Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1972)
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 1)
[page 1]
[corresponds to front cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of Little Brown Jug winner]
[corresponds to front cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of Little Brown Jug winner]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 2)
[page 2]
[corresponds to inside of front cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of farmland and downtown area]
The small-town flavor remains
but the pace is quickening as
Delaware, Ohio, meets the chal-
lenges of the fastest growth in its
165-year history.
At 17,500, its population has
already passed what only a few
years ago was projected for 1980. A
current study anticipates at least
26,000 residents within the next
eight to ten years. The Ohio
Department of Economic and Com-
munity Development has predicted
a population boom of 63.2 percent
for the county by the year 2000,
one of the fastest projected growth
rates in the state.
Right now, Delaware still
offers the "best of both worlds" --
the quiet of tree-lined streets and
familiar faces in business establish-
ments plus the services of a modern
small city enhanced by convenience
of a major city -- Columbus -- thirty
minutes away. Its hundred-year-old
brick homes find appreciative
owners and diligent restorers, but
new homes and apartment com-
plexes are also springing up in many
sections of town.
[corresponds to inside of front cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of farmland and downtown area]
The small-town flavor remains
but the pace is quickening as
Delaware, Ohio, meets the chal-
lenges of the fastest growth in its
165-year history.
At 17,500, its population has
already passed what only a few
years ago was projected for 1980. A
current study anticipates at least
26,000 residents within the next
eight to ten years. The Ohio
Department of Economic and Com-
munity Development has predicted
a population boom of 63.2 percent
for the county by the year 2000,
one of the fastest projected growth
rates in the state.
Right now, Delaware still
offers the "best of both worlds" --
the quiet of tree-lined streets and
familiar faces in business establish-
ments plus the services of a modern
small city enhanced by convenience
of a major city -- Columbus -- thirty
minutes away. Its hundred-year-old
brick homes find appreciative
owners and diligent restorers, but
new homes and apartment com-
plexes are also springing up in many
sections of town.
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 3)
[page 3]
[corresponds to page 1 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Citizens and public officials
are working to keep the features
that have always made Delaware
attractive to its long-time residents
and, more recently, to the indus-
tries which have joined its ranks
since the opening of an industrial
park in 1963. Expert planning
consultants have been retained to
guide the city in development of
new areas and expanding services.
Several features make Dela-
ware special: its central location
with accessibility to major high-
ways, the cultural enrichment
afforded by the presence of Ohio
Wesleyan University, and the an-
nual excitement of Grand Circuit
Harness Racing with the running of
the Little Brown Jug, one of the
sport's biggest races.
It is also in a growing recrea-
tion area, with water sports avail-
able on nearby rivers and at the
three reservoir watershed lakes in
the county. (A fourth is under
There's a strong sense of
history in Delaware, which traces
its beginnings to the opening of the
Northwest Territory and claims
among its native sons the United
States' nineteenth president,
Rutherford B. Hayes. But there is
also a new feeling of greater days
ahead. As a recent city publication
stated it,
"The past is only a beginning."
[photos of OWU Commencement and a bicyclist]
[corresponds to page 1 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Citizens and public officials
are working to keep the features
that have always made Delaware
attractive to its long-time residents
and, more recently, to the indus-
tries which have joined its ranks
since the opening of an industrial
park in 1963. Expert planning
consultants have been retained to
guide the city in development of
new areas and expanding services.
Several features make Dela-
ware special: its central location
with accessibility to major high-
ways, the cultural enrichment
afforded by the presence of Ohio
Wesleyan University, and the an-
nual excitement of Grand Circuit
Harness Racing with the running of
the Little Brown Jug, one of the
sport's biggest races.
It is also in a growing recrea-
tion area, with water sports avail-
able on nearby rivers and at the
three reservoir watershed lakes in
the county. (A fourth is under
There's a strong sense of
history in Delaware, which traces
its beginnings to the opening of the
Northwest Territory and claims
among its native sons the United
States' nineteenth president,
Rutherford B. Hayes. But there is
also a new feeling of greater days
ahead. As a recent city publication
stated it,
"The past is only a beginning."
[photos of OWU Commencement and a bicyclist]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 4)
[page 4]
[corresponds to page 2 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The first pioneer settlement in what is now
Delaware County was in 1801, when the area
was still occupied by the Delaware Indians from
whom it drew its name. An Indian village in this
area is shown on a 1755 map, and Mingoes and
other tribal groups had pre-Revolutionary
settlements along the trail from the lower Scioto
valley northward to the Sandusky Bay area.
Hundreds of years earlier, the Mound Builders
inhabited the area, leaving behind several
mounds in the county.
Originally a part of Virginia's claim,
Delaware County was formed in a division of
Ohio's Franklin County in 1808, the same year
the city was founded. It immediately became
the county seat and was seriously considered for
the state capital before Columbus was selected.
During the War of 1812, Delaware served as
headquarters for General Harrison, and some of
that war's soldiers are buried in area cemeteries.
But with the Treaty of Greenville in 1814, the
Indians left the area and the settlers poured in.
Among them were the parents of Ruther-
ford B. Hayes. Born in Delaware in 1822, he
later served as general in the Civil War, governor
of Ohio, and nineteenth president of the United
States. His wife, Lucy Webb Hayes, had come to
Delaware as a special student at Ohio Wesleyan
University in the days before it was officially
Ohio Wesleyan University was founded in
1842, taking for its first building the Mansion
House, built near a medicinal spring as a health
resort in 1833. It had been popular and
successful at first as the "Saratoga of the West,"
but failed after the Panic of 1837 and was
offered to the Methodists seeking to establish a
liberal arts college. The original building, now
called Elliott Hall, is still in use on the Wesleyan
campus and is one of three OWU buildings listed
in the National Registry.
The rivers flowing through the county and
the predominantly northern sympathies of its
settlers brought the pre-Civil War "underground
railway" through the area. Africa Road in
eastern Delaware County owes its name to a
long ago farmer's critical reference to neighbors'
assistance to fleeing slaves.
Street names in central Delaware read like a
roster of early settlers, and the Delaware County
Historical Society Museum at 157 East William
Street houses many relics from the earliest days.
Delaware's present challenges are less
dramatic than Indian raids and abolitionists'
efforts, but no less important to its citizens.
Coping with them, with the support of
interested citizens, is its city government, a
council-manager system with seven members
[corresponds to page 2 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The first pioneer settlement in what is now
Delaware County was in 1801, when the area
was still occupied by the Delaware Indians from
whom it drew its name. An Indian village in this
area is shown on a 1755 map, and Mingoes and
other tribal groups had pre-Revolutionary
settlements along the trail from the lower Scioto
valley northward to the Sandusky Bay area.
Hundreds of years earlier, the Mound Builders
inhabited the area, leaving behind several
mounds in the county.
Originally a part of Virginia's claim,
Delaware County was formed in a division of
Ohio's Franklin County in 1808, the same year
the city was founded. It immediately became
the county seat and was seriously considered for
the state capital before Columbus was selected.
During the War of 1812, Delaware served as
headquarters for General Harrison, and some of
that war's soldiers are buried in area cemeteries.
But with the Treaty of Greenville in 1814, the
Indians left the area and the settlers poured in.
Among them were the parents of Ruther-
ford B. Hayes. Born in Delaware in 1822, he
later served as general in the Civil War, governor
of Ohio, and nineteenth president of the United
States. His wife, Lucy Webb Hayes, had come to
Delaware as a special student at Ohio Wesleyan
University in the days before it was officially
Ohio Wesleyan University was founded in
1842, taking for its first building the Mansion
House, built near a medicinal spring as a health
resort in 1833. It had been popular and
successful at first as the "Saratoga of the West,"
but failed after the Panic of 1837 and was
offered to the Methodists seeking to establish a
liberal arts college. The original building, now
called Elliott Hall, is still in use on the Wesleyan
campus and is one of three OWU buildings listed
in the National Registry.
The rivers flowing through the county and
the predominantly northern sympathies of its
settlers brought the pre-Civil War "underground
railway" through the area. Africa Road in
eastern Delaware County owes its name to a
long ago farmer's critical reference to neighbors'
assistance to fleeing slaves.
Street names in central Delaware read like a
roster of early settlers, and the Delaware County
Historical Society Museum at 157 East William
Street houses many relics from the earliest days.
Delaware's present challenges are less
dramatic than Indian raids and abolitionists'
efforts, but no less important to its citizens.
Coping with them, with the support of
interested citizens, is its city government, a
council-manager system with seven members
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 5)
[page 5]
[corresponds to page 3 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
serving four-year overlapping terms. They work
with an annual budget now at approximately $3
million, drawn mostly from the city's .0075
income tax and a 3 mill portion of the overal 45
mills per dollar valuation real estate tax.
This, too, reflects recent rapid growth.
With the income tax rate constant, income tax
revenue has increased from $375,000 in 1968 to
$541,000 in 1972, and the real estate base has
grown an average $2.7 million a year for the last
decade to a 1973 total of $67.6 million.
Agriculture, though a smaller portion of
Delaware's economic base than in earlier years,
still yields more than $13 million in farm
receipts annually. Diversified industry and
numerous retail and service establishments
provide a wide range of job opportunities
locally, and the level of unemployment is
consistently low.
Earlier planning for present growth is
bringing expansion of the city's water and
sewage systems. A major water treatment plant
expansion to double the present capacity should
be completed by late 1974. A new sewage
treatment plant with a projected capacity to
serve 25,000 people was recently completed.
The Delaware Reservoir provides the city with
an adequate water supply well into the future. A
county water system is also under development.
The added traffic of a larger population
requires an improved street network in and out
of town. Four-lane Route US 23 South makes
possible half-hour commuting for the many
Delaware residents who work in Worthington
and northern Columbus, and state highways US
37 and US 36 will soon provide four-lane
divided access to Interstate 71. Delaware's
location midway between Cleveland and Cin-
cinnati and its proximity to Columbus have
made it a convenient choice as home for
numerous sales representatives.
A federal grant is making possible the
upgrading of city intersections not already
improved, and other capital improvements are in
the plans. Federal funds were used in extensive
remodeling of the city's offices and are also
underwriting a new program for increased public
understanding of law enforcement methods and
The city of Delaware has a Class 5 fire rate
by the Ohio Rating Bureau, recognizing the
protection of all areas of the city by
well-trained, well-equipped fire departments. Its
members also carry on an extensive fire training
program in all industrial plants in the city as well
as a safety program in the schools.
Delaware County is rated territory 39,
which allows residents the most reasonable
automobile insurance rate available in Ohio.
[photo of President Hayes Memorial]
[corresponds to page 3 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
serving four-year overlapping terms. They work
with an annual budget now at approximately $3
million, drawn mostly from the city's .0075
income tax and a 3 mill portion of the overal 45
mills per dollar valuation real estate tax.
This, too, reflects recent rapid growth.
With the income tax rate constant, income tax
revenue has increased from $375,000 in 1968 to
$541,000 in 1972, and the real estate base has
grown an average $2.7 million a year for the last
decade to a 1973 total of $67.6 million.
Agriculture, though a smaller portion of
Delaware's economic base than in earlier years,
still yields more than $13 million in farm
receipts annually. Diversified industry and
numerous retail and service establishments
provide a wide range of job opportunities
locally, and the level of unemployment is
consistently low.
Earlier planning for present growth is
bringing expansion of the city's water and
sewage systems. A major water treatment plant
expansion to double the present capacity should
be completed by late 1974. A new sewage
treatment plant with a projected capacity to
serve 25,000 people was recently completed.
The Delaware Reservoir provides the city with
an adequate water supply well into the future. A
county water system is also under development.
The added traffic of a larger population
requires an improved street network in and out
of town. Four-lane Route US 23 South makes
possible half-hour commuting for the many
Delaware residents who work in Worthington
and northern Columbus, and state highways US
37 and US 36 will soon provide four-lane
divided access to Interstate 71. Delaware's
location midway between Cleveland and Cin-
cinnati and its proximity to Columbus have
made it a convenient choice as home for
numerous sales representatives.
A federal grant is making possible the
upgrading of city intersections not already
improved, and other capital improvements are in
the plans. Federal funds were used in extensive
remodeling of the city's offices and are also
underwriting a new program for increased public
understanding of law enforcement methods and
The city of Delaware has a Class 5 fire rate
by the Ohio Rating Bureau, recognizing the
protection of all areas of the city by
well-trained, well-equipped fire departments. Its
members also carry on an extensive fire training
program in all industrial plants in the city as well
as a safety program in the schools.
Delaware County is rated territory 39,
which allows residents the most reasonable
automobile insurance rate available in Ohio.
[photo of President Hayes Memorial]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 6)
[page 6]
[corresponds to page 4 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Educational opportunities in the Delaware
area run the full range from pre-kindergarten
through graduate school, with city and county
public schools, a parochial school, a vocational
school and a school for retarded children under
construction, a sheltered workshop for adult
retarded in the county, Ohio Wesleyan Univer-
sity and The Methodist Theological School in
The Delaware city schools, serving about
3700 pupils, rank in the top 25 percent in Ohio
in enrollment and per pupil wealth. Its 33.9 mill
school tax comes just above the state median
and includes a building levy which has permitted
the system to make additions to buildings and
improve older facilities without additional
indebtedness. Last bond issue was in 1960 for
the Rutherford B. Hayes High School, and,
pending additional bonding for needed high
school improvements, that debt will be paid by
A four-quarter curriculum at the high
school level, initiated in 1972 as the "Delaware
Plan", is drawing national attention and
inquiries. It allows for four 45-day terms and an
optional summer term, giving students and their
families the choice of year-round school or
mid-year breaks if scheduled ahead. At the
middle school level (grades 6 to 8) team
teaching, with "executive teachers" assisted by
teacher interns, has been in effect for several
years. A high percentage of entering children
take advantage of the six-week pre-kindergarten
summer program, operated without tuition and
fully funded locally.
Delaware was among the first school
systems in the state to offer a full program for
the mentally impaired and also provides special
classes for the neurologically handicapped. Deaf,
blind, and crippled children attend special
classes in Columbus as tuition students.
The seven buildings in the system are
staffed by 198 professional persons, more than
(under construction)
[corresponds to page 4 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Educational opportunities in the Delaware
area run the full range from pre-kindergarten
through graduate school, with city and county
public schools, a parochial school, a vocational
school and a school for retarded children under
construction, a sheltered workshop for adult
retarded in the county, Ohio Wesleyan Univer-
sity and The Methodist Theological School in
The Delaware city schools, serving about
3700 pupils, rank in the top 25 percent in Ohio
in enrollment and per pupil wealth. Its 33.9 mill
school tax comes just above the state median
and includes a building levy which has permitted
the system to make additions to buildings and
improve older facilities without additional
indebtedness. Last bond issue was in 1960 for
the Rutherford B. Hayes High School, and,
pending additional bonding for needed high
school improvements, that debt will be paid by
A four-quarter curriculum at the high
school level, initiated in 1972 as the "Delaware
Plan", is drawing national attention and
inquiries. It allows for four 45-day terms and an
optional summer term, giving students and their
families the choice of year-round school or
mid-year breaks if scheduled ahead. At the
middle school level (grades 6 to 8) team
teaching, with "executive teachers" assisted by
teacher interns, has been in effect for several
years. A high percentage of entering children
take advantage of the six-week pre-kindergarten
summer program, operated without tuition and
fully funded locally.
Delaware was among the first school
systems in the state to offer a full program for
the mentally impaired and also provides special
classes for the neurologically handicapped. Deaf,
blind, and crippled children attend special
classes in Columbus as tuition students.
The seven buildings in the system are
staffed by 198 professional persons, more than
(under construction)
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 7)
[page 7]
[corresponds to page 7 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
half with ten years or more experience, and
more than 25 percent with master's degrees.
About half of Delaware's high school graduates
go on to college.
St. Mary's School, adjoining the Catholic
Church in downtown Delaware, serves an
additional 300 pupils from city and county. It
offers grades one through eight, with a faculty
of twelve, including a full-time reading specialist.
Surrounding the Delaware School District
and dwarfing it in size is the three-district area
served by the county schools: Buckeye Valley
north and west, Big Walnut southeast, and
Olentangy south. Included in these districts,
each administered by its own Board of
Education, are three high, two middle and eight
elementary schools with a combined faculty of
365. They currently serve almost 8,000
students, but development of housing in the area
between Delaware and Columbus is rapidly
increasing that number, in some districts by
200-250 a year.
Services of educational specialists -- in
speech-hearing, reading disabilities, psychologi-
cal testing, etc. -- are coordinated through the
County Office of Education in Delaware, which
is also a film satellite center for the State Board
of Education, channeling available visual aids to
35,000 students in a four-county area.
City and County Boards are cooperating in
establishment of a Joint Vocational School,
voted in 1972 to be financed initially by a 3.7
mill levy on the real estate tax county-wide.
With construction under way at the site just east
of Delaware off Bowtown Road and Ohio 521,
it is hoped classes will begin in the 1974-75
school year. Present plans call for offerings in
agriculture, business office education, distribu-
tive education, home economics and trade and
industrial education including auto mechanics
and cosmetology now being taught at Hayes
High School.
Ohio Wesleyan University has been a part
of the Delaware educational atmosphere since its
founding in 1842 by pioneer Methodists. Its
women's college, founded in 1853, was merged
with the original school in 1877, connecting the
two campus areas to stretch for blocks through
the central area of town.
Considered one of the country's outstand-
ing liberal arts colleges, Ohio Wesleyan has an
enrollment of 2500 and an annual operating
budget of about $8.1 million, of which $5.5
million re-enters the Delaware economy in
salaries and wages for its 500 employees. Many
of its facilities are open to use by townspeople,
including the 340,000-volume Beeghly Library,
one of the finest liberal arts college collections
in the country. Its faculty and students are
active participants in community programs from
special studies of ecology problems and market
analysis to charity and blood donation drives.
Hundreds of its alumni return to the campus
each year for reunions and special events, and
many have chosen Delaware for their retirement
In 1973 OWU entered a ten-year $27
million development program seeking additional
funds to improve campus facilities, currently
valued at $25 million, and to add to its $15
million endowment.
A comparative newcomer to Delaware is
The Methodist Theological School which opened
classes in 1960. Its beautiful 69-acre campus is
just south of town in rolling, wooded country-
side. There is a student body of 255, drawn
largely from the midwest but including some
foreign students preparing for careers in
full-time Christian service. A faculty of 26
directs the studies leading to Master of Divinity,
M.A. in religious education, and (in cooperation
with other seminaries and universities), the
Doctor of Ministry degrees.
Other universities and colleges within a
30-mile radius of Delaware are:
Ohio State University -- Second largest
university in the country has its main campus in
north central Columbus, with more than 45,000
enrolled in its sixteen colleges and graduate
Ohio Wesleyan University, Marion campus --
About 450 students attend classes day and
evening in the two-year college program located
about seventeen miles north of Delaware.
Otterbein College -- This established liberal
arts college, Methodist-related, has 1400 stu-
dents and is located in Westerville, southeast of
Capital University -- A private, Lutheran-
related liberal arts college, Capital is in the east
Columbus suburb of Bexley. Its 2,000 students
include those enrolled in Franklin Law School.
Ohio Dominican College -- Formerly St.
Mary of the Springs College and for women
only, this Catholic liberal arts college on
Columbus' east side now has a co-ed enrollment
of about 1,000.
Pontifical College Josephinum -- About 220
students are preparing for the Catholic priest-
hood at the Josephinum campus between
Delaware and Worthington.
Business and technical colleges in Colum-
bus include Bliss College, Columbus Business
University, Columbus College of Art and Design,
Columbus Drafting College and Columbus
Technical Institute.
[corresponds to page 7 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
half with ten years or more experience, and
more than 25 percent with master's degrees.
About half of Delaware's high school graduates
go on to college.
St. Mary's School, adjoining the Catholic
Church in downtown Delaware, serves an
additional 300 pupils from city and county. It
offers grades one through eight, with a faculty
of twelve, including a full-time reading specialist.
Surrounding the Delaware School District
and dwarfing it in size is the three-district area
served by the county schools: Buckeye Valley
north and west, Big Walnut southeast, and
Olentangy south. Included in these districts,
each administered by its own Board of
Education, are three high, two middle and eight
elementary schools with a combined faculty of
365. They currently serve almost 8,000
students, but development of housing in the area
between Delaware and Columbus is rapidly
increasing that number, in some districts by
200-250 a year.
Services of educational specialists -- in
speech-hearing, reading disabilities, psychologi-
cal testing, etc. -- are coordinated through the
County Office of Education in Delaware, which
is also a film satellite center for the State Board
of Education, channeling available visual aids to
35,000 students in a four-county area.
City and County Boards are cooperating in
establishment of a Joint Vocational School,
voted in 1972 to be financed initially by a 3.7
mill levy on the real estate tax county-wide.
With construction under way at the site just east
of Delaware off Bowtown Road and Ohio 521,
it is hoped classes will begin in the 1974-75
school year. Present plans call for offerings in
agriculture, business office education, distribu-
tive education, home economics and trade and
industrial education including auto mechanics
and cosmetology now being taught at Hayes
High School.
Ohio Wesleyan University has been a part
of the Delaware educational atmosphere since its
founding in 1842 by pioneer Methodists. Its
women's college, founded in 1853, was merged
with the original school in 1877, connecting the
two campus areas to stretch for blocks through
the central area of town.
Considered one of the country's outstand-
ing liberal arts colleges, Ohio Wesleyan has an
enrollment of 2500 and an annual operating
budget of about $8.1 million, of which $5.5
million re-enters the Delaware economy in
salaries and wages for its 500 employees. Many
of its facilities are open to use by townspeople,
including the 340,000-volume Beeghly Library,
one of the finest liberal arts college collections
in the country. Its faculty and students are
active participants in community programs from
special studies of ecology problems and market
analysis to charity and blood donation drives.
Hundreds of its alumni return to the campus
each year for reunions and special events, and
many have chosen Delaware for their retirement
In 1973 OWU entered a ten-year $27
million development program seeking additional
funds to improve campus facilities, currently
valued at $25 million, and to add to its $15
million endowment.
A comparative newcomer to Delaware is
The Methodist Theological School which opened
classes in 1960. Its beautiful 69-acre campus is
just south of town in rolling, wooded country-
side. There is a student body of 255, drawn
largely from the midwest but including some
foreign students preparing for careers in
full-time Christian service. A faculty of 26
directs the studies leading to Master of Divinity,
M.A. in religious education, and (in cooperation
with other seminaries and universities), the
Doctor of Ministry degrees.
Other universities and colleges within a
30-mile radius of Delaware are:
Ohio State University -- Second largest
university in the country has its main campus in
north central Columbus, with more than 45,000
enrolled in its sixteen colleges and graduate
Ohio Wesleyan University, Marion campus --
About 450 students attend classes day and
evening in the two-year college program located
about seventeen miles north of Delaware.
Otterbein College -- This established liberal
arts college, Methodist-related, has 1400 stu-
dents and is located in Westerville, southeast of
Capital University -- A private, Lutheran-
related liberal arts college, Capital is in the east
Columbus suburb of Bexley. Its 2,000 students
include those enrolled in Franklin Law School.
Ohio Dominican College -- Formerly St.
Mary of the Springs College and for women
only, this Catholic liberal arts college on
Columbus' east side now has a co-ed enrollment
of about 1,000.
Pontifical College Josephinum -- About 220
students are preparing for the Catholic priest-
hood at the Josephinum campus between
Delaware and Worthington.
Business and technical colleges in Colum-
bus include Bliss College, Columbus Business
University, Columbus College of Art and Design,
Columbus Drafting College and Columbus
Technical Institute.
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 8)
[page 8]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The Delaware area's more than seventy
churches offer opporunities for worship and
service to members of almost all Protestant
denominations, and at St. Mary's Catholic
Church, elementary school classes as well. There
are Jewish synagogues in Columbus and, 20
miles north, in Marion, and a Unitarian church
in north Columbus.
Many Delaware churches trace their organi-
zations back to the town's earliest years. First
Presbyterian Church, organized in 1810, and St.
Peter's Episcopal, 1817, the city's two oldest,
continue to meet in buildings that date from the
mid-1800s and share a block on West Winter
Street. Just a block away, William Street
Methodist Church, which began in 1818,
occupies a new sanctuary dedicated in 1973
which replaces an historic building destroyed by
fire in 1971.
An active county ministerial alliance and
Church Women United carry out community
programs that extend across denominational
[photos of William Street Methodist Church and First Baptist Church]
[corresponds to unlabeled page 6 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The Delaware area's more than seventy
churches offer opporunities for worship and
service to members of almost all Protestant
denominations, and at St. Mary's Catholic
Church, elementary school classes as well. There
are Jewish synagogues in Columbus and, 20
miles north, in Marion, and a Unitarian church
in north Columbus.
Many Delaware churches trace their organi-
zations back to the town's earliest years. First
Presbyterian Church, organized in 1810, and St.
Peter's Episcopal, 1817, the city's two oldest,
continue to meet in buildings that date from the
mid-1800s and share a block on West Winter
Street. Just a block away, William Street
Methodist Church, which began in 1818,
occupies a new sanctuary dedicated in 1973
which replaces an historic building destroyed by
fire in 1971.
An active county ministerial alliance and
Church Women United carry out community
programs that extend across denominational
[photos of William Street Methodist Church and First Baptist Church]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 9)
[page 9]
[corresponds to page 7 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware citizens have medical services and
facilities unusually good for a community of this
size, and soon to be improved with a $4.5
million addition to Grady Memorial Hospital.
The hospital, which now has 130 beds and
provides full maternity and coronary care,
physiotherapy and emergency service, will add
22 beds, enlarge ancillary facilities and increase
available outpatient care. The addition, to be
completed in 1975, is being made possible by a
bequest from the late Mary Grady, for whom
the hospital was recently renamed. Under the
name Jane M. Case Hospital, it dates back to
More than twenty physicians, both general
and specialists, are in practice in the area, as are
nine dentists. Others, such as orthodontists,
maintain special weekly office hours in Dela-
ware. "Way House", a tri-county mental health
center, offers out-patient psychological and
psychiatric care. Ten additional health facilities,
including the hospitals associated with the Ohio
State Schools of Medicine, are located within a
twenty- to thirty-mile radius.
Squads operated by the City Fire Depart-
ment and County Sheriff's Department provide
emergency treatment and ambulance service.
[photo of Grady Hospital]
[corresponds to page 7 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware citizens have medical services and
facilities unusually good for a community of this
size, and soon to be improved with a $4.5
million addition to Grady Memorial Hospital.
The hospital, which now has 130 beds and
provides full maternity and coronary care,
physiotherapy and emergency service, will add
22 beds, enlarge ancillary facilities and increase
available outpatient care. The addition, to be
completed in 1975, is being made possible by a
bequest from the late Mary Grady, for whom
the hospital was recently renamed. Under the
name Jane M. Case Hospital, it dates back to
More than twenty physicians, both general
and specialists, are in practice in the area, as are
nine dentists. Others, such as orthodontists,
maintain special weekly office hours in Dela-
ware. "Way House", a tri-county mental health
center, offers out-patient psychological and
psychiatric care. Ten additional health facilities,
including the hospitals associated with the Ohio
State Schools of Medicine, are located within a
twenty- to thirty-mile radius.
Squads operated by the City Fire Depart-
ment and County Sheriff's Department provide
emergency treatment and ambulance service.
[photo of Grady Hospital]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 10)
[page 10]
[corresponds to page 8 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The excitement of a horse race and that
of a stimulating lecturer or gifted artist's
performance may be very different, but both
are part of the Delaware scene.
Racing fever takes over each September
with the opening of the Delaware County
Fair, only county fair in the world to offer
Grand Circuit Harness Racing. The one-half
mile dirt track on the fairgrounds was
designed by a local long-time resident, R. K.
McNamara, and is among the fastest in the
country. Each year sees new records set.
Highlight of the four days of racing is the
running of the Little Brown Jug, one of the
nation's top three harness races. Named for an
outstanding pacer of an earlier day, the "Jug"
regularly draws crowds of more than 40,000
fans for a purse that exceeds $100,000. In
recent years "Jug Day" has been an official
school holiday in Delaware.
The Delaware County Fair follows by
only weeks the Ohio State Fair, one of the
nation's biggest. Each year outstanding
performers and exhibitors take part in the
shows that bring thousands of visitors to the
Fairgrounds just off Interstate 71 in northern
Columbus. Throughout the year its buildings
are the scene of antique shows, flower shows,
automobile displays, etc. to satisfy a variety
of interests.
Fans of music and the arts get frequent
local opportunities through presentations of
area schools and Ohio Wesleyan University.
Ohio Wesleyan's Lecture-Artist Series features
noted concert artists and a major symphony
orchestra appearing in Gray Chapel each year.
Outstanding public figures also appear in
Delaware as a part of the many special events
and seminars.
[photos of musical instruments and racing horses]
[corresponds to page 8 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The excitement of a horse race and that
of a stimulating lecturer or gifted artist's
performance may be very different, but both
are part of the Delaware scene.
Racing fever takes over each September
with the opening of the Delaware County
Fair, only county fair in the world to offer
Grand Circuit Harness Racing. The one-half
mile dirt track on the fairgrounds was
designed by a local long-time resident, R. K.
McNamara, and is among the fastest in the
country. Each year sees new records set.
Highlight of the four days of racing is the
running of the Little Brown Jug, one of the
nation's top three harness races. Named for an
outstanding pacer of an earlier day, the "Jug"
regularly draws crowds of more than 40,000
fans for a purse that exceeds $100,000. In
recent years "Jug Day" has been an official
school holiday in Delaware.
The Delaware County Fair follows by
only weeks the Ohio State Fair, one of the
nation's biggest. Each year outstanding
performers and exhibitors take part in the
shows that bring thousands of visitors to the
Fairgrounds just off Interstate 71 in northern
Columbus. Throughout the year its buildings
are the scene of antique shows, flower shows,
automobile displays, etc. to satisfy a variety
of interests.
Fans of music and the arts get frequent
local opportunities through presentations of
area schools and Ohio Wesleyan University.
Ohio Wesleyan's Lecture-Artist Series features
noted concert artists and a major symphony
orchestra appearing in Gray Chapel each year.
Outstanding public figures also appear in
Delaware as a part of the many special events
and seminars.
[photos of musical instruments and racing horses]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 11)
[page 11]
[corresponds to page 9 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
In addition, there are numerous recitals
and concerts by area and university music
organizations, many with no admission fee.
Nearby Columbus also offers musical
events including symphony concerts, appear-
ances by Broadway touring companies and
the appearances of virtually all contemporary
musical performers on national tour. Cin-
cinnati, Cleveland, and the Blossom Center
Summer Festival (for music and ballet) are
also less than three hours away.
Drama buffs have the opportunity to see
"live theater" from Shakespeare through the
avant garde at the high schools and in OWU's
$1.5 million new Chappelear Drama Center,
dedicated in 1972. Its two theaters provide
for staging in both conventional and arena
settings, and extensive storage areas hold the
many props and costumes. In recent summers,
a "Town and Gown" season of light plays for
family entertainment has been offered, with
townspeople and area youth joining college
students in the casts. Children's plays are also
presented during the school year. Hayes High
School annually presents musical productions
which draw capacity crowds.
Each summer the Kenley Players present
nationally-known artists in professional
musical productions at Columbus' Veterans
Memorial Auditorium, and other college
productions are within easy driving time at
Ohio State, Otterbein and Denison Univer-
[photo from play]
[corresponds to page 9 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
In addition, there are numerous recitals
and concerts by area and university music
organizations, many with no admission fee.
Nearby Columbus also offers musical
events including symphony concerts, appear-
ances by Broadway touring companies and
the appearances of virtually all contemporary
musical performers on national tour. Cin-
cinnati, Cleveland, and the Blossom Center
Summer Festival (for music and ballet) are
also less than three hours away.
Drama buffs have the opportunity to see
"live theater" from Shakespeare through the
avant garde at the high schools and in OWU's
$1.5 million new Chappelear Drama Center,
dedicated in 1972. Its two theaters provide
for staging in both conventional and arena
settings, and extensive storage areas hold the
many props and costumes. In recent summers,
a "Town and Gown" season of light plays for
family entertainment has been offered, with
townspeople and area youth joining college
students in the casts. Children's plays are also
presented during the school year. Hayes High
School annually presents musical productions
which draw capacity crowds.
Each summer the Kenley Players present
nationally-known artists in professional
musical productions at Columbus' Veterans
Memorial Auditorium, and other college
productions are within easy driving time at
Ohio State, Otterbein and Denison Univer-
[photo from play]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 12)
[page 12]
[corresponds to page 10 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of musician playing the saxophone]
Recent studies have shown people consider small
cities -- 15,000 to 40,000 -- the best places to rear
families: big enough for adequate city services but
without metropolitan headaches.
Delaware fits the picture. Distances aren't far;
bicycles are a popular form of transportation for
adults as well as children and college students.
Parking even downtown is no big problem, and the
faces are generally friendly.
But the services any community needs most are
available. Thirty-four voluntary and governmental
agencies offer a variety of health and welfare services
to all citizens of the county. The United Way
provides funding for 12 of these agencies and
planning for all services for people with problems.
Included in the helping services is the Red Cross,
which annually touches more than 8,000 county
residents in everything from free blood,
available to all Delaware County residents any
place in the U.S. or Canada, to one of the
country's better boat safety instruction
programs. The troubled can get help through
the Mental Health Clinic, the Alcohol
Council, AA, and Help Anonymous, the
handicapped through the Speech and Hearing
Center and the Council for the Mentally
Retarded; and the underprivileged through
the Dental Fund. The Salvation Army offers a
summer camping program reaching more than
900 low-income mid-Ohio children. The
Cancer Society and Heart Fund have local
offices. Interests of special groups -- senior
citizens, neighborhood center, scouting -- are
available in the county.
Outlets for developing skills or pursuing
hobbies are also provided. The musically
inclined have a choice between vocal and
instrumental. For several years the
professionally-directed Community Chorus,
with weekly rehearsals open to the public
without audition, has prepared and presented
demanding concert works at Christmas and
Easter. More recently, even rusty former band
members have been encouraged to join the
summer Recreation Band to play bi-weekly
open-air concerts on the Courthouse lawn.
The Recreation Department also offers a
wide variety of summer athletic and play-
ground programs, and during the rest of the
year uses public school classrooms for evening
courses from bridge and exercise to furniture
refinishing at nominal fees.
Services of the Delaware County District
Library extend far beyond its downtown
brick building housing 61,000 volumes. The
community's youngest learn the joys of
reading through weekly story hours, and the
Bookmobile covers almost 4,000 county miles
a year serving outlying areas. Its collections
include more than 100 magazine subscrip-
tions, records, films and items of local history
and genealogy.
Providing newspaper coverage of Dela-
ware and the surrounding area is the daily
Delaware Gazette, founded in 1818 and
[corresponds to page 10 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
[photo of musician playing the saxophone]
Recent studies have shown people consider small
cities -- 15,000 to 40,000 -- the best places to rear
families: big enough for adequate city services but
without metropolitan headaches.
Delaware fits the picture. Distances aren't far;
bicycles are a popular form of transportation for
adults as well as children and college students.
Parking even downtown is no big problem, and the
faces are generally friendly.
But the services any community needs most are
available. Thirty-four voluntary and governmental
agencies offer a variety of health and welfare services
to all citizens of the county. The United Way
provides funding for 12 of these agencies and
planning for all services for people with problems.
Included in the helping services is the Red Cross,
which annually touches more than 8,000 county
residents in everything from free blood,
available to all Delaware County residents any
place in the U.S. or Canada, to one of the
country's better boat safety instruction
programs. The troubled can get help through
the Mental Health Clinic, the Alcohol
Council, AA, and Help Anonymous, the
handicapped through the Speech and Hearing
Center and the Council for the Mentally
Retarded; and the underprivileged through
the Dental Fund. The Salvation Army offers a
summer camping program reaching more than
900 low-income mid-Ohio children. The
Cancer Society and Heart Fund have local
offices. Interests of special groups -- senior
citizens, neighborhood center, scouting -- are
available in the county.
Outlets for developing skills or pursuing
hobbies are also provided. The musically
inclined have a choice between vocal and
instrumental. For several years the
professionally-directed Community Chorus,
with weekly rehearsals open to the public
without audition, has prepared and presented
demanding concert works at Christmas and
Easter. More recently, even rusty former band
members have been encouraged to join the
summer Recreation Band to play bi-weekly
open-air concerts on the Courthouse lawn.
The Recreation Department also offers a
wide variety of summer athletic and play-
ground programs, and during the rest of the
year uses public school classrooms for evening
courses from bridge and exercise to furniture
refinishing at nominal fees.
Services of the Delaware County District
Library extend far beyond its downtown
brick building housing 61,000 volumes. The
community's youngest learn the joys of
reading through weekly story hours, and the
Bookmobile covers almost 4,000 county miles
a year serving outlying areas. Its collections
include more than 100 magazine subscrip-
tions, records, films and items of local history
and genealogy.
Providing newspaper coverage of Dela-
ware and the surrounding area is the daily
Delaware Gazette, founded in 1818 and
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 13)
[page 13]
[corresponds to page 11 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
published daily since 1884, and the Sunbury
News. Citizens also can receive home delivery
of the Columbus and Cleveland papers, and
other major city papers are available through
newsstands. Local radio stations are WDLR,
WRFD, and WBBY. During the school year,
Ohio Wesleyan station WSLN-FM also broad-
casts. All Columbus metropolitan radio, three
network television stations and one UHF
station, WOSU, operated by Ohio State, offer
excellent reception. A cable television fran-
chise has been granted and, when operational,
will bring in other TV stations and provide
local educational programming.
Many international and national service,
community and patriotic organizations are
active in Delaware, including Kiwanis, Rotary,
Lions, Jaycees, Sertoma, Altrusa, National
Association of Secretaries, AAUW, League of
Women Voters, and Business and Professional
Women. Veterans' groups include the Ameri-
can Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Amvets, Veterans of WWI and their auxil-
iaries. The DAR, Colonial Dames and the
Daughters of Union Veterans also have local
clubs. A file of all civic, social and service
clubs in the county is available in the United
Way office.
[photos of children canoeing, a shady street, and a May Day celebration]
[corresponds to page 11 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
published daily since 1884, and the Sunbury
News. Citizens also can receive home delivery
of the Columbus and Cleveland papers, and
other major city papers are available through
newsstands. Local radio stations are WDLR,
WRFD, and WBBY. During the school year,
Ohio Wesleyan station WSLN-FM also broad-
casts. All Columbus metropolitan radio, three
network television stations and one UHF
station, WOSU, operated by Ohio State, offer
excellent reception. A cable television fran-
chise has been granted and, when operational,
will bring in other TV stations and provide
local educational programming.
Many international and national service,
community and patriotic organizations are
active in Delaware, including Kiwanis, Rotary,
Lions, Jaycees, Sertoma, Altrusa, National
Association of Secretaries, AAUW, League of
Women Voters, and Business and Professional
Women. Veterans' groups include the Ameri-
can Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
Amvets, Veterans of WWI and their auxil-
iaries. The DAR, Colonial Dames and the
Daughters of Union Veterans also have local
clubs. A file of all civic, social and service
clubs in the county is available in the United
Way office.
[photos of children canoeing, a shady street, and a May Day celebration]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 14)
[page 14]
[corresponds to page 12 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Many families are living "local history"
as they restore some of the fine century-old
homes for modern convenience. Many such
homes house second- and third-generation
Delaware families, but new residents who
prefer older homes can often buy them.
Escalation of real estate costs hasn't passed
Delaware by, and both old and new
construction has been affected. Most homes
are now $25,000 up, with many in the
$35-60,000 range. There are also many homes
with acreage in the suburban-rural area. A
large development of 2,000 units in underway
in southern Delaware county.
Some of the big old homes have been
turned into apartments, with rentals $100 a
months and up. There are many new
apartment complexes in all areas of the city,
renting for $150-$250 monthly. Single family
houses for rent are few but can be found. A
small number of condominiums are also
newly constructed.
Newer developments are being con-
structed with tennis courts and swimming
pools for area owners.
[photos of homes and construction sites]
[corresponds to page 12 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Many families are living "local history"
as they restore some of the fine century-old
homes for modern convenience. Many such
homes house second- and third-generation
Delaware families, but new residents who
prefer older homes can often buy them.
Escalation of real estate costs hasn't passed
Delaware by, and both old and new
construction has been affected. Most homes
are now $25,000 up, with many in the
$35-60,000 range. There are also many homes
with acreage in the suburban-rural area. A
large development of 2,000 units in underway
in southern Delaware county.
Some of the big old homes have been
turned into apartments, with rentals $100 a
months and up. There are many new
apartment complexes in all areas of the city,
renting for $150-$250 monthly. Single family
houses for rent are few but can be found. A
small number of condominiums are also
newly constructed.
Newer developments are being con-
structed with tennis courts and swimming
pools for area owners.
[photos of homes and construction sites]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 15)
[page 15]
[corresponds to page 13 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware has numerous excellent shops to
satisfy most needs. Its stores and specialty shops
offer merchandise in a wide range of prices,
from household furnishings through youth-
oriented fashions. Most are found in central
downtown and in an attractive shopping center
in the western area of town.
[photos of shopping areas]
[corresponds to page 13 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware has numerous excellent shops to
satisfy most needs. Its stores and specialty shops
offer merchandise in a wide range of prices,
from household furnishings through youth-
oriented fashions. Most are found in central
downtown and in an attractive shopping center
in the western area of town.
[photos of shopping areas]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 16)
[page 16]
[corresponds to page 14 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Recreation areas make up a significant
portion of Delaware County area, with three
huge reservoir lakes (and a fourth almost
completed), a wild life preserve and hunting
area, extensive camping facilities and outlets
for almost all sports.
Within the city, development is under
way for the Mingo Park recreation area, now
only outdoor facilities including a winter
ice-skating rink, but eventually to house a city
pool and activity center. At present, public
swimming is at the county fairgrounds pool,
where a full schedule of Red Cross swimming
courses is available each summer.
There is also a nine-hole par 3 golf
course within in the city limits and six
additional golf courses, including one private
country club, in the area.
Most convenient to area residents is the
7,000-acre Delaware State Park six miles
north. Its 214 Class A campsites (164 with
electricity) drew almost 70,000 campers in
1973, and any pretty summer weekend will
bring 30,000 to the swimming beach and
boating area. Launch ramps are located on
three sides of the lake for boating and water
ski enthusiasts, with marina space for 220
boats available April to November.
The 5,000-acre wild life area east of the
lake provides a rifle range, fifty stocked ponds
and hunting areas.
Picnicking, fishing and primitive camping
are possible just two miles north of town at
the City Waterworks Park in an area adjacent
to the Olentangy River.
Biggest of the Delaware County lakes is
the Hoover Reservoir, nearly eight miles long,
but Alum Creek Reservoir, now almost
complete, will be approximately ten miles
long and stretch through the center of the
county southeast of Delaware. It will afford
boating and water recreation as does
O'Shaughnessy Reservoir, southwest of Dela-
ware on the Scioto River. The Columbus
Municipal Zoo, owned and operated by the
city of Columbus but located in Delaware
County, adjoins O'Shaughnessy Reservoir on
Ohio Route 257. Nearby is another tourist
attraction, the Olentangy Indian Caverns, a
[photos of swimming beach, man fishing, Delaware Dam, and Delaware State Park]
[corresponds to page 14 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Recreation areas make up a significant
portion of Delaware County area, with three
huge reservoir lakes (and a fourth almost
completed), a wild life preserve and hunting
area, extensive camping facilities and outlets
for almost all sports.
Within the city, development is under
way for the Mingo Park recreation area, now
only outdoor facilities including a winter
ice-skating rink, but eventually to house a city
pool and activity center. At present, public
swimming is at the county fairgrounds pool,
where a full schedule of Red Cross swimming
courses is available each summer.
There is also a nine-hole par 3 golf
course within in the city limits and six
additional golf courses, including one private
country club, in the area.
Most convenient to area residents is the
7,000-acre Delaware State Park six miles
north. Its 214 Class A campsites (164 with
electricity) drew almost 70,000 campers in
1973, and any pretty summer weekend will
bring 30,000 to the swimming beach and
boating area. Launch ramps are located on
three sides of the lake for boating and water
ski enthusiasts, with marina space for 220
boats available April to November.
The 5,000-acre wild life area east of the
lake provides a rifle range, fifty stocked ponds
and hunting areas.
Picnicking, fishing and primitive camping
are possible just two miles north of town at
the City Waterworks Park in an area adjacent
to the Olentangy River.
Biggest of the Delaware County lakes is
the Hoover Reservoir, nearly eight miles long,
but Alum Creek Reservoir, now almost
complete, will be approximately ten miles
long and stretch through the center of the
county southeast of Delaware. It will afford
boating and water recreation as does
O'Shaughnessy Reservoir, southwest of Dela-
ware on the Scioto River. The Columbus
Municipal Zoo, owned and operated by the
city of Columbus but located in Delaware
County, adjoins O'Shaughnessy Reservoir on
Ohio Route 257. Nearby is another tourist
attraction, the Olentangy Indian Caverns, a
[photos of swimming beach, man fishing, Delaware Dam, and Delaware State Park]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 17)
[page 17]
[corresponds to page 15 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
series of inter-connected limestone caves 55
to 105 feet below ground, once used by the
Wyandot Indians. Regular guided cave tours
are operated daily during the summer, and an
Indian town and frontier village have been
Fans of collegiate sports get ample
opportunity to see teams in action. Ohio
Wesleyan's "Battling Bishops" play at least
four home football games each year at Selby
Stadium, meeting fellow members of the Ohio
Athletic Conference. Hayes High School, a
member of the Capital Conference, plays at
Gauthier Field adjoining the high school.
Buckeye Valley, Olentangy and Big Walnut all
play attractive schedules. The Ohio State
University "Buckeyes", always at or near the
top of the ratings, play home games nearby in
the massive 80,000-seat Ohio Stadium. In
recent years exhibition pro football games
have also been scheduled for Ohio Stadium in
addition to the regular season play in
Cleveland and Cincinnati, easily accessible via
Interstate 71.
Ohio Wesleyan plays all its home
basketball games in Edwards Gymnasium, to
be improved and remodeled as part of the
college's proposed Branch Rickey Physical
Education Center, to be named for the
famous OWU alumnus. St. John Arena, home
of the Ohio State basketball team, offers
university division basketball and serves as the
site for State High School Championships in
March each year.
Both Ohio Wesleyan and Hayes High
School also have varsity swimming teams
which use Pfeiffer Natatorium on the OWU
campus. Each has home meets open to those
interested in watching competitive swimming.
Hayes and OWU baseball teams partici-
pate with teams in their respective leagues,
and summer softball competition is available
for juvenile and adult players. Tennis also is
drawing more and more players to city,
university and subdivision courts.
Even fans of soccer and lacrosse get a
chance to see intercollegiate games, as those
are two of the twelve sports in which OWU
competes. Snow skiing (weather permitting) is
less than two hours away with trails at
Bellefontaine and near Mansfield which
attract many Delaware residents. Some
Delaware families belong to the Columbus
chapter of the AYH (American Youth
Hostel), which has a complete schedule of
year-round athletic activities including hiking,
cross-country skiing, and canoeing on the
Olentangy River.
[photos of basketball, soccer, football, golf, and tennis]
[corresponds to page 15 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
series of inter-connected limestone caves 55
to 105 feet below ground, once used by the
Wyandot Indians. Regular guided cave tours
are operated daily during the summer, and an
Indian town and frontier village have been
Fans of collegiate sports get ample
opportunity to see teams in action. Ohio
Wesleyan's "Battling Bishops" play at least
four home football games each year at Selby
Stadium, meeting fellow members of the Ohio
Athletic Conference. Hayes High School, a
member of the Capital Conference, plays at
Gauthier Field adjoining the high school.
Buckeye Valley, Olentangy and Big Walnut all
play attractive schedules. The Ohio State
University "Buckeyes", always at or near the
top of the ratings, play home games nearby in
the massive 80,000-seat Ohio Stadium. In
recent years exhibition pro football games
have also been scheduled for Ohio Stadium in
addition to the regular season play in
Cleveland and Cincinnati, easily accessible via
Interstate 71.
Ohio Wesleyan plays all its home
basketball games in Edwards Gymnasium, to
be improved and remodeled as part of the
college's proposed Branch Rickey Physical
Education Center, to be named for the
famous OWU alumnus. St. John Arena, home
of the Ohio State basketball team, offers
university division basketball and serves as the
site for State High School Championships in
March each year.
Both Ohio Wesleyan and Hayes High
School also have varsity swimming teams
which use Pfeiffer Natatorium on the OWU
campus. Each has home meets open to those
interested in watching competitive swimming.
Hayes and OWU baseball teams partici-
pate with teams in their respective leagues,
and summer softball competition is available
for juvenile and adult players. Tennis also is
drawing more and more players to city,
university and subdivision courts.
Even fans of soccer and lacrosse get a
chance to see intercollegiate games, as those
are two of the twelve sports in which OWU
competes. Snow skiing (weather permitting) is
less than two hours away with trails at
Bellefontaine and near Mansfield which
attract many Delaware residents. Some
Delaware families belong to the Columbus
chapter of the AYH (American Youth
Hostel), which has a complete schedule of
year-round athletic activities including hiking,
cross-country skiing, and canoeing on the
Olentangy River.
[photos of basketball, soccer, football, golf, and tennis]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 18)
[page 18]
[corresponds to page 16 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The opening of a 106-unit Holiday Inn
in 1972, joining the lodging facilities already
provided by the LK Motel chain at two
locations, the Delaware Inn, and the El Siesta
Motel, provides excellent facilities for visitors
to Delaware.
Meeting rooms are available for groups
of up to 300.
Bun's Restaurant, a five-generation Dela-
ware landmark, is but one of numerous
excellent eating places. Prime steaks, chops,
seafood and Italian cuisine are a few of the
many items available. The diner can choose a
satisfying evening of gracious dining or quick
service from a national fast food outlet,
depending on his tastes and pocketbook.
[photo of Bun's Restaurant]
[photo of motel]
[corresponds to page 16 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
The opening of a 106-unit Holiday Inn
in 1972, joining the lodging facilities already
provided by the LK Motel chain at two
locations, the Delaware Inn, and the El Siesta
Motel, provides excellent facilities for visitors
to Delaware.
Meeting rooms are available for groups
of up to 300.
Bun's Restaurant, a five-generation Dela-
ware landmark, is but one of numerous
excellent eating places. Prime steaks, chops,
seafood and Italian cuisine are a few of the
many items available. The diner can choose a
satisfying evening of gracious dining or quick
service from a national fast food outlet,
depending on his tastes and pocketbook.
[photo of Bun's Restaurant]
[photo of motel]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 19)
[page 19]
[corresponds to page 17 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Industry in Delaware has a long and
diversified history from the grist and sawmills
along the rivers in the city's earliest years to
the newest occupant of the modern Industrial
Park. Its present 46 manufacturers and
processors range from meticulous crafters of
fine wooden games to the heavy industry of
making pumps and motors.
Industrial development took on new
impetus with the 1963 opening of an
Industrial Park on the city's western edge.
Convenience of the Delaware Municipal
Airport, with runways capable of handling
company jets and a taxi strip leading to the
park, was one attraction. For others, the
half-hour driving time to the major Port
Columbus International Airport fulfilled
broader company transportation needs.
By 1973, the Industrial Park had as
occupants PPG Industries, with a computer-
ized paint-producing plant; American Can,
turning out beverage and oil containers;
Nippert Electric, copper components; and
Trus Joist, roof and floor supports. About
175 acres remain for development.
Nearby are Ranco, the city's largest
employer with a work-force of more than
1400 producing automatic controls; J. G.
Castings, a subdivision of Jeffrey Galion, Inc.,
makers of foundry equipment; Delo Screw
Products, and Sunray Stove, gas and electric
Other companies have chosen to locate
on the highways with lead into Delaware.
Comparative newcomers are the North Elec-
tric Research and Engineering Center, work-
ing primarily on the complex problems of
electronic switching for the independent
telephone industry at its new facility south of
town, and Western Auto, which opened a
regional distribution center on US 42 in 1973.
Swan Rubber, a division of Amerace-Esna
Corp, has announced planned expansion of its
Route 23 offices.
A unique industry in this country is
World Wide Games, manufacturer of superior
quality table games and brain-teasing puzzles.
Equally important to Delaware's
economy are the many locally-based indus-
tries, from Greif Bros., with corporation
headquarters here and container manufactur-
ing plants across the country, to the small
plants which supply a wide variety of
[photos of scenes from Delaware Industrial Park and Greif Bros. Corp.]
[corresponds to page 17 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Industry in Delaware has a long and
diversified history from the grist and sawmills
along the rivers in the city's earliest years to
the newest occupant of the modern Industrial
Park. Its present 46 manufacturers and
processors range from meticulous crafters of
fine wooden games to the heavy industry of
making pumps and motors.
Industrial development took on new
impetus with the 1963 opening of an
Industrial Park on the city's western edge.
Convenience of the Delaware Municipal
Airport, with runways capable of handling
company jets and a taxi strip leading to the
park, was one attraction. For others, the
half-hour driving time to the major Port
Columbus International Airport fulfilled
broader company transportation needs.
By 1973, the Industrial Park had as
occupants PPG Industries, with a computer-
ized paint-producing plant; American Can,
turning out beverage and oil containers;
Nippert Electric, copper components; and
Trus Joist, roof and floor supports. About
175 acres remain for development.
Nearby are Ranco, the city's largest
employer with a work-force of more than
1400 producing automatic controls; J. G.
Castings, a subdivision of Jeffrey Galion, Inc.,
makers of foundry equipment; Delo Screw
Products, and Sunray Stove, gas and electric
Other companies have chosen to locate
on the highways with lead into Delaware.
Comparative newcomers are the North Elec-
tric Research and Engineering Center, work-
ing primarily on the complex problems of
electronic switching for the independent
telephone industry at its new facility south of
town, and Western Auto, which opened a
regional distribution center on US 42 in 1973.
Swan Rubber, a division of Amerace-Esna
Corp, has announced planned expansion of its
Route 23 offices.
A unique industry in this country is
World Wide Games, manufacturer of superior
quality table games and brain-teasing puzzles.
Equally important to Delaware's
economy are the many locally-based indus-
tries, from Greif Bros., with corporation
headquarters here and container manufactur-
ing plants across the country, to the small
plants which supply a wide variety of
[photos of scenes from Delaware Industrial Park and Greif Bros. Corp.]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 20)
[page 20]
[corresponds to page 18 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Research operations in the Delaware area
literally reach from the earth to the stars.
Scientists at the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Laboratories north of town seek new
knowledge in tree and plant development, insect
and disease research, and pest control, while south
of town, astronomers at Perkins Observatory scan
the skies.
In industrial labs, scientists are working in a
variety of areas from telecommunications advances
to medical and diagnostic agents. At the Paul H.
Henson Research Center, more than 400 scientists
and technicians are involved in research and
development in telecommunications for govern-
ment and industrial use. It is one of two main
centers of such research for North Electric; a
smaller one is in Columbus.
The USDA installation near the Delaware
Reservoir almost tripled in size with a 1970
expansion and now totals 39,000 square feet with
thirty labs plus greenhouses. There, forest service
specialists work with insect and disease prevention
and as northeastern field office for State and
Private Forestry, offer guidance to land managers
in Ohio and surrounding states. Agricultural
research scientists are particularly pursuing genetic
improvement of trees and plants for urban growing
Perkins Observatory long has been an
important astronomical research center with its
32-inch reflector and radiotelescope. It is operated
cooperatively by Ohio Wesleyan and Ohio State
Other OWU research projects, from the social
science area of market analysis to biological studies
for environmental protection, provide plus factors
in Delaware city planning.
[photos of Perkins Observatory, women working in a laboratory, and men working with soil]
[corresponds to page 18 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Research operations in the Delaware area
literally reach from the earth to the stars.
Scientists at the U.S. Department of
Agriculture Laboratories north of town seek new
knowledge in tree and plant development, insect
and disease research, and pest control, while south
of town, astronomers at Perkins Observatory scan
the skies.
In industrial labs, scientists are working in a
variety of areas from telecommunications advances
to medical and diagnostic agents. At the Paul H.
Henson Research Center, more than 400 scientists
and technicians are involved in research and
development in telecommunications for govern-
ment and industrial use. It is one of two main
centers of such research for North Electric; a
smaller one is in Columbus.
The USDA installation near the Delaware
Reservoir almost tripled in size with a 1970
expansion and now totals 39,000 square feet with
thirty labs plus greenhouses. There, forest service
specialists work with insect and disease prevention
and as northeastern field office for State and
Private Forestry, offer guidance to land managers
in Ohio and surrounding states. Agricultural
research scientists are particularly pursuing genetic
improvement of trees and plants for urban growing
Perkins Observatory long has been an
important astronomical research center with its
32-inch reflector and radiotelescope. It is operated
cooperatively by Ohio Wesleyan and Ohio State
Other OWU research projects, from the social
science area of market analysis to biological studies
for environmental protection, provide plus factors
in Delaware city planning.
[photos of Perkins Observatory, women working in a laboratory, and men working with soil]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 21)
[page 21]
[corresponds to page 19 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Agriculture continues to be important to
the economy of Delaware, with 1,389 farms
listed in a recent census. About half have
product sales in excess of $2500 a year, with
total cash farm receipts running more than
$13 million annually.
The biggest cash crop locally is soybeans,
which make up about one-fourth the dollar
total. Dairy products and cattle together
account for about another one-third. Corn
and hogs are also significant parts of county
agricultural sales.
Research is being carried out at the
246-acre U.S. Department of Agriculture
Laboratories near the Delaware Reservoir.
Agriculture education and information is
made available to all interested residents of
the county by extension workers and
vocational teachers in city and county
schools, and will be an important part of the
new Joint Vocational School curriculum. The
county had a co-operative Extension Service,
including a county-wide 4-H program. The
FFA (Future Farmers) and FHA (Future
Homemakers) are active in all four county
school systems and annually win national
[photos of farm and cows]
[corresponds to page 19 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Agriculture continues to be important to
the economy of Delaware, with 1,389 farms
listed in a recent census. About half have
product sales in excess of $2500 a year, with
total cash farm receipts running more than
$13 million annually.
The biggest cash crop locally is soybeans,
which make up about one-fourth the dollar
total. Dairy products and cattle together
account for about another one-third. Corn
and hogs are also significant parts of county
agricultural sales.
Research is being carried out at the
246-acre U.S. Department of Agriculture
Laboratories near the Delaware Reservoir.
Agriculture education and information is
made available to all interested residents of
the county by extension workers and
vocational teachers in city and county
schools, and will be an important part of the
new Joint Vocational School curriculum. The
county had a co-operative Extension Service,
including a county-wide 4-H program. The
FFA (Future Farmers) and FHA (Future
Homemakers) are active in all four county
school systems and annually win national
[photos of farm and cows]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 22)
[page 22]
[corresponds to page 20 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware enjoys the full range of seasons, with moderately hot
summers and cold though usually not severe winters. The moisture is well
distributed throughout the year, with average precipitation of about 37
inches, of which about half comes between May and September. A typical
winter will see 24 inches total snowfall. Past weather records indicate an
average year will have 101 clear, 118 party cloudy and 146 cloudy days,
with average mean temperatures of 28 degrees in January and 73 in July.
The city has an elevation of 860 feet above sea level.
[photos depicting snowy, rainy, and sunny weather]
[corresponds to page 20 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
Delaware enjoys the full range of seasons, with moderately hot
summers and cold though usually not severe winters. The moisture is well
distributed throughout the year, with average precipitation of about 37
inches, of which about half comes between May and September. A typical
winter will see 24 inches total snowfall. Past weather records indicate an
average year will have 101 clear, 118 party cloudy and 146 cloudy days,
with average mean temperatures of 28 degrees in January and 73 in July.
The city has an elevation of 860 feet above sea level.
[photos depicting snowy, rainy, and sunny weather]
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 23)
[page 23]
[corresponds to page 21 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
These members of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce, who have more than a passing interest in the growth and development of
Delaware and Delaware County, have made this publication possible. By their financial participation as sponsors, this brochure was
produced and made available to you.
Land Development & Planning Complete Printing Service
5 W. Winter St. 363-1313 9 E. William St. 363-4941
Glenn I. Bennett-James M. Brown-John M. Brown Chevrolet-Cadillac Sales & Service
Restaurant-Cocktails-Bakery-Banquets Real Estate
6 W. Winter St. 363-3731 3 W. Winter St. 369-4478
Insurance Service Since 1885 Cleaners & Launderers
67 N. Sandusky St. 363-1321 190 S. Sandusky St. 363-1917
Developers of Georgetowne Centre Commutators, Cold Drawn & Extruded Copper Products
5 W. Winter St. 363-1313 801 Pittsburgh Dr. 363-1981
61 N. Sandusky Street - Delaware Telecommunications Systems & Products
Home Office - Marysville, Ohio Galion, O. 44833 (419) 468-8100
Electric Utility Company Oldsmobile & GMC Trucks
61 W. William St. 363-1935 17 W. William St. 363-1288
Five Convenient Offices Education and Lecture, Artist, and Sports Events
41 N. Sandusky St. 363-1133 South Sandusky St. 369-4431
Builders Supplies & Hardware "Growing With Delaware County"
141 S. Sandusky St. 363-1301 18-20 N. Sandusky St. 363-1925
Delaware's Oldest Business - Since 1818 Coatings & Resins Division
18 E. William St. 363-1161 760 Pittsburgh Dr. 363-9610
Retail Hardware Automatic Controls
58-60 N. Sandusky St. 362-4871 555 London Rd. 363-1225
Prescription Specialists Apartments-Homes-Lots
1 N. Sandusky St. 363-5861 345 W. Central 369-4465
Complete Real Estate Services General Contractors & Developers
59 N. Sandusky St. 363-1311 4424 S. Section Line Rd. 881-4459
Lumber & Building Supplies The Family Store
132 E. Winter St. 363-1207 81 N. Sandusky St. 363-3041
Where Things Grow Better - Since 1887 Discount Foods - Open 24 Hours - 7 Days
446 N. Sandusky St. 363-1284 19 N. Sandusky St. 362-3931
Full Service Banking - Since 1857 Insurance - All Lines
34-38 N. Sandusky St. 363-1245 30 E. Winter St. 363-2961
Family Shoe Store Delaware Distribution Center
33 N. Sandusky St. 363-1616 1675 U.S. Rt. 42 369-4491
Fibre and Steel Drums, Corrugated Cartons & Multiwall Bags Alumnium Siding, Storm Windows & Doors - Roofing
621 Pennsylvania Ave. 363-1271 309 Hayes St. 363-1179
Lodging-Banquets-Dining Room-Lounge Men's & Women's Clothing
351 S. Sandusky St. 363-1262 26 N. Sandusky St. 363-9322, 363-3801
Masonry Supplies Wholesale Plumbing, Heating, Industrial Supplies
186 E. William St. 363-1196 54 E. Harrison St. 363-1151
Ford-Dodge-Cars & Trucks Garden Lawn Supplier
1559 U.S. 23 South 363-1995 U.S. 36 & St. Rt. 521 363-5081
[corresponds to page 21 of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
These members of the Delaware Area Chamber of Commerce, who have more than a passing interest in the growth and development of
Delaware and Delaware County, have made this publication possible. By their financial participation as sponsors, this brochure was
produced and made available to you.
Land Development & Planning Complete Printing Service
5 W. Winter St. 363-1313 9 E. William St. 363-4941
Glenn I. Bennett-James M. Brown-John M. Brown Chevrolet-Cadillac Sales & Service
Restaurant-Cocktails-Bakery-Banquets Real Estate
6 W. Winter St. 363-3731 3 W. Winter St. 369-4478
Insurance Service Since 1885 Cleaners & Launderers
67 N. Sandusky St. 363-1321 190 S. Sandusky St. 363-1917
Developers of Georgetowne Centre Commutators, Cold Drawn & Extruded Copper Products
5 W. Winter St. 363-1313 801 Pittsburgh Dr. 363-1981
61 N. Sandusky Street - Delaware Telecommunications Systems & Products
Home Office - Marysville, Ohio Galion, O. 44833 (419) 468-8100
Electric Utility Company Oldsmobile & GMC Trucks
61 W. William St. 363-1935 17 W. William St. 363-1288
Five Convenient Offices Education and Lecture, Artist, and Sports Events
41 N. Sandusky St. 363-1133 South Sandusky St. 369-4431
Builders Supplies & Hardware "Growing With Delaware County"
141 S. Sandusky St. 363-1301 18-20 N. Sandusky St. 363-1925
Delaware's Oldest Business - Since 1818 Coatings & Resins Division
18 E. William St. 363-1161 760 Pittsburgh Dr. 363-9610
Retail Hardware Automatic Controls
58-60 N. Sandusky St. 362-4871 555 London Rd. 363-1225
Prescription Specialists Apartments-Homes-Lots
1 N. Sandusky St. 363-5861 345 W. Central 369-4465
Complete Real Estate Services General Contractors & Developers
59 N. Sandusky St. 363-1311 4424 S. Section Line Rd. 881-4459
Lumber & Building Supplies The Family Store
132 E. Winter St. 363-1207 81 N. Sandusky St. 363-3041
Where Things Grow Better - Since 1887 Discount Foods - Open 24 Hours - 7 Days
446 N. Sandusky St. 363-1284 19 N. Sandusky St. 362-3931
Full Service Banking - Since 1857 Insurance - All Lines
34-38 N. Sandusky St. 363-1245 30 E. Winter St. 363-2961
Family Shoe Store Delaware Distribution Center
33 N. Sandusky St. 363-1616 1675 U.S. Rt. 42 369-4491
Fibre and Steel Drums, Corrugated Cartons & Multiwall Bags Alumnium Siding, Storm Windows & Doors - Roofing
621 Pennsylvania Ave. 363-1271 309 Hayes St. 363-1179
Lodging-Banquets-Dining Room-Lounge Men's & Women's Clothing
351 S. Sandusky St. 363-1262 26 N. Sandusky St. 363-9322, 363-3801
Masonry Supplies Wholesale Plumbing, Heating, Industrial Supplies
186 E. William St. 363-1196 54 E. Harrison St. 363-1151
Ford-Dodge-Cars & Trucks Garden Lawn Supplier
1559 U.S. 23 South 363-1995 U.S. 36 & St. Rt. 521 363-5081
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1973) (p. 24)
[page 24]
[corresponds to back cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
to Delaware, Ohio. The Delaware Area Chamber of
Commerce invites you to visit or write our office at 27 West
Winter Street, or call (614) 363-1171, if you have any questions or
need for additional information. The Chamber of Commerce is
here to serve the community and its residents and to make visitors
Introduction .........................1
The City - Past and Present ..........2
Education ............................4
Religious Life .......................6
Medical Services .....................7
Special Events .......................8
Community Life and Housing ..........10
Shops ...............................13
Recreation and Sports ...............14
Motels and Restaurants ..............16
Industry ............................17
Research ............................18
Agriculture .........................19
Climate .............................20
Sponsors ............................21
[corresponds to back cover of Welcome to Delaware 1972]
to Delaware, Ohio. The Delaware Area Chamber of
Commerce invites you to visit or write our office at 27 West
Winter Street, or call (614) 363-1171, if you have any questions or
need for additional information. The Chamber of Commerce is
here to serve the community and its residents and to make visitors
Introduction .........................1
The City - Past and Present ..........2
Education ............................4
Religious Life .......................6
Medical Services .....................7
Special Events .......................8
Community Life and Housing ..........10
Shops ...............................13
Recreation and Sports ...............14
Motels and Restaurants ..............16
Industry ............................17
Research ............................18
Agriculture .........................19
Climate .............................20
Sponsors ............................21
Dublin Core
Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1972)
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Agriculture--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Business--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Education--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--History
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--History--Native Americans
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Housing--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Recreation--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Business--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Education--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--History
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--History--Native Americans
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Housing--1972
Delaware--Delaware County--Ohio--Recreation--1972
This promotional book offers information about the City of Delaware and Delaware County in 1972.
Delaware Chamber of Commerce; Delaware County, Ohio
Still Image
Delaware Chamber of Commerce; Delaware County, Ohio, “Welcome to Delaware, Ohio (1972),” Delaware County Memory, accessed February 7, 2025, http://delawarecountymemory.org/items/show/196.