Delaware County Historical Society
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of Delaware County Historical Society]
[corresponds to front cover of Delaware County Historical Society]
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Sunday, May 22, 1955
[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Sunday, May 22, 1955
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Delaware County Historical Society]
OFFICERS 1954-55
President Wyford Jones
Vice President Robert Powers
Recording Secretary Mrs. William Hahnert
Corresponding Secretary M. S. Cherington
Treasurer Bernard Hatten
Research Chairman H. C. Hubbart
Program Chairman Mrs. Walter Pabst
Mrs. Donald Canfield Mrs. W. S. Cole
Mr. Howard Cowgill Mr. Dwight Hoover
Mr. George Pugh Mr. George Thurston
Mr. Cloice Barton Mr. R. K. McNamara
Mr. Eugene Thomas
ACCESSIONS Dr. and Mrs. William Hahnert, Dr. and Mrs. Herrold
Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. George Pugh, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Graham.
MEMBERSHIP Dr. Maynard S. Cherington, Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank,
Merton Pinney, Thomas Graham, Roy Scott.
GROUNDS Dwight Hoover, M. S. Cherington, Mrs. Charles
Denison, Mrs. Robert Powers, Mrs. William Hahnert,
Howard Cowgill
PROGRAM Mrs. Walter Pabst, M. S. Cherington, Herrold Lancaster.
HOSPITALITY Mrs. Floyd Weaver
PUBLICITY Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank
[corresponds to unlabeled page 2 of Delaware County Historical Society]
OFFICERS 1954-55
President Wyford Jones
Vice President Robert Powers
Recording Secretary Mrs. William Hahnert
Corresponding Secretary M. S. Cherington
Treasurer Bernard Hatten
Research Chairman H. C. Hubbart
Program Chairman Mrs. Walter Pabst
Mrs. Donald Canfield Mrs. W. S. Cole
Mr. Howard Cowgill Mr. Dwight Hoover
Mr. George Pugh Mr. George Thurston
Mr. Cloice Barton Mr. R. K. McNamara
Mr. Eugene Thomas
ACCESSIONS Dr. and Mrs. William Hahnert, Dr. and Mrs. Herrold
Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. George Pugh, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Graham.
MEMBERSHIP Dr. Maynard S. Cherington, Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank,
Merton Pinney, Thomas Graham, Roy Scott.
GROUNDS Dwight Hoover, M. S. Cherington, Mrs. Charles
Denison, Mrs. Robert Powers, Mrs. William Hahnert,
Howard Cowgill
PROGRAM Mrs. Walter Pabst, M. S. Cherington, Herrold Lancaster.
HOSPITALITY Mrs. Floyd Weaver
PUBLICITY Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 4)
[page 3]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Delaware County Historical Society]
1954-1955 SOCIETY PROGRAM 28
[corresponds to unlabeled page 1 of Delaware County Historical Society]
1954-1955 SOCIETY PROGRAM 28
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The Ohio Historical Society
The Ohio Historical Society congratulates the Delaware County Hist-
orical Society on the opening of its new historical museum. We all know
that historical societies are born to preserve the history of a given geo-
graphical area. But now, within your grasp is a means for interpreting
that history to your community.
In opening a museum you have assumed some heavy responsibilities,
and there will be, as you have no doubt already discovered, a variety of
problems. Having a museum is not always easy. It means work, hard
work, and the cooperation of many. Yet, observing the mixture of fasci-
nation, wonderment and joy in the faces of young visitors is a rich ample
With a museum you have a truly important line of communication to
those you wish to reach - children, adults, prospective members and par-
ticipants in the program of the Delaware County Historical Society. Plan
wisely and demonstrate that the museum is vital to the Delaware Com-
munity. With a well-worn path to the museum door you will not lack com-
munity support.
The Ohio Historical Society has a deep interest in your society and
museum, as it has with any similar group in Ohio. May we sincerely
offer whatever assistance we can give.
On this memorable occasion marking the opening of your new hist-
orical museum, again congratulations and best wishes. We believe that
in many ways this opening marks also the beginning of a new era in the
history of Delaware County.
Erwin C. Zepp
The Ohio Historical Society
Columbus 10
[corresponds to unlabeled page 4 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The Ohio Historical Society
The Ohio Historical Society congratulates the Delaware County Hist-
orical Society on the opening of its new historical museum. We all know
that historical societies are born to preserve the history of a given geo-
graphical area. But now, within your grasp is a means for interpreting
that history to your community.
In opening a museum you have assumed some heavy responsibilities,
and there will be, as you have no doubt already discovered, a variety of
problems. Having a museum is not always easy. It means work, hard
work, and the cooperation of many. Yet, observing the mixture of fasci-
nation, wonderment and joy in the faces of young visitors is a rich ample
With a museum you have a truly important line of communication to
those you wish to reach - children, adults, prospective members and par-
ticipants in the program of the Delaware County Historical Society. Plan
wisely and demonstrate that the museum is vital to the Delaware Com-
munity. With a well-worn path to the museum door you will not lack com-
munity support.
The Ohio Historical Society has a deep interest in your society and
museum, as it has with any similar group in Ohio. May we sincerely
offer whatever assistance we can give.
On this memorable occasion marking the opening of your new hist-
orical museum, again congratulations and best wishes. We believe that
in many ways this opening marks also the beginning of a new era in the
history of Delaware County.
Erwin C. Zepp
The Ohio Historical Society
Columbus 10
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Delaware County Historical Society]
This is a happy day that I welcome you to the opening of the new home
and museum of the Delaware County Historical Society. When our Society
was founded in 1947, the charter members had great visions of making it a
means of preserving some of the material things of historical significance
which are a part of our Delaware County heritage. In our struggle to keep
this Society alive, it has been our sincere desire to have a museum and to
have members from all parts of Delaware County take a real and active
part. Today, we have seen much of that vision become a reality.
It was from her sincere desire to serve this Society and Delaware
County that Miss Pauline Nash contributed her family home as our museum.
One room in this museum has been set aside as the Eugene Nash Memorial
Room in honor of her father, who was a collector of Delaware County hist-
orical items. We all thank Miss Nash for her gracious gift.
In the last nine months, much has been accomplished toward the condi-
tioning of this home as a museum. We have much left to do; however, from
this simple beginning as you see it today, we welcome you, and may you be
inspired to take a more active interest in the advancement and growth of this
To all of the officers, chairmen of committees, committee members,
Society members and friends who have contributed so much of their valu-
able time in these busy days toward the opening of this museum, I wish to
express my sincere thanks.
Wyford D. Jones
[corresponds to unlabeled page 5 of Delaware County Historical Society]
This is a happy day that I welcome you to the opening of the new home
and museum of the Delaware County Historical Society. When our Society
was founded in 1947, the charter members had great visions of making it a
means of preserving some of the material things of historical significance
which are a part of our Delaware County heritage. In our struggle to keep
this Society alive, it has been our sincere desire to have a museum and to
have members from all parts of Delaware County take a real and active
part. Today, we have seen much of that vision become a reality.
It was from her sincere desire to serve this Society and Delaware
County that Miss Pauline Nash contributed her family home as our museum.
One room in this museum has been set aside as the Eugene Nash Memorial
Room in honor of her father, who was a collector of Delaware County hist-
orical items. We all thank Miss Nash for her gracious gift.
In the last nine months, much has been accomplished toward the condi-
tioning of this home as a museum. We have much left to do; however, from
this simple beginning as you see it today, we welcome you, and may you be
inspired to take a more active interest in the advancement and growth of this
To all of the officers, chairmen of committees, committee members,
Society members and friends who have contributed so much of their valu-
able time in these busy days toward the opening of this museum, I wish to
express my sincere thanks.
Wyford D. Jones
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 6 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The first mention we have found of an historical society in Delaware
County is an article written by D. W. C. Lugenbeel in the Delaware
Gazette, for August 31, 1909. Here stated that "The Colonization Society
was organized in 1832 with Mr. Hosea Williams as President." No men-
tion was made of activities or programs of the society.
The 1880 History of Delaware County (p. 203) states that "About the
year 1870, an effort was made to reorganize a pioneer association in the
county, but as a society, it has never amounted to much. One or two
meetings were held, officers elected, and a Fourth of July picnic dinner
(arranged). This constituted the bulk of its proceedings." Rev. J. D.
VanDeman was elected Chairman, and Eugene Powell, Secretary, of a
temporary committee of fifteen. The Hon. Thomas W. Powell gave the
address of the occasion. The Hon. O. D. Hough was elected permanent
president of the Pioneer Association of Delaware County. Some perma-
nent committees were named and some activities outlined for them. The
only meeting bsides the picnic known to have been held was on "the last
day of the County Fair," in October, 1871, over a year later.
There must have been some effort made to revive the society, per-
iodically, for the Delaware Gazette, in an article, September 3, 1909,
quoted the "last letter written to Delaware County by General Rosen-
crans." It was addressed to D. W. C. Lugenbeel, and read: "I am sorry
that I see no present prospect of being able to meet the Delaware County
Pioneer Association, at Delaware, August 1, 1891. In a life of seventy-
one years, I have had no time to revive memories which cluster around
the home of my childhood. . . The desire to do this is so strong that I have
still a hope that I may be able to gratify my wishes some day. Meanwhile,
I am Very Respectfully Yours, W. S. Rosencrans." *
Another letter in the same article, dated almost a year later, was
referred to as the last letter written by President Hayes to his birthplace.
It was also addressed to D. W. C. Lugenbeel, Secretary, and stated:
"Absence from home for two weeks. . . prevented me from seeing your
favor of the 18th of July until too late for acceptance of its invitation. With
best wishes, Yours, etc., Rutherford B. Hayes."
On February 8, 1906, some citizens of the county met at the office of
Mr. H. E. Buck and formed The Delaware County Historical and Archaeolo-
gical Society. The following trustees were elected: Henry Buck, Frank L.
Grove, D. L. Ziegler, Joseph Gross, J. L. Smith, J. B. Taggart. The first
named was to serve a six-year term, the others five, four, etc., as listed.
Mr. J. L. Smithwwas elected president, D. L. Ziegler, vice president, Frank
L. Grove, Secretary, Joseph Gross, Treasurer, and J. B. Taggart, Curator.
Meetings were held every Monday and the last entry in the minutes was made
on April 26, 1910. This book is now (1955) in the custody of the Delaware
County District Library.
[corresponds to page 6 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The first mention we have found of an historical society in Delaware
County is an article written by D. W. C. Lugenbeel in the Delaware
Gazette, for August 31, 1909. Here stated that "The Colonization Society
was organized in 1832 with Mr. Hosea Williams as President." No men-
tion was made of activities or programs of the society.
The 1880 History of Delaware County (p. 203) states that "About the
year 1870, an effort was made to reorganize a pioneer association in the
county, but as a society, it has never amounted to much. One or two
meetings were held, officers elected, and a Fourth of July picnic dinner
(arranged). This constituted the bulk of its proceedings." Rev. J. D.
VanDeman was elected Chairman, and Eugene Powell, Secretary, of a
temporary committee of fifteen. The Hon. Thomas W. Powell gave the
address of the occasion. The Hon. O. D. Hough was elected permanent
president of the Pioneer Association of Delaware County. Some perma-
nent committees were named and some activities outlined for them. The
only meeting bsides the picnic known to have been held was on "the last
day of the County Fair," in October, 1871, over a year later.
There must have been some effort made to revive the society, per-
iodically, for the Delaware Gazette, in an article, September 3, 1909,
quoted the "last letter written to Delaware County by General Rosen-
crans." It was addressed to D. W. C. Lugenbeel, and read: "I am sorry
that I see no present prospect of being able to meet the Delaware County
Pioneer Association, at Delaware, August 1, 1891. In a life of seventy-
one years, I have had no time to revive memories which cluster around
the home of my childhood. . . The desire to do this is so strong that I have
still a hope that I may be able to gratify my wishes some day. Meanwhile,
I am Very Respectfully Yours, W. S. Rosencrans." *
Another letter in the same article, dated almost a year later, was
referred to as the last letter written by President Hayes to his birthplace.
It was also addressed to D. W. C. Lugenbeel, Secretary, and stated:
"Absence from home for two weeks. . . prevented me from seeing your
favor of the 18th of July until too late for acceptance of its invitation. With
best wishes, Yours, etc., Rutherford B. Hayes."
On February 8, 1906, some citizens of the county met at the office of
Mr. H. E. Buck and formed The Delaware County Historical and Archaeolo-
gical Society. The following trustees were elected: Henry Buck, Frank L.
Grove, D. L. Ziegler, Joseph Gross, J. L. Smith, J. B. Taggart. The first
named was to serve a six-year term, the others five, four, etc., as listed.
Mr. J. L. Smithwwas elected president, D. L. Ziegler, vice president, Frank
L. Grove, Secretary, Joseph Gross, Treasurer, and J. B. Taggart, Curator.
Meetings were held every Monday and the last entry in the minutes was made
on April 26, 1910. This book is now (1955) in the custody of the Delaware
County District Library.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to page 7 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Urged by Mrs. Walter S. Cole, a number of persons interested in the
history of Delaware County, past and present, met in the old Marlborough
Church on October 12, 1947. Previously, in May, 1947, a group had tenta-
tively organized the Marlborough Historical Society, but it was decided that
this should be enlarged to include the whole of Delaware County, and to
change the name to The Delaware County Historical Society. The first meet-
ing of the new society was held in October; the constitution written and the
society incorporated in November. On November 17, 1947, the first officers
were elected. It was approved that the officers of the disbanded Marlbor-
ough Society be the officers of the new Delaware County Historical Society;
Mr. Wilbur J. Main, president, and Mrs. Walter S. Cole, secretary. The
group had no treasurer, so Mrs. Edgar Nichols was elected to that office.
The organization grew slowly, with much interest in the telling of past
history, but with no financial backing or foundation with which to acquire a
home for the society and/or a place to house and display the gifts of relics
and records that it was hoped would come to the society for preservation.
A number of papers, records and books were promised to various members
for the society at such time as permanent housing would be available.
In the summer of 1954 Miss Pauline Nash offered her home at 157 E.
William Street to the Delaware County Historical Society for a museum.
After a number of meetings by the officers and trustees in August 1954,
this offer was accepted on an annuity basis. This was made possible by
an annual allotment of funds from the County Commissioners, as stated in
Ohio law. Work of getting the house in order for a museum was slow, but
the enthusiasm of the members never lagged. Now, with the opening of a
museum nearly eight years after organization, is the real beginning. The
Society has a place to house and display some tangible evidences of Dela-
ware County's past. The present must not be forgotten - it is tomorrow's
Presidents have been: Wilbur J. Main, George Pugh, Robert Powers,
Thomas Graham, and Wyford Jones; secretaries: Mrs. Walter S. Cole,
Thomas Graham, and Mrs. William F. Hahnert; corresponding secretaries:
Mrs. Walter S. Cole, M. S. Cherington; treasurers: Mrs. Edgar Nichols and
Bernard Hatten.
On October 20, 1947, with Fred Wicham as attorney, the incorporators
of this society were: W. J. Main, John McClure Snook and Genevieve Cole.
Trustees named on the charter are: Dave Sherwood, Lucille Canfield,
Thomas A. Price, Cleo Scott, L. A. McMillan, Milton Utley, R. B. Powers,
Leland Fisher, Genevieve Cole, Elizabeth Weaver, and John McClure Snook.
The document of incorporation bears the seal of the State of Ohio, the
signature of Edward J. Hummel, Secretary of State, and the date November
3, 1947.
Contributers: Thomas Graham, Anna Pabst, Mrs. William Hahnert
[corresponds to page 7 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Urged by Mrs. Walter S. Cole, a number of persons interested in the
history of Delaware County, past and present, met in the old Marlborough
Church on October 12, 1947. Previously, in May, 1947, a group had tenta-
tively organized the Marlborough Historical Society, but it was decided that
this should be enlarged to include the whole of Delaware County, and to
change the name to The Delaware County Historical Society. The first meet-
ing of the new society was held in October; the constitution written and the
society incorporated in November. On November 17, 1947, the first officers
were elected. It was approved that the officers of the disbanded Marlbor-
ough Society be the officers of the new Delaware County Historical Society;
Mr. Wilbur J. Main, president, and Mrs. Walter S. Cole, secretary. The
group had no treasurer, so Mrs. Edgar Nichols was elected to that office.
The organization grew slowly, with much interest in the telling of past
history, but with no financial backing or foundation with which to acquire a
home for the society and/or a place to house and display the gifts of relics
and records that it was hoped would come to the society for preservation.
A number of papers, records and books were promised to various members
for the society at such time as permanent housing would be available.
In the summer of 1954 Miss Pauline Nash offered her home at 157 E.
William Street to the Delaware County Historical Society for a museum.
After a number of meetings by the officers and trustees in August 1954,
this offer was accepted on an annuity basis. This was made possible by
an annual allotment of funds from the County Commissioners, as stated in
Ohio law. Work of getting the house in order for a museum was slow, but
the enthusiasm of the members never lagged. Now, with the opening of a
museum nearly eight years after organization, is the real beginning. The
Society has a place to house and display some tangible evidences of Dela-
ware County's past. The present must not be forgotten - it is tomorrow's
Presidents have been: Wilbur J. Main, George Pugh, Robert Powers,
Thomas Graham, and Wyford Jones; secretaries: Mrs. Walter S. Cole,
Thomas Graham, and Mrs. William F. Hahnert; corresponding secretaries:
Mrs. Walter S. Cole, M. S. Cherington; treasurers: Mrs. Edgar Nichols and
Bernard Hatten.
On October 20, 1947, with Fred Wicham as attorney, the incorporators
of this society were: W. J. Main, John McClure Snook and Genevieve Cole.
Trustees named on the charter are: Dave Sherwood, Lucille Canfield,
Thomas A. Price, Cleo Scott, L. A. McMillan, Milton Utley, R. B. Powers,
Leland Fisher, Genevieve Cole, Elizabeth Weaver, and John McClure Snook.
The document of incorporation bears the seal of the State of Ohio, the
signature of Edward J. Hummel, Secretary of State, and the date November
3, 1947.
Contributers: Thomas Graham, Anna Pabst, Mrs. William Hahnert
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 8 of Delaware County Historical Society]
THIS DAY, MAY 22, 1955, is the official opening of the newly
acquired museum of the Delaware County Historical Society, and the
second annual pilgrimage planned by the Society. We welcome guests
from all over our State.
This museum, located on West William Street, State Route 42,
has been the Nash home since 1885. It is a two story red brick home
with seven rooms, built in 1876. The front porch was added at a later
date. The spindles of the railing on the porch were originally in the
railing of the City Council chambers. The interior of the home has
been redecorated for this occasion - and for the museum. The front
hall has an open winding stairway with black walnut stair rail and newell
The museum will show materials designed to stimulate community
interest in local history. They will tell the story of the past of our
county. The displays will vary from time to time. The historical col-
lections of Mr. Nash will be kept intact in the Eugene P. Nash Memorial
Room. The rest of the house will be devoted to Delaware County. Some
few pieces of furniture have been acquired. The oldest, perhaps, is a
desk over which the first taxes of Delaware County were paid. Some
old, or primitive tools have been donated, with old guns, pictures, maps,
and a few pieces of wearing apparel. There is equipment for spinning
and weaving, as well as dental equipment for an early dentist's office
and a number of children's toys.
The building was built in 1876 by John Slattery, the grandfather of
Dr. George Parker. It was acquired by our Society in 1954 by annuity
gift from Miss Pauline Nash, the owner.
Deeds in the posession of the society show these owners:
December 9, 1865 Carolyn Graff to John Graff.
August 1, 1876 Christopher & Emily M. Potter to John Slattery.
August 1, 1876 from John and Mary Slattery to Thomas Slattery.
February 9, 1881 John C. Graff & wife to Anna Shindoler.
August 4, 1882 Thomas Slattery to Mrs. Anna Hutchins
August 12, 1882 Anne Hutchins to Sam Hutchins
August 3, 1885 Samuel and Sarah A. Hutchins to William Henry Nash
for a consideration of $2400.00.
February 13, 1915 heirs of William Henry Nash to Eugene P. Nash.
June 29, 1929 Eugene P. Nash to Lois C. Nash.
September 1, 1954 Pauline Nash to Delaware County Historical Society,
annuity contract.
[corresponds to page 8 of Delaware County Historical Society]
THIS DAY, MAY 22, 1955, is the official opening of the newly
acquired museum of the Delaware County Historical Society, and the
second annual pilgrimage planned by the Society. We welcome guests
from all over our State.
This museum, located on West William Street, State Route 42,
has been the Nash home since 1885. It is a two story red brick home
with seven rooms, built in 1876. The front porch was added at a later
date. The spindles of the railing on the porch were originally in the
railing of the City Council chambers. The interior of the home has
been redecorated for this occasion - and for the museum. The front
hall has an open winding stairway with black walnut stair rail and newell
The museum will show materials designed to stimulate community
interest in local history. They will tell the story of the past of our
county. The displays will vary from time to time. The historical col-
lections of Mr. Nash will be kept intact in the Eugene P. Nash Memorial
Room. The rest of the house will be devoted to Delaware County. Some
few pieces of furniture have been acquired. The oldest, perhaps, is a
desk over which the first taxes of Delaware County were paid. Some
old, or primitive tools have been donated, with old guns, pictures, maps,
and a few pieces of wearing apparel. There is equipment for spinning
and weaving, as well as dental equipment for an early dentist's office
and a number of children's toys.
The building was built in 1876 by John Slattery, the grandfather of
Dr. George Parker. It was acquired by our Society in 1954 by annuity
gift from Miss Pauline Nash, the owner.
Deeds in the posession of the society show these owners:
December 9, 1865 Carolyn Graff to John Graff.
August 1, 1876 Christopher & Emily M. Potter to John Slattery.
August 1, 1876 from John and Mary Slattery to Thomas Slattery.
February 9, 1881 John C. Graff & wife to Anna Shindoler.
August 4, 1882 Thomas Slattery to Mrs. Anna Hutchins
August 12, 1882 Anne Hutchins to Sam Hutchins
August 3, 1885 Samuel and Sarah A. Hutchins to William Henry Nash
for a consideration of $2400.00.
February 13, 1915 heirs of William Henry Nash to Eugene P. Nash.
June 29, 1929 Eugene P. Nash to Lois C. Nash.
September 1, 1954 Pauline Nash to Delaware County Historical Society,
annuity contract.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 9 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[photo of Pauline Nash]
The name "Nash" is supposed to
be a corruption of atten-ash, at the Ash;
Naish, place near Bristol, England. The
family, like its name, is of Saxon origin,
and were resident in England prior to
the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name
is found at early dates in the counties of
Oxford, Worcester, London, Suffolk and
Lancaster, as well as in Ulster, Ireland
and Wales at the end of the sixteenth cen-
tury. The families came to the eastern
shores of the United States. The Dela-
ware county family are in direct line of
descent from these families. Eugene P. Nash, son of William Henry
and Emmeline (Williams) Nash, was interested in collecting old Dela-
ware County relics such as, Bibles, hand-made linens, badges, news-
papers, fractional currency, samplers, items from President Hayes'
birthplace, Indian relics, etc. Eugene Nash married Lois Cole, May
25, 1893 and they came to Delaware from Berlin Township. Lois Cole,
the daughter of Captain Elias Cole, Delaware County Treasurer for
many years, was an accomplished seamstress. She was highly re-
garded as a dressmaker, and her list of patrons included the best
dressed women of the 1890's.
Two interesting items from her journal read: "December 12,
1892. This morning at 4:45 Father and I started over East to collect
taxes. . Olive Green. . to Sunbury and put up at the Paul Hotel. Dec. 13
. . . to Centervillage. Dec. 14. . collected at Galena and had dinner at
Mrs. Johnson's. Dec. 15, collected at Sunbury. . and came home reaching
our destination at 8:15." . . . "June 23, 1899. We got ready to go . .
to the laying of the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple. It was so warm,
101 in the shade."*
The only child of Eugene and Lois Nash is Pauline Nash, donor
of the Museum. Miss Nash is an expert in many phases of handicraft,
including ceramics, quilting and weaving. She was Delaware County's
first Red Cross Gray Lady, is a member of the First Baptist Church, the
George L. Behrens Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Beta
Sigma Phi, and has served for many years as a volunteer Home Service
Secretary of the County Red Cross unit.
Anna C. Smith Pabst. *This item from Eastern Shore Nashes, by Anna
Pabst, now in publication. Over 370 pages, over ten thousand names.
[corresponds to page 9 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[photo of Pauline Nash]
The name "Nash" is supposed to
be a corruption of atten-ash, at the Ash;
Naish, place near Bristol, England. The
family, like its name, is of Saxon origin,
and were resident in England prior to
the Norman Conquest of 1066. The name
is found at early dates in the counties of
Oxford, Worcester, London, Suffolk and
Lancaster, as well as in Ulster, Ireland
and Wales at the end of the sixteenth cen-
tury. The families came to the eastern
shores of the United States. The Dela-
ware county family are in direct line of
descent from these families. Eugene P. Nash, son of William Henry
and Emmeline (Williams) Nash, was interested in collecting old Dela-
ware County relics such as, Bibles, hand-made linens, badges, news-
papers, fractional currency, samplers, items from President Hayes'
birthplace, Indian relics, etc. Eugene Nash married Lois Cole, May
25, 1893 and they came to Delaware from Berlin Township. Lois Cole,
the daughter of Captain Elias Cole, Delaware County Treasurer for
many years, was an accomplished seamstress. She was highly re-
garded as a dressmaker, and her list of patrons included the best
dressed women of the 1890's.
Two interesting items from her journal read: "December 12,
1892. This morning at 4:45 Father and I started over East to collect
taxes. . Olive Green. . to Sunbury and put up at the Paul Hotel. Dec. 13
. . . to Centervillage. Dec. 14. . collected at Galena and had dinner at
Mrs. Johnson's. Dec. 15, collected at Sunbury. . and came home reaching
our destination at 8:15." . . . "June 23, 1899. We got ready to go . .
to the laying of the cornerstone of the Masonic Temple. It was so warm,
101 in the shade."*
The only child of Eugene and Lois Nash is Pauline Nash, donor
of the Museum. Miss Nash is an expert in many phases of handicraft,
including ceramics, quilting and weaving. She was Delaware County's
first Red Cross Gray Lady, is a member of the First Baptist Church, the
George L. Behrens Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Beta
Sigma Phi, and has served for many years as a volunteer Home Service
Secretary of the County Red Cross unit.
Anna C. Smith Pabst. *This item from Eastern Shore Nashes, by Anna
Pabst, now in publication. Over 370 pages, over ten thousand names.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 10 of Delaware County Historical Society]
January 13, 1866, Oliver H. Kelly started on a trip through the South
and conceived the idea of a fraternity of farmers to restore agriculture and
united once more the north and south. December 4, 1867 is recognized as
the birthday of the Grange when a formal session of founders was held at
Washington D.C. and the National Grange was organized and officers elected.
April 9, 1873, the Ohio State Grange was organized at Lebanon, Ohio, with
S. H. Ellis as State Master. It now has over 900 local groups with a mem-
bership of 177,900. Delaware County has a membership of 2100 in its local
granges. The Grange includes all family membership and through demo-
cratic organization encourages rural people working together for the benefits
of farm life.
Floyd Weaver
[newspaper clipping]
137th Year Started
By The Gazette Today
Today's issue of the Delaware
Gazette is No. 1 of Vol. 137.
The first newspaper was pub-
lished here in 1818 by two min-
isters, Jacob Drake, a Baptist,
and Josiah Hughes, a Presbyter-
ian. Early editions were printed
on coarse, yellow paper and were
only four columns wide.
On Sept. 24, 1821, The Gazette
became the property of Ezra
Griswold, publisher in Columbus
and Worthington, and the next
issue on Oct. 10, 1821 appeared as
the "Delaware Patron and Frank-
lin Chronicle." Subsequent name
changes labeled it as the "Dela-
ware Patron and Sandusky Ad-
vertiser" until May 13, 1830, and
then "Ohio State Gazette and
Delaware County Journal."
Griswold sold the paper in 1834
to George W. Sharpe who called
it the "Olentangy Gazette." In
that year, Sharpe invited a rela-
tive, Abram Thomson, to come
from Maryland to be his partner
and two years later Thomson be-
came sole owner, changing the
name back to the original one,
"The Delaware Gazette," which
has continued to the present day.
With the exception of six years,
1865 to 1871, sole ownership of
the newspaper has remained in
the Thomson family. During that
time, Capt. Alfred E. Lee, who
served with distinction in the
Civil War, owned a half-interest.
The present editor and publish-
er, Walter Dunlap Thomson, and
his son Henry Clay Thomson II,
general manager, are the third
and fourth generations. In 1884,
The Gazette changed from a
semi-weekly to a daily paper. A
separate edition of interest to
rural readers was published semi-
weekly until 1930.
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955
[corresponds to page 10 of Delaware County Historical Society]
January 13, 1866, Oliver H. Kelly started on a trip through the South
and conceived the idea of a fraternity of farmers to restore agriculture and
united once more the north and south. December 4, 1867 is recognized as
the birthday of the Grange when a formal session of founders was held at
Washington D.C. and the National Grange was organized and officers elected.
April 9, 1873, the Ohio State Grange was organized at Lebanon, Ohio, with
S. H. Ellis as State Master. It now has over 900 local groups with a mem-
bership of 177,900. Delaware County has a membership of 2100 in its local
granges. The Grange includes all family membership and through demo-
cratic organization encourages rural people working together for the benefits
of farm life.
Floyd Weaver
[newspaper clipping]
137th Year Started
By The Gazette Today
Today's issue of the Delaware
Gazette is No. 1 of Vol. 137.
The first newspaper was pub-
lished here in 1818 by two min-
isters, Jacob Drake, a Baptist,
and Josiah Hughes, a Presbyter-
ian. Early editions were printed
on coarse, yellow paper and were
only four columns wide.
On Sept. 24, 1821, The Gazette
became the property of Ezra
Griswold, publisher in Columbus
and Worthington, and the next
issue on Oct. 10, 1821 appeared as
the "Delaware Patron and Frank-
lin Chronicle." Subsequent name
changes labeled it as the "Dela-
ware Patron and Sandusky Ad-
vertiser" until May 13, 1830, and
then "Ohio State Gazette and
Delaware County Journal."
Griswold sold the paper in 1834
to George W. Sharpe who called
it the "Olentangy Gazette." In
that year, Sharpe invited a rela-
tive, Abram Thomson, to come
from Maryland to be his partner
and two years later Thomson be-
came sole owner, changing the
name back to the original one,
"The Delaware Gazette," which
has continued to the present day.
With the exception of six years,
1865 to 1871, sole ownership of
the newspaper has remained in
the Thomson family. During that
time, Capt. Alfred E. Lee, who
served with distinction in the
Civil War, owned a half-interest.
The present editor and publish-
er, Walter Dunlap Thomson, and
his son Henry Clay Thomson II,
general manager, are the third
and fourth generations. In 1884,
The Gazette changed from a
semi-weekly to a daily paper. A
separate edition of interest to
rural readers was published semi-
weekly until 1930.
MONDAY, APRIL 11, 1955
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 11 of Delaware County Historical Society]
It is believed that Central Ohio was inhabited by the Mound Builders
over 800 years before the Indians. There are several examples of these
mounds in the county but there is no trace of language, history, or anything
that would give a clue as to where they came from and where they went.
The contents of the mounds often suggest origins in New England, Florida,
Mexico and Peru. The Indians who came later had no knowledge or tradi-
tion concerning them. The Indians who were here when the first white set-
tlers arrived, were the Delaware, the Shawanees and the Mingoes, and per-
haps small groups of other tribes. It was not until after the second Treaty
of Greenville in 1814 that the Indians left this area.
The first settlement in the county was made May 1, 1801 on the east
bank of the Olentangy, five miles below Delaware (now Liberty Township)
by Nathan Carpenter and Avery Powers, from Chenango County, New York.
In April 1802, Thomas Cellar and Josiah McKinney, from Franklin County,
Pennsylvania, settled two miles lower down the river.
In the fall of 1803, Henry Perry and David Pugh, from Wales, made
a clearing and put up a cabin in Radnor, three-fourths of a mile from Delhhi.
Then in the fall of 1804, Colonel Moses Byxbe and his company from Berk-
shire, Massachusetts, settled on Alum Creek and named their settlement
Berkshire. Col. Byxbe was considered wealthy for his day and owned 8000
acres here that he had obtained through the purchase of land warrants from
the Revolutionary soldiers. He brought quite a company with him and al-
though he established and laid out the first town in the county it became of
little importance.
Berlin Township was settled next in 1805 by George Cowgill on part
of 4000 acres owned by Byxbe and later that same year Philander Hoadley,
David Isaac, and Chester Lewis settled on part of 4000 acres owned by
Joseph Constant. Asa Scott was the first treasurer of the township and
gave it its name.
An early settlement was made by a native of Wales, Richard Hoskins,
his wife and seven children when they started a home on Boke's Creek, in
Scioto Township in 1806. This was followed by many others in the next
few years. Genoa was settled in 1807 by Marcus Curtis and Elisha Newell
from Connecticut, and William Cox came later from Pennsylvania. In
Kingston Twp., George Hess and John Philips came from Pennsylvania in
1807, and James, Stark, John Rosecrans, Daniel Rosecrans and David Taylor
in 1809. It was in Kingston Twp. that the famed Civil War General, W. S.
Rosecrans was born.
Delaware Township and City was slow in getting settled. In 1807,
James Barber built a cabin near the Sulphur Springs where he kept a Tavern.
Shortly Col. Byxbe and some of his friends came in from Berkshire and laid
out the town of Delaware. The county was organized in 1808. With Col. Byx-
be were William Little, Dr. Lamb, Solomon Smith, Elder Jacob Drake,
Thomas Butler, and Ira Carpenter. That same year Byxbe built the first
[corresponds to page 11 of Delaware County Historical Society]
It is believed that Central Ohio was inhabited by the Mound Builders
over 800 years before the Indians. There are several examples of these
mounds in the county but there is no trace of language, history, or anything
that would give a clue as to where they came from and where they went.
The contents of the mounds often suggest origins in New England, Florida,
Mexico and Peru. The Indians who came later had no knowledge or tradi-
tion concerning them. The Indians who were here when the first white set-
tlers arrived, were the Delaware, the Shawanees and the Mingoes, and per-
haps small groups of other tribes. It was not until after the second Treaty
of Greenville in 1814 that the Indians left this area.
The first settlement in the county was made May 1, 1801 on the east
bank of the Olentangy, five miles below Delaware (now Liberty Township)
by Nathan Carpenter and Avery Powers, from Chenango County, New York.
In April 1802, Thomas Cellar and Josiah McKinney, from Franklin County,
Pennsylvania, settled two miles lower down the river.
In the fall of 1803, Henry Perry and David Pugh, from Wales, made
a clearing and put up a cabin in Radnor, three-fourths of a mile from Delhhi.
Then in the fall of 1804, Colonel Moses Byxbe and his company from Berk-
shire, Massachusetts, settled on Alum Creek and named their settlement
Berkshire. Col. Byxbe was considered wealthy for his day and owned 8000
acres here that he had obtained through the purchase of land warrants from
the Revolutionary soldiers. He brought quite a company with him and al-
though he established and laid out the first town in the county it became of
little importance.
Berlin Township was settled next in 1805 by George Cowgill on part
of 4000 acres owned by Byxbe and later that same year Philander Hoadley,
David Isaac, and Chester Lewis settled on part of 4000 acres owned by
Joseph Constant. Asa Scott was the first treasurer of the township and
gave it its name.
An early settlement was made by a native of Wales, Richard Hoskins,
his wife and seven children when they started a home on Boke's Creek, in
Scioto Township in 1806. This was followed by many others in the next
few years. Genoa was settled in 1807 by Marcus Curtis and Elisha Newell
from Connecticut, and William Cox came later from Pennsylvania. In
Kingston Twp., George Hess and John Philips came from Pennsylvania in
1807, and James, Stark, John Rosecrans, Daniel Rosecrans and David Taylor
in 1809. It was in Kingston Twp. that the famed Civil War General, W. S.
Rosecrans was born.
Delaware Township and City was slow in getting settled. In 1807,
James Barber built a cabin near the Sulphur Springs where he kept a Tavern.
Shortly Col. Byxbe and some of his friends came in from Berkshire and laid
out the town of Delaware. The county was organized in 1808. With Col. Byx-
be were William Little, Dr. Lamb, Solomon Smith, Elder Jacob Drake,
Thomas Butler, and Ira Carpenter. That same year Byxbe built the first
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 12 of Delaware County Historical Society]
frame house on East William St. (Lot 70) and in the fall of 1809 the first
brick house was erected on Winter Street by Elder Drake.
In 1807 settlements were made in several other townships. Marl-
borough was settled by Jacob Foust near the forks of the Whetstone, then
Ariel Strong and a couple named Swinington, and the next year, Nathaniel
Wyatt and William Brundage settled in Marlbourough. William Perfect and
Mordecai Thomas chose Trenton Township for a home site. Benijah Cook
and a man named Thomson settled in Harlem Township. Porter Township
was settled by Christopher and Ebenezer Linberger from western Pennsyl-
vania, and later by Joel Z. Mendenhall. They all located around Olive Green.
In About 1808 Joab Norton moved into Orange Township. He started
the first tannery in the county and also could make shoes. Sometime after
1809, Brown Township was settled by Daniel G. Thurston, F. Cowgill and
Stephen Goram, on the west bank of Alum Creek. Ezra and Comfort Olds
moved into Oxford Township in 1810, coming from Sunbury. Then came
John and Henry Foust from Marlborough. The Olds cabin was only one
room, 20 feet square, and there were six persons in the Olds family. That
fall a family named Clark arrived, and the Olds' took the nine Clarks in
with them, making fifteen persons in this one room cabin. Concord Twp.
started with the coming of George Hill from Pennsylvania in 1811. He
built his cabin just north of where the old Mansion House of the White Sul-
phur Springs was later to be located in 1842 by Nathaniel Hart. Still later
this was bought by the State, in 1869, for "The State Reform School for
Girls." Christopher Freshwater came with Hill. Thompson Township
was settled in 1809 by Samuel Weaver, then in 1816 John Cochrane came
from Pennsylvania. Eleazer Main settled in the area that is now Troy Twp.
in 1812, but soon left for service in the War of 1812. Lyman Main was
another early settler, as well as Joseph Cole, David Dix, John Duncan and
William Norris, who came from old Virginia.
In these early days there were no roads, only trails, and the settlers
built their own mills for grinding grain, saw mills for lumber, tanneries
for leather. Sometimes a blacksmith shop, a store, or a tavern was
started as it was a hard trip to go without products to sell, or supplies to buy,
from such distant points as Franklinton and Chillicothe.
It is interesting to note that the first settlement made in Delaware
County was 154 years ago this month, on the east bank of the Olentangy
River in Liberty Township.
Captain Nathan Carpenter arrived from New York on May 1, 1801.
He brought his family and about 20 young men who wanted to see this new
country. Some of them later became prominent settlers.
Captain Carpenter erected a cabin on what was recently the Eli Long
farm, two miles south of Stratford. The land was purchased last year by
The Greif Bros. Cooperage Coporation which is now restoring that first
cabin as an historical monument.
[corresponds to page 12 of Delaware County Historical Society]
frame house on East William St. (Lot 70) and in the fall of 1809 the first
brick house was erected on Winter Street by Elder Drake.
In 1807 settlements were made in several other townships. Marl-
borough was settled by Jacob Foust near the forks of the Whetstone, then
Ariel Strong and a couple named Swinington, and the next year, Nathaniel
Wyatt and William Brundage settled in Marlbourough. William Perfect and
Mordecai Thomas chose Trenton Township for a home site. Benijah Cook
and a man named Thomson settled in Harlem Township. Porter Township
was settled by Christopher and Ebenezer Linberger from western Pennsyl-
vania, and later by Joel Z. Mendenhall. They all located around Olive Green.
In About 1808 Joab Norton moved into Orange Township. He started
the first tannery in the county and also could make shoes. Sometime after
1809, Brown Township was settled by Daniel G. Thurston, F. Cowgill and
Stephen Goram, on the west bank of Alum Creek. Ezra and Comfort Olds
moved into Oxford Township in 1810, coming from Sunbury. Then came
John and Henry Foust from Marlborough. The Olds cabin was only one
room, 20 feet square, and there were six persons in the Olds family. That
fall a family named Clark arrived, and the Olds' took the nine Clarks in
with them, making fifteen persons in this one room cabin. Concord Twp.
started with the coming of George Hill from Pennsylvania in 1811. He
built his cabin just north of where the old Mansion House of the White Sul-
phur Springs was later to be located in 1842 by Nathaniel Hart. Still later
this was bought by the State, in 1869, for "The State Reform School for
Girls." Christopher Freshwater came with Hill. Thompson Township
was settled in 1809 by Samuel Weaver, then in 1816 John Cochrane came
from Pennsylvania. Eleazer Main settled in the area that is now Troy Twp.
in 1812, but soon left for service in the War of 1812. Lyman Main was
another early settler, as well as Joseph Cole, David Dix, John Duncan and
William Norris, who came from old Virginia.
In these early days there were no roads, only trails, and the settlers
built their own mills for grinding grain, saw mills for lumber, tanneries
for leather. Sometimes a blacksmith shop, a store, or a tavern was
started as it was a hard trip to go without products to sell, or supplies to buy,
from such distant points as Franklinton and Chillicothe.
It is interesting to note that the first settlement made in Delaware
County was 154 years ago this month, on the east bank of the Olentangy
River in Liberty Township.
Captain Nathan Carpenter arrived from New York on May 1, 1801.
He brought his family and about 20 young men who wanted to see this new
country. Some of them later became prominent settlers.
Captain Carpenter erected a cabin on what was recently the Eli Long
farm, two miles south of Stratford. The land was purchased last year by
The Greif Bros. Cooperage Coporation which is now restoring that first
cabin as an historical monument.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to page 13 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Nathan Carpenter sold his New York estate and made the long,
hazardous journey into Ohio (requiring two months, 18 days) for the
same reason that many Ohioans now dispose of their property and
travel to California or Florida to live. Carpenter went up on the roof
of his house in New York one winter morning to shovel off snow, "a
frequent necessity in that climate." When he descended, he told his
wife that he had decided to leave that land of hills and snowbanks and
go to the wonderful Ohio.
Another early settler of Liberty Township, George Cruikshank,
who came here from Salem, New York in 1815, had similar feelings
about the climate he left behind. In a letter dated August 30, 1816,
George wrote to his brother, Peter, in Salem, telling him how he had
purchased 500 acres of "the best land you ever saw" out here in Ohio,
with a comfortable log house and a stable, 12 acres cleared and fenced,
at $4 an acre.
"For mercy sake," George's letter continued, "when you hear this,
pull up stakes like a man and leave that frozen and inhospitable land
where the winter consumes all the summer doth yield. . . I could say
many more things to induce you to leave that dreary land for the sake
of coming to this garden of the world.!"
Contributors: Dr. M. E. Cherington, Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank.
THE DELAWARE GRAPE brought fame and some fortune to Delaware
County and Countians. About the year 1850 is was found growing along
the banks of the Scioto. A Mr. Heath had brought it from New Jersey
years before. Mr. Abram Thomson of the Delaware Gazette, discovered
its superior merits, and its introduction created a furore in the
grape-growing circles. The prices for grape-vines ranged from $1.00
to even $5.00. It did require proper soil and great skill to produce it
properly, so some inexperience growers were disappointed. However,
its fame brought Delaware County fame.
[corresponds to page 13 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Nathan Carpenter sold his New York estate and made the long,
hazardous journey into Ohio (requiring two months, 18 days) for the
same reason that many Ohioans now dispose of their property and
travel to California or Florida to live. Carpenter went up on the roof
of his house in New York one winter morning to shovel off snow, "a
frequent necessity in that climate." When he descended, he told his
wife that he had decided to leave that land of hills and snowbanks and
go to the wonderful Ohio.
Another early settler of Liberty Township, George Cruikshank,
who came here from Salem, New York in 1815, had similar feelings
about the climate he left behind. In a letter dated August 30, 1816,
George wrote to his brother, Peter, in Salem, telling him how he had
purchased 500 acres of "the best land you ever saw" out here in Ohio,
with a comfortable log house and a stable, 12 acres cleared and fenced,
at $4 an acre.
"For mercy sake," George's letter continued, "when you hear this,
pull up stakes like a man and leave that frozen and inhospitable land
where the winter consumes all the summer doth yield. . . I could say
many more things to induce you to leave that dreary land for the sake
of coming to this garden of the world.!"
Contributors: Dr. M. E. Cherington, Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank.
THE DELAWARE GRAPE brought fame and some fortune to Delaware
County and Countians. About the year 1850 is was found growing along
the banks of the Scioto. A Mr. Heath had brought it from New Jersey
years before. Mr. Abram Thomson of the Delaware Gazette, discovered
its superior merits, and its introduction created a furore in the
grape-growing circles. The prices for grape-vines ranged from $1.00
to even $5.00. It did require proper soil and great skill to produce it
properly, so some inexperience growers were disappointed. However,
its fame brought Delaware County fame.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 14 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The first of the several churches in Delaware was the Presbyterian
which was organized in 1810. They built a church in 1825, rebuilt in
1843, and remodeled extensively in 1874. St. Peter's Episcopal congre-
gation was organized in 1817. They built a church in 1825, and rebuilt in
1844, their present church.
The William Street Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in
1818. Their first church building in Delaware was erected by the Metho-
dists in 1822, across Franklin Street from the present location. The
second church was built on the present site in 1846, and the present church
was built in 1888. St. Paul's Methodist Church, organized in 1852, Grace
Church, in 1860, and Asbury Church, in 1888, took their beginning from
the church membership of William Street Church.
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in 1821. In
the early days a minister came once a month from Columbus and preached
twice on a Sunday, once in German and once in English. In 1834, the
Lutheran congregation, assisted by the unorganized Reformed people, built
a stone church on the southeast corner of William and Henry Streets. In
1852, the Lutheran people sold their interest in the church to the Reformed
congregation, which had been organized in 1836, and the Lutherans built
their stone church on East William Street. In 1856, the Reformed people
replaced their stone building with a brick church which served them until
damaged by the flood of 1913, after which they built their church at Central
Avenue and Franklin Street.
The German Methodists organized in 1836, and built in 1854, the brick
building on the northeast corner of University Avenue and Washington Street.
They existed as a separate conference for some years and then joined with
the larger M.E. Conference.
The Welsh Congregational Church was organized in 1841. In 1844,
they built a brick church on West Winter Street on what is now West School
grounds. Services were conducted in Welsh until 1870.
The Baptist Church was organized in 1853, after having had lay mini-
sters since about 1810 or 1812. They built their church on the present site
in 1858. It was extensively remodeled about 1909.
St. Mary's Church was organized about 1850. They built, in 1854, a
frame church on University Avenue, west of Sandusky Street. In 1890, they
built their present church on East William Street. Delaware now has nine-
teen different churches.
Thomas Graham
[corresponds to page 14 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The first of the several churches in Delaware was the Presbyterian
which was organized in 1810. They built a church in 1825, rebuilt in
1843, and remodeled extensively in 1874. St. Peter's Episcopal congre-
gation was organized in 1817. They built a church in 1825, and rebuilt in
1844, their present church.
The William Street Methodist Episcopal Church was organized in
1818. Their first church building in Delaware was erected by the Metho-
dists in 1822, across Franklin Street from the present location. The
second church was built on the present site in 1846, and the present church
was built in 1888. St. Paul's Methodist Church, organized in 1852, Grace
Church, in 1860, and Asbury Church, in 1888, took their beginning from
the church membership of William Street Church.
St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church was organized in 1821. In
the early days a minister came once a month from Columbus and preached
twice on a Sunday, once in German and once in English. In 1834, the
Lutheran congregation, assisted by the unorganized Reformed people, built
a stone church on the southeast corner of William and Henry Streets. In
1852, the Lutheran people sold their interest in the church to the Reformed
congregation, which had been organized in 1836, and the Lutherans built
their stone church on East William Street. In 1856, the Reformed people
replaced their stone building with a brick church which served them until
damaged by the flood of 1913, after which they built their church at Central
Avenue and Franklin Street.
The German Methodists organized in 1836, and built in 1854, the brick
building on the northeast corner of University Avenue and Washington Street.
They existed as a separate conference for some years and then joined with
the larger M.E. Conference.
The Welsh Congregational Church was organized in 1841. In 1844,
they built a brick church on West Winter Street on what is now West School
grounds. Services were conducted in Welsh until 1870.
The Baptist Church was organized in 1853, after having had lay mini-
sters since about 1810 or 1812. They built their church on the present site
in 1858. It was extensively remodeled about 1909.
St. Mary's Church was organized about 1850. They built, in 1854, a
frame church on University Avenue, west of Sandusky Street. In 1890, they
built their present church on East William Street. Delaware now has nine-
teen different churches.
Thomas Graham
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to page 15 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Education in Delaware from the founding in 1807 to 1815 was conduc-
ted by parents in their homes. Morgan Academy opened in 1815 as a tui-
tion school but closed after a few years. Several private schools provided
schooling from 1815 to 1825 when the first state law provided for a 1/2
mill tax for educational purposes. Population of Delaware up to that time
was under 500 people. The main concern was for primary education.
Among the interesting people who founded and conducted private schools
were Mr. James B. Weaver, 1821; Capt. Murray, 1823; John A. Quitman,
1823; Miss Sophia Moore and Mr. Richard Murray, 1825; Mr. Asa Mes-
senger, 1827; Albert Pickett, 1834; Horatio Seymour, 1834; Mrs. Howison
and Miss Johnson, 1832, and Mrs. Sprague, 1832.
Under the 1825 state school law, a stone school house on the south-
west corner of Franklin and Winter Streets and a frame school on the
northwest corner of the court house lot were built. Miss Eliza T. Thomp-
son, later Mrs. William Carson, was the first teacher for the primary
pupils. In 1834 citizens built Delaware Academy on University Avenue
as a tuition school for older pupils. It failed soon but much later became
a public school.
Central School for older pupils was opened in 1846 as a result of an
improved Ohio law for schools in 1847. It was the rebuilt old William St.
Church and continued until 1859. Mr. Lucius P. Marsh, 24 years of age
was the first superintendent of schools. In 1859, Central School was trans-
ferred to a new building where West School is located now. In 1865, James
S. Campbell became superintendent and continued until 1891. In 1869, a
North School of 4 rooms was constructed, and in 1870 an East School of 4
rooms. In 1875 a six-room building was built in south Delaware. Rooms
were added to all later. A high school was built on Winter Street in the
1880's, West replaced Central in 1904 and East was rebuilt in 1913. North
and Woodward were built in 1950. Willis High School was dedicated on
October 16, 1932. (Woodward School replaced South School and took the
name of Laura Woodward, beloved principal of the school.)
In 1879 the enumeration of the school age youth was 2300. Teachers
numbered 25. The budget was $13,500, and the school tax was just over
3 mills. Some over 1100 pupils were in schools. Pupils averaged over
50 per room.
Delaware High School's first commencement exercises were held
on June 22, 1877 for 16 graduates. The 1955 graduating class has over
1956 will see the completion of a new elementary school in Delaware,
remodeling on East and West, added rooms on Woodward and North, making
five elementary schools, one high school, and one parochial school.
D. R. Smith
[corresponds to page 15 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Education in Delaware from the founding in 1807 to 1815 was conduc-
ted by parents in their homes. Morgan Academy opened in 1815 as a tui-
tion school but closed after a few years. Several private schools provided
schooling from 1815 to 1825 when the first state law provided for a 1/2
mill tax for educational purposes. Population of Delaware up to that time
was under 500 people. The main concern was for primary education.
Among the interesting people who founded and conducted private schools
were Mr. James B. Weaver, 1821; Capt. Murray, 1823; John A. Quitman,
1823; Miss Sophia Moore and Mr. Richard Murray, 1825; Mr. Asa Mes-
senger, 1827; Albert Pickett, 1834; Horatio Seymour, 1834; Mrs. Howison
and Miss Johnson, 1832, and Mrs. Sprague, 1832.
Under the 1825 state school law, a stone school house on the south-
west corner of Franklin and Winter Streets and a frame school on the
northwest corner of the court house lot were built. Miss Eliza T. Thomp-
son, later Mrs. William Carson, was the first teacher for the primary
pupils. In 1834 citizens built Delaware Academy on University Avenue
as a tuition school for older pupils. It failed soon but much later became
a public school.
Central School for older pupils was opened in 1846 as a result of an
improved Ohio law for schools in 1847. It was the rebuilt old William St.
Church and continued until 1859. Mr. Lucius P. Marsh, 24 years of age
was the first superintendent of schools. In 1859, Central School was trans-
ferred to a new building where West School is located now. In 1865, James
S. Campbell became superintendent and continued until 1891. In 1869, a
North School of 4 rooms was constructed, and in 1870 an East School of 4
rooms. In 1875 a six-room building was built in south Delaware. Rooms
were added to all later. A high school was built on Winter Street in the
1880's, West replaced Central in 1904 and East was rebuilt in 1913. North
and Woodward were built in 1950. Willis High School was dedicated on
October 16, 1932. (Woodward School replaced South School and took the
name of Laura Woodward, beloved principal of the school.)
In 1879 the enumeration of the school age youth was 2300. Teachers
numbered 25. The budget was $13,500, and the school tax was just over
3 mills. Some over 1100 pupils were in schools. Pupils averaged over
50 per room.
Delaware High School's first commencement exercises were held
on June 22, 1877 for 16 graduates. The 1955 graduating class has over
1956 will see the completion of a new elementary school in Delaware,
remodeling on East and West, added rooms on Woodward and North, making
five elementary schools, one high school, and one parochial school.
D. R. Smith
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to unlabeled pages 16 and 17 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Dr. Reuben Lamb Home
Fort Cheshire
Mansion House
Byxbe Family Home
President Hayes' Birthplace
Eugene Nash and dog
[corresponds to unlabeled pages 16 and 17 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Dr. Reuben Lamb Home
Fort Cheshire
Mansion House
Byxbe Family Home
President Hayes' Birthplace
Eugene Nash and dog
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to page 18 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The schools of Delaware County are closely related to the life and
service of Henry Thomas Main, who served as county superintendent of
schools from 1926 to 1937. During his office, he witnessed the change
from one room to centralized schools.
In 1882, Mr. Main began his teaching career in the one-room school
in Marlborough Township, Number 5, at the age of 17. There was only a
winter term and the teacher boarded around in turn at the homes of his
students, and received a salary of $18 a month. From this township
school, Mr. Main went to Ashley where he taught in the old school build-
ing which is now the ribbon factory owned by R. B. Powers. In 1892, he
became the principal of South School in Delaware. In 1908, he served as
principal of Delaware High School, then in 1920, as superintendent of the
Delaware schools. While principal, he was president of the Central Ohio
Teachers' Association.
In earlier days, he served on the Boxwell examination committee
with Milton Utley and Ira Gregory. It was necessary for the students to
pass this examination if they wished more than an elementary education
without paying tuition. He also served on the examining board of the city
and county teachers, as well as an executive for the County Institute of
Teachers as long as it was held. He gave fifty-one years of unselfish ser-
vice to the betterment of public schools in which he so firmly believed
and so much loved.
Forrest Main Lawrence
Through the vision of a small group of interested women the local
library was established. It was originally organized as a municipal li-
brary, but in 1951 was changed to a county district library serving every
citizen of Delaware County. In addition, the bookmobile, serves twelve
county schools, and adults at designated stops, as well as the Sarah Moore
Home in Delaware.
In 1954 the Library lent 98,589 books and magazines, which was 2,757
more than in 1953. The library lent 258 motion picture films to groups
and individuals. This included 412 showings to audiences totaling 15,074.
Children may participate in a summer reading project, as well as
benefit from a Children's Librarian, and story hour period. Cooperation
is given to individuals, clubs and organizations throughout the county both
in supplying material and in helping plan programs, provide speakers, and
on occasion furnishing a meeting place. A Young Adult Heritage Discus-
sion Group was organized last year. It is one of eight such groups conduc-
ted in Ohio Libraries during the past year. The services of the Library
to the community and county are unlimited.
Mary Palmeter
[corresponds to page 18 of Delaware County Historical Society]
The schools of Delaware County are closely related to the life and
service of Henry Thomas Main, who served as county superintendent of
schools from 1926 to 1937. During his office, he witnessed the change
from one room to centralized schools.
In 1882, Mr. Main began his teaching career in the one-room school
in Marlborough Township, Number 5, at the age of 17. There was only a
winter term and the teacher boarded around in turn at the homes of his
students, and received a salary of $18 a month. From this township
school, Mr. Main went to Ashley where he taught in the old school build-
ing which is now the ribbon factory owned by R. B. Powers. In 1892, he
became the principal of South School in Delaware. In 1908, he served as
principal of Delaware High School, then in 1920, as superintendent of the
Delaware schools. While principal, he was president of the Central Ohio
Teachers' Association.
In earlier days, he served on the Boxwell examination committee
with Milton Utley and Ira Gregory. It was necessary for the students to
pass this examination if they wished more than an elementary education
without paying tuition. He also served on the examining board of the city
and county teachers, as well as an executive for the County Institute of
Teachers as long as it was held. He gave fifty-one years of unselfish ser-
vice to the betterment of public schools in which he so firmly believed
and so much loved.
Forrest Main Lawrence
Through the vision of a small group of interested women the local
library was established. It was originally organized as a municipal li-
brary, but in 1951 was changed to a county district library serving every
citizen of Delaware County. In addition, the bookmobile, serves twelve
county schools, and adults at designated stops, as well as the Sarah Moore
Home in Delaware.
In 1954 the Library lent 98,589 books and magazines, which was 2,757
more than in 1953. The library lent 258 motion picture films to groups
and individuals. This included 412 showings to audiences totaling 15,074.
Children may participate in a summer reading project, as well as
benefit from a Children's Librarian, and story hour period. Cooperation
is given to individuals, clubs and organizations throughout the county both
in supplying material and in helping plan programs, provide speakers, and
on occasion furnishing a meeting place. A Young Adult Heritage Discus-
sion Group was organized last year. It is one of eight such groups conduc-
ted in Ohio Libraries during the past year. The services of the Library
to the community and county are unlimited.
Mary Palmeter
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 19 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Nature and geological evolution determined the location of our Dela-
ware Sulphur Spring, a natural phenomenon formerly far more famed than
it is today, and the existence of the spring determined the location and
origin of Ohio Wesleyan University. The steps in the process are unique
and interesting.
Long a restful and refreshing haunt of buffalo, deer, and Indian, about
a century and a quarter ago the spring, because of its "salubrious and
health giving, although oderiferious water," and its nearness to the little
village of Delaware, gave rise to the Mansion House Hotel. The hotel in
turn was to become Elliott Hall, the first building of Ohio Wesleyan. The
boom days of President Andrew Jackson and the enterprise of two men.
one Columbus Kent and Thomas W. Powell, an outstanding figure in Dela-
ware history, had built what was for that day an imposing hotel structure.
For a few years this health resort and the sulphur bath houses that
grew up around it attained a certain notoriety, and a degree of gay, "world-
ly" social life, and patrons came from distant parts to this "Saratoga of
the West." But the hazards of frontier economy and in particular the great
panic of 1837 in the administration of Martin VanBuren, brought bankruptcy
and failure to the ambitious effort.
Then came the important steps: The raising, by Delaware citizens,
headed by Adam Poe, the pastor of William Street Church, of ten thousand
dollars to purchase the title and turn the bankrupt hotel into a Methodist
college; the adoption of this program by Methodist leaders; the obtaining,
in 1842, of a charter; and, in 1844, the opening of college classes - Nov-
ember 13, a great day in college and town history. In 1853, in the Little
Mansion at the head of Winter Street, the beginnings of the girls' school,
the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, took place, and later was extended and
called Monnett Hall. The establishment, not only of the men's university,
but also of the girls' college, was to a large degree the work of Delaware
The greatest step came in 1877 with the union of the two schools and
Ohio Wesleyan was launched on its significant coeducational career. The
list of names of those Delaware townsmen who were intimately connected
with the founding of both colleges is too long to record here; however,
there are such family names as Powers, Little, Hills, Welch, VanDeman,
Powell, Williams, Pettibone, Joy, and Thomson. The only college names
that can be here mentioned for those formative years (up to 1900), are
those of the four presidents: Edward Thomson, Frederick Merrick,
Charles H. Payne, and James W. Bashford.
In return for what the town did for the college, what has the college
in those decades and later, done for the town? Besides bringing students
by the thousands and spreading the name of Delaware throughout the world,
college professors and administrators have held municipal office, have
served in the City Council, have promoted city improvements, reform,
and welfare agencies, and have even held the office of mayor. At the risk
of making serious omission, the following names may be listed as outstanding
[corresponds to page 19 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Nature and geological evolution determined the location of our Dela-
ware Sulphur Spring, a natural phenomenon formerly far more famed than
it is today, and the existence of the spring determined the location and
origin of Ohio Wesleyan University. The steps in the process are unique
and interesting.
Long a restful and refreshing haunt of buffalo, deer, and Indian, about
a century and a quarter ago the spring, because of its "salubrious and
health giving, although oderiferious water," and its nearness to the little
village of Delaware, gave rise to the Mansion House Hotel. The hotel in
turn was to become Elliott Hall, the first building of Ohio Wesleyan. The
boom days of President Andrew Jackson and the enterprise of two men.
one Columbus Kent and Thomas W. Powell, an outstanding figure in Dela-
ware history, had built what was for that day an imposing hotel structure.
For a few years this health resort and the sulphur bath houses that
grew up around it attained a certain notoriety, and a degree of gay, "world-
ly" social life, and patrons came from distant parts to this "Saratoga of
the West." But the hazards of frontier economy and in particular the great
panic of 1837 in the administration of Martin VanBuren, brought bankruptcy
and failure to the ambitious effort.
Then came the important steps: The raising, by Delaware citizens,
headed by Adam Poe, the pastor of William Street Church, of ten thousand
dollars to purchase the title and turn the bankrupt hotel into a Methodist
college; the adoption of this program by Methodist leaders; the obtaining,
in 1842, of a charter; and, in 1844, the opening of college classes - Nov-
ember 13, a great day in college and town history. In 1853, in the Little
Mansion at the head of Winter Street, the beginnings of the girls' school,
the Ohio Wesleyan Female College, took place, and later was extended and
called Monnett Hall. The establishment, not only of the men's university,
but also of the girls' college, was to a large degree the work of Delaware
The greatest step came in 1877 with the union of the two schools and
Ohio Wesleyan was launched on its significant coeducational career. The
list of names of those Delaware townsmen who were intimately connected
with the founding of both colleges is too long to record here; however,
there are such family names as Powers, Little, Hills, Welch, VanDeman,
Powell, Williams, Pettibone, Joy, and Thomson. The only college names
that can be here mentioned for those formative years (up to 1900), are
those of the four presidents: Edward Thomson, Frederick Merrick,
Charles H. Payne, and James W. Bashford.
In return for what the town did for the college, what has the college
in those decades and later, done for the town? Besides bringing students
by the thousands and spreading the name of Delaware throughout the world,
college professors and administrators have held municipal office, have
served in the City Council, have promoted city improvements, reform,
and welfare agencies, and have even held the office of mayor. At the risk
of making serious omission, the following names may be listed as outstanding
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 20 of Delaware County Historical Society]
in this connection: Professors Semans, Merrick, Parsons, Miller,
Westgate, Rowland, and our present young city councilman, Robert
Meyer, and the City Clerk, Russell Bayliff. In the churches, the
Chamber of Commerce, and the service clubs, college men have been
prominent. "Town and Gown" may have experienced instances of
friction in the form of pranks by over-exhuberant collegians, but in
general the spirit of town and college has been cooperative.
Article by H. C. Hubbart
Forty-eight years after the discovery of gold in California.
Jerome Boynton wrote an account of the "Gallant 49ers." The
Delaware Mutual Protection Co., under Capt. Joseph Storm and
D. N. Darlington, left Delaware April 1, 1849. They arrived at
Placerville, Calif. after three and one-half months of weary travel
without the loss of a single man. They pitched their tents near
the banks of Webber Creek, where gold was discovered. A dairy
written by Rev. Lemuel Herbert tells of another party with accounts
from April 2, 1850 to July 20, 1850. In this group were two women,
Mrs. L. H. and Mrs. R. P. Ranney. These gold seekers were cap-
tured by Indians but released when given a bright colored vest by
George Pugh. Records show more than 150 Delaware County 49-ers.
Mrs. George Pugh
[corresponds to page 20 of Delaware County Historical Society]
in this connection: Professors Semans, Merrick, Parsons, Miller,
Westgate, Rowland, and our present young city councilman, Robert
Meyer, and the City Clerk, Russell Bayliff. In the churches, the
Chamber of Commerce, and the service clubs, college men have been
prominent. "Town and Gown" may have experienced instances of
friction in the form of pranks by over-exhuberant collegians, but in
general the spirit of town and college has been cooperative.
Article by H. C. Hubbart
Forty-eight years after the discovery of gold in California.
Jerome Boynton wrote an account of the "Gallant 49ers." The
Delaware Mutual Protection Co., under Capt. Joseph Storm and
D. N. Darlington, left Delaware April 1, 1849. They arrived at
Placerville, Calif. after three and one-half months of weary travel
without the loss of a single man. They pitched their tents near
the banks of Webber Creek, where gold was discovered. A dairy
written by Rev. Lemuel Herbert tells of another party with accounts
from April 2, 1850 to July 20, 1850. In this group were two women,
Mrs. L. H. and Mrs. R. P. Ranney. These gold seekers were cap-
tured by Indians but released when given a bright colored vest by
George Pugh. Records show more than 150 Delaware County 49-ers.
Mrs. George Pugh
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 23 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[missing pages 21 and 22]
The prime necessities in a pioneer community were food and shel-
ter and our forefathers were not slow in erecting grist and saw mills
wherever they could find sufficient water power. There is little doubt
that Nathan Carpenter built the first mill in Liberty Township about 1804.
The old stone mill was about a mile north of town on the Olentangy, then
called the Whetstone. Nathaniel Hall built a mill about 1808 on Alum
Creek in Berlin Township near the present Delaware and Sunbury Road.
In 1818 E. Barrett & Co. started a woolen mill along the Olentangy just
north of the Central Avenue bridge. On the Scioto river, grist mills were
located at Millville, now Warrensburg, and at Cone's mill farther north.
Moses Byxbe built a dam across the river north of Central Avenue
and along the mill race on the west bank he erected a grist and saw mill,
and shortly afterwards a woolen mill. Sometime later on the opposite
bank, Judge Powell and Hawes & Brigham built the large stone building,
still standing, to manufacture products from flax, then extensively used.
They also made twine and cotton bagging. They went under in the panic
of 1872 and the buildings were acquired by the Delaware Chair Company,
which made double cane-seated chairs. To extract the oil from the flax
seed, J. A. Barnes built the substantial stone building at the northwest
corner of Winter and Lake Streets. A paper mill was established by
Caleb Howard at Stratford in 1830. It operated until 1872 and at one time
was considered the most important paper mill west of the Alleghenies.
The Delaware Fence Company was organized in 1868 by A. J. Rich-
ards and Eugene Powell. Some of their product did enclose the court
house grounds. When taken down it was moved to the county home grounds,
but has recently been removed from there. Col. Byxbe had a still in the
cellar of his grist mill, another still was built by Dr. Reuben Lamb on the
Delaware run nearly opposite the spot where Edwards Gymnasium now
stands. Joab Norton built the first tannery in Delaware in 1809 just north
of the Edwards Gymnasium location.
The cigar makign business started in Delaware County in the early
1850's, with Charles Wottring as the pioneer. The oldest and largest
firm was The Riddle Graff & Co. Mr. Christian Riddle learned his trade
with Mr. Wootring, then in 1866, formed his own firm as a partnership
with John Liebenderfer and Jacob Bolinger. This firm purchased the
Wootring business and the following year Mr. Riddle withdrew from the
firm. This firm continued with some personnel changes until the early
80's when it was assigned to Charles Wootring who closed it.
After Mr. Riddle withdrew from the firm, he started his own, in
1867, doing a small business. It is said that the first 100 cigars he
shipped went to a man in Galion, Ohio, who never paid for them. In the
early 70's George L. Graff became a partner and the name Riddle & Graff
was adopted and then in 1874 LeRoy W. Battenfield became a partner and
[corresponds to page 23 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[missing pages 21 and 22]
The prime necessities in a pioneer community were food and shel-
ter and our forefathers were not slow in erecting grist and saw mills
wherever they could find sufficient water power. There is little doubt
that Nathan Carpenter built the first mill in Liberty Township about 1804.
The old stone mill was about a mile north of town on the Olentangy, then
called the Whetstone. Nathaniel Hall built a mill about 1808 on Alum
Creek in Berlin Township near the present Delaware and Sunbury Road.
In 1818 E. Barrett & Co. started a woolen mill along the Olentangy just
north of the Central Avenue bridge. On the Scioto river, grist mills were
located at Millville, now Warrensburg, and at Cone's mill farther north.
Moses Byxbe built a dam across the river north of Central Avenue
and along the mill race on the west bank he erected a grist and saw mill,
and shortly afterwards a woolen mill. Sometime later on the opposite
bank, Judge Powell and Hawes & Brigham built the large stone building,
still standing, to manufacture products from flax, then extensively used.
They also made twine and cotton bagging. They went under in the panic
of 1872 and the buildings were acquired by the Delaware Chair Company,
which made double cane-seated chairs. To extract the oil from the flax
seed, J. A. Barnes built the substantial stone building at the northwest
corner of Winter and Lake Streets. A paper mill was established by
Caleb Howard at Stratford in 1830. It operated until 1872 and at one time
was considered the most important paper mill west of the Alleghenies.
The Delaware Fence Company was organized in 1868 by A. J. Rich-
ards and Eugene Powell. Some of their product did enclose the court
house grounds. When taken down it was moved to the county home grounds,
but has recently been removed from there. Col. Byxbe had a still in the
cellar of his grist mill, another still was built by Dr. Reuben Lamb on the
Delaware run nearly opposite the spot where Edwards Gymnasium now
stands. Joab Norton built the first tannery in Delaware in 1809 just north
of the Edwards Gymnasium location.
The cigar makign business started in Delaware County in the early
1850's, with Charles Wottring as the pioneer. The oldest and largest
firm was The Riddle Graff & Co. Mr. Christian Riddle learned his trade
with Mr. Wootring, then in 1866, formed his own firm as a partnership
with John Liebenderfer and Jacob Bolinger. This firm purchased the
Wootring business and the following year Mr. Riddle withdrew from the
firm. This firm continued with some personnel changes until the early
80's when it was assigned to Charles Wootring who closed it.
After Mr. Riddle withdrew from the firm, he started his own, in
1867, doing a small business. It is said that the first 100 cigars he
shipped went to a man in Galion, Ohio, who never paid for them. In the
early 70's George L. Graff became a partner and the name Riddle & Graff
was adopted and then in 1874 LeRoy W. Battenfield became a partner and
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to page 24 of Delaware County Historical Society]
the name was changed to Riddle Graff & Co. Mr. Graff retired from the
firm in the early 90's. Their office and factory were located at 10 N.
Sandusky St. This three story building was erected in 1878 and the com-
pany employed from 120 to 150 cigar-makers, to whom were paid between
$35,000 and $40,000 annually in wages. Their production of cigars each
year was from six to eight millions, and five traveling salesmen were
employed to secure sales in about six of the surrounding states. This
business proved to be the largest of its kind in the state and continued
until January 1, 1923 when Mr. Riddle retired after 56 years of active ser-
vice. He was an active civic worker, director and president of the Deposit
Banking and one of the founders of the Peoples Building and Loan Company.
He was among those authorizing the building of the structures which housed
these businesses. Other cigar makers were the J. Hessnauer & Co.,
Pfiffner and Hessnauer, The Delaware Co-Operative Cigar Co., Grasser
and Haas, Wm. Hanitsch and Wells Brothers. The only cigar box manufac-
turer in the county was Charles M. Ulrey who started in the early 80's and
turned out around 500 boxes a day which were almost all used in this county.
The Delaware Underwear Company was organized by W. A. Morrison
in 1902 and was located in the building directly north of what is now Edgar
Hall. About 1908 the company erected the building which is now Edgar Hall
and the name of the company was changed to the Delaware Garment Co.
They manufactured women's outing gowns, cotton dresses and skirts, and
employed about 150 people. Later a branch factory in Galena manufactured
outing flannel gowns.
During the 1913 flood the water rose to the height of 7 1/2 feet in the
building and some 600 dozen gowns, stored in the wareroom, were dried on
the Wesleyan front campus. In 1918 W. A. Morrison sold his interest and
established the Morrison Dry Goods Co. J. L. Anderson became president
of the Garment Company and Robert Cellars and H. C. Kent were directors.
In 1922 the company was liquidated and the building was sold to Ohio Wes-
leyan and called Edgar Hall.
There have been Delaware factories producing steam engines, iron
fence, and farm wagons, as well as foundries and planing mills. The Dela-
ware Clay Company manufactures brick. We now have Denison Engineering
Co., Delaware Lumber Co. (sucker rods); Delaware Screw Products (mach-
ine screws); Greif Bos. Cooperage Co. (barrels, offices only); Hughes
Keenan Corp. (truck bodies); Industrial Canvas Co. (canvas products);
A. C. Miller Co. (handles); Parker Products Co. (auto creepers); Ranco
Co., (thermostats); Sunray Stove Co., H. H. Rardon Co. (caskets); Scioto
Lime & Stone Co., Valves & Presses, Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. (chemical
specialities); Galena Tile & Shale Co., The Nestles Co. of Sunbury (choco-
late products).
The earliest existence of banking on record in Delaware County was
in 1817 when two banks of issue were organized, but, failing to obtain
State charters, were soon dissolved.
[corresponds to page 24 of Delaware County Historical Society]
the name was changed to Riddle Graff & Co. Mr. Graff retired from the
firm in the early 90's. Their office and factory were located at 10 N.
Sandusky St. This three story building was erected in 1878 and the com-
pany employed from 120 to 150 cigar-makers, to whom were paid between
$35,000 and $40,000 annually in wages. Their production of cigars each
year was from six to eight millions, and five traveling salesmen were
employed to secure sales in about six of the surrounding states. This
business proved to be the largest of its kind in the state and continued
until January 1, 1923 when Mr. Riddle retired after 56 years of active ser-
vice. He was an active civic worker, director and president of the Deposit
Banking and one of the founders of the Peoples Building and Loan Company.
He was among those authorizing the building of the structures which housed
these businesses. Other cigar makers were the J. Hessnauer & Co.,
Pfiffner and Hessnauer, The Delaware Co-Operative Cigar Co., Grasser
and Haas, Wm. Hanitsch and Wells Brothers. The only cigar box manufac-
turer in the county was Charles M. Ulrey who started in the early 80's and
turned out around 500 boxes a day which were almost all used in this county.
The Delaware Underwear Company was organized by W. A. Morrison
in 1902 and was located in the building directly north of what is now Edgar
Hall. About 1908 the company erected the building which is now Edgar Hall
and the name of the company was changed to the Delaware Garment Co.
They manufactured women's outing gowns, cotton dresses and skirts, and
employed about 150 people. Later a branch factory in Galena manufactured
outing flannel gowns.
During the 1913 flood the water rose to the height of 7 1/2 feet in the
building and some 600 dozen gowns, stored in the wareroom, were dried on
the Wesleyan front campus. In 1918 W. A. Morrison sold his interest and
established the Morrison Dry Goods Co. J. L. Anderson became president
of the Garment Company and Robert Cellars and H. C. Kent were directors.
In 1922 the company was liquidated and the building was sold to Ohio Wes-
leyan and called Edgar Hall.
There have been Delaware factories producing steam engines, iron
fence, and farm wagons, as well as foundries and planing mills. The Dela-
ware Clay Company manufactures brick. We now have Denison Engineering
Co., Delaware Lumber Co. (sucker rods); Delaware Screw Products (mach-
ine screws); Greif Bos. Cooperage Co. (barrels, offices only); Hughes
Keenan Corp. (truck bodies); Industrial Canvas Co. (canvas products);
A. C. Miller Co. (handles); Parker Products Co. (auto creepers); Ranco
Co., (thermostats); Sunray Stove Co., H. H. Rardon Co. (caskets); Scioto
Lime & Stone Co., Valves & Presses, Pennsylvania Salt Mfg. Co. (chemical
specialities); Galena Tile & Shale Co., The Nestles Co. of Sunbury (choco-
late products).
The earliest existence of banking on record in Delaware County was
in 1817 when two banks of issue were organized, but, failing to obtain
State charters, were soon dissolved.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 25 of Delaware County Historical Society]
On June 14, 1845 the Delaware County branch of the State Bank of
Ohio was organized with capital stock of $100,000. Officers were Judge
Hosea Williams, president, and Benjamin Powers, cashier. In March
1865 the business was transferred to The Delaware County National Bank
and continued until January 1905, when the named was changed to The
Delaware National Bank. On April 4, 1931 a new bank, the Delaware
County National Bank, acquired the assets and assumed the liabilities of
The Delaware National Bank which was liquidated. This bank was merged
with The First National Bank of Delaware on March 15, 1939.
The Bank of Delaware, organized as a State bank on August 3, 1857
was transferred to The First National Bank of Delaware on January 16,
1864 under which name it has continuously operated to date, having ac-
quired the business of The Delaware Co. National Bank on March 15, 1939.
The Deposit Banking Company opened as a co-partnership in Decem-
ber 1869, was incorporated under State charter on May 14, 1890 and was
liquidated in 1932. The Delaware Savings Bank Company was incorporated
in February 1890 and started business on July 27, 1891. The bank was
liquidated in 1932. The Farmers Bank, Sunbury, organized under State
charter in October 1872, has continued in operation to date under that name.
The Bank of Ashley, established in 1884 as a private banking institution and
owned by Messrs. Sperry and Wornstaff was liquidated in 1931.
The Farmers Saving Bank Co., a state bank, opened February 9, 1905,
in Ashley, has operated continually to date. The Bank of Galena, incorpor-
ated under State charter in Jan. 1902, has operated continuously to date.
The Ostrander Banking Co. was granted a State charter in March 1903 and
has operated in Ostrander continuously to date. The Powell Bank opened
March 23, 1909 and continued in business until June 29, 1912. The Delaware
County Bank under State charter, opened in Delaware, October 7, 1950.
C. W. Denison, Robert Powers, M. S. Cherington, W. B. Galleher
The Delaware Board of Trade was organized in October 1899. Its object
was to collect and disseminate such local and general statistical and other
information as might promote the manufacturing, commercial and financial
welfare of Delaware, and advance its growth, beauty and general prosperity.
The purposes of this parent Board have been embodied in all the activities
of the various succeeding organizations which have been continued down
through the years.
The present name of Delaware Chamber of Commerce was adopted in 1922.
Headquarters are now in the Peoples Bldg., Winter and Sandusky Streets.
Membership includes industrial, business and civic leaders of both the city
of Delaware and Delaware County.
Leigh Townsend
[corresponds to page 25 of Delaware County Historical Society]
On June 14, 1845 the Delaware County branch of the State Bank of
Ohio was organized with capital stock of $100,000. Officers were Judge
Hosea Williams, president, and Benjamin Powers, cashier. In March
1865 the business was transferred to The Delaware County National Bank
and continued until January 1905, when the named was changed to The
Delaware National Bank. On April 4, 1931 a new bank, the Delaware
County National Bank, acquired the assets and assumed the liabilities of
The Delaware National Bank which was liquidated. This bank was merged
with The First National Bank of Delaware on March 15, 1939.
The Bank of Delaware, organized as a State bank on August 3, 1857
was transferred to The First National Bank of Delaware on January 16,
1864 under which name it has continuously operated to date, having ac-
quired the business of The Delaware Co. National Bank on March 15, 1939.
The Deposit Banking Company opened as a co-partnership in Decem-
ber 1869, was incorporated under State charter on May 14, 1890 and was
liquidated in 1932. The Delaware Savings Bank Company was incorporated
in February 1890 and started business on July 27, 1891. The bank was
liquidated in 1932. The Farmers Bank, Sunbury, organized under State
charter in October 1872, has continued in operation to date under that name.
The Bank of Ashley, established in 1884 as a private banking institution and
owned by Messrs. Sperry and Wornstaff was liquidated in 1931.
The Farmers Saving Bank Co., a state bank, opened February 9, 1905,
in Ashley, has operated continually to date. The Bank of Galena, incorpor-
ated under State charter in Jan. 1902, has operated continuously to date.
The Ostrander Banking Co. was granted a State charter in March 1903 and
has operated in Ostrander continuously to date. The Powell Bank opened
March 23, 1909 and continued in business until June 29, 1912. The Delaware
County Bank under State charter, opened in Delaware, October 7, 1950.
C. W. Denison, Robert Powers, M. S. Cherington, W. B. Galleher
The Delaware Board of Trade was organized in October 1899. Its object
was to collect and disseminate such local and general statistical and other
information as might promote the manufacturing, commercial and financial
welfare of Delaware, and advance its growth, beauty and general prosperity.
The purposes of this parent Board have been embodied in all the activities
of the various succeeding organizations which have been continued down
through the years.
The present name of Delaware Chamber of Commerce was adopted in 1922.
Headquarters are now in the Peoples Bldg., Winter and Sandusky Streets.
Membership includes industrial, business and civic leaders of both the city
of Delaware and Delaware County.
Leigh Townsend
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to page 26 of Delaware County Historical Society]
This farmer-owned cooperative, which is now the largest of its
kind in Ohio, was incorporated on February 15, 1919 by Lewis Slack, R. G.
Dickerson, Charles Kunze, D. W. Jones and C. W. Humes (only one now
living). Temporary officers were: T. L. Oswald, chairman, and Ber-
nard Hatten, secretary, and they sold the first ten shares of $100 par,
with payment of $10 on each subscription in order to raise the $100.
needed for the incorporation fee. The preliminary work was under the
guidance of the first Agriculture Agent of Delaware County, Forrest G.
Ketner. The first officers and directors elected were: C. C. Dunlap,
president; T. L. Oswald, vice president; Bernard Hatten, secretary;
Ashton S. Conklin, treasurer; Lewis Slack, W. W. Ferguson, G. A. Dix,
R. G. Dickerson, C. W. Humes, Elmer C. Miller and Walter A. Jones.
The only ones now living are Dix, Humes, Miller and Hatten.
The new cooperative on June 1, 1919 bought out the "Electric Mill"
on South Sandusky Street, from West and Murphy and this burned several
years later. W. A. West became the first manager, followed a year later
by Daniel E. Murphy, a brother of the former partner-owner. The pre-
sent manager, Clifford S. Gooding, who had been elected manager of the
Lewis Center Branch in 1924 was a few years later elected general mana-
ger of the fast growing organization. During the years the Association
has taken over the elevators at Lewis Center and Radnor and the east side
elevator operated for a few years by W. A. West, also the V. T. Hills ware-
house on S. Sandusky Street and the Dunlap Lumber Yard on the C. & O.
R.R. The business has increased from a volume of sales in 1923 of
$248,625.00 to $3,750,000 in 1954 and earnings of $9,209. in 1923 had in-
creased to $140,000 in 1954. New elevators have been erected in Dela-
ware, Lewis Center and Radnor, with modern grinding, mixing plants and
machinery shops installed. Present officers are Bernard Hatten, presi-
dent; George L. Pugh, vice president; Harry E. Desgranges, secretary-
treasurer; and directors: Claude Neilson Griffith, Harold Gooding,
Harley J. Scott, B. H. Peirsol, Kenneth Freeman, E. P. Jones, L. Gale
Russell, George Pugh and Bernard Hatten. There are now over 1700 stock-
holders in this local farmer cooperative.
Bernard Hatten
[corresponds to page 26 of Delaware County Historical Society]
This farmer-owned cooperative, which is now the largest of its
kind in Ohio, was incorporated on February 15, 1919 by Lewis Slack, R. G.
Dickerson, Charles Kunze, D. W. Jones and C. W. Humes (only one now
living). Temporary officers were: T. L. Oswald, chairman, and Ber-
nard Hatten, secretary, and they sold the first ten shares of $100 par,
with payment of $10 on each subscription in order to raise the $100.
needed for the incorporation fee. The preliminary work was under the
guidance of the first Agriculture Agent of Delaware County, Forrest G.
Ketner. The first officers and directors elected were: C. C. Dunlap,
president; T. L. Oswald, vice president; Bernard Hatten, secretary;
Ashton S. Conklin, treasurer; Lewis Slack, W. W. Ferguson, G. A. Dix,
R. G. Dickerson, C. W. Humes, Elmer C. Miller and Walter A. Jones.
The only ones now living are Dix, Humes, Miller and Hatten.
The new cooperative on June 1, 1919 bought out the "Electric Mill"
on South Sandusky Street, from West and Murphy and this burned several
years later. W. A. West became the first manager, followed a year later
by Daniel E. Murphy, a brother of the former partner-owner. The pre-
sent manager, Clifford S. Gooding, who had been elected manager of the
Lewis Center Branch in 1924 was a few years later elected general mana-
ger of the fast growing organization. During the years the Association
has taken over the elevators at Lewis Center and Radnor and the east side
elevator operated for a few years by W. A. West, also the V. T. Hills ware-
house on S. Sandusky Street and the Dunlap Lumber Yard on the C. & O.
R.R. The business has increased from a volume of sales in 1923 of
$248,625.00 to $3,750,000 in 1954 and earnings of $9,209. in 1923 had in-
creased to $140,000 in 1954. New elevators have been erected in Dela-
ware, Lewis Center and Radnor, with modern grinding, mixing plants and
machinery shops installed. Present officers are Bernard Hatten, presi-
dent; George L. Pugh, vice president; Harry E. Desgranges, secretary-
treasurer; and directors: Claude Neilson Griffith, Harold Gooding,
Harley J. Scott, B. H. Peirsol, Kenneth Freeman, E. P. Jones, L. Gale
Russell, George Pugh and Bernard Hatten. There are now over 1700 stock-
holders in this local farmer cooperative.
Bernard Hatten
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 25)
[page 25]
[corresponds to page 27 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[portrait of Hayes]
Rutherford B. Hayes, nineteenth President of the United
States, was born in Delaware, October 4, 1822. His father had died
two months before his birth, so that his Uncle Sardis Birchard had
assumed some of the duties of his household. It was through the in-
fluence of Uncle Sardis that the family eventually moved to Fremont,
Hayes was graduated from Kenyon College in 1842 and began
the practice of law in Fremont. Later he was city solicitor of Cincin-
nati. He was a member of Congress in 1865, served as Governor of
Ohio three times and became the nineteenth president of the United
States in 1877. His wife, Lucy Webb Hayes, was one of the first wo-
men to attend classes with men students at Ohio Wesleyan, and the
Sulphur Springs is romantically linked with their courtship. In the
White House, Lucy was known by the "wets" as "Lemonade Lucy"
because she refused to serve wine at official dinners. Hayes' has
been ranked by historians as among our best of presidents.
The birthplace on West William Street was torn down some
years ago to make room for a filling station. A marker commemor-
ates the site. It was erected by the Daughters of the American Rev-
[corresponds to page 27 of Delaware County Historical Society]
[portrait of Hayes]
Rutherford B. Hayes, nineteenth President of the United
States, was born in Delaware, October 4, 1822. His father had died
two months before his birth, so that his Uncle Sardis Birchard had
assumed some of the duties of his household. It was through the in-
fluence of Uncle Sardis that the family eventually moved to Fremont,
Hayes was graduated from Kenyon College in 1842 and began
the practice of law in Fremont. Later he was city solicitor of Cincin-
nati. He was a member of Congress in 1865, served as Governor of
Ohio three times and became the nineteenth president of the United
States in 1877. His wife, Lucy Webb Hayes, was one of the first wo-
men to attend classes with men students at Ohio Wesleyan, and the
Sulphur Springs is romantically linked with their courtship. In the
White House, Lucy was known by the "wets" as "Lemonade Lucy"
because she refused to serve wine at official dinners. Hayes' has
been ranked by historians as among our best of presidents.
The birthplace on West William Street was torn down some
years ago to make room for a filling station. A marker commemor-
ates the site. It was erected by the Daughters of the American Rev-
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 26)
[page 26]
[corresponds to page 28 of Delaware County Historical Society]
OCTOBER 30 Several members attended the first annual meeting of
the "Ohio Institute on Local and State History" at
Newark, Ohio at the Mound Builders Country Club.
NOVEMBER 1 First annual dinner meeting, Asbury Church. Speaker,
Robert C. Wheeler, field representative of the Ohio
Historical Society, Columbus, O. Topic: "Our Respon-
sibility as a County Historical Society." Technicolor
sound film produced by the Wisconsin Historical Society.
NOVEMBER 22 Willis High Auditorium. "History of Grace Methodist
Church" by Mrs. L. E. Rush, whose husband, L. E.
Rush, was pastor of church from 1908 to 1930. Election
of officers; adoption of constitutional amendments and
JANUARY 24 Willis High Library. Color slides of "Old Homes of
Delaware" by Thomas Graham. Membership drive
under chairmanship of Dr. Cherington opened officially.
FEBRUARY 28 Willis High Library. Forrest Shoemaker, speaker.
Topic: "The Art of Glassmaking." Exhibits from
personel collection.
MARCH 28 Willis High Library. Mrs. Allen Roberts, paper on
"Early History of Marlborough Township."
APRIL 25 Ostrander Presbyterian Church, Ostrander, Ohio.
Highlights of the 1834 "Little Mill Creek Presbyterian
Church" history given by Mrs. Fay Bouic and committee.
Exhibit of interesting antiques of vicinity.
MAY 22 2:00 - 6:00 a.m. Open House at Delaware County
Historical Society Museum, 157 E. William Street.
JUNE Annual Picnic.
[corresponds to page 28 of Delaware County Historical Society]
OCTOBER 30 Several members attended the first annual meeting of
the "Ohio Institute on Local and State History" at
Newark, Ohio at the Mound Builders Country Club.
NOVEMBER 1 First annual dinner meeting, Asbury Church. Speaker,
Robert C. Wheeler, field representative of the Ohio
Historical Society, Columbus, O. Topic: "Our Respon-
sibility as a County Historical Society." Technicolor
sound film produced by the Wisconsin Historical Society.
NOVEMBER 22 Willis High Auditorium. "History of Grace Methodist
Church" by Mrs. L. E. Rush, whose husband, L. E.
Rush, was pastor of church from 1908 to 1930. Election
of officers; adoption of constitutional amendments and
JANUARY 24 Willis High Library. Color slides of "Old Homes of
Delaware" by Thomas Graham. Membership drive
under chairmanship of Dr. Cherington opened officially.
FEBRUARY 28 Willis High Library. Forrest Shoemaker, speaker.
Topic: "The Art of Glassmaking." Exhibits from
personel collection.
MARCH 28 Willis High Library. Mrs. Allen Roberts, paper on
"Early History of Marlborough Township."
APRIL 25 Ostrander Presbyterian Church, Ostrander, Ohio.
Highlights of the 1834 "Little Mill Creek Presbyterian
Church" history given by Mrs. Fay Bouic and committee.
Exhibit of interesting antiques of vicinity.
MAY 22 2:00 - 6:00 a.m. Open House at Delaware County
Historical Society Museum, 157 E. William Street.
JUNE Annual Picnic.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 27)
[page 27]
[corresponds to page 29 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Membership in the Delaware County Historical Society is
open to everyone and the dues are $2.00 per year for one person,
or for two or more in one household. Why be a member? We
feel that the work the Society wants to do is really a must if we
expect to discover more about our County's early history and
transfer that knowledge to others as the years go by. It offers one
focal point where this knowledge can be assembled and the material
things of the past preserved.
This Society was organized in 1947 and the membership was
carried along at a level of abotu 100. When it was certain that we
were to have a Museum the urge to increase our membership re-
sulted in a personal campaign which netted us 196 new members.
In January a letter was sent out to almost every home in the County.
This resulted in 265 new members which gives us a total of 565
members. These are divided 363 in the city, and 202 in the county
and other points. The county can be further broken down as to
mailing areas as follows:
Delaware R.D. 1 - 29
R.D. 2 20
R.D. 3 14
R.D. 4 23
Sunbury 37
Ashley 9
Galena 6
Westerville 7
Ostrander 8
Powell 8
Radnor 8
Leonardsburg 6
Centerburg 2
Lewis Center 1
Worthington 1
Croton 1
Shawnee Hills 1
Out of the county post offices are 21. This is a growing family
so make haste and send in your $2.00 dues - so little can really help
so much.
Dr. M. S. Cherington,
Membership Chairman
[corresponds to page 29 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Membership in the Delaware County Historical Society is
open to everyone and the dues are $2.00 per year for one person,
or for two or more in one household. Why be a member? We
feel that the work the Society wants to do is really a must if we
expect to discover more about our County's early history and
transfer that knowledge to others as the years go by. It offers one
focal point where this knowledge can be assembled and the material
things of the past preserved.
This Society was organized in 1947 and the membership was
carried along at a level of abotu 100. When it was certain that we
were to have a Museum the urge to increase our membership re-
sulted in a personal campaign which netted us 196 new members.
In January a letter was sent out to almost every home in the County.
This resulted in 265 new members which gives us a total of 565
members. These are divided 363 in the city, and 202 in the county
and other points. The county can be further broken down as to
mailing areas as follows:
Delaware R.D. 1 - 29
R.D. 2 20
R.D. 3 14
R.D. 4 23
Sunbury 37
Ashley 9
Galena 6
Westerville 7
Ostrander 8
Powell 8
Radnor 8
Leonardsburg 6
Centerburg 2
Lewis Center 1
Worthington 1
Croton 1
Shawnee Hills 1
Out of the county post offices are 21. This is a growing family
so make haste and send in your $2.00 dues - so little can really help
so much.
Dr. M. S. Cherington,
Membership Chairman
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 28)
[page 28]
[corresponds to page 30 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Sessional Records of United Congregations of Delaware, Radnor and
Liberty, 1819-1835. Daughters of Amer. Rev. Mag. Febr. 1945
Compiled by Anna C. Smith Pabst.
Berlin Township Program of Delaware Co. Historical Society,
April 25, 1949. Compiled by Anna C. Smith Pabst.
Probate Court Records, Delaware Co. A-C inc. Compiled by A.Pabst.
1 roll microfilm, Berlin Twp. 1840 Barter Book, Store Ledgers 1850's
of Samuel W. Nash, Tanktown (cost $12.00) gift of Anna S. Pabst.
School REgisters, 1896, 1902 and 1911, Miss Elena Emerson, Curve
Road School, Berlin Twp., by Maude Emerson Cottrell.
School Register 1887-1889, Dist.No.7, Gregory Road School, Berlin
Twp., Teachers Cora Cellars to Ira Gregory, by Anna S. Pabst.
The Radnor Plank Road - Inns and Radnor Twp. (manuscript) by
Mrs. John Swickheimer.
Life of Gen. William Starke Rosecrans and Bishop Rosecrans,
manuscript of Mrs. Mary Reed
Life of Frank B. Willis, Governor and U.S. Senator, manuscript by
Charles A. Jones, Columbus, O.
Rutherford Birchard Hayes and Delaware, Ohio, Watt P. Marchman,
Director, the Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, O. Exhibit and
comments from biography by Harry Barnard.
The Underground Railroad in Delaware County, manuscript by
R. B. Miller
History of Old Stone Church, manuscript by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Clark Scott (1790-1867) and Descendants, Roy Scott, printed 1950.
Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Harlem, Berkshire & on
Delaware, Franklin Co. line. Homer Wyss.
Winter Street of Fifty Years Ago, manuscript by Robert Powers.
Main Genealogy - by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Main and Mrs. Murray
(In printing)
Berlin Twp. and Delaware County as Told by Contemporaries. (150
copies, from 14 unpublished Revolutionary War Records) Anna Pabst.
Delaware County, Ohio wills, births, deaths, 1812-1932 by Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Main, 1534 E. 248th St., Cleveland, O. Includes cemeteries
of Marlboro, Liberty, Hill, Blockhouse, Township, Mill Creek, Strat-
ford, Fisher-Hopkins Bible Record, Thompson genealogy, some
in Morrow, Union and Madison counties.
[corresponds to page 30 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Sessional Records of United Congregations of Delaware, Radnor and
Liberty, 1819-1835. Daughters of Amer. Rev. Mag. Febr. 1945
Compiled by Anna C. Smith Pabst.
Berlin Township Program of Delaware Co. Historical Society,
April 25, 1949. Compiled by Anna C. Smith Pabst.
Probate Court Records, Delaware Co. A-C inc. Compiled by A.Pabst.
1 roll microfilm, Berlin Twp. 1840 Barter Book, Store Ledgers 1850's
of Samuel W. Nash, Tanktown (cost $12.00) gift of Anna S. Pabst.
School REgisters, 1896, 1902 and 1911, Miss Elena Emerson, Curve
Road School, Berlin Twp., by Maude Emerson Cottrell.
School Register 1887-1889, Dist.No.7, Gregory Road School, Berlin
Twp., Teachers Cora Cellars to Ira Gregory, by Anna S. Pabst.
The Radnor Plank Road - Inns and Radnor Twp. (manuscript) by
Mrs. John Swickheimer.
Life of Gen. William Starke Rosecrans and Bishop Rosecrans,
manuscript of Mrs. Mary Reed
Life of Frank B. Willis, Governor and U.S. Senator, manuscript by
Charles A. Jones, Columbus, O.
Rutherford Birchard Hayes and Delaware, Ohio, Watt P. Marchman,
Director, the Hayes Memorial Library, Fremont, O. Exhibit and
comments from biography by Harry Barnard.
The Underground Railroad in Delaware County, manuscript by
R. B. Miller
History of Old Stone Church, manuscript by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Clark Scott (1790-1867) and Descendants, Roy Scott, printed 1950.
Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Harlem, Berkshire & on
Delaware, Franklin Co. line. Homer Wyss.
Winter Street of Fifty Years Ago, manuscript by Robert Powers.
Main Genealogy - by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Main and Mrs. Murray
(In printing)
Berlin Twp. and Delaware County as Told by Contemporaries. (150
copies, from 14 unpublished Revolutionary War Records) Anna Pabst.
Delaware County, Ohio wills, births, deaths, 1812-1932 by Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Main, 1534 E. 248th St., Cleveland, O. Includes cemeteries
of Marlboro, Liberty, Hill, Blockhouse, Township, Mill Creek, Strat-
ford, Fisher-Hopkins Bible Record, Thompson genealogy, some
in Morrow, Union and Madison counties.
Delaware County Historical Society (p. 29)
[page 29]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 31 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Many persons have contributed information and articles
to make this book possible. In order to avoid repetition, and
to give the finished book some order and coherence, editing of
the various articles was necessary. We are grateful to the
following listed persons for their efforts in research and writing.
Mrs. Walter Pabst,
Mrs. Myron Dixon, Editors
Mrs. Fay Bouic
Dr. M. S. Cherington
Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank
Charles W. Denison
W. B. Galleher
Thomas Graham
Bernard Hatten
H. C. Hubbart
Mrs. C. Lowell Johnson
Mrs. Don Lawrence, Sr.
Francis Marriott
Lawrence Morrison
Mary Palmeter
Robert Powers
Mrs. George Pugh
D. R. Smith
Leigh Townsend
Floyd Weaver
For those many services rendered in preparing this new
Museum for public opening, we are grateful to the following
persons and companies: Posey Kise, Howard Camp, D. E.
Barkeloo, Charles Hines, Marion Zent, Russell Humes, O. E.
Welker, R. G. Kern, Frank Watson, Lawrence Goad, Charles
Shope, Bus Morris, Robert Kissner, J. L. Watson, E. M. Bonar,
Pearl Hawkins, Delaware Heating Co., Sherwin Williams Co.,
Delaware Lumber Co., Wm. McElfresh & Son Co., McBride
Business Service, Blair Kelley Co., Gateway Publishing Co.,
Tilton Transfer Company.
Delaware County Historical Society
[corresponds to unlabeled page 31 of Delaware County Historical Society]
Many persons have contributed information and articles
to make this book possible. In order to avoid repetition, and
to give the finished book some order and coherence, editing of
the various articles was necessary. We are grateful to the
following listed persons for their efforts in research and writing.
Mrs. Walter Pabst,
Mrs. Myron Dixon, Editors
Mrs. Fay Bouic
Dr. M. S. Cherington
Mrs. Harvey Cruikshank
Charles W. Denison
W. B. Galleher
Thomas Graham
Bernard Hatten
H. C. Hubbart
Mrs. C. Lowell Johnson
Mrs. Don Lawrence, Sr.
Francis Marriott
Lawrence Morrison
Mary Palmeter
Robert Powers
Mrs. George Pugh
D. R. Smith
Leigh Townsend
Floyd Weaver
For those many services rendered in preparing this new
Museum for public opening, we are grateful to the following
persons and companies: Posey Kise, Howard Camp, D. E.
Barkeloo, Charles Hines, Marion Zent, Russell Humes, O. E.
Welker, R. G. Kern, Frank Watson, Lawrence Goad, Charles
Shope, Bus Morris, Robert Kissner, J. L. Watson, E. M. Bonar,
Pearl Hawkins, Delaware Heating Co., Sherwin Williams Co.,
Delaware Lumber Co., Wm. McElfresh & Son Co., McBride
Business Service, Blair Kelley Co., Gateway Publishing Co.,
Tilton Transfer Company.
Delaware County Historical Society
Dublin Core
Delaware County Historical Society
Delaware County--History--Ohio
Museums--History--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Societies--Historical--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Museums--History--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
Societies--Historical--City of Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio
This book recounts the Public Opening and Second Annual Pilgrimage of Delaware County Historical Museum (Sunday, May 22, 1955).
Delaware County Historical Society
May 22, 1955
Still Image
Delaware County Historical Society, “Delaware County Historical Society,” Delaware County Memory, accessed February 12, 2025,