider, A.C.H.; Emery John-
son, overseer; J. H. Pinyerd, C. of S.; J. H. Temple, A.S.; R. L.
Sherwood, K. of B.; Jacob Shearer, H. B.; Albert Ufferman,
B.D.; N. E. Harris, G. of H.; R. L. Hudson, G. of B.
Delawanta Lodge No. 42, Improved Order of Red Men--Officers:
Frank Grove, sachem; Nelson Jones, Sr. sagamore; Harry Clark,
Jr. Sagamore; John Cooperrider, prophet; William Temple, sec-
retary; Clark Long, collector of wampum; G. K. Zimmerman,
keeper of wampum.
Delaware Council No. 1056, Knights of Columbus--Officers: George
Parker, grand knight; William Thompson, deputy grand knight;
Maurice Hanning, chancellor; Forest J. Curtin, treasurer; John
Hines, recorder; Daniel Griffin, financial secretary; William
Quirk, advocate; Joseph Shea, inside guard; Daniel Sullivan,
outside guard; Henry Burke, lecturer; Jerome Montaine, O. J.
Ryan and J. J. McGough, trustees. Meetings first and third
Tuesdays of each month.
Silver Maple Camp No. 6, Woodmen of the World--Officers: A. S.
Conklin, council commander; C. M. Hettenbaugh, advisor lieu-
tenant; Al Linn, banker; Charles G. Rose, clerk; H. T. Main,
escort; Wilbert Main, watchman; S. F. Truxall, sentry; E. M.
Semans, physician; H. F. Owen, J. C. Swickheimer and F. R.
Conklin, managers.
Ladies of the Modern Maccabees No. 971--Organized November 22,
1912. Officers: Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobs, commander; Mrs.
Emma Dennis, Lieut. Com.; Mrs. Belle Cavin, past commander;
Mrs. Elizabeth Amrine, chaplain; Miss Lena Wheeler, record
keeper; Mrs. Gertrude Watrous, finance keeper; Miss Nellie
Shaw, captain of guard. Meetings in P.H.C. hall first and third
Tuesday evenings of each month.
Delaware Lodge No. 284, Protected Home Circle--Officers: Ira
Trout, president; Clara Miller, vice president; Cecil McKnight,
secretary; Bessie Long, treasurer; G. K. Zimmerman, account-
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 74)
[page 74]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 72 of Delaware Blue Book]
Good clothes cut to fit right and feel right
are as gratifying to the wearer's feelings as they
are satisfying to the eyes of his friends. We
have a suit here for you that will please you from
the ground up. Nothing would please us better
than to have you come in and try it on.
Prices from $10 to $30
Satisfaction awaits you here certainly.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 72 of Delaware Blue Book]
Good clothes cut to fit right and feel right
are as gratifying to the wearer's feelings as they
are satisfying to the eyes of his friends. We
have a suit here for you that will please you from
the ground up. Nothing would please us better
than to have you come in and try it on.
Prices from $10 to $30
Satisfaction awaits you here certainly.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 75)
[page 75]
[corresponds to page 73 of Delaware Blue Book]
ant; Inez Brown, guide; Sadie Foster, companion; Nannie Zim-
merman, guardian; Emma Dennis, chaplain; Grant Havens,
watchman; William Matthews, sentinel; Hallie Havens, pianist;
G. K. Zimmerman, captain degree staff. Meeting night, every
Thursday evening, 7:30, East Winter street.
Delaware Home No. 147, Home Guards of America--Officers: James
E. Terry, counselor; Esta Slack, past counselor; May L. Tuite,
vice counselor; Orton G. Lea, chaplain and treasurer; W. E.
Slack, recording and financial secretary; James E. Terry, W. E.
Slack and Orton G. Lea, trustees. Meeting third Monday even-
ing of each month in K.O.T.M. hall.
Delaware Rebekah Lodge No. 198--Organized 1884. Mary Clark,
noble grand; Lois Nash, vice noble grand; Estella Davis, finan-
cial secretary; Lucy Pickett, recording secretary; Clara Welch,
treasurer; Frances Klee, pianist; Ella Hurd, deputy president.
Meeting second and fourth Thursday, in I.O.O.F. hall.
Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association--Mary R. Griffin, past presi-
dent; Catherine Jennings, president; Josephine Sauers, first
vice; Elizabeth O'Connor, second vice; Catherine Egan, treas-
urer; Kittie Donohue, financial secretary; Elizabeth Diggins,
recorder; Joanna Parker, marshal; Anna Haas, guard; Eliza-
beth Quirk, Margaret Keefe and Elizabeth Delaney, trustees.
Meetings second Thursday evening of each month in K.C. hall.
Royal Arcanum--John Pfannstiel, regent; William E. Knight, vice
regent; Ernest C. Dulin, secretary; Arlton Waggoner, collector.
Meetings Bodurtha's gallery, when called.
Home Guards of America, Detlor Home No. 253--Organized 1910.
C. P. Wallace, worthy counselor; Clifton Main, past counnselor;
Walter P. Loop, vice counselor; S. A. Ekelberry, secretary;
W. S. McCandlish, treasurer; Mrs. W. F. Crickard, chaplain;
Mrs. Clara Miller, guide; Mrs. Harriet Everal, conductor; Mrs.
B. F. Sams, inner shield; Landon Aldrich, outer shield; W. S.
McCandlish, trustee; C. P. Wallace, captain of degree staff.
Meeting every Friday evening in P.H.C. hall.
Daughters of Pocahontas, Muskoko Council No. 91--Mae Cruik-
shank, Pocahontas; Margaret Sherwood, Winona; Emma Den-
nis, prophetess; J. L. Cooperider, Powhatan; Clara Miller,
keeper of records; Emma Long, collector of wampum; Grace
Temple, keeper of wampum; George Zimmerman, captain;
Eulala Thomas, pianist; Emma Long, representative to great
Olentangy Lodge No. 53, I.O.O.F.--Chartered November 15, 1845.
Grover Wakeman, N.G.; Charles Sutley, V.G.; George J. Long,
recording secretary; H. L. Clark, financial secretary; G. K.
Zimmerman, treasurer; B. Yehley and Wellington Long, trus-
tees; C. P. Wallace, captain degree staff; F. A. Bartholomew,
musician. Meeting every Tuesday night, in Cochran block.
Delaware Encampment No. 52, I.O.O.F.--Chartered December 31,
1885. Kenneth Inskeep, high priest; Charles Owen, chief
patriarch; W. T. Davison, senior warden; Clint Shoemaker,
junior warden; A. J. Ryan, scribe; J. C. Swickheimer, treasurer;
[corresponds to page 73 of Delaware Blue Book]
ant; Inez Brown, guide; Sadie Foster, companion; Nannie Zim-
merman, guardian; Emma Dennis, chaplain; Grant Havens,
watchman; William Matthews, sentinel; Hallie Havens, pianist;
G. K. Zimmerman, captain degree staff. Meeting night, every
Thursday evening, 7:30, East Winter street.
Delaware Home No. 147, Home Guards of America--Officers: James
E. Terry, counselor; Esta Slack, past counselor; May L. Tuite,
vice counselor; Orton G. Lea, chaplain and treasurer; W. E.
Slack, recording and financial secretary; James E. Terry, W. E.
Slack and Orton G. Lea, trustees. Meeting third Monday even-
ing of each month in K.O.T.M. hall.
Delaware Rebekah Lodge No. 198--Organized 1884. Mary Clark,
noble grand; Lois Nash, vice noble grand; Estella Davis, finan-
cial secretary; Lucy Pickett, recording secretary; Clara Welch,
treasurer; Frances Klee, pianist; Ella Hurd, deputy president.
Meeting second and fourth Thursday, in I.O.O.F. hall.
Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association--Mary R. Griffin, past presi-
dent; Catherine Jennings, president; Josephine Sauers, first
vice; Elizabeth O'Connor, second vice; Catherine Egan, treas-
urer; Kittie Donohue, financial secretary; Elizabeth Diggins,
recorder; Joanna Parker, marshal; Anna Haas, guard; Eliza-
beth Quirk, Margaret Keefe and Elizabeth Delaney, trustees.
Meetings second Thursday evening of each month in K.C. hall.
Royal Arcanum--John Pfannstiel, regent; William E. Knight, vice
regent; Ernest C. Dulin, secretary; Arlton Waggoner, collector.
Meetings Bodurtha's gallery, when called.
Home Guards of America, Detlor Home No. 253--Organized 1910.
C. P. Wallace, worthy counselor; Clifton Main, past counnselor;
Walter P. Loop, vice counselor; S. A. Ekelberry, secretary;
W. S. McCandlish, treasurer; Mrs. W. F. Crickard, chaplain;
Mrs. Clara Miller, guide; Mrs. Harriet Everal, conductor; Mrs.
B. F. Sams, inner shield; Landon Aldrich, outer shield; W. S.
McCandlish, trustee; C. P. Wallace, captain of degree staff.
Meeting every Friday evening in P.H.C. hall.
Daughters of Pocahontas, Muskoko Council No. 91--Mae Cruik-
shank, Pocahontas; Margaret Sherwood, Winona; Emma Den-
nis, prophetess; J. L. Cooperider, Powhatan; Clara Miller,
keeper of records; Emma Long, collector of wampum; Grace
Temple, keeper of wampum; George Zimmerman, captain;
Eulala Thomas, pianist; Emma Long, representative to great
Olentangy Lodge No. 53, I.O.O.F.--Chartered November 15, 1845.
Grover Wakeman, N.G.; Charles Sutley, V.G.; George J. Long,
recording secretary; H. L. Clark, financial secretary; G. K.
Zimmerman, treasurer; B. Yehley and Wellington Long, trus-
tees; C. P. Wallace, captain degree staff; F. A. Bartholomew,
musician. Meeting every Tuesday night, in Cochran block.
Delaware Encampment No. 52, I.O.O.F.--Chartered December 31,
1885. Kenneth Inskeep, high priest; Charles Owen, chief
patriarch; W. T. Davison, senior warden; Clint Shoemaker,
junior warden; A. J. Ryan, scribe; J. C. Swickheimer, treasurer;
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 76)
[page 76]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 74 of Delaware Blue Book]
It's the Weak Spot
That gives way in cold weather. It pays to watch the plumb-
ing so that weak spots may be repaired in due time.
Before the Break
We'll be glad to prevent disaster by giving good plumbing at
the start, and good repairs afterward, when rarely necessary.
Roof, Spouting and Hot Air Furnaces Are Our Specialties.
Wolfley, Marnell, Williams
& Co.
Winter Wraps
Dry Cleaned
By this time of the season your coat has very likely be-
come a little soiled and mussed.
Why not send it to us and let us dry clean and press it?
When returned the garment will look just as fresh and attract-
ive as it did when new.
Bring Your Garments to Us for Good Cleaning.
You'll really be surprised to see what an improvement it
makes in their looks. Let us know your needs.
Schweitzer's Dry Cleaning
PHONE 1234.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 74 of Delaware Blue Book]
It's the Weak Spot
That gives way in cold weather. It pays to watch the plumb-
ing so that weak spots may be repaired in due time.
Before the Break
We'll be glad to prevent disaster by giving good plumbing at
the start, and good repairs afterward, when rarely necessary.
Roof, Spouting and Hot Air Furnaces Are Our Specialties.
Wolfley, Marnell, Williams
& Co.
Winter Wraps
Dry Cleaned
By this time of the season your coat has very likely be-
come a little soiled and mussed.
Why not send it to us and let us dry clean and press it?
When returned the garment will look just as fresh and attract-
ive as it did when new.
Bring Your Garments to Us for Good Cleaning.
You'll really be surprised to see what an improvement it
makes in their looks. Let us know your needs.
Schweitzer's Dry Cleaning
PHONE 1234.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 77)
[page 77]
[corresponds to page 75 of Delaware Blue Book]
H. L. Clark, captain. Meeting first and third Friday evenings
of each month.
Woman's Relief Corps--Luck Pickett, president; Mary Coleman,
senior vice president; Amelia Freshwater, junior vice presi-
dent; Mrs. S. E. Paddock, chaplain; Catherine Allen, treasurer;
Mary Smith, guard; Lillian Spicer, conductor; Lula Stone, dele-
gate; Lillian Spicer, alternate. Meeting first and third Tuesday
afternoons, in G.A.R. hall.
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Delaware Aerie No. 376--Organized
1903. Patrick Foley, past worthy president; T. B. Samson,
worthy president; Dan Smith, vice president; Eugene Bur-
roughs, secretary; Jacob Fegley, chaplain; J. P. Grasser, treas-
urer; F. R. Mayer, trustee, three years; William Davis, outer
guard; John Karl, inner guard; Ernest Snedeker, E. D. Watson
and Wesley Howells, auditing committee. Meeting every Thurs-
day evening.
Rebekah Lodge, Olentangy Chapter--Organized 1912. Sadie Kruck,
noble guard; Nellie Osboune, vice grand; Daisy Vining, financial
secretary; Gertrude Slack, recording secretary; Sadie Mathias,
treasurer; Clara Vining, musician; Mattie Battenfield, captain
degree staff; Ollie Kingman, deputy president; M. W. Batten-
field, trustee. Meeting first and third Thursday evenings of
each month, in I.O.O.F. hall.
Knights of Pythias, Lenape Lodge No. 29--Chartered February 11,
1871. Roy Hutchisson, C.C.; Russell Baker, V.C.; L. J.
Crumb, prelate; W. V. Aldrich, M. of A.; Frank Conklin, K. of
R. and S.; E. S. Owen, M. of F.; E. S. Mettler, M. of E.; H. V.
Spicer, M. of W.; T. S. Troxell, I. G.; Bert Jaynes, O. G.; S. F.
Truxall, janitor; E. J. Paddock, pianist; O. J. Lenhart, Frank
Klee and J. W. Pfiffner, trustees. Meetings every Monday even-
ing, Frank Brothers hall.
George B. Torrence Post No. 60, G.A.R.-- R. J. Cox, post comman-
der; William G. Gannon S.V.C.; C. W. Wiles, J.V.C.; Charles
K. Bailer, chaplain; S. B. Brown, officer of the day; J. F. Cur-
ren, quartermaster and adjutant; R. H. Kellogg, patriotic in-
structor; Robert Butts, officer of the guard; Dr. S. W. Fowler,
W. A. Greiner and J. F. Curren, trustees; J. F. Curren, delegate
to state encampment; R. K. Willis, alternate. Meeting first
Tuesday evening in each month.
Ancient Order of Hibernians--F. J. Curtin, president; Jerry Gearon,
vice president; Dan Sullivan, secretary; Ed Moynihan, record-
ing secretary; John Flavin, treasurer. Meeting second and
fourth Mondays of each month, in K.C. hall.
Catholic Total Abstinence Union--President, James O'Brien; vice
president, Mrs. C. Potter; secretary, Robert Warren; treasurer,
Miss Lizzie Keefe. Meetings quarterly.
Federation Catholic Societies--President, Edward Fleck; vice presi-
dent, John Schweitzer; secretary, Herman Hiss, Sr.; treasurer,
John Grasser; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. William Hanrahan.
Meetings second Sunday each month.
[corresponds to page 75 of Delaware Blue Book]
H. L. Clark, captain. Meeting first and third Friday evenings
of each month.
Woman's Relief Corps--Luck Pickett, president; Mary Coleman,
senior vice president; Amelia Freshwater, junior vice presi-
dent; Mrs. S. E. Paddock, chaplain; Catherine Allen, treasurer;
Mary Smith, guard; Lillian Spicer, conductor; Lula Stone, dele-
gate; Lillian Spicer, alternate. Meeting first and third Tuesday
afternoons, in G.A.R. hall.
Fraternal Order of Eagles, Delaware Aerie No. 376--Organized
1903. Patrick Foley, past worthy president; T. B. Samson,
worthy president; Dan Smith, vice president; Eugene Bur-
roughs, secretary; Jacob Fegley, chaplain; J. P. Grasser, treas-
urer; F. R. Mayer, trustee, three years; William Davis, outer
guard; John Karl, inner guard; Ernest Snedeker, E. D. Watson
and Wesley Howells, auditing committee. Meeting every Thurs-
day evening.
Rebekah Lodge, Olentangy Chapter--Organized 1912. Sadie Kruck,
noble guard; Nellie Osboune, vice grand; Daisy Vining, financial
secretary; Gertrude Slack, recording secretary; Sadie Mathias,
treasurer; Clara Vining, musician; Mattie Battenfield, captain
degree staff; Ollie Kingman, deputy president; M. W. Batten-
field, trustee. Meeting first and third Thursday evenings of
each month, in I.O.O.F. hall.
Knights of Pythias, Lenape Lodge No. 29--Chartered February 11,
1871. Roy Hutchisson, C.C.; Russell Baker, V.C.; L. J.
Crumb, prelate; W. V. Aldrich, M. of A.; Frank Conklin, K. of
R. and S.; E. S. Owen, M. of F.; E. S. Mettler, M. of E.; H. V.
Spicer, M. of W.; T. S. Troxell, I. G.; Bert Jaynes, O. G.; S. F.
Truxall, janitor; E. J. Paddock, pianist; O. J. Lenhart, Frank
Klee and J. W. Pfiffner, trustees. Meetings every Monday even-
ing, Frank Brothers hall.
George B. Torrence Post No. 60, G.A.R.-- R. J. Cox, post comman-
der; William G. Gannon S.V.C.; C. W. Wiles, J.V.C.; Charles
K. Bailer, chaplain; S. B. Brown, officer of the day; J. F. Cur-
ren, quartermaster and adjutant; R. H. Kellogg, patriotic in-
structor; Robert Butts, officer of the guard; Dr. S. W. Fowler,
W. A. Greiner and J. F. Curren, trustees; J. F. Curren, delegate
to state encampment; R. K. Willis, alternate. Meeting first
Tuesday evening in each month.
Ancient Order of Hibernians--F. J. Curtin, president; Jerry Gearon,
vice president; Dan Sullivan, secretary; Ed Moynihan, record-
ing secretary; John Flavin, treasurer. Meeting second and
fourth Mondays of each month, in K.C. hall.
Catholic Total Abstinence Union--President, James O'Brien; vice
president, Mrs. C. Potter; secretary, Robert Warren; treasurer,
Miss Lizzie Keefe. Meetings quarterly.
Federation Catholic Societies--President, Edward Fleck; vice presi-
dent, John Schweitzer; secretary, Herman Hiss, Sr.; treasurer,
John Grasser; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. William Hanrahan.
Meetings second Sunday each month.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 78)
[page 78]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 76 of Delaware Blue Book]
Not to be ranked among the least things of Delaware and
Delaware County is the
Real Estate and Loan Agency, and
General Insurance Business of
J. D. Russell
Successor to Wm. McRoberts.
Fourteen of the best Fire Insurance Companies in Amer-
ica are represented in his office, as well as four Fidelty, Cas-
ualty, Accident and Guaranty Companies. Along with all these
is the Indiana and Ohio Livestock Insurance Company, the best
of its kind in the United States. Hence "J. D." is prepared to
sell you a farm, loan you the money to pay for it, cover all the
buildings, livestock and chattels with insurance, and then
guarantee you prompt and honorable settlement in case of loss.
Therefore, You'd Better
See "J. D." About It
[corresponds to unlabeled page 76 of Delaware Blue Book]
Not to be ranked among the least things of Delaware and
Delaware County is the
Real Estate and Loan Agency, and
General Insurance Business of
J. D. Russell
Successor to Wm. McRoberts.
Fourteen of the best Fire Insurance Companies in Amer-
ica are represented in his office, as well as four Fidelty, Cas-
ualty, Accident and Guaranty Companies. Along with all these
is the Indiana and Ohio Livestock Insurance Company, the best
of its kind in the United States. Hence "J. D." is prepared to
sell you a farm, loan you the money to pay for it, cover all the
buildings, livestock and chattels with insurance, and then
guarantee you prompt and honorable settlement in case of loss.
Therefore, You'd Better
See "J. D." About It
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 79)
[page 79]
[corresponds to page 77 of Delaware Blue Book]
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society--President, Edward Fleck; record-
ing secretary, John Teufel; treasurer, John Reinhart; financial
secretary, Edward Reinhart. Meetings first Sunday afternoon
in each month at K.C. hall.
Ancient Order of Hibernians, Ladies' Auxiliary--Anna Finnell,
county president; Mrs. William Hanrahan, president; Mrs.
Thomas Ross, vice president; Margaret Fitzgerald, recording
secretary; Kathryn Sullivan, financial secretary; Nellie Foley,
treasurer; Mrs. E. Smith, mistress-at-arms; Nellie Purkey, ser-
geant. Meeting fourth Thursday evening of each month in
K.C. hall.
National Union, Delaware Council No. 176--F. A. Owen, president;
John Riddle, vice president; E. S. Mettler, secretary; John
Karl, speaker; John Shoemaker, treasurer; H. C. Clippinger,
financial secretary; J. L. Smith, chaplain; John White, sergeant;
R. G. Lybrand, usher; A. A. Larason, doorkeeper; B. F. Fresh-
water, W. Z. Evans and N. F. Overturf, trustees.
Knights of the Maccabees of the World, Delaware Tent No. 246--
W. S. Tozzer, past commander; C. C. Long, commander; Edward
Wheeler, lieutenant commander; E. F. Sutley, R.K.; J. W.
Johnson, M. of A.; J. Gearon, chaplain; C. E. Tibbals, sergeant;
G. Lumbard, 1st M.G.; J. O. Morrow, 2nd M.G.; C. W. Chides-
ter, sentinel; C. W. Hughs, picket; C. E. Tibbals, trustee; F. B.
Volk, auditor. Meetings every Thursday evening, hall over
Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Oak Leaf Hive No. 128--
Floretta Ufferman, commander; Belle Cavin, past commander;
Sarah Eger, lieutenant commander; Emma Hessey, chaplain;
Nellie Shaw, record keeper; Clara Sutley, finance auditor;
Elizabeth Jacobs, lady-at-arms; Emily Curran, sergeant; Stella
Bruke, sentinel; Anna Hudson, picket; Mary Schrock, official
prompter; Catherine Egan, musician; Emma Long, captain of
guard; Mary Kraus, color bearer No. 1; Ella Hurd, color bearer
No. 2; Maud Inskeep, ensign No. 1; Lena Wheeler, ensign No. 2.
Pythian Sisters, Lenape Temple No. 285--Mrs. William Pickett, most
excellent chief; Mrs. Cowgill, most excellent senior; Mrs. Davis,
excellent junior; Mrs. Williams, manager; Mrs. H. V. Spicer,
protector; Mrs. Hurd, guard; Mrs. Crumm, mistress of records
and correspondence; Mrs. Havens, mistress of finance; Mrs.
Gregory, past chief; Mrs. Fred Engroff, pianist. Meetings
first and third Tuesday evenings, in K. of P. hall.
Owls--Organized November, 1912. Jesse Pinyerd, past president;
Edward Orians, president; Fred Ufferman, vice president; Evan
Evans, invocator; Web Dunham, secretary; R. L. Hudson, treas-
urer; Clarence Swope, warden; Dan Williams, sentinel; J. F.
Reichelderfer, picket. Meets Tuesday evenings at 7:30 in Red
Men's hall.
Odevene Spring Lodge No. 7764, G.U.O.O.F.--Meets second and
fourth Monday evenings of each month. Officers: A. W. Day,
W.T.; R. L. Johnson, W.A.; Robert Johnson, W.C.; J. F.
Gardner, P.S.; J. C. Lyon, P.N.F.; W. H. Alston, N.F.; T. A.
[corresponds to page 77 of Delaware Blue Book]
St. Joseph's Benevolent Society--President, Edward Fleck; record-
ing secretary, John Teufel; treasurer, John Reinhart; financial
secretary, Edward Reinhart. Meetings first Sunday afternoon
in each month at K.C. hall.
Ancient Order of Hibernians, Ladies' Auxiliary--Anna Finnell,
county president; Mrs. William Hanrahan, president; Mrs.
Thomas Ross, vice president; Margaret Fitzgerald, recording
secretary; Kathryn Sullivan, financial secretary; Nellie Foley,
treasurer; Mrs. E. Smith, mistress-at-arms; Nellie Purkey, ser-
geant. Meeting fourth Thursday evening of each month in
K.C. hall.
National Union, Delaware Council No. 176--F. A. Owen, president;
John Riddle, vice president; E. S. Mettler, secretary; John
Karl, speaker; John Shoemaker, treasurer; H. C. Clippinger,
financial secretary; J. L. Smith, chaplain; John White, sergeant;
R. G. Lybrand, usher; A. A. Larason, doorkeeper; B. F. Fresh-
water, W. Z. Evans and N. F. Overturf, trustees.
Knights of the Maccabees of the World, Delaware Tent No. 246--
W. S. Tozzer, past commander; C. C. Long, commander; Edward
Wheeler, lieutenant commander; E. F. Sutley, R.K.; J. W.
Johnson, M. of A.; J. Gearon, chaplain; C. E. Tibbals, sergeant;
G. Lumbard, 1st M.G.; J. O. Morrow, 2nd M.G.; C. W. Chides-
ter, sentinel; C. W. Hughs, picket; C. E. Tibbals, trustee; F. B.
Volk, auditor. Meetings every Thursday evening, hall over
Ladies of the Maccabees of the World, Oak Leaf Hive No. 128--
Floretta Ufferman, commander; Belle Cavin, past commander;
Sarah Eger, lieutenant commander; Emma Hessey, chaplain;
Nellie Shaw, record keeper; Clara Sutley, finance auditor;
Elizabeth Jacobs, lady-at-arms; Emily Curran, sergeant; Stella
Bruke, sentinel; Anna Hudson, picket; Mary Schrock, official
prompter; Catherine Egan, musician; Emma Long, captain of
guard; Mary Kraus, color bearer No. 1; Ella Hurd, color bearer
No. 2; Maud Inskeep, ensign No. 1; Lena Wheeler, ensign No. 2.
Pythian Sisters, Lenape Temple No. 285--Mrs. William Pickett, most
excellent chief; Mrs. Cowgill, most excellent senior; Mrs. Davis,
excellent junior; Mrs. Williams, manager; Mrs. H. V. Spicer,
protector; Mrs. Hurd, guard; Mrs. Crumm, mistress of records
and correspondence; Mrs. Havens, mistress of finance; Mrs.
Gregory, past chief; Mrs. Fred Engroff, pianist. Meetings
first and third Tuesday evenings, in K. of P. hall.
Owls--Organized November, 1912. Jesse Pinyerd, past president;
Edward Orians, president; Fred Ufferman, vice president; Evan
Evans, invocator; Web Dunham, secretary; R. L. Hudson, treas-
urer; Clarence Swope, warden; Dan Williams, sentinel; J. F.
Reichelderfer, picket. Meets Tuesday evenings at 7:30 in Red
Men's hall.
Odevene Spring Lodge No. 7764, G.U.O.O.F.--Meets second and
fourth Monday evenings of each month. Officers: A. W. Day,
W.T.; R. L. Johnson, W.A.; Robert Johnson, W.C.; J. F.
Gardner, P.S.; J. C. Lyon, P.N.F.; W. H. Alston, N.F.; T. A.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 80)
[page 80]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 78 of Delaware Blue Book]
Nuts, Candies, Fruits
Ice Cream, Sodas, Soft Drinks
South Sandusky Street Almost to the Post Office
M. Cadwallader
8. W. Winter St. Delaware, Ohio.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 78 of Delaware Blue Book]
Nuts, Candies, Fruits
Ice Cream, Sodas, Soft Drinks
South Sandusky Street Almost to the Post Office
M. Cadwallader
8. W. Winter St. Delaware, Ohio.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 81)
[page 81]
[corresponds to page 79 of Delaware Blue Book]
Whyte, P.N.G.; E. W. Smith, N.G.; James O. Smith, V.G.;
C. H. Campbell, E.S.; James N. Craig, I.G.; Charles Rose,
warden; G. W. Wilson, R.S. to V.G.; Richard Cook, L.S. to
N.G.; A. W. Day, J. F. Gardner and J. C. Lyon, trustees.
Eureka Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias--Officers: Richard Cook,
C.C.; G. Franklin, V.C.; T. M. Viney, M.F.; J. H. Day, prelate
and M. of E.; S. H. Austin, K. of R. and S.; C. Kemper, M. of
W.; J. Williams, M. of A.; E. Cook, inner guard; J. M. Lloyd,
outer guard; H. T. Ragan, H. Fleming and A. P. Warrick,
White Sulphur Lodge No. 10, F. and A.M.--Meetings first Thursday
of each month. Chartered 1868. Officers: Horace Wheeler,
W.M.; S. A. Tyson, S.W.; J. A. Reese, J.W.; H. W. B. Alford,
treasurer; B. F. Thomas, secretary; J. A. Wilson, S. D.; Jeptha
North, J.D.; J. T. Hurley, S.S.; Henry Fleming, J.S.; H. C.
Clay, chaplain; Harry Clay, tyler.
Miscellaneous Organizations.
The Delaware Commercial Club was organized February 17,
1906. On February 5, 1912, the Boosters' Club (composed ex-
clusively of retail merchants) was merged into the larger club, and
the membership fee placed at $10 per year. The club has 140 mem-
bers, and during the year 1912 accomplished an especially notable
piece of work in bringing to the city the C. & E. shoe factory, which
has 300 employes. The Commercial Club raised a total of $11,000
for this enterprise, presenting to the company the factory building
and a fine lot. The officers during the past year were William Mc-
Kenzie, president; J. L. Anderson and L. C. Riddle, vice presidents;
W. D. Thomson, secretary; W. Brooks Galleher, treasurer. New
officers were elected at the annual banquet February 13: Bert Arm-
strong ,president; M. L. Wolff and F. M. Bauereis, vice presidents;
W. D. Thomson, secretary; F. N. Sell, treasurer. The club's chief
objects are to promote the industrial welfare of the city, bring new
factories, etc. It has available some fine sites for new industries.
Rooms, Y.M.C.A. building.
Southwest corner East Winter and Union streets. Dedicated
March 24, 1907. Carries on a multitude of activities for boys and
men. Excellent dormitory facilities, gymnasium, bowling alleys,
Commerical Club rooms, etc. Value of property, $25,000. The asso-
ciation is managed by a board of fifteen directors, five of whom are
elected each March for three years. The present officers are: Presi-
dent, C. A. Jones; vice presidents, J. L. Anderson and H. E. Kend-
rick; secretary, E. F. Young; treasurer, T. M. Thomson; general sec-
retary, H. M. Fiske.
[corresponds to page 79 of Delaware Blue Book]
Whyte, P.N.G.; E. W. Smith, N.G.; James O. Smith, V.G.;
C. H. Campbell, E.S.; James N. Craig, I.G.; Charles Rose,
warden; G. W. Wilson, R.S. to V.G.; Richard Cook, L.S. to
N.G.; A. W. Day, J. F. Gardner and J. C. Lyon, trustees.
Eureka Lodge No. 3, Knights of Pythias--Officers: Richard Cook,
C.C.; G. Franklin, V.C.; T. M. Viney, M.F.; J. H. Day, prelate
and M. of E.; S. H. Austin, K. of R. and S.; C. Kemper, M. of
W.; J. Williams, M. of A.; E. Cook, inner guard; J. M. Lloyd,
outer guard; H. T. Ragan, H. Fleming and A. P. Warrick,
White Sulphur Lodge No. 10, F. and A.M.--Meetings first Thursday
of each month. Chartered 1868. Officers: Horace Wheeler,
W.M.; S. A. Tyson, S.W.; J. A. Reese, J.W.; H. W. B. Alford,
treasurer; B. F. Thomas, secretary; J. A. Wilson, S. D.; Jeptha
North, J.D.; J. T. Hurley, S.S.; Henry Fleming, J.S.; H. C.
Clay, chaplain; Harry Clay, tyler.
Miscellaneous Organizations.
The Delaware Commercial Club was organized February 17,
1906. On February 5, 1912, the Boosters' Club (composed ex-
clusively of retail merchants) was merged into the larger club, and
the membership fee placed at $10 per year. The club has 140 mem-
bers, and during the year 1912 accomplished an especially notable
piece of work in bringing to the city the C. & E. shoe factory, which
has 300 employes. The Commercial Club raised a total of $11,000
for this enterprise, presenting to the company the factory building
and a fine lot. The officers during the past year were William Mc-
Kenzie, president; J. L. Anderson and L. C. Riddle, vice presidents;
W. D. Thomson, secretary; W. Brooks Galleher, treasurer. New
officers were elected at the annual banquet February 13: Bert Arm-
strong ,president; M. L. Wolff and F. M. Bauereis, vice presidents;
W. D. Thomson, secretary; F. N. Sell, treasurer. The club's chief
objects are to promote the industrial welfare of the city, bring new
factories, etc. It has available some fine sites for new industries.
Rooms, Y.M.C.A. building.
Southwest corner East Winter and Union streets. Dedicated
March 24, 1907. Carries on a multitude of activities for boys and
men. Excellent dormitory facilities, gymnasium, bowling alleys,
Commerical Club rooms, etc. Value of property, $25,000. The asso-
ciation is managed by a board of fifteen directors, five of whom are
elected each March for three years. The present officers are: Presi-
dent, C. A. Jones; vice presidents, J. L. Anderson and H. E. Kend-
rick; secretary, E. F. Young; treasurer, T. M. Thomson; general sec-
retary, H. M. Fiske.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 82)
[page 82]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 80 of Delaware Blue Book]
Is a question in which at least two parties are
always concerned.
Our operators and management do their best
to give you the best service. Watch the num-
bers and help us make it better.
Both Bell and Central Union Long Distance.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 80 of Delaware Blue Book]
Is a question in which at least two parties are
always concerned.
Our operators and management do their best
to give you the best service. Watch the num-
bers and help us make it better.
Both Bell and Central Union Long Distance.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 83)
[page 83]
[corresponds to page 81 of Delaware Blue Book]
Factory Site Club--George E. Caylor, president; Charles Wells, Jr.,
vice president; R. T. Turney, secretary; Eugene Nash, treas-
urer;. Organized for the promotion of Delaware's industrial
welfare, and started auspiciously by helping bring the C. & E.
shoe factory to Delaware.
Fourth Regiment--Delaware officers: B. W. Hough, lieutenant-
colonel; Captain H. H. Miller, chaplain; First Lieutenant Floyd
Miller, assistant surgeon. Company K: James Samson, cap-
tain; Robert Walton, first lieutenant, and V. V. Enyart, second
lieutenant. First organized in 1878. At present there are three
commissioned officers and fifty-seven enlisted men.
Delaware County, W.C.T.U.--Officers: Mrs. Martha McCarty, pres-
ident; Mrs. Frank May, vice president; Mrs. Al Linn, recording
secretary; Mrs. C. A. White, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W.
A. Rees, treasurer.
Woman's Federation--Officers: Mrs. D. Y. Murdoch, president;
Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mrs. R. E. Hills and Mrs. J. C. Gekeler,
vice presidents; Mrs. R. H. Pengally, secretary; Mrs. L. G. West-
gate, treasurer.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals--V.D. Stayman,
president; Dr. Lee Wentz, humane officer.
Ladies' Christian Union--Officers: Mrs. E. M. Semans, president;
Mrs. N. Wagner, first vice president; Mrs. Hettie McDowell, sec-
ond vice president; Mrs. W. B. Patten, secretary-treasurer.
Teachers' Institute--Officers: William McMannis, president; Cecil
McKnight, secretary; Mrs. Ella Knowles, H. T. Main and C. E.
Weatherby, executive committee.
Delaware Club--Officers: E. Louis McCarty, president; Ernest
Main, vice president; Homer Benton, secretary-treasurer.
Delaware Glee Club--Murray Avery, president, E. I. Jones, Radnor,
vice president; F. C. Higley, secretary-treasurer; E. I. Pollock,
manager; George Young, librarian; Prof. Collins Brock, di-
Delaware County Medical Society--W. F. Crickard, president; A. H.
Buck, vice president; Gaillord Hyatt, secretary; Floyd Miller,
member board of censors. Meetings on first Friday evening of
each month, at the courthouse.
Young Men's Glee Club--Organized December, 1912. Paul Crimm,
president; Kenyon Vance, vice president; Eugene Critzer, sec-
retary-treasurer; Emil Turner, manager; Hugh Fuller, libra-
rian. Meetings Monday evenings.
Delaware County Agricultural Society (Powell Fair)--W. H. Fisher,
president; Arch Richards, treasurer; Bond S. Neff, secretary;
Walter Zinn, assistant secretary; directors, T. A. Canfield,
George F. Miller, W. H. Fisher, Allen Rutherford, Jacob Hess-
nauer; George Perry, C. F. Talley, Horton Smith, W. T. Hall,
Mrs. J. E. Sharp, Mrs. Charles Waldorf, J. C. Campbell, Walter
Zinn, W. B. McCloud, J. E. Sharp, Wayland Ryant, C. M. Leon-
ard, C. C. Dunlap, Charles Waldorf, Nelson Case.
Rome Fair--C.M. Shicks, president; Ed Hall, vice president; Arthur
Mann, secretary; James Cockerell, treasurer; Al Wilson, Ed
Furniss and C. D. Wigton, executive committee.
[corresponds to page 81 of Delaware Blue Book]
Factory Site Club--George E. Caylor, president; Charles Wells, Jr.,
vice president; R. T. Turney, secretary; Eugene Nash, treas-
urer;. Organized for the promotion of Delaware's industrial
welfare, and started auspiciously by helping bring the C. & E.
shoe factory to Delaware.
Fourth Regiment--Delaware officers: B. W. Hough, lieutenant-
colonel; Captain H. H. Miller, chaplain; First Lieutenant Floyd
Miller, assistant surgeon. Company K: James Samson, cap-
tain; Robert Walton, first lieutenant, and V. V. Enyart, second
lieutenant. First organized in 1878. At present there are three
commissioned officers and fifty-seven enlisted men.
Delaware County, W.C.T.U.--Officers: Mrs. Martha McCarty, pres-
ident; Mrs. Frank May, vice president; Mrs. Al Linn, recording
secretary; Mrs. C. A. White, corresponding secretary; Mrs. W.
A. Rees, treasurer.
Woman's Federation--Officers: Mrs. D. Y. Murdoch, president;
Mrs. Frank Campbell, Mrs. R. E. Hills and Mrs. J. C. Gekeler,
vice presidents; Mrs. R. H. Pengally, secretary; Mrs. L. G. West-
gate, treasurer.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals--V.D. Stayman,
president; Dr. Lee Wentz, humane officer.
Ladies' Christian Union--Officers: Mrs. E. M. Semans, president;
Mrs. N. Wagner, first vice president; Mrs. Hettie McDowell, sec-
ond vice president; Mrs. W. B. Patten, secretary-treasurer.
Teachers' Institute--Officers: William McMannis, president; Cecil
McKnight, secretary; Mrs. Ella Knowles, H. T. Main and C. E.
Weatherby, executive committee.
Delaware Club--Officers: E. Louis McCarty, president; Ernest
Main, vice president; Homer Benton, secretary-treasurer.
Delaware Glee Club--Murray Avery, president, E. I. Jones, Radnor,
vice president; F. C. Higley, secretary-treasurer; E. I. Pollock,
manager; George Young, librarian; Prof. Collins Brock, di-
Delaware County Medical Society--W. F. Crickard, president; A. H.
Buck, vice president; Gaillord Hyatt, secretary; Floyd Miller,
member board of censors. Meetings on first Friday evening of
each month, at the courthouse.
Young Men's Glee Club--Organized December, 1912. Paul Crimm,
president; Kenyon Vance, vice president; Eugene Critzer, sec-
retary-treasurer; Emil Turner, manager; Hugh Fuller, libra-
rian. Meetings Monday evenings.
Delaware County Agricultural Society (Powell Fair)--W. H. Fisher,
president; Arch Richards, treasurer; Bond S. Neff, secretary;
Walter Zinn, assistant secretary; directors, T. A. Canfield,
George F. Miller, W. H. Fisher, Allen Rutherford, Jacob Hess-
nauer; George Perry, C. F. Talley, Horton Smith, W. T. Hall,
Mrs. J. E. Sharp, Mrs. Charles Waldorf, J. C. Campbell, Walter
Zinn, W. B. McCloud, J. E. Sharp, Wayland Ryant, C. M. Leon-
ard, C. C. Dunlap, Charles Waldorf, Nelson Case.
Rome Fair--C.M. Shicks, president; Ed Hall, vice president; Arthur
Mann, secretary; James Cockerell, treasurer; Al Wilson, Ed
Furniss and C. D. Wigton, executive committee.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 84)
[page 84]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 82 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Standard
The Always Reliable
Where you can always find a complete and up-to-
date stock of
Men's and Young Men's Clothing
and Furnishings
We carry a number of lines and goods that are
exclusively s old by us. Among them we call
your attention to the following:
Everything sold out of our store must be
worth the price, or your money goes back to you.
If you have never been a customer here,
[corresponds to unlabeled page 82 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Standard
The Always Reliable
Where you can always find a complete and up-to-
date stock of
Men's and Young Men's Clothing
and Furnishings
We carry a number of lines and goods that are
exclusively s old by us. Among them we call
your attention to the following:
Everything sold out of our store must be
worth the price, or your money goes back to you.
If you have never been a customer here,
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 85)
[page 85]
[corresponds to page 83 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware County Agricultural Extension School--Otho Pollock, pres-
ident; Wesley Gross, vice president; Bert Morris, secretary-
treasurer; executive committee, J. L. Sonner, Harry Bieber,
L. B. Jackson, Charles Shively, H. M. Cowgill, Charles Humes,
L. F. McKinnie and F. E. Coover.
Delaware Farmers' Institute--James Taggart, president; C. W.
Humes, vice president; Tracy Oswald, secretary-treasurer; insti-
tute committee, Mrs. T. R. Smith, Mrs. S. M. Cleaver, W. E.
Holcomb, Charles Shively and Bernard Hatton.
Ministerial Association--Rev. S. K. Mahon, president; Rev. T. H.
Housel, vice president; Rev. E. C. Dolbeer, secretary-treasurer.
Meets first and third Monday mornings of each month.
Delaware County Law and Order League--Rev. E. M. Wylie, presi-
dent; W. C. Diven, secretary and fiscal agent; Prof. W. G. Hor-
mell, treasurer; Rev. Alfred Farrar, county superintendent;
excecutive committee, W. A. Morrison, L. L. Denison and the
officers named.
Delaware County Sunday School Association--President, B. E. Cart-
mell; vice president, Rev. E. M. Wylie; secretary, B. P. Benton;
assistant secretary, Ray D. Mohr; treasurer, C. E. Gardner.
Seventy-two Sunday schools in Delaware county affiliated.
Local Officers of State and National Organizations--Secretary of
Woman's Home Missionary Society, M.E. church, Mrs. Delia L.
Williams; president and secretary Ohio Wholesale Grocers' As-
sociation, R. E. Hills; secretary Ohio Osteopathic Association,
Dr. L. A. Bumstead; secretary Ohio Academy of Science, Prof.
E. L. Rice; member state executive committee Ohio Y.M.C.A.,
W. A. Morrison; great medical examinder Great Camp Macca-
bees for Ohio, Dr. C. W. Chidester; president Percheron Horse
Breeders' Association, Lewis Slack; secretary Delaine-Merino
Record Association, S. M. Cleaver.
Delaware Archaeological and Historical Society--President, D. L.
Zeigler; secretary, Frank Grove; curator, Howard Core. The
members of this society possess many thousands of Indian and
other relics secured mainly within the borders of the county.
Located 101 North Sandusky street. Opened September 1, 1906.
Cost of building, $21,500. Cost of operation 1912, $2,000. Libra-
rian, Mrs. B. C. Lahr. Number of volumes, 7,900. Number patrons,
4,000. Books borrowed 1912, 42,150. Users reading room 1912,
23,342. Hours, 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., daily, except Sundays and
holidays. Fifty magazines and five daily newspaperes received reg-
Democratic--J. M. Schaffner, chairman; Wesley Weiser, secretary.
Republican--H. L. Eliot, chairman; E. D. Watson, secretary.
Progressive--Lewis Slack, chairman; R. M. Avery, secretary.
Western Union Telegraph Hours--From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily, and
8 to 9 a.m., and 4 to 5 p.m. Sundays. Ira Horn, local manager.
[corresponds to page 83 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware County Agricultural Extension School--Otho Pollock, pres-
ident; Wesley Gross, vice president; Bert Morris, secretary-
treasurer; executive committee, J. L. Sonner, Harry Bieber,
L. B. Jackson, Charles Shively, H. M. Cowgill, Charles Humes,
L. F. McKinnie and F. E. Coover.
Delaware Farmers' Institute--James Taggart, president; C. W.
Humes, vice president; Tracy Oswald, secretary-treasurer; insti-
tute committee, Mrs. T. R. Smith, Mrs. S. M. Cleaver, W. E.
Holcomb, Charles Shively and Bernard Hatton.
Ministerial Association--Rev. S. K. Mahon, president; Rev. T. H.
Housel, vice president; Rev. E. C. Dolbeer, secretary-treasurer.
Meets first and third Monday mornings of each month.
Delaware County Law and Order League--Rev. E. M. Wylie, presi-
dent; W. C. Diven, secretary and fiscal agent; Prof. W. G. Hor-
mell, treasurer; Rev. Alfred Farrar, county superintendent;
excecutive committee, W. A. Morrison, L. L. Denison and the
officers named.
Delaware County Sunday School Association--President, B. E. Cart-
mell; vice president, Rev. E. M. Wylie; secretary, B. P. Benton;
assistant secretary, Ray D. Mohr; treasurer, C. E. Gardner.
Seventy-two Sunday schools in Delaware county affiliated.
Local Officers of State and National Organizations--Secretary of
Woman's Home Missionary Society, M.E. church, Mrs. Delia L.
Williams; president and secretary Ohio Wholesale Grocers' As-
sociation, R. E. Hills; secretary Ohio Osteopathic Association,
Dr. L. A. Bumstead; secretary Ohio Academy of Science, Prof.
E. L. Rice; member state executive committee Ohio Y.M.C.A.,
W. A. Morrison; great medical examinder Great Camp Macca-
bees for Ohio, Dr. C. W. Chidester; president Percheron Horse
Breeders' Association, Lewis Slack; secretary Delaine-Merino
Record Association, S. M. Cleaver.
Delaware Archaeological and Historical Society--President, D. L.
Zeigler; secretary, Frank Grove; curator, Howard Core. The
members of this society possess many thousands of Indian and
other relics secured mainly within the borders of the county.
Located 101 North Sandusky street. Opened September 1, 1906.
Cost of building, $21,500. Cost of operation 1912, $2,000. Libra-
rian, Mrs. B. C. Lahr. Number of volumes, 7,900. Number patrons,
4,000. Books borrowed 1912, 42,150. Users reading room 1912,
23,342. Hours, 10:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., daily, except Sundays and
holidays. Fifty magazines and five daily newspaperes received reg-
Democratic--J. M. Schaffner, chairman; Wesley Weiser, secretary.
Republican--H. L. Eliot, chairman; E. D. Watson, secretary.
Progressive--Lewis Slack, chairman; R. M. Avery, secretary.
Western Union Telegraph Hours--From 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., daily, and
8 to 9 a.m., and 4 to 5 p.m. Sundays. Ira Horn, local manager.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 86)
[page 86]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 84 of Delaware Blue Book]
Confectionery And Ice Cream Lines
Our Candies are Fresh and Home-made
When you Buy VATSURES'
you get the Purerst and Best
Ice Cream Orders
Phone 694 5 North Sandusky Street
There Is Always
ONE BEST IN Groceries
Most everyone says it's
Kurrley & Evans
Phone 77 81 N. Sandusky St.
Crisp and clean, sound and fresh.
Our goods always reliable.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 84 of Delaware Blue Book]
Confectionery And Ice Cream Lines
Our Candies are Fresh and Home-made
When you Buy VATSURES'
you get the Purerst and Best
Ice Cream Orders
Phone 694 5 North Sandusky Street
There Is Always
ONE BEST IN Groceries
Most everyone says it's
Kurrley & Evans
Phone 77 81 N. Sandusky St.
Crisp and clean, sound and fresh.
Our goods always reliable.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 87)
[page 87]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 85 of Delaware Blue Book]
Church Directory.
Asbury M.E.--Corner Franklin street and Lincoln avenue. Stephen
K. Mahon, pastor, 213 North Franklin street; G. O. Higley,
treasurer; B. E. Cartmell, Sunday school superintendent; C. W.
Chidester, president Brotherhood.
Zion Reformed--Corner Henry and East William streets; John C.
Gekeler, pastor, 257 South Sandusky street; Julius Hoffman,
treasurer; Fred Decker, Sunday school superintendent and pres-
ident Brotherhood.
First Baptist--Franklin and Court streets. B. F. Griffeth, temporary
pastor, Y.M.C.A.; Bird Frost, treasurer; Harry Gallant, Sun-
day school superintendent.
St. Mark's Lutheran--East William street, near Union. F. B. Hax,
pastor, 358 North Sandusky street; Walter Yake, treasurer;
E. V. Swickheimer, Sunday school superintendent.
First Presbyterian--Corner Winter and Washington streets. E. M.
Wylie, pastor, 148 West Winter street; David Battenfield,
treasurer; B. P. Benton, Sunday school superintendent; F. A.
Bartholomew, president Brotherhood.
St. Mary's Catholic--East William street, near Henry. Rev. Father
Ph. Steyle, corner William and Henry streets; Daniel J. Griffin,
Joseph Shea and Frank Pliickebaum, Jr., trustees; Jerome
Montaine, Robert Parker, Jr., and John Shoub, church com-
William Street M.E.--Corner West William and Franklin streets.
Rev. T. H. Housel, pastor, 12 North Franklin street; D. H. Leas,
Sunday school superintendent; Prof. C. B. Austin, president of
St. Paul's M.E.--University avenue. Rev. C. P. Hargraves, pastor,
45 University avenue; W. A. Morrison, Sunday school superin-
tendent; R. G. Hooper, president of Brotherhood.
St. John's Lutheran--North Sandusky street, near courthouse. Rev.
E. C. Dolbeer, pastor, 278 North Sandusky street; Charles Mor-
ton, Sunday school superintendent; Harry Courter, president of
Faith M.E.--South Liberty street. Rev. H. G. Hageman, pastor,
70 1/2 South Sandusky street; Ira Davis, Sunday school superin-
St. Peter's Episcopal--West Winter street. Rev. A. C. Jones, rector,
167 West Winter street. Rev. A. C. Jones, Sunday school super-
City Mission--University avenue. J. H. White, superintendent; J. A.
Baumgardner, Sunday school superintendent.
United Brethren--Eaton street. Mrs. Martha Allebaugh, pastor;
Edward Morris, Sunday school superintendent.
Christian Science--Hall and Reading room over Delaware Savings
Bank; Major L. P. Davison, first reader.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 85 of Delaware Blue Book]
Church Directory.
Asbury M.E.--Corner Franklin street and Lincoln avenue. Stephen
K. Mahon, pastor, 213 North Franklin street; G. O. Higley,
treasurer; B. E. Cartmell, Sunday school superintendent; C. W.
Chidester, president Brotherhood.
Zion Reformed--Corner Henry and East William streets; John C.
Gekeler, pastor, 257 South Sandusky street; Julius Hoffman,
treasurer; Fred Decker, Sunday school superintendent and pres-
ident Brotherhood.
First Baptist--Franklin and Court streets. B. F. Griffeth, temporary
pastor, Y.M.C.A.; Bird Frost, treasurer; Harry Gallant, Sun-
day school superintendent.
St. Mark's Lutheran--East William street, near Union. F. B. Hax,
pastor, 358 North Sandusky street; Walter Yake, treasurer;
E. V. Swickheimer, Sunday school superintendent.
First Presbyterian--Corner Winter and Washington streets. E. M.
Wylie, pastor, 148 West Winter street; David Battenfield,
treasurer; B. P. Benton, Sunday school superintendent; F. A.
Bartholomew, president Brotherhood.
St. Mary's Catholic--East William street, near Henry. Rev. Father
Ph. Steyle, corner William and Henry streets; Daniel J. Griffin,
Joseph Shea and Frank Pliickebaum, Jr., trustees; Jerome
Montaine, Robert Parker, Jr., and John Shoub, church com-
William Street M.E.--Corner West William and Franklin streets.
Rev. T. H. Housel, pastor, 12 North Franklin street; D. H. Leas,
Sunday school superintendent; Prof. C. B. Austin, president of
St. Paul's M.E.--University avenue. Rev. C. P. Hargraves, pastor,
45 University avenue; W. A. Morrison, Sunday school superin-
tendent; R. G. Hooper, president of Brotherhood.
St. John's Lutheran--North Sandusky street, near courthouse. Rev.
E. C. Dolbeer, pastor, 278 North Sandusky street; Charles Mor-
ton, Sunday school superintendent; Harry Courter, president of
Faith M.E.--South Liberty street. Rev. H. G. Hageman, pastor,
70 1/2 South Sandusky street; Ira Davis, Sunday school superin-
St. Peter's Episcopal--West Winter street. Rev. A. C. Jones, rector,
167 West Winter street. Rev. A. C. Jones, Sunday school super-
City Mission--University avenue. J. H. White, superintendent; J. A.
Baumgardner, Sunday school superintendent.
United Brethren--Eaton street. Mrs. Martha Allebaugh, pastor;
Edward Morris, Sunday school superintendent.
Christian Science--Hall and Reading room over Delaware Savings
Bank; Major L. P. Davison, first reader.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 88)
[page 88]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 86 of Delaware Blue Book]
If You Want in Shoes: Comfort,
Wear and Style
We Want T Florsheim For Men
to Show H Dorothy Dodd For Women
You E Educator For Children
Nothing So Good in Delaware!
51 North Sandusky Street
White & Bliss
Reid Block Delaware, Ohio
[corresponds to unlabeled page 86 of Delaware Blue Book]
If You Want in Shoes: Comfort,
Wear and Style
We Want T Florsheim For Men
to Show H Dorothy Dodd For Women
You E Educator For Children
Nothing So Good in Delaware!
51 North Sandusky Street
White & Bliss
Reid Block Delaware, Ohio
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 89)
[page 89]
[corresponds to page 85 of Delaware Blue Book]
Grace M.E.--East extremity of Central avenue and William street.
Rev. L. E. Rush, pastor, 332 East William street; Charles Sut-
ley, Sunday school superintendent.
Second Baptist--Ross street. D. G. Grady, pastor, Cedarville, Ohio.
Mrs. Catharine Keys, treasurer; Dr. A. P. Warrick, committee
on publication.
Trinity M.E.--South Liberty street. B. W. Kirtley, pastor, living
northeast of the city.
Zion A.M.E.--South Washington street. J. H. Mason, pastor, 136
South Washington street; Horace Wheeler, Sunday school su-
Franchise granted November 16, 1891. Company incorporated
May 31, 1892, for $60,000. First cars operated November, 1892.
System completed 1894, with five miles of track. Sold July 30,
1898, for $13,525. Sold to C., D. & M. March 20, 1905, for $50,000.
Under receivership management of the C., D. & M. a regular
15-minute schedule has been maintained, the lines have been greatly
improved and the cars put in first-class condition, giving Delaware a
service of much excellence. As a consequence a total of 405,110
passengers were carried on the city cars during the twelve months
of 1912, an average of 1,110 a day, and the property has become a
profitable part of the C., D. & M. system.
The Delaware Post Office.
Postmaster, E. Lee Porterfield; qualified April 1, 1912; salary,
$2,700 per annum. Assistant postmaster, Hosea Spauling; salary,
$1,300 per annum.
Employes--Six regular clerks; salaries, four at $1,100, one at
$800 and one at $600. Seven carriers; salaries, six at $1,100 and
one at $1,000.
Total business 1912, $28,277.01. Expense 1912, inside, $9,800,
outside $7,600. Extras, approximately $500.
New building, corner of South Sandusky and Spring streets, oc-
cupied November 1, 1911. Cost of building, $65,000; cost of site,
$10,000; cost of furnishings, $5,000.
The first mail is sent out of the Delaware office at 5:22 a.m.,
daily and Sunday, and the last at 7 p.m. on week days and 6 p.m. on
Sundays. Seventeen mails are sent out to trains and received from
the same every day, and in addition mail is sent to Magnetic Springs
by interurban every week day at 7:55 a.m.
The office is open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from
7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Sundays it is not open at all. Holiday hours
are from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Money order and postal savings windows
are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except on Sundays and holidays.
The registry window is open at the same hours as the postoffice.
[corresponds to page 85 of Delaware Blue Book]
Grace M.E.--East extremity of Central avenue and William street.
Rev. L. E. Rush, pastor, 332 East William street; Charles Sut-
ley, Sunday school superintendent.
Second Baptist--Ross street. D. G. Grady, pastor, Cedarville, Ohio.
Mrs. Catharine Keys, treasurer; Dr. A. P. Warrick, committee
on publication.
Trinity M.E.--South Liberty street. B. W. Kirtley, pastor, living
northeast of the city.
Zion A.M.E.--South Washington street. J. H. Mason, pastor, 136
South Washington street; Horace Wheeler, Sunday school su-
Franchise granted November 16, 1891. Company incorporated
May 31, 1892, for $60,000. First cars operated November, 1892.
System completed 1894, with five miles of track. Sold July 30,
1898, for $13,525. Sold to C., D. & M. March 20, 1905, for $50,000.
Under receivership management of the C., D. & M. a regular
15-minute schedule has been maintained, the lines have been greatly
improved and the cars put in first-class condition, giving Delaware a
service of much excellence. As a consequence a total of 405,110
passengers were carried on the city cars during the twelve months
of 1912, an average of 1,110 a day, and the property has become a
profitable part of the C., D. & M. system.
The Delaware Post Office.
Postmaster, E. Lee Porterfield; qualified April 1, 1912; salary,
$2,700 per annum. Assistant postmaster, Hosea Spauling; salary,
$1,300 per annum.
Employes--Six regular clerks; salaries, four at $1,100, one at
$800 and one at $600. Seven carriers; salaries, six at $1,100 and
one at $1,000.
Total business 1912, $28,277.01. Expense 1912, inside, $9,800,
outside $7,600. Extras, approximately $500.
New building, corner of South Sandusky and Spring streets, oc-
cupied November 1, 1911. Cost of building, $65,000; cost of site,
$10,000; cost of furnishings, $5,000.
The first mail is sent out of the Delaware office at 5:22 a.m.,
daily and Sunday, and the last at 7 p.m. on week days and 6 p.m. on
Sundays. Seventeen mails are sent out to trains and received from
the same every day, and in addition mail is sent to Magnetic Springs
by interurban every week day at 7:55 a.m.
The office is open every day, except Sundays and holidays, from
7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Sundays it is not open at all. Holiday hours
are from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Money order and postal savings windows
are open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except on Sundays and holidays.
The registry window is open at the same hours as the postoffice.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 90)
[page 90]
[corresponds to page 86 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware and the Parcel Post.
The new parcel post, operated by the United States govern-
ment, went into effect January 1, 1913, the first package out of Dela-
ware being a violin sent by J. W. Bonham to Melvin, Iowa. Seven-
teen parcels were mailed from the local office the first day. Parcel
post is a new way of sending packages, and there are three distinct-
ively new features:
1. The postage you pay depends on the weight and the distance
your package goes. Exception: Packages weighing four ounces or
less are so small that they will be sent at the old flat rate of 1 cent
an ounce everywhere.
2. You can now send packages weighing up to eleven pounds,
instead of only four pounds.
3. You must use a new kind of stamp for parcels. Ordinary
letter stamps are not good on these packages, and the new parcel
post stamps are not good on other mail matter.
The "zone system" is easy to understand. Just remember that
whatever you may be, you are the center of the whole system. The
accompanying parcel post map and table contain all the necessary
references. Use them every day--they're valuable!
Don't use ordinary stamps; the distinctive parcel post stamps
must be used.
Don't seal your pacakge; wrap and tie it securely.
Don't fail to put the sender's name on the outside of package.
Don't forget to mark your package "Perishable" or "Fragile," if
the contents are of that nature.
Parcels weighing four ounces or less are mailable at the rate of
1 cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce, regardless of distance.
Parcels weighing more than four ounces are mailable at the pound
rate, as shown by the following table, and when mailed at this rate
any fraction of a pound is considered a full pound:
*1st Zones 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Local Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate.
1 pound........$0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12
2 pounds....... .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .19 .21 .24
3 pounds....... .07 .11 .14 .17 .20 .23 .28 .31 .36
4 pounds....... .08 .14 .18 .22 .26 .30 .37 .41 .48
5 pounds....... .09 .17 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 .51 .60
6 pounds....... .10 .20 .26 .32 .38 .44 .55 .61 .72
7 pounds....... .11 .23 .30 .37 .44 .51 .64 .71 .84
8 pounds....... .12 .26 .34 .42 .50 .58 .73 .81 .96
9 pounds....... .13 .29 .38 .47 .56 .65 .82 .91 1.08
10 pounds...... .14 .32 .42 .52 .62 .72 .91 1.01 1.20
11 pounds...... .15 .35 .46 .57 .68 .79 1.00 1.11 1.32
*The local rate in the first zone applies to parcels sent by a city man
to someone in the same city, or on a rural route starting out of that city,
and also to parcels sent by someone on a rural route to someone on the
same rural route, or to the city from which that route starts, or to some-
one on another route starting out of the same city. The zone rate for the
first zone applies to packages sent between cities.
[corresponds to page 86 of Delaware Blue Book]
Delaware and the Parcel Post.
The new parcel post, operated by the United States govern-
ment, went into effect January 1, 1913, the first package out of Dela-
ware being a violin sent by J. W. Bonham to Melvin, Iowa. Seven-
teen parcels were mailed from the local office the first day. Parcel
post is a new way of sending packages, and there are three distinct-
ively new features:
1. The postage you pay depends on the weight and the distance
your package goes. Exception: Packages weighing four ounces or
less are so small that they will be sent at the old flat rate of 1 cent
an ounce everywhere.
2. You can now send packages weighing up to eleven pounds,
instead of only four pounds.
3. You must use a new kind of stamp for parcels. Ordinary
letter stamps are not good on these packages, and the new parcel
post stamps are not good on other mail matter.
The "zone system" is easy to understand. Just remember that
whatever you may be, you are the center of the whole system. The
accompanying parcel post map and table contain all the necessary
references. Use them every day--they're valuable!
Don't use ordinary stamps; the distinctive parcel post stamps
must be used.
Don't seal your pacakge; wrap and tie it securely.
Don't fail to put the sender's name on the outside of package.
Don't forget to mark your package "Perishable" or "Fragile," if
the contents are of that nature.
Parcels weighing four ounces or less are mailable at the rate of
1 cent for each ounce or fraction of an ounce, regardless of distance.
Parcels weighing more than four ounces are mailable at the pound
rate, as shown by the following table, and when mailed at this rate
any fraction of a pound is considered a full pound:
*1st Zones 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th
Local Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
Weight. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate. Rate.
1 pound........$0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.10 $0.11 $0.12
2 pounds....... .06 .08 .10 .12 .14 .16 .19 .21 .24
3 pounds....... .07 .11 .14 .17 .20 .23 .28 .31 .36
4 pounds....... .08 .14 .18 .22 .26 .30 .37 .41 .48
5 pounds....... .09 .17 .22 .27 .32 .37 .46 .51 .60
6 pounds....... .10 .20 .26 .32 .38 .44 .55 .61 .72
7 pounds....... .11 .23 .30 .37 .44 .51 .64 .71 .84
8 pounds....... .12 .26 .34 .42 .50 .58 .73 .81 .96
9 pounds....... .13 .29 .38 .47 .56 .65 .82 .91 1.08
10 pounds...... .14 .32 .42 .52 .62 .72 .91 1.01 1.20
11 pounds...... .15 .35 .46 .57 .68 .79 1.00 1.11 1.32
*The local rate in the first zone applies to parcels sent by a city man
to someone in the same city, or on a rural route starting out of that city,
and also to parcels sent by someone on a rural route to someone on the
same rural route, or to the city from which that route starts, or to some-
one on another route starting out of the same city. The zone rate for the
first zone applies to packages sent between cities.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 91)
[page 91]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 87 of Delaware Blue Book]
[map of Delaware parcel post zones]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 87 of Delaware Blue Book]
[map of Delaware parcel post zones]
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 92)
[page 92]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 88 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Travellers Insurance Co. F.M. Marriott B.F. Freshwater
Cf Hartford, Conn. E.M Wickham
The Pioneer Accident Company--The Leader in
Accident Insurance. Safest Life Insurance and Em- Marriott, Freshwater
ployers' Liability Insurance. Travellers' Accident & Wickham
Policies increase in value each year and insure ben-
eficiary also. The Best Ever! Travelers' Low Cost ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW
Life Insurance Saves Money. Call ERNEST
JAYNES, Agent, Citizens Phone 405. Phone 135 78 North Sandusky Street
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded Successor to Jewell & Benton
Toilet Articles Camera Supplies
Box Candies Cigars ATTORNEY-AT-LAW
Open Sundays:--8 to 11 a.m.; 3:30 to 8 p.m. Reid Block Delaware, Ohio
DRUGS Citizens Phone 376
[corresponds to unlabeled page 88 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Travellers Insurance Co. F.M. Marriott B.F. Freshwater
Cf Hartford, Conn. E.M Wickham
The Pioneer Accident Company--The Leader in
Accident Insurance. Safest Life Insurance and Em- Marriott, Freshwater
ployers' Liability Insurance. Travellers' Accident & Wickham
Policies increase in value each year and insure ben-
eficiary also. The Best Ever! Travelers' Low Cost ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW
Life Insurance Saves Money. Call ERNEST
JAYNES, Agent, Citizens Phone 405. Phone 135 78 North Sandusky Street
Prescriptions Accurately Compounded Successor to Jewell & Benton
Toilet Articles Camera Supplies
Box Candies Cigars ATTORNEY-AT-LAW
Open Sundays:--8 to 11 a.m.; 3:30 to 8 p.m. Reid Block Delaware, Ohio
DRUGS Citizens Phone 376
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 93)
[page 93]
[corresponds to page 89 of Delaware Blue Book]
There are eight postal rural routes out of Delaware, maintained
at a salary expense of $8,514--four carriers at $1,056, three at
$1,100 and one at $990, all salaries based on mileage covered. The
general directions of these routes are as follows:
Route 1, north, Marion pike, Norton, etc.; 2 east on Sunbury
pike, Kilbourne postoffice, west on Bowtown road; 3, south, east and
west of Olentangy river; 4, southeast, Berlin township; 5, southwest,
Bellpoint, Rathbone, Girls' Industrial Home; 6, west and northwest,
Radnor pike to Warrensburg, east on Marysville pike; 7, Horseshoe
and Panhandle roads, Windsor's Corners, etc.; 8, southwest, be-
tween routes 3 and 5, Liberty township.
The rural carriers are as follows: Route 1, E. W. Simpson;
2, Douglass Moore; 3, J. A. Dennis; 4 C. A. Welch; 5, Harry Berlet;
6, H. O. Breece; 7, Clifton Main; 8, H. O. Courter.
C. O. Jones has the contract for carrying mail to and from the
City Facts.
Six and one-half miles of paved streets.
Thirty miles of macadam streets.
Approximately fifteen miles of cement sidewalks.
Thirteen miles of sanitary sewer, with three more miles to be con-
structed in 1913. (Over 1,100 houses are connected with the
Twenty-three miles of water pipe, four to sixteen inches in diameter.
Five miles of street railway, with fifteen-minute service.
One hundred and fifty-two electric arc lights, at $72 a year, each.
Two hundred and sixty-two fire hydrants, at $40 a year, each.
Ten-year contract with Delaware Water Company expires December
31, 1920.
Ten-year contract with Delaware Electric Light Company expires
November 30, 1918.
Five-year heat contract expires November 20, 1915.
Delaware county has 525 miles of pikes, besides gravel roads.
Ninety acres in extent, located southern part of Delaware, west
of Sandusky street. Dedicated July 20, 1851. Became city property
May 25, 1863. Under control of Oak Grove Cemetery Company
since February 13, 1906. Number of graves, approximately 30,000,
including graves removed from old cemeteries.
Officers of Oak Grove Cemetery Company--Dr. E. M. Hall, presi-
dent; Dr. C. G. Lewis, vice president; G. W. Powers, treasurer;
David Grinton, superintendent, for twenty-three years. Expense of
maintenance 1912, $5,094.71; $1,008.35 in treasury January 1, 1913.
Perpetual care fund totals $15,370.50.
St. Mary's Catholic cemetery adjoins at the south.
[corresponds to page 89 of Delaware Blue Book]
There are eight postal rural routes out of Delaware, maintained
at a salary expense of $8,514--four carriers at $1,056, three at
$1,100 and one at $990, all salaries based on mileage covered. The
general directions of these routes are as follows:
Route 1, north, Marion pike, Norton, etc.; 2 east on Sunbury
pike, Kilbourne postoffice, west on Bowtown road; 3, south, east and
west of Olentangy river; 4, southeast, Berlin township; 5, southwest,
Bellpoint, Rathbone, Girls' Industrial Home; 6, west and northwest,
Radnor pike to Warrensburg, east on Marysville pike; 7, Horseshoe
and Panhandle roads, Windsor's Corners, etc.; 8, southwest, be-
tween routes 3 and 5, Liberty township.
The rural carriers are as follows: Route 1, E. W. Simpson;
2, Douglass Moore; 3, J. A. Dennis; 4 C. A. Welch; 5, Harry Berlet;
6, H. O. Breece; 7, Clifton Main; 8, H. O. Courter.
C. O. Jones has the contract for carrying mail to and from the
City Facts.
Six and one-half miles of paved streets.
Thirty miles of macadam streets.
Approximately fifteen miles of cement sidewalks.
Thirteen miles of sanitary sewer, with three more miles to be con-
structed in 1913. (Over 1,100 houses are connected with the
Twenty-three miles of water pipe, four to sixteen inches in diameter.
Five miles of street railway, with fifteen-minute service.
One hundred and fifty-two electric arc lights, at $72 a year, each.
Two hundred and sixty-two fire hydrants, at $40 a year, each.
Ten-year contract with Delaware Water Company expires December
31, 1920.
Ten-year contract with Delaware Electric Light Company expires
November 30, 1918.
Five-year heat contract expires November 20, 1915.
Delaware county has 525 miles of pikes, besides gravel roads.
Ninety acres in extent, located southern part of Delaware, west
of Sandusky street. Dedicated July 20, 1851. Became city property
May 25, 1863. Under control of Oak Grove Cemetery Company
since February 13, 1906. Number of graves, approximately 30,000,
including graves removed from old cemeteries.
Officers of Oak Grove Cemetery Company--Dr. E. M. Hall, presi-
dent; Dr. C. G. Lewis, vice president; G. W. Powers, treasurer;
David Grinton, superintendent, for twenty-three years. Expense of
maintenance 1912, $5,094.71; $1,008.35 in treasury January 1, 1913.
Perpetual care fund totals $15,370.50.
St. Mary's Catholic cemetery adjoins at the south.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 94)
[page 94]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 90 of Delaware Blue Book]
Service, Economy and Efficiency
-Are Combined in the-
No other car approaches it in minimum of price, and
its service is just as pleasing as that of many costlier
cars. We would be pleased to demonstrate the su-
periority of the Ford.
65 East William Street Phone 596
Our repair department is always at your
service with a fully equipped machine
shop. First-Class Service Guaranteed
[corresponds to unlabeled page 90 of Delaware Blue Book]
Service, Economy and Efficiency
-Are Combined in the-
No other car approaches it in minimum of price, and
its service is just as pleasing as that of many costlier
cars. We would be pleased to demonstrate the su-
periority of the Ford.
65 East William Street Phone 596
Our repair department is always at your
service with a fully equipped machine
shop. First-Class Service Guaranteed
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 95)
[page 95]
[corresponds to page 91 of Delaware Blue Book]
City Financial Statement.
Total expenditures............................. $32,560.57
Unpaid accounts, 1912.......................... 16,067.45
*Street cleaning............................... 2,269.18
Actual expenditures, year 1912................. $50,897.20
*Street cleaning this year was assessed against the property;
heretofore was paid through the service fund. It is figured in the
actual expenditures of the above year of 1912.
Public Service Fund--
Street lighting (seven months)................ 6,678.00
Engineering .................................. 1,501.07
Street repairing ............................. 1,665.57
Total expenditures, service fund ............. $14,710.88
Public Safety Fund--
General administration........................ $ 316.38
Police department ............................ 4,441.35
Fire department .............................. 5,743.26
Total expenditures, safety fund............... $10,500.99
Total expenditures, health fund............... $ 1,362.15
Total expenditures, general................... $ 5,986.55
Total receipts............................. $45,593.89
Total expenditures......................... 43,033.68
Total receipts............................. $53,362.03
Total expenditures......................... 52,882.28
Total receipts............................. $32,763.27
Total expenditures......................... 50,897.20
The amount levied in 1911 under the old law, based on a levy
of 10 mills on a duplicate of the real and personal property tax of
$4,000,000, showed in receipts $40,000. Now, the amount appor-
tioned to the municipal funds by the Budget Commission under the
Smith 1 per cent bill for 1912, with a levy of 3.35 mills on a dupli-
cate of $8,730,035, shows receipts of only $29,245.62, making a de-
crease in property tax revenues alone of $10,754.38. This, with the
amount cut off by the loss of the bridge and Dow tax of $10,000
(estimated) will show an actual shortage in city revenues each year
of $20,745.38, unless the Budget Commission increases the mill levy,
or unless the real and personal tax duplicate is made greater than
that of the year 1912. To make the same revenue as received for
property taxes in 1911, the appraised valuation of the city should be
placed at $12,000,000 (instead of $8,730,035), on which, with the
levy of 3.35 mills, the amount received would equal $40,200, or $200
in excess of the amount received in 1911.
[corresponds to page 91 of Delaware Blue Book]
City Financial Statement.
Total expenditures............................. $32,560.57
Unpaid accounts, 1912.......................... 16,067.45
*Street cleaning............................... 2,269.18
Actual expenditures, year 1912................. $50,897.20
*Street cleaning this year was assessed against the property;
heretofore was paid through the service fund. It is figured in the
actual expenditures of the above year of 1912.
Public Service Fund--
Street lighting (seven months)................ 6,678.00
Engineering .................................. 1,501.07
Street repairing ............................. 1,665.57
Total expenditures, service fund ............. $14,710.88
Public Safety Fund--
General administration........................ $ 316.38
Police department ............................ 4,441.35
Fire department .............................. 5,743.26
Total expenditures, safety fund............... $10,500.99
Total expenditures, health fund............... $ 1,362.15
Total expenditures, general................... $ 5,986.55
Total receipts............................. $45,593.89
Total expenditures......................... 43,033.68
Total receipts............................. $53,362.03
Total expenditures......................... 52,882.28
Total receipts............................. $32,763.27
Total expenditures......................... 50,897.20
The amount levied in 1911 under the old law, based on a levy
of 10 mills on a duplicate of the real and personal property tax of
$4,000,000, showed in receipts $40,000. Now, the amount appor-
tioned to the municipal funds by the Budget Commission under the
Smith 1 per cent bill for 1912, with a levy of 3.35 mills on a dupli-
cate of $8,730,035, shows receipts of only $29,245.62, making a de-
crease in property tax revenues alone of $10,754.38. This, with the
amount cut off by the loss of the bridge and Dow tax of $10,000
(estimated) will show an actual shortage in city revenues each year
of $20,745.38, unless the Budget Commission increases the mill levy,
or unless the real and personal tax duplicate is made greater than
that of the year 1912. To make the same revenue as received for
property taxes in 1911, the appraised valuation of the city should be
placed at $12,000,000 (instead of $8,730,035), on which, with the
levy of 3.35 mills, the amount received would equal $40,200, or $200
in excess of the amount received in 1911.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 96)
[page 96]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 92 of Delaware Blue Book]
Hocking Valley Ry.
Is Now Operating
Train leaves Delaware 10:57 p.m., arriving LaSalle Sta-
tion, Chicago, 7:59 a.m.; M.C. Station, Detroit, 7:20 a.m.,
and Union Station, Toledo, 1:50 a.m. (Car to latter point
may be occupied until 7:30 a.m.) Your patronage of these
lines will be appreciated.
Train Mgr. W. H. FISHER H .H. PIERCE
H B. DUNHAM, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Agt. Delaware.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 92 of Delaware Blue Book]
Hocking Valley Ry.
Is Now Operating
Train leaves Delaware 10:57 p.m., arriving LaSalle Sta-
tion, Chicago, 7:59 a.m.; M.C. Station, Detroit, 7:20 a.m.,
and Union Station, Toledo, 1:50 a.m. (Car to latter point
may be occupied until 7:30 a.m.) Your patronage of these
lines will be appreciated.
Train Mgr. W. H. FISHER H .H. PIERCE
H B. DUNHAM, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Agt. Delaware.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 97)
[page 97]
[corresponds to page 93 of Delaware Blue Book]
Elective Officials--Mayor, City Auditor, City Solicitor, Treasurer and
seven councilmen, one from each of the four wards, and three
elected by the entire city. Mayor appoints Service Director and
Safety Director, with whom he completes the Board of Control.
Mayor acts as judge of police court.
City Council--Purely legislative, making laws, passing ordinances,
resolutions, etc., and directing the various officials by their leg-
islation to execute the same.
City Auditor--Financial officer of the city. All moneys are paid out
by his warrant on the City Treasurer, and approved by the
necessary officials.
City Solicitor--Law department of the municipality. He approves all
ordinances and resolutions presented to council. Advises on
matters before the city.
City Treasurer--Pays all just warrants issued by the Auditor. He is
also treasurer of the School Board.
Director of Public Service--Has charge of all streets, sewers, water-
works, street lighting, engineering, parks and city buildings.
Director of Public Safety--Has charge of police and fire departments,
and all buildings connected with said departments which are not
a part of the city building. Police and firemen are under civil
Board of Control--Approves all contracts made by the city and di-
rects the execution of the contract.
Sinking Fund Trustees--Four members, four years each, have
charge of payment of all bonded indebtedness; pay final judg-
ments when ordered by court.
Board of Health--Five members, serving five years each; governs
sanitary interests of the city; fixes salaries of own employes, as
does Library Board. All other salaries are fixed by Council.
Library Trustees--Six members, three years each; manage affairs of
City Library.
Olentangy river rises in the north-central part of Ohio and flows
generally southward. It is the Scioto's chief tributary, uniting at
Columbus. The Olentangy is 100 miles long, and the watershed is
generally flat, and is for the most part cultivated.
John Pfannstiel
Phone 896 56 1-2 North Sandusky Street
[corresponds to page 93 of Delaware Blue Book]
Elective Officials--Mayor, City Auditor, City Solicitor, Treasurer and
seven councilmen, one from each of the four wards, and three
elected by the entire city. Mayor appoints Service Director and
Safety Director, with whom he completes the Board of Control.
Mayor acts as judge of police court.
City Council--Purely legislative, making laws, passing ordinances,
resolutions, etc., and directing the various officials by their leg-
islation to execute the same.
City Auditor--Financial officer of the city. All moneys are paid out
by his warrant on the City Treasurer, and approved by the
necessary officials.
City Solicitor--Law department of the municipality. He approves all
ordinances and resolutions presented to council. Advises on
matters before the city.
City Treasurer--Pays all just warrants issued by the Auditor. He is
also treasurer of the School Board.
Director of Public Service--Has charge of all streets, sewers, water-
works, street lighting, engineering, parks and city buildings.
Director of Public Safety--Has charge of police and fire departments,
and all buildings connected with said departments which are not
a part of the city building. Police and firemen are under civil
Board of Control--Approves all contracts made by the city and di-
rects the execution of the contract.
Sinking Fund Trustees--Four members, four years each, have
charge of payment of all bonded indebtedness; pay final judg-
ments when ordered by court.
Board of Health--Five members, serving five years each; governs
sanitary interests of the city; fixes salaries of own employes, as
does Library Board. All other salaries are fixed by Council.
Library Trustees--Six members, three years each; manage affairs of
City Library.
Olentangy river rises in the north-central part of Ohio and flows
generally southward. It is the Scioto's chief tributary, uniting at
Columbus. The Olentangy is 100 miles long, and the watershed is
generally flat, and is for the most part cultivated.
John Pfannstiel
Phone 896 56 1-2 North Sandusky Street
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 98)
[page 98]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 94 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware Gazette
Daily and Semi-Weekly
Established in 1818, it is a family
favorite in a large percentage of
Delaware County homes.
Both local and foreign--by any pa-
per similarly located in ohio. The
most effective and most used
in the county. Sworn circulation
figures on application.
The Best Job Printing Office
In Delaware
Estimates Cheerfully Given
[corresponds to unlabeled page 94 of Delaware Blue Book]
The Delaware Gazette
Daily and Semi-Weekly
Established in 1818, it is a family
favorite in a large percentage of
Delaware County homes.
Both local and foreign--by any pa-
per similarly located in ohio. The
most effective and most used
in the county. Sworn circulation
figures on application.
The Best Job Printing Office
In Delaware
Estimates Cheerfully Given
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 99)
[page 99]
[corresponds to page 95 of Delaware Blue Book]
Scioto river starts in eastern Auglaize county. For sixty miles
its course is eastward, but in Marion and Delaware counties it takes
up a permanent southern course. It drains an area of 6,430 square
miles. The Scioto travels down through Columbus, and a short dis-
tance below Chillicothe the hills close in on both sides and the re-
mainder of the river's course is through a deep valley, bordered by
hills 400 feet or more in height.
From Here to There in Rhyme.
Here's a distance table in rhyme. If you live in Delaware and
want to know how many miles you are from a neighboring village,
or if you live in the rural districts and want to know the distance to
the county seat, just take a glance:
From Hyattville to Delaware it's six good miles they say;
At least that's what a witness draws in travel fees one way.
But if you are from Ashley, you've ten and half to travel,
While an Olive Green man, on foot or horse, full thirteen must un-
It's just six miles from Bellpoint, when walking's good or ill;
Galena twelve and Powell ten, nineteen from Centerville.
With eight small miles behind him, the Lewis Center man would be
A Kilbourne man requires two less, or a half dozen in the clear.
From Leonardsburg it's six and a half, from Rome it's past half
From Radnor it's a lovely eight, and Stratford three--that's plenty.
A Cheshire man has eleven big miles of road on which to hike it;
A Harlemite but sweet sixteen, and most the way could pike it.
A long, lean man from Warrensburg could reach here in an hour,
For with just six miles to travel, he doesn't need much power.
An Ostrander man counts nine short miles before we chance to greet
A White Sulphur man goes half a dozen miles ere he gets where we
can meet him.
Rathbone's busy pilgrims live just twelve miles from the hub;
And Norton farmers, when in town, drive nine full miles for grub;
And it's not because they're stingy that they drive home for a meal;
'Most any restaurant habitue knows exactly how they feel.
Now Sunbury town and Delaware have a dozen miles between;
And a Condit man can reach this town by pacing off eighteen.
To Berkshire, too, upon my word, it's just nine miles, they say;
While "wet" Columbus, twenty-four, is down hill all the way.
[corresponds to page 95 of Delaware Blue Book]
Scioto river starts in eastern Auglaize county. For sixty miles
its course is eastward, but in Marion and Delaware counties it takes
up a permanent southern course. It drains an area of 6,430 square
miles. The Scioto travels down through Columbus, and a short dis-
tance below Chillicothe the hills close in on both sides and the re-
mainder of the river's course is through a deep valley, bordered by
hills 400 feet or more in height.
From Here to There in Rhyme.
Here's a distance table in rhyme. If you live in Delaware and
want to know how many miles you are from a neighboring village,
or if you live in the rural districts and want to know the distance to
the county seat, just take a glance:
From Hyattville to Delaware it's six good miles they say;
At least that's what a witness draws in travel fees one way.
But if you are from Ashley, you've ten and half to travel,
While an Olive Green man, on foot or horse, full thirteen must un-
It's just six miles from Bellpoint, when walking's good or ill;
Galena twelve and Powell ten, nineteen from Centerville.
With eight small miles behind him, the Lewis Center man would be
A Kilbourne man requires two less, or a half dozen in the clear.
From Leonardsburg it's six and a half, from Rome it's past half
From Radnor it's a lovely eight, and Stratford three--that's plenty.
A Cheshire man has eleven big miles of road on which to hike it;
A Harlemite but sweet sixteen, and most the way could pike it.
A long, lean man from Warrensburg could reach here in an hour,
For with just six miles to travel, he doesn't need much power.
An Ostrander man counts nine short miles before we chance to greet
A White Sulphur man goes half a dozen miles ere he gets where we
can meet him.
Rathbone's busy pilgrims live just twelve miles from the hub;
And Norton farmers, when in town, drive nine full miles for grub;
And it's not because they're stingy that they drive home for a meal;
'Most any restaurant habitue knows exactly how they feel.
Now Sunbury town and Delaware have a dozen miles between;
And a Condit man can reach this town by pacing off eighteen.
To Berkshire, too, upon my word, it's just nine miles, they say;
While "wet" Columbus, twenty-four, is down hill all the way.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 100)
[page 100]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 96 of Delaware Blue Book]
Tip Top
Ice Cream
Made by The Dela-
ware Creamery Co.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 96 of Delaware Blue Book]
Tip Top
Ice Cream
Made by The Dela-
ware Creamery Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 101)
[page 101]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 97 of Delaware Blue Book]
Studebaker "25" More, we believe, than $885
has ever bought before
[image of automobile]
Five passenger, four cylinders, 3 1-2 inch bore x 5 inch stroke, 102 inch wheel base
With 30x3 1/2 iuch [sic] Goodrich Tires Silk mohair top Tire holders $885
Stewart & Clark Speedometer Full elliptic springs Full set of Tools
Acetylene gas primer Full 10 inch upholstering Tire repair kit
Studebaker Jiffy curtains Ventilating windshield Tool box
Electric horn Demountable rims Extra rim
Prest-o-lite tank Robe rail and Foot rail
C. A. WHITE, 21=23 S. Sandusky St.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 97 of Delaware Blue Book]
Studebaker "25" More, we believe, than $885
has ever bought before
[image of automobile]
Five passenger, four cylinders, 3 1-2 inch bore x 5 inch stroke, 102 inch wheel base
With 30x3 1/2 iuch [sic] Goodrich Tires Silk mohair top Tire holders $885
Stewart & Clark Speedometer Full elliptic springs Full set of Tools
Acetylene gas primer Full 10 inch upholstering Tire repair kit
Studebaker Jiffy curtains Ventilating windshield Tool box
Electric horn Demountable rims Extra rim
Prest-o-lite tank Robe rail and Foot rail
C. A. WHITE, 21=23 S. Sandusky St.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 102)
[page 102]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 98 of Delaware Blue Book]
Why Use Poor Light When the
Best Light is Cheap?
For Satisfaction and Utility, Nothing Pleases as Much as
Electric Light
The Delaware Electric Light,
Heat and Power Company Will
be Pleased to Wire Your Home
MAZDA Lights
And Cut Down Your Light Bills
[corresponds to unlabeled page 98 of Delaware Blue Book]
Why Use Poor Light When the
Best Light is Cheap?
For Satisfaction and Utility, Nothing Pleases as Much as
Electric Light
The Delaware Electric Light,
Heat and Power Company Will
be Pleased to Wire Your Home
MAZDA Lights
And Cut Down Your Light Bills
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 103)
[page 103]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 99 of Delaware Blue Book ]
Publishing Co.
Call and See Us in Our New Home
Fully Equipped With Modern Appliances for High-Class
Job Work. Bring in Your Order Whether It's Great or
We publish a wide-awake Daily and Semi-Weekly. All the news
while it IS news. Be sure The Journal-Herald comes to your home.
You are welcome at our office at any time. Bring in your friends.
The Journal-Herald
Publishing Co.
[corresponds to unlabeled page 99 of Delaware Blue Book ]
Publishing Co.
Call and See Us in Our New Home
Fully Equipped With Modern Appliances for High-Class
Job Work. Bring in Your Order Whether It's Great or
We publish a wide-awake Daily and Semi-Weekly. All the news
while it IS news. Be sure The Journal-Herald comes to your home.
You are welcome at our office at any time. Bring in your friends.
The Journal-Herald
Publishing Co.
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 104)
[page 104]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 100 of Delaware Blue Book]
Dr. E. F. Michener A. E. JONES
Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Fire Insurance, Surety on Bonds, City
SPECIALIST and Farm Property
Hours 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. -- 2:00
to 5:30 p.m.
Office over Marriott, Freshwater and Wickham.
DENTIST Res. 201 8 to 11:30
CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY Office W 143 1 to 5:30
Over New York Cash Store RAY MILLER
[corresponds to unlabeled page 100 of Delaware Blue Book]
Dr. E. F. Michener A. E. JONES
Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat Fire Insurance, Surety on Bonds, City
SPECIALIST and Farm Property
Hours 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. -- 2:00
to 5:30 p.m.
Office over Marriott, Freshwater and Wickham.
DENTIST Res. 201 8 to 11:30
CLOSED EVERY WEDNESDAY Office W 143 1 to 5:30
Over New York Cash Store RAY MILLER
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 105)
[page 105]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 101 of Delaware Blue Book]
Dr. T. P. TouVelle
Over Home Store
South Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio
There are Just Two Kinds of
Shoe THE For
Repairing W. L. Douglass Men,
Promptly AND Women,
and Rightly The Bostonian Children
--You Get Them Both of--
34 South Sandusky Street
[corresponds to unlabeled page 101 of Delaware Blue Book]
Dr. T. P. TouVelle
Over Home Store
South Sandusky Street Delaware, Ohio
There are Just Two Kinds of
Shoe THE For
Repairing W. L. Douglass Men,
Promptly AND Women,
and Rightly The Bostonian Children
--You Get Them Both of--
34 South Sandusky Street
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 106)
[page 106]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 102 of Delaware Blue Book]
Best of Ambulance
Service Day or Night
PHONE - 442
[corresponds to unlabeled page 102 of Delaware Blue Book]
Best of Ambulance
Service Day or Night
PHONE - 442
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 107)
[page 107]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 103 of Delaware Blue Book]
[inside of back cover]
[image of man waving his hat in the air]
I Say!
& Co.
Those big
Delaware, Ohio
Want to extend
you credit on your
purchases of any-
thing in Furniture,
Stoves, Carpets,
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains and
The Big People with the
Small Price
[corresponds to unlabeled page 103 of Delaware Blue Book]
[inside of back cover]
[image of man waving his hat in the air]
I Say!
& Co.
Those big
Delaware, Ohio
Want to extend
you credit on your
purchases of any-
thing in Furniture,
Stoves, Carpets,
Wall Paper,
Lace Curtains and
The Big People with the
Small Price
The Delaware Ohio Blue Book (p. 108)
[page 108]
[corresponds to back cover of Delaware Blue Book]
THE Commercial Club
Stands for a Bigger
and Better Delaware
Free sites for new industries
Information about the city cheerfully given
[corresponds to back cover of Delaware Blue Book]
THE Commercial Club
Stands for a Bigger
and Better Delaware
Free sites for new industries
Information about the city cheerfully given
Dublin Core
The Delaware, Ohio, Blue Book; Some Facts and Figgers. 1913
Delaware--Politics and government--Directories
Delaware--Politics and government--Directories
A book of detailed statistics about Delaware, Ohio, in 1913
Compilers C. A. Jones, G.G. Whitehead
President Bert D. Armstrong; Secretary W.D. Thomson
Still Image
Compilers C. A. Jones, G.G. Whitehead, “The Delaware, Ohio, Blue Book; Some Facts and Figgers. 1913,” Delaware County Memory, accessed January 23, 2025,